The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Again? Is he banned now?

  • I wish I had a girlfriend.

  • That's one shitty doll, man.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, "Daddy, check for monsters under my bed." I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, "Daddy, there's somebody on my bed."

  • I am glad I was sleeping then!

  • Did someone just delete my comment? OK, I'll post again. I wish I had a hot girlfriend.

  • edited June 2014

    Another spooky (well, not really) story. I am a little bit to late, but WHO CARES? This story is originally on Russian, so I am gonna do my best translating this.

    You and your family live in an apartment with 2 floors.

    Once upon a time, you sit on a bed in your room on the second floor, when suddenly you can hear your mom calling you from the kitchen on the first floor.

    "Honey, come down here! I need your help!" - your mom yelled. You sighed and went to the stairs, when suddenly you can hear your mother`s voice from her bedroom, that is next to your room.


    You stood frozen on the stairs.


  • You'll find out, unless you already have.

    Azlyn posted: »

    What certain posts?


    Alt text

  • =)


  • I would go search the TTG forums.

    Another spooky (well, not really) story. I am a little bit to late, but WHO CARES? This story is originally on Russian, so I am gonna do my

  • Wow, I actually missed him.

    Thank the heavens.

  • I don't wear pants anyway, Noncy.

    Alright, so you weren't wearing pants when the problem occurred then.

  • edited June 2014

    yooo! I had this freaky dream the other night, and its weird because my scary dreams have NEVER woken me up even ONCE, but this one did the trick.

    I was standing in front of a shelf FULL of dolls. they all had little out fit and had smiles on there faces. then I looked down at this particular one wearing an ambulance outfit. then her lips made a frowning face. then a smiling face. then a frowning face, over and over and over.

    and while she was doing that this music was playing:

    then all of a sudden while she kept making those faces, she started saying passage, passage, passage, passage OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

    I was like NOPE! then I walked away, but then heard a little creepy high pitch laugh behind me. then (I DONT KNOW WHY) but I looked back, and her mouth was opening super wide like the scream face, and it was black and blood started dripping out, then she screamed like sarita did.

    Then BOOM. I woke up. But It was weired because I woke up in the weirdest position. I woke up laying on my back with my body layed out perfectly strait with me hands behind me head.

    like this but my legs strait and my head looking strait at the ceiling.

    Alt text

    I will never forget that dream because 1) it was scary as fuck! and 2)because it was the only dream I EVER had that woke me up.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Any weird or scary dreams you guys wanna share? * Sometimes I have reoccurring dreams of extremely vivid airplane crashes happening rig

  • I think people just make a big deal about it because Jennifer Lawrence is in it.

    But its a good movie though.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, I STILL haven't watched that movie. DON'T JUDGE ME.

  • edited June 2014
    Twistee posted: »

    Wow, I actually missed him. Thank the heavens.

  • yup. the forums are always the answer.

    I would go search the TTG forums.

  • Good morning, Azlyn. I brewed some coffee, want some?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Gooood mooorning, foruuums! What's up?

  • Nah, thanks, i don't like coffee.

    Good morning, Azlyn. I brewed some coffee, want some?

  • More for me then c:

    How are you?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Nah, thanks, i don't like coffee.

  • I know this, there's an English version to it.

    I would just be like "screw this", and go to my room and probably either play a game or read. My life in a nutshell.

    Another spooky (well, not really) story. I am a little bit to late, but WHO CARES? This story is originally on Russian, so I am gonna do my

  • I know, right? It's the comment's mating season.

    *pulls out pencil and notebook *

    Fascinating. I am going to direct the observation of users and comment numbers, anyone want to join me in my research?


  • Okay, so, my worst nightmare is super silly and you guys probably won't believe me because it's REALLY, GENUINELY stupid, but here goes...

    So my ex-school had HORRIFYING bathrooms. Like, seriously. They were just holes in the ground and people took shits and peed NEXT to the holes, too, and i never went to the bathrooms. So i had this dream one night, and i had to go to the bathroom, and there was this other girl that wanted to go, too, and we both went and there was a friggin' zombie up in dat crib and snakes crawling out of the holes and it stank like HEEEEEEELL and then i woke up before i peed my pants.


    I am a weird kid.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Any weird or scary dreams you guys wanna share? * Sometimes I have reoccurring dreams of extremely vivid airplane crashes happening rig

  • What's interesting is that you were able to identify the music.

    *scribbles in her notebook *


    yooo! I had this freaky dream the other night, and its weird because my scary dreams have NEVER woken me up even ONCE, but this one did the

  • I like how this thread just took the turn to paranormal lane. I LOVE paranormal lane.

    What's up with this?

  • Lets be honest deep down all of us want telltale to do something like this in the future

  • I iz gonna say something. Have you ever seen OneyNG's DragonBallz Parody?

    watch this. (pay very close attention to the things in this video). (VERY CLOSE ATTENTION)

  • lol my old school had the sinks on the floor and the mirrors were always broken, and I think some people cut themselves with em.. EH. whataganado?!

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, so, my worst nightmare is super silly and you guys probably won't believe me because it's REALLY, GENUINELY stupid, but here goes...

  • Yeah, no, this picture doesn't CHANGE. You start thinking so because the text said it would, your subconscious literally believes everything that the text says. And you have a tough time staring at the eyes because they are bright, and because the text said you would. It's all a thing of logic, y'all will be okay. The worst thing about this is your eyes can hurt for a while because of the bright color of the eyes and your pushing to stare at them for 5 whole minutes.


    Nice vid, I like stories like that, very interesting. Lmao, I can't get scared. :[ I try but I can't, man. Have you seen this one? If you s

  • they should have changed bigby to clem. so clem saves lee.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Lets be honest deep down all of us want telltale to do something like this in the future

  • Alt text To that bathroom.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, so, my worst nightmare is super silly and you guys probably won't believe me because it's REALLY, GENUINELY stupid, but here goes...

  • "fUCK THAT VILLE" XD that priceless!

    Talimancer posted: »

    To that bathroom.

  • how do comments 'mate' ?!

    Azlyn posted: »

    I know, right? It's the comment's mating season. *pulls out pencil and notebook * Fascinating. I am going to direct the observation of users and comment numbers, anyone want to join me in my research?

  • I'm fine, thanks. Just done playing some Left 4 Dead, and checking out creepy vids.

    I LOVE horror stuff.

    More for me then c: How are you?

  • That's a good question. A good question indeed.

    *pulls out binoculars *

    Wanna find out?

    how do comments 'mate' ?!

  • This image is perfect, Tali. Say, speaking of dreams, is it true you occasionally have wet dreams about Raf?

    I am failing like a faggot at not laughing right now, i am so sorry, i'm being mean.

    Talimancer posted: »

    To that bathroom.

  • I had the worst dream today -.-

  • Ooooh, i know this legend! It was on Supernatural, the very first episode! Oh, the feels are coming back.

    But still, i love this legend. It's a bit different in Supernatural, but this one, i like better.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I have this weird thing where I love watching scary shit at 2 in the morning just to scare myself. (saw those videos before, btw ^). Here's one if you're interested:




    My feels...

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Lets be honest deep down all of us want telltale to do something like this in the future

  • probably not as bad as the one I had... :-/

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I had the worst dream today -.-

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