Gren never acknowledged Bigby or John; as far as he was concerned, they were not currently standing by his apartment door.In Bigby's right hand, he held several pages. Gren already knew what this was about; he had a long night and it was wonderful. he didn't need these two ruining what little happiness he had inside. He could feel his anger boiling, the need to turn and destroy the sheriff and his 'sidekick.' Although he and Bigby tolerated one another and knew to give space between interactions, it still irritated Gren to see him.
As he stuck the key inside to open the door, John grabbed his shoulder. Gren instantly turned around and growled; John backed up quickly and left the 'monster' to the one person that knew how to deal with his antics. He was in no mood to fight with a Fable today.
"Gren," said Bigby. "We need to have a moment of your time-"
"Fuck off, Sheriff," replied Gren. "Tell your 'goon' to keep his hands off of me. I don't appreciate a Folker touching me, ain't that right, dog? Shouldn't you be on a leash?"
John tried to smile; he knew what Gren was doing and although he wanted to reach over and strike him, this was professional and that's how it would stay.
"Gren," continued Bigby. "You don't want us here, we don't want to be here. We're not here to waste your time, ok? We just want to come in and talk."
"I said no, Sheriff. The only time you fuckers want to come around is because you got wind of something you don't particularly enjoy. I see the paperwork, Bigby. You ain't fucking foolin' me none."
Bigby rubbed his temple; this was going nowhere fast and he could tell John was losing his patience. Gren was one of those Fables you had to take time with but there was only so much time in a day.
"This is about Carla, Gren," said Bigby. "This IS important...."
Gren stopped in his tracks. This had Council written all over it. But he knew the rules; he had to at least hear them out, John could easily keep his daughter away. Gren couldn't have that; Carla was the only thing these last few months keeping him sane. Gren gave a nod to indicate entrance to the two men. Bigby and John walked inside the tiny studio apartment. Gren did not own very many possessions; a tiny television stood in the middle with a bright red couch, tiny refrigerator, single table with two chairs, three floor lamps and bookcase. The couch appeared to be were he slept; there was a pillow and large blanket, along with an alarm clock near the end. Gren gathered these items quickly and threw them into his bathroom. John and Bigby took a seat on the couch.
"You two want something to drink," asked Gren. "All I have is tap water and beers."
"No thank you, Gren," said Bigby.
John did not reply; he quickly took out a pen and went through the piles of paper. Gren took out a lawn chair from the bathroom as well and took a seat in front of Bigby and John. He noticed the air was musky and heavy; this heat was not helping either him or his crappy apartment. Before they could get started, Gren got up and headed to the window. He cracked it open; the air outside was no better and the temperature was rising quickly. He returned to the chair, nursing his bottle of beer.
"This place wouldn't be so damn bad, if I had a FUCKING fan or possibly some air conditioning!"
Bigby knew who he was talking to; he had promised Gren months ago he would send someone out to fix it. Things just for hectic; he made a mistake and things happen. He ignored Gren and continued with the process.
"I'm trying, Gren," said Bigby. "But right now, I'm not here for that. I'm sure you know why the two of us are here...."
"Stop beating around the fucking bush, sheriff and get on with it. You two, Smith. Not in the mood for fuckin' surprises. Not very good with those things."
"Watch it, Grendel," replied John. "Not in the mood to fight with you, either but I guess that comes with the territory. I'm just going to cut to the chase: for the past few months now, you and my daughter Carla, have spent the majority of your time together. Now, you KNOW she is mundy, correct?"
"Well, then you know about the rules the Council has set for Folkers then, haven't you?"
"Hm. NOW you consider her a 'Folker' John?"
John was not pleased with Gren's sarcastic remarks. He was in no mood to deal with a Fable that wouldn't cooperate with the rules. He felt like he was wasting his time.
"Gren, I can tell your in n o mood to deal with us today," continued John. "I'm tired, its hot and I'm sure you have work you must tend to. All I'm asking is this: You know about the council, you know about the rules and you know what I'm going to ask you. Since you are seeing my daughter and 'accidents' happen, we must take precaution and have you sign these-"
"Accidents happen," uttered Gren. "What the fuck does that even mean, John?"
"It happened to Lyla and that pimp, Georgie. Things HAPPEN, Gren....and I need to know you are willing to cooperate with us and just sign these papers...."
"Gren, please," begged Bigby. "I need you to just stop this silly behavior, stop pumping out your chest and just do this. You know the rules; you have for hundreds of years. She is a mundy, Gren. You know how this goes-"
"These fucking glamours were to do that, Sheriff! They were to disguise us so we could be among the mundies; she knows about us. It's not a fucking secret! I'm having a hard time understanding this, sheriff! Really, I am! We have been seeing each other for months, even after that whole circus act of Georgie and Lyla! Why now?"
"Again, Gren," John said with a large sigh. "She is MUNDY; you are a FABLE. Accidents happen. If you two ever DID marry or god forbid, produce children-"
Gren stood up and slapped the papers out of John's hands. They were scattered on the wooden floor; a couple gently falling back down. Bigby was dumbfounded by Gren; indeed, he was a ticking time bomb but he was pushing too many buttons lately. Since Snow was now in charge, so many of the rules had changed; a lot of them were required to follow, no matter what. If he couldn't follow the rules, in time they would have to restrict his visitations with Carla.
"You Folkers are all the same," bellowed Gren. "All you care about is keeping your hands clean and your blood pure; god forbid you have an ounce of differences in you, God forbid I EVER fall in love, right? None of you fucking care about ANY of that shit! All you fucking care about is my glamour this and glamour that; avoid social contact with mundies or Folkers because they are trouble! Well, that mundy has done more for me then you EVER could sheriff, in the fucking years I've been in this shit hole city!"
Gren picked up three papers and without a word, tore them in two. He threw the remainders to the side; shreds of papers falling like snow. John did not make a sound; just continued watching Gren. Bigby, however, was on his feet.
"GREN," screeched Bigby. "I'm not going to fucking tell you again! We are HERE TO HELP YOU! Just cooperate with us and we will be out of here! Now, we can get these papers again for you and return tonight; these have to be signed in order for us to keep tabs on this situation!"
John stood up, opened his brief case and took out another set of papers. If these past thirty years of working with Fables has taught him one thing, its to always be prepared. He didn't want to fight Gren; as much as he hated the thought of his daughter being around such a beast, he had no choice; he may have preferred her to be with either a Folker or mundy but her choice was already decided. He allowed this for Lyla and Georgie, after all. When Gren noticed another stack of papers, he sat back down.
"Grendel," John said calmly. "I don't want to fight with you. This is how it must be. What other choice do you want? Either you sign these or I will make sure to it that you and Carla's relationship ends today."
That's what frightened Gren the most, knowing he may never see Carla ever again. He couldn't risk that; he hadn't felt this good in a fucking long time, especially without the help from alcohol or drugs. He took the pen from John, signed his name in the designated areas and said nothing more. John looked them over one last time, packed them up and thanked Gren. Just as quickly as they arrived, they were gone. Gren needed a shower; this was going to be a long day.
John and Bigby hailed a cab and headed down the street. John handed the papers over to Bigby, who tucked them safely under his arm.
"You handled that pretty good back there," said Bigby. "I thought for sure you would lose it with him. Gren can be a pain sometimes...."
"Well, I wasn't about to start a war with him, either. These are the rules; its been this way for hundreds of years, even before my girls were born. This is the way life has been; you on one side, us on another. Not saying you can't cross over but its more problems that way. I just want what's best for my daughters."
"Yes, John?"
"Do you think I was too hard on him? Is this something I should REALLY be worried about? Its just, she's a mundy and-"
"John," interrupted Bigby. "Remember, she is also a wolf, too; she has you in there as well, not just Nancy. Also, look at you and Nancy, now that I mentioned her. She's a mundy; the Council gave you hell since the moment you two began dating. Remember I got involved in that. Remember? That's how we became such good friends....I'm a Fable. You still sit and eat lunch with me. Now, I'm not the biggest 'fan' of Gren but just, I don't know....give them a chance."
John was too bust starring out the window to reply to Bigby. He knew the wolf spoke of nothing but the truth; yes, the sheriff was a Fable and the two of them had been friends and work partners for years. His concern was simply Carla; Lyla could handle Fables and the territory that came with it. Could Carla, the most naive and sensitive of his children, really comprehend what she had to face from here on? Bigby soon ended the conversation. They were heading to the Business Office; sure he would have a word with Carla while there.
Carla arrived two minutes early; coffee cup in one hand, strawberry bagel in the other. She had her auburn hair in a bun, black knee-high skirt and a yellow blouse. As she walked inside the office, she was greeted by Buffkin, who flew down and took a tiny bite from her bagel. She laughed but it quickly ended when she noticed who was sitting by her desk. She was not in the mood to deal with her father today; she was too much in a good mood for this. But something told her it wouldn't be that easy; nothing ever was with her father.
Chapter 8
"...There was this mundy...."
Gren never acknowledged Bigby or John; as far as he was concerned, they were not currently sta… morending by his apartment door.In Bigby's right hand, he held several pages. Gren already knew what this was about; he had a long night and it was wonderful. he didn't need these two ruining what little happiness he had inside. He could feel his anger boiling, the need to turn and destroy the sheriff and his 'sidekick.' Although he and Bigby tolerated one another and knew to give space between interactions, it still irritated Gren to see him.
As he stuck the key inside to open the door, John grabbed his shoulder. Gren instantly turned around and growled; John backed up quickly and left the 'monster' to the one person that knew how to deal with his antics. He was in no mood to fight with a Fable today.
"Gren," said Bigby. "We need to have a moment of your time-"
"Fuck off, Sheriff," replied Gren. "Te… [view original content]
Carla waited for her father's next move; he was currently holding a small meeting with Snow and Bigby. They didn't seem too worried; probably discussing something in regards to the community. Although her father was retired from the business, he still enjoyed stopping by time to time to chat with Bigby and get involved in tiny cases. Carla couldn't blame him; he and Bigby had been friends for years. Her nerves began settling down and she was relaxed in her chair. Meanwhile, Bufkin continued picking at her bagel and taking tiny sips from her coffee.
The small green monkey looked up and tried to grin; he hadn't realized how much he had actually eaten. He pushed the remainder of the bagel towards Carla.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Smith," said Bufkin, still trying to smile. "It's just, I haven't eaten in awhile now and that bagel smelled divine and that coffee was giving me the boost I needed and-"
Carla laughed out loud, causing the others to look her direction and Bufkin to appear confused. She tore off another large piece and poured some of her coffee into the lid. He smiled, thanked Carla and enjoyed his breakfast. Her lunch hour would be here in no time; maybe she could sneak off soon and call Gren. Maybe he was in the mood for Chinese today. Before she could realize it, her father was standing in front of the desk. He picked up a framed picture of Carla and her sisters; John beamed when he saw his girls. Oh how you've all grown, he thought to himself. How things have changed.
"I remember when you girls were little, you would beg your mother to allow you access to this place during summer vacation," John said. "At first, we both felt it was a terrible idea for you, Carla; look around you. Not really the best location for a mundy who had no idea this all existed..."
He trailed off, as he looked around the area. This had been his work, his gatherings, his 'home' for almost forty years; he was here longer then he had been with his own kind. He looked down at Carla, who was still sipping on her coffee.
"Dad, you didn't come here to talk about me or my sisters, did you," asked Carla. "I know you too well; you could easily do that back home. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"
John inhaled deeply, as he pulled out the paperwork. As he did, Snow and Bigby joined; Snow especially did not want any trouble today. Carla took the papers from John and carefully looked them over; her heart had sank to the bottom of her stomach, her throat dry, her head spinning. She knew all too well what this was. Was she surprised? Not at all. Just a tad heartbroken, that was all.
"Sweetie," continued John. "I know this is the last thing you want to talk about....and I'm trying my best to understand and put MY feelings aside from your own. We can make this right without any problems, Carla. The sooner you two agree to this, the less trouble it will cause you both..."
Carla tried to wipe away a tear; don't show them your sadness, she told herself. It's weakness; you look weak among the titans themselves if you do. She sighed and looked up at the three individuals waiting on her answer. Snow saw how much difficulty she had trying to hold back her emotions.
"Carla," said Snow, as she carefully took the papers from her grasp. "You knew this would come, Carla. You've seen it yourself, you have witnessed it with not only your sister but your folks as well. We just want to protect you in case something happens; mundies were never supposed to know about us, yet here you are, sitting in the Business Office with two Fables and a Folker."
Carla understood the rules; didn't mean she had to like them, though. Her concern was Gren; she couldn't bare to lose him. If this guaranteed them continuing a relationship, so be it.
"Carla," continued Snow. "We need you to cooperate with us now. Gren signed it this morning; your father and Bigby made a visit to his place this morning. We just want to protect you both, with all that we can. But you KNOW what will happen if neither of you two are able to work with us; you will be banished from Fabletown and Gren will be sent to the farm. We have to consider everyone in town, to abide by the rules, to-"
"I get it, Ms. White," mumbled Carla. "I get it. No need to bash my head in with the rule book. Where do I sign?"
Five signatures later and a few hand shakes, Snow took her copy of the papers and placed them in her desk drawer. John gave Carla a small kiss on the forehead, as he filed away his copies; these would eventually have to make their way to Decimus and the other Council members. He could see her heartache, the frustration in her eyes.
"I'm trying, Carla," replied John, as Carla began her morning's work. "This...this hasn't been easy for will understand someday. Just, do me this one thing...please, whatever you do, be safe; that's all I ask of you."
Carla simply gave her father a nod, as she continued filing away papers. John sighed, as he turned to head out the door. As he did, Bigby stopped him before he left out the door.
"I'm really trying, Bigby."
"I know you are, John. I know we all have rules to abide, roles to play out, lives we must carry out. Ease up on her, though. Gren...Gren can be an ass at times, hell, even a 'monster' as you call him but he's not so bad. You forgave Georgie...."
John could only smile; he knew Bigby spoke nothing but the truth but he could never fully understand his situation and feelings about his daughter's current conditions; the council were not very understanding, like the Fables were. He thanked them all and left.
Carla could hear her stomach rumbling and roaring like a lion; a few times Snow looked over to make sure it was nothing serious. Carla grabbed her desk phone and dialed in Gren's number. As the phone rang, she took in a deep breathe and sighed; hopefully he would answer. She needed someone who was 'sane' and not so caught up in rules and bullshit. It rang three times before he picked up. Carla could only smile when she heard his voice.
"Hey, Gren. It's Carla-"
"Yeah, I figured you would be callin' pretty soon. Gettin' close to that lunch break-"
"-WHICH I was going to ask when you went to lunch because I go in like, twenty minutes...."
The noise, crowds of people and traffic were clouding her thoughts through the phone. Everyday now, she would call the payphone Gren was working by. If he moved locations, he would give her that number. That's how he liked it and it didn't bother her. She waited for his reply; she could overhear him yelling at one of his co-workers.
"I can be there in twenty as well. What are ya' in the mood for?"
"Chinese! Big, greasy, pile of Chinese food!"
She could hear Gren chuckle on the other end. It made her stomach do somersaults; his laugh always made her smile.
"Alright. Meet me a Mr. Gumbo's place. He makes the best Chinese food yet, Carla. See ya' there-"
As Carla placed the phone back, she looked over and found Snow standing, arms folded, watching her.
"Hey, Snow," stuttered Carla. "Just....making a call....lunch is-"
Snow sighed; she knew who Carla called but what could she do? Snow turned back and headed to her desk. When the time came, Carla gathered up her belongings and ran out the door, almost sliding into Bigby once more. This was routine to him; he simply moved to the side and laughed, as Carla furiously pushed the elevator buttons. She grabbed a taxi cab and headed to Mr. Gumbo's. she couldn't wait to see Gren.
This next story will serve as an direct sequel to my original story, taking place 4 years after past events.
Chapter 1
League of Dark Fabled & Forbidden Love
In a dark building somewhere in New York city, a group of people dressed in business suits or dresses gather in the large room atop of the building. They walk towards the table and to have a seat waiting for the man with bandages around his head to have a seat.
Man in bandages: Status report...?
The woman at the far end of the table unfolds a folder taking out papers covered in a strange aura. She reads the papers.
Woman: Six casualties, Lord Boogey...
Boogey: I see no matter, the mundanes can clean it up, let's focus on our primary plans for now.
Man of right end of table: But Lord Boogey, about the wolf that killed Lett'...
Boogey: Don't worry Mett' you will have your revenge, I promise. But first we need to clean up Aizaax failure and prepare for our grand scheme...We have to do this carefully or we'll end up like that fool. Understood?
Mett': Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: All right, now lets get down to business shall we? Mett', Talia, and Chupa will gather followers from the following districts of the city. AVOID all contact with Fabletown officials. We don't need them pawing at our asses.
Everyone Yes Lord Boogey..
Boogey: I need to to make a business trip to Africa. I need to recruit a very special 'werecat' to deal with certain people. This meeting is adjourned good luck everyone.
The group departs and go their ways.
Somewhere in China the Guangxi region, Viera can be seen approaching a temple. She enters and bows to a elderly woman. The woman greets Viera and welcomes her in.
Viera: Hows my sister doing Lady Yukio?
Lady Yukio: Shes doing fine, but since shes a Phoenix, if anything happens Viera she can be reborn from her ashes.. Do not lose hope child.
Viera: I know but we don't know how long that will take. It could take years.
Lady Yukio: It depends on her will child, Nisa is strong don't worry.
Viera: Yes, it's just that.... I have this strange feeling. Like im missing something from my life... I mean....I'm reunited with my sister again. It's.....
Lady Yukio: The boy you met, perhaps you are in love with him?
Viera: What? No... it's been 4 years since we..
Lady Yukio: How long have you been feeling like this, child?
Viera: ....4 years..
Lady Yukio: I'm not to old to know if someones in love, child. Go to him, he still might even miss you still.
Viera: What if he moved on? What if I go all the way there for nothing..?
Lady Yukio: Have faith child, and someone once told me "You''ll never know until you try".
Viera: I'll go visit him... I hope he hasn't forgot about me...
Viera walked over to her sister and gave her a kiss, she leaves the temple and takes off into the sky to find her "forbidden love"
I couldn't help but smile at the Chinese food part. In fact, I have some sitting in a container tucked towards the back of my fridge, what a coincidence, huh?
And it's weird, I also noticed that your picture isn't showing up entirely on your post here, but in the notifications inbox, it shows everything. Thought I would point that out, G.P.!
Chapter 9
"....who fell in love with a Grendel..."
NOTE: Because its one of those days.:)
Carla waited for her father'… mores next move; he was currently holding a small meeting with Snow and Bigby. They didn't seem too worried; probably discussing something in regards to the community. Although her father was retired from the business, he still enjoyed stopping by time to time to chat with Bigby and get involved in tiny cases. Carla couldn't blame him; he and Bigby had been friends for years. Her nerves began settling down and she was relaxed in her chair. Meanwhile, Bufkin continued picking at her bagel and taking tiny sips from her coffee.
"Save me anything," chuckled Carla. "You know, I'm pretty famished, Bufkin."
The small green monkey looked up and tried to grin; he hadn't realized how much he had actually eaten. He pushed the remainder of the bagel towards Carla.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Smith," said Bufkin, still t… [view original content]
This next story will serve as an direct sequel to my original story, taking place 4 years after past events.
Chapter 1
League of Dark … moreFabled & Forbidden Love
In a dark building somewhere in New York city, a group of people dressed in business suits or dresses gather in the large room atop of the building. They walk towards the table and to have a seat waiting for the man with bandages around his head to have a seat.
Man in bandages: Status report...?
The woman at the far end of the table unfolds a folder taking out papers covered in a strange aura. She reads the papers.
Woman: Six casualties, Lord Boogey...
Boogey: I see no matter, the mundanes can clean it up, let's focus on our primary plans for now.
Man of right end of table: But Lord Boogey, about the wolf that killed Lett'...
Boogey: Don't worry Mett' you will have your revenge, I promise. But first we need to clean up Aizaax failure and prepare for ou… [view original content]
I JUST had some as I wrote this; that's why I HAD to have that in there. I fixed the problem; hopefully, the picture shows up. Not having any luck with this site today. -.-
I couldn't help but smile at the Chinese food part. In fact, I have some sitting in a container tucked towards the back of my fridge, what a… more coincidence, huh?
And it's weird, I also noticed that your picture isn't showing up entirely on your post here, but in the notifications inbox, it shows everything. Thought I would point that out, G.P.!
This next story will serve as an direct sequel to my original story, taking place 4 years after past events.
Chapter 1
League of Dark … moreFabled & Forbidden Love
In a dark building somewhere in New York city, a group of people dressed in business suits or dresses gather in the large room atop of the building. They walk towards the table and to have a seat waiting for the man with bandages around his head to have a seat.
Man in bandages: Status report...?
The woman at the far end of the table unfolds a folder taking out papers covered in a strange aura. She reads the papers.
Woman: Six casualties, Lord Boogey...
Boogey: I see no matter, the mundanes can clean it up, let's focus on our primary plans for now.
Man of right end of table: But Lord Boogey, about the wolf that killed Lett'...
Boogey: Don't worry Mett' you will have your revenge, I promise. But first we need to clean up Aizaax failure and prepare for ou… [view original content]
The picture shows up fine, it's just that it's still not showing the Carla bits of your picture here, get what I'm saying now? Sorry if I was vague.
I like that, how you incorporated your Chinese food lunch/dinner into your story. XD I should like, do that for my story for Tezoth. "As Tezoth continued eating the brownie..." Nah, only joking. ;P
EDIT: Nevermind, I saw that you posted 2 versions of your picture on the TWAU fan art thread. :S
I JUST had some as I wrote this; that's why I HAD to have that in there. I fixed the problem; hopefully, the picture shows up. Not having any luck with this site today. -.-
Oh like, its only showing Georgie with the ribbon and nothing else? If so, I did that on purpose; the rest of the picture is located in the fan art section.
I was going to use Thai food but idk...Gren doesn't seem very 'Thai' food kind of guy! XD LMAO Watch it, Tezoth. Mary comin' after that brownie!
The picture shows up fine, it's just that it's still not showing the Carla bits of your picture here, get what I'm saying now? Sorry if I wa… mores vague.
I like that, how you incorporated your Chinese food lunch/dinner into your story. XD I should like, do that for my story for Tezoth. "As Tezoth continued eating the brownie..." Nah, only joking. ;P
EDIT: Nevermind, I saw that you posted 2 versions of your picture on the TWAU fan art thread. :S
The hell is up with that Georgie picture?? LMFAO That made my day. Going to have a hard time getting that out of my head. I loved this page. John seems to really be trying but I get it, now. I'd be concerned, too.
Thanks though, Porgie. I want chow mein now! lol Good job like always. Keep going!!!
NOTE: Are we allowed to use someone else's characters for a story but you do your own twist? All credit would go to them, of course.
Chapter 9
"....who fell in love with a Grendel..."
NOTE: Because its one of those days.:)
Carla waited for her father'… mores next move; he was currently holding a small meeting with Snow and Bigby. They didn't seem too worried; probably discussing something in regards to the community. Although her father was retired from the business, he still enjoyed stopping by time to time to chat with Bigby and get involved in tiny cases. Carla couldn't blame him; he and Bigby had been friends for years. Her nerves began settling down and she was relaxed in her chair. Meanwhile, Bufkin continued picking at her bagel and taking tiny sips from her coffee.
"Save me anything," chuckled Carla. "You know, I'm pretty famished, Bufkin."
The small green monkey looked up and tried to grin; he hadn't realized how much he had actually eaten. He pushed the remainder of the bagel towards Carla.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Smith," said Bufkin, still t… [view original content]
Oh like, its only showing Georgie with the ribbon and nothing else? If so, I did that on purpose; the rest of the picture is located in the … morefan art section.
I was going to use Thai food but idk...Gren doesn't seem very 'Thai' food kind of guy! XD LMAO Watch it, Tezoth. Mary comin' after that brownie!
The hell is up with that Georgie picture?? LMFAO That made my day. Going to have a hard time getting that out of my head. I loved this page.… more John seems to really be trying but I get it, now. I'd be concerned, too.
Thanks though, Porgie. I want chow mein now! lol Good job like always. Keep going!!!
NOTE: Are we allowed to use someone else's characters for a story but you do your own twist? All credit would go to them, of course.
This next story will serve as an direct sequel to my original story, taking place 4 years after past events.
Chapter 1
League of Dark … moreFabled & Forbidden Love
In a dark building somewhere in New York city, a group of people dressed in business suits or dresses gather in the large room atop of the building. They walk towards the table and to have a seat waiting for the man with bandages around his head to have a seat.
Man in bandages: Status report...?
The woman at the far end of the table unfolds a folder taking out papers covered in a strange aura. She reads the papers.
Woman: Six casualties, Lord Boogey...
Boogey: I see no matter, the mundanes can clean it up, let's focus on our primary plans for now.
Man of right end of table: But Lord Boogey, about the wolf that killed Lett'...
Boogey: Don't worry Mett' you will have your revenge, I promise. But first we need to clean up Aizaax failure and prepare for ou… [view original content]
I never wrote a fable before without it being a crossover with lead character being within the game I was going to retire from writing TWAU stories but Dragon challenged me so do my best and I hope you enjoy the insanity of this story. Anyway ask emmypess I'm award winning author with my best gif award lol
WARNING: Contains violence and cursing etc(did tell you lol)
The Spark Among Us
CHAPTER 1 Even A Dark Night Has A Spark
The story begins in a small town on the outskirts of Fabletown where the poor lived unable to afford proper accomodation in Fabletown. The place was a mess, shops and houses abandoned and in truth the criminal rates were low because of the simple fact there was nothing to steal. The government seem to send the weakest and the sickest of the population to die in this prison of a town. The sun was only bright thing about it as cameras monitored everyones steps and crocked cops kept everyone in line. One person mysterly disappeared last week after raising his voice to an officer but was never investigated as they enforced the rules themselves. But uprising was starting as we meet Spark brave young fable joining the peaceful protest for fair treatment and less tax because the people were simply starving if they waited any longer the town will die but in truth was fabletowns governemnts plan all along to rid the town of these people seen as poor and worthless fables in their eyes.
The Tale begins with Spark sitting in his garden the night before the rebellion talking to his parents on cool peaceful night
Spark: Will it work this peaceful protest the towns planning?
Mam: It's our only chance we have they say were free but all are moves are monitored, the rules are dicated and enforced by the rich and we are unable to afford food or a proper shelter it's our only chance. I want a better life for you then to be treated like a slave to this system.
Spark: But I have no powers what if something goes wrong?
Dad: Your destined for great things son your powers are not a toy they will come when need them most and don't worry always fight for what you believe in whatever happens will happen but hope favours the brave we must believe it's all we got.
Spark:(yawn) So tired we march in the morning for better future
Mam/Dad: Night love you son our future Rambo of this city
Spark:(smiles) Don't forget it love you to night
Spark slept dreaming of change living in a big mansion with his family with endless source of food with the sun shining. Suddenly the sun began to burn his skin it felt so real the pain was getting worse and he awoke. The whole house was on fire he was in the middle of an inferno like being in middle of an oven as flames grew higher he was convinced it was nightmare but just in case he ran for his parents room. The flames engulfed the house then the roof fell in front of his parents door he needed to help them and ran outside looking for help. The whole town was on fire as screams and terror filled the air. Spark mind was overloading he wanted to wake up but couldn't suddenly he saw someone he recognized.
Bluebeard: HAHA I was sent by Crane to do this your little uprising needs to be sweeped under the rug no one cares or will miss you the scum of this great city.
Bluebeard:(Takes out Pistol) Yeah but your time is up ("BANG" headshot suddenly everything went black for Spark as he fell to the ground)
Spark awoke hours later to a scene from a horror film his childhood all his memories just appeared through his eye as ash. The town blew away in the wind like it never existed. Spark was the only surviver as tears came down his face sadness suck in which quickly turned to anger as clenched his fists.
Spark headed for Fabletown like a tornado of hate and anger to punish those responsible he wanted answers. He spotted the sheriff of the town and decided to ask for help.
Bigby: Why?
Bigby:(removes police badge) Ok tough guy I'm going to have to take you down to the station it's against the law to threaten someone's life
Spark: You shove this badge in my face! like it gives you some sort of moral highground over me enforcing these laws made by the rich. Do they give you some sort of subconsious justification for your actions by following these rules. while the poor get killed and controlled by the people who created that badge as you walk ignorantly through this town ignoring real problems because you follow the demands of Crane who corrupted you mind with lies and rules to follow blindly. My family and friends got killed yet no one investigated know your here in my face flashing a badge arresting me for seeking justice. (Spark spits at the badge)
Bigby: There only rules we have no ones perfect and it was just a forest fire Crane told me
Spark: See what happens when you let the person with the biggest bank balance control the town while the poor are ignored history is always written and manipulated by the rich and powerful of course. No trees anywhere near my home but not your fault your merely a puppet they have the strings they poisoned your mind your nothing but a chess piece they make the moves. I have faith in you to fix this town and see the truth.
Suddenly police force surrounded Spark armed with AK47's it started lashing rain the night took hold the tension could be cut with a knife as Spark was surrounded it was gameover.
Spark: You see Bigby these are the ones who left my town in flames they recognize me and are coming back to finish the job no loose ends just like I expected.I was so stupid to think could just of walked in. SHOOT ME I'M NOT BEGGING YOU MURDERERS KILL ME!!
The police shot hundreds of bullets they cut through the air like soaring eagles destined for Sparks head he was finished. Spark had no chance to survive was enough bullets to take down a tank. Spark fell to his knees and shut his eyes tightly waiting to be reunited with his family only reason he accepted death as tears escaped his eyes as realisation of failure suck in his family died for nothing he never became their Rambo.
But something weird happened he opened his eyes as Bigby and the police force froze in awe and fear. The bullets were frozen in the air just before they hit his head he felt a power course through him like he can control gravity and objects with his mind finally found his fable power his mind his dad was right as smiled to himself.
Spark:(Spark stands up) Wanna taste of your own medicine your in my world now bitch(Spark flung his arm and the bullets shot back towards the cops killing them all instantly he was circled by dozens of dead bodies. Mark turned and stared at Bigby proud of what he did the conviction in his eyes nearly blinded Bigby.
Spark: I didn't kill anyone their bullets were meant for me. I simply guided them their bullets killed them. Anyway they were involved in my parents death stop mocking ME!! you still believe it's a forest fire after they shot hundreds of bullets at me for just walking down the street not seem suspicious to you at all.
Bigby: The police force and Crane kept this city safe the rules makes everyone equal and feel secure knowing their protected by this city's Sheriff who will enforce them.
Spark: Your rules protect the rich and keep the poor controlled your taxes make any chance of survival impossible and your force kills anyone who stands up against it. They even send the weak and defencless to my town while you listen like a good dog serving the corrupt. While I'm the sheriff of the poor and defencless unlike you I know who I'm fighting for. The question is do you?
Suddenly a noise occured behind Bigby he turned around it was just a cat. When Bigby turned back to see Spark he disappeared into the shadows deep down Bigby knew the rebellion has just begun.
Anyway if like it I'll do more and finish the story tell me what think and as always thank you for reading I really hope you enjoyed it and I apologise for any bad grammar I have dyslexia
The hell is up with that Georgie picture?? LMFAO That made my day. Going to have a hard time getting that out of my head. I loved this page.… more John seems to really be trying but I get it, now. I'd be concerned, too.
Thanks though, Porgie. I want chow mein now! lol Good job like always. Keep going!!!
NOTE: Are we allowed to use someone else's characters for a story but you do your own twist? All credit would go to them, of course.
Carla sat in the restaurant, waiting patiently for Gren. There was not a lot of people; Carla was thankful for the lack of those interested in dining at a Chinese restaurant. She was not much for large, loud groups; these always made her nervous and very claustrophobic. Finally, Gren arrived, taking his seat in front of Carla. She grinned when she saw him; he too, was smiling. He was still in his work clothes: large brown boots, dirty blue jeans, bandanna around his head and dirty white tee shirt. he did his best to 'clean' up.
"Sorry for being so late," said Gren, as he rolled up his sleeves. "There was just so many people and-"
"Don't worry about it, Gren," laughed Carla. "Relax. I got us both waters; wasn't sure what you wanted-"
"This will be fine, Carla."
They were suddenly interrupted by a very beautiful women with short brown hair, brown eyes and dimples. She wore an apron over a floral print dress and bright red slip-on shoes. Carla assumed it was the waitress.
"Hello, guys. See you got your drinks. You all ready to order?"
Carla was still having a very tough time making up her mind; some of the items on the menu baffled her and had no idea what they were. While she was trying to find something simple to eat, Gren answered the lady; he could see Carla was having a hard time choosing. He kinda had an idea on the dishes he wanted to eat.
"We are going to have this meal served 'family style,' by the way," replied Gren, as he closed the menu. "She and I will have your pork chow mein, braised sliced pork with vegetables, fried rice, pot stickers and for me, a large bowl of your fish ball in light soup."
The waitress thanked Gren, gathered the menus and headed into the kitchen. While Gren placed his napkin inside his collar, he noticed Carla starring blankly at him. She was lost for words.
"What, in the mood for pork, Gren," asked Carla.
"Hey, pork goes great in anything. Don't tell Colin that, though. Pig won't leave it alone if you do...."
"Fish ball soup...."
"Its a Grendel thing....we uh, kinda enjoy our fish now and then. Just because I LOOK mundy, does not mean I have to ACT like it when it comes to certain things."
Carla took a sip from her cup. This heat was unbearable; she was looking forward to the cool rivers at the park tonight. She could picture her feet dipping into the icy waters, toes being nibbled on by tiny fish; the moon as her only source of light above. Gren noticed Carla's sudden daydreaming. He was awe struck by her ability to see past what was behind these walls. Gren cleared his throat; for a moment, Carla forgot where she was. The smell of pork and grease brought her back.
"What are you thinking about, Carla," asked Gren. "Usually you are talking my fuckin' head off. You seem, distracted."
"No, I'm fine, Gren," said Carla. "Just enjoying today. Couldn't get out of that office sooner."
"That bad, huh?"
Carla didn't say a word; she wanted to talk about those papers with Gren. That probably would have made things very tense and awkward for either of them. she decided to avoid the subject; if Gren brought it up, she wouldn't hesitate to add her feelings into the pot.
"Look, Carla," continued Gren. "Well, I was going to ask you, if well, I don't still want to go to the park tonight with me? Heard there is a full moon tonight. Get a better view..."
"Bigby going to be there?"
Gren did not get the joke at first until he put two and two together; the sheriff was a wolf and he mentioned full moon. Carla joined Gren in a laughing riot. Without notice, a random man walked up to Carla and gave her a quick pat on her back. He directed his attention at Gren; Gren could feel the beast within, the sudden urge to grab Carla and storm out the door. His fists were clenched, his teeth grinding against one another. The man was rather handsome; tall, well dressed business man, slicked back blonde hair and eyes blue like the sky. He gave a sly smirk towards Gren.
"Carla, hey. How have you been?"
"Hello, Sam. This is a surprise. Thought 'ethnic' food was not your choice of meal...."
"Well, I was in the neighborhood and as I walked by, I noticed you sitting here with-THAT..."
His index finger almost touched Gren's nose; he slowly reached for the butter knife. Damn thing was dull but Gren didn't care; he was going to destroy this Folker; he could smell the foul stench of wet dog on his body. Carla noticed Gren's sudden movement and quickly arose from her seat. She coaxed Gren with a touch on the neck, as she pushed Sam away from the booth. Carla turned around and found Gren on his feet now. Fuck, she thought. This is all we really need right now!
"Okay, Sam. This was nice and glad you took the time from you 'busy' schedule to talk to me. But, as you can see, I have company and our meal should be here any minute-"
Sam couldn't hold his laughter back. Carla, too, was losing her patience.
"Hm. Well, the rumors are true then, Carla. Seems like you prefer the company of 'Fables,' huh? It's a damn shame, really. Their blood is so vile and putrid; we have pure, strong wolf blood in these veins."
"At least the Fable community has the ability to look past all of that, Sam. These are good people-"
"Please. You got this job because your daddy is butt buddies with Bigby Wolf. You REALLY think they would have let someone like YOU in here, if it not were for your father?"
Carla tried her best to avoid his question; she knew her father's friendship helped her chance in the eyes of the community. Sam's father was Decimus, the Superior of the Council. Ever since Lyla turned down Malcom's proposal and ran into the arms of a Fable, things were more challenging then before. She didn't want to think about it too long. Carla could hear the terrifying growls deep in Gren's throat; his eyes were changing.
"Say one more fucking thing, dog....ONE MORE THING, and you will be part of our lunch!"
Sam noticed the butter knife in Gren's grip; his palm and fingers were so tightly wrapped around it, he noticed a tiny trail of blood trickling down his thumb.
"Hm. Well, Carla. Seems like you and the Grendel have lunch to tend to. Do stop by the Council sometime, won't you doll?"
And just like that, he was gone. The waitress was heading in their direction. Carla gathered Gren and tried calming him down; they were dead center in a mundy filled restaurant. Last thing they needed was a giant Grendel destroying the place. Despite a few stares, the other customers carried on with their meal. 'How dare he,' thought Gren. 'That fuckin' dog thinks she's his?! All because she had folker blood in her?! Let me catch you one more time....' He could feel the blood thirsty rage deep inside; the urge to chase after that guy. But Carla had her arms around him,her head resting gently on his chest. Gren suddenly caught the intoxicating smell of Carla's hair; the mixture of apples and rain water. He took a seat and began mumbling to himself.
" okay...?"
Gren noticed the small incision in his right palm. he quickly took out several napkins and wrapped it around his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Who was that guy...."
"That's Sam. My uh, father had everything planned out for us when we were kids: what school, job, husband, how many kids...."
"THAT? That was going to be YOUR husband?!"
"I told you, Gren. You may not like the way Bigby runs this town but compared to the Werewolf council and THEIR way of 'controlling' their kind, I'd take this over all that bullshit. Things just happened so fast, changed over night...."
Gren reached over and grabbed Carla's hand, holding it tightly in his.
The waitress arrived with their meals; Carla noticed the Fish ball soup and was still trying to comprehend the delicate 'tastes' of the Grendels. He had already forgotten about Sam; Gren did not want this to interfere with his afternoon.
"You want to try some," asked Gren, as he scooped up a large spoonful.
" thank you...."
Gren laughed.
"Fuckin' mundies....."
The waitress returned with the check. As Carla reached over, Gren snatched it from her grasp. she watched him count the money he had in his wallet.
"Gren," whispered Carla. "Let me pay for some of this...."
Gren ignored Carla's remarks and handed the waitress the exact change plus tip. He cracked a smile, as he noticed Carla's annoyed glance. The two thanked the cooks and waitress and headed out the door; the sun beaming down and large amounts of heat surrounding them. Gren took off his jacket and went around the corner. Carla was confused but soon, he returned wearing his hard hat.
"Well, better get back before Snow sends her look out squad after you."
Carla snickered; she knew it was true. Although she had ten minutes left, Carla enjoyed taking her time back to the office.
"Will you stop by the office after?"
"Sure thing, mundy."
Carla gave Gren a playful punch, then embraced him. She got a strong whiff of his cologne, sweat and dirt.
"See ya' tonight, Carla...."
Gren stood and waited, as she made her way down the busy streets. He watched her disappear into the horizon. He beamed, hoping these next few hours would go by quickly. Gren knew Carla wanted to discuss the papers; he was sure John mentioned them. But not now, not today.
I never wrote a fable before without it being a crossover with lead character being within the game I was going to retire from writing TWAU … morestories but Dragon challenged me so do my best and I hope you enjoy the insanity of this story. Anyway ask emmypess I'm award winning author with my best gif award lol
WARNING: Contains violence and cursing etc(did tell you lol)
The Spark Among Us
CHAPTER 1 Even A Dark Night Has A Spark
The story begins in a small town on the outskirts of Fabletown where the poor lived unable to afford proper accomodation in Fabletown. The place was a mess, shops and houses abandoned and in truth the criminal rates were low because of the simple fact there was nothing to steal. The government seem to send the weakest and the sickest of the population to die in this prison of a town. The sun was only bright thing about it as cameras monitored everyones steps and crocked cops kept everyone in line. One person my… [view original content]
This next story will serve as an direct sequel to my original story, taking place 4 years after past events.
Chapter 1
League of Dark … moreFabled & Forbidden Love
In a dark building somewhere in New York city, a group of people dressed in business suits or dresses gather in the large room atop of the building. They walk towards the table and to have a seat waiting for the man with bandages around his head to have a seat.
Man in bandages: Status report...?
The woman at the far end of the table unfolds a folder taking out papers covered in a strange aura. She reads the papers.
Woman: Six casualties, Lord Boogey...
Boogey: I see no matter, the mundanes can clean it up, let's focus on our primary plans for now.
Man of right end of table: But Lord Boogey, about the wolf that killed Lett'...
Boogey: Don't worry Mett' you will have your revenge, I promise. But first we need to clean up Aizaax failure and prepare for ou… [view original content]
I think we can all be pleased that you accepted the challenge You've kicked things off with a real bang that immediately sucks the reader in, and although I've said it before I'm going to say again, that I admire the morals you put into your tales. Excellent!
I never wrote a fable before without it being a crossover with lead character being within the game I was going to retire from writing TWAU … morestories but Dragon challenged me so do my best and I hope you enjoy the insanity of this story. Anyway ask emmypess I'm award winning author with my best gif award lol
WARNING: Contains violence and cursing etc(did tell you lol)
The Spark Among Us
CHAPTER 1 Even A Dark Night Has A Spark
The story begins in a small town on the outskirts of Fabletown where the poor lived unable to afford proper accomodation in Fabletown. The place was a mess, shops and houses abandoned and in truth the criminal rates were low because of the simple fact there was nothing to steal. The government seem to send the weakest and the sickest of the population to die in this prison of a town. The sun was only bright thing about it as cameras monitored everyones steps and crocked cops kept everyone in line. One person my… [view original content]
An idea that when follow the rules it's always the right moral choice but wanted to create a situation what makes the reader question his choices based on rules.
But also wanted a situation where reader doesn't know who to root for Spark the villain to take down the town or Bigby the protector of the government. Imagine if I told the story from Bigbys perceptive a guy comes in and kills lots of cops if bigby killed him there no one would care he would be a hero to the reader. Always a matter of perspective are no right answers or heroes and villains.
Thanks everyone for the response I shocked you still read my insanity stories with my over complex dialogue lol I can't wait to read all your stories btw I really appreciate the response
I think we can all be pleased that you accepted the challenge You've kicked things off with a real bang that immediately sucks the reader i… moren, and although I've said it before I'm going to say again, that I admire the morals you put into your tales. Excellent!
Chapter 10
"...and this Grendel loved the mundy, too...."
Carla sat in the restaurant, waiting patiently for Gren. There was not a lot… more of people; Carla was thankful for the lack of those interested in dining at a Chinese restaurant. She was not much for large, loud groups; these always made her nervous and very claustrophobic. Finally, Gren arrived, taking his seat in front of Carla. She grinned when she saw him; he too, was smiling. He was still in his work clothes: large brown boots, dirty blue jeans, bandanna around his head and dirty white tee shirt. he did his best to 'clean' up.
"Sorry for being so late," said Gren, as he rolled up his sleeves. "There was just so many people and-"
"Don't worry about it, Gren," laughed Carla. "Relax. I got us both waters; wasn't sure what you wanted-"
"This will be fine, Carla."
They were suddenly interrupted by a very beautiful women with short brown hair, brown eyes and dimples. She w… [view original content]
Lol, Mark, I wouldn't say I 'challenged' you. Still, I am proud that you followed through with your story nonetheless, keep this up, and maybe Spark will win Fable of the Month for June, eh?
I never wrote a fable before without it being a crossover with lead character being within the game I was going to retire from writing TWAU … morestories but Dragon challenged me so do my best and I hope you enjoy the insanity of this story. Anyway ask emmypess I'm award winning author with my best gif award lol
WARNING: Contains violence and cursing etc(did tell you lol)
The Spark Among Us
CHAPTER 1 Even A Dark Night Has A Spark
The story begins in a small town on the outskirts of Fabletown where the poor lived unable to afford proper accomodation in Fabletown. The place was a mess, shops and houses abandoned and in truth the criminal rates were low because of the simple fact there was nothing to steal. The government seem to send the weakest and the sickest of the population to die in this prison of a town. The sun was only bright thing about it as cameras monitored everyones steps and crocked cops kept everyone in line. One person my… [view original content]
He's such a sweetie to her. Well, it DID describe him as very loyal to those that gave him his space; Carla must have learned that when the two began talking. This is getting good! Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 10
"...and this Grendel loved the mundy, too...."
Carla sat in the restaurant, waiting patiently for Gren. There was not a lot… more of people; Carla was thankful for the lack of those interested in dining at a Chinese restaurant. She was not much for large, loud groups; these always made her nervous and very claustrophobic. Finally, Gren arrived, taking his seat in front of Carla. She grinned when she saw him; he too, was smiling. He was still in his work clothes: large brown boots, dirty blue jeans, bandanna around his head and dirty white tee shirt. he did his best to 'clean' up.
"Sorry for being so late," said Gren, as he rolled up his sleeves. "There was just so many people and-"
"Don't worry about it, Gren," laughed Carla. "Relax. I got us both waters; wasn't sure what you wanted-"
"This will be fine, Carla."
They were suddenly interrupted by a very beautiful women with short brown hair, brown eyes and dimples. She w… [view original content]
Ok, well Porgie, I was wondering if I could use one of your characters and create a story about them? I mean, of course, with your blessing! Again, nice picture and story!
Viera flies to the doorstep of Draco's house. She walks up to door and as just as she about to knock she hears someone walking. It's a woman who is walking towards the house. Viera leaps into the bushes and waits and see what the woman will do.
The woman breaks one of the houses windows and enters. Viera gets up from the bushes and she see's a car pull up in the drive way. Draco emerges from it and approaches the house. He see's Viera and suddenly his heart drops and he gets butterflies in his stomach.
Draco: Viera.... is that you..? Oh my god, it's been like 4 years since I last seen you!
*Viera: *Draco..., i wanted to pay you a visit. But right now I just saw someone break into your house and she is still there.
*Draco: *Shee? and WHAT!? Stay behind me. I'll check it out.
Viera thought to herself "What? I can take care myself... Who does he think he is..." and she followed Draco into the house.
The two went inside and looked around and saw the intruder holding a book and as she prepared to leave she is stopped by Draco.
Draco: HEY YOU, STOP! What the hell gave you the nerve to break into my crib. Now i'll give you one warning.. drop what you have and get the fuck ou....
The intruder removes her glamour revealing her true form,
Woman: Talia's the name handsome... and you have something that my boss needs back...
The woman blows a kiss towards Draco and disappears.
*Draco: **Sigh* I thought I was done with the fable crap... I can never get a break..
Viera: Draco, what did she take?
Draco: It's old book I found. I was supposed to locked it away, because it contains black magic...
Viera: Black magic? Where did you find something like that?
Draco: I had this weird dream one.. this man in bandages approached me. He told me that "They will fear him once again. and his power will shroud the world in fear." or something like that.. Then i woke up with this book in my bed.
Viera: Draco, you're a like a magnet for trouble..
Draco: Thanks... I guest. By the way, how long your here in town? Would you like to go to dinner or hit a movie?
Viera: How about both?
The two smiled at each other and went to and leaves the house for the city.
Meanwhile in the South African plains, Boogey can be seen approaching a old house. He is the confronted by 2 cheetahs and they glare at Boogey.
Boogey: Awwww isn't that cute, BEGONE!
He smacks the cheetahs away a continues to the door step. He knocks, then behind him a large cat like creature appears behind him and raises it's blade to Boogey's head.
Boogey: You must be the werecat im looking for..Gillian correct?
Gillain: What business do you have here fiend.
Boogey: I want to recruit you for a "job". With your experiences and skills it wouldn't be a problem for you..
Gillian: How many?
Boogeys shows Gillain 2 pictures.
Gillian: I don't hunt humans, no thanks.
Boogey: They aren't human I assure you. One's a Vampire the other is a Dragon. You hunted the same kind of creatures before haven't you? This shouldn't be a problem for you as I said.
Gillian: Why do you want them dead?
Boogey: It's mainly that dragon boy, there's something about him. He could pose a serious threat to my operations. You can use the vampire as bait to lure him out. I'll pay whatever your interests.
Gillian: I don't need your money, I do this for the kill and game. Alright you have me.
Boogey: Good, now lets get's you glamoured. We don't want to people to see a six foot cat-man walking around do we?
Gillian: I have my own.
Gillian turns into his human form a follows Boogey.
With the League of Dark Fabled finally assembled, Boogey gets closer and closer to his goals....
John stopped the car, turned the key and heard the engine come to a dead still. He sat for a moment in the seat; the car quickly heating up from the sun outside. Bigby sat in the passenger seat. He, like always, waited for John's next move. As he did, Bigby took out a cigarette and lit it. Finally, after a few moments silence, John gathered the paperwork and walked out into the streets; Bigby following shortly after. John locked the door and two made their into the community of Folkers.
Bigby could feel all eyes suddenly following him; usually when the sheriff of Fabletown was in their neck of the woods, it was never a positive thing. They usually involved the Council or the Smith clan; some of the citizens were shocked to see John Smith in their neighborhood. A few of the people hid in the shadows, watching from afar.
"Hm, nice to see they have the 'welcome' wagon ready for us," said Bigby. He threw his cigarette to the side. This place was already irritating him and they hadn't even reached their destination yet.
"Just keep walking, sheriff," replied John. "You know how this place is: They see not only you but the family that was shunned not too long ago. These people are like vultures sometimes; swoop down and pick off what they can get their hands on. We are almost there..."
John and Bigby came to a stop at a four way intersection. The light was red; while they stood and waited, the sun continued to beam down on their heads. John had to take a minute to wipe his brow. This summer was extreme and he couldn't wait for it to end. Bigby tried to think of something else; his shirt was now soaked and his forehead burning up. As they continued to wait, a group of werewolves looked over in their direction. One of the men began pointing, the others looking over and whispering. In the corner of his eyes, John noticed who it was.
"Your fans are waiting for your grand entrance, John," laughed Bigby. "Don't keep your people waiting."
John ignored Bigby and soon, the light was green. A few blocks down and they were soon standing in front of the large oak doors. It wasn't very hard to find; the door knobs were shaped like wolf heads in gold. John turned the knob and entered the building. A blast of fresh air instantly hit both of their faces, a cooling sensation rushing over their body. Bigby let out a sigh of relief, as John walked to the desk. As John signed in, Bigby walked over to a large desk, surrounded by fern plants on each side. Sitting on the wooden desk, was a wolf statue. Below each of the wolf's paws, laid a mundy and Fable. Underneath the statue, these words were said in gold lettering:
'Keeping a proud clan strong; now and always.'
Bigby laughed. 'Hm, what good THAT did,' he thought. 'You're in MY world now.'
Before long, John grabbed Bigby and the two were heading into an elevator. The ride lasted no more than five seconds, as their current location was now the third floor. John opened the doors and the two walked into a large office space. Two rows of desks lined up the sides; tall floor candles on each side and a large cherry desk in the front. Sitting in that chair was Decimus; on each side sat Malcom and Nate. Malcom smiled when he saw the two men; Nate turned his attention to Decimus and refused to make eye contact with either of them.
"Hello, Sheriff. John. Pleased to see you both," said Decimus. "Thank you for taking the time to see us."
"I received your call this morning," muttered John. "I made sure to get the signatures as quickly as I could-"
"Did the FABLE give you problems like always," interrupted Nate. "I mean, you know how they can be, especially those Grendel folks. They create problems for themselves, acting like wild beasts-"
Bigby wanted to lunge, grab his throat and use it as a chew toy. He never liked Nate; his visitations to the Council wouldn't be so bad, if he just learned to keep his trap shut. Guess it was true; you can never teach an old dog new tricks. Decimus held his hand up. Malcom and Nate looked over at Decimus. He motioned for Bigby and John to head over with the papers.
As the two walked up, Nate glance at Bigby; Nate was infuriated with the sight of a Fable and a traitor in their presence. Bigby ignored Nate; he was not going to waste his time with this low-life scumbags.
Decimus grabbed the papers from John and began examining them. He flipped through the stack, looking at every corner, at every signature. When he reached the final page, he indicated to Malcom and within seconds, he brought Decimus over a large gold bowl and stamp. Decimus placed the gold bowl over the candle flame and while the liquid inside was hot, he dipped the stamp inside and placed the indentation on the page. He fanned it for a few seconds, then placed the stack in his file. Malcom took the items away, as Nate said a few final prayers, placing his hands over the file.
'Wow, of all the fucking people to bless these papers,' thought Bigby. 'The one motherfucker that can't stand any of this; would rather burn our city down then deal with this.'
As the blessing was concluded, Decimus placed the file into the drawer.
"It's nice to see you again, Johnathan," said Decimus. "We miss you here at the Council. Your seat will always be open to you or your offspring, should you change your minds..."
"Thank you, Decimus. But my mind has been made up and my family is pleased with their current status. We are fortunate to be where we are today."
"Of course," replied Decimus. "We all understand. It's what been best for your family. How are the quads, by the way?"
"They are wonderful. Growing like weeds. Georgie and Lyla are very blessed. We all are."
"And the other two? How are Mary and Gina?"
"Work, like always. Gina is good. Dating the bouncer from the Pudding & Pie..."
Decimus was silent. John knew he would be back for Gina; his main concern now was Carla.
"And Carla-see she has an interest in that barfly, Grendel. Does he have a glamour? Has he take responsibility and the precaution there is in SEEING a mundy? What about Carla? Does she know the direct affect this will have on her now and always?"
"He has a glamour," Bigby uttered. "We have all had this discussions with them both and they know the consequences that will come if they do not cooperate with us-she will be disowned from the Fable and Folker community and he will be sent to the Farm. They signed the necessary paperwork, though, as you can tell...."
"Well. Very good. They will need to fill out more paperwork in six months, Sheriff and John. And, you KNOW about the rules and actions we must take IF they do have sexual contact AND create offspring? Would you know anything about that, John? I'd hate to ask you this, but-"
"Have they had sexual intercourse, Decimus," asked John. "No. No, they haven't."
That was a lie; he had no idea but the less they knew now, the better. It was bad enough she had to deal with this paper work. Give her and Gren some time, some space; the chance to live 'normal' lives. Decimus thanked them and soon, Bigby and John were out the door, back into the arms of the heat and the Folker community. Bigby took out another cigarette and lit it. John, not having a smoke in fifty years, took one out and lit it. He hated being in there; hated dealing with them. His nerves were shot; the blood boiling and his heart racing.
"This is ridiculous," mumbled John. "This is so stupid...."
"Well, one down for now, John," replied Bigby. "Rules are rules, I guess John."
John was silent, as he and Bigby entered the car. John stuck the key in the ignition and turned it on; the engine roaring loudly. His daughter was smart; hopefully, she knew what to do and handle it.
Totally agree with the notion of perspective as to who is a hero and who is a villain! With your combination of acting and subtle messages you'd do great things for Hollywood, man :P
Morals V Rules
An idea that when follow the rules it's always the right moral choice but wanted to create a situation what makes the read… moreer question his choices based on rules.
But also wanted a situation where reader doesn't know who to root for Spark the villain to take down the town or Bigby the protector of the government. Imagine if I told the story from Bigbys perceptive a guy comes in and kills lots of cops if bigby killed him there no one would care he would be a hero to the reader. Always a matter of perspective are no right answers or heroes and villains.
Thanks everyone for the response I shocked you still read my insanity stories with my over complex dialogue lol I can't wait to read all your stories btw I really appreciate the response
thanks try to win fable of the month first before break hollywood lol anyway when your masterpiece coming so excited to see your next chapter can't wait
Totally agree with the notion of perspective as to who is a hero and who is a villain! With your combination of acting and subtle messages you'd do great things for Hollywood, man :P
Stand no chance when your finished your story Dragon yes you challenged actually more of a threat though I had no choose Dragon lol well to be honest realized you wanted me to create my own fable so challenged myself
Lol, Mark, I wouldn't say I 'challenged' you. Still, I am proud that you followed through with your story nonetheless, keep this up, and maybe Spark will win Fable of the Month for June, eh?
Chapter 2
While reunited, the hunt is on
Viera flies to the doorstep of Draco's house. She walks up to door and as just as she about t… moreo knock she hears someone walking. It's a woman who is walking towards the house. Viera leaps into the bushes and waits and see what the woman will do.
The woman breaks one of the houses windows and enters. Viera gets up from the bushes and she see's a car pull up in the drive way. Draco emerges from it and approaches the house. He see's Viera and suddenly his heart drops and he gets butterflies in his stomach.
Draco: Viera.... is that you..? Oh my god, it's been like 4 years since I last seen you!
*Viera: *Draco..., i wanted to pay you a visit. But right now I just saw someone break into your house and she is still there.
*Draco: *Shee? and WHAT!? Stay behind me. I'll check it out.
Viera thought to herself "What? I can take care myself... Who does he think he i… [view original content]
Stand no chance when your finished your story Dragon yes you challenged actually more of a threat though I had no choose Dragon lol well to be honest realized you wanted me to create my own fable so challenged myself
Chapter 11
"...but there was trouble for the two..."
John stopped the car, turned the key and heard the engine come to a dead still. H… moree sat for a moment in the seat; the car quickly heating up from the sun outside. Bigby sat in the passenger seat. He, like always, waited for John's next move. As he did, Bigby took out a cigarette and lit it. Finally, after a few moments silence, John gathered the paperwork and walked out into the streets; Bigby following shortly after. John locked the door and two made their into the community of Folkers.
Bigby could feel all eyes suddenly following him; usually when the sheriff of Fabletown was in their neck of the woods, it was never a positive thing. They usually involved the Council or the Smith clan; some of the citizens were shocked to see John Smith in their neighborhood. A few of the people hid in the shadows, watching from afar.
"Hm, nice to see they have the 'welcome' wagon ready for us,… [view original content]
Imagination knows no bounds please I'm only inspired when I'm threatened lol only joking I really wanted to do my own fable for once so challenged myself btw can't wait for your story going to be a masterpiece Dragon
True, true, your works of literature will stand no bounds when my story comes its way. Nah, I'm just kidding, everyone's story is special. XD
I wouldn't threaten you, think of it as a little push towards maximum imagination.
Imagination knows no bounds please I'm only inspired when I'm threatened lol only joking I really wanted to do my own fable for once so challenged myself btw can't wait for your story going to be a masterpiece Dragon
I think you have a strong contender, nice to see the F.S.A's been regarded higher than Hollyood :P Mine should be out fairly soon - hope it lives up to the excitement!
thanks try to win fable of the month first before break hollywood lol anyway when your masterpiece coming so excited to see your next chapter can't wait
Will it come out soon ...very soon? Around the corner, even?
Chapter 8
"...There was this mundy...."
Gren never acknowledged Bigby or John; as far as he was concerned, they were not currently standing by his apartment door.In Bigby's right hand, he held several pages. Gren already knew what this was about; he had a long night and it was wonderful. he didn't need these two ruining what little happiness he had inside. He could feel his anger boiling, the need to turn and destroy the sheriff and his 'sidekick.' Although he and Bigby tolerated one another and knew to give space between interactions, it still irritated Gren to see him.
As he stuck the key inside to open the door, John grabbed his shoulder. Gren instantly turned around and growled; John backed up quickly and left the 'monster' to the one person that knew how to deal with his antics. He was in no mood to fight with a Fable today.
"Gren," said Bigby. "We need to have a moment of your time-"
"Fuck off, Sheriff," replied Gren. "Tell your 'goon' to keep his hands off of me. I don't appreciate a Folker touching me, ain't that right, dog? Shouldn't you be on a leash?"
John tried to smile; he knew what Gren was doing and although he wanted to reach over and strike him, this was professional and that's how it would stay.
"Gren," continued Bigby. "You don't want us here, we don't want to be here. We're not here to waste your time, ok? We just want to come in and talk."
"I said no, Sheriff. The only time you fuckers want to come around is because you got wind of something you don't particularly enjoy. I see the paperwork, Bigby. You ain't fucking foolin' me none."
Bigby rubbed his temple; this was going nowhere fast and he could tell John was losing his patience. Gren was one of those Fables you had to take time with but there was only so much time in a day.
"This is about Carla, Gren," said Bigby. "This IS important...."
Gren stopped in his tracks. This had Council written all over it. But he knew the rules; he had to at least hear them out, John could easily keep his daughter away. Gren couldn't have that; Carla was the only thing these last few months keeping him sane. Gren gave a nod to indicate entrance to the two men. Bigby and John walked inside the tiny studio apartment. Gren did not own very many possessions; a tiny television stood in the middle with a bright red couch, tiny refrigerator, single table with two chairs, three floor lamps and bookcase. The couch appeared to be were he slept; there was a pillow and large blanket, along with an alarm clock near the end. Gren gathered these items quickly and threw them into his bathroom. John and Bigby took a seat on the couch.
"You two want something to drink," asked Gren. "All I have is tap water and beers."
"No thank you, Gren," said Bigby.
John did not reply; he quickly took out a pen and went through the piles of paper. Gren took out a lawn chair from the bathroom as well and took a seat in front of Bigby and John. He noticed the air was musky and heavy; this heat was not helping either him or his crappy apartment. Before they could get started, Gren got up and headed to the window. He cracked it open; the air outside was no better and the temperature was rising quickly. He returned to the chair, nursing his bottle of beer.
"This place wouldn't be so damn bad, if I had a FUCKING fan or possibly some air conditioning!"
Bigby knew who he was talking to; he had promised Gren months ago he would send someone out to fix it. Things just for hectic; he made a mistake and things happen. He ignored Gren and continued with the process.
"I'm trying, Gren," said Bigby. "But right now, I'm not here for that. I'm sure you know why the two of us are here...."
"Stop beating around the fucking bush, sheriff and get on with it. You two, Smith. Not in the mood for fuckin' surprises. Not very good with those things."
"Watch it, Grendel," replied John. "Not in the mood to fight with you, either but I guess that comes with the territory. I'm just going to cut to the chase: for the past few months now, you and my daughter Carla, have spent the majority of your time together. Now, you KNOW she is mundy, correct?"
"Well, then you know about the rules the Council has set for Folkers then, haven't you?"
"Hm. NOW you consider her a 'Folker' John?"
John was not pleased with Gren's sarcastic remarks. He was in no mood to deal with a Fable that wouldn't cooperate with the rules. He felt like he was wasting his time.
"Gren, I can tell your in n o mood to deal with us today," continued John. "I'm tired, its hot and I'm sure you have work you must tend to. All I'm asking is this: You know about the council, you know about the rules and you know what I'm going to ask you. Since you are seeing my daughter and 'accidents' happen, we must take precaution and have you sign these-"
"Accidents happen," uttered Gren. "What the fuck does that even mean, John?"
"It happened to Lyla and that pimp, Georgie. Things HAPPEN, Gren....and I need to know you are willing to cooperate with us and just sign these papers...."
"Gren, please," begged Bigby. "I need you to just stop this silly behavior, stop pumping out your chest and just do this. You know the rules; you have for hundreds of years. She is a mundy, Gren. You know how this goes-"
"These fucking glamours were to do that, Sheriff! They were to disguise us so we could be among the mundies; she knows about us. It's not a fucking secret! I'm having a hard time understanding this, sheriff! Really, I am! We have been seeing each other for months, even after that whole circus act of Georgie and Lyla! Why now?"
"Again, Gren," John said with a large sigh. "She is MUNDY; you are a FABLE. Accidents happen. If you two ever DID marry or god forbid, produce children-"
Gren stood up and slapped the papers out of John's hands. They were scattered on the wooden floor; a couple gently falling back down. Bigby was dumbfounded by Gren; indeed, he was a ticking time bomb but he was pushing too many buttons lately. Since Snow was now in charge, so many of the rules had changed; a lot of them were required to follow, no matter what. If he couldn't follow the rules, in time they would have to restrict his visitations with Carla.
"You Folkers are all the same," bellowed Gren. "All you care about is keeping your hands clean and your blood pure; god forbid you have an ounce of differences in you, God forbid I EVER fall in love, right? None of you fucking care about ANY of that shit! All you fucking care about is my glamour this and glamour that; avoid social contact with mundies or Folkers because they are trouble! Well, that mundy has done more for me then you EVER could sheriff, in the fucking years I've been in this shit hole city!"
Gren picked up three papers and without a word, tore them in two. He threw the remainders to the side; shreds of papers falling like snow. John did not make a sound; just continued watching Gren. Bigby, however, was on his feet.
"GREN," screeched Bigby. "I'm not going to fucking tell you again! We are HERE TO HELP YOU! Just cooperate with us and we will be out of here! Now, we can get these papers again for you and return tonight; these have to be signed in order for us to keep tabs on this situation!"
John stood up, opened his brief case and took out another set of papers. If these past thirty years of working with Fables has taught him one thing, its to always be prepared. He didn't want to fight Gren; as much as he hated the thought of his daughter being around such a beast, he had no choice; he may have preferred her to be with either a Folker or mundy but her choice was already decided. He allowed this for Lyla and Georgie, after all. When Gren noticed another stack of papers, he sat back down.
"Grendel," John said calmly. "I don't want to fight with you. This is how it must be. What other choice do you want? Either you sign these or I will make sure to it that you and Carla's relationship ends today."
That's what frightened Gren the most, knowing he may never see Carla ever again. He couldn't risk that; he hadn't felt this good in a fucking long time, especially without the help from alcohol or drugs. He took the pen from John, signed his name in the designated areas and said nothing more. John looked them over one last time, packed them up and thanked Gren. Just as quickly as they arrived, they were gone. Gren needed a shower; this was going to be a long day.
John and Bigby hailed a cab and headed down the street. John handed the papers over to Bigby, who tucked them safely under his arm.
"You handled that pretty good back there," said Bigby. "I thought for sure you would lose it with him. Gren can be a pain sometimes...."
"Well, I wasn't about to start a war with him, either. These are the rules; its been this way for hundreds of years, even before my girls were born. This is the way life has been; you on one side, us on another. Not saying you can't cross over but its more problems that way. I just want what's best for my daughters."
"Yes, John?"
"Do you think I was too hard on him? Is this something I should REALLY be worried about? Its just, she's a mundy and-"
"John," interrupted Bigby. "Remember, she is also a wolf, too; she has you in there as well, not just Nancy. Also, look at you and Nancy, now that I mentioned her. She's a mundy; the Council gave you hell since the moment you two began dating. Remember I got involved in that. Remember? That's how we became such good friends....I'm a Fable. You still sit and eat lunch with me. Now, I'm not the biggest 'fan' of Gren but just, I don't know....give them a chance."
John was too bust starring out the window to reply to Bigby. He knew the wolf spoke of nothing but the truth; yes, the sheriff was a Fable and the two of them had been friends and work partners for years. His concern was simply Carla; Lyla could handle Fables and the territory that came with it. Could Carla, the most naive and sensitive of his children, really comprehend what she had to face from here on? Bigby soon ended the conversation. They were heading to the Business Office; sure he would have a word with Carla while there.
Carla arrived two minutes early; coffee cup in one hand, strawberry bagel in the other. She had her auburn hair in a bun, black knee-high skirt and a yellow blouse. As she walked inside the office, she was greeted by Buffkin, who flew down and took a tiny bite from her bagel. She laughed but it quickly ended when she noticed who was sitting by her desk. She was not in the mood to deal with her father today; she was too much in a good mood for this. But something told her it wouldn't be that easy; nothing ever was with her father.
I really hope John let's these two just go on with their lives. They are not breaking any rules! Nice job like always! Can't wait to read more!
He's only looking out for his daughter. It's a lot more BS if you're a mundy, if you haven't caught on. Don't worry-Carla won't got anywhere.
Chapter 9
"....who fell in love with a Grendel..."
NOTE: Because its one of those days.:)
Carla waited for her father's next move; he was currently holding a small meeting with Snow and Bigby. They didn't seem too worried; probably discussing something in regards to the community. Although her father was retired from the business, he still enjoyed stopping by time to time to chat with Bigby and get involved in tiny cases. Carla couldn't blame him; he and Bigby had been friends for years. Her nerves began settling down and she was relaxed in her chair. Meanwhile, Bufkin continued picking at her bagel and taking tiny sips from her coffee.
"Save me anything," chuckled Carla. "You know, I'm pretty famished, Bufkin."
The small green monkey looked up and tried to grin; he hadn't realized how much he had actually eaten. He pushed the remainder of the bagel towards Carla.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Smith," said Bufkin, still trying to smile. "It's just, I haven't eaten in awhile now and that bagel smelled divine and that coffee was giving me the boost I needed and-"
Carla laughed out loud, causing the others to look her direction and Bufkin to appear confused. She tore off another large piece and poured some of her coffee into the lid. He smiled, thanked Carla and enjoyed his breakfast. Her lunch hour would be here in no time; maybe she could sneak off soon and call Gren. Maybe he was in the mood for Chinese today. Before she could realize it, her father was standing in front of the desk. He picked up a framed picture of Carla and her sisters; John beamed when he saw his girls. Oh how you've all grown, he thought to himself. How things have changed.
"I remember when you girls were little, you would beg your mother to allow you access to this place during summer vacation," John said. "At first, we both felt it was a terrible idea for you, Carla; look around you. Not really the best location for a mundy who had no idea this all existed..."
He trailed off, as he looked around the area. This had been his work, his gatherings, his 'home' for almost forty years; he was here longer then he had been with his own kind. He looked down at Carla, who was still sipping on her coffee.
"Dad, you didn't come here to talk about me or my sisters, did you," asked Carla. "I know you too well; you could easily do that back home. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"
John inhaled deeply, as he pulled out the paperwork. As he did, Snow and Bigby joined; Snow especially did not want any trouble today. Carla took the papers from John and carefully looked them over; her heart had sank to the bottom of her stomach, her throat dry, her head spinning. She knew all too well what this was. Was she surprised? Not at all. Just a tad heartbroken, that was all.
"Sweetie," continued John. "I know this is the last thing you want to talk about....and I'm trying my best to understand and put MY feelings aside from your own. We can make this right without any problems, Carla. The sooner you two agree to this, the less trouble it will cause you both..."
Carla tried to wipe away a tear; don't show them your sadness, she told herself. It's weakness; you look weak among the titans themselves if you do. She sighed and looked up at the three individuals waiting on her answer. Snow saw how much difficulty she had trying to hold back her emotions.
"Carla," said Snow, as she carefully took the papers from her grasp. "You knew this would come, Carla. You've seen it yourself, you have witnessed it with not only your sister but your folks as well. We just want to protect you in case something happens; mundies were never supposed to know about us, yet here you are, sitting in the Business Office with two Fables and a Folker."
Carla understood the rules; didn't mean she had to like them, though. Her concern was Gren; she couldn't bare to lose him. If this guaranteed them continuing a relationship, so be it.
"Carla," continued Snow. "We need you to cooperate with us now. Gren signed it this morning; your father and Bigby made a visit to his place this morning. We just want to protect you both, with all that we can. But you KNOW what will happen if neither of you two are able to work with us; you will be banished from Fabletown and Gren will be sent to the farm. We have to consider everyone in town, to abide by the rules, to-"
"I get it, Ms. White," mumbled Carla. "I get it. No need to bash my head in with the rule book. Where do I sign?"
Five signatures later and a few hand shakes, Snow took her copy of the papers and placed them in her desk drawer. John gave Carla a small kiss on the forehead, as he filed away his copies; these would eventually have to make their way to Decimus and the other Council members. He could see her heartache, the frustration in her eyes.
"I'm trying, Carla," replied John, as Carla began her morning's work. "This...this hasn't been easy for will understand someday. Just, do me this one thing...please, whatever you do, be safe; that's all I ask of you."
Carla simply gave her father a nod, as she continued filing away papers. John sighed, as he turned to head out the door. As he did, Bigby stopped him before he left out the door.
"I'm really trying, Bigby."
"I know you are, John. I know we all have rules to abide, roles to play out, lives we must carry out. Ease up on her, though. Gren...Gren can be an ass at times, hell, even a 'monster' as you call him but he's not so bad. You forgave Georgie...."
John could only smile; he knew Bigby spoke nothing but the truth but he could never fully understand his situation and feelings about his daughter's current conditions; the council were not very understanding, like the Fables were. He thanked them all and left.
Carla could hear her stomach rumbling and roaring like a lion; a few times Snow looked over to make sure it was nothing serious. Carla grabbed her desk phone and dialed in Gren's number. As the phone rang, she took in a deep breathe and sighed; hopefully he would answer. She needed someone who was 'sane' and not so caught up in rules and bullshit. It rang three times before he picked up. Carla could only smile when she heard his voice.
"Hey, Gren. It's Carla-"
"Yeah, I figured you would be callin' pretty soon. Gettin' close to that lunch break-"
"-WHICH I was going to ask when you went to lunch because I go in like, twenty minutes...."
The noise, crowds of people and traffic were clouding her thoughts through the phone. Everyday now, she would call the payphone Gren was working by. If he moved locations, he would give her that number. That's how he liked it and it didn't bother her. She waited for his reply; she could overhear him yelling at one of his co-workers.
"I can be there in twenty as well. What are ya' in the mood for?"
"Chinese! Big, greasy, pile of Chinese food!"
She could hear Gren chuckle on the other end. It made her stomach do somersaults; his laugh always made her smile.
"Alright. Meet me a Mr. Gumbo's place. He makes the best Chinese food yet, Carla. See ya' there-"
As Carla placed the phone back, she looked over and found Snow standing, arms folded, watching her.
"Hey, Snow," stuttered Carla. "Just....making a call....lunch is-"
Snow sighed; she knew who Carla called but what could she do? Snow turned back and headed to her desk. When the time came, Carla gathered up her belongings and ran out the door, almost sliding into Bigby once more. This was routine to him; he simply moved to the side and laughed, as Carla furiously pushed the elevator buttons. She grabbed a taxi cab and headed to Mr. Gumbo's. she couldn't wait to see Gren.
She couldn't wait for tonight.
This next story will serve as an direct sequel to my original story, taking place 4 years after past events.
Chapter 1
League of Dark Fabled & Forbidden Love
In a dark building somewhere in New York city, a group of people dressed in business suits or dresses gather in the large room atop of the building. They walk towards the table and to have a seat waiting for the man with bandages around his head to have a seat.
Man in bandages: Status report...?
The woman at the far end of the table unfolds a folder taking out papers covered in a strange aura. She reads the papers.
Woman: Six casualties, Lord Boogey...
Boogey: I see no matter, the mundanes can clean it up, let's focus on our primary plans for now.
Man of right end of table: But Lord Boogey, about the wolf that killed Lett'...
Boogey: Don't worry Mett' you will have your revenge, I promise. But first we need to clean up Aizaax failure and prepare for our grand scheme...We have to do this carefully or we'll end up like that fool. Understood?
Mett': Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: All right, now lets get down to business shall we? Mett', Talia, and Chupa will gather followers from the following districts of the city. AVOID all contact with Fabletown officials. We don't need them pawing at our asses.
Everyone Yes Lord Boogey..
Boogey: I need to to make a business trip to Africa. I need to recruit a very special 'werecat' to deal with certain people. This meeting is adjourned good luck everyone.
The group departs and go their ways.
Somewhere in China the Guangxi region, Viera can be seen approaching a temple. She enters and bows to a elderly woman. The woman greets Viera and welcomes her in.
Viera: Hows my sister doing Lady Yukio?
Lady Yukio: Shes doing fine, but since shes a Phoenix, if anything happens Viera she can be reborn from her ashes.. Do not lose hope child.
Viera: I know but we don't know how long that will take. It could take years.
Lady Yukio: It depends on her will child, Nisa is strong don't worry.
Viera: Yes, it's just that.... I have this strange feeling. Like im missing something from my life... I mean....I'm reunited with my sister again. It's.....
Lady Yukio: The boy you met, perhaps you are in love with him?
Viera: What? No... it's been 4 years since we..
Lady Yukio: How long have you been feeling like this, child?
Viera: ....4 years..
Lady Yukio: I'm not to old to know if someones in love, child. Go to him, he still might even miss you still.
Viera: What if he moved on? What if I go all the way there for nothing..?
Lady Yukio: Have faith child, and someone once told me "You''ll never know until you try".
Viera: I'll go visit him... I hope he hasn't forgot about me...
Viera walked over to her sister and gave her a kiss, she leaves the temple and takes off into the sky to find her "forbidden love"
End of Chapter 1
I couldn't help but smile at the Chinese food part. In fact, I have some sitting in a container tucked towards the back of my fridge, what a coincidence, huh?
And it's weird, I also noticed that your picture isn't showing up entirely on your post here, but in the notifications inbox, it shows everything. Thought I would point that out, G.P.!
Wow. I am loving the sequel so far! Great use of multiple background environments!
I JUST had some as I wrote this; that's why I HAD to have that in there.
I fixed the problem; hopefully, the picture shows up. Not having any luck with this site today. -.-
It's the boogeyman! XD Great so far! Can't wait to see more.
The picture shows up fine, it's just that it's still not showing the Carla bits of your picture here, get what I'm saying now? Sorry if I was vague.
I like that, how you incorporated your Chinese food lunch/dinner into your story. XD I should like, do that for my story for Tezoth. "As Tezoth continued eating the brownie..." Nah, only joking. ;P
EDIT: Nevermind, I saw that you posted 2 versions of your picture on the TWAU fan art thread. :S
Oh like, its only showing Georgie with the ribbon and nothing else? If so, I did that on purpose; the rest of the picture is located in the fan art section.
I was going to use Thai food but idk...Gren doesn't seem very 'Thai' food kind of guy! XD LMAO Watch it, Tezoth. Mary comin' after that brownie!
The hell is up with that Georgie picture?? LMFAO That made my day. Going to have a hard time getting that out of my head. I loved this page. John seems to really be trying but I get it, now. I'd be concerned, too.
Thanks though, Porgie. I want chow mein now! lol Good job like always. Keep going!!!
NOTE: Are we allowed to use someone else's characters for a story but you do your own twist? All credit would go to them, of course.
You probably saw my edit on my above comment already. But I indeed saw the whole pic! Good job!
And yeah, hehe, if you remember though, my character had that entire poisonous apple pie, so Tezoth's full for the time-being. :P
Hmm, I guess you can include their characters, since you mention it.
But, you'd have to ask for their permission first.
Love it
Just say i'm editing now have my story up hopefully in next hour the first chapter
I never wrote a fable before without it being a crossover with lead character being within the game I was going to retire from writing TWAU stories but Dragon challenged me so do my best and I hope you enjoy the insanity of this story. Anyway ask emmypess I'm award winning author with my best gif award lol
WARNING: Contains violence and cursing etc(did tell you lol)
The Spark Among Us
CHAPTER 1 Even A Dark Night Has A Spark
The story begins in a small town on the outskirts of Fabletown where the poor lived unable to afford proper accomodation in Fabletown. The place was a mess, shops and houses abandoned and in truth the criminal rates were low because of the simple fact there was nothing to steal. The government seem to send the weakest and the sickest of the population to die in this prison of a town. The sun was only bright thing about it as cameras monitored everyones steps and crocked cops kept everyone in line. One person mysterly disappeared last week after raising his voice to an officer but was never investigated as they enforced the rules themselves. But uprising was starting as we meet Spark brave young fable joining the peaceful protest for fair treatment and less tax because the people were simply starving if they waited any longer the town will die but in truth was fabletowns governemnts plan all along to rid the town of these people seen as poor and worthless fables in their eyes.
The Tale begins with Spark sitting in his garden the night before the rebellion talking to his parents on cool peaceful night
Spark: Will it work this peaceful protest the towns planning?
Mam: It's our only chance we have they say were free but all are moves are monitored, the rules are dicated and enforced by the rich and we are unable to afford food or a proper shelter it's our only chance. I want a better life for you then to be treated like a slave to this system.
Spark: But I have no powers what if something goes wrong?
Dad: Your destined for great things son your powers are not a toy they will come when need them most and don't worry always fight for what you believe in whatever happens will happen but hope favours the brave we must believe it's all we got.
Spark:(yawn) So tired we march in the morning for better future
Mam/Dad: Night love you son our future Rambo of this city
Spark:(smiles) Don't forget it love you to night
Spark slept dreaming of change living in a big mansion with his family with endless source of food with the sun shining. Suddenly the sun began to burn his skin it felt so real the pain was getting worse and he awoke. The whole house was on fire he was in the middle of an inferno like being in middle of an oven as flames grew higher he was convinced it was nightmare but just in case he ran for his parents room. The flames engulfed the house then the roof fell in front of his parents door he needed to help them and ran outside looking for help. The whole town was on fire as screams and terror filled the air. Spark mind was overloading he wanted to wake up but couldn't suddenly he saw someone he recognized.
Bluebeard: HAHA I was sent by Crane to do this your little uprising needs to be sweeped under the rug no one cares or will miss you the scum of this great city.
Bluebeard:(Takes out Pistol) Yeah but your time is up ("BANG" headshot suddenly everything went black for Spark as he fell to the ground)
Spark awoke hours later to a scene from a horror film his childhood all his memories just appeared through his eye as ash. The town blew away in the wind like it never existed. Spark was the only surviver as tears came down his face sadness suck in which quickly turned to anger as clenched his fists.
Spark headed for Fabletown like a tornado of hate and anger to punish those responsible he wanted answers. He spotted the sheriff of the town and decided to ask for help.
Bigby: Why?
Bigby:(removes police badge) Ok tough guy I'm going to have to take you down to the station it's against the law to threaten someone's life
Spark: You shove this badge in my face! like it gives you some sort of moral highground over me enforcing these laws made by the rich. Do they give you some sort of subconsious justification for your actions by following these rules. while the poor get killed and controlled by the people who created that badge as you walk ignorantly through this town ignoring real problems because you follow the demands of Crane who corrupted you mind with lies and rules to follow blindly. My family and friends got killed yet no one investigated know your here in my face flashing a badge arresting me for seeking justice. (Spark spits at the badge)
Bigby: There only rules we have no ones perfect and it was just a forest fire Crane told me
Spark: See what happens when you let the person with the biggest bank balance control the town while the poor are ignored history is always written and manipulated by the rich and powerful of course. No trees anywhere near my home but not your fault your merely a puppet they have the strings they poisoned your mind your nothing but a chess piece they make the moves. I have faith in you to fix this town and see the truth.
Suddenly police force surrounded Spark armed with AK47's it started lashing rain the night took hold the tension could be cut with a knife as Spark was surrounded it was gameover.
Spark: You see Bigby these are the ones who left my town in flames they recognize me and are coming back to finish the job no loose ends just like I expected.I was so stupid to think could just of walked in. SHOOT ME I'M NOT BEGGING YOU MURDERERS KILL ME!!
The police shot hundreds of bullets they cut through the air like soaring eagles destined for Sparks head he was finished. Spark had no chance to survive was enough bullets to take down a tank. Spark fell to his knees and shut his eyes tightly waiting to be reunited with his family only reason he accepted death as tears escaped his eyes as realisation of failure suck in his family died for nothing he never became their Rambo.
But something weird happened he opened his eyes as Bigby and the police force froze in awe and fear. The bullets were frozen in the air just before they hit his head he felt a power course through him like he can control gravity and objects with his mind finally found his fable power his mind his dad was right as smiled to himself.
Spark:(Spark stands up) Wanna taste of your own medicine your in my world now bitch(Spark flung his arm and the bullets shot back towards the cops killing them all instantly he was circled by dozens of dead bodies. Mark turned and stared at Bigby proud of what he did the conviction in his eyes nearly blinded Bigby.
Spark: I didn't kill anyone their bullets were meant for me. I simply guided them their bullets killed them. Anyway they were involved in my parents death stop mocking ME!! you still believe it's a forest fire after they shot hundreds of bullets at me for just walking down the street not seem suspicious to you at all.
Bigby: The police force and Crane kept this city safe the rules makes everyone equal and feel secure knowing their protected by this city's Sheriff who will enforce them.
Spark: Your rules protect the rich and keep the poor controlled your taxes make any chance of survival impossible and your force kills anyone who stands up against it. They even send the weak and defencless to my town while you listen like a good dog serving the corrupt. While I'm the sheriff of the poor and defencless unlike you I know who I'm fighting for. The question is do you?
Suddenly a noise occured behind Bigby he turned around it was just a cat. When Bigby turned back to see Spark he disappeared into the shadows deep down Bigby knew the rebellion has just begun.
Anyway if like it I'll do more and finish the story tell me what think and as always thank you for reading I really hope you enjoyed it and I apologise for any bad grammar I have dyslexia
Lol that gif, I saw that coming some how.
You're welcome.
lol Make sure to ask them first. Would hate for them to think you stole their ideas.
Chapter 10
"...and this Grendel loved the mundy, too...."
Carla sat in the restaurant, waiting patiently for Gren. There was not a lot of people; Carla was thankful for the lack of those interested in dining at a Chinese restaurant. She was not much for large, loud groups; these always made her nervous and very claustrophobic. Finally, Gren arrived, taking his seat in front of Carla. She grinned when she saw him; he too, was smiling. He was still in his work clothes: large brown boots, dirty blue jeans, bandanna around his head and dirty white tee shirt. he did his best to 'clean' up.
"Sorry for being so late," said Gren, as he rolled up his sleeves. "There was just so many people and-"
"Don't worry about it, Gren," laughed Carla. "Relax. I got us both waters; wasn't sure what you wanted-"
"This will be fine, Carla."
They were suddenly interrupted by a very beautiful women with short brown hair, brown eyes and dimples. She wore an apron over a floral print dress and bright red slip-on shoes. Carla assumed it was the waitress.
"Hello, guys. See you got your drinks. You all ready to order?"
Carla was still having a very tough time making up her mind; some of the items on the menu baffled her and had no idea what they were. While she was trying to find something simple to eat, Gren answered the lady; he could see Carla was having a hard time choosing. He kinda had an idea on the dishes he wanted to eat.
"We are going to have this meal served 'family style,' by the way," replied Gren, as he closed the menu. "She and I will have your pork chow mein, braised sliced pork with vegetables, fried rice, pot stickers and for me, a large bowl of your fish ball in light soup."
The waitress thanked Gren, gathered the menus and headed into the kitchen. While Gren placed his napkin inside his collar, he noticed Carla starring blankly at him. She was lost for words.
"What, in the mood for pork, Gren," asked Carla.
"Hey, pork goes great in anything. Don't tell Colin that, though. Pig won't leave it alone if you do...."
"Fish ball soup...."
"Its a Grendel thing....we uh, kinda enjoy our fish now and then. Just because I LOOK mundy, does not mean I have to ACT like it when it comes to certain things."
Carla took a sip from her cup. This heat was unbearable; she was looking forward to the cool rivers at the park tonight. She could picture her feet dipping into the icy waters, toes being nibbled on by tiny fish; the moon as her only source of light above. Gren noticed Carla's sudden daydreaming. He was awe struck by her ability to see past what was behind these walls. Gren cleared his throat; for a moment, Carla forgot where she was. The smell of pork and grease brought her back.
"What are you thinking about, Carla," asked Gren. "Usually you are talking my fuckin' head off. You seem, distracted."
"No, I'm fine, Gren," said Carla. "Just enjoying today. Couldn't get out of that office sooner."
"That bad, huh?"
Carla didn't say a word; she wanted to talk about those papers with Gren. That probably would have made things very tense and awkward for either of them. she decided to avoid the subject; if Gren brought it up, she wouldn't hesitate to add her feelings into the pot.
"Look, Carla," continued Gren. "Well, I was going to ask you, if well, I don't still want to go to the park tonight with me? Heard there is a full moon tonight. Get a better view..."
"Bigby going to be there?"
Gren did not get the joke at first until he put two and two together; the sheriff was a wolf and he mentioned full moon. Carla joined Gren in a laughing riot. Without notice, a random man walked up to Carla and gave her a quick pat on her back. He directed his attention at Gren; Gren could feel the beast within, the sudden urge to grab Carla and storm out the door. His fists were clenched, his teeth grinding against one another. The man was rather handsome; tall, well dressed business man, slicked back blonde hair and eyes blue like the sky. He gave a sly smirk towards Gren.
"Carla, hey. How have you been?"
"Hello, Sam. This is a surprise. Thought 'ethnic' food was not your choice of meal...."
"Well, I was in the neighborhood and as I walked by, I noticed you sitting here with-THAT..."
His index finger almost touched Gren's nose; he slowly reached for the butter knife. Damn thing was dull but Gren didn't care; he was going to destroy this Folker; he could smell the foul stench of wet dog on his body. Carla noticed Gren's sudden movement and quickly arose from her seat. She coaxed Gren with a touch on the neck, as she pushed Sam away from the booth. Carla turned around and found Gren on his feet now. Fuck, she thought. This is all we really need right now!
"Okay, Sam. This was nice and glad you took the time from you 'busy' schedule to talk to me. But, as you can see, I have company and our meal should be here any minute-"
Sam couldn't hold his laughter back. Carla, too, was losing her patience.
"Hm. Well, the rumors are true then, Carla. Seems like you prefer the company of 'Fables,' huh? It's a damn shame, really. Their blood is so vile and putrid; we have pure, strong wolf blood in these veins."
"At least the Fable community has the ability to look past all of that, Sam. These are good people-"
"Please. You got this job because your daddy is butt buddies with Bigby Wolf. You REALLY think they would have let someone like YOU in here, if it not were for your father?"
Carla tried her best to avoid his question; she knew her father's friendship helped her chance in the eyes of the community. Sam's father was Decimus, the Superior of the Council. Ever since Lyla turned down Malcom's proposal and ran into the arms of a Fable, things were more challenging then before. She didn't want to think about it too long. Carla could hear the terrifying growls deep in Gren's throat; his eyes were changing.
"Say one more fucking thing, dog....ONE MORE THING, and you will be part of our lunch!"
Sam noticed the butter knife in Gren's grip; his palm and fingers were so tightly wrapped around it, he noticed a tiny trail of blood trickling down his thumb.
"Hm. Well, Carla. Seems like you and the Grendel have lunch to tend to. Do stop by the Council sometime, won't you doll?"
And just like that, he was gone. The waitress was heading in their direction. Carla gathered Gren and tried calming him down; they were dead center in a mundy filled restaurant. Last thing they needed was a giant Grendel destroying the place. Despite a few stares, the other customers carried on with their meal. 'How dare he,' thought Gren. 'That fuckin' dog thinks she's his?! All because she had folker blood in her?! Let me catch you one more time....' He could feel the blood thirsty rage deep inside; the urge to chase after that guy. But Carla had her arms around him,her head resting gently on his chest. Gren suddenly caught the intoxicating smell of Carla's hair; the mixture of apples and rain water. He took a seat and began mumbling to himself.
" okay...?"
Gren noticed the small incision in his right palm. he quickly took out several napkins and wrapped it around his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Who was that guy...."
"That's Sam. My uh, father had everything planned out for us when we were kids: what school, job, husband, how many kids...."
"THAT? That was going to be YOUR husband?!"
"I told you, Gren. You may not like the way Bigby runs this town but compared to the Werewolf council and THEIR way of 'controlling' their kind, I'd take this over all that bullshit. Things just happened so fast, changed over night...."
Gren reached over and grabbed Carla's hand, holding it tightly in his.
The waitress arrived with their meals; Carla noticed the Fish ball soup and was still trying to comprehend the delicate 'tastes' of the Grendels. He had already forgotten about Sam; Gren did not want this to interfere with his afternoon.
"You want to try some," asked Gren, as he scooped up a large spoonful.
" thank you...."
Gren laughed.
"Fuckin' mundies....."
The waitress returned with the check. As Carla reached over, Gren snatched it from her grasp. she watched him count the money he had in his wallet.
"Gren," whispered Carla. "Let me pay for some of this...."
Gren ignored Carla's remarks and handed the waitress the exact change plus tip. He cracked a smile, as he noticed Carla's annoyed glance. The two thanked the cooks and waitress and headed out the door; the sun beaming down and large amounts of heat surrounding them. Gren took off his jacket and went around the corner. Carla was confused but soon, he returned wearing his hard hat.
"Well, better get back before Snow sends her look out squad after you."
Carla snickered; she knew it was true. Although she had ten minutes left, Carla enjoyed taking her time back to the office.
"Will you stop by the office after?"
"Sure thing, mundy."
Carla gave Gren a playful punch, then embraced him. She got a strong whiff of his cologne, sweat and dirt.
"See ya' tonight, Carla...."
Gren stood and waited, as she made her way down the busy streets. He watched her disappear into the horizon. He beamed, hoping these next few hours would go by quickly. Gren knew Carla wanted to discuss the papers; he was sure John mentioned them. But not now, not today.
He had other plans.
Fudge, man! Ak47's in the house! Nice! I pictured that nicely in my head.
Keep going! Think you did the challenge justice. 
Straight into the intrigue, and you find excellent pictures. Great work!
I think we can all be pleased that you accepted the challenge
You've kicked things off with a real bang that immediately sucks the reader in, and although I've said it before I'm going to say again, that I admire the morals you put into your tales. Excellent!
Morals V Rules
An idea that when follow the rules it's always the right moral choice but wanted to create a situation what makes the reader question his choices based on rules.
But also wanted a situation where reader doesn't know who to root for Spark the villain to take down the town or Bigby the protector of the government. Imagine if I told the story from Bigbys perceptive a guy comes in and kills lots of cops if bigby killed him there no one would care he would be a hero to the reader. Always a matter of perspective are no right answers or heroes and villains.
Thanks everyone for the response I shocked you still read my insanity stories with my over complex dialogue lol I can't wait to read all your stories btw I really appreciate the response
Gren so sweet your just getting better every chapter your so talented can't wait to see the rest
Lol, Mark, I wouldn't say I 'challenged' you. Still, I am proud that you followed through with your story nonetheless, keep this up, and maybe Spark will win Fable of the Month for June, eh?
He's such a sweetie to her. Well, it DID describe him as very loyal to those that gave him his space; Carla must have learned that when the two began talking. This is getting good! Can't wait to read more!
Ok, well Porgie, I was wondering if I could use one of your characters and create a story about them? I mean, of course, with your blessing!
Again, nice picture and story!
Chapter 2
While reunited, the hunt is on
Viera flies to the doorstep of Draco's house. She walks up to door and as just as she about to knock she hears someone walking. It's a woman who is walking towards the house. Viera leaps into the bushes and waits and see what the woman will do.
The woman breaks one of the houses windows and enters. Viera gets up from the bushes and she see's a car pull up in the drive way. Draco emerges from it and approaches the house. He see's Viera and suddenly his heart drops and he gets butterflies in his stomach.
Draco: Viera.... is that you..? Oh my god, it's been like 4 years since I last seen you!
*Viera: *Draco..., i wanted to pay you a visit. But right now I just saw someone break into your house and she is still there.
*Draco: *Shee? and WHAT!? Stay behind me. I'll check it out.
Viera thought to herself "What? I can take care myself... Who does he think he is..." and she followed Draco into the house.
The two went inside and looked around and saw the intruder holding a book and as she prepared to leave she is stopped by Draco.
Draco: HEY YOU, STOP! What the hell gave you the nerve to break into my crib. Now i'll give you one warning.. drop what you have and get the fuck ou....
The intruder removes her glamour revealing her true form,
Woman: Talia's the name handsome... and you have something that my boss needs back...
The woman blows a kiss towards Draco and disappears.
*Draco: **Sigh* I thought I was done with the fable crap... I can never get a break..
Viera: Draco, what did she take?
Draco: It's old book I found. I was supposed to locked it away, because it contains black magic...
Viera: Black magic? Where did you find something like that?
Draco: I had this weird dream one.. this man in bandages approached me. He told me that "They will fear him once again. and his power will shroud the world in fear." or something like that.. Then i woke up with this book in my bed.
Viera: Draco, you're a like a magnet for trouble..
Draco: Thanks... I guest. By the way, how long your here in town? Would you like to go to dinner or hit a movie?
Viera: How about both?
The two smiled at each other and went to and leaves the house for the city.
Meanwhile in the South African plains, Boogey can be seen approaching a old house. He is the confronted by 2 cheetahs and they glare at Boogey.
Boogey: Awwww isn't that cute, BEGONE!
He smacks the cheetahs away a continues to the door step. He knocks, then behind him a large cat like creature appears behind him and raises it's blade to Boogey's head.
Boogey: You must be the werecat im looking for..Gillian correct?
Gillain: What business do you have here fiend.
Boogey: I want to recruit you for a "job". With your experiences and skills it wouldn't be a problem for you..
Gillian: How many?
Boogeys shows Gillain 2 pictures.
Gillian: I don't hunt humans, no thanks.
Boogey: They aren't human I assure you. One's a Vampire the other is a Dragon. You hunted the same kind of creatures before haven't you? This shouldn't be a problem for you as I said.
Gillian: Why do you want them dead?
Boogey: It's mainly that dragon boy, there's something about him. He could pose a serious threat to my operations. You can use the vampire as bait to lure him out. I'll pay whatever your interests.
Gillian: I don't need your money, I do this for the kill and game. Alright you have me.
Boogey: Good, now lets get's you glamoured. We don't want to people to see a six foot cat-man walking around do we?
Gillian: I have my own.
Gillian turns into his human form a follows Boogey.
With the League of Dark Fabled finally assembled, Boogey gets closer and closer to his goals....
To be continued
Chapter 11
"...but there was trouble for the two..."
John stopped the car, turned the key and heard the engine come to a dead still. He sat for a moment in the seat; the car quickly heating up from the sun outside. Bigby sat in the passenger seat. He, like always, waited for John's next move. As he did, Bigby took out a cigarette and lit it. Finally, after a few moments silence, John gathered the paperwork and walked out into the streets; Bigby following shortly after. John locked the door and two made their into the community of Folkers.
Bigby could feel all eyes suddenly following him; usually when the sheriff of Fabletown was in their neck of the woods, it was never a positive thing. They usually involved the Council or the Smith clan; some of the citizens were shocked to see John Smith in their neighborhood. A few of the people hid in the shadows, watching from afar.
"Hm, nice to see they have the 'welcome' wagon ready for us," said Bigby. He threw his cigarette to the side. This place was already irritating him and they hadn't even reached their destination yet.
"Just keep walking, sheriff," replied John. "You know how this place is: They see not only you but the family that was shunned not too long ago. These people are like vultures sometimes; swoop down and pick off what they can get their hands on. We are almost there..."
John and Bigby came to a stop at a four way intersection. The light was red; while they stood and waited, the sun continued to beam down on their heads. John had to take a minute to wipe his brow. This summer was extreme and he couldn't wait for it to end. Bigby tried to think of something else; his shirt was now soaked and his forehead burning up. As they continued to wait, a group of werewolves looked over in their direction. One of the men began pointing, the others looking over and whispering. In the corner of his eyes, John noticed who it was.
"Your fans are waiting for your grand entrance, John," laughed Bigby. "Don't keep your people waiting."
John ignored Bigby and soon, the light was green. A few blocks down and they were soon standing in front of the large oak doors. It wasn't very hard to find; the door knobs were shaped like wolf heads in gold. John turned the knob and entered the building. A blast of fresh air instantly hit both of their faces, a cooling sensation rushing over their body. Bigby let out a sigh of relief, as John walked to the desk. As John signed in, Bigby walked over to a large desk, surrounded by fern plants on each side. Sitting on the wooden desk, was a wolf statue. Below each of the wolf's paws, laid a mundy and Fable. Underneath the statue, these words were said in gold lettering:
'Keeping a proud clan strong; now and always.'
Bigby laughed. 'Hm, what good THAT did,' he thought. 'You're in MY world now.'
Before long, John grabbed Bigby and the two were heading into an elevator. The ride lasted no more than five seconds, as their current location was now the third floor. John opened the doors and the two walked into a large office space. Two rows of desks lined up the sides; tall floor candles on each side and a large cherry desk in the front. Sitting in that chair was Decimus; on each side sat Malcom and Nate. Malcom smiled when he saw the two men; Nate turned his attention to Decimus and refused to make eye contact with either of them.
"Hello, Sheriff. John. Pleased to see you both," said Decimus. "Thank you for taking the time to see us."
"I received your call this morning," muttered John. "I made sure to get the signatures as quickly as I could-"
"Did the FABLE give you problems like always," interrupted Nate. "I mean, you know how they can be, especially those Grendel folks. They create problems for themselves, acting like wild beasts-"
Bigby wanted to lunge, grab his throat and use it as a chew toy. He never liked Nate; his visitations to the Council wouldn't be so bad, if he just learned to keep his trap shut. Guess it was true; you can never teach an old dog new tricks. Decimus held his hand up. Malcom and Nate looked over at Decimus. He motioned for Bigby and John to head over with the papers.
As the two walked up, Nate glance at Bigby; Nate was infuriated with the sight of a Fable and a traitor in their presence. Bigby ignored Nate; he was not going to waste his time with this low-life scumbags.
Decimus grabbed the papers from John and began examining them. He flipped through the stack, looking at every corner, at every signature. When he reached the final page, he indicated to Malcom and within seconds, he brought Decimus over a large gold bowl and stamp. Decimus placed the gold bowl over the candle flame and while the liquid inside was hot, he dipped the stamp inside and placed the indentation on the page. He fanned it for a few seconds, then placed the stack in his file. Malcom took the items away, as Nate said a few final prayers, placing his hands over the file.
'Wow, of all the fucking people to bless these papers,' thought Bigby. 'The one motherfucker that can't stand any of this; would rather burn our city down then deal with this.'
As the blessing was concluded, Decimus placed the file into the drawer.
"It's nice to see you again, Johnathan," said Decimus. "We miss you here at the Council. Your seat will always be open to you or your offspring, should you change your minds..."
"Thank you, Decimus. But my mind has been made up and my family is pleased with their current status. We are fortunate to be where we are today."
"Of course," replied Decimus. "We all understand. It's what been best for your family. How are the quads, by the way?"
"They are wonderful. Growing like weeds. Georgie and Lyla are very blessed. We all are."
"And the other two? How are Mary and Gina?"
"Work, like always. Gina is good. Dating the bouncer from the Pudding & Pie..."
Decimus was silent. John knew he would be back for Gina; his main concern now was Carla.
"And Carla-see she has an interest in that barfly, Grendel. Does he have a glamour? Has he take responsibility and the precaution there is in SEEING a mundy? What about Carla? Does she know the direct affect this will have on her now and always?"
"He has a glamour," Bigby uttered. "We have all had this discussions with them both and they know the consequences that will come if they do not cooperate with us-she will be disowned from the Fable and Folker community and he will be sent to the Farm. They signed the necessary paperwork, though, as you can tell...."
"Well. Very good. They will need to fill out more paperwork in six months, Sheriff and John. And, you KNOW about the rules and actions we must take IF they do have sexual contact AND create offspring? Would you know anything about that, John? I'd hate to ask you this, but-"
"Have they had sexual intercourse, Decimus," asked John. "No. No, they haven't."
That was a lie; he had no idea but the less they knew now, the better. It was bad enough she had to deal with this paper work. Give her and Gren some time, some space; the chance to live 'normal' lives. Decimus thanked them and soon, Bigby and John were out the door, back into the arms of the heat and the Folker community. Bigby took out another cigarette and lit it. John, not having a smoke in fifty years, took one out and lit it. He hated being in there; hated dealing with them. His nerves were shot; the blood boiling and his heart racing.
"This is ridiculous," mumbled John. "This is so stupid...."
"Well, one down for now, John," replied Bigby. "Rules are rules, I guess John."
John was silent, as he and Bigby entered the car. John stuck the key in the ignition and turned it on; the engine roaring loudly. His daughter was smart; hopefully, she knew what to do and handle it.
For John had no idea; he was out of options.
Totally agree with the notion of perspective as to who is a hero and who is a villain! With your combination of acting and subtle messages you'd do great things for Hollywood, man :P
thanks try to win fable of the month first before break hollywood lol anyway when your masterpiece coming so excited to see your next chapter can't wait
Stand no chance when your finished your story Dragon
yes you challenged actually more of a threat though I had no choose Dragon lol well to be honest realized you wanted me to create my own fable so challenged myself
That was epic
True, true, your works of literature will stand no bounds when my story comes its way. Nah, I'm just kidding, everyone's story is special. XD
I wouldn't threaten you, think of it as a little push towards maximum imagination.
This was a good chapter. To briefly see their world. Can't wait to read more. Feel bad for them, btw.
Imagination knows no bounds please I'm only inspired when I'm threatened lol only joking I really wanted to do my own fable for once so challenged myself btw can't wait for your story going to be a masterpiece Dragon
There's a chance I'll post it sometime this month, LupineNoir says he couldn't wait too! Or something similar to that, haha.
I think you have a strong contender, nice to see the F.S.A's been regarded higher than Hollyood :P Mine should be out fairly soon - hope it lives up to the excitement!