Do you have a feeling that this'll happen in Episode 5???
Do you have a feeling that Bigby and Woodsman are going to fight together against Jersey Devil, Dee and Dum and the final fight will be Bigby final transformation vs Bloody Mary's final transformation? It'll be exciting if Gren,Woodsman,Bigby,and Beast team up to fight the The Crooked Man's group. VS
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That'd be fucking awesome. I hope so. Also, and of TCM's workers who you were nice to may be allied to you.
People keep talking about transformations and final forms... Please, this isn't fucking Dragon Ball Z.
I'm sorry
What is it then? 
You do realize a lot of people in fables can transform right
But it's still not even their final form.
I want the option to have 3rd form bigby say:
"This isn't even my final form"
Bigby and Woody teaming up again, fighting against Jersey along with Dee and Dum(by choice)? Oh, yes! I hope the fight between Bigby and Mary is the best one so far, but I highly doubt we will see Bigby's wolf from. Simply because TT's engine wouldn't allow it, he is pretty damn huge.
If there is one thing I'll definitely change in this game is when you reach the door to enter the Crooked Man's room, have Bigby change into his wolf form, and blow the door down with his wind powers along with the Crooked Man and the others possibly out the window. I guess people wouldn't have complained so much if that happened,eh?
I wanna see gren teaming up with bigby and Woody too
but DBZ is awesome why not?

I wanna see Bigby, Woodsman, Gren and Beast team up but i seriously dont want any of them to die.. especially Bigby and Beast. Would be great if they battled Bloody Mary , the remaining tweedle (depends on your choice) and jersey. I dont think CM should fight because yeah.. He needs to be interrogated and summin along with Georgie and Vivian
Well, this is a prequel to the Fables comic so Bigby and Beast won't die but there is a chance that Woody or Gren would die if they appear in episode 5 and fight against Bloody Mary.
The thing is, the Woodsman's story had a very fitting end in episode 4, and it looks like Telltale might be done with his character.
the way you watch him walk away and ask what he'll do now , as well as his answer, makes it sound like his part in this is done.
I was actually going to say this, i agree, the way he left the scene might tell that the story doesn't need his character anymore.
Same for Beauty and Beast, with that music and all.
That would be really awesome! I really hope this thing happens! And i really do hope that there will be The Wolf Among Us 2!
thinking about the positive feedback and the numerous people who wish for it PLUS adam harrington hoping for it PLUS telltalesteve (I think) claiming that "the sheriff might ride again" doesn't render this possibility ... well, impossible
Probably right before his hair stands up in spikes and he yells Kamehameha.
You forgot the part were his hair turns yellow lol
What are the chances Gren fights jersey? I could see gren winning if you let him keep his arm in Ep1 or losing if you ripped it off
Is it just me or does the hair remind everyone of overripe bananas?
wait... bigby hast had his final transformation yet?!?
Yep! Even the same with Colin and Toad I think!
Whereas I think Grendel and Holly still have some story potential
That whole thing with Woody and Bigby teaming up against Jersey was awesome. After playing episode 4, Mary will be the final battle and I'm excited for it. Curious as to how the CM and the others will play in this. After Gren and Holly's missing appearance, would love to see them help me out.
If not, can't wait to take down Bloody Mary! 
lol that random guy pouring water at the bottom! xD
I don't think Bigby would need any help to be honest. He could easily take out Dee/Dum and Jersey all at once in his full werewolf form.
Maybe in episode 5 they would make all your decisions come back on you.. The final battle between Bloody Mary, Jersey Devil, Dee and Dum, Crooked man. And it depends on who would help you in the final fight depending on how you treated everyone.
example: Gren will help you depending if you ripped off his arm
That would be cool. But keep your expectations low for now.
i have a feeling this would happen = snow+bigby vs whole world other than that there will be something determinant about your in-game actions like if you played a violent bigby something will comeback to haunt you or if u played peacefully like happened in walking dead
i don't think bigby needs to transform to his Final form to fight bloody mary i don't think she is THAT strong to push him to his final form..