"No, goddammit, this isn't fair! That's my daughter, she shouldn't be out there alone!" You yell at the commissioner.
"Officer Puncake, I understand you want to get to your daughter but we can't afford to be short an officer." The commissioner says as he shoots a look your way.
You storm out of his office, running into another officer on the way out. You try to walk past him but he stops you and grabs your arm.
"I heard what he said in there. It's pretty fucked up." The officer says, pulling you away from the commissioner's office.
"What's it to you, Cole?" You glare at him
"I want to help you get to your kid." He looks right back at you
You look at him, shocked that someone like Cole would completely go against the commissioner like that.
"How can you help me?" You begin to shake of the feeling
"Many ways. I can go with you to get her or I can stay here and run interference on the commissioner. Your choice." He had already let go of your arm by then but you didn't notice.
"You can come with me" or "You should stay and run interference on him"
You run through the woods, trying to escape from whatever it was. You stop and lean against a nearby tree to catch your breath.
"Yo, your shirt is fucked." You hear your brother, Richard, who was following behind you
"Shut up, Dick." You gasp for air in between your words.
You stand up and wipe the sweat off of your forehead. You look down at your shirt and notice the blood, splattered all over it.
"This is sick... Come on, maybe we can find someone to help us." You say to Richard as you begin walking along the treeline and he follows.
"Give me your jacket." You look over at your brother who gives you a look of disgust.
"Fuck that, you may be covered in blood but I don't want to be.." Richard says to you and continues walking
"Dude, if we run into people they're going to think I killed someone, I know they will!" You begin to argue
"Just tell them the truth, someone tried to eat your face off." Richard shrugs off your argument
You scoff at him and keep walking. He stops and points ahead of you. You look ahead and see four figures in the distance.
"Should we try and get their attention?" Richard asks you and keeps looking forward
[Get their attention] or [Keep walking]]
(Part 2 has arrived, I might or might not do part 3 tonight.)
"No, goddammit, this isn't fair! That's my daughter, she shouldn't be out there alone!" You yell at the commissioner.
"Officer… more Puncake, I understand you want to get to your daughter but we can't afford to be short an officer." The commissioner says as he shoots a look your way.
You storm out of his office, running into another officer on the way out. You try to walk past him but he stops you and grabs your arm.
"I heard what he said in there. It's pretty fucked up." The officer says, pulling you away from the commissioner's office.
"What's it to you, Cole?" You glare at him
"I want to help you get to your kid." He looks right back at you
You look at him, shocked that someone like Cole would completely go against the commissioner like that.
"How can you help me?" You begin to shake of the feeling
"Many ways. I can go with you to get her or I can stay here and run interference on the commissioner. Your choice.… [view original content]
"No, goddammit, this isn't fair! That's my daughter, she shouldn't be out there alone!" You yell at the commissioner.
"Officer… more Puncake, I understand you want to get to your daughter but we can't afford to be short an officer." The commissioner says as he shoots a look your way.
You storm out of his office, running into another officer on the way out. You try to walk past him but he stops you and grabs your arm.
"I heard what he said in there. It's pretty fucked up." The officer says, pulling you away from the commissioner's office.
"What's it to you, Cole?" You glare at him
"I want to help you get to your kid." He looks right back at you
You look at him, shocked that someone like Cole would completely go against the commissioner like that.
"How can you help me?" You begin to shake of the feeling
"Many ways. I can go with you to get her or I can stay here and run interference on the commissioner. Your choice.… [view original content]
"No, goddammit, this isn't fair! That's my daughter, she shouldn't be out there alone!" You yell at the commissioner.
"Officer… more Puncake, I understand you want to get to your daughter but we can't afford to be short an officer." The commissioner says as he shoots a look your way.
You storm out of his office, running into another officer on the way out. You try to walk past him but he stops you and grabs your arm.
"I heard what he said in there. It's pretty fucked up." The officer says, pulling you away from the commissioner's office.
"What's it to you, Cole?" You glare at him
"I want to help you get to your kid." He looks right back at you
You look at him, shocked that someone like Cole would completely go against the commissioner like that.
"How can you help me?" You begin to shake of the feeling
"Many ways. I can go with you to get her or I can stay here and run interference on the commissioner. Your choice.… [view original content]
You throw your phone into your pocket and put your backpack strap on tight.
You start running the opposite direction of the school, running into people and pushing them as you go.
You soon arrive at ATR's house, seeing someone in the driveway
"Hey, have you seen the owners of this house?" You call out to the person
The person turns around with shreds of flesh in their teeth. You begin to back away from the person, fear in your eyes.
You trip on a pipe and fall to the ground. You keep trying to back away but can't go any farther.
The person grabs you and attempts to bite you as you struggle and scream to push the person away.
You see ATR rushing from under her mom's car with a kitchen knife in hand.
She stabs the person in the chest but that doesn't stop them. She tries to pull the knife out of the person, without luck.
You reach behind your head and grab the pipe with one hand, pushing the person away with the other hand.
"ATR! Pull this fucker off of me!" You scream
She stops trying to get the knife and grabs the person by the shoulders and pull them off of you.
You stand up and brush yourself off. The person does too.
As the person tries to leap at you again, you smack them in the head with the pipe. ATR jumps back, away from the person and you.
You hit the person until they stop trying to get up. ATR reaches out to you, you grab her hand and get up. You place your hands on your knees in order to catch a breath.
"Can you help us, please?" You hear a child's voice calling out, you look behind you and notice a little girl with black hair and a woman with brown hair and a bite.
"Who are you?" ATR asks the woman.
"My name is Christine... This- This is Clementine. We need your help." The bite victim says with a weak voice
"Come with me"
"Alright, you can come with me, but we need to go now. If my daughter gets murdered because you were stalling me then I won't hesitate to kill you." You look over at Cole who simply nods in understanding, then back at the commissioner's office.
You and Cole go out to your cruiser, you start the engine and quickly pull out of the parking lot. You speed on the way to your house.
You look over at Cole and decide to start conversation.
"So, why did you decide to help me anyways?" You take your eyes off of the road.
"Because, I-- OH SHIT, WATCH OUT!!" Cole yells to you and grabs the glove box and pushes his back to the seat. You look forward seeing one of them, the creeps, standing in the middle of the road.
You try to pull away but can't avoid hitting the creep. You slam on the brakes before any more damage can be done.
Both you and Cole jump out of the car and run over to the creep.
"Christine..." You mutter under your breath
Cole looks over at you "You knew her?" He then looks down at the undead Christine.
"It doesn't matter. I need to find Clementine, she could be in trouble.
You walk to your front door and stand there for a moment, not knowing what to expect.
Seconds before you open the door, you turn to Cole who is walking towards to the woods, you chase after him.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" You yell at him.
Cole doesn't answer but instead raises a finger, telling you to be quiet and listen. You listen for a minute and hear crying coming from the woods.
"What should we do?" Asks Cole, who then turns towards you, expecting an answer.
[Check the house] or [Check the woods]
(This will be the last part for the night, I'll write more in the morning.)
[Go check on ATR]
You throw your phone into your pocket and put your backpack strap on tight.
You start running the opposite dire… morection of the school, running into people and pushing them as you go.
You soon arrive at ATR's house, seeing someone in the driveway
"Hey, have you seen the owners of this house?" You call out to the person
The person turns around with shreds of flesh in their teeth. You begin to back away from the person, fear in your eyes.
You trip on a pipe and fall to the ground. You keep trying to back away but can't go any farther.
The person grabs you and attempts to bite you as you struggle and scream to push the person away.
You see ATR rushing from under her mom's car with a kitchen knife in hand.
She stabs the person in the chest but that doesn't stop them. She tries to pull the knife out of the person, without luck.
You reach behind your head and grab the pipe with one hand, pushing the person … [view original content]
Things had calmed down since the outbreak began but that doesn't mean that your group did. You were in charge of living, breathing people. Unlike those freaks. You took your leadership very seriously and didn't play around. Everyone in your group could vouch for that.
"Fox. Kaden!" A familiar voice called out to you, you look around and notice KingJuiceBox. You scoff and think to yourself "This should be fun..."
You look at him and notice that some others behind him are watching. "What do you want?" You look back to him.
"We all think we should get away from the city. Now." He says in an assertive tone.
You sigh "You know we can't do that.." He looks to get angry, like always.
"Well why not?! If we stay here we could get stolen from, killed, or bitten!" He begins yelling as a girl behind stands up and walks up.
"Stay the fuck out of this, Girlie, you have no business in this!" He snapped at the girl
"My name's Kara, not Girlie." Kara snaps right back
"Well then, Kara, stay the fuck out of this, you have no business in this!" KJB says again
"I do if it involves me living or dying so fuck off, King." She returns the point and looks over at me.
You look at the two to see that they're both wanting an explanation now.
You mutter under your breath "This is bullshit.."
"We want to leave now, pretty boy." KJB taunts you
Kara looks over at him and sighs before walking away.
"Give me some time to think about it.." You tell KJB and walk away.
[Find a new camp] or [Stay put]
You walk back to your seat, filled with rage, you look over at everyone else and focus on Kara.
"Who the fuck does she think she is? It's Kaden's choice to leave, not her choice.
Someone needs to put her in her place." You say to yourself
You take your eyes off of her and look back at Kaden.
You stand up and walk over to him with a self-righteous look on your face.
"Made up your mind yet?" you ask Fox.
He glares at you which was his way of telling you to sit down and leave him alone.
"You can't keep ignoring our wishes, Kaden" You give him a smug grin
"I said leave, so leave, I don't want to deal with you right now." He snarls
"Oh and what are you going to do if I don't leave? Call your little girlfriend again?" You begin to tease him
"Girlfriend?!" You hear Kara's voice from behind you, you turn around and notice her.
"Oh, you again.." You begin to instigate a fight
Kaden glares at her and she grunts "Whatever..." she walks back to the other group members.
"What did I say? Little bitch, isn't she?"
"Leave." He says only the word, doesn't look at you or anything.
(Part 4, whew!)
Things had calmed down since the outbreak began but that doesn't mean that your group did. You were in charge of l… moreiving, breathing people. Unlike those freaks. You took your leadership very seriously and didn't play around. Everyone in your group could vouch for that.
"Fox. Kaden!" A familiar voice called out to you, you look around and notice KingJuiceBox. You scoff and think to yourself "This should be fun..."
You look at him and notice that some others behind him are watching. "What do you want?" You look back to him.
"We all think we should get away from the city. Now." He says in an assertive tone.
You sigh "You know we can't do that.." He looks to get angry, like always.
"Well why not?! If we stay here we could get stolen from, killed, or bitten!" He begins yelling as a girl behind stands up and walks up.
"Stay the fuck out of this, Girlie, you have no business in this!" He snapped at the gir… [view original content]
[Go check on ATR]
You throw your phone into your pocket and put your backpack strap on tight.
You start running the opposite dire… morection of the school, running into people and pushing them as you go.
You soon arrive at ATR's house, seeing someone in the driveway
"Hey, have you seen the owners of this house?" You call out to the person
The person turns around with shreds of flesh in their teeth. You begin to back away from the person, fear in your eyes.
You trip on a pipe and fall to the ground. You keep trying to back away but can't go any farther.
The person grabs you and attempts to bite you as you struggle and scream to push the person away.
You see ATR rushing from under her mom's car with a kitchen knife in hand.
She stabs the person in the chest but that doesn't stop them. She tries to pull the knife out of the person, without luck.
You reach behind your head and grab the pipe with one hand, pushing the person … [view original content]
Good luck, man! Fan-fictions are fun if you can get into them. I once wrote a really long one based off Team Fortress 2. Still the longest thing i've ever written.
(Part 4, whew!)
Things had calmed down since the outbreak began but that doesn't mean that your group did. You were in charge of l… moreiving, breathing people. Unlike those freaks. You took your leadership very seriously and didn't play around. Everyone in your group could vouch for that.
"Fox. Kaden!" A familiar voice called out to you, you look around and notice KingJuiceBox. You scoff and think to yourself "This should be fun..."
You look at him and notice that some others behind him are watching. "What do you want?" You look back to him.
"We all think we should get away from the city. Now." He says in an assertive tone.
You sigh "You know we can't do that.." He looks to get angry, like always.
"Well why not?! If we stay here we could get stolen from, killed, or bitten!" He begins yelling as a girl behind stands up and walks up.
"Stay the fuck out of this, Girlie, you have no business in this!" He snapped at the gir… [view original content]
(Part 4, whew!)
Things had calmed down since the outbreak began but that doesn't mean that your group did. You were in charge of l… moreiving, breathing people. Unlike those freaks. You took your leadership very seriously and didn't play around. Everyone in your group could vouch for that.
"Fox. Kaden!" A familiar voice called out to you, you look around and notice KingJuiceBox. You scoff and think to yourself "This should be fun..."
You look at him and notice that some others behind him are watching. "What do you want?" You look back to him.
"We all think we should get away from the city. Now." He says in an assertive tone.
You sigh "You know we can't do that.." He looks to get angry, like always.
"Well why not?! If we stay here we could get stolen from, killed, or bitten!" He begins yelling as a girl behind stands up and walks up.
"Stay the fuck out of this, Girlie, you have no business in this!" He snapped at the gir… [view original content]
(Part 4, whew!)
Things had calmed down since the outbreak began but that doesn't mean that your group did. You were in charge of l… moreiving, breathing people. Unlike those freaks. You took your leadership very seriously and didn't play around. Everyone in your group could vouch for that.
"Fox. Kaden!" A familiar voice called out to you, you look around and notice KingJuiceBox. You scoff and think to yourself "This should be fun..."
You look at him and notice that some others behind him are watching. "What do you want?" You look back to him.
"We all think we should get away from the city. Now." He says in an assertive tone.
You sigh "You know we can't do that.." He looks to get angry, like always.
"Well why not?! If we stay here we could get stolen from, killed, or bitten!" He begins yelling as a girl behind stands up and walks up.
"Stay the fuck out of this, Girlie, you have no business in this!" He snapped at the gir… [view original content]
You were sitting at a table with Devyn, who was basically the closest person you had to a friend.
"I just don't get it.." Devyn says as she looks over at KJB, who was still bothering Fox.
"What about him?" You look at him and then back to her
Devyn places her chin on her hand "Why does he have to be so... mean?"
"He's just a dick" You smile at her and she smiles back.
Devyn points your attention over to Fox who calls you over.
You walk over, expecting something to go wrong or worse than they already were.
"What do you think of this entire thing? This leaving thing?" He got straight to the point.
You continue looking down "Why are you asking me?" you say quietly
"Because you show that you have an opinion, you don't keep it to yourself" You look up
"If I were you I would try and find a new place, just to get him off your case. You have plenty of problems now and he's just adding even more." He nods
"You can go back now." You return to the table with Devyn.
(No important choice this round... yet.)
You saw it, he took her word. That was the last straw. You get up and go over to Kaden.
"What the fuck? I thought you were going to listen to the people? What happened to that? Is the princess to needy for the people to get their wishes?" You say while face to face with Kaden.
"The people? No one else wanted to leave. I talked to everyone and everybody said we were safe here." Kaden responded to you
You look over to see that everyone around was staring, Kara and Devyn were standing up, Kara telling Devyn to stay back.
You have a smug grin on your face "What are you going to do? Fight me or tell your mommy?"
He doesn't respond to you. You throw the first punch which knocks him to the ground, he quickly stands back up and pins you down, punching you repeatedly. The rest of the group members look on in horror. Kara and Devyn run over and grab him, pulling him off of you.
"He may be a piece of shit but it's not worth it." Kara says as she and Devyn take Kaden away from you.
One Month Later
You walk through the woods, along with Devyn and Leroy, with a Hunting Rifle in hand. The three of you walk towards the city, without saying a word to each other.
"He (KJB) has been talking about who this new place is shit again..." Leroy says to break the silence.
"He'll have to deal with it, he wanted to leave and we did, now it's got us in a shitty place, more injured people, more sick people. All because of his needy ass." You say without looking up.
After the long walk to the town you decide to split up the three of you. Devyn goes for food, Leroy goes for medicine, and you go for potential places where you and your group can stay.
About an hour of searching later you meet up with Leroy, no luck.
"This entire place has been ravaged, everything and everyone is gone." He says while looking around for Devyn.
"It's going to be dark out soon, we won't have much time to get back..." You say while looking for her as well.
[Wait for Devyn] or [Go back to the group]
(That's your only choice, not impossible but risky)
We've voted and Gia will be going to check on ATR. I'm writing part 2 as we type
I really hope my character can do this to somebody
"No, goddammit, this isn't fair! That's my daughter, she shouldn't be out there alone!" You yell at the commissioner.
"Officer Puncake, I understand you want to get to your daughter but we can't afford to be short an officer." The commissioner says as he shoots a look your way.
You storm out of his office, running into another officer on the way out. You try to walk past him but he stops you and grabs your arm.
"I heard what he said in there. It's pretty fucked up." The officer says, pulling you away from the commissioner's office.
"What's it to you, Cole?" You glare at him
"I want to help you get to your kid." He looks right back at you
You look at him, shocked that someone like Cole would completely go against the commissioner like that.
"How can you help me?" You begin to shake of the feeling
"Many ways. I can go with you to get her or I can stay here and run interference on the commissioner. Your choice." He had already let go of your arm by then but you didn't notice.
"You can come with me" or "You should stay and run interference on him"
You run through the woods, trying to escape from whatever it was. You stop and lean against a nearby tree to catch your breath.
"Yo, your shirt is fucked." You hear your brother, Richard, who was following behind you
"Shut up, Dick." You gasp for air in between your words.
You stand up and wipe the sweat off of your forehead. You look down at your shirt and notice the blood, splattered all over it.
"This is sick... Come on, maybe we can find someone to help us." You say to Richard as you begin walking along the treeline and he follows.
"Give me your jacket." You look over at your brother who gives you a look of disgust.
"Fuck that, you may be covered in blood but I don't want to be.." Richard says to you and continues walking
"Dude, if we run into people they're going to think I killed someone, I know they will!" You begin to argue
"Just tell them the truth, someone tried to eat your face off." Richard shrugs off your argument
You scoff at him and keep walking. He stops and points ahead of you. You look ahead and see four figures in the distance.
"Should we try and get their attention?" Richard asks you and keeps looking forward
[Get their attention] or [Keep walking]]
(Part 2 has arrived, I might or might not do part 3 tonight.)
Part 2 has arrived!
Ooooo that's an idea
[Get their Attention]
I hope you can do part 3 tonight!
[Come with Me]
I'm hyped up so I might be able to
[Come with me]
[Get their Attention]
Wow thanks that's cool. The original part 1 just posted.
Now it posted.. -.- Ignore this.
[Come with me]
[Get their Attention]
Will the parts be longer as the story develops more?
They will indeed
Oh nevermind lol
That was the original part 1 that didn't post so I had to re-write. I could keep going on that though
Nah I'm fine with the current one
Might as well do part 3, I've got nothing else to do
lol I feel like this needs more attention for more people can join JOIN PEOPLE JOIIIIIIINNNNNNNN!!!!
[Go check on ATR]
You throw your phone into your pocket and put your backpack strap on tight.
You start running the opposite direction of the school, running into people and pushing them as you go.
You soon arrive at ATR's house, seeing someone in the driveway
"Hey, have you seen the owners of this house?" You call out to the person
The person turns around with shreds of flesh in their teeth. You begin to back away from the person, fear in your eyes.
You trip on a pipe and fall to the ground. You keep trying to back away but can't go any farther.
The person grabs you and attempts to bite you as you struggle and scream to push the person away.
You see ATR rushing from under her mom's car with a kitchen knife in hand.
She stabs the person in the chest but that doesn't stop them. She tries to pull the knife out of the person, without luck.
You reach behind your head and grab the pipe with one hand, pushing the person away with the other hand.
"ATR! Pull this fucker off of me!" You scream
She stops trying to get the knife and grabs the person by the shoulders and pull them off of you.
You stand up and brush yourself off. The person does too.
As the person tries to leap at you again, you smack them in the head with the pipe. ATR jumps back, away from the person and you.
You hit the person until they stop trying to get up. ATR reaches out to you, you grab her hand and get up. You place your hands on your knees in order to catch a breath.
"Can you help us, please?" You hear a child's voice calling out, you look behind you and notice a little girl with black hair and a woman with brown hair and a bite.
"Who are you?" ATR asks the woman.
"My name is Christine... This- This is Clementine. We need your help." The bite victim says with a weak voice
"Come with me"
"Alright, you can come with me, but we need to go now. If my daughter gets murdered because you were stalling me then I won't hesitate to kill you." You look over at Cole who simply nods in understanding, then back at the commissioner's office.
You and Cole go out to your cruiser, you start the engine and quickly pull out of the parking lot. You speed on the way to your house.
You look over at Cole and decide to start conversation.
"So, why did you decide to help me anyways?" You take your eyes off of the road.
"Because, I-- OH SHIT, WATCH OUT!!" Cole yells to you and grabs the glove box and pushes his back to the seat. You look forward seeing one of them, the creeps, standing in the middle of the road.
You try to pull away but can't avoid hitting the creep. You slam on the brakes before any more damage can be done.
Both you and Cole jump out of the car and run over to the creep.
"Christine..." You mutter under your breath
Cole looks over at you "You knew her?" He then looks down at the undead Christine.
"It doesn't matter. I need to find Clementine, she could be in trouble.
You walk to your front door and stand there for a moment, not knowing what to expect.
Seconds before you open the door, you turn to Cole who is walking towards to the woods, you chase after him.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" You yell at him.
Cole doesn't answer but instead raises a finger, telling you to be quiet and listen. You listen for a minute and hear crying coming from the woods.
"What should we do?" Asks Cole, who then turns towards you, expecting an answer.
[Check the house] or [Check the woods]
(This will be the last part for the night, I'll write more in the morning.)
[Check the Woods]
oooooooooooo the chills lol
Actually, I could do 2 more parts for the new characters. I already have stuff planned
(Part 4, whew!)
Things had calmed down since the outbreak began but that doesn't mean that your group did. You were in charge of living, breathing people. Unlike those freaks. You took your leadership very seriously and didn't play around. Everyone in your group could vouch for that.
"Fox. Kaden!" A familiar voice called out to you, you look around and notice KingJuiceBox. You scoff and think to yourself "This should be fun..."
You look at him and notice that some others behind him are watching. "What do you want?" You look back to him.
"We all think we should get away from the city. Now." He says in an assertive tone.
You sigh "You know we can't do that.." He looks to get angry, like always.
"Well why not?! If we stay here we could get stolen from, killed, or bitten!" He begins yelling as a girl behind stands up and walks up.
"Stay the fuck out of this, Girlie, you have no business in this!" He snapped at the girl
"My name's Kara, not Girlie." Kara snaps right back
"Well then, Kara, stay the fuck out of this, you have no business in this!" KJB says again
"I do if it involves me living or dying so fuck off, King." She returns the point and looks over at me.
You look at the two to see that they're both wanting an explanation now.
You mutter under your breath "This is bullshit.."
"We want to leave now, pretty boy." KJB taunts you
Kara looks over at him and sighs before walking away.
"Give me some time to think about it.." You tell KJB and walk away.
[Find a new camp] or [Stay put]
You walk back to your seat, filled with rage, you look over at everyone else and focus on Kara.
"Who the fuck does she think she is? It's Kaden's choice to leave, not her choice.
Someone needs to put her in her place." You say to yourself
You take your eyes off of her and look back at Kaden.
You stand up and walk over to him with a self-righteous look on your face.
"Made up your mind yet?" you ask Fox.
He glares at you which was his way of telling you to sit down and leave him alone.
"You can't keep ignoring our wishes, Kaden" You give him a smug grin
"I said leave, so leave, I don't want to deal with you right now." He snarls
"Oh and what are you going to do if I don't leave? Call your little girlfriend again?" You begin to tease him
"Girlfriend?!" You hear Kara's voice from behind you, you turn around and notice her.
"Oh, you again.." You begin to instigate a fight
Kaden glares at her and she grunts "Whatever..." she walks back to the other group members.
"What did I say? Little bitch, isn't she?"
"Leave." He says only the word, doesn't look at you or anything.
[Leave] or [Keep pestering him]
[Stay Put]
[Keep Pestering]
[Check the woods]
Good luck, man! Fan-fictions are fun if you can get into them. I once wrote a really long one based off Team Fortress 2. Still the longest thing i've ever written.
[Find a new camp]
Staying near a city is just asking for trouble.
[Keep pestering him]
Along with Porky.... Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I wanna see a fight!
Heheh, submitted myself!!
can't wait to be introduced, I totally get it if it takes a while though. good luck with this!!
[Find a new camp]
Either way there was going to be a fight >:D
Part 5 is on the way. We will be finding a new camp while continuing to pester Kaden.
I want to imagine my character as a human sized juicebox with a moustache and a crown
Someone should make that while I'm writing part 5
You were sitting at a table with Devyn, who was basically the closest person you had to a friend.
"I just don't get it.." Devyn says as she looks over at KJB, who was still bothering Fox.
"What about him?" You look at him and then back to her
Devyn places her chin on her hand "Why does he have to be so... mean?"
"He's just a dick" You smile at her and she smiles back.
Devyn points your attention over to Fox who calls you over.
You walk over, expecting something to go wrong or worse than they already were.
"What do you think of this entire thing? This leaving thing?" He got straight to the point.
You continue looking down "Why are you asking me?" you say quietly
"Because you show that you have an opinion, you don't keep it to yourself" You look up
"If I were you I would try and find a new place, just to get him off your case. You have plenty of problems now and he's just adding even more." He nods
"You can go back now." You return to the table with Devyn.
(No important choice this round... yet.)
You saw it, he took her word. That was the last straw. You get up and go over to Kaden.
"What the fuck? I thought you were going to listen to the people? What happened to that? Is the princess to needy for the people to get their wishes?" You say while face to face with Kaden.
"The people? No one else wanted to leave. I talked to everyone and everybody said we were safe here." Kaden responded to you
You look over to see that everyone around was staring, Kara and Devyn were standing up, Kara telling Devyn to stay back.
You have a smug grin on your face "What are you going to do? Fight me or tell your mommy?"
He doesn't respond to you. You throw the first punch which knocks him to the ground, he quickly stands back up and pins you down, punching you repeatedly. The rest of the group members look on in horror. Kara and Devyn run over and grab him, pulling him off of you.
"He may be a piece of shit but it's not worth it." Kara says as she and Devyn take Kaden away from you.
One Month Later
You walk through the woods, along with Devyn and Leroy, with a Hunting Rifle in hand. The three of you walk towards the city, without saying a word to each other.
"He (KJB) has been talking about who this new place is shit again..." Leroy says to break the silence.
"He'll have to deal with it, he wanted to leave and we did, now it's got us in a shitty place, more injured people, more sick people. All because of his needy ass." You say without looking up.
After the long walk to the town you decide to split up the three of you. Devyn goes for food, Leroy goes for medicine, and you go for potential places where you and your group can stay.
About an hour of searching later you meet up with Leroy, no luck.
"This entire place has been ravaged, everything and everyone is gone." He says while looking around for Devyn.
"It's going to be dark out soon, we won't have much time to get back..." You say while looking for her as well.
[Wait for Devyn] or [Go back to the group]
(That's your only choice, not impossible but risky)
You put that your character was a dickhead and so I went out of my way to make him a dick XD
That was kinda what i was expecting to happen xD