I think you have a strong contender, nice to see the F.S.A's been regarded higher than Hollyood :P Mine should be out fairly soon - hope it lives up to the excitement!
Tod's story continues in Resident Werewolf: Part 3. Hmm...I think I'm gonna declare that a working title.
Whoops, forgot the date. You'll know when you see it. Also had to change said date. Keeping a timeline is a tedious chore.
Part 3: A Mundane Revelation
"...Couldn't look at people the same way again," I concluded.
"Wow. What a harsh lesson," Jack commented. Jack asked the most questions and commented more than anyone else, taking a more active interest in my personal history "I would've worn diapers for days after going through that."
"She didn't think I was old enough for it, but things just kinda happened," I replied. "Would have been worse if I was younger than that. I did learn how to hunt when I was three, though."
"So how 'bout your dad?" Jack asked. "Probably Mundy too. How'd that happen?"
"When I was negative five years old, my mom met my dad in France," I said, laying down a few more dollars for another shot. "When I was born, she taught me her native tongue first, and he tried to teach me French. Then we moved to England, and that just complicated the whole languages thing. Once, he told me it took me much less time to learn three languages than he'd expected, and that I spoke better than a four-year-old by age two. Is that normal for us?"
"Oh yeah," Jack answered. "That's right up there with 'all animals can talk'. Well, among 'us', I mean."
I nodded. "Anyway, he was a tailor. One day he invited my mom in off the streets to tailor a dress for her, and then she sort of became his assistant, which she did while she learned how to hunt without 'wolfing out'. She used arrows and traps, but she could never do guns. Couldn't get used to the noise."
The painful throbbing in the back of my head seized at that moment. "Damn," I winced, grabbing my head. "Hey, Holly, right? You got any ice?"
"Yeah, I got ice. Two dollars if it's for a bump."
I paid up, and as soon as she left, I mumbled, "she's a shrewd one, huh?"
"My sister's a tough girl," Lily explained. "She can be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but she's had it rough. I'm sure you know."
I shrugged, and wistfully scratched an itch on my cheek. "Maybe."
"And the whole werewolf thing, did she tell him?" Jack said, laying a few more bucks down.
"No, he sorta found that out on his own. Mom never went outside on full moons unless she had to hunt. Being part Mundy meant she could eat whatever, she just needed more meat. Still makes me laugh whenever I think about how Dad discovered it," I chuckled. As I spoke, Holly came back with the ice and poured another shot for Jack. "So this is what they told me. I was born during the day, so I couldn't change if I wanted to. One evening a couple years later, they took me outside to let me play in the snow for the first time, and then it just happened. Up until then, she'd been avoiding biting people unless she was gonna eat them. She wanted to avoid 'turning' people. Then, I happened. Dad just kinda had to accept it. I mean, what was he gonna do?"
"Seeing you change must have made her howl," Jack cut in, smirking at his pun.
"Changing feels a bit like stretching out," I continued, cradling the ice against my head. "And it feels great."
Albany, NY October 1967
"And you can just do it whenever?"
Billowy autumn air howled through the empty stadium. The sun glowed from the zenith of the sky in the aftermath of a heavy, early morning rainfall. Sitting on a damp towel, I explained in no casual tone what it was like to be a 'wolfman', while my audience of one gazed at me with rapt attention.
"Not exactly. Being under a full moon forces me to change. That's why I'm the hairiest person at school," I said. "I tried shaving during middle school, but I just gave up. Mom says it's just easier to buzz it, and she's right. But on any other night, I can change under just enough moonlight, but not all the way. The moon two nights ago was a three-quarters phase. What you saw was the furthest I can choose to transform when I have control."
"So you can do it almost whenever? What's it like?"
"It's like...I'm getting some sort of massage through my whole body," I answered, pausing to think. "The knots in my shoulders stretch out, so it makes sense. When I'm under the moon, I just kind of know I can do it. When I'm not, I feel stuck. No matter how much I stretch, I feel like I could stretch more, but something's limiting me."
"That's so cool."
"I guess it is. Look, Eric, the only reason I'm telling you this is because...I don't wanna eat you."
My listener's expression morphed from that of romanticizing admiration to that of a pale gape. "What...?"
"That's what this is really about," I went on. "You saw me, and I know you're an okay guy, but my mom wouldn't be cool with that. If she knew, she would find you on your way home, drag you into the woods and end you. You definitely can't go around yelling it out here at school, cuz whether people believe you or not, it'd make life crap for me, and my mom would definitely find out. And," I added grimly, "if you tell people, I'll kill you, even if it causes them to suspect me. You hear me? I will tear your face right off, Eric."
"Okay, okay! God, I'm not gonna say anything!"
"Good, then we can just go on with life as usual, alright?"
“What.. What happened?” I choked out. “Where am I-” The world was sickly whirling like my head. I blinked a couple of times. The blurriness eventually left me, showing me Bigby’s apartment and an odd black shape pecking at my face.
A blackbird hovered in front of me. For a second I was confused. Then I realized -
“Griffon?” I said, rubbing my eyes. “What are you doing here?” He rarely comes to visit, seeing as he’s one of the Farm’s prisoners as well. But like most of the animals, he always finds a way to escape and comes to check on me. He’s protective of me, always has been; he was the one that found me cold and passed out in the Homelands. Plus being the only one who didn’t fear me.
“You were yelling your head off, kid,” he said, landing on the arm of the sofa. “Bigby letting you kip in his place again? I don‘t know how long you‘ll be doing that for, since you nearly burned down his apartment.”
Panicking, I looked wildly around the room checking for flames, because I know Bigby would not appreciate if it he came home from another stressful night of work to see his home destroyed. “Are you not sleeping outside the Woodlands tonight?”
“Bigby let me stay,” I mumbled.
“How long will he do that for?” Griffon asked, hitting a nerve. “Because I know babysitting isn’t really that guy’s thing.”
“He doesn’t babysit me,” I spat indignantly. “I take care of myself.”
Griffon didn’t say anything, but he blinked at me pityingly with those black beady eyes. I haven’t seen him in his proper form for weeks; he forced to stay looking like an ordinary bird. It’s probably because he’s so huge and powerful as a proper griffon. But I can tell how much he hates it. Griffons were very vain kind of creatures who liked to show their great feathered wings and golden lion’s body off - especially to the female griffons. If there are any, of course. Most of Griffon’s species are extinct. He lost his wife and family years ago, and it’s the one thing he doesn’t talk about.
“I know you despise being implied as vulnerable - but sometimes we have to face the truth,” Griffon pressed on. Annoyance started to bubble up inside me. “I mean, look at your hands. You say you can’t harm yourself, but you can.”
Reluctantly, I peered down at the deep red scars embedded on my palms. It was surprising to feel that they stung a little.
“I’m just saying you need people there to support you,” sighed Griffon. “You can’t keep sleeping on the ground all the time, and on Bigby’s sofa-”
“Why don’t you shut up and shove your beak out of my business!” I suddenly snapped, letting my anger release at last. What makes him think he can just fly through the window and start acting like he’s responsible for me? What makes him think he can start acting like my guardian? Hell, this is a stupid blackbird that’s lecturing me. If I would, he would be nothing but a couple of black feathers right now.
“Don’t get dramatic,” Griffon squawked, getting angry too. “I just want what’s-”
“Well, don’t want!” I shrieked. My fingertips started to hotten and my eyes were burning with rage. “Don’t want anything for me! I don’t need you in my life, OK? I take care of myself!”
Then I leapt up and shot out of the room, the blood pounding in my head, leaving a trail of embers behind me. I just wanted to run … It didn’t matter where, I just wanted to escape to somewhere I belonged and never set foot in this place again. But Griffon’s words were playing a stuck record in my head.
Is Griffon really making sense? Am I really just a dumb, unwanted kid that can’t protect herself?
“Hey! Watch it!”
I had crashed straight into the cleaner Flycatcher who was sweeping the floor of the foyer as usual. I slowly stepped back in case I burned him.
“Are you … all right?” Flycatcher asked me anxiously - but I rapidly backed away, hiding my hands underneath my armpits because they were sizzling like meatballs. Oh God … I need to get out of the building before I burn the whole Woodlands down.
Giving Flycatcher a small nod, I flew straight past him and outside to the front steps. The gates stood before me with mundies absent-mindedly walking past in their own horror-free worlds. They didn’t have to be scared of anything.
My fingertips scalded my skin, and I hissed in pain. I couldn’t go out into the Mundy area like this, no way. I hated living it in anyway; it felt cold and unwelcome, and I felt even more dangerous.
I curled up on the steps instead. It was uncomfortable, it was hard - but it was the only spot that welcomed me with open arms. Curling my burnt hands, I let my mind ease. Then my eyes slowly closed.
“Oi. Get up.”
Something hard pounded my stomach. Startled, I opened my eyes.
Bluebeard was looming over me, looking at me with disgust as if I was something very unpleasant snoozing on his doorstep. He nudged me with his foot again.
“Don’t do that,” I scowled. “It’s rude.”
His eyes narrowed. “Just get up. What do you think you’re doing sleeping down there? I would’ve thought Bigby would have you in his apartment, seeing as the idiot’s had a very soft spot for you lately. Doesn’t he want to babysit you anymore?”
“I’m not a baby,” I mumbled, picking myself up from the pavement and brushing myself down.
Bluebeard snorted sarcastically. “What are you then? An adult?”
I glared at him.
“No matter, you’re going to be in big trouble when they find out you’ve been snooping around here. You’re coming to the business office!”
He roughly seized the scruff of my neck as if I was some stray cat. I didn’t budge.
“Don’t test me, child,” Bluebeard growled, tugging at me impatiently. “Just do as I say and you might feel less pain.”
My hands heated up. If I wanted to, he would have been ashes on the steps in less than a second. But I knew I had to contain myself, because murdering Bluebeard would just get me thrown down the Witching Well. So I had no choice but to follow.
That had me hooked from start to finish. You have a very nice way of writing that makes it easy to read, and your interactions between charcters is believable. Well done!
------- Continued, Part 3
“What.. What happened?” I choked out. “Where am I-” The world was sickly whirling like my head. I blinked a cou… moreple of times. The blurriness eventually left me, showing me Bigby’s apartment and an odd black shape pecking at my face.
A blackbird hovered in front of me. For a second I was confused. Then I realized -
“Griffon?” I said, rubbing my eyes. “What are you doing here?” He rarely comes to visit, seeing as he’s one of the Farm’s prisoners as well. But like most of the animals, he always finds a way to escape and comes to check on me. He’s protective of me, always has been; he was the one that found me cold and passed out in the Homelands. Plus being the only one who didn’t fear me.
“You were yelling your head off, kid,” he said, landing on the arm of the sofa. “Bigby letting you kip in his place again? I don‘t know how long you‘ll be doing that for, since you nearly burned down his apartment.”
Pani… [view original content]
Wolven takes the form a middle age man and hails down a taxi. He's tells the driver to take him to Fabletown. The driver hesitates for moment before taking Wolven's money.
He arrived at Fabletown and he looks around. After a while, he uses his senses to lead him to his younger brother, Bigby.
His senses lead him to Bigby's apartment. Wolvens knocks on the door and after a while it opens.
Wolven: Long time no see little bro...
Bigby: Not again... what is it now?
Wolven: I know you don't want to be bothered but I really need your help. Please hear me out, brother to brother.
Bigby: What's wrong?
Wolven: I've been tracking this group of people, dangerous people that could be a major threat to this world and-
Bigby: Hold on, stop right there. Is this about that time when you told me you and some dragon boy stopped a madman from merging what or something-
Wolven: It's not him Bigby he's dead. I don't think he was working alone. Someone is still out either trying to either finish his work or worse.
Colin then walks into the room and looks at Wolven and turns back around and wobbles back into the other room.
Wolven: Really?
Bigby: Don't bother with him, Wolven, Colin is Colin. And look, I still have work to do here so I can't go on a wild goose chase with you to hunt down some band of wacko's. If they are a real threat than the Fabletown Officials will send out word. But if you have a description of the ringleader i might be able to find something on him. Oh... and can you pass me my smokes.
Wolven: 'Huff and Puff'?
Bigby: It's my brand. Now you interrupted my sleep. There's the door.
Wolven: Any kind of information would be helpful, thanks bro....take care of yourself.
Bigby: What do you think I've been doing for the past centuries?
Wolven leaves the building. He walks down a small street alone and suddenly he gets an ominous feeling. He feels like he being followed by someone...or something.
Meanwhile, back in Florida, Marco, Irene and their 2 children Jenny and Leonard are seen leaving Disney World.
Marco: Ok kids where do you want to go next?
Jenny & Leonard: SWIMMING!
Irene: It's too late kiddo's maybe tomorrow.
Jenny & Leonard: AWWWW
Marco: Mommy is right, but if you be good on the way home we can stop for some ice cream. Sounds good?
Jenny & Leonard: YAYYYY!
Marco: Irene give me a sec, I need to check something out.
Irene: Why, whats wrong?
Marco: I'll only be a minute.
Irene takes Jenny & Leonard to the car. Marco walks over to the pond and is attacked by the weretiger hunter Gillian. At first Marco's vampire strengths overpowers Gillian, but with the years of combat and hunting experience Gillian manages to defeat Marco with a headlock and put him to sleep. Gillian then calls Chupa over to pick up Marco's unconscious body.
Chupa: Señor Gillian, how exactly are we going to catch a dragon again?
Gillian: The old fashion way, live bait...
The two then leaves into the area before Irene comes back to the same spot only to notice blood on the ground and Marco missing. She yells out his name several times before her yells turns to screams and suddenly breaks down into tears. Fearing for her missing husband.
Jenny & Leonard walks over to her and ask, "Wheres daddy?"
Irene looks at her children and hugs them.
"Everything going to be alright kids, don'y worry... everything is going to be alright..."
From a far distance a specter of darkness can be seen watching....
Oh my gosh, poor Eric, at least Tod's a reasonable wolfboy. I still remember the last part with the Mundy scene towards the end of your previous part. Brutal, but extremely well-written.
Tod's story continues in Resident Werewolf: Part 3. Hmm...I think I'm gonna declare that a working title.
Whoops, forgot the date. You'll… more know when you see it. Also had to change said date. Keeping a timeline is a tedious chore.
Part 3: A Mundane Revelation
"...Couldn't look at people the same way again," I concluded.
"Wow. What a harsh lesson," Jack commented. Jack asked the most questions and commented more than anyone else, taking a more active interest in my personal history "I would've worn diapers for days after going through that."
"She didn't think I was old enough for it, but things just kinda happened," I replied. "Would have been worse if I was younger than that. I did learn how to hunt when I was three, though."
"So how 'bout your dad?" Jack asked. "Probably Mundy too. How'd that happen?"
"When I was negative five years old, my mom met my dad in France," I said, laying down a few more dollars for another shot.… [view original content]
I love that you're still going down the ticking time-bomb route with Lehava, meaning that she could literally explode with rage if one or more persons manage to make her furious. Hopefully she'll gain a true friend that will tame her flames soon, a great read, she-wolf!
------- Continued, Part 3
“What.. What happened?” I choked out. “Where am I-” The world was sickly whirling like my head. I blinked a cou… moreple of times. The blurriness eventually left me, showing me Bigby’s apartment and an odd black shape pecking at my face.
A blackbird hovered in front of me. For a second I was confused. Then I realized -
“Griffon?” I said, rubbing my eyes. “What are you doing here?” He rarely comes to visit, seeing as he’s one of the Farm’s prisoners as well. But like most of the animals, he always finds a way to escape and comes to check on me. He’s protective of me, always has been; he was the one that found me cold and passed out in the Homelands. Plus being the only one who didn’t fear me.
“You were yelling your head off, kid,” he said, landing on the arm of the sofa. “Bigby letting you kip in his place again? I don‘t know how long you‘ll be doing that for, since you nearly burned down his apartment.”
Pani… [view original content]
That scene with Colin was priceless, including the dialogue that you add sometimes to add comedic relief! A great variety of comedy merging with mystery, I like, I like indeed.
Chapter 3
Wolven takes the form a middle age man and hails down a taxi. He's tells the driver to take him to Fabletown. The d… moreriver hesitates for moment before taking Wolven's money.
He arrived at Fabletown and he looks around. After a while, he uses his senses to lead him to his younger brother, Bigby.
His senses lead him to Bigby's apartment. Wolvens knocks on the door and after a while it opens.
Wolven: Long time no see little bro...
Bigby: Not again... what is it now?
Wolven: I know you don't want to be bothered but I really need your help. Please hear me out, brother to brother.
Bigby: What's wrong?
Wolven: I've been tracking this group of people, dangerous people that could be a major threat to this world and-
Bigby: Hold on, stop right there. Is this about that time when you told me you and some dragon boy stopped a madman from merging what or something-
Wolven: It's not him Bigby he's dead. I d… [view original content]
So, what do you guys think of the idea on where you create a story having to do with a specific holiday/season? Should I include that for a categorized award for June's F.S.A.? Including the upcoming months? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to make it some sort of monthly challenge!
Okay, so I've been on a writing kick lately. I want to make more! More I tell you! Lol. So Maybe I'll start something new. This can be my June awards submission, if you prefer. This'll probably be a short story, told in one post. Enjoy.
That's what we're all trying to do.
The Adversary's chain gang is hot on our tails, in some cases, literally.
"Come on! Keep going! I can hear the sounds off their marching, they're close! Lets GO!"
I pushed along all the others, a sea of innocent people, fleeing to this "New World" we're heard about. The entrance is through a cave, just a mile or two up. We're so close. Yet, so is the Adversary.
"Do you have any porridge, ma'am?" A young boy asks. His body is frail, he supports himself on a stick," My name's Tim."
"I'm sorry, Tim. I've not got any food. But my name is Helena. If you're hungry, I think I see a butcher of some sort handing some cold sandwiches out up the line some."
"I'll try to hurry, then. Thank you, though."
He wobbles forward, all alone. Like me. I sigh, looking back behind me. So many hungry people. Surely that man doesn't have enough for us all. We push on, one step in front of the other. It's getting increasingly harder to move.
I just want to be out of this wretched place. Free from persecution.
Oh, how I miss my fair Demetrius.
How I hope that Hermia has gotten away safely, with Lysander.
Another person bumps into me.
I get used to it, saying sorry to more kids who want food. I spot Tim again, holding his sandwich to his mouth. He sits on the sidelines.
He looks up.
"Tim, do you need help to the passage way?"
"That's a nice offer, ma'am. I would be pleased to be helped."
I walk over and lift the tiny child unto my shoulders. He's lighter than I imagined. His stick dangles from his arm but he holds it strongly. He must have better upper body strength. I hear him munching as we near the end of the trail. Screams are nearer and nearer as we get closer.
"Do ya think we'll get through safe, Helena?"
"I think so. I heard what it's like on the other side. No magic, and lots of people. But they're all called Mundies. I don't know why. Maybe they're lame?"
"Maybe. Or maybe that's just what we call them because they're all different. Somehow, they're different."
"You're a smart boy. I wish I had a child. My husband was killed though, and left me before giving me that privilege."
"I'm sorry for that. My family is wherever the adversary is. They hid me when we were invaded and I escaped well after the raid. I guess I'm lucky to be alive."
Just then, and explosion of disorganization erupts. The Adversary's forces have arrived. It's too late. I start sprinting, although the weakness in my body wails for me to stop. My legs ache for rest, but my mind keeps running. I need to get this boy safe.
100 yards.
It's so close.
I start to stumble and I feel a piercing pain in my back.
I've been hit with an arrow.
I fall to the ground, and watch as Tim's horrified face stares at me.
"Go! Don't save me, just go Tim! Leave this world as fast as you can!"
"I can't run though!"
"Just try, honey. Try your best!"
He steps up using his crutch to help. Instead of hobbling slowly, he goes for a sprint. It's a poor attempt, but it's better than none. I watch him trip and I slowly bleed out in agony. So close. Keep going, Tim.
Keep Going.
Another arrow comes crashing through my head.
Haha. Yeah. Sorry about, you know. Making you the most depressed mess on the planet. The characters mentioned (Except Tim, who is obviously Tiny Tim) Are from A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Shakespeare. Helena, the emotional wreck from the play, is who I was. Poor girl. At least she saved a life before dying.
Very interesting, an intense read written at a slow pace of mystery, all while you bring a hunger scenario into it. Loved it.
But, I'm still looking forward to the next installment of Harmony's adventures if you hadn't scrapped her yet. I still applaud you on experimenting with new story types, thumbs up!
Okay, so I've been on a writing kick lately. I want to make more! More I tell you! Lol. So Maybe I'll start something new. This can be my Ju… morene awards submission, if you prefer. This'll probably be a short story, told in one post. Enjoy.
That's what we're all trying to do.
The Adversary's chain gang is hot on our tails, in some cases, literally.
"Come on! Keep going! I can hear the sounds off their marching, they're close! Lets GO!"
I pushed along all the others, a sea of innocent people, fleeing to this "New World" we're heard about. The entrance is through a cave, just a mile or two up. We're so close. Yet, so is the Adversary.
"Do you have any porridge, ma'am?" A young boy asks. His body is frail, he supports himself on a stick," My name's Tim."
"I'm sorry, Tim. I've not got any food. But my name is Helena. If you're hungry, I think I see a butcher of some sort handing some cold sandwiches out up the line some… [view original content]
Very interesting, an intense read written at a slow pace of mystery, all while you bring a hunger scenario into it. Loved it.
But, I'm st… moreill looking forward to the next installment of Harmony's adventures if you hadn't scrapped her yet. I still applaud you on experimenting with new story types, thumbs up!
That scene with Colin was priceless, including the dialogue that you add sometimes to add comedic relief! A great variety of comedy merging with mystery, I like, I like indeed.
That's funny because my story is heading towards the season of Christmas within the next few chapters! lol Hopefully it will make it by the end of the month. Think that is a great idea, actually! Again, good job to everyone. Having so much fun with this!
So, what do you guys think of the idea on where you create a story having to do with a specific holiday/season? Should I include that for a … morecategorized award for June's F.S.A.? Including the upcoming months? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to make it some sort of monthly challenge!
That's funny because my story is heading towards the season of Christmas within the next few chapters! lol Hopefully it will make it by the … moreend of the month. Think that is a great idea, actually! Again, good job to everyone. Having so much fun with this!
AAAAAAAAAAH that last picture scared the sh** out of me so intense watching them just creepy in a good way epic. I love your unique style I will definitely be reading every chapter with a smile on my face if you continue this mix of action and horror so cool and refreshing way to tell TWAU story love it.
Chapter 3
Wolven takes the form a middle age man and hails down a taxi. He's tells the driver to take him to Fabletown. The d… moreriver hesitates for moment before taking Wolven's money.
He arrived at Fabletown and he looks around. After a while, he uses his senses to lead him to his younger brother, Bigby.
His senses lead him to Bigby's apartment. Wolvens knocks on the door and after a while it opens.
Wolven: Long time no see little bro...
Bigby: Not again... what is it now?
Wolven: I know you don't want to be bothered but I really need your help. Please hear me out, brother to brother.
Bigby: What's wrong?
Wolven: I've been tracking this group of people, dangerous people that could be a major threat to this world and-
Bigby: Hold on, stop right there. Is this about that time when you told me you and some dragon boy stopped a madman from merging what or something-
Wolven: It's not him Bigby he's dead. I d… [view original content]
So, what do you guys think of the idea on where you create a story having to do with a specific holiday/season? Should I include that for a … morecategorized award for June's F.S.A.? Including the upcoming months? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to make it some sort of monthly challenge!
We should do categories like 'most intense' 'most comical' 'most romantic' 'most dramatic.' Maybe 'best backstory' 'most interesting take on TWAU characters' I love the whole Fable of the month, artwork for chapters. Those are fun. Maybe a section for 'best newcomer?' You never know! I trust ya', Dragon. The May selection was brilliant and entertaining! Can't wait for June.
Not a bad idea, but I still think it is best for the F.S.A. to be held monthly instead of weekly. It gives time for everyone to put forth their stories, so that I have a lot to work with, especially when I try to make it fair with the awards and all.
I'm a dictator now, huh? I like the idea... hmmm.
Bow before your almighty surpreme leader, DragonButter. >:D
I think should be story of the week then after 4 weeks the 4 winners will be judged for overall story of the month in a thread maybe not sure lol.
I'm not sure our mighty dictator you always chose the right thing
Not a bad idea, but I still think it is best for the F.S.A. to be held monthly instead of weekly. It gives time for everyone to put forth th… moreeir stories, so that I have a lot to work with, especially when I try to make it fair with the awards and all.
I'm a dictator now, huh? I like the idea... hmmm.
Bow before your almighty surpreme leader, DragonButter. >:D
Thanks so much for the compliment too!
We should do categories like 'most intense' 'most comical' 'most romantic' 'most dramatic.' Maybe 'best backstory' 'most interesting take on… more TWAU characters' I love the whole Fable of the month, artwork for chapters. Those are fun. Maybe a section for 'best newcomer?' You never know! I trust ya', Dragon. The May selection was brilliant and entertaining! Can't wait for June.
Okay, so I've been on a writing kick lately. I want to make more! More I tell you! Lol. So Maybe I'll start something new. This can be my Ju… morene awards submission, if you prefer. This'll probably be a short story, told in one post. Enjoy.
That's what we're all trying to do.
The Adversary's chain gang is hot on our tails, in some cases, literally.
"Come on! Keep going! I can hear the sounds off their marching, they're close! Lets GO!"
I pushed along all the others, a sea of innocent people, fleeing to this "New World" we're heard about. The entrance is through a cave, just a mile or two up. We're so close. Yet, so is the Adversary.
"Do you have any porridge, ma'am?" A young boy asks. His body is frail, he supports himself on a stick," My name's Tim."
"I'm sorry, Tim. I've not got any food. But my name is Helena. If you're hungry, I think I see a butcher of some sort handing some cold sandwiches out up the line some… [view original content]
I think if I tried, I wouldn't get any further than a cheap one-off storyline from a friendly writing exercise. I mean, the next part I've got planned, which maybe the next or the one after, involves a holiday, but a whole story? I just can't. But holiday specials never were my thing to begin with.
So...if you wanna do it, go ahead, but unless the rules say it must be a complete separate story, my thing won't count.
So, what do you guys think of the idea on where you create a story having to do with a specific holiday/season? Should I include that for a … morecategorized award for June's F.S.A.? Including the upcoming months? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to make it some sort of monthly challenge!
Not a bad idea, but I still think it is best for the F.S.A. to be held monthly instead of weekly. It gives time for everyone to put forth th… moreeir stories, so that I have a lot to work with, especially when I try to make it fair with the awards and all.
I'm a dictator now, huh? I like the idea... hmmm.
Bow before your almighty surpreme leader, DragonButter. >:D
Thanks so much for the compliment too!
Now that you mention it, it doesn't have to be a full-fledged story if a person doesn't want it to be. It could be a nice, short and simple story. Being completely separate from their current tale if they wish it to be. (as you previously said) I may post more details about it later this week if I get more approvals, I know that pudding_pie likes my idea, Mark probably likes it as well.
I think if I tried, I wouldn't get any further than a cheap one-off storyline from a friendly writing exercise. I mean, the next part I've g… moreot planned, which maybe the next or the one after, involves a holiday, but a whole story? I just can't. But holiday specials never were my thing to begin with.
So...if you wanna do it, go ahead, but unless the rules say it must be a complete separate story, my thing won't count.
Whoops, did I say "unless"? I meant "if".
Carla stood outside the gates of the Woodlands. She managed to find a shady spot located under a large leafy branch. The heat was blistering and sh couldn't afford to get overheated and uncomfortable. Carla couldn't wait to dip her toes in the icy blue water, rest her head on the cool mounds of moss, watch the sun set over the horizon. She pictured the wind blowing furiously through the trees, chatter of small woodland critters looking for shelter; Gren laying beside her, both in silence, as they watched clouds go by. Carla wanted to forget about Councils, Fabletown, Business office and paperwork when she was in Adirondack Park; as far as they were both concerned, those things didn't exist the second their feet left the city limits.
Carla glanced at her watch; Gren was five minutes late. Hopefully, everything is okay and work didn't hold him overtime, she thought. As she stood silently waiting for Gren, she scanned the area and began people watching. Earlier, Snow had stopped by before leaving to discuss the paperwork needed to be completed by noon tomorrow. When she found Carla still waiting by the gates, she had an idea of what was to take place.
"Your father will not be pleased with this," said Snow. "He will be very distraught when he finds out you're sneaking around. You HAVE to tell us everything exactly how and when it happens, Carla. If someone saw you walking by with a Fable-"
'Wow,' thought Carla. 'I'm trying to be professional and smile but in reality, Snow, I want to reach over and smack you around a few times; shake and rattle your mind for a bit.'
Carla was tired of pretending like none of this bothered her; she and Gren were doing nothing wrong, nothing that broke the laws for either community. After all these years, Carla never spoke of the hidden city within New York; by now, they should trust her, she thought. All she could do was smile and nod at Snow the entire time she spoke. When Snow realized this was going nowhere, she thanked Carla and carried on back to the office.
"Fuck," mumbled Carla, as Snow walked away. "Rub more salt into my wounds why don't you."
Carla was startled when Gren reached behind and grabbed her sides. Carla, always on her toes, swung around and smacked Gren with her purse. She managed to get him on the face. He stumbled backwards and when Carla came to her senses, saw who it was. She was mortified, as she collected Gren off the ground.
"Oh, fuck Gren," shouted Carla, as she helped dust Gren off. "Don't do that! You scared me! You know how jumpy I am!"
"Sorry, Carla," chuckled Gren. "But who else does that shit to ya', huh? Besides, what do you have in that purse, bricks? That thing is a weapon on its own!"
"Say my name next time, okay so this won't happen again. Would hate for this to be a daily thing when we meet up."
"Why not," laughed Gren. "Create traditions."
Despite the slight bump and throbbing sensation on his right cheek, Gren had worse done to him. He couldn't blame Carla but still enjoyed pushing her buttons; she was about the only person, besides Holly, Woody or Jack, that understood his dry sense of humor. Next time, though, he was going to warn her; wave a white flag and send off flares, he thought. Before they made their way to the park, Gren stopped at a mini mart and grabbed a six pack of beers, bag of chips and candy.
"Got to have snacks," said Gren. "We Grendels can only go so long without eating something."
Carla rolled her eyes and the two were soon on their way to Adirondack Park, the sun slowly setting behind them and city disappearing like a distant memory.
Carla could instantly feel the cool, refreshing air the minute they entered the wooded area. The sound of the waterfall and splashing water was not too far behind; she tossed her shoes to the side, undid her hair and ran to the river. She quickly placed her feet in the water and watched as little fish swam around her toes. She placed her hands into the water, scooped a handful of water and splashed it against her skin. Carla didn't care if her makeup would run; she was in the moment and wanted nothing more. Gren stood by a tree and watched; her enthusiastic mentality towards life was always fun to watch. Carla, unlike most mundies he has come across, saw the majestic beauty and secrets this world had. At times, Gren envied her. He walked over to Carla, who was splashing the water like she were a child.
"Gren," shouted Carla. "Join me! This water feels so good! Its nice to get out of that oven!"
Gren chuckled and soon, he was stripping down to nothing but his jeans. He rolled them up and slowly made his way to the river. Carla threw a handful of water his way; the piercing, suddenly cold water against his face felt spectacular. Gren splashed Carla back; she squealed in delight, as he chased her down the river. The two were so lost in time, that they didn't see the man standing by the tree, hands folded, watching them.
'Huh,' the man thought, as he watched Gren and Carla. 'A Fable AND mundy, getting along? Look at them; stupid fools. Wonder if anyone knows...'
Carla looked over and saw the man. She froze; she was worried it was a Fable and he would tell someone. She remembered Gren mentioning other Fables came out here. Problem was, she was not alone; Gren was currently behind her, catching up.
"Carla," said Gren, trying to catch his breathe. "Why did you-"
His eyes found exactly what she was looking at. He growled, quickly walking to the man. The red headed man with a culd-a-sac hair pattern, continued to smile. He was fascinated with the view he was looking at.
"You," roared Gren. "The fuck you doing here?! Get out of here, Jersey!"
Carla's heart stopped; she had heard of the Jersey Devil many times from her father and Bigby. she tried to swallow back her fears, hold back her tears. He would surely say something, she thought. They would be in the office by dawn with about a hundred more papers for them to sign.
"Hey, relax, buddy," Jersey said, calmly. "You think you'se the only Fable that comes out here, huh? I have every right to be out here, too. Ain't hurtin' no one...."
Jersey tipped his glasses and glanced at Carla.
"She's pretty," continued Jersey. "Still very strange seeing you, a Grendel, with her, a mundy, ya' know?"
Gren was inches from Jersey's face; if he wanted to, a quick change and swipe of his hand would end this. But the only thing Gren would get out of it, was a permanent trip to the Farm. He couldn't risk that; that meant never seeing Carla again.
"you better get out of here, Jersey," whispered Gren. "You better fuckin' keep your mouth shut, too."
Jersey grinned; he was not here to fight Gren. He knew better.
"Please Gren," said Jersey. "I have better things to do. and besides, tired of seeing that dog anyways. Trust me; I never say either of you here. Better leave ya' two to, uh, whatever the fuck that all was. Fuckin' skipping or some dumb shit..."
Jersey turned to Carla, smiled and waved and no sooner had he arrived, he was gone. Carla ran to Gren's side and grabbed his arm.
"What did he want," she asked. "Did he say anything?"
"Don't worry, Carla," said Gren. "He's gone now. Let's not have him ruin this day. Come on..."
The moon was high above them now; it was such a beautiful night. The heavens were covered in a thick blanket of stars. Gren and Carla were side by side, lost in the enchanted night air. The only sound either of them could hear were the light chirps from crickets and bubbling rivers. They both were trying to forget everything; Jersey, the city, Council, her father. Although reality was not too far from their sight, Carla and Gren wanted to pretend for the time they had. He wrapped his jacket around Carla; he noticed her shivering off and on now for the past ten minutes.
"I love coming out here," said Carla. "Look at the sky. What a lovely night this is. The stars are twinkling like little miniature fireflies."
"Yeah," sighed Gren. "It is nice..."
"Do you think Jersey will say anything?"
"Well? Do you?"
Gren, frustrated from her question, arose and began putting on his shoes. Carla continued sitting in her spot, watching him in confusion.
"What the hell are you doing, Gren," asked Carla. "I just wanted to make conversation. What is-"
"I could have gone another twenty minutes without you bringing that up, Carla. Thought we were coming out here to FORGET that bullshit..."
Carla quickly stood up, took off his jacket and tossed it into a bush. Gren, annoyed with her actions, grabbed it and brushed any dirt or leaves it collected.
"Wow, very childish of you, Carla."
"Me? You're the one storming away without giving me a warning! So I mentioned Jersey? It was a simple question! I still want to have a wonderful evening with you, Gren! But you can't roar and throw a tantrum every time something you don't like happens!"
Gren threw his fist into a tree, causing it to crack and part of it fall to the ground. Carla stood still, in fear he would do something to her. His eyes changed, his growls deeper and more shallow. Before long, Carla was heading down the path and back to the city. Gren watched her leave; he was soon behind her. 'Fuck,' he thought. 'What the fuck is wrong with you?!' Gren chased after her; he could hear her sobs and feet just ahead of him. As he caught up to her, Gren found Carla standing by a large tree, looking straight into the growing lights ahead. She was focused on the city; the loud honking growing loudly.
"Carla, I'm sorry and-"
"I didn't mean to anger you and run off like that," said Carla. "You are right. Why bring something like that up? We come here to forget, right? I guess I'm just tried of pretending, Gren..."
"Come with me, Carla," said Gren, as he grabbed her hands. "Come with me to my apartment. I don't want this night to end just yet...we can talk there..."
Carla agreed; she didn't want to leave like this. No matter hos frustrating Gren got, she still gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Hand in hand, they walked back to the city; to the noise, to their troubled lives.
NOTE: There is a sex scene in this chapter. Not a graphic one but its there. Just a fair, friendly warning.
Gren and Carla were silent the entire time. Gren was nervous; he had gone too far with Carla tonight. He sighed, as she pulled away from his grasp. He was devastated. as they reached his apartment, Gren fumbled in his pocket for the keys. When he found them, he placed it in the key hole. As he turned the key, Carla looked out into the streets.
"Fuck," said Gren, as he kicked the door.
"What now," asked Carla, as she watched Gren continue to kick the door. "Why are you kicking the door? Gren!"
He ignored Carla, as he went to the alley and found his window. He jumped onto the dumpster, shimmed the window a few times and opened it. He jumped inside; Carla could see the lights turn on and brighten the outside world. She walked back to the front; Gren was there, smiling. She walked into the tiny studio apartment and dropped her things by the door. The air was heavy and thick; although he had the fan above blowing on full sped, the poor insulation in his apartment was only making it worse. Gren was down to his jeans again, wiping his brow with a wet towel. He took a seat on his couch, leaning to the side. Carla joined him, unsure on what she should do next.
"You thirsty," asked Gren,, as he held his cup of water up.
Carla took the class and took a sip. The metallic taste was unbearable. She couldn't understand how Gren could possibly drink this.
"Ugh, this is awful," shouted Carla, as she handed Gren the water. "How can you drink this?"
"Well, excuse me," replied Gren. "Sorry this is not to your liking. Forgot you are used to clean, spring water..."
"What does that mean? Look, if you brought me here to yell and fight, then I'm leaving! I didn't come all this way to do this with you, Gren..."
As Carla spoke, she watched a large brown roach scurry across the floor and into a large crack by the bathroom door. They both fell silent; Gren got up very quickly. Before Carla could speak, Gren tossed the glass at the crack; it shattered and soon, there was a large puddle of water and shards of glass. Carla was startled, as she watched Gren head to the window. He was embarrassed; this was the reason, in the months he had known Carla, why he never brought her to his place.
"Then leave," whispered Gren. "Leave Carla if you want. I'm sorry I wasted your time. you shouldn't have come here..."
"Why do you keep things from me, Gren," screamed Carla. She was now behind him; he could feel the hurt and anger coming from her. "Why did that happen at the park; why did you just throw that glass? You make things a bigger issue then they actually are!"
"The fuck do you mean," bellowed Gren. "Make a bigger deal out of what? Because I don't want to talk about Jersey, that scumbag-"
"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT JERSEY, GREN! I'm talking about this; us, you, me, the city, my folks, the papers! I...I know what you are trying to do; I've been doing it, too. But after seeing another Fable witness us together, all my worries just bum rushed me and I had no idea how to comprehend them all!"
"What does Jersey have to do with us though, Carla? So fuckin' what? The Fables know about you; fuck, half this town knows about your father..."
Carla was frustrated; he was not listening to her and the point she was trying to make. It was late; Carla didn't have time for this. Maybe her father was right, she thought. Maybe Fables and mundies couldn't be together.
"Look, its late, Gren," said Carla. "I have to go. You don't get it; you may never understand. So, I'm heading back to the Pudding & Pie and-"
"I will never understand," screamed Gren. "If anything, YOU don't understand!"
"Look around you, Carla! I bust my ass off, for what-a piece of shit apartment infested with bugs, a boring, dead end job, your father and the sheriff always down my throat! You come in here and tell me I don't get it?! When you were born with a silver fuckin' spoon in your mouth? You didn't have to change your appearance, Carla! Or run from the homelands, move here and live in secret like your a bad thing! Look at you, Carla! A god damn mundy and you STILL have more power then half the Fables in this town..."
Gren took a seat back on the couch; Carla following close behind. As she sat down, she grabbed his hand. He was looking at the ground; too ashamed and angry to look her in the eyes.
"I'm so sorry about tonight, Carla," said Gren, trying to hold back tears. "I...I'm just so tired of these rules, the stupid fuckin' Council and that dog Bigby harassing us for the slightest change in this relationship! How many fucking Fables in this town go unglamoured; live secret lives, see someone out of their 'group' and nothing is done? I have a SINGLE conversation with you and two hours later, I'm being swamped with paper, after paper, after paper...."
Gren couldn't hold it in; he broke down and began to cry heavily. Carla grabbed him and held Gren against her chest. Her shirt was quickly soaked in his tears; she didn't seem to notice and began stroking his hair. He was right, thought Carla. So many things went unnoticed and like she was, Gren only wanted to pretend for awhile like nothing was wrong.
"Sorry I'm not...not a Fable, Gren. MJaybe it wouldn't be so bad if I wa-"
Gren lifted his head up; both his eyes the milky color. He looked upset with her remark. Carla sunk deeper into the couch. She was afraid of his next move; with Gren, you were never too sure.
"Sorry you're not a what? A Fable?! I don't want a god damn Fable, Carla! I didn't fall in love with a Fable! I feel in love with a mundy and-"
"You love me," interrupted Carla.
Gren leaned into Carla's face; she could feel his heavy breathing against her lips, his eyes focused on her own. She reached her hands up and touched his face. His skin was always so tough against her soft hands, yet, she enjoyed every inch her finger tips touched.
"Carla, please. Don't go...I'm just so tired of this. Ready for it to be over. Hate this bullshit. I've seen what they have done to Lyla, to us! I-"
Carla placed her finger tip on Gren's lips. she didn't want to discuss this anymore tonight; this was not going to disappear, she knew that but for now, they could pretend for a bit. She stood before Gren and slowly began unbuttoning her shirt. Gren continued to watch and sit in the couch. Carla opened her blouse and exposed her breasts; the soft mounds of pale flesh glistening against what light Gren had in his apartment. She was alluring; her long auburn hair falling past her shoulders, her green eyes twinkling in the light, her skin appearing to glow.
Gren didn't say a word, as he reached over and grabbed Carla. He pulled her close; he could feel the warmth from her chest against his skin. He traced his finger across her back, along her shoulders and finished against her cheek. She gave it a kiss, as he slowly moved along her bottom lip. She was in love with Gren; even if she had to break every rule and run far away, she was always going to be with him. Gren took another look at Carla; he couldn't remember ever seeing anything more prepossessing in all the centuries he had been alive. Sights at the Homelands couldn't compare to the beauty he held in his arms tonight.
Gren reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold ring. Carla looked at it with astonishment; it glistened like diamonds against the radiant light. He slipped in onto her finger; Carla looked down confused at his actions.
"This ring was given to be centuries ago at the Homelands," said Gren, while stroking Carla's hair. "This ring will have to do until I can buy a wedding band."
"Gren, what, are-"
"Carla, be mine for the remainder of our years on this planet. i want you there by my side..."
Carla leaned forward and planted a passionate kiss on Gren's lips; they were too busy holding on to one another to keep track of time. Carla could care less. She reached down and slowly unzipped Gren's jeans; all the while, his lips remained locked on Carla's. He finished undressing himself and focused his attention on Carla. She kissed his ear and wrapped her arms around his neck, as he finished removing the last piece of clothing. Gren could feel her rapid heartbeat against his bare chest. He continued moving his hands down, until he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him. Carla stopped and looked into his eyes; the right one different then his other. She traced her finger along the scar and smiled.
"What is is, Carla,' whispered Gren. "What is it that you want..."
"I want the real you, Gren," Carla said. "Please, do not hide from me when we are alone. I want the real you...the Grendel I know and love..."
Within seconds, the room was filled with a neon green light. Carla was blinded for a few seconds and when she had her vision back, she looked forward and found Gren in his true form; the giant Grendel reached out his large hand and stroked her cheek. Normal mundies would have shuttered the minute they laid their eyes on him; a towering, menacing giant with rows of sharp teeth, large claws and spikes along his arms and legs. Most mundies would run; Carla was not most mundies. She didn't run.
The giant Grendel snatched Carla into his arms and pressed her against the couch. Her breathing became heavy and quick; her mind racing and anxiety rising. He used his hands for support, as he positioned himself between her legs; she began shaking, as he kissed her neck. Carla didn't want Gren to hold back. She wanted all of him, the true Grendel she knew and loved.
Carla fell into Gren's arms, feeling a strong connection; a lustful feeling that clouded their minds, body and soul. From that moment, until the sun was barely touching the skyscrapers, Carla and Gren carried on the night, both lost in their love and passion. They knew in the morning, things would have to go back to what they were; he glamoured to look 'normal', her to return world she knew so little of and pretend. Eventually, someone would find out; the Council would be at their doors and the office filled with yards of papers and signatures needed.
But that wasn't important. She was going out tonight with her middle finger in the air; Gren not too far behind.
In the morning, she would figure out. for now, this was all she cared about; both erasing all they have ever been told.
Chapter 12
"...They knew the risk..."
Carla stood outside the gates of the Woodlands. She managed to find a shady spot located under a… more large leafy branch. The heat was blistering and sh couldn't afford to get overheated and uncomfortable. Carla couldn't wait to dip her toes in the icy blue water, rest her head on the cool mounds of moss, watch the sun set over the horizon. She pictured the wind blowing furiously through the trees, chatter of small woodland critters looking for shelter; Gren laying beside her, both in silence, as they watched clouds go by. Carla wanted to forget about Councils, Fabletown, Business office and paperwork when she was in Adirondack Park; as far as they were both concerned, those things didn't exist the second their feet left the city limits.
Carla glanced at her watch; Gren was five minutes late. Hopefully, everything is okay and work didn't hold him overtime, she thought. As she stood silently waiting fo… [view original content]
That was beautiful, reading two people that love each other so much come together. You ever hear Akon's song 'Don't matter?' I thought of Gren and Carla when this song came on. Can't wait to read more. We to expect a Gren and Carla baby soon? BTW, not to sound like a perv but damn, Carla-Gren in his TRUE form?? You go, girl! lol Good job, Porgie! More!!!
Chapter 13
"...but this was the night..."
NOTE: There is a sex scene in this chapter. Not a graphic one but its there. Just a fair, fr… moreiendly warning.
Gren and Carla were silent the entire time. Gren was nervous; he had gone too far with Carla tonight. He sighed, as she pulled away from his grasp. He was devastated. as they reached his apartment, Gren fumbled in his pocket for the keys. When he found them, he placed it in the key hole. As he turned the key, Carla looked out into the streets.
"Fuck," said Gren, as he kicked the door.
"What now," asked Carla, as she watched Gren continue to kick the door. "Why are you kicking the door? Gren!"
He ignored Carla, as he went to the alley and found his window. He jumped onto the dumpster, shimmed the window a few times and opened it. He jumped inside; Carla could see the lights turn on and brighten the outside world. She walked back to the front; Gren was there, smiling. S… [view original content]
That is probably my last chapter for a while so busy atm tbh see if I even get a chance to finish it and do another chapter but thanks for everyone who read it and enjoyed this chapter so far really appreciate it.
I never wrote a fable before without it being a crossover with lead character being within the game I was going to retire from writing TWAU … morestories but Dragon challenged me so do my best and I hope you enjoy the insanity of this story. Anyway ask emmypess I'm award winning author with my best gif award lol
WARNING: Contains violence and cursing etc(did tell you lol)
The Spark Among Us
CHAPTER 1 Even A Dark Night Has A Spark
The story begins in a small town on the outskirts of Fabletown where the poor lived unable to afford proper accomodation in Fabletown. The place was a mess, shops and houses abandoned and in truth the criminal rates were low because of the simple fact there was nothing to steal. The government seem to send the weakest and the sickest of the population to die in this prison of a town. The sun was only bright thing about it as cameras monitored everyones steps and crocked cops kept everyone in line. One person my… [view original content]
The holiday/season idea would surely lead to some interesting stories I think, certainly in atmospheric terms, which I like, however I can certainly see it working in other ways.
So, what do you guys think of the idea on where you create a story having to do with a specific holiday/season? Should I include that for a … morecategorized award for June's F.S.A.? Including the upcoming months? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to make it some sort of monthly challenge!
I really enjoyed that, despite it being a bit depressing as you mentioned haha. It was just the right length, gave enough information to provoke a certain care for the characters, and gave something new with it being a tale about the Exodus. Plus the Shakespeare references, it's a great short story.
Okay, so I've been on a writing kick lately. I want to make more! More I tell you! Lol. So Maybe I'll start something new. This can be my Ju… morene awards submission, if you prefer. This'll probably be a short story, told in one post. Enjoy.
That's what we're all trying to do.
The Adversary's chain gang is hot on our tails, in some cases, literally.
"Come on! Keep going! I can hear the sounds off their marching, they're close! Lets GO!"
I pushed along all the others, a sea of innocent people, fleeing to this "New World" we're heard about. The entrance is through a cave, just a mile or two up. We're so close. Yet, so is the Adversary.
"Do you have any porridge, ma'am?" A young boy asks. His body is frail, he supports himself on a stick," My name's Tim."
"I'm sorry, Tim. I've not got any food. But my name is Helena. If you're hungry, I think I see a butcher of some sort handing some cold sandwiches out up the line some… [view original content]
The holiday/season idea would surely lead to some interesting stories I think, certainly in atmospheric terms, which I like, however I can certainly see it working in other ways.
"...For the Grendel to erase his horrible ways..."
'I never thought I'd hear myself say, ya'll go ahead, I think I'm going to kick it with my girl today. I used to be commander in chief, with my pimp ship flying high. Until I met this pretty little missile, that shot me out of the sky.'
-Keri Hilson 'Knock you Down'
"Fuck," whispered Gren, as he looked out the window. "Uh, this wasn't supposed to happen to me...."
He rubbed his temple, as he tried to keep a steady hand holding his coffee. It was warm again today; the heat coming through his window felt like an oven, small droplets of sweat forming around his brow. Gren glanced over at Carla, still wrapped up in sheets and sleeping. He smiled; having her there with him this morning was amazing and wouldn't mind having this routine every morning before work. Gren didn't notice the time; it was seven fifteen. Carla was to be at work an hour ago.
As he continued watching the sleeping beauty, his phone rang. He jumped; looked over and saw Carla slowly stretching and rubbing her eyes. He ran to the phone, hoping to answer it before she was waken up. Too late; she was sitting up, eyes watching as Gren struggled to grasp the phone.
Bigby was on the other end; he didn't sound very amused.
"Gren, I'm going to ask you ONE time," spoke Bigby indignant. "Is Carla Smith with you?"
Gren stood frozen, unable to speak. Carla frantically waved her arms, trying to break him from the unexpected silence. When that didn't work, she got up and headed in his direction. Gran noticed this; what was he going to tell them? Yes? No? Fuck off, Sheriff? So many possibilities swam around his mind but he had no choice; they knew she was here. Gren swallowed his pride and sighed; he couldn't get her in trouble, especially knowing everyone had an idea on her current location. As Gren spoke to Bigby, Carla stopped and noticed the time; Fuck she thought. I'm late!
"Yes," whispered Gren. "She..she is here with me..."
"Has she been there all night," asked Bigby.
"The fuck does it matter whether or not she's been here all night or not, Bigby?"
He could hear Snow in the background; her dissatisfied remarks, the constant interruption to get some kind of answer. Gren was annoyed; could this woman just stay out of things for once? Gren looked in the corner of his eye and saw Carla frantically getting her belongings and try heading out the door. The office already knew where she was; her father would know soon as well. Gren continued watching Carla, while Bigby maintained his bewilderment.
"Gren," continued Bigby. "I'm TRYING to work with you on this situation. We KNEW she was there the second she showed up late. When we called the Pudding & Pie, we were hoping to be wrong; its not like Carla to be late for anything. When Lyla answered the phone and assured us that she WASN'T there, I already knew the answer. Gren-"
By now, Gren was no longer paying attention. All he could think about was the trouble heading their way. Bigby and Snow were not imbeciles; they knew what took place last night between him and Carla. Not like he could lie and say they were just 'hanging out' or 'talking'; plus, Gren was terrible at lying. Carla was now frantically searching for her keys.
"Fuck," she shouted. "God fucking dammit! The hell! Oh man, he is going to kill me; he is going to make me quit, take me away from here. I will never see him again-"
Gren managed to grab Carla, just as he hung up the phone. He was tired of hearing the sheriff complain; he was already developing a headache and he was making it worse. Carla tried fighting Gren off; she was done for. She was sure of it. Carla began to cry; she was out of options and found herself in a dead end, with nowhere to go. She slumped into his arms and began sobbing.
"Ssh, Carla," said Gren, as he stroked her hair. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. The sheriff-"
"Fucking knows I'm here, Gren! Snow is going to kill me, my dad will find out and you and I can kiss all of this goodbye! You really think he is going to welcome you with open arms? Congratulate us and wish us the best? We are going to have an avalanche of papers heading our way!"
She managed to release herself from Gren's grip and head out the door. She had time to fix this; she had to.
"Wait," screamed Gren, as he ran after her. "Carla! Fuck! Will you wait?"
Carla was trying to push her way past the large quantities of people on the streets. She had to reach the Business office before her father did. Hopefully, Bigby had not called him yet. Gren managed to catch up to Carla. He grabbed her arm.
"Carla," shouted Gren. "Just stop, okay? We will fix this together-"
"I have to do this, Gren! I...I can't risk them taking this further then it has to. Please! Let me handle this; let me handle my father how I see fit. Trust me, please."
Gren released his grip on her arm; he did trust Carla. He wasn't sure if he had the same feelings towards her father or the sheriff. If the Farm was to be his punishment, so be it. Long as Carla continued to live a 'normal' life in Fabletown, that's all that he cared about.
"Okay, I trust you...just be careful, okay?"
Gren leaned in and gave her a light kiss on the lips. She touched his cheek and kissed his forehead and continued down the street. She had one stop to make, however; see how 'lucky' she truly was this morning.
Carla hated walking on this side of town; the Fables sometimes gave her shit for being in their 'area.' She had business to tend and last thing she needed was trouble. She found who she was looking for, climbing up a stool ladder reaching for an item on the top shelf. He almost lost his footing, causing him to grab the bars and balance himself. As he did, he looked over and saw her.
"Oh hey, its you," replied Jersey, as he made his way down the ladder. "What is someone like 'you' doing in a place like this? Ya' know, I'm not in the mood to deal with your father or that lousy sheriff today. Really. I meant what I said 'bout-"
Carla grabbed his neck and pinned him against the glass. She looked towards the wall and found Samurai swords mounted. Those looked tempting and Jersey knew what she had planned to do with them. He was finding it difficult to move under her grasp. She was stronger then he thought; these Halfers never seemed to stop surprising the community.
"What do you want," Jersey begged. "Look, I told ya's, I ain't gonna say nothin' 'bout you'se and the Grendel bein' at that park, okay? I go there all the time, ya' know, like your boyfriend! Look, just let me go and-"
"SHUT UP! Just, shut your fucking mouth, Jersey! YOU are the only one that saw us there! YOU are the only one that is going to 'fix' this little problem, okay? I WILL not be sent away and I WILL NOT watch them take Gren away, do you understand?"
Her grip continued to tighten; Jersey was struggling to move, struggling to breath. He didn't want it to come to this but he had no choice; the bright green light began to blind Carla as she tried to block the blinding light. When she came to and saw who stood before her, her heart sunk to the bottom. Jersey walked over to Carla and laughed; he looked nothing like the pictures she saw in a text book during class.
"What's the trouble, mundy," laughed Jersey. "This too much for a little thing like yourself? Go ahead; keep harassing me in my own store! Go on, mundy!"
Carla was terrified; she could easily take on his 'glamoured' self. That was a given but not like this; with one swipe, he could easily kill her. These cryptids were no match for her. He lowered his face inches from her own; she could hear the growls and hisses escaping his mouth. She felt herself cornered, her heart racing. She prepared for her demise; to disappear in the river, body decomposing on the bottom of the lake. No one would ever know where she was. She closed her eyes, waiting. Just simply waiting.
Suddenly, the front door opened and there stood Gren; he was in his true form, growling at Jersey. He lunged at Jersey, pinning him to the ground. He took a swing at Jersey, clawing in the direction of his face. Gren lifted his massive claws and dug them into Jersey's side. Jersey let out a piercing cry, as Gren dug his claws deep into his flesh. With a swift kick from his right leg, Jersey placed his foot under Gren's chest and tossed him aside. Gren flew across the room and landed against the wall, knocking down various objects behind.
Jersey rose to his feet and charged at Gren; his antlers aiming for Gren's stomach. He manged to swing to the right, Jersey nearly missing his vital organs. Gren stumbled to the ground, lifted himself up and tackled Jersey back to the floor.
"You think you are so tough, Grendel," shouted Jersey, as he pushed Gren to the side. "You think protecting your little mundy bitch will save you? You think your 'love' for her will change your sinful ways? You don't have the guts or the courage to deal with what is heading your way-"
Gren forefully closed Jersey's mouth with his left hand, grabbed the bone on his face and tossed him into a fire extinguisher; as he did, the entire area of his location was covered in a thick, white paste. Carla watched as Gren turned back to normal and Jersey crawling from the wall of white fog. He laid down on the floor, beginning to hack and find it difficult to speak. Gren stood over him, pocket knife in one hand, lowering it closer to his throat.
"Say your sorry to Carla, Jersey," Gren said sarcastically. "You scared the lady. She just wanted to ask you a question..."
"She ugh, cough started it, uh," said Jersey, still trying to gain his thoughts. "You, oh my god-you have her come in here and start shit. You have no fucking clue, how hard it was to keep it all back, that stupid, uh.....mundy...."
"WHICH is why she was here with you this morning. I told the sheriff she DID come with me to my apartment but she was here with you, discussing paperwork. Okay?"
"And if I, uh don't say that? What are YOU going to do, Grendel. I'm not afraid of you....."
"Then I can easily turn around and say YOU attacked her, Jersey. They don't take attacks on mundies so lightly...."
Jersey looked up at Gren; he was smiling from ear to ear, still holding the knife to his throat.
"Fine! Fine! Whatever! Just-go! Just get the fuck out of my store! I will tell whatever bullshit excuse you want me to say!"
Gren placed the knife in his pocket and left with Carla. She stood outside, watching him try to wipe the blood off his jacket.
"Will that work, Gren," asked Carla. "Do you think that will work? I heard you on the phone with my dad and-"
"It will work, Carla. Just follow my lead and we will get through this together. He won't be a problem. Let's head to the Business office so we can handle your father and the Big Bad Wolf; believe they are all there waiting for our grand entrance."
Carla giggled and followed Gren towards the Business Office.
I believe you will surpass the highest expectation and blow us away WATCH!! I can't wait
Thanks, dude
Agreed, so mysteriously epic.
Tod's story continues in Resident Werewolf: Part 3. Hmm...I think I'm gonna declare that a working title.
Whoops, forgot the date. You'll know when you see it. Also had to change said date. Keeping a timeline is a tedious chore.
Part 3: A Mundane Revelation
"...Couldn't look at people the same way again," I concluded.
"Wow. What a harsh lesson," Jack commented. Jack asked the most questions and commented more than anyone else, taking a more active interest in my personal history "I would've worn diapers for days after going through that."
"She didn't think I was old enough for it, but things just kinda happened," I replied. "Would have been worse if I was younger than that. I did learn how to hunt when I was three, though."
"So how 'bout your dad?" Jack asked. "Probably Mundy too. How'd that happen?"
"When I was negative five years old, my mom met my dad in France," I said, laying down a few more dollars for another shot. "When I was born, she taught me her native tongue first, and he tried to teach me French. Then we moved to England, and that just complicated the whole languages thing. Once, he told me it took me much less time to learn three languages than he'd expected, and that I spoke better than a four-year-old by age two. Is that normal for us?"
"Oh yeah," Jack answered. "That's right up there with 'all animals can talk'. Well, among 'us', I mean."
I nodded. "Anyway, he was a tailor. One day he invited my mom in off the streets to tailor a dress for her, and then she sort of became his assistant, which she did while she learned how to hunt without 'wolfing out'. She used arrows and traps, but she could never do guns. Couldn't get used to the noise."
The painful throbbing in the back of my head seized at that moment. "Damn," I winced, grabbing my head. "Hey, Holly, right? You got any ice?"
"Yeah, I got ice. Two dollars if it's for a bump."
I paid up, and as soon as she left, I mumbled, "she's a shrewd one, huh?"
"My sister's a tough girl," Lily explained. "She can be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but she's had it rough. I'm sure you know."
I shrugged, and wistfully scratched an itch on my cheek. "Maybe."
"And the whole werewolf thing, did she tell him?" Jack said, laying a few more bucks down.
"No, he sorta found that out on his own. Mom never went outside on full moons unless she had to hunt. Being part Mundy meant she could eat whatever, she just needed more meat. Still makes me laugh whenever I think about how Dad discovered it," I chuckled. As I spoke, Holly came back with the ice and poured another shot for Jack. "So this is what they told me. I was born during the day, so I couldn't change if I wanted to. One evening a couple years later, they took me outside to let me play in the snow for the first time, and then it just happened. Up until then, she'd been avoiding biting people unless she was gonna eat them. She wanted to avoid 'turning' people. Then, I happened. Dad just kinda had to accept it. I mean, what was he gonna do?"
"Seeing you change must have made her howl," Jack cut in, smirking at his pun.
"Changing feels a bit like stretching out," I continued, cradling the ice against my head. "And it feels great."
Albany, NY October 1967
"And you can just do it whenever?"
Billowy autumn air howled through the empty stadium. The sun glowed from the zenith of the sky in the aftermath of a heavy, early morning rainfall. Sitting on a damp towel, I explained in no casual tone what it was like to be a 'wolfman', while my audience of one gazed at me with rapt attention.
"Not exactly. Being under a full moon forces me to change. That's why I'm the hairiest person at school," I said. "I tried shaving during middle school, but I just gave up. Mom says it's just easier to buzz it, and she's right. But on any other night, I can change under just enough moonlight, but not all the way. The moon two nights ago was a three-quarters phase. What you saw was the furthest I can choose to transform when I have control."
"So you can do it almost whenever? What's it like?"
"It's like...I'm getting some sort of massage through my whole body," I answered, pausing to think. "The knots in my shoulders stretch out, so it makes sense. When I'm under the moon, I just kind of know I can do it. When I'm not, I feel stuck. No matter how much I stretch, I feel like I could stretch more, but something's limiting me."
"That's so cool."
"I guess it is. Look, Eric, the only reason I'm telling you this is because...I don't wanna eat you."
My listener's expression morphed from that of romanticizing admiration to that of a pale gape. "What...?"
"That's what this is really about," I went on. "You saw me, and I know you're an okay guy, but my mom wouldn't be cool with that. If she knew, she would find you on your way home, drag you into the woods and end you. You definitely can't go around yelling it out here at school, cuz whether people believe you or not, it'd make life crap for me, and my mom would definitely find out. And," I added grimly, "if you tell people, I'll kill you, even if it causes them to suspect me. You hear me? I will tear your face right off, Eric."
"Okay, okay! God, I'm not gonna say anything!"
"Good, then we can just go on with life as usual, alright?"
------- Continued, Part 3
“What.. What happened?” I choked out. “Where am I-” The world was sickly whirling like my head. I blinked a couple of times. The blurriness eventually left me, showing me Bigby’s apartment and an odd black shape pecking at my face.
A blackbird hovered in front of me. For a second I was confused. Then I realized -
“Griffon?” I said, rubbing my eyes. “What are you doing here?” He rarely comes to visit, seeing as he’s one of the Farm’s prisoners as well. But like most of the animals, he always finds a way to escape and comes to check on me. He’s protective of me, always has been; he was the one that found me cold and passed out in the Homelands. Plus being the only one who didn’t fear me.
“You were yelling your head off, kid,” he said, landing on the arm of the sofa. “Bigby letting you kip in his place again? I don‘t know how long you‘ll be doing that for, since you nearly burned down his apartment.”
Panicking, I looked wildly around the room checking for flames, because I know Bigby would not appreciate if it he came home from another stressful night of work to see his home destroyed. “Are you not sleeping outside the Woodlands tonight?”
“Bigby let me stay,” I mumbled.
“How long will he do that for?” Griffon asked, hitting a nerve. “Because I know babysitting isn’t really that guy’s thing.”
“He doesn’t babysit me,” I spat indignantly. “I take care of myself.”
Griffon didn’t say anything, but he blinked at me pityingly with those black beady eyes. I haven’t seen him in his proper form for weeks; he forced to stay looking like an ordinary bird. It’s probably because he’s so huge and powerful as a proper griffon. But I can tell how much he hates it. Griffons were very vain kind of creatures who liked to show their great feathered wings and golden lion’s body off - especially to the female griffons. If there are any, of course. Most of Griffon’s species are extinct. He lost his wife and family years ago, and it’s the one thing he doesn’t talk about.
“I know you despise being implied as vulnerable - but sometimes we have to face the truth,” Griffon pressed on. Annoyance started to bubble up inside me. “I mean, look at your hands. You say you can’t harm yourself, but you can.”
Reluctantly, I peered down at the deep red scars embedded on my palms. It was surprising to feel that they stung a little.
“I’m just saying you need people there to support you,” sighed Griffon. “You can’t keep sleeping on the ground all the time, and on Bigby’s sofa-”
“Why don’t you shut up and shove your beak out of my business!” I suddenly snapped, letting my anger release at last. What makes him think he can just fly through the window and start acting like he’s responsible for me? What makes him think he can start acting like my guardian? Hell, this is a stupid blackbird that’s lecturing me. If I would, he would be nothing but a couple of black feathers right now.
“Don’t get dramatic,” Griffon squawked, getting angry too. “I just want what’s-”
“Well, don’t want!” I shrieked. My fingertips started to hotten and my eyes were burning with rage. “Don’t want anything for me! I don’t need you in my life, OK? I take care of myself!”
Then I leapt up and shot out of the room, the blood pounding in my head, leaving a trail of embers behind me. I just wanted to run … It didn’t matter where, I just wanted to escape to somewhere I belonged and never set foot in this place again. But Griffon’s words were playing a stuck record in my head.
Is Griffon really making sense? Am I really just a dumb, unwanted kid that can’t protect herself?
“Hey! Watch it!”
I had crashed straight into the cleaner Flycatcher who was sweeping the floor of the foyer as usual. I slowly stepped back in case I burned him.
“Are you … all right?” Flycatcher asked me anxiously - but I rapidly backed away, hiding my hands underneath my armpits because they were sizzling like meatballs. Oh God … I need to get out of the building before I burn the whole Woodlands down.
Giving Flycatcher a small nod, I flew straight past him and outside to the front steps. The gates stood before me with mundies absent-mindedly walking past in their own horror-free worlds. They didn’t have to be scared of anything.
My fingertips scalded my skin, and I hissed in pain. I couldn’t go out into the Mundy area like this, no way. I hated living it in anyway; it felt cold and unwelcome, and I felt even more dangerous.
I curled up on the steps instead. It was uncomfortable, it was hard - but it was the only spot that welcomed me with open arms. Curling my burnt hands, I let my mind ease. Then my eyes slowly closed.
“Oi. Get up.”
Something hard pounded my stomach. Startled, I opened my eyes.
Bluebeard was looming over me, looking at me with disgust as if I was something very unpleasant snoozing on his doorstep. He nudged me with his foot again.
“Don’t do that,” I scowled. “It’s rude.”
His eyes narrowed. “Just get up. What do you think you’re doing sleeping down there? I would’ve thought Bigby would have you in his apartment, seeing as the idiot’s had a very soft spot for you lately. Doesn’t he want to babysit you anymore?”
“I’m not a baby,” I mumbled, picking myself up from the pavement and brushing myself down.
Bluebeard snorted sarcastically. “What are you then? An adult?”
I glared at him.
“No matter, you’re going to be in big trouble when they find out you’ve been snooping around here. You’re coming to the business office!”
He roughly seized the scruff of my neck as if I was some stray cat. I didn’t budge.
“Don’t test me, child,” Bluebeard growled, tugging at me impatiently. “Just do as I say and you might feel less pain.”
My hands heated up. If I wanted to, he would have been ashes on the steps in less than a second. But I knew I had to contain myself, because murdering Bluebeard would just get me thrown down the Witching Well. So I had no choice but to follow.
That had me hooked from start to finish. You have a very nice way of writing that makes it easy to read, and your interactions between charcters is believable. Well done!
Chapter 3
Wolven takes the form a middle age man and hails down a taxi. He's tells the driver to take him to Fabletown. The driver hesitates for moment before taking Wolven's money.
He arrived at Fabletown and he looks around. After a while, he uses his senses to lead him to his younger brother, Bigby.
His senses lead him to Bigby's apartment. Wolvens knocks on the door and after a while it opens.
Wolven: Long time no see little bro...
Bigby: Not again... what is it now?
Wolven: I know you don't want to be bothered but I really need your help. Please hear me out, brother to brother.
Bigby: What's wrong?
Wolven: I've been tracking this group of people, dangerous people that could be a major threat to this world and-
Bigby: Hold on, stop right there. Is this about that time when you told me you and some dragon boy stopped a madman from merging what or something-
Wolven: It's not him Bigby he's dead. I don't think he was working alone. Someone is still out either trying to either finish his work or worse.
Colin then walks into the room and looks at Wolven and turns back around and wobbles back into the other room.
Wolven: Really?
Bigby: Don't bother with him, Wolven, Colin is Colin. And look, I still have work to do here so I can't go on a wild goose chase with you to hunt down some band of wacko's. If they are a real threat than the Fabletown Officials will send out word. But if you have a description of the ringleader i might be able to find something on him. Oh... and can you pass me my smokes.
Wolven: 'Huff and Puff'?
Bigby: It's my brand. Now you interrupted my sleep. There's the door.
Wolven: Any kind of information would be helpful, thanks bro....take care of yourself.
Bigby: What do you think I've been doing for the past centuries?
Wolven leaves the building. He walks down a small street alone and suddenly he gets an ominous feeling. He feels like he being followed by someone...or something.
Meanwhile, back in Florida, Marco, Irene and their 2 children Jenny and Leonard are seen leaving Disney World.
Marco: Ok kids where do you want to go next?
Jenny & Leonard: SWIMMING!
Irene: It's too late kiddo's maybe tomorrow.
Jenny & Leonard: AWWWW
Marco: Mommy is right, but if you be good on the way home we can stop for some ice cream. Sounds good?
Jenny & Leonard: YAYYYY!
Marco: Irene give me a sec, I need to check something out.
Irene: Why, whats wrong?
Marco: I'll only be a minute.
Irene takes Jenny & Leonard to the car. Marco walks over to the pond and is attacked by the weretiger hunter Gillian. At first Marco's vampire strengths overpowers Gillian, but with the years of combat and hunting experience Gillian manages to defeat Marco with a headlock and put him to sleep. Gillian then calls Chupa over to pick up Marco's unconscious body.
Chupa: Señor Gillian, how exactly are we going to catch a dragon again?
Gillian: The old fashion way, live bait...
The two then leaves into the area before Irene comes back to the same spot only to notice blood on the ground and Marco missing. She yells out his name several times before her yells turns to screams and suddenly breaks down into tears. Fearing for her missing husband.
Jenny & Leonard walks over to her and ask, "Wheres daddy?"
Irene looks at her children and hugs them.
"Everything going to be alright kids, don'y worry... everything is going to be alright..."
From a far distance a specter of darkness can be seen watching....
To be continued
Oh my gosh, poor Eric, at least Tod's a reasonable wolfboy. I still remember the last part with the Mundy scene towards the end of your previous part. Brutal, but extremely well-written.
I love that you're still going down the ticking time-bomb route with Lehava, meaning that she could literally explode with rage if one or more persons manage to make her furious. Hopefully she'll gain a true friend that will tame her flames soon, a great read, she-wolf!
That scene with Colin was priceless, including the dialogue that you add sometimes to add comedic relief! A great variety of comedy merging with mystery, I like, I like indeed.
So, what do you guys think of the idea on where you create a story having to do with a specific holiday/season? Should I include that for a categorized award for June's F.S.A.? Including the upcoming months? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to make it some sort of monthly challenge!
Okay, so I've been on a writing kick lately. I want to make more! More I tell you! Lol. So Maybe I'll start something new. This can be my June awards submission, if you prefer. This'll probably be a short story, told in one post. Enjoy.
That's what we're all trying to do.
The Adversary's chain gang is hot on our tails, in some cases, literally.
"Come on! Keep going! I can hear the sounds off their marching, they're close! Lets GO!"
I pushed along all the others, a sea of innocent people, fleeing to this "New World" we're heard about. The entrance is through a cave, just a mile or two up. We're so close. Yet, so is the Adversary.
"Do you have any porridge, ma'am?" A young boy asks. His body is frail, he supports himself on a stick," My name's Tim."
"I'm sorry, Tim. I've not got any food. But my name is Helena. If you're hungry, I think I see a butcher of some sort handing some cold sandwiches out up the line some."
"I'll try to hurry, then. Thank you, though."
He wobbles forward, all alone. Like me. I sigh, looking back behind me. So many hungry people. Surely that man doesn't have enough for us all. We push on, one step in front of the other. It's getting increasingly harder to move.
I just want to be out of this wretched place. Free from persecution.
Oh, how I miss my fair Demetrius.
How I hope that Hermia has gotten away safely, with Lysander.
Another person bumps into me.
I get used to it, saying sorry to more kids who want food. I spot Tim again, holding his sandwich to his mouth. He sits on the sidelines.
He looks up.
"Tim, do you need help to the passage way?"
"That's a nice offer, ma'am. I would be pleased to be helped."
I walk over and lift the tiny child unto my shoulders. He's lighter than I imagined. His stick dangles from his arm but he holds it strongly. He must have better upper body strength. I hear him munching as we near the end of the trail. Screams are nearer and nearer as we get closer.
"Do ya think we'll get through safe, Helena?"
"I think so. I heard what it's like on the other side. No magic, and lots of people. But they're all called Mundies. I don't know why. Maybe they're lame?"
"Maybe. Or maybe that's just what we call them because they're all different. Somehow, they're different."
"You're a smart boy. I wish I had a child. My husband was killed though, and left me before giving me that privilege."
"I'm sorry for that. My family is wherever the adversary is. They hid me when we were invaded and I escaped well after the raid. I guess I'm lucky to be alive."
Just then, and explosion of disorganization erupts. The Adversary's forces have arrived. It's too late. I start sprinting, although the weakness in my body wails for me to stop. My legs ache for rest, but my mind keeps running. I need to get this boy safe.
100 yards.
It's so close.
I start to stumble and I feel a piercing pain in my back.
I've been hit with an arrow.
I fall to the ground, and watch as Tim's horrified face stares at me.
"Go! Don't save me, just go Tim! Leave this world as fast as you can!"
"I can't run though!"
"Just try, honey. Try your best!"
He steps up using his crutch to help. Instead of hobbling slowly, he goes for a sprint. It's a poor attempt, but it's better than none. I watch him trip and I slowly bleed out in agony. So close. Keep going, Tim.
Keep Going.
Another arrow comes crashing through my head.
Haha. Yeah. Sorry about, you know. Making you the most depressed mess on the planet. The characters mentioned (Except Tim, who is obviously Tiny Tim) Are from A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Shakespeare. Helena, the emotional wreck from the play, is who I was. Poor girl. At least she saved a life before dying.
Very interesting, an intense read written at a slow pace of mystery, all while you bring a hunger scenario into it. Loved it.
But, I'm still looking forward to the next installment of Harmony's adventures if you hadn't scrapped her yet. I still applaud you on experimenting with new story types, thumbs up!
Thanks! And yeah, I'll write more about Harmony. I'm just taking a break, you know? It'll be back before you know it!
Big fight coming up next chapter.
That's funny because my story is heading towards the season of Christmas within the next few chapters! lol Hopefully it will make it by the end of the month.
Think that is a great idea, actually!
Again, good job to everyone. Having so much fun with this!
Well, I have a feeling it will feature the Lord Boogey himself, I shall find out anyways.
All right then! Georgie seems to like the idea! Anyone else have an opinion of whether I should do this or not?
AAAAAAAAAAH that last picture scared the sh** out of me so intense watching them just creepy in a good way epic. I love your unique style I will definitely be reading every chapter with a smile on my face if you continue this mix of action and horror so cool and refreshing way to tell TWAU story love it.
I think should be story of the week then after 4 weeks the 4 winners will be judged for overall story of the month in a thread maybe not sure lol.
I'm not sure our mighty dictator you always chose the right thing
We should do categories like 'most intense' 'most comical' 'most romantic' 'most dramatic.' Maybe 'best backstory' 'most interesting take on TWAU characters' I love the whole Fable of the month, artwork for chapters. Those are fun. Maybe a section for 'best newcomer?' You never know! I trust ya', Dragon. The May selection was brilliant and entertaining! Can't wait for June.
Not a bad idea, but I still think it is best for the F.S.A. to be held monthly instead of weekly. It gives time for everyone to put forth their stories, so that I have a lot to work with, especially when I try to make it fair with the awards and all.
I'm a dictator now, huh? I like the idea... hmmm.
Bow before your almighty surpreme leader, DragonButter. >:D
Thanks so much for the compliment too!
lol Praise thy creater of thread and divine writer of stories
Hmmm, I may use a few of those award categories you mentioned! Thanks for the input! Also thanks for trusting me, man, you made me so happy, really!
Terrific as usually I expect nothing less from emmypess
Hey, that rhymed!
XD You find only but the best of gifs for conversations like this, Mark.
I think if I tried, I wouldn't get any further than a cheap one-off storyline from a friendly writing exercise. I mean, the next part I've got planned, which maybe the next or the one after, involves a holiday, but a whole story? I just can't. But holiday specials never were my thing to begin with.
So...if you wanna do it, go ahead, but unless the rules say it must be a complete separate story, my thing won't count.
Whoops, did I say "unless"? I meant "if".
Only as soon as you show me how you milk a dragon to make the butter for which you are named.
Walk with me, fellow acolyte. For I will show you the tricks of the trade when it comes to milking a dragon.
Now that you mention it, it doesn't have to be a full-fledged story if a person doesn't want it to be. It could be a nice, short and simple story. Being completely separate from their current tale if they wish it to be. (as you previously said) I may post more details about it later this week if I get more approvals, I know that pudding_pie likes my idea, Mark probably likes it as well.
Chapter 12
"...They knew the risk..."
Carla stood outside the gates of the Woodlands. She managed to find a shady spot located under a large leafy branch. The heat was blistering and sh couldn't afford to get overheated and uncomfortable. Carla couldn't wait to dip her toes in the icy blue water, rest her head on the cool mounds of moss, watch the sun set over the horizon. She pictured the wind blowing furiously through the trees, chatter of small woodland critters looking for shelter; Gren laying beside her, both in silence, as they watched clouds go by. Carla wanted to forget about Councils, Fabletown, Business office and paperwork when she was in Adirondack Park; as far as they were both concerned, those things didn't exist the second their feet left the city limits.
Carla glanced at her watch; Gren was five minutes late. Hopefully, everything is okay and work didn't hold him overtime, she thought. As she stood silently waiting for Gren, she scanned the area and began people watching. Earlier, Snow had stopped by before leaving to discuss the paperwork needed to be completed by noon tomorrow. When she found Carla still waiting by the gates, she had an idea of what was to take place.
"Your father will not be pleased with this," said Snow. "He will be very distraught when he finds out you're sneaking around. You HAVE to tell us everything exactly how and when it happens, Carla. If someone saw you walking by with a Fable-"
'Wow,' thought Carla. 'I'm trying to be professional and smile but in reality, Snow, I want to reach over and smack you around a few times; shake and rattle your mind for a bit.'
Carla was tired of pretending like none of this bothered her; she and Gren were doing nothing wrong, nothing that broke the laws for either community. After all these years, Carla never spoke of the hidden city within New York; by now, they should trust her, she thought. All she could do was smile and nod at Snow the entire time she spoke. When Snow realized this was going nowhere, she thanked Carla and carried on back to the office.
"Fuck," mumbled Carla, as Snow walked away. "Rub more salt into my wounds why don't you."
Carla was startled when Gren reached behind and grabbed her sides. Carla, always on her toes, swung around and smacked Gren with her purse. She managed to get him on the face. He stumbled backwards and when Carla came to her senses, saw who it was. She was mortified, as she collected Gren off the ground.
"Oh, fuck Gren," shouted Carla, as she helped dust Gren off. "Don't do that! You scared me! You know how jumpy I am!"
"Sorry, Carla," chuckled Gren. "But who else does that shit to ya', huh? Besides, what do you have in that purse, bricks? That thing is a weapon on its own!"
"Say my name next time, okay so this won't happen again. Would hate for this to be a daily thing when we meet up."
"Why not," laughed Gren. "Create traditions."
Despite the slight bump and throbbing sensation on his right cheek, Gren had worse done to him. He couldn't blame Carla but still enjoyed pushing her buttons; she was about the only person, besides Holly, Woody or Jack, that understood his dry sense of humor. Next time, though, he was going to warn her; wave a white flag and send off flares, he thought. Before they made their way to the park, Gren stopped at a mini mart and grabbed a six pack of beers, bag of chips and candy.
"Got to have snacks," said Gren. "We Grendels can only go so long without eating something."
Carla rolled her eyes and the two were soon on their way to Adirondack Park, the sun slowly setting behind them and city disappearing like a distant memory.
Carla could instantly feel the cool, refreshing air the minute they entered the wooded area. The sound of the waterfall and splashing water was not too far behind; she tossed her shoes to the side, undid her hair and ran to the river. She quickly placed her feet in the water and watched as little fish swam around her toes. She placed her hands into the water, scooped a handful of water and splashed it against her skin. Carla didn't care if her makeup would run; she was in the moment and wanted nothing more. Gren stood by a tree and watched; her enthusiastic mentality towards life was always fun to watch. Carla, unlike most mundies he has come across, saw the majestic beauty and secrets this world had. At times, Gren envied her. He walked over to Carla, who was splashing the water like she were a child.
"Gren," shouted Carla. "Join me! This water feels so good! Its nice to get out of that oven!"
Gren chuckled and soon, he was stripping down to nothing but his jeans. He rolled them up and slowly made his way to the river. Carla threw a handful of water his way; the piercing, suddenly cold water against his face felt spectacular. Gren splashed Carla back; she squealed in delight, as he chased her down the river. The two were so lost in time, that they didn't see the man standing by the tree, hands folded, watching them.
'Huh,' the man thought, as he watched Gren and Carla. 'A Fable AND mundy, getting along? Look at them; stupid fools. Wonder if anyone knows...'
Carla looked over and saw the man. She froze; she was worried it was a Fable and he would tell someone. She remembered Gren mentioning other Fables came out here. Problem was, she was not alone; Gren was currently behind her, catching up.
"Carla," said Gren, trying to catch his breathe. "Why did you-"
His eyes found exactly what she was looking at. He growled, quickly walking to the man. The red headed man with a culd-a-sac hair pattern, continued to smile. He was fascinated with the view he was looking at.
"You," roared Gren. "The fuck you doing here?! Get out of here, Jersey!"
Carla's heart stopped; she had heard of the Jersey Devil many times from her father and Bigby. she tried to swallow back her fears, hold back her tears. He would surely say something, she thought. They would be in the office by dawn with about a hundred more papers for them to sign.
"Hey, relax, buddy," Jersey said, calmly. "You think you'se the only Fable that comes out here, huh? I have every right to be out here, too. Ain't hurtin' no one...."
Jersey tipped his glasses and glanced at Carla.
"She's pretty," continued Jersey. "Still very strange seeing you, a Grendel, with her, a mundy, ya' know?"
Gren was inches from Jersey's face; if he wanted to, a quick change and swipe of his hand would end this. But the only thing Gren would get out of it, was a permanent trip to the Farm. He couldn't risk that; that meant never seeing Carla again.
"you better get out of here, Jersey," whispered Gren. "You better fuckin' keep your mouth shut, too."
Jersey grinned; he was not here to fight Gren. He knew better.
"Please Gren," said Jersey. "I have better things to do. and besides, tired of seeing that dog anyways. Trust me; I never say either of you here. Better leave ya' two to, uh, whatever the fuck that all was. Fuckin' skipping or some dumb shit..."
Jersey turned to Carla, smiled and waved and no sooner had he arrived, he was gone. Carla ran to Gren's side and grabbed his arm.
"What did he want," she asked. "Did he say anything?"
"Don't worry, Carla," said Gren. "He's gone now. Let's not have him ruin this day. Come on..."
The moon was high above them now; it was such a beautiful night. The heavens were covered in a thick blanket of stars. Gren and Carla were side by side, lost in the enchanted night air. The only sound either of them could hear were the light chirps from crickets and bubbling rivers. They both were trying to forget everything; Jersey, the city, Council, her father. Although reality was not too far from their sight, Carla and Gren wanted to pretend for the time they had. He wrapped his jacket around Carla; he noticed her shivering off and on now for the past ten minutes.
"I love coming out here," said Carla. "Look at the sky. What a lovely night this is. The stars are twinkling like little miniature fireflies."
"Yeah," sighed Gren. "It is nice..."
"Do you think Jersey will say anything?"
"Well? Do you?"
Gren, frustrated from her question, arose and began putting on his shoes. Carla continued sitting in her spot, watching him in confusion.
"What the hell are you doing, Gren," asked Carla. "I just wanted to make conversation. What is-"
"I could have gone another twenty minutes without you bringing that up, Carla. Thought we were coming out here to FORGET that bullshit..."
Carla quickly stood up, took off his jacket and tossed it into a bush. Gren, annoyed with her actions, grabbed it and brushed any dirt or leaves it collected.
"Wow, very childish of you, Carla."
"Me? You're the one storming away without giving me a warning! So I mentioned Jersey? It was a simple question! I still want to have a wonderful evening with you, Gren! But you can't roar and throw a tantrum every time something you don't like happens!"
Gren threw his fist into a tree, causing it to crack and part of it fall to the ground. Carla stood still, in fear he would do something to her. His eyes changed, his growls deeper and more shallow. Before long, Carla was heading down the path and back to the city. Gren watched her leave; he was soon behind her. 'Fuck,' he thought. 'What the fuck is wrong with you?!' Gren chased after her; he could hear her sobs and feet just ahead of him. As he caught up to her, Gren found Carla standing by a large tree, looking straight into the growing lights ahead. She was focused on the city; the loud honking growing loudly.
"Carla, I'm sorry and-"
"I didn't mean to anger you and run off like that," said Carla. "You are right. Why bring something like that up? We come here to forget, right? I guess I'm just tried of pretending, Gren..."
"Come with me, Carla," said Gren, as he grabbed her hands. "Come with me to my apartment. I don't want this night to end just yet...we can talk there..."
Carla agreed; she didn't want to leave like this. No matter hos frustrating Gren got, she still gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Hand in hand, they walked back to the city; to the noise, to their troubled lives.
To reality.
Chapter 13
"...but this was the night..."
NOTE: There is a sex scene in this chapter. Not a graphic one but its there. Just a fair, friendly warning.
Gren and Carla were silent the entire time. Gren was nervous; he had gone too far with Carla tonight. He sighed, as she pulled away from his grasp. He was devastated. as they reached his apartment, Gren fumbled in his pocket for the keys. When he found them, he placed it in the key hole. As he turned the key, Carla looked out into the streets.
"Fuck," said Gren, as he kicked the door.
"What now," asked Carla, as she watched Gren continue to kick the door. "Why are you kicking the door? Gren!"
He ignored Carla, as he went to the alley and found his window. He jumped onto the dumpster, shimmed the window a few times and opened it. He jumped inside; Carla could see the lights turn on and brighten the outside world. She walked back to the front; Gren was there, smiling. She walked into the tiny studio apartment and dropped her things by the door. The air was heavy and thick; although he had the fan above blowing on full sped, the poor insulation in his apartment was only making it worse. Gren was down to his jeans again, wiping his brow with a wet towel. He took a seat on his couch, leaning to the side. Carla joined him, unsure on what she should do next.
"You thirsty," asked Gren,, as he held his cup of water up.
Carla took the class and took a sip. The metallic taste was unbearable. She couldn't understand how Gren could possibly drink this.
"Ugh, this is awful," shouted Carla, as she handed Gren the water. "How can you drink this?"
"Well, excuse me," replied Gren. "Sorry this is not to your liking. Forgot you are used to clean, spring water..."
"What does that mean? Look, if you brought me here to yell and fight, then I'm leaving! I didn't come all this way to do this with you, Gren..."
As Carla spoke, she watched a large brown roach scurry across the floor and into a large crack by the bathroom door. They both fell silent; Gren got up very quickly. Before Carla could speak, Gren tossed the glass at the crack; it shattered and soon, there was a large puddle of water and shards of glass. Carla was startled, as she watched Gren head to the window. He was embarrassed; this was the reason, in the months he had known Carla, why he never brought her to his place.
"Then leave," whispered Gren. "Leave Carla if you want. I'm sorry I wasted your time. you shouldn't have come here..."
"Why do you keep things from me, Gren," screamed Carla. She was now behind him; he could feel the hurt and anger coming from her. "Why did that happen at the park; why did you just throw that glass? You make things a bigger issue then they actually are!"
"The fuck do you mean," bellowed Gren. "Make a bigger deal out of what? Because I don't want to talk about Jersey, that scumbag-"
"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT JERSEY, GREN! I'm talking about this; us, you, me, the city, my folks, the papers! I...I know what you are trying to do; I've been doing it, too. But after seeing another Fable witness us together, all my worries just bum rushed me and I had no idea how to comprehend them all!"
"What does Jersey have to do with us though, Carla? So fuckin' what? The Fables know about you; fuck, half this town knows about your father..."
Carla was frustrated; he was not listening to her and the point she was trying to make. It was late; Carla didn't have time for this. Maybe her father was right, she thought. Maybe Fables and mundies couldn't be together.
"Look, its late, Gren," said Carla. "I have to go. You don't get it; you may never understand. So, I'm heading back to the Pudding & Pie and-"
"I will never understand," screamed Gren. "If anything, YOU don't understand!"
"Look around you, Carla! I bust my ass off, for what-a piece of shit apartment infested with bugs, a boring, dead end job, your father and the sheriff always down my throat! You come in here and tell me I don't get it?! When you were born with a silver fuckin' spoon in your mouth? You didn't have to change your appearance, Carla! Or run from the homelands, move here and live in secret like your a bad thing! Look at you, Carla! A god damn mundy and you STILL have more power then half the Fables in this town..."
Gren took a seat back on the couch; Carla following close behind. As she sat down, she grabbed his hand. He was looking at the ground; too ashamed and angry to look her in the eyes.
"I'm so sorry about tonight, Carla," said Gren, trying to hold back tears. "I...I'm just so tired of these rules, the stupid fuckin' Council and that dog Bigby harassing us for the slightest change in this relationship! How many fucking Fables in this town go unglamoured; live secret lives, see someone out of their 'group' and nothing is done? I have a SINGLE conversation with you and two hours later, I'm being swamped with paper, after paper, after paper...."
Gren couldn't hold it in; he broke down and began to cry heavily. Carla grabbed him and held Gren against her chest. Her shirt was quickly soaked in his tears; she didn't seem to notice and began stroking his hair. He was right, thought Carla. So many things went unnoticed and like she was, Gren only wanted to pretend for awhile like nothing was wrong.
"Sorry I'm not...not a Fable, Gren. MJaybe it wouldn't be so bad if I wa-"
Gren lifted his head up; both his eyes the milky color. He looked upset with her remark. Carla sunk deeper into the couch. She was afraid of his next move; with Gren, you were never too sure.
"Sorry you're not a what? A Fable?! I don't want a god damn Fable, Carla! I didn't fall in love with a Fable! I feel in love with a mundy and-"
"You love me," interrupted Carla.
Gren leaned into Carla's face; she could feel his heavy breathing against her lips, his eyes focused on her own. She reached her hands up and touched his face. His skin was always so tough against her soft hands, yet, she enjoyed every inch her finger tips touched.
"Carla, please. Don't go...I'm just so tired of this. Ready for it to be over. Hate this bullshit. I've seen what they have done to Lyla, to us! I-"
Carla placed her finger tip on Gren's lips. she didn't want to discuss this anymore tonight; this was not going to disappear, she knew that but for now, they could pretend for a bit. She stood before Gren and slowly began unbuttoning her shirt. Gren continued to watch and sit in the couch. Carla opened her blouse and exposed her breasts; the soft mounds of pale flesh glistening against what light Gren had in his apartment. She was alluring; her long auburn hair falling past her shoulders, her green eyes twinkling in the light, her skin appearing to glow.
Gren didn't say a word, as he reached over and grabbed Carla. He pulled her close; he could feel the warmth from her chest against his skin. He traced his finger across her back, along her shoulders and finished against her cheek. She gave it a kiss, as he slowly moved along her bottom lip. She was in love with Gren; even if she had to break every rule and run far away, she was always going to be with him. Gren took another look at Carla; he couldn't remember ever seeing anything more prepossessing in all the centuries he had been alive. Sights at the Homelands couldn't compare to the beauty he held in his arms tonight.
Gren reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold ring. Carla looked at it with astonishment; it glistened like diamonds against the radiant light. He slipped in onto her finger; Carla looked down confused at his actions.
"This ring was given to be centuries ago at the Homelands," said Gren, while stroking Carla's hair. "This ring will have to do until I can buy a wedding band."
"Gren, what, are-"
"Carla, be mine for the remainder of our years on this planet. i want you there by my side..."
Carla leaned forward and planted a passionate kiss on Gren's lips; they were too busy holding on to one another to keep track of time. Carla could care less. She reached down and slowly unzipped Gren's jeans; all the while, his lips remained locked on Carla's. He finished undressing himself and focused his attention on Carla. She kissed his ear and wrapped her arms around his neck, as he finished removing the last piece of clothing. Gren could feel her rapid heartbeat against his bare chest. He continued moving his hands down, until he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him. Carla stopped and looked into his eyes; the right one different then his other. She traced her finger along the scar and smiled.
"What is is, Carla,' whispered Gren. "What is it that you want..."
"I want the real you, Gren," Carla said. "Please, do not hide from me when we are alone. I want the real you...the Grendel I know and love..."
Within seconds, the room was filled with a neon green light. Carla was blinded for a few seconds and when she had her vision back, she looked forward and found Gren in his true form; the giant Grendel reached out his large hand and stroked her cheek. Normal mundies would have shuttered the minute they laid their eyes on him; a towering, menacing giant with rows of sharp teeth, large claws and spikes along his arms and legs. Most mundies would run; Carla was not most mundies. She didn't run.
The giant Grendel snatched Carla into his arms and pressed her against the couch. Her breathing became heavy and quick; her mind racing and anxiety rising. He used his hands for support, as he positioned himself between her legs; she began shaking, as he kissed her neck. Carla didn't want Gren to hold back. She wanted all of him, the true Grendel she knew and loved.
Carla fell into Gren's arms, feeling a strong connection; a lustful feeling that clouded their minds, body and soul. From that moment, until the sun was barely touching the skyscrapers, Carla and Gren carried on the night, both lost in their love and passion. They knew in the morning, things would have to go back to what they were; he glamoured to look 'normal', her to return world she knew so little of and pretend. Eventually, someone would find out; the Council would be at their doors and the office filled with yards of papers and signatures needed.
But that wasn't important. She was going out tonight with her middle finger in the air; Gren not too far behind.
In the morning, she would figure out. for now, this was all she cared about; both erasing all they have ever been told.
Jersey?! That can't be good, Georgie! Can't wait to see where this goes next! Feel bad for them both.
That was beautiful, reading two people that love each other so much come together. You ever hear Akon's song 'Don't matter?' I thought of Gren and Carla when this song came on. Can't wait to read more. We to expect a Gren and Carla baby soon? BTW, not to sound like a perv but damn, Carla-Gren in his TRUE form?? You go, girl!
lol Good job, Porgie! More!!!
That is probably my last chapter for a while so busy atm tbh see if I even get a chance to finish it and do another chapter but thanks for everyone who read it and enjoyed this chapter so far really appreciate it.
The holiday/season idea would surely lead to some interesting stories I think, certainly in atmospheric terms, which I like, however I can certainly see it working in other ways.
I really enjoyed that, despite it being a bit depressing as you mentioned haha. It was just the right length, gave enough information to provoke a certain care for the characters, and gave something new with it being a tale about the Exodus. Plus the Shakespeare references, it's a great short story.
I do too, various ways.
Chapter 14
"...For the Grendel to erase his horrible ways..."
'I never thought I'd hear myself say, ya'll go ahead, I think I'm going to kick it with my girl today. I used to be commander in chief, with my pimp ship flying high. Until I met this pretty little missile, that shot me out of the sky.'
-Keri Hilson 'Knock you Down'
"Fuck," whispered Gren, as he looked out the window. "Uh, this wasn't supposed to happen to me...."
He rubbed his temple, as he tried to keep a steady hand holding his coffee. It was warm again today; the heat coming through his window felt like an oven, small droplets of sweat forming around his brow. Gren glanced over at Carla, still wrapped up in sheets and sleeping. He smiled; having her there with him this morning was amazing and wouldn't mind having this routine every morning before work. Gren didn't notice the time; it was seven fifteen. Carla was to be at work an hour ago.
As he continued watching the sleeping beauty, his phone rang. He jumped; looked over and saw Carla slowly stretching and rubbing her eyes. He ran to the phone, hoping to answer it before she was waken up. Too late; she was sitting up, eyes watching as Gren struggled to grasp the phone.
Bigby was on the other end; he didn't sound very amused.
"Gren, I'm going to ask you ONE time," spoke Bigby indignant. "Is Carla Smith with you?"
Gren stood frozen, unable to speak. Carla frantically waved her arms, trying to break him from the unexpected silence. When that didn't work, she got up and headed in his direction. Gran noticed this; what was he going to tell them? Yes? No? Fuck off, Sheriff? So many possibilities swam around his mind but he had no choice; they knew she was here. Gren swallowed his pride and sighed; he couldn't get her in trouble, especially knowing everyone had an idea on her current location. As Gren spoke to Bigby, Carla stopped and noticed the time; Fuck she thought. I'm late!
"Yes," whispered Gren. "She..she is here with me..."
"Has she been there all night," asked Bigby.
"The fuck does it matter whether or not she's been here all night or not, Bigby?"
He could hear Snow in the background; her dissatisfied remarks, the constant interruption to get some kind of answer. Gren was annoyed; could this woman just stay out of things for once? Gren looked in the corner of his eye and saw Carla frantically getting her belongings and try heading out the door. The office already knew where she was; her father would know soon as well. Gren continued watching Carla, while Bigby maintained his bewilderment.
"Gren," continued Bigby. "I'm TRYING to work with you on this situation. We KNEW she was there the second she showed up late. When we called the Pudding & Pie, we were hoping to be wrong; its not like Carla to be late for anything. When Lyla answered the phone and assured us that she WASN'T there, I already knew the answer. Gren-"
By now, Gren was no longer paying attention. All he could think about was the trouble heading their way. Bigby and Snow were not imbeciles; they knew what took place last night between him and Carla. Not like he could lie and say they were just 'hanging out' or 'talking'; plus, Gren was terrible at lying. Carla was now frantically searching for her keys.
"Fuck," she shouted. "God fucking dammit! The hell! Oh man, he is going to kill me; he is going to make me quit, take me away from here. I will never see him again-"
Gren managed to grab Carla, just as he hung up the phone. He was tired of hearing the sheriff complain; he was already developing a headache and he was making it worse. Carla tried fighting Gren off; she was done for. She was sure of it. Carla began to cry; she was out of options and found herself in a dead end, with nowhere to go. She slumped into his arms and began sobbing.
"Ssh, Carla," said Gren, as he stroked her hair. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. The sheriff-"
"Fucking knows I'm here, Gren! Snow is going to kill me, my dad will find out and you and I can kiss all of this goodbye! You really think he is going to welcome you with open arms? Congratulate us and wish us the best? We are going to have an avalanche of papers heading our way!"
She managed to release herself from Gren's grip and head out the door. She had time to fix this; she had to.
"Wait," screamed Gren, as he ran after her. "Carla! Fuck! Will you wait?"
Carla was trying to push her way past the large quantities of people on the streets. She had to reach the Business office before her father did. Hopefully, Bigby had not called him yet. Gren managed to catch up to Carla. He grabbed her arm.
"Carla," shouted Gren. "Just stop, okay? We will fix this together-"
"I have to do this, Gren! I...I can't risk them taking this further then it has to. Please! Let me handle this; let me handle my father how I see fit. Trust me, please."
Gren released his grip on her arm; he did trust Carla. He wasn't sure if he had the same feelings towards her father or the sheriff. If the Farm was to be his punishment, so be it. Long as Carla continued to live a 'normal' life in Fabletown, that's all that he cared about.
"Okay, I trust you...just be careful, okay?"
Gren leaned in and gave her a light kiss on the lips. She touched his cheek and kissed his forehead and continued down the street. She had one stop to make, however; see how 'lucky' she truly was this morning.
Carla hated walking on this side of town; the Fables sometimes gave her shit for being in their 'area.' She had business to tend and last thing she needed was trouble. She found who she was looking for, climbing up a stool ladder reaching for an item on the top shelf. He almost lost his footing, causing him to grab the bars and balance himself. As he did, he looked over and saw her.
"Oh hey, its you," replied Jersey, as he made his way down the ladder. "What is someone like 'you' doing in a place like this? Ya' know, I'm not in the mood to deal with your father or that lousy sheriff today. Really. I meant what I said 'bout-"
Carla grabbed his neck and pinned him against the glass. She looked towards the wall and found Samurai swords mounted. Those looked tempting and Jersey knew what she had planned to do with them. He was finding it difficult to move under her grasp. She was stronger then he thought; these Halfers never seemed to stop surprising the community.
"What do you want," Jersey begged. "Look, I told ya's, I ain't gonna say nothin' 'bout you'se and the Grendel bein' at that park, okay? I go there all the time, ya' know, like your boyfriend! Look, just let me go and-"
"SHUT UP! Just, shut your fucking mouth, Jersey! YOU are the only one that saw us there! YOU are the only one that is going to 'fix' this little problem, okay? I WILL not be sent away and I WILL NOT watch them take Gren away, do you understand?"
Her grip continued to tighten; Jersey was struggling to move, struggling to breath. He didn't want it to come to this but he had no choice; the bright green light began to blind Carla as she tried to block the blinding light. When she came to and saw who stood before her, her heart sunk to the bottom. Jersey walked over to Carla and laughed; he looked nothing like the pictures she saw in a text book during class.
"What's the trouble, mundy," laughed Jersey. "This too much for a little thing like yourself? Go ahead; keep harassing me in my own store! Go on, mundy!"
Carla was terrified; she could easily take on his 'glamoured' self. That was a given but not like this; with one swipe, he could easily kill her. These cryptids were no match for her. He lowered his face inches from her own; she could hear the growls and hisses escaping his mouth. She felt herself cornered, her heart racing. She prepared for her demise; to disappear in the river, body decomposing on the bottom of the lake. No one would ever know where she was. She closed her eyes, waiting. Just simply waiting.
Suddenly, the front door opened and there stood Gren; he was in his true form, growling at Jersey. He lunged at Jersey, pinning him to the ground. He took a swing at Jersey, clawing in the direction of his face. Gren lifted his massive claws and dug them into Jersey's side. Jersey let out a piercing cry, as Gren dug his claws deep into his flesh. With a swift kick from his right leg, Jersey placed his foot under Gren's chest and tossed him aside. Gren flew across the room and landed against the wall, knocking down various objects behind.
Jersey rose to his feet and charged at Gren; his antlers aiming for Gren's stomach. He manged to swing to the right, Jersey nearly missing his vital organs. Gren stumbled to the ground, lifted himself up and tackled Jersey back to the floor.
"You think you are so tough, Grendel," shouted Jersey, as he pushed Gren to the side. "You think protecting your little mundy bitch will save you? You think your 'love' for her will change your sinful ways? You don't have the guts or the courage to deal with what is heading your way-"
Gren forefully closed Jersey's mouth with his left hand, grabbed the bone on his face and tossed him into a fire extinguisher; as he did, the entire area of his location was covered in a thick, white paste. Carla watched as Gren turned back to normal and Jersey crawling from the wall of white fog. He laid down on the floor, beginning to hack and find it difficult to speak. Gren stood over him, pocket knife in one hand, lowering it closer to his throat.
"Say your sorry to Carla, Jersey," Gren said sarcastically. "You scared the lady. She just wanted to ask you a question..."
"She ugh, cough started it, uh," said Jersey, still trying to gain his thoughts. "You, oh my god-you have her come in here and start shit. You have no fucking clue, how hard it was to keep it all back, that stupid, uh.....mundy...."
"WHICH is why she was here with you this morning. I told the sheriff she DID come with me to my apartment but she was here with you, discussing paperwork. Okay?"
"And if I, uh don't say that? What are YOU going to do, Grendel. I'm not afraid of you....."
"Then I can easily turn around and say YOU attacked her, Jersey. They don't take attacks on mundies so lightly...."
Jersey looked up at Gren; he was smiling from ear to ear, still holding the knife to his throat.
"Fine! Fine! Whatever! Just-go! Just get the fuck out of my store! I will tell whatever bullshit excuse you want me to say!"
Gren placed the knife in his pocket and left with Carla. She stood outside, watching him try to wipe the blood off his jacket.
"Will that work, Gren," asked Carla. "Do you think that will work? I heard you on the phone with my dad and-"
"It will work, Carla. Just follow my lead and we will get through this together. He won't be a problem. Let's head to the Business office so we can handle your father and the Big Bad Wolf; believe they are all there waiting for our grand entrance."
Carla giggled and followed Gren towards the Business Office.
She knew it would be a long day.