The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited May 2014
    ![Wait, images can't be embedded? Lame.](

    And apparently it really doesn't work. Wait, [not even linked to?](

    [Can websites even be linked to?]( "Can websites even be linked to?")

    What a butchered version of Markdown. was the url I tried to embed, or for the image on it.

    And apparently links can't be placed ever.
  • Yeah gotta love how they start working on other games when they can't get the ones they are working on now out in decent time.
    Ellias posted: »

    that's pretty retarded. why would telltale say they wouldn't work on anything else other than twau and twd, but yet secretly work on this shit? telltale is an asshole

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2014
    That's just temporary. The ability to post pictures, HTML links and markup text formatting were disabled to prevent trolls from posting horrible pictures or finding a workaround to post those pictures or make links to them (and because it was a convenient fix to make everything plain text, since it was decided something had to be done immediately before the upgrade was released since the trolls were becoming worse and more frequent). If you weren't here to see what those trolls posted, consider yourself lucky. The things that they posted were not just immoral, but also illegal in most countries.

    Once the forum is upgraded so that we can finally handle these trolls quickly, all of these functions will be restored. Believe me, this is the best solution until the upgrade comes. No one wants to see, or be linked to, that garbage. I regret having to see it in the dozen or so attacks that I had to clean up before these drastic measures were taken.

    I'm not sure of an exact time frame, but I know that giving moderators the ability to properly take care of trolls is the number one priority of the web team, and when that's implemented the missing features will be restored. Hopefully it won't be too long.
    GaryCXJk posted: »

    ![Wait, images can't be embedded? Lame.]( And apparently it really doesn't work. Wait, [not even linked

  • Yeah I heard something about that, thankfully I was at work, apparently they posted something about a baby or something.
    Jennifer posted: »

    That's just temporary. The ability to post pictures, HTML links and markup text formatting were disabled to prevent trolls from posting hor

  • This game looks like complete shit. Fuck you telltale for working on this instead of TWD and TWAU
  • [removed]
    CornPopper posted: »

    This game looks like complete shit. Fuck you telltale for working on this instead of TWD and TWAU

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2014
  • I wonder if any of my buddies from the Sam & Max forums in 2010 remember me, because I sure as hell don't remember any of them.
  • Most of the older guys migrated over to Double Fine.
  • Y-you know that they have more than one development team right? They don't have everyone drop work on TWD to work on TftB, they have a separate team to make each game.
    Ellias posted: »

    that's pretty retarded. why would telltale say they wouldn't work on anything else other than twau and twd, but yet secretly work on this shit? telltale is an asshole

  • borderlands is shit.
  • edited May 2014
    Well, I'm sure that the people who like Borderlands, including me, are literally blown away and in awe as to how detailed and enlightening your statement about the game being "shit" was.

    You've convinced me, I'm gonna burn both of my game copies right now. I'll be right back.

    borderlands is shit.

  • I'm listening to music at the moment, and I'm really bored.
  • I bet you never even played it

    borderlands is shit.

  • Can't wait to see the new info on Smash Brothers during E3. Maybe we will even get a release date for the 3DS version beyond "Summer."

  • Finally someone who gets it. this is the insightful comment. the ceo's gonna see this and be like..... "TheFrigerator is right! Borderlands is s*8t! I'll have the development team abandon it immediately!"

    borderlands is shit.

  • I just found out that my aunt is 4 months pregnant. She's due on my dad's birthday. Wow.

  • This is a test message. I keep seeing people post to this thread, and their posts don't show up. Or they were deleted. Hopefully the presence or absence of this message will make it clear which is the case.

  • Posting one message caused a different message to show up. Let's see if it does it again.

  • It did. I think this thread is out of whack. Should we switch to the v3.0 version?

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited July 2014

    Thread: Forum Of The Dead Lounge.

    You wanted one guys so here you go, Thanks Lee for making a awesome Story :) Check It out If you haven't done It yet. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WANT TO CATCH UP ON THE STORY.

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited July 2014

    Thread: Forum Of The Dead Lounge.

    You wanted one guys so here you go, Thanks Lee for making a awesome Story :) Check It out If you haven't done It yet. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WANT TO CATCH UP ON THE STORY.

  • Ass and titties.


  • This shoulda been put on the Telltale Talk section. But let's see if it becomes successful :o

  • If the imp dies tonight, I will burn this fucking world down.

  • Need more booze in here, mind bringing me a Martini ? :D

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    Alt text Here you go Password. [Gives Martini]

    Need more booze in here, mind bringing me a Martini ?

  • He won't.

    I actually read the books.

    If the imp dies tonight, I will burn this fucking world down.

  • Everyone here loves me, right? right? RITE?!?

  • No.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Everyone here loves me, right? right? RITE?!?

  • There you go again, with the spoilers. :I

    He won't. I actually read the books.

  • A smexy one.

    What kind of Martini is that ?

  • Hey, I didn't spoil anything! I just said he's not going to die, that's all. =(

    There you go again, with the spoilers. :I

  • What kind of Martini is that ? :p

    Puncake32 posted: »

    Here you go Password. [Gives Martini]

  • I know you're lying, okay?


  • D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-DROP THE BASS.

  • But I'm not.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I know you're lying, okay?

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