Could Sarah ___ ___?
ok, when I say this i'm serious and not trying to play around and im not saying this because I hate sarah or anything, but, could Sarah commit suicide?
Telltale has been know to foreshadow, and remember in 202 when she "shoots" herself In the head with the empty gun? And with her dad being eaten alive right in front of her? With the state she is in, I think this could happen.
But if it were to happen:
Telltale has been know to foreshadow, and remember in 202 when she "shoots" herself In the head with the empty gun? And with her dad being eaten alive right in front of her? With the state she is in, I think this could happen.
But if it were to happen:
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I'd be surprised if that shooting gesture in 202 *wasn't* foreshadowing something. Either way, it was really odd.
the gun thing was nothing. just a little girl playing with something that she doesn't know.
If Clem was good to her, she'll remember that and will want to be with Clem and the others when she calms down.
If Clem was exceptionally shitty, she'll run off extremely far and away from Clem and the group or shoot herself.
I'm really afraid that she won't survive the next episode... in the preview we can see that Clem finds her glasses, which means that Sarah is walking around completely aimlessly. :(
Maybe if you were nice to her she could calm down and come around realising that she still has someone to care for and someone who cares for her.
But if you weren't nice to her she simply realisess that no one in the world ever will and due to this loneliness and isolation she is left with, she decides to end her life.
Pretty dark, but plausible.
Calling her annoying and saying such hateful things going as far as hoping that she dies. But what they fail to understand is that she's been sheltered throughout this whole thing. Was that her decision? No it wasn't. So you can expect that she'll be very different to most of the characters that have actually adapted to the world gone to shit.
I really hope she's OK in the next episode. Losing your father right in front of you would make anyone losing it. But she's not just anyone.
Can you imagine if the only way to stop it was to give Sarah the hug you (might have) promised her in episode 3, when she is least expecting it?
On another note, I think it's entirely possible that Kenny could succumb to suicide considering how episode 3 ended with the group getting pared down so much, especially if he ends up at great odds with Clem. Fortunately, this game is still pretty unpredictable, so with that in mind, things could really change around.