Lazy Sundays are always good heheh, I spent my own lazy Sunday swimming in my backyard pool! Now I'm sick though, probably because I didn't wear sunscreen and I spent hours out there when it was like 100 degrees. :P Oops!
Did you do anything particularly fun on your Sunday off?
Sorry if this is weird to discuss lol, I'm feeling a little out of it right now because sick and doing my best to make conversation to keep myself awake. :P
Lazy Sundays are always good heheh, I spent my own lazy Sunday swimming in my backyard pool! Now I'm sick though, probably because I didn't… more wear sunscreen and I spent hours out there when it was like 100 degrees. :P Oops!
Did you do anything particularly fun on your Sunday off?
Sorry if this is weird to discuss lol, I'm feeling a little out of it right now because sick and doing my best to make conversation to keep myself awake. :P
Abused! How dare they! Well, like WtW said, she hates everyone equally in a loving way, so take that for what it's worth...
You are awesome, everyone here is awesome! That is a fact .
Abused! How dare they! Well, like WtW said, she hates everyone equally in a loving way, so take that for what it's worth...
You are awesome, everyone here is awesome! That is a fact .
I'm probably worst when i'm drunk typing...which hopefully won't happen xD It gets quite silly llol
Noncy says that, except the loving part.
Back when the Starks were happy... and alive. =(
Let the non sequitur conversations begin. How I'm I suppose to retain my sense of equanimity ?
ok ok ok .. im stupid, what are we doing here?
Hey Salt! We can be weird now without having to worry about pissing off Pro.
It's basically a place for everyone who is a member of LeeTheProfessional's story to hang out and talk, I guess.
So, you're invited
Yess! Finally! Thank you, DLB
there you go
There's something you have to understand about me. If I say something, it usually means the exact opposite.
I see completely random, yet fun conversations in the Horizon.
You doing okay?
Yeah man, I'm doing well. How have you been?
Alrighty, sooo what you're saying love everyone equally, but in a hateful way?
Hello there SaltLick :P How are you on this fine day?
Hey Sard!
I'm doing pretty good, Enjoying my sunday off.
What's been going on with you? Anything new?
EH I would have come if I weren't invited anyway.. I like to crash parties.
I like to live dangerously...
Yes? O_o Wait, no. What. love everyone a hating way ? XD
I'm great.
Guess what I ate earlier today?..
Dun Duhn Dun Duuhn. have no idea wtf you're saying, do you?
Chocolate bunny feet?
Not really, no. .-.
It made me think about you. I felt bad cause' I owe you two.
You have my attention now.
Lazy Sundays are always good heheh, I spent my own lazy Sunday swimming in my backyard pool!
Now I'm sick though, probably because I didn't wear sunscreen and I spent hours out there when it was like 100 degrees. :P Oops!
Did you do anything particularly fun on your Sunday off?
Sorry if this is weird to discuss lol, I'm feeling a little out of it right now because sick and doing my best to make conversation to keep myself awake. :P
I bet you were thinking, "Mmm... Welcome_to_Woodbury would love this.... TOO BAD MWAHAHAHHAHA"
Abused! How dare they! Well, like WtW said, she hates everyone equally in a loving way, so take that for what it's worth...
You are awesome, everyone here is awesome! That is a fact
MY POINT IS.......
I love everyone.
I'm lost.
Sit here, your pizza is nearly ready!
Don't worry, Welcome_to_Woodbury will guide you.
Hey, we're friends. We trust each other.
My family came and spend the day with me. We ate some BBQ, bought a 12 pack, and mostly talked random stuff once everyone was drunk.
100 Degrees???? Jeez. Where do you live ?
Even me?
Oh stahp. You make me blush.
I guess that makes sense in a way. Thanks again!
THAT'S what I wanted to hear
It's awesome that everytime I think about you it's either Welcome_to_Woodbury or BFF.
It was soooo good. Caramel inside...