Just saying I will be releasing the next chapter tonight I managed to find bit of time it's my most violent and longest yet but hope you enjoy it's full of action and easter eggs maybe I should of asked but don't want to ruin the surprise
I never wrote a fable before without it being a crossover with lead character being within the game I was going to retire from writing TWAU … morestories but Dragon challenged me so do my best and I hope you enjoy the insanity of this story. Anyway ask emmypess I'm award winning author with my best gif award lol
WARNING: Contains violence and cursing etc(did tell you lol)
The Spark Among Us
CHAPTER 1 Even A Dark Night Has A Spark
The story begins in a small town on the outskirts of Fabletown where the poor lived unable to afford proper accomodation in Fabletown. The place was a mess, shops and houses abandoned and in truth the criminal rates were low because of the simple fact there was nothing to steal. The government seem to send the weakest and the sickest of the population to die in this prison of a town. The sun was only bright thing about it as cameras monitored everyones steps and crocked cops kept everyone in line. One person my… [view original content]
Sweet and charming PuddingPie stories have turned violent and intense I love it edge of my seat stuff just gripping bit political to very intelligent writing .
Chapter 17
"Try Again..."
The room was dark and cold; the window was open wide, allowing cold air outside to enter. He hated this time… more of year; the temperature was adjusting to the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons. The afternoons were unbelievably hot, while the nights as cold as ice. He tried to move around but it was useless; these ropes around his ankles, waist and arms were not budging. He didn't remember much; he could recall sweeping the area up, trying to get out of the Lucky Pawn as quickly as he could. Malcom and Nate arrived without warning; he assumed the Folkers wanted to either sell something or buy; that was usually your only options these days. That was it; next thing he knew, he was here.
The door suddenly swung open; the bright light blinding Jersey for a few seconds. He had to look away. When his focus returned, he found Malcom and Nate surrounding him; towards the door, stood Sam. He had a bottle of beer in his han… [view original content]
Chapter 17
"Try Again..."
The room was dark and cold; the window was open wide, allowing cold air outside to enter. He hated this time… more of year; the temperature was adjusting to the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons. The afternoons were unbelievably hot, while the nights as cold as ice. He tried to move around but it was useless; these ropes around his ankles, waist and arms were not budging. He didn't remember much; he could recall sweeping the area up, trying to get out of the Lucky Pawn as quickly as he could. Malcom and Nate arrived without warning; he assumed the Folkers wanted to either sell something or buy; that was usually your only options these days. That was it; next thing he knew, he was here.
The door suddenly swung open; the bright light blinding Jersey for a few seconds. He had to look away. When his focus returned, he found Malcom and Nate surrounding him; towards the door, stood Sam. He had a bottle of beer in his han… [view original content]
Thanks! I'm glad you noticed the dialogue, I really tried to avoid any hint of romance because of how long ago it was, like you say.
Handil… morey, I read the 'Barleycorn Brides' comic just after I began writing this, which helped as it's set at the time period I was aiming for.
Hey, thanks Mark. Want to throw in a bit of those gripping and 'WTF' moments. Trying to get EVERYONE involved in the ever growing problem in Fabletown, really show the struggle between both worlds. Plus, can't resist a pissed off Jersey.
Sweet and charming PuddingPie stories have turned violent and intense I love it edge of my seat stuff just gripping bit political to very intelligent writing .
Just saying I will be releasing the next chapter tonight I managed to find bit of time it's my most violent and longest yet but hope you enjoy it's full of action and easter eggs maybe I should of asked but don't want to ruin the surprise
I loved it! Can see Jersey will be making more appearances in this story? I enjoy the sweet, tender moments, then I read the next chapter and this is what I see! Keep up the good work, Georgie! More! I HOPE Nate and Sam get what's coming to them. Malcom seems to be alright...for now...in my book. BTW, you should draw them, so we can see what these losers look like!
Chapter 17
"Try Again..."
The room was dark and cold; the window was open wide, allowing cold air outside to enter. He hated this time… more of year; the temperature was adjusting to the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons. The afternoons were unbelievably hot, while the nights as cold as ice. He tried to move around but it was useless; these ropes around his ankles, waist and arms were not budging. He didn't remember much; he could recall sweeping the area up, trying to get out of the Lucky Pawn as quickly as he could. Malcom and Nate arrived without warning; he assumed the Folkers wanted to either sell something or buy; that was usually your only options these days. That was it; next thing he knew, he was here.
The door suddenly swung open; the bright light blinding Jersey for a few seconds. He had to look away. When his focus returned, he found Malcom and Nate surrounding him; towards the door, stood Sam. He had a bottle of beer in his han… [view original content]
So many emotions rushed through my head as I darted down my corridor. All the pain in my rib was gone. I couldn't feel my hands, arms, legs, or any part of my body. All I could feel was a burning anger inside my head. After what felt like several minutes, I reached my door without thinking, crashed through it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Chill down, Hope!" T shouted at me. I was completely ignorant to her demand. I pushed myself against the wall and slammed my fist against it. Without thinking, I punched a hole straight through, my hand stopped the concrete between my room and the one next door. "What the fuck happened?!" she once again shouted to me.
"Faith happened, that's what fucking happened!" I shouted back in response. I slumped into my armchair, trying to contain myself. T kept her distance and waited for me to calm down. She may be a joker, but she knows that when I'm angry, teasing is the last thing you want to do. The anger in my head calmed over time. Pain started returning to my broken rib and I began to feel the pulse of my heart calm to a normal pace.
"Hope..." T began, being cautious not to set me off again. "What happened to Faith?" she asked. I didn't want her to get angry. Her and Faith were close. The last thing I needed was T losing her glamour and trashing the whole Woodlands up.
"She...she just...she got mixed up with the wrong person, that's all." I responded, doing my best to sound as truthful as possible.
"Did you give him what for?" T asked again.
"Not yet I haven't, but believe me, I'll get 'round to it." I assured her, once again trying my best to contain the anger beginning to rebuild itself inside me.
"Well, I'll tell her tomorrow to think before she treats. We're thinking of going down to the Trip Trap." T explained to me, with a glimpse of excitement for what she just said in her voice.
"I thought Molly hated you guys?" I asked her. Molly has never been fond of T, not since the time she trashed the place after having a few too many shots of double-whiskey.
"She does." she answered me. "But we're thinking of taking Lily too. We're starting to get closer. Plus with her on our side, Molly will have to let us in. Then again, if she doesn't, will be treated to a sister-on-sister bar fight. Ha, that'll make a good story." she laughed. I could hardly hear her. My mind was on the edge about what I should do. T looked at me speculatively, then sat on the table opposite me. "Okay Hope. Cut the crap. I know you better than anyone, and I know you're bullshitting me right now. What's going on?" she asked.
"..." My mind tried to create words, but nothing came out. T was starting to look amused. She must've thought something happened between me and Bigby again.
"Lemme guess. You got another broken rib at the sheriff's party?" she laughed.
"..." I stopped trying to think of anything to say. I knew the jokes would keep rolling, so I just let her go on. But then she lost the laughter from her face, just like in the elevator. She turned serious and looked me in the eyes.
"Hope. What happened to Faith?" she requested lightly, trying not to sound demanding or scared.
"..." once again, my mouth kept shut. I didn't want to say anything to her out of fear of setting off her fuse. She looked at my saddened face, and began to realize the bigger picture.
"I'll get you something to drink. Don't move, alright?" as she walked to the kitchen, she stroked my shoulder with her hand, trying to comfort me. I knew I couldn't keep this up forever. There was no point prolonging the inevitable. I took a deep breath, preparing for what would follow, and spoke.
"She's dead..." I spoke firmly. I heard the sound of a mug crashing and breaking against the ground. A harsh, diminishing silence followed, until T finally spoke.
"What?..." she asked, hoping that what I said was false. I took another deep breath, and said it again.
"She's dead T...Faith...Faith is dead..." I said once again. Silence fell across. A false hope grew inside me, that maybe T didn't take it as hard as I thought she would, but I was stupid to think so. I heard T's breathing get louder and harder. I heard a fist slam again against the draining board, and T let out a cry.
"God fucking damnit!" T screamed. Instantly realizing what was happening, I shot up from my armchair, and ran into the kitchen. T stood their, trying to stop herself from changing, but it was no use. Tears left her now blood-shot eyes, and she began to let her anger get the better of her. Her hands started to glow green and behind the glow, her hands started to form into a more slender, thinner shape, and her smooth skin slowly morphed into a dark black colour. Her nails grew, turning sharp as a razor. Without a moment of hesitation i grabbed her by the shoulders and spoke, trying to get through to her.
"T! Look at me!" she started at her hands, doing her best to stop herself, but she couldn't. The darkness of her hands began to grow up her arms. She grasped her right arm with her left hand, trying to cut off her loss of colour, but to no avail. "T, you have to stop! Look at me! Look at me T, goddamnit!" she turned her head to me. Her face was the only part of her still under control. Tears streamed down her face, as she breathed softly in sadness. Finally, she spoke.
"Hope..." she softly let out, almost as a whisper. She threw her arms around me, looking for someone to comfort her. I gently brought my arms around her back and held her softly. She was now in complete tears. She cried on my shoulder, lost in her sadness. I brought my hand to the back of her head, and laid it gently on her soft, black hair.
"It's okay T... it's okay..." I comforted her, stroking her head to calm her. Her body began to return to normal. Her light, soft skin came back to her arms, and her hands returned to their normal shape. All the anger inside her turned to tears, and she embraced me, letting all her sadness go. I kept a firm, yet soft hold of her, doing my best to console her sadness.
Short chapter, the actual fighting starts next chapter..
Chapter 6
Fight Club Part 2
Draco and Chupa arrived at the basement, the match with the ogre and troll prepares to come to a conclusion. The ogre picks up its club and beats the troll with it nearly to death. The ogre is victorious and as he leaves the ring it lets out a battle cry.
Draco: Holy shit...
Chupa: My exact reaction the first time. Now you better get prepared, your up next.
Draco: Hold up, im not fighting nothing until I know that Marco is alive. Now where is he.
Chupa points to Talia who is sitting in here chair , and there Marco can be seen being held by two creatures. One wielding a bright silver handgun and the other wielding a wooden stake.
Talia: There's that handsome dragon everyone. THE MAIN EVENT HAS ARRIVED!
Talia: Now handsome, why don't you make your way towards the ring...
Draco walks down the pathway towards the ring. He cracks his knuckles before he enters and the crowd cheers in anticipation waiting to see a dragon in action.
Talia: Now before we start, lets go over the rules for the noob:
1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.
3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.
4th RULE: Only two a fight.
5th RULE: One fight at a time.
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.
7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.
Talia: Ok darling... you will be facing one the fiercest warriors of the south African plains, A part man part tiger. GILLIIAN THE WERECAT!!!
Gillian leaps into the ring and glares at Draco and says, "I only fought a dragon once before...surely this will be entertaining."
Talia: One more thing dragon, don;t even think about turning into that big ass dragon and ruin why lovely ring. If you do my friends here will either fire silver into this vampy or plunge a stake into his chest. Whichever feels like it doing it. Do I make myself clear?
Draco: Wasn't planning on doing that but let me make MYSELF clear, I will save my friend and after that im going to burn this place to the fucking ground.
I think you're enjoyment shows, it keeps a steady momentum throughout and it's another really enjoyable read. The comment about finding more out on page one was particularly smart, I thought.
Alright. This is part 2 of chapter 4, since I think I've put it off long enough to post it. If you want the first part, it should be on page… more 12, if I'm not mistaken.
The line stretches out the front doors of our Fabletown Kingdom. Everyone is in some sort of pretty dress or fancy tuxedo. Snow is ahead of me, along with the cubs and my child-sized mother. She decided against coming in her adult form with my brothers, seeing as they're a bunch of trouble makers, and she'd rather enjoy the night not having to be an adult.
Mary picked out a few dresses the night before, asking me which I prefer.
"Short and Sexy, or Long and Elegant?" She'd said.
I went with knee length, and classy. The dress was white with blue beads in the meshing, to compliment the streaks in my hair. Snow was the one who helped me put it up, and she also went over some immediate table manors with me and my aunts and uncles.
"The people who dine on the Remembra… [view original content]
Chapter 2: Emotional Transformation
So many emotions rushed through my head as I darted down my corridor. All the pain in my rib was gone… more. I couldn't feel my hands, arms, legs, or any part of my body. All I could feel was a burning anger inside my head. After what felt like several minutes, I reached my door without thinking, crashed through it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Chill down, Hope!" T shouted at me. I was completely ignorant to her demand. I pushed myself against the wall and slammed my fist against it. Without thinking, I punched a hole straight through, my hand stopped the concrete between my room and the one next door. "What the fuck happened?!" she once again shouted to me.
"Faith happened, that's what fucking happened!" I shouted back in response. I slumped into my armchair, trying to contain myself. T kept her distance and waited for me to calm down. She may be a joker, but she knows that when I'm angry, teasing is the last thi… [view original content]
Night was the only time I'd leave that disgusting apartment and show myself to the world.
Fabletown was a joke to me; this place was not for a punk kid like myself but what choice did I have? The city was cruel to me when my father kicked me out two years ago. He was human, mom was a vampire.
No, I'm NOT that kind of Vampire; the whole blood drinking, garlic bullshit and the crucifix thing are false. When I was younger, my cousins would pull that shit, thinking the stories were true. It didn't help my great great great grandfather was Dracula himself. I've seen him only in pictures; mom swears he was an 'angel' and didn't understand why mundies felt the need to make up such false accusations.
When I was twelve, she was killed by a hunter. My father owed the Crooked Man a good ten thousand dollars and he was making the payments, just not quick enough apparently. I was at school when it happened. Dad returned home for lunch and found her entire body drained, head missing and charred remains of some herbs. They say, you burn this during the killing of a Vampire and their soul will not haunt you for eternity.
Dad blamed me for months after mom was buried. Although his debt was paid, he blamed me. He took out the loan to build a rather large fence to keep people out. According to him, someone snitched and claimed Satan's bride lived on 9th street. It was rather ridiculous, considering we LIVED in a Town home but he assured this will keep us safe.
I have not seen him an a year. Rumor has it, he moved and lives in Connecticut now. Is this true? Fuck, I have no idea.
As I climbed down the walls and into the busy streets, I grabbed my leather jacket and held it tightly against my body. It was very cold tonight; usually I could handle the extreme temperature but not tonight. I had been up for three days now, doing odd jobs here and there. I looked at my watch. Fuck, I'm late!
With a quick dash, I dodged into traffic and hid in the shadows, only to wait. when no one was around, I would climb the walls and jump from roof top to roof top. Could I fly? Nope. Hover I COULD do. Turn into a bat? I fucking wish. Guess that's what happens when you have mundy blood; nothing works like they are supposed to. So, I continued leaping across the buildings and sky scrapers. It was beautiful tonight, don't get me wrong. The sky was dark, not a cloud in the sky. Not a single star tonight.
'Fuck, he is going to kill me,' I whispered to myself. 'He hates when I'm late...'
When I managed to make it to King street, I came to a halt and looked around. There she was, leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. I've always thought she was so beautiful. She, however, laughed when I brought it up. I was just a kid, she would tell me. A pair of tits was all I saw. Not true, I thought. But when I said it again, she continued to laugh.
When she saw me hop down from the building, she continued puffing on the cancer stick and watching me. I dusted myself off. As I walked over, she dug into her purse and pulled out a large roll of bills.
"You're late, kid," said Faith, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
Do you have to call me that EVERY time we meet, I thought annoyed.
"Hey, like the hair today. Glad you went back to the mo hawk, although that mustache goatee combo makes you look more like an ass personally."
"Well, thanks," I said. "Well, I guess."
"Hm. You better hurry. Georgie is not in the best of moods tonight...."
"When is he ever in the mood?"
We both laughed. I tucked the large bills into my pocket and left. I looked back, hoping to catch her smile. Nothing. I headed to the Pudding and Pie, sure the boss was going to have me on the floor. I hated working for Georgie Porgie but what choice did I have? He said he enjoyed hiring misfits like myself. Less worry or something like that.
I walked into the club, greeted by Vivian. God, I hate you so much, I said to myself.
"You are late," she said. "You know how-"
"Yeah, yeah. Georgie. I get it. He here?"
"When is he never? This way..."
I followed her into a small room. There, sitting in his chair, snorting cocaine on the desk, was Georgie. He looked up, smiled and pushed Vivian out of his office. He shoke the entire time, took a seat and offered me some. I refused it.
"You're late, Max..."
"Yeah. Lost track of time."
I tossed the roll of bills onto his desk. He began counting the money and smiled.
"I need you to go down to the Trip Trap and find this guy. He owes a TON and his tab has run dry. Collect it. If not..."
He handed me crowd control.
"Take of it, bat."
To the Trip Trap I went; no questions, no hesitation.
In my hand, I held the picture of the Woodsman.
1st attempt! Will continue soon, I promise. Note to Pie-sorry but Georgie is the bad guy in this. Don't hate me! Hope everyone likes it. My first time making a Fable story!
Chapter 1
My name is Max. This is my story...
Night was the only time I'd leave that disgusting apartment and show myself to the world… more.
Fabletown was a joke to me; this place was not for a punk kid like myself but what choice did I have? The city was cruel to me when my father kicked me out two years ago. He was human, mom was a vampire.
No, I'm NOT that kind of Vampire; the whole blood drinking, garlic bullshit and the crucifix thing are false. When I was younger, my cousins would pull that shit, thinking the stories were true. It didn't help my great great great grandfather was Dracula himself. I've seen him only in pictures; mom swears he was an 'angel' and didn't understand why mundies felt the need to make up such false accusations.
When I was twelve, she was killed by a hunter. My father owed the Crooked Man a good ten thousand dollars and he was making the payments, just not quick enough apparently. I was at school when … [view original content]
And no, I don't hate you. They call it FANFICTION for a reason. What I DON'T like, is someone bashing others for their favorite character. So no, don't worry, Jones.
Chapter 1
My name is Max. This is my story...
Night was the only time I'd leave that disgusting apartment and show myself to the world… more.
Fabletown was a joke to me; this place was not for a punk kid like myself but what choice did I have? The city was cruel to me when my father kicked me out two years ago. He was human, mom was a vampire.
No, I'm NOT that kind of Vampire; the whole blood drinking, garlic bullshit and the crucifix thing are false. When I was younger, my cousins would pull that shit, thinking the stories were true. It didn't help my great great great grandfather was Dracula himself. I've seen him only in pictures; mom swears he was an 'angel' and didn't understand why mundies felt the need to make up such false accusations.
When I was twelve, she was killed by a hunter. My father owed the Crooked Man a good ten thousand dollars and he was making the payments, just not quick enough apparently. I was at school when … [view original content]
Chapter 2: Emotional Transformation
So many emotions rushed through my head as I darted down my corridor. All the pain in my rib was gone… more. I couldn't feel my hands, arms, legs, or any part of my body. All I could feel was a burning anger inside my head. After what felt like several minutes, I reached my door without thinking, crashed through it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Chill down, Hope!" T shouted at me. I was completely ignorant to her demand. I pushed myself against the wall and slammed my fist against it. Without thinking, I punched a hole straight through, my hand stopped the concrete between my room and the one next door. "What the fuck happened?!" she once again shouted to me.
"Faith happened, that's what fucking happened!" I shouted back in response. I slumped into my armchair, trying to contain myself. T kept her distance and waited for me to calm down. She may be a joker, but she knows that when I'm angry, teasing is the last thi… [view original content]
Chapter 1
My name is Max. This is my story...
Night was the only time I'd leave that disgusting apartment and show myself to the world… more.
Fabletown was a joke to me; this place was not for a punk kid like myself but what choice did I have? The city was cruel to me when my father kicked me out two years ago. He was human, mom was a vampire.
No, I'm NOT that kind of Vampire; the whole blood drinking, garlic bullshit and the crucifix thing are false. When I was younger, my cousins would pull that shit, thinking the stories were true. It didn't help my great great great grandfather was Dracula himself. I've seen him only in pictures; mom swears he was an 'angel' and didn't understand why mundies felt the need to make up such false accusations.
When I was twelve, she was killed by a hunter. My father owed the Crooked Man a good ten thousand dollars and he was making the payments, just not quick enough apparently. I was at school when … [view original content]
Short chapter, the actual fighting starts next chapter..
Chapter 6
Fight Club Part 2
Draco and Chupa arrived at the basement, the m… moreatch with the ogre and troll prepares to come to a conclusion. The ogre picks up its club and beats the troll with it nearly to death. The ogre is victorious and as he leaves the ring it lets out a battle cry.
Draco: Holy shit...
Chupa: My exact reaction the first time. Now you better get prepared, your up next.
Draco: Hold up, im not fighting nothing until I know that Marco is alive. Now where is he.
Chupa points to Talia who is sitting in here chair , and there Marco can be seen being held by two creatures. One wielding a bright silver handgun and the other wielding a wooden stake.
Talia: There's that handsome dragon everyone. THE MAIN EVENT HAS ARRIVED!
Talia: Now handsome, why don't you make your way towards the ring...
Draco walks down the pathway towards the ring. He cra… [view original content]
Chapter 2: Emotional Transformation
So many emotions rushed through my head as I darted down my corridor. All the pain in my rib was gone… more. I couldn't feel my hands, arms, legs, or any part of my body. All I could feel was a burning anger inside my head. After what felt like several minutes, I reached my door without thinking, crashed through it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Chill down, Hope!" T shouted at me. I was completely ignorant to her demand. I pushed myself against the wall and slammed my fist against it. Without thinking, I punched a hole straight through, my hand stopped the concrete between my room and the one next door. "What the fuck happened?!" she once again shouted to me.
"Faith happened, that's what fucking happened!" I shouted back in response. I slumped into my armchair, trying to contain myself. T kept her distance and waited for me to calm down. She may be a joker, but she knows that when I'm angry, teasing is the last thi… [view original content]
..."Chupar" is the Spanish verb for "to suck". "Chupa" means "he/she/it sucks". "Cabra" means goat, I've discovered, that was new to me. Just thought you should be informed.
Chaper 5
Fight Club Part 1
Angered by Boogey's betrayal, Mett' storms through into the leagues headquarters wanting answers. He makes … morehis way to the top floor and enters the room where Chupa and Talia are only present.
Mett: Where is Boogey.
Talia: He's in the lower levels. What wrong Mett'??
Mett' turns around and takes the elevator to the lowest level of the building. When he arrives, he walks down the long and dreary hallway. At the end he see's Boogey standing at the end of the hallway in front of a door.
Boogey: There you are Mett'.
Mett": For 4 years, for fucking years you lied to me!! You had me believe that the wolf killed my brothe this whole time!! WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU BEEN LYING ABOUT? THIS OPERATION? WHAT ELSE?
Boogey: The reason i lied to you was to keep you in check. And you would of never of joined my cause if I haven't. I needed your power, your resources. You, Talia, Chupa and Gillian are the key to my o… [view original content]
Ha, thanks. I think my next chapter would take a break from romance and possibly develop a new problem. I might actually wait a while, until this month's new issue comes out. I want to see what happens and maybe tie in events from the issues to things Harmony might do/consider. If that makes sense. Also, the reference to page one was just so I didn't have to re-explain to any new readers (If there are more than just the 3 usual people who comment who read this). It was also to be a little funny, since I've seen TV shows do similar things to make the audience laugh.
I think you're enjoyment shows, it keeps a steady momentum throughout and it's another really enjoyable read. The comment about finding more out on page one was particularly smart, I thought.
Superb this story please me lol just imagination and unique appluads
My favorite line my reaction to reading it ^
Dad returned home for lunch and found her entire body drained, head missing and charred remains of some herbs. They say, you burn this during the killing of a Vampire and their soul will not haunt you for eternity
Chapter 1
My name is Max. This is my story...
Night was the only time I'd leave that disgusting apartment and show myself to the world… more.
Fabletown was a joke to me; this place was not for a punk kid like myself but what choice did I have? The city was cruel to me when my father kicked me out two years ago. He was human, mom was a vampire.
No, I'm NOT that kind of Vampire; the whole blood drinking, garlic bullshit and the crucifix thing are false. When I was younger, my cousins would pull that shit, thinking the stories were true. It didn't help my great great great grandfather was Dracula himself. I've seen him only in pictures; mom swears he was an 'angel' and didn't understand why mundies felt the need to make up such false accusations.
When I was twelve, she was killed by a hunter. My father owed the Crooked Man a good ten thousand dollars and he was making the payments, just not quick enough apparently. I was at school when … [view original content]
Note: As requested, I have some pictures of Malcom, John and Henry.
This is Henry, Georgie's trusted and loyal bartender.
This John, a once Council member, now friends with Bigby Wolf.
This is Malcom. Member of the Council, local chicken shit.
Will add more pictures of the characters. You have a request, let me know.
Carla awoke to the sound of birds chirping in a nearby tree. The sky was a mixture of light pink and blue. She looked to the east and watched as the sun rose and gently sat upon the tree tops. She covered her eyes to get a better glance at such marvelous sights. Carla stood up and walked to the mere. The sun was glistening in the water; the ripples dancing against the rocks, with the various colors surrounding it. The appearance reminded Carla of her childhood; her mother was an active painter and it seemed someone took a paint brush and created a large, colorful stroke in nature.
Carla was left breathless. Gren was behind her, admiring her fascination with this breathtaking view. He inhaled the fresh air and closed his eyes. Soon, the wind picked up and the coolness brushed against his cheeks and pricked at his skin. Carla turned around and beamed; she watched as Gren slowly turned into his true form and remain still in the same spot. Carla was swept away. She was so delighted watching Gren become himself and take pleasure in what he once was accustomed to.
Carla trudged along, carefully walking beside beside Gren. His eyes continued to remained shut. Carla enveloped Gren's arm and squeezed tightly. The giant Grendel peered down and grinned; She buried her face in his tough, icy skin and took in his smell.
"What are you doing," asked Gren.
"Oh," replied Carla, releasing her grip. "I'm sorry! If, if this is alarming, I can stop and-"
"No, no, Carla. I like it. Was just asking what you were doing."
Carla chuckled; she had a terrible habit of jumping to conclusion.
"Taking in your scent. It's nice. When you are like this, your scent reminds me of camping; the smell of fire, trees, dirt."
Gren took his right hand and began stroking her hair. The Auburn locks entwined around his fingers, becoming a tangled sea of redish-brown.
"What about me," asked Carla, interrupting Gren's train of thought.
"What do you mean?"
"My scent. Do you smell a certain type on me?"
Gren restrained himself from losing his composure. His continuance ability to hold back was becoming too much for the Grendel to bare. He couldn't remember feeling such ease in a very long time.
"Yes, we do," replied Gren. "That is how uh, choose a mate. If the smell is very sweet, like candy, its a guarantee you and that person will be joined as one. Anything bitter or neutral means either friends or enemies; not mate potential."
"So, what am I? What is my smell? It must be sweet...."
She gazed down at the engagement ring; all the possibilities and memories still locked inside, waiting to be released.
"Apples. You smell like apples and rainwater to me..."
Before Carla could speak, there was a sudden rumble in the bushes. Gren growled; he was ready to defend Carla, should it come down to it. Carla hid behind Gren, still grasping his forearm. Her heart began beating against her chest, the need to run overcoming her body. Stay focused, she thought. Let Gren take care of this and handle how HE feels necessary.
Mundy or not, Gren could suddenly feel Carla's body tremble and distress coursing through her touch. He was not pleased with her condition and soon, stood on his hind legs, ready to take down whoever was behind the bushes.
"Come on out, you pussy," shrieked Gren, pounding his fists into the ground. "Come out and fight me!"
They soon saw two hands, held up high, coming from behind the bush. They were both befuddled; Malcom slowly appeared, keeping his eyes on Gren the entire time.
"YOU," screeched Gren, continuing to throw his fists into the ground. "What the FUCK are you doing, Folker?"
"Hey! Hey, hey, hey-easy, big fella'! I'm not here to start any trouble with you! Okay?"
"I don't believe you..."
Malcom could hear Gren snarl, his lips curling, the row of teeth becoming more vivid. He could feel the color peeling layer by layer off his face; the massive Grendel slowly made his way towards Malcom. The wolf was cowered into the tree, shielding his face from any further doing Gren had planned. Carla managed to grab Gren's arm, however, and ceased the monster. Malcom peaked through his hands.
"What ARE you doing, Malcom," asked Carla, grabbing Malcom's left ear. "Tell me WHY you were behind that bush, Malcom! Huh? Did Nate send you? You his bitch now, Malcom? HUH?! Do you make him buy you dinner before you get fucked?!"
"STOP," screamed Malcom. "Please, Carla! Just, let my ear go! I promise you, I'm not here to cause you both anymore trouble! Trust me! I'm tired of dealing with Fables, especially after last night and-"
"Last night," asked Carla. "WHAT do you mean, Malcom? SPEAK!"
"Jersey! The Jersey Devil! Nate and Sam captured him, hoping to get SOME answers in regards to the two of you and that new law Snow has in place! Word spreads fast, Carla! You know that!"
"Did he say anything, Malcom?"
"No, I tell you! He...He wouldn't budge! Normally, he would throw his own mother under the bus, just to save his own skin! But he...he refused to tell us ANYTHING, Carla! I swear! Please!"
Carla released Malcom; she pushed him into the tree, causing him to fall flat on his face. Gren picked him up and pinned him to the trunk of the tree. He clutched Malcom and compressed him into the tree.
"How pathetic are you," whispered Gren. "To come after ANY FABLE you can get your filthy paws on..."
The urge to crush his skull was too much for Gren; how he wanted to smash him into the ground and devour his body as a reward. But those thoughts quickly vanished; that was the old Grendel. He dropped Malcom; he watched as the scared puppy scuttled to the side, trying to avoid the beast.
Carla gathered any items left; she and Gren had to pay the Business office a visit. The Folkers were sending their own men now after any possible Fable they could get ahold of. Malcom tried to scurry off; he had no intentions on over staying his welcome. Before he could change and make a dash for it, Carla grabbed him by the shirt.
"YOU are coming with us," said Carla. "The Sheriff and Ms. White will love to hear what Nate and Sam have planned and willing to do!"
Malcom had no choice; Gren was glamoured once more and before Malcom could walk, Gren has his right hand pinned behind his back. He pulled tighter. Malcom begged Gren to release his grip; he was no match for the Grendel, glamoured or not.
"Try me," mumbled Gren in his ear. "TRY and do something stupid and I promise you this: I will fucking put in the ground so fast, the fucking maggots won't know what to do with ya'! Got it?"
"Okay! Okay! Just, let me go, please!"
As Gren released his grip on Malcom, the three made their way back to Fabletown. As they reached the city limits, Gren dug into his pocket and pulled out a cookie. He turned and tossed it at Malcom.
"What the hell," asked Malcom, dropping the cookie. "Gees Gren, what was that about?"
"For being a good dog and obeying," laughed Gren. "Here...have a treat!"
Carla, Malcom and Gren finally arrived to the Business office.
"Fucking Fables," murmured Malcom.
"What did you say," asked Carla.
"What? No, nothing Carla. Can't wait to see your dad. It's been...been awhile, you know?"
Carla ignored Malcom's remarks and entered the room. Malcom was surprised to see who was there: Snow, the Sheriff, Mayor Cole, John, his daughter Mary and to his astonishment, the Jersey Devil; his face, despite being covered in bruises and cuts, still show cased a large smile. To his right, he caught a glimpse of Georgie Porgie and Lyla. Fuck, he thought. I'm dead. This is it....
"Malcom," spoke Bigby. "It's been years..."
"Yeah, Sheriff," said Malcom nervously. "It...it has been years..."
Malcom glanced at his former friend and partner; John looked exhausted and determined. He never spoke; he remained close to Bigby, arms folded, simply watching.
"We wish to speak to you. Have some questions. Care for a drink?"
Georgie took a glass and slowly poured the whisky into it; the liquid splashing against the glass, causing the ice to dance.
Their plan to make Fabletown a better community was slowly taking shape. Now, their troubles could be dealt with.
Today, one of them was currently sitting before them, shaking in pure terror.
Correct! A Chupacabra is a legendary cryptid originating from Puerto Rico and then became popular in the Americas. It was describe to look like some kind of dog like creature, but there are many versions of it. Like you mentioned, their name comes from what they usually eat, livestock and goats etc.
..."Chupar" is the Spanish verb for "to suck". "Chupa" means "he/she/it sucks". "Cabra" means goat, I've discovered, that was new to me. Just thought you should be informed.
ROFL! WHY does Henry have a dog collar? These are brilliant, Georgie! You sure you don't do this art thing professionally? Loved this chapter. Folkers are screwed now!Gren had me terrified the entire time I read this! 0.0 Hey btw can I borrow Henry for my next chapter?
Chapter 18
"Pick your side"
Note: As requested, I have some pictures of Malcom, John and Henry.
This is Henry, Georgie's trusted an… mored loyal bartender.
This John, a once Council member, now friends with Bigby Wolf.
This is Malcom. Member of the Council, local chicken shit.
Will add more pictures of the characters. You have a request, let me know.
Carla awoke to the sound of birds chirping in a nearby tree. The sky was a mixture of light pink and blue. She looked to the east and watched as the sun rose and gently sat upon the tree tops. She covered her eyes to get a better glance at such marvelous sights. Carla stood up and walked to the mere. The sun was glistening in the water; the ripples dancing against the rocks, with the various colors surrounding it. The appearance reminded Carla of her childhood; her mother was an active painter and it seemed someone took a paint brush and created a large, color… [view original content]
I personally think that this chapter is a bit better when compared to my previous chapter, I tried to make this as detailed and interesting as possible when I made this sixth installment. Hope you guys enjoy it like always!
Chapter 6: Into The City
3:47 P.M., on the I-78 highway heading towards New York:
Snow and Tezoth were lying peacefully on opposite sides of the dark, dingy truck. Still being somewhat groggy from the sleeping pills, the recent bumps on the road did them no favors of granting them an undisturbed rest. Eventually, this had awakened the two.
Snow groaned, it felt like that her head was spinning. She rubbed her temples out of annoyance as she tried to look around in the pitch blackness of the truck, carefully squinting her eyes until they finally adjusted to the dark a little.
"Tez?" She whispered. "Notify me that you are here, please." Snow's worrisome voice cracked, there was no doubt that she was scared for her life. The dragon tried listening to her request as he attempted to open his eyes, but to no avail, he was unsuccessful. After a few silent minutes, he tried speaking, very few words came out.
"Sn-Snow... over here..." Tezoth let out a hacking cough, Snow soon followed his voice and scooted over to his side. "Tez, you don't sound too good, what have they done to you?!" Tez tried to answer again, but he hadn't the strength to talk. Snow felt his head rest up on her left shoulder, she smiled a little and started to understand as to why he didn't answer. Both of them stayed silent for what seemed like forever.
"Well, wherever they are taking us, we should be entering the Holland Tunnel right about now, dragon. If we weren't in this predicament, however, I would have taken you to the Woodlands, the place where you would've met Bigby and all of the other Fables who would have been delighted to meet you." Tez managed to open his dragon eyes, the liquid gold-colored pupils takes her by surprise, and being almost mesmerized by the sheer sight of them, trying not to blush in the process.
An abrupt sound interrupts their little moment, faint beeps from outside are heard, while the engine hisses loudly as the truck makes its sudden stop. Snow and the thief stay quiet, not knowing what would happen next. The back of the truck door opens, revealing a white light behind a black silhouette that stood before them.
"Road trip's over, kiddies. This is where it ends, and begins." Mary sighed delightfully, spinning her revolver around and around like a toy, secretly hoping that it would accidentally go off so that the ricocheting bullet would scare the shit out of them. "Anyways, I do hope that both of you enjoyed your tasty food back at the diner. I mean, it was the Crooked Man's idea to bring you two in like this, especially this pet dragon of yours, Snow. What? Tired of playing favorites with your pet wolf, Miss Whitey?"
Snow stood quiet and made the most annoyed face possible.
"Whatever, don't speak, it makes my job a whole lot easier. ...Mike! John! Get your ghastly asses over here."
Two ghastly-spirits appear behind her. "Yes, Mary, what are your orders?"
"Take them to the chambers, I have surprises awaiting the both of them, especially the dragon thief."
"Yes, Mary, whatever you desire."
The two ghosts Glamoured into their human form while they took both Tezoth and Snow out from the back of the truck. The two struggled to break free from the henchmen's grasp, but it was no use. They had to simply wait to see what was in store for them.
I personally think that this chapter is a bit better when compared to my previous chapter, I tried to make this as detailed and interesting … moreas possible when I made this sixth installment. Hope you guys enjoy it like always!
Chapter 6: Into The City
3:47 P.M., on the I-78 highway heading towards New York:
Snow and Tezoth were lying peacefully on opposite sides of the dark, dingy truck. Still being somewhat groggy from the sleeping pills, the recent bumps on the road did them no favors of granting them an undisturbed rest. Eventually, this had awakened the two.
Snow groaned, it felt like that her head was spinning. She rubbed her temples out of annoyance as she tried to look around in the pitch blackness of the truck, carefully squinting her eyes until they finally adjusted to the dark a little.
"Tez?" She whispered. "Notify me that you are here, please." Snow's worrisome voice cracked, there was no doubt that she was scared for … [view original content]
I personally think that this chapter is a bit better when compared to my previous chapter, I tried to make this as detailed and interesting … moreas possible when I made this sixth installment. Hope you guys enjoy it like always!
Chapter 6: Into The City
3:47 P.M., on the I-78 highway heading towards New York:
Snow and Tezoth were lying peacefully on opposite sides of the dark, dingy truck. Still being somewhat groggy from the sleeping pills, the recent bumps on the road did them no favors of granting them an undisturbed rest. Eventually, this had awakened the two.
Snow groaned, it felt like that her head was spinning. She rubbed her temples out of annoyance as she tried to look around in the pitch blackness of the truck, carefully squinting her eyes until they finally adjusted to the dark a little.
"Tez?" She whispered. "Notify me that you are here, please." Snow's worrisome voice cracked, there was no doubt that she was scared for … [view original content]
I finally got some time to write another chapter this is most violent chapter I wrote in a while and is full of bad language like TWAU game so just say that so know what to be expecting sorry if you get offended. I also have few easter eggs in these I won't reveal what and probably should of asked but I didn't want to ruin the surprise I want to hear users reactions sorry . I was inspired by so many stories here. This chapter my most ambitious one yet.
Spark escaped and the revolt was growing and with Spark able to call on many underground contacts including Greenleaf who will prove to be the most decisive to win this war Spark hoped.
Spark headed for the local bar in Fabletown to recruit more contacts with Gren and Porgie being top of the list. Spark always wore his hood up and sneaked in the shadows at night to avoid detection but knew wouldn’t have much time so he needed to be quick and decisive in here and headed up for the door. Spark walked into the bar it was only Georgie Porgie and Gren in there it was a silent night but he felt so alien walking in as all the chatter suddenly died. Gren stared him down with such a fierce look which almost burned his skin.
Spark: Gren I know your part of the underground rebellion and feel the force in this city is corrupt this is our only chance to defeat them join me!!
Suddenly a girl walks into the bar in a rage
Gren: I know Carla anyway why should we trust a stranger who just walked into the bar is this some sort of sick joke?
Spark: Listen if we don’t stop them now your whole family will be killed like mine there is no TIME!!
Gren: Bullshit how?
Spark: I was part of the lower class which got ignored and eventually murdered for speaking up against the corruption it was part of a massive coverup saying it was a forest fire. No one cared or investigated as we were lowest on the social foodchain.
Gren: Why should I care?
Spark: With us killed your now the lowest on the social foodchain making you the new target. They will slowly take away your rights, monitor you and drain all your money to replace us to fit into the corrupt system to keep them powerful and rich once they drain you dry of all resources and supplies or you revolt you will no longer become of use to them. They will then murder everyone in the area and kill the loose ends and by the next day the newspaper will say it was a kitchen fire. But thankfully they are only planting the seed of deceit right now but we don’t have much time we need to attack now while we still have a chance.
Carla:(screams) DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY DAD!!
Spark: Bigby must survive he is still ignorant to the problem and was not part of my family’s killing so his not a target for me
Gren: No I’m staying here with Carla I’m finished fighting
Carla: I’ll go I have to go save my Dad
Porgie(stood up sitting in corner of the bar) This is my city I’m coming
Gren: Why not I’ll go I need to protect Carla AH SHIT!!
Spark: The attack will begin tomorrow night we meet here at 10pm I have some work to do first.
(PuddingPie owns this sorry for not asking I'll remove it if you want)
Later that day Snow was called into a meeting with Crane. She walked around the building all day entertained by the various paintings and random stranger interactions to keep her entertained but eventually she was called in by Crane. She sat in the cold dark room as Crane stared her down even his eye contact felt like mental abuse.
Crane: We called you in here because as you know after the recent forest fire deaths we need to protect our poorest citizens better so I’m bringing in more restrictions and rules to improve safety but unfortunately this will lead to rise in taxes in that area. I need you to inform the public and deliver the letters outlining our plans.
Snow: FUCK YOU!!!
Snow: I can’t remember stuttering you murdered my family and now your bringing this evil on more citizens while the rich sleep cosy in their mansions and eat the finest food your a monster!!.
Spark: (Puts his pistol up on his table and points it at his head) your next answer will decide if I let you live or not I recommend you speak carefully. WHY DID YOU KILL MY FAMILY!!
Crane: (shaking with tears) I DIDN’T I SWEAR
Spark(Loads gun) Is that your final answer?
Crane: Ok!! Ok!! I wish we could all be rich but unfortunately that’s just not possible the city will fall to pieces we need the poor for cheap labour and source income to keep the majority fed and have homes there must be sacrifices for the greater good. We monitored you because if your town even slacked off for a day the whole town would fall your town were the strings which tied everything together.
Spark: WHY!!(puts gun against his head)
Crane: You were terrorists I feared for the town we would be outnumbered in a revolt I merely wanted to send a message with the fire I didn’t want to hurt anyone BELIEVE ME!!
Spark:(Drops 4 bullets out of his pistols and rolls the cylinder) YOU LEAVE MY FAMILIES LIFES DOWN TO CHANCE I WILL HAVE MERCY ONLY FAIR YOU FACE THE SAME PUNISHMENT WITH SOME RUSSIAN ROULETTE!!! Btw I have this place laced with explosives even dare press that button underneath your table were all dead surviving this game is your only chance.
Sparks aims his gun at Crane head and holds the trigger with only one bullet in the cylinder
Spark: Hope favours the brave!! let’s see if you’re a coward
Spark presses the trigger “Bang” rings out the bullets slices through cranes head like a knife through butter killing him instantly. Spark turns and leaves the office still glamoured as Snow and starts screaming in the hallway to get all the officers to help crane. The plan worked perfectly as Spark walked slowly away from the building but was time for the cherry on top of the cake he pressed the detonator and whole building exploded. The fire raged above as he ran into the shadows this was only the beginning.
Bigby had lunch arrangements with Snow that day a common ritual and he always seems to just counts the hours and minutes till the next one it was highlight of his week. But this week was different as he arrived at the café Snow was chatting with Crane in the Café laughing and Joking. He sat down at their table in confusion.
Crane(smiling) Ah Bigby my favourite doggy has arrived you get cuter everyday(laughing)
Bigby: What do I owe the pleasure of this visit
Crane: Well I need you to investigate a series of murders in the forest and the suspected cover up of the forest fire.
Bigby: But you said it was a forest fire how do you know it was a cover up?
Crane: I have the biggest bank balance you don’t ask questions you just fetch my bones(Bigby stares at Crane in the eyes realising the deception at play Crane then gives bigby a wink and a smile)
Bigby: WHAT DID YOU DO WITH CRANE YOUR THAT KID!!(stands up and shouts)
Crane: Well I do admit I do let out my inner child in social events I always get so gitty excuse my behaviour. (looks at waiter) Sorry waiter I ordered two sugars in my tea not one I know I’m sweet enough Bigby but my sugar levels get really low.
Gren(smiles) Well I needed more glamour thanks for noticing I taught going with this scarf with these Jeans was bit too much but why not only live once Bigby I’m glad you noticed.
Snow: (Grabs Bigby to sit down) Calm down!! and finish your tea Bigby your embarrassing me your very stressed at the moment this is our only chance to enjoy ourselves from work enough already.
Gren: No need to apologize Bigby but excuse me I need to use the restroom
A police officer walks into the café and whispers something into Bigby’s ear tears start to roll down his face he didn’t have heart to tell Snow the news the police station had been destroyed with multiple deaths including Crane but his animal instincts soon kicked in and he ran for the toilet to catch Spark but he was too late as he seen the window left open in the bathroom. Spark outwitted him again sending another message to mock Bigby showing his a serious threat.
Spark arrives back at the bar that night where his troops prepared for battle he looked around seeing Carla, Gren and Georgie armed up ready for battle. His conscience was torturing him these were not soldiers but arrogant innocent kids facing seasoned veterans of war it wasn’t there battle to fight he tried to hold back the tears watching Carla struggle to carry her armor. She looked like a Barbie doll dressed up in the wrong attire looking like a gushed of wind would kill her. But Spark was too late they already arrived at the destination downtown before he awoke from his day dream.
Suddenly Dee and Dum appeared from the fog
Spark: Back off these two are mine this is my war Gren and porgie just keep Carla safe she more important than this war it’s not worth her life believe me.
Gren/Porgie: Ok will do
Spark starred down Dum/Dee would a vengeance as the dark took hold of the night and the cold rattled his bones. Dee and Dum had their AK47’s ready and started shooting wildly straight for Sparks head hundreds of bullets cut the cold air with a distinctive whistle. Spark kept walking without even breaking stride without so much as a blink as he caught the bullets mid air before they reached him.
The barrier created by his mind created a wall of bullets he simply kept on walking towards Dum and Dee. The bullets raining in at him seemed to nearly bore him. Spark flung his arms in both directions in frustration and the bullets flung against the side buildings creating a hail storm of glass blinding the pair. When Spark reached Dum and Dee he reached his arm out and clenched his fist his mind picked up both Dee and Dum by the neck and he slowly began choking them mid air.
Sparks:(shouting) WHERES BLUEBEARD!!
Suddenly Bigby and Snow arrived on the scene seeing the horror unfold
Bigby: STOP!! I believe you Spark killing them won’t prove anything don’t become the monster you seek to destroy!!
Snow: Please Spark I know you were glamoured as Crane I sensed you’re a good person with great potential but this is not the way to do it what would your parents think if they seen you now?
Spark:(turns to Snow) My parents wouldn’t think anything their dead (turns back) TELL ME!!(Spark Clenched his fist tighter as his mind squeezed their necks to breaking points)
Dum/Dee: AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHha (Suddenly a gust of fire burnt dee and Dum to a crisp Spark was only holding ash with his mind now)
A dragon appeared from the fog as Spark froze in fear the sheer size overlooked the tallest building.
Draco: HAHAHA My name’s Draco you have all the answers Spark but you never found out what the question was! who do you think set all them fires in your town mere mortals FOOLS!! Your mind only controls objects and is too weak to threaten me my fire can’t be controlled by your powers leaving you defenceless like your parents I’ll show you truly burning desire!!
Spark(falls to his knees as tears fill his eyes) NO It can’t be!!
Draco blew a gust of fire heading toward Spark like a tidal wave he had no chance his powers were worthless and the shock made him freeze with the unexpected revelations he shut his eyes and opened his arms to embrace the fire he didn’t fear death he had nothing to lose and no one he cared about.
Suddenly in Slow motion Porgie ran up and pushed Spark out of the way he never saw Porgie being consumed and spit out by the flames to become nothing more than ash as he hit his head off against the wall getting clean knocked out.
Draco: Carla my princess I need to send a message to the citizens of your district no one’s safe if you don’t follow the rules your revolt is over as well as your life!!
Gren Stood up and standed in front of Carla shielding her from Draco
Carla(Crying) No save Gren yourself PLEASE!! he wants ME!!
Gren: TO LATE!!(Gren sprinted towards Draco in beast form in truth he never stood a chance the fire wall came for him and Gren’s last words as turned in a final goodbye to Carla were “I’M SORRY I’LL MISS YOU” once Gren hit the wall of flames he never came out the other side like a Snowfleck on a sunny day. He died with a smile on his face knowing he died protecting the person he loved and only the person that ever truly knew him or ever cared for him.
Carla(screaming) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (As tears rolled down her face a puddle was created in tears where she lay as she fell to her knees hugging the air. Gren was no longer a physical presence as he blew in the wind nothing but a memory to hold onto.
Draco turned to Carla “You will be reunited soon don’t worry” Bigby interrupted and began sprinting at Draco he knew he would face certain death but he hoped it would save enough time for Carla and Snow to escape. Snow and Carla was watching him sacrifice himself in tears.
Spark awoke watching the scene the world was spinning in his head but he soon gained his eyesight back.
Spark:(shouting) Bigby STOP HIS MINE!!
Bigby: He will kill YOU!!
Spark: I know look I need you to get Snow and Carla out of here nothing is worth your family’s or friends life’s it’s too late for me. I wouldn’t wish that faith on anyone they are brave and unique girls they need their father and their friend. I have no friends or family left even a home to go back to. I have nothing to lose or to live for anymore. I know you don’t trust me but it’s not worth your life’s believe me nothing is worth losing the ones you care about NOTHING!!!.
Bigby: BBBB..U..T I CAN SAVE YOU TOO!!(stuttering)
Spark:(Tears filled his eyes) I NEVER WANTED TO BE SAVED!! PLEASE BIGBY JUST GO!!(Bigby nods)
It was just Spark and Draco left as the night took hold they seemed to be weighing up their opponent as their eyes finally met. Spark hovered up into the air in preparation for the battle
Draco: HAHA aw so cute mammy not going to save you now. Your powers are worthless once I kill you Snow and Carla will burn screaming your name in terror!
Spark(smiles) Like a game of chess it’s not about the moves your opponent can see or predict but about the moves they can’t that wins you the game.
Spark used his mind to control the water tanks nearby and bashed them together flooding the whole street.
Suddenly an army of hundreds of soldiers appeared behind Draco along the road ready to attack if Draco fails the Snipers were all aimed for Sparks head and kill him if Draco fails it was impossible to the blind eye.
Draco: HAHA You think a puddle can kill me? I forgot my swimming shorts and goggles help me please!!! haha No more games! GAMEOVER!! SPARK!!.(Draco Takes a deep breath to maximize his fire and is about to blow a tornado of flames)
Spark: Oh that water wasn’t for you(Spark hovered up from the ground into the air and took 3 nails from his pocket) Checkmate paper beats rock but do you know what beats fire? PETROL!!
Spark used his mind and ripped a petrol tank from the surrounding area and threw it at Draco who at this time spitted his fire from depths of hell straight for Spark. Spark shot a nail at the tank using his mind like a bullet and two at each electrical poles along the road cutting each wire which fell into the puddle on the ground. The first nail also hit the petrol tank that landed in Draco’s month.
Spark(smiles) Hope favours the brave WELCOME TO MY WORLD BITCH!!!
The electric currents spread on the water thorough the road killing the hundreds of soldiers within seconds lighting them up like Christmas lights it was a beautiful sight for Spark. The minute the petrol tank landed it Draco’s mouth hitting the direct source of the flames and interacted with the leaked petrol it exploded. Draco erupted into a million pieces raining down on Spark who just put his head up and smiled the vibrant colours, the fireworks as soldiers exploded into colour to a lesser man be a brutal disturbing scene but to Spark his been through so much pain his mind filtered the true horror of the scene into the beauty of a rainbow and flowers shining in spring.
Suddenly the street grew silent and the true horror showed it’s head hundreds of bodies lay on the dark cold street, blood covered the walls and buildings. Ash covered the streets and most buildings were burnt down. Suddenly it hit Spark like a KO to the face looking around he became the monster he seeked to destroy he didn’t stop the horror but let the hate consume him the true monster was always him as he glanced into a puddle seeing his reflection. Scars and blood covered his face he looked into his eyes in the reflection and just saw a monster as he dropped to his knee’s in tears as flashbacks of his town tortured his brain his next step would define him as a man… Bluebeard was waiting for him…
Thanks for reading I hope your not to disturbed or offended lol I'll do more editing for grammar in the morning I hope you enjoy it and your not mad at me all characters in this are not how I see them just angled to suit the story a tribute
I personally think that this chapter is a bit better when compared to my previous chapter, I tried to make this as detailed and interesting … moreas possible when I made this sixth installment. Hope you guys enjoy it like always!
Chapter 6: Into The City
3:47 P.M., on the I-78 highway heading towards New York:
Snow and Tezoth were lying peacefully on opposite sides of the dark, dingy truck. Still being somewhat groggy from the sleeping pills, the recent bumps on the road did them no favors of granting them an undisturbed rest. Eventually, this had awakened the two.
Snow groaned, it felt like that her head was spinning. She rubbed her temples out of annoyance as she tried to look around in the pitch blackness of the truck, carefully squinting her eyes until they finally adjusted to the dark a little.
"Tez?" She whispered. "Notify me that you are here, please." Snow's worrisome voice cracked, there was no doubt that she was scared for … [view original content]
He becomes a dancer for Porgie in the future. That's like his 'trademark' thing. XD Yeah, sure. Don't ind at all. And no, the art is just a hobby of mine.
ROFL! WHY does Henry have a dog collar? These are brilliant, Georgie! You sure you don't do this art thing professionally? Loved this chapte… morer. Folkers are screwed now!Gren had me terrified the entire time I read this! 0.0 Hey btw can I borrow Henry for my next chapter?
Malcom sat nervously, as Snow and Bigby discussed the new law. Cole, who was present at the moment, had already signed the bill and it was in effect. Carla was restless; she was concerned about one thing: her family's well being.
Although the new rule was in place, this wouldn't stop the Council. Threatening Malcom would only anger them; push them further and create even more problems for not only the town but her as well. She was fretful for her sister and Georgie; not too long ago, that nightmare caused quite a stir in Fabletown for two weeks. Snow and Bigby couldn't remember the last incident that involved such dark magic. Her sister Mary was on edge ever since she and Bluebeard broke all communication. Something else was going on; Mary, however, refused to discuss it. Gina, now in a serious committed relationship with Hans, had many bumps in the road.
Gren gripped Carla's shoulders and brushed his lips against her forehead. He could see the troubled and concerned look on her face. Although he did his best to show her things would be alright, there were just certain things that couldn't be avoided. She took a seat in his lap; he gently played with her hair, pushing strands of red behind her ear.
"Carla. Talk."
"What do you mean," inquired Carla. "I'm fine..."
"Really? Cause you don't seem 'fine'. I can smell it on you; the tension is covering your body. Don't fucking worry about it anymore, Carla. Snow took care of it; the Sheriff ACTUALLY did something for the common people."
Carla wanted to avoid any further discussion about what was taking place in the office. Since her father's discovery of their 'forbidden' love, she had not returned to the office. For now, she was on leave; Snow wanted to make sure everything was taken care of and no further altercations would occur. One too many was more than she could handle. Her stomach began turning; her head spinning, the room appearing brighter, causing her eyes to burn. Gren instantly took notice of Carla's sudden strange behavior.
"Carla? Carla! Sweetie, where-"
She didn't give him a chance to finish; she ran out the door and into the water closet; she managed to find the toilet and before long, her entire day's worth of meals was in the toilet. She continued to vomit, her head pulsing and sweat beads dripping from her forehead. Gren rushed in, followed by John and Snow. Gren held back her hair, as she continued to throw up.
"Carla, are you okay," Snow asked concerned. "We just happened to glance over and watch you make a dash to the restroom."
"It's...it's nothing, Snow. Must be...must be all this stress. All these issues..."
"SEE," shouted John. "THIS is why I didn't want you taking this job, Carla! This WILL put you in an early grave. Why do you think I retired and let it be?"
Carla ignored her father's ranting; her main concern was the sudden rush of illness that had swept her off her feet. Like long lost relatives, she wrapped her arms around the base of the toilet and continued to vomit. She was now having dry heaves; nothing more was being released. Gren took his sleeve and wiped her forehead; she was as pale as bed sheets.
"Please, Gren. Take her home," demanded Snow. "This is obviously too much stress for her. Get some rest, Carla. Please..."
As she walked out of the restroom, cuddled close to Gren's chest, she caught Bigby leaning against his office door. When she turned the corner, she noticed his nose in the air, sniffing. As he was complete, his eyes make a dash back to hers. He knew something; no one could fool that nose.
But that would have to asked on a later day. Her main concern was getting back and resting. So much had occurred in the past few days.
John and Bigby needed a drink; this whole ordeal was causing John to smoke and Bigby lose sleep. Gren returned and agreed; Carla was back at the club with her sister, Georgie and the quads. Lyla promised Gren Carla would remain rested until she felt well enough to move about. The three agreed to take a break and head to the Trip Trap; they brought Malcom along for the adventure into Fabletown. Hell, even Jersey made his way beside them. It was a lovely day; not like he had anything else to do today.
While walking to the bar, Bigby kept his focus on Gren. The barfly, usually silent and irritated, appeared at ease the entire way. He had to ask him; now, however was not the time. They were just a few feet away from the bar. Malcom, however, was not having a wonderful time. The whol way down the street, Jersey jabbed him with his finger and taunted him; John laughed at every move Jersey made. Despite his long relationship with Malcom, he needed to be put in his place.
Bigby opened the door to find the bar empty. Holly was dusting when the group of men made their way in. She was pleased to see Gren; since their last visit, he never came to the bar. His feelings for Carla were clear and although she didn't agree with it, there was not much she could do. That lovely mundy stole his heart. She placed the broom against the wall, walked behind the bar and took out five glasses.
"Well, nice to see you boys," said Holly, as she poured the liquor into the glasses. "Have not seen some of you in awhile. Sheriff-hear that new law passed."
"Yes, Holly," Bigby said. "It passed this morning."
"You must be happy, Gren. So must Lyla and Georgie. Now, those babies can grow up in a semi 'normal' world..."
Gren simply gave a nod to Holly. She had disrespected Carla for the last time; when she apologizes and makes an effort to communicate like adults to her, would he come back around. Jack caught up with him one afternoon while heading to the Woodlands. He claimed others would ask for him; wonder where he had run off to. For now, he was here simply because of business.
Bigby grabbed Malcom's glass before he could touch it to his lips. He instantly drank the whiskey, slamming the empty glass down. John chuckled, Jersey threw peanuts in his direction.
"I was going to drink that, Bigby," claimed Malcom. "I'm very thirsty..."
"Well, um. Let's see. Where ARE we at...Oh yeah. Fabletown. You are in MY city, so MY city, MY rules, right? Is this not how you guys played your games on the other side of the fence?"
"Very professional of you, Sheriff."
"He's only doing what YOU did, Malcom," said John, as he finished off his drink. "YOU and the others did that shit all the time; our town, our rules. Couldn't even take a shit without one of you knowing about it..."
"YOU did the same thing, John," screamed Malcom. "Don't forget. You were once on OUR side."
Bigby saw this opportunity to speak with Gren. He grabbed his stool and moved to the right.
"Lot of open stools in this place," laughed Gren.
"But there is only one next to you."
Bigby chuckled, as he slapped Gren on the back. How things have managed to change in the few short years. Holly poured Gren and Bigby more Whiskey; Malcom, John and Jersey starting a debate about rules and government.
"I swear, Folkers," mumbled Gren, as he took a drink.
"So ,you and Carla," asked Bigby. "Pretty serious, you and the mundy."
"I don't see that word, Sheriff. Just her. She never sees me as a monster..."
Holly's attention was caught; she had no idea Carla had seen his true form, much less not fear it.
"You both serious?"
"She uh, smells sweet."
Gren was confused; the sheriff's random comment caused Gren and Holly to stare blankly at the sheriff, now taking a sip from his glass.
"Sweet? The fuck you mean, sweet? What, you going around smelling chicks now?!"
Holly instantly knew what the Sheriff was talking about; back at the Homelands, her cousin had that same thing happen to her. She was surprised Gren didn't catch on; she was sure Grendels had the same method for detecting that.
"Gren," asked Holly, as she poured him another shot. "DOES she smell sweeter than usual?"
"The fuck is wrong with you two," roared Gren. "Why are you asking me this? Of course she smells sweet! She ALWAYS does!"
"Gren," continued Holly. "Is she...did you two..."
Gren sat for a moment; he was having a very difficult time understanding the obscure conversation taking place. They had been drinking, yes but no one was even CLOSE to drunk. Bigby and Holly just starred; the other three too busy cackling like hens to pay any attention. Was he missing something? What was the sheriff trying to hint? Then, it hit him: the night in his apartment, the passionate night they both shared; the late nights, her being so sick.
Gren stood up, dropping his glass; alcohol and glass scattered on the floor. He looked vacant, unsure of what he should say. The other three stopped their bickering and watched as Gren, pale as a ghost, slowly back up, heading for the door.
"Gren," said Holly. "Gren? Where-"
Bigby quickly stood up and slowly made his way over to Gren.
"Gren," asked Bigby. "Gren. Come back...."
"No....," he said, mumbling to himself, while grabbing his forehead in disbelief. "No. She can't be...She's not...I-"
Without warning, he turned and ran out the door, sprinting down the street; Bigby soon following him, the others trying to keep up. John and Jersey pushed Malcom along, as Holly rushed to place a sign on the door and attempt to follow the others. Gren continued running down the street; he avoided every individual on the street, dodging in and out; he was heading towards the outskirts of town. To the very spot he and Carla loved the most. He managed to lose Bigby; he flung himself in the thick forest and trail on, leaving very few prints behind.
Bigby began sniffing the air; he could still make the bark and dirt smell Grendels had. John, too, joined in; he had no idea what was going on but when the sheriff was quiet and sniffing the air, it was never a good thing. Malcom tried to sit; he stubbed his toe climbing up the hill but Jersey would not have it. Instead, he pushed the wolf to the ground.
"Really, Jersey," yelled Malcom. "Why can't I sit?"
"Why did you put that filthy thing in my mouth, huh? How about tie me up, huh?"
Malcom fell silent; he was not in the mood to fight with the Jersey Devil.
"Where do you think he went to," asked John.
They had lost his scent; where ever he was, Gren was hiding and didn't want to be found. That is what worried Bigby the most. Holly managed to catch up, only to find John and the sheriff staring off into the woods.
"Where is he," gasped Holly. "Where...where did he go?"
"Hopefully just getting some air...."
Holly and John did not like that answer. Gren was not much for just getting 'air.'
'It never stops around here,' thought Bigby. 'Never a dull moment.'
All they could do was return to the city and wait; wait for Gren. Wait for results.
part 1 pg 15 http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/60600/start-a-story-be-your-own-fable-create-a-fable-th… moreread/p15
I finally got some time to write another chapter this is most violent chapter I wrote in a while and is full of bad language like TWAU game so just say that so know what to be expecting sorry if you get offended. I also have few easter eggs in these I won't reveal what and probably should of asked but I didn't want to ruin the surprise I want to hear users reactions sorry . I was inspired by so many stories here. This chapter my most ambitious one yet.
Spark escaped and the revolt was growing and with Spark able to call on many underground contacts including Greenleaf who will prove to be the most decisive to win this war Spark hoped.
Spark headed for the local bar in Fabletown to recruit more contacts with Gren and Porgie being top of the list. Spark always wo… [view original content]
Chapter 19
"Stick with it"
Malcom sat nervously, as Snow and Bigby discussed the new law. Cole, who was present at the moment, had alr… moreeady signed the bill and it was in effect. Carla was restless; she was concerned about one thing: her family's well being.
Although the new rule was in place, this wouldn't stop the Council. Threatening Malcom would only anger them; push them further and create even more problems for not only the town but her as well. She was fretful for her sister and Georgie; not too long ago, that nightmare caused quite a stir in Fabletown for two weeks. Snow and Bigby couldn't remember the last incident that involved such dark magic. Her sister Mary was on edge ever since she and Bluebeard broke all communication. Something else was going on; Mary, however, refused to discuss it. Gina, now in a serious committed relationship with Hans, had many bumps in the road.
Gren gripped Carla's shoulders and brushed his li… [view original content]
Thanks Draco and Pudding damn I taught you were going to kill me lol
Draco the reason he was a villain was because I taught of that ending and Draco was the perfect enemie for Spark as he can't use his powers against him and I just wanted to take on massive dragon lol
Thanks so much for not just reading and leaving a comment but being nice enough to let me use your brilliant characters. There might be more appearances of other characters in the storie in the next chapter to
OMG Carla and Gren! Nah dude! I have no problem. Take it as a complement. Could picture this tiny thing with red hair in all that chaos.
… more Loved this! Was different and had me in a tailspin. Draco a villain was bad ass, though!
Good job! Can't wait to read more.
Just saying I will be releasing the next chapter tonight I managed to find bit of time it's my most violent and longest yet but hope you enjoy it's full of action and easter eggs maybe I should of asked but don't want to ruin the surprise
Sweet and charming PuddingPie stories have turned violent and intense I love it edge of my seat stuff just gripping bit political to very intelligent writing .
Well, you certainly did a good job, I should have responded earlier with that. :P
Hey, thanks Mark.
Want to throw in a bit of those gripping and 'WTF' moments. Trying to get EVERYONE involved in the ever growing problem in Fabletown, really show the struggle between both worlds. Plus, can't resist a pissed off Jersey. 
My dragon scales can't wait.
I loved it! Can see Jersey will be making more appearances in this story? I enjoy the sweet, tender moments, then I read the next chapter and this is what I see! Keep up the good work, Georgie!
More! I HOPE Nate and Sam get what's coming to them. Malcom seems to be alright...for now...in my book. BTW, you should draw them, so we can see what these losers look like!
I mean, when you are not busy!
Chapter 2: Emotional Transformation
So many emotions rushed through my head as I darted down my corridor. All the pain in my rib was gone. I couldn't feel my hands, arms, legs, or any part of my body. All I could feel was a burning anger inside my head. After what felt like several minutes, I reached my door without thinking, crashed through it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Chill down, Hope!" T shouted at me. I was completely ignorant to her demand. I pushed myself against the wall and slammed my fist against it. Without thinking, I punched a hole straight through, my hand stopped the concrete between my room and the one next door. "What the fuck happened?!" she once again shouted to me.
"Faith happened, that's what fucking happened!" I shouted back in response. I slumped into my armchair, trying to contain myself. T kept her distance and waited for me to calm down. She may be a joker, but she knows that when I'm angry, teasing is the last thing you want to do. The anger in my head calmed over time. Pain started returning to my broken rib and I began to feel the pulse of my heart calm to a normal pace.
"Hope..." T began, being cautious not to set me off again. "What happened to Faith?" she asked. I didn't want her to get angry. Her and Faith were close. The last thing I needed was T losing her glamour and trashing the whole Woodlands up.
"She...she just...she got mixed up with the wrong person, that's all." I responded, doing my best to sound as truthful as possible.
"Did you give him what for?" T asked again.
"Not yet I haven't, but believe me, I'll get 'round to it." I assured her, once again trying my best to contain the anger beginning to rebuild itself inside me.
"Well, I'll tell her tomorrow to think before she treats. We're thinking of going down to the Trip Trap." T explained to me, with a glimpse of excitement for what she just said in her voice.
"I thought Molly hated you guys?" I asked her. Molly has never been fond of T, not since the time she trashed the place after having a few too many shots of double-whiskey.
"She does." she answered me. "But we're thinking of taking Lily too. We're starting to get closer. Plus with her on our side, Molly will have to let us in. Then again, if she doesn't, will be treated to a sister-on-sister bar fight. Ha, that'll make a good story." she laughed. I could hardly hear her. My mind was on the edge about what I should do. T looked at me speculatively, then sat on the table opposite me. "Okay Hope. Cut the crap. I know you better than anyone, and I know you're bullshitting me right now. What's going on?" she asked.
"..." My mind tried to create words, but nothing came out. T was starting to look amused. She must've thought something happened between me and Bigby again.
"Lemme guess. You got another broken rib at the sheriff's party?" she laughed.
"..." I stopped trying to think of anything to say. I knew the jokes would keep rolling, so I just let her go on. But then she lost the laughter from her face, just like in the elevator. She turned serious and looked me in the eyes.
"Hope. What happened to Faith?" she requested lightly, trying not to sound demanding or scared.
"..." once again, my mouth kept shut. I didn't want to say anything to her out of fear of setting off her fuse. She looked at my saddened face, and began to realize the bigger picture.
"I'll get you something to drink. Don't move, alright?" as she walked to the kitchen, she stroked my shoulder with her hand, trying to comfort me. I knew I couldn't keep this up forever. There was no point prolonging the inevitable. I took a deep breath, preparing for what would follow, and spoke.
"She's dead..." I spoke firmly. I heard the sound of a mug crashing and breaking against the ground. A harsh, diminishing silence followed, until T finally spoke.
"What?..." she asked, hoping that what I said was false. I took another deep breath, and said it again.
"She's dead T...Faith...Faith is dead..." I said once again. Silence fell across. A false hope grew inside me, that maybe T didn't take it as hard as I thought she would, but I was stupid to think so. I heard T's breathing get louder and harder. I heard a fist slam again against the draining board, and T let out a cry.
"God fucking damnit!" T screamed. Instantly realizing what was happening, I shot up from my armchair, and ran into the kitchen. T stood their, trying to stop herself from changing, but it was no use. Tears left her now blood-shot eyes, and she began to let her anger get the better of her. Her hands started to glow green and behind the glow, her hands started to form into a more slender, thinner shape, and her smooth skin slowly morphed into a dark black colour. Her nails grew, turning sharp as a razor. Without a moment of hesitation i grabbed her by the shoulders and spoke, trying to get through to her.
"T! Look at me!" she started at her hands, doing her best to stop herself, but she couldn't. The darkness of her hands began to grow up her arms. She grasped her right arm with her left hand, trying to cut off her loss of colour, but to no avail. "T, you have to stop! Look at me! Look at me T, goddamnit!" she turned her head to me. Her face was the only part of her still under control. Tears streamed down her face, as she breathed softly in sadness. Finally, she spoke.
"Hope..." she softly let out, almost as a whisper. She threw her arms around me, looking for someone to comfort her. I gently brought my arms around her back and held her softly. She was now in complete tears. She cried on my shoulder, lost in her sadness. I brought my hand to the back of her head, and laid it gently on her soft, black hair.
"It's okay T... it's okay..." I comforted her, stroking her head to calm her. Her body began to return to normal. Her light, soft skin came back to her arms, and her hands returned to their normal shape. All the anger inside her turned to tears, and she embraced me, letting all her sadness go. I kept a firm, yet soft hold of her, doing my best to console her sadness.
We held each other, not willing to let go.
Short chapter, the actual fighting starts next chapter..
Chapter 6
Fight Club Part 2
Draco and Chupa arrived at the basement, the match with the ogre and troll prepares to come to a conclusion. The ogre picks up its club and beats the troll with it nearly to death. The ogre is victorious and as he leaves the ring it lets out a battle cry.
Draco: Holy shit...
Chupa: My exact reaction the first time. Now you better get prepared, your up next.
Draco: Hold up, im not fighting nothing until I know that Marco is alive. Now where is he.
Chupa points to Talia who is sitting in here chair , and there Marco can be seen being held by two creatures. One wielding a bright silver handgun and the other wielding a wooden stake.
Talia: There's that handsome dragon everyone. THE MAIN EVENT HAS ARRIVED!
Talia: Now handsome, why don't you make your way towards the ring...
Draco walks down the pathway towards the ring. He cracks his knuckles before he enters and the crowd cheers in anticipation waiting to see a dragon in action.
Talia: Now before we start, lets go over the rules for the noob:
1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.
3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.
4th RULE: Only two a fight.
5th RULE: One fight at a time.
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.
7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.
Talia: Ok darling... you will be facing one the fiercest warriors of the south African plains, A part man part tiger. GILLIIAN THE WERECAT!!!
Gillian leaps into the ring and glares at Draco and says, "I only fought a dragon once before...surely this will be entertaining."
Talia: One more thing dragon, don;t even think about turning into that big ass dragon and ruin why lovely ring. If you do my friends here will either fire silver into this vampy or plunge a stake into his chest. Whichever feels like it doing it. Do I make myself clear?
Draco: Wasn't planning on doing that but let me make MYSELF clear, I will save my friend and after that im going to burn this place to the fucking ground.
Talia: I like this one... LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!
To be continued!
I think you're enjoyment shows, it keeps a steady momentum throughout and it's another really enjoyable read. The comment about finding more out on page one was particularly smart, I thought.
Now that's emotional.
All dem feels.
Chapter 1
My name is Max. This is my story...
Night was the only time I'd leave that disgusting apartment and show myself to the world.
Fabletown was a joke to me; this place was not for a punk kid like myself but what choice did I have? The city was cruel to me when my father kicked me out two years ago. He was human, mom was a vampire.
No, I'm NOT that kind of Vampire; the whole blood drinking, garlic bullshit and the crucifix thing are false. When I was younger, my cousins would pull that shit, thinking the stories were true. It didn't help my great great great grandfather was Dracula himself. I've seen him only in pictures; mom swears he was an 'angel' and didn't understand why mundies felt the need to make up such false accusations.
When I was twelve, she was killed by a hunter. My father owed the Crooked Man a good ten thousand dollars and he was making the payments, just not quick enough apparently. I was at school when it happened. Dad returned home for lunch and found her entire body drained, head missing and charred remains of some herbs. They say, you burn this during the killing of a Vampire and their soul will not haunt you for eternity.
Dad blamed me for months after mom was buried. Although his debt was paid, he blamed me. He took out the loan to build a rather large fence to keep people out. According to him, someone snitched and claimed Satan's bride lived on 9th street. It was rather ridiculous, considering we LIVED in a Town home but he assured this will keep us safe.
I have not seen him an a year. Rumor has it, he moved and lives in Connecticut now. Is this true? Fuck, I have no idea.
As I climbed down the walls and into the busy streets, I grabbed my leather jacket and held it tightly against my body. It was very cold tonight; usually I could handle the extreme temperature but not tonight. I had been up for three days now, doing odd jobs here and there. I looked at my watch. Fuck, I'm late!
With a quick dash, I dodged into traffic and hid in the shadows, only to wait. when no one was around, I would climb the walls and jump from roof top to roof top. Could I fly? Nope. Hover I COULD do. Turn into a bat? I fucking wish. Guess that's what happens when you have mundy blood; nothing works like they are supposed to. So, I continued leaping across the buildings and sky scrapers. It was beautiful tonight, don't get me wrong. The sky was dark, not a cloud in the sky. Not a single star tonight.
'Fuck, he is going to kill me,' I whispered to myself. 'He hates when I'm late...'
When I managed to make it to King street, I came to a halt and looked around. There she was, leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. I've always thought she was so beautiful. She, however, laughed when I brought it up. I was just a kid, she would tell me. A pair of tits was all I saw. Not true, I thought. But when I said it again, she continued to laugh.
When she saw me hop down from the building, she continued puffing on the cancer stick and watching me. I dusted myself off. As I walked over, she dug into her purse and pulled out a large roll of bills.
"You're late, kid," said Faith, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
Do you have to call me that EVERY time we meet, I thought annoyed.
"Hey, like the hair today. Glad you went back to the mo hawk, although that mustache goatee combo makes you look more like an ass personally."
"Well, thanks," I said. "Well, I guess."
"Hm. You better hurry. Georgie is not in the best of moods tonight...."
"When is he ever in the mood?"
We both laughed. I tucked the large bills into my pocket and left. I looked back, hoping to catch her smile. Nothing. I headed to the Pudding and Pie, sure the boss was going to have me on the floor. I hated working for Georgie Porgie but what choice did I have? He said he enjoyed hiring misfits like myself. Less worry or something like that.
I walked into the club, greeted by Vivian. God, I hate you so much, I said to myself.
"You are late," she said. "You know how-"
"Yeah, yeah. Georgie. I get it. He here?"
"When is he never? This way..."
I followed her into a small room. There, sitting in his chair, snorting cocaine on the desk, was Georgie. He looked up, smiled and pushed Vivian out of his office. He shoke the entire time, took a seat and offered me some. I refused it.
"You're late, Max..."
"Yeah. Lost track of time."
I tossed the roll of bills onto his desk. He began counting the money and smiled.
"I need you to go down to the Trip Trap and find this guy. He owes a TON and his tab has run dry. Collect it. If not..."
He handed me crowd control.
"Take of it, bat."
To the Trip Trap I went; no questions, no hesitation.
In my hand, I held the picture of the Woodsman.
1st attempt! Will continue soon, I promise. Note to Pie-sorry but Georgie is the bad guy in this.
Don't hate me! Hope everyone likes it. My first time making a Fable story!
Nicely written! Max seems like an interesting character. Look forward to seeing him develop.
Good start.
Can't wait to see more of Max.
And no, I don't hate you. They call it FANFICTION for a reason. What I DON'T like, is someone bashing others for their favorite character. So no, don't worry, Jones.
Keep up the good work.
I emotionally feel ya, T. You have a good buddy like Hope to calm ya down. :')
(claps) Not a bad start! Keep it up!
Yes fight club movie references with the rules it's one of my favourite films of all time love this and the pictures really set the scene just awesome
Dem feels just beautiful
..."Chupar" is the Spanish verb for "to suck". "Chupa" means "he/she/it sucks". "Cabra" means goat, I've discovered, that was new to me. Just thought you should be informed.
Ha, thanks. I think my next chapter would take a break from romance and possibly develop a new problem. I might actually wait a while, until this month's new issue comes out. I want to see what happens and maybe tie in events from the issues to things Harmony might do/consider. If that makes sense. Also, the reference to page one was just so I didn't have to re-explain to any new readers (If there are more than just the 3 usual people who comment who read this). It was also to be a little funny, since I've seen TV shows do similar things to make the audience laugh.
Superb this story please me lol just imagination and unique appluads
My favorite line my reaction to reading it ^
Dad returned home for lunch and found her entire body drained, head missing and charred remains of some herbs. They say, you burn this during the killing of a Vampire and their soul will not haunt you for eternity
Chapter 18
"Pick your side"
Note: As requested, I have some pictures of Malcom, John and Henry.
This is Henry, Georgie's trusted and loyal bartender.
This John, a once Council member, now friends with Bigby Wolf.
This is Malcom. Member of the Council, local chicken shit.
Will add more pictures of the characters. You have a request, let me know.
Carla awoke to the sound of birds chirping in a nearby tree. The sky was a mixture of light pink and blue. She looked to the east and watched as the sun rose and gently sat upon the tree tops. She covered her eyes to get a better glance at such marvelous sights. Carla stood up and walked to the mere. The sun was glistening in the water; the ripples dancing against the rocks, with the various colors surrounding it. The appearance reminded Carla of her childhood; her mother was an active painter and it seemed someone took a paint brush and created a large, colorful stroke in nature.
Carla was left breathless. Gren was behind her, admiring her fascination with this breathtaking view. He inhaled the fresh air and closed his eyes. Soon, the wind picked up and the coolness brushed against his cheeks and pricked at his skin. Carla turned around and beamed; she watched as Gren slowly turned into his true form and remain still in the same spot. Carla was swept away. She was so delighted watching Gren become himself and take pleasure in what he once was accustomed to.
Carla trudged along, carefully walking beside beside Gren. His eyes continued to remained shut. Carla enveloped Gren's arm and squeezed tightly. The giant Grendel peered down and grinned; She buried her face in his tough, icy skin and took in his smell.
"What are you doing," asked Gren.
"Oh," replied Carla, releasing her grip. "I'm sorry! If, if this is alarming, I can stop and-"
"No, no, Carla. I like it. Was just asking what you were doing."
Carla chuckled; she had a terrible habit of jumping to conclusion.
"Taking in your scent. It's nice. When you are like this, your scent reminds me of camping; the smell of fire, trees, dirt."
Gren took his right hand and began stroking her hair. The Auburn locks entwined around his fingers, becoming a tangled sea of redish-brown.
"What about me," asked Carla, interrupting Gren's train of thought.
"What do you mean?"
"My scent. Do you smell a certain type on me?"
Gren restrained himself from losing his composure. His continuance ability to hold back was becoming too much for the Grendel to bare. He couldn't remember feeling such ease in a very long time.
"Yes, we do," replied Gren. "That is how uh, choose a mate. If the smell is very sweet, like candy, its a guarantee you and that person will be joined as one. Anything bitter or neutral means either friends or enemies; not mate potential."
"So, what am I? What is my smell? It must be sweet...."
She gazed down at the engagement ring; all the possibilities and memories still locked inside, waiting to be released.
"Apples. You smell like apples and rainwater to me..."
Before Carla could speak, there was a sudden rumble in the bushes. Gren growled; he was ready to defend Carla, should it come down to it. Carla hid behind Gren, still grasping his forearm. Her heart began beating against her chest, the need to run overcoming her body. Stay focused, she thought. Let Gren take care of this and handle how HE feels necessary.
Mundy or not, Gren could suddenly feel Carla's body tremble and distress coursing through her touch. He was not pleased with her condition and soon, stood on his hind legs, ready to take down whoever was behind the bushes.
"Come on out, you pussy," shrieked Gren, pounding his fists into the ground. "Come out and fight me!"
They soon saw two hands, held up high, coming from behind the bush. They were both befuddled; Malcom slowly appeared, keeping his eyes on Gren the entire time.
"YOU," screeched Gren, continuing to throw his fists into the ground. "What the FUCK are you doing, Folker?"
"Hey! Hey, hey, hey-easy, big fella'! I'm not here to start any trouble with you! Okay?"
"I don't believe you..."
Malcom could hear Gren snarl, his lips curling, the row of teeth becoming more vivid. He could feel the color peeling layer by layer off his face; the massive Grendel slowly made his way towards Malcom. The wolf was cowered into the tree, shielding his face from any further doing Gren had planned. Carla managed to grab Gren's arm, however, and ceased the monster. Malcom peaked through his hands.
"What ARE you doing, Malcom," asked Carla, grabbing Malcom's left ear. "Tell me WHY you were behind that bush, Malcom! Huh? Did Nate send you? You his bitch now, Malcom? HUH?! Do you make him buy you dinner before you get fucked?!"
"STOP," screamed Malcom. "Please, Carla! Just, let my ear go! I promise you, I'm not here to cause you both anymore trouble! Trust me! I'm tired of dealing with Fables, especially after last night and-"
"Last night," asked Carla. "WHAT do you mean, Malcom? SPEAK!"
"Jersey! The Jersey Devil! Nate and Sam captured him, hoping to get SOME answers in regards to the two of you and that new law Snow has in place! Word spreads fast, Carla! You know that!"
"Did he say anything, Malcom?"
"No, I tell you! He...He wouldn't budge! Normally, he would throw his own mother under the bus, just to save his own skin! But he...he refused to tell us ANYTHING, Carla! I swear! Please!"
Carla released Malcom; she pushed him into the tree, causing him to fall flat on his face. Gren picked him up and pinned him to the trunk of the tree. He clutched Malcom and compressed him into the tree.
"How pathetic are you," whispered Gren. "To come after ANY FABLE you can get your filthy paws on..."
The urge to crush his skull was too much for Gren; how he wanted to smash him into the ground and devour his body as a reward. But those thoughts quickly vanished; that was the old Grendel. He dropped Malcom; he watched as the scared puppy scuttled to the side, trying to avoid the beast.
Carla gathered any items left; she and Gren had to pay the Business office a visit. The Folkers were sending their own men now after any possible Fable they could get ahold of. Malcom tried to scurry off; he had no intentions on over staying his welcome. Before he could change and make a dash for it, Carla grabbed him by the shirt.
"YOU are coming with us," said Carla. "The Sheriff and Ms. White will love to hear what Nate and Sam have planned and willing to do!"
Malcom had no choice; Gren was glamoured once more and before Malcom could walk, Gren has his right hand pinned behind his back. He pulled tighter. Malcom begged Gren to release his grip; he was no match for the Grendel, glamoured or not.
"Try me," mumbled Gren in his ear. "TRY and do something stupid and I promise you this: I will fucking put in the ground so fast, the fucking maggots won't know what to do with ya'! Got it?"
"Okay! Okay! Just, let me go, please!"
As Gren released his grip on Malcom, the three made their way back to Fabletown. As they reached the city limits, Gren dug into his pocket and pulled out a cookie. He turned and tossed it at Malcom.
"What the hell," asked Malcom, dropping the cookie. "Gees Gren, what was that about?"
"For being a good dog and obeying," laughed Gren. "Here...have a treat!"
Carla, Malcom and Gren finally arrived to the Business office.
"Fucking Fables," murmured Malcom.
"What did you say," asked Carla.
"What? No, nothing Carla. Can't wait to see your dad. It's been...been awhile, you know?"
Carla ignored Malcom's remarks and entered the room. Malcom was surprised to see who was there: Snow, the Sheriff, Mayor Cole, John, his daughter Mary and to his astonishment, the Jersey Devil; his face, despite being covered in bruises and cuts, still show cased a large smile. To his right, he caught a glimpse of Georgie Porgie and Lyla. Fuck, he thought. I'm dead. This is it....
"Malcom," spoke Bigby. "It's been years..."
"Yeah, Sheriff," said Malcom nervously. "It...it has been years..."
Malcom glanced at his former friend and partner; John looked exhausted and determined. He never spoke; he remained close to Bigby, arms folded, simply watching.
"We wish to speak to you. Have some questions. Care for a drink?"
Georgie took a glass and slowly poured the whisky into it; the liquid splashing against the glass, causing the ice to dance.
Their plan to make Fabletown a better community was slowly taking shape. Now, their troubles could be dealt with.
Today, one of them was currently sitting before them, shaking in pure terror.
Correct! A Chupacabra is a legendary cryptid originating from Puerto Rico and then became popular in the Americas. It was describe to look like some kind of dog like creature, but there are many versions of it. Like you mentioned, their name comes from what they usually eat, livestock and goats etc.
ROFL! WHY does Henry have a dog collar? These are brilliant, Georgie! You sure you don't do this art thing professionally? Loved this chapter. Folkers are screwed now!Gren had me terrified the entire time I read this! 0.0 Hey btw can I borrow Henry for my next chapter?
I personally think that this chapter is a bit better when compared to my previous chapter, I tried to make this as detailed and interesting as possible when I made this sixth installment. Hope you guys enjoy it like always!
Chapter 6: Into The City
3:47 P.M., on the I-78 highway heading towards New York:
Snow and Tezoth were lying peacefully on opposite sides of the dark, dingy truck. Still being somewhat groggy from the sleeping pills, the recent bumps on the road did them no favors of granting them an undisturbed rest. Eventually, this had awakened the two.
Snow groaned, it felt like that her head was spinning. She rubbed her temples out of annoyance as she tried to look around in the pitch blackness of the truck, carefully squinting her eyes until they finally adjusted to the dark a little.
"Tez?" She whispered. "Notify me that you are here, please." Snow's worrisome voice cracked, there was no doubt that she was scared for her life. The dragon tried listening to her request as he attempted to open his eyes, but to no avail, he was unsuccessful. After a few silent minutes, he tried speaking, very few words came out.
"Sn-Snow... over here..." Tezoth let out a hacking cough, Snow soon followed his voice and scooted over to his side. "Tez, you don't sound too good, what have they done to you?!" Tez tried to answer again, but he hadn't the strength to talk. Snow felt his head rest up on her left shoulder, she smiled a little and started to understand as to why he didn't answer. Both of them stayed silent for what seemed like forever.
"Well, wherever they are taking us, we should be entering the Holland Tunnel right about now, dragon. If we weren't in this predicament, however, I would have taken you to the Woodlands, the place where you would've met Bigby and all of the other Fables who would have been delighted to meet you." Tez managed to open his dragon eyes, the liquid gold-colored pupils takes her by surprise, and being almost mesmerized by the sheer sight of them, trying not to blush in the process.
An abrupt sound interrupts their little moment, faint beeps from outside are heard, while the engine hisses loudly as the truck makes its sudden stop. Snow and the thief stay quiet, not knowing what would happen next. The back of the truck door opens, revealing a white light behind a black silhouette that stood before them.
"Road trip's over, kiddies. This is where it ends, and begins." Mary sighed delightfully, spinning her revolver around and around like a toy, secretly hoping that it would accidentally go off so that the ricocheting bullet would scare the shit out of them. "Anyways, I do hope that both of you enjoyed your tasty food back at the diner. I mean, it was the Crooked Man's idea to bring you two in like this, especially this pet dragon of yours, Snow. What? Tired of playing favorites with your pet wolf, Miss Whitey?"
Snow stood quiet and made the most annoyed face possible.
"Whatever, don't speak, it makes my job a whole lot easier. ...Mike! John! Get your ghastly asses over here."
Two ghastly-spirits appear behind her. "Yes, Mary, what are your orders?"
"Take them to the chambers, I have surprises awaiting the both of them, especially the dragon thief."
"Yes, Mary, whatever you desire."
The two ghosts Glamoured into their human form while they took both Tezoth and Snow out from the back of the truck. The two struggled to break free from the henchmen's grasp, but it was no use. They had to simply wait to see what was in store for them.
END, of Chapter 6.
A quality read really enjoyed it your getting better every chapter gripping
part 1 pg 15 http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/60600/start-a-story-be-your-own-fable-create-a-fable-thread/p15
I finally got some time to write another chapter this is most violent chapter I wrote in a while and is full of bad language like TWAU game so just say that so know what to be expecting sorry if you get offended. I also have few easter eggs in these I won't reveal what and probably should of asked but I didn't want to ruin the surprise I want to hear users reactions sorry
. I was inspired by so many stories here. This chapter my most ambitious one yet.
Spark escaped and the revolt was growing and with Spark able to call on many underground contacts including Greenleaf who will prove to be the most decisive to win this war Spark hoped.
Spark headed for the local bar in Fabletown to recruit more contacts with Gren and Porgie being top of the list. Spark always wore his hood up and sneaked in the shadows at night to avoid detection but knew wouldn’t have much time so he needed to be quick and decisive in here and headed up for the door. Spark walked into the bar it was only Georgie Porgie and Gren in there it was a silent night but he felt so alien walking in as all the chatter suddenly died. Gren stared him down with such a fierce look which almost burned his skin.
Spark: Gren I know your part of the underground rebellion and feel the force in this city is corrupt this is our only chance to defeat them join me!!
Suddenly a girl walks into the bar in a rage
Gren: I know Carla anyway why should we trust a stranger who just walked into the bar is this some sort of sick joke?
Spark: Listen if we don’t stop them now your whole family will be killed like mine there is no TIME!!
Gren: Bullshit how?
Spark: I was part of the lower class which got ignored and eventually murdered for speaking up against the corruption it was part of a massive coverup saying it was a forest fire. No one cared or investigated as we were lowest on the social foodchain.
Gren: Why should I care?
Spark: With us killed your now the lowest on the social foodchain making you the new target. They will slowly take away your rights, monitor you and drain all your money to replace us to fit into the corrupt system to keep them powerful and rich once they drain you dry of all resources and supplies or you revolt you will no longer become of use to them. They will then murder everyone in the area and kill the loose ends and by the next day the newspaper will say it was a kitchen fire. But thankfully they are only planting the seed of deceit right now but we don’t have much time we need to attack now while we still have a chance.
Carla:(screams) DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY DAD!!
Spark: Bigby must survive he is still ignorant to the problem and was not part of my family’s killing so his not a target for me
Gren: No I’m staying here with Carla I’m finished fighting
Carla: I’ll go I have to go save my Dad
Porgie(stood up sitting in corner of the bar) This is my city I’m coming
Gren: Why not I’ll go I need to protect Carla AH SHIT!!
Spark: The attack will begin tomorrow night we meet here at 10pm I have some work to do first.
(PuddingPie owns this sorry for not asking I'll remove it if you want)
Later that day Snow was called into a meeting with Crane. She walked around the building all day entertained by the various paintings and random stranger interactions to keep her entertained but eventually she was called in by Crane. She sat in the cold dark room as Crane stared her down even his eye contact felt like mental abuse.
Crane: We called you in here because as you know after the recent forest fire deaths we need to protect our poorest citizens better so I’m bringing in more restrictions and rules to improve safety but unfortunately this will lead to rise in taxes in that area. I need you to inform the public and deliver the letters outlining our plans.
Snow: FUCK YOU!!!
Snow: I can’t remember stuttering you murdered my family and now your bringing this evil on more citizens while the rich sleep cosy in their mansions and eat the finest food your a monster!!.
Spark: (Puts his pistol up on his table and points it at his head) your next answer will decide if I let you live or not I recommend you speak carefully. WHY DID YOU KILL MY FAMILY!!
Crane: (shaking with tears) I DIDN’T I SWEAR
Spark(Loads gun) Is that your final answer?
Crane: Ok!! Ok!! I wish we could all be rich but unfortunately that’s just not possible the city will fall to pieces we need the poor for cheap labour and source income to keep the majority fed and have homes there must be sacrifices for the greater good. We monitored you because if your town even slacked off for a day the whole town would fall your town were the strings which tied everything together.
Spark: WHY!!(puts gun against his head)
Crane: You were terrorists I feared for the town we would be outnumbered in a revolt I merely wanted to send a message with the fire I didn’t want to hurt anyone BELIEVE ME!!
Spark:(Drops 4 bullets out of his pistols and rolls the cylinder) YOU LEAVE MY FAMILIES LIFES DOWN TO CHANCE I WILL HAVE MERCY ONLY FAIR YOU FACE THE SAME PUNISHMENT WITH SOME RUSSIAN ROULETTE!!! Btw I have this place laced with explosives even dare press that button underneath your table were all dead surviving this game is your only chance.
Sparks aims his gun at Crane head and holds the trigger with only one bullet in the cylinder
Spark: Hope favours the brave!! let’s see if you’re a coward
Spark presses the trigger “Bang” rings out the bullets slices through cranes head like a knife through butter killing him instantly. Spark turns and leaves the office still glamoured as Snow and starts screaming in the hallway to get all the officers to help crane. The plan worked perfectly as Spark walked slowly away from the building but was time for the cherry on top of the cake he pressed the detonator and whole building exploded. The fire raged above as he ran into the shadows this was only the beginning.
Bigby had lunch arrangements with Snow that day a common ritual and he always seems to just counts the hours and minutes till the next one it was highlight of his week. But this week was different as he arrived at the café Snow was chatting with Crane in the Café laughing and Joking. He sat down at their table in confusion.
Crane(smiling) Ah Bigby my favourite doggy has arrived you get cuter everyday(laughing)
Bigby: What do I owe the pleasure of this visit
Crane: Well I need you to investigate a series of murders in the forest and the suspected cover up of the forest fire.
Bigby: But you said it was a forest fire how do you know it was a cover up?
Crane: I have the biggest bank balance you don’t ask questions you just fetch my bones(Bigby stares at Crane in the eyes realising the deception at play Crane then gives bigby a wink and a smile)
Bigby: WHAT DID YOU DO WITH CRANE YOUR THAT KID!!(stands up and shouts)
Crane: Well I do admit I do let out my inner child in social events I always get so gitty excuse my behaviour. (looks at waiter) Sorry waiter I ordered two sugars in my tea not one I know I’m sweet enough Bigby but my sugar levels get really low.
Gren(smiles) Well I needed more glamour thanks for noticing I taught going with this scarf with these Jeans was bit too much but why not only live once Bigby I’m glad you noticed.
Snow: (Grabs Bigby to sit down) Calm down!! and finish your tea Bigby your embarrassing me your very stressed at the moment this is our only chance to enjoy ourselves from work enough already.
Gren: No need to apologize Bigby but excuse me I need to use the restroom
A police officer walks into the café and whispers something into Bigby’s ear tears start to roll down his face he didn’t have heart to tell Snow the news the police station had been destroyed with multiple deaths including Crane but his animal instincts soon kicked in and he ran for the toilet to catch Spark but he was too late as he seen the window left open in the bathroom. Spark outwitted him again sending another message to mock Bigby showing his a serious threat.
Spark arrives back at the bar that night where his troops prepared for battle he looked around seeing Carla, Gren and Georgie armed up ready for battle. His conscience was torturing him these were not soldiers but arrogant innocent kids facing seasoned veterans of war it wasn’t there battle to fight he tried to hold back the tears watching Carla struggle to carry her armor. She looked like a Barbie doll dressed up in the wrong attire looking like a gushed of wind would kill her. But Spark was too late they already arrived at the destination downtown before he awoke from his day dream.
Suddenly Dee and Dum appeared from the fog
Spark: Back off these two are mine this is my war Gren and porgie just keep Carla safe she more important than this war it’s not worth her life believe me.
Gren/Porgie: Ok will do
Spark starred down Dum/Dee would a vengeance as the dark took hold of the night and the cold rattled his bones. Dee and Dum had their AK47’s ready and started shooting wildly straight for Sparks head hundreds of bullets cut the cold air with a distinctive whistle. Spark kept walking without even breaking stride without so much as a blink as he caught the bullets mid air before they reached him.
The barrier created by his mind created a wall of bullets he simply kept on walking towards Dum and Dee. The bullets raining in at him seemed to nearly bore him. Spark flung his arms in both directions in frustration and the bullets flung against the side buildings creating a hail storm of glass blinding the pair. When Spark reached Dum and Dee he reached his arm out and clenched his fist his mind picked up both Dee and Dum by the neck and he slowly began choking them mid air.
Sparks:(shouting) WHERES BLUEBEARD!!
Suddenly Bigby and Snow arrived on the scene seeing the horror unfold
Bigby: STOP!! I believe you Spark killing them won’t prove anything don’t become the monster you seek to destroy!!
Snow: Please Spark I know you were glamoured as Crane I sensed you’re a good person with great potential but this is not the way to do it what would your parents think if they seen you now?
Spark:(turns to Snow) My parents wouldn’t think anything their dead (turns back) TELL ME!!(Spark Clenched his fist tighter as his mind squeezed their necks to breaking points)
Dum/Dee: AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHha (Suddenly a gust of fire burnt dee and Dum to a crisp Spark was only holding ash with his mind now)
A dragon appeared from the fog as Spark froze in fear the sheer size overlooked the tallest building.
Draco: HAHAHA My name’s Draco you have all the answers Spark but you never found out what the question was! who do you think set all them fires in your town mere mortals FOOLS!! Your mind only controls objects and is too weak to threaten me my fire can’t be controlled by your powers leaving you defenceless like your parents I’ll show you truly burning desire!!
Spark(falls to his knees as tears fill his eyes) NO It can’t be!!
Draco blew a gust of fire heading toward Spark like a tidal wave he had no chance his powers were worthless and the shock made him freeze with the unexpected revelations he shut his eyes and opened his arms to embrace the fire he didn’t fear death he had nothing to lose and no one he cared about.
Suddenly in Slow motion Porgie ran up and pushed Spark out of the way he never saw Porgie being consumed and spit out by the flames to become nothing more than ash as he hit his head off against the wall getting clean knocked out.
Draco: Carla my princess I need to send a message to the citizens of your district no one’s safe if you don’t follow the rules your revolt is over as well as your life!!
Gren Stood up and standed in front of Carla shielding her from Draco
Carla(Crying) No save Gren yourself PLEASE!! he wants ME!!
Gren: TO LATE!!(Gren sprinted towards Draco in beast form in truth he never stood a chance the fire wall came for him and Gren’s last words as turned in a final goodbye to Carla were “I’M SORRY I’LL MISS YOU” once Gren hit the wall of flames he never came out the other side like a Snowfleck on a sunny day. He died with a smile on his face knowing he died protecting the person he loved and only the person that ever truly knew him or ever cared for him.
Carla(screaming) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (As tears rolled down her face a puddle was created in tears where she lay as she fell to her knees hugging the air. Gren was no longer a physical presence as he blew in the wind nothing but a memory to hold onto.
Draco turned to Carla “You will be reunited soon don’t worry” Bigby interrupted and began sprinting at Draco he knew he would face certain death but he hoped it would save enough time for Carla and Snow to escape. Snow and Carla was watching him sacrifice himself in tears.
Spark awoke watching the scene the world was spinning in his head but he soon gained his eyesight back.
Spark:(shouting) Bigby STOP HIS MINE!!
Bigby: He will kill YOU!!
Spark: I know look I need you to get Snow and Carla out of here nothing is worth your family’s or friends life’s it’s too late for me. I wouldn’t wish that faith on anyone they are brave and unique girls they need their father and their friend. I have no friends or family left even a home to go back to. I have nothing to lose or to live for anymore. I know you don’t trust me but it’s not worth your life’s believe me nothing is worth losing the ones you care about NOTHING!!!.
Bigby: BBBB..U..T I CAN SAVE YOU TOO!!(stuttering)
Spark:(Tears filled his eyes) I NEVER WANTED TO BE SAVED!! PLEASE BIGBY JUST GO!!(Bigby nods)
It was just Spark and Draco left as the night took hold they seemed to be weighing up their opponent as their eyes finally met. Spark hovered up into the air in preparation for the battle
Draco: HAHA aw so cute mammy not going to save you now. Your powers are worthless once I kill you Snow and Carla will burn screaming your name in terror!
Spark(smiles) Like a game of chess it’s not about the moves your opponent can see or predict but about the moves they can’t that wins you the game.
Spark used his mind to control the water tanks nearby and bashed them together flooding the whole street.
Suddenly an army of hundreds of soldiers appeared behind Draco along the road ready to attack if Draco fails the Snipers were all aimed for Sparks head and kill him if Draco fails it was impossible to the blind eye.
Draco: HAHA You think a puddle can kill me? I forgot my swimming shorts and goggles help me please!!! haha No more games! GAMEOVER!! SPARK!!.(Draco Takes a deep breath to maximize his fire and is about to blow a tornado of flames)
Spark: Oh that water wasn’t for you(Spark hovered up from the ground into the air and took 3 nails from his pocket) Checkmate paper beats rock but do you know what beats fire? PETROL!!
Spark used his mind and ripped a petrol tank from the surrounding area and threw it at Draco who at this time spitted his fire from depths of hell straight for Spark. Spark shot a nail at the tank using his mind like a bullet and two at each electrical poles along the road cutting each wire which fell into the puddle on the ground. The first nail also hit the petrol tank that landed in Draco’s month.
Spark(smiles) Hope favours the brave WELCOME TO MY WORLD BITCH!!!
The electric currents spread on the water thorough the road killing the hundreds of soldiers within seconds lighting them up like Christmas lights it was a beautiful sight for Spark. The minute the petrol tank landed it Draco’s mouth hitting the direct source of the flames and interacted with the leaked petrol it exploded. Draco erupted into a million pieces raining down on Spark who just put his head up and smiled the vibrant colours, the fireworks as soldiers exploded into colour to a lesser man be a brutal disturbing scene but to Spark his been through so much pain his mind filtered the true horror of the scene into the beauty of a rainbow and flowers shining in spring.
Suddenly the street grew silent and the true horror showed it’s head hundreds of bodies lay on the dark cold street, blood covered the walls and buildings. Ash covered the streets and most buildings were burnt down. Suddenly it hit Spark like a KO to the face looking around he became the monster he seeked to destroy he didn’t stop the horror but let the hate consume him the true monster was always him as he glanced into a puddle seeing his reflection. Scars and blood covered his face he looked into his eyes in the reflection and just saw a monster as he dropped to his knee’s in tears as flashbacks of his town tortured his brain his next step would define him as a man… Bluebeard was waiting for him…
Thanks for reading I hope your not to disturbed or offended lol I'll do more editing for grammar in the morning I hope you enjoy it and your not mad at me all characters in this are not how I see them just angled to suit the story a tribute
Omg lol, why does Draco have to be the villain
Nonetheless that was amazing!
Mary makin' me worried!
He becomes a dancer for Porgie in the future. That's like his 'trademark' thing. XD Yeah, sure.
Don't ind at all. And no, the art is just a hobby of mine.
OMG Carla and Gren!
Nah dude! I have no problem. Take it as a complement. Could picture this tiny thing with red hair in all that chaos.
Loved this! Was different and had me in a tailspin. Draco a villain was bad ass, though!
Good job! Can't wait to read more.
Chapter 19
"Stick with it"
Malcom sat nervously, as Snow and Bigby discussed the new law. Cole, who was present at the moment, had already signed the bill and it was in effect. Carla was restless; she was concerned about one thing: her family's well being.
Although the new rule was in place, this wouldn't stop the Council. Threatening Malcom would only anger them; push them further and create even more problems for not only the town but her as well. She was fretful for her sister and Georgie; not too long ago, that nightmare caused quite a stir in Fabletown for two weeks. Snow and Bigby couldn't remember the last incident that involved such dark magic. Her sister Mary was on edge ever since she and Bluebeard broke all communication. Something else was going on; Mary, however, refused to discuss it. Gina, now in a serious committed relationship with Hans, had many bumps in the road.
Gren gripped Carla's shoulders and brushed his lips against her forehead. He could see the troubled and concerned look on her face. Although he did his best to show her things would be alright, there were just certain things that couldn't be avoided. She took a seat in his lap; he gently played with her hair, pushing strands of red behind her ear.
"Carla. Talk."
"What do you mean," inquired Carla. "I'm fine..."
"Really? Cause you don't seem 'fine'. I can smell it on you; the tension is covering your body. Don't fucking worry about it anymore, Carla. Snow took care of it; the Sheriff ACTUALLY did something for the common people."
Carla wanted to avoid any further discussion about what was taking place in the office. Since her father's discovery of their 'forbidden' love, she had not returned to the office. For now, she was on leave; Snow wanted to make sure everything was taken care of and no further altercations would occur. One too many was more than she could handle. Her stomach began turning; her head spinning, the room appearing brighter, causing her eyes to burn. Gren instantly took notice of Carla's sudden strange behavior.
"Carla? Carla! Sweetie, where-"
She didn't give him a chance to finish; she ran out the door and into the water closet; she managed to find the toilet and before long, her entire day's worth of meals was in the toilet. She continued to vomit, her head pulsing and sweat beads dripping from her forehead. Gren rushed in, followed by John and Snow. Gren held back her hair, as she continued to throw up.
"Carla, are you okay," Snow asked concerned. "We just happened to glance over and watch you make a dash to the restroom."
"It's...it's nothing, Snow. Must be...must be all this stress. All these issues..."
"SEE," shouted John. "THIS is why I didn't want you taking this job, Carla! This WILL put you in an early grave. Why do you think I retired and let it be?"
Carla ignored her father's ranting; her main concern was the sudden rush of illness that had swept her off her feet. Like long lost relatives, she wrapped her arms around the base of the toilet and continued to vomit. She was now having dry heaves; nothing more was being released. Gren took his sleeve and wiped her forehead; she was as pale as bed sheets.
"Please, Gren. Take her home," demanded Snow. "This is obviously too much stress for her. Get some rest, Carla. Please..."
As she walked out of the restroom, cuddled close to Gren's chest, she caught Bigby leaning against his office door. When she turned the corner, she noticed his nose in the air, sniffing. As he was complete, his eyes make a dash back to hers. He knew something; no one could fool that nose.
But that would have to asked on a later day. Her main concern was getting back and resting. So much had occurred in the past few days.
John and Bigby needed a drink; this whole ordeal was causing John to smoke and Bigby lose sleep. Gren returned and agreed; Carla was back at the club with her sister, Georgie and the quads. Lyla promised Gren Carla would remain rested until she felt well enough to move about. The three agreed to take a break and head to the Trip Trap; they brought Malcom along for the adventure into Fabletown. Hell, even Jersey made his way beside them. It was a lovely day; not like he had anything else to do today.
While walking to the bar, Bigby kept his focus on Gren. The barfly, usually silent and irritated, appeared at ease the entire way. He had to ask him; now, however was not the time. They were just a few feet away from the bar. Malcom, however, was not having a wonderful time. The whol way down the street, Jersey jabbed him with his finger and taunted him; John laughed at every move Jersey made. Despite his long relationship with Malcom, he needed to be put in his place.
Bigby opened the door to find the bar empty. Holly was dusting when the group of men made their way in. She was pleased to see Gren; since their last visit, he never came to the bar. His feelings for Carla were clear and although she didn't agree with it, there was not much she could do. That lovely mundy stole his heart. She placed the broom against the wall, walked behind the bar and took out five glasses.
"Well, nice to see you boys," said Holly, as she poured the liquor into the glasses. "Have not seen some of you in awhile. Sheriff-hear that new law passed."
"Yes, Holly," Bigby said. "It passed this morning."
"You must be happy, Gren. So must Lyla and Georgie. Now, those babies can grow up in a semi 'normal' world..."
Gren simply gave a nod to Holly. She had disrespected Carla for the last time; when she apologizes and makes an effort to communicate like adults to her, would he come back around. Jack caught up with him one afternoon while heading to the Woodlands. He claimed others would ask for him; wonder where he had run off to. For now, he was here simply because of business.
Bigby grabbed Malcom's glass before he could touch it to his lips. He instantly drank the whiskey, slamming the empty glass down. John chuckled, Jersey threw peanuts in his direction.
"I was going to drink that, Bigby," claimed Malcom. "I'm very thirsty..."
"Well, um. Let's see. Where ARE we at...Oh yeah. Fabletown. You are in MY city, so MY city, MY rules, right? Is this not how you guys played your games on the other side of the fence?"
"Very professional of you, Sheriff."
"He's only doing what YOU did, Malcom," said John, as he finished off his drink. "YOU and the others did that shit all the time; our town, our rules. Couldn't even take a shit without one of you knowing about it..."
"YOU did the same thing, John," screamed Malcom. "Don't forget. You were once on OUR side."
Bigby saw this opportunity to speak with Gren. He grabbed his stool and moved to the right.
"Lot of open stools in this place," laughed Gren.
"But there is only one next to you."
Bigby chuckled, as he slapped Gren on the back. How things have managed to change in the few short years. Holly poured Gren and Bigby more Whiskey; Malcom, John and Jersey starting a debate about rules and government.
"I swear, Folkers," mumbled Gren, as he took a drink.
"So ,you and Carla," asked Bigby. "Pretty serious, you and the mundy."
"I don't see that word, Sheriff. Just her. She never sees me as a monster..."
Holly's attention was caught; she had no idea Carla had seen his true form, much less not fear it.
"You both serious?"
"She uh, smells sweet."
Gren was confused; the sheriff's random comment caused Gren and Holly to stare blankly at the sheriff, now taking a sip from his glass.
"Sweet? The fuck you mean, sweet? What, you going around smelling chicks now?!"
"Calm down, Gren," replied Bigby. "Just saying...she smells SWEET..."
"The fuck, Sheriff..."
Holly instantly knew what the Sheriff was talking about; back at the Homelands, her cousin had that same thing happen to her. She was surprised Gren didn't catch on; she was sure Grendels had the same method for detecting that.
"Gren," asked Holly, as she poured him another shot. "DOES she smell sweeter than usual?"
"The fuck is wrong with you two," roared Gren. "Why are you asking me this? Of course she smells sweet! She ALWAYS does!"
"Gren," continued Holly. "Is she...did you two..."
Gren sat for a moment; he was having a very difficult time understanding the obscure conversation taking place. They had been drinking, yes but no one was even CLOSE to drunk. Bigby and Holly just starred; the other three too busy cackling like hens to pay any attention. Was he missing something? What was the sheriff trying to hint? Then, it hit him: the night in his apartment, the passionate night they both shared; the late nights, her being so sick.
Gren stood up, dropping his glass; alcohol and glass scattered on the floor. He looked vacant, unsure of what he should say. The other three stopped their bickering and watched as Gren, pale as a ghost, slowly back up, heading for the door.
"Gren," said Holly. "Gren? Where-"
Bigby quickly stood up and slowly made his way over to Gren.
"Gren," asked Bigby. "Gren. Come back...."
"No....," he said, mumbling to himself, while grabbing his forehead in disbelief. "No. She can't be...She's not...I-"
Without warning, he turned and ran out the door, sprinting down the street; Bigby soon following him, the others trying to keep up. John and Jersey pushed Malcom along, as Holly rushed to place a sign on the door and attempt to follow the others. Gren continued running down the street; he avoided every individual on the street, dodging in and out; he was heading towards the outskirts of town. To the very spot he and Carla loved the most. He managed to lose Bigby; he flung himself in the thick forest and trail on, leaving very few prints behind.
Bigby began sniffing the air; he could still make the bark and dirt smell Grendels had. John, too, joined in; he had no idea what was going on but when the sheriff was quiet and sniffing the air, it was never a good thing. Malcom tried to sit; he stubbed his toe climbing up the hill but Jersey would not have it. Instead, he pushed the wolf to the ground.
"Really, Jersey," yelled Malcom. "Why can't I sit?"
"Why did you put that filthy thing in my mouth, huh? How about tie me up, huh?"
Malcom fell silent; he was not in the mood to fight with the Jersey Devil.
"Where do you think he went to," asked John.
They had lost his scent; where ever he was, Gren was hiding and didn't want to be found. That is what worried Bigby the most. Holly managed to catch up, only to find John and the sheriff staring off into the woods.
"Where is he," gasped Holly. "Where...where did he go?"
"Hopefully just getting some air...."
Holly and John did not like that answer. Gren was not much for just getting 'air.'
'It never stops around here,' thought Bigby. 'Never a dull moment.'
All they could do was return to the city and wait; wait for Gren. Wait for results.
Wait for the Council.
What I have in mind for Mary next chapter, your reaction would be like:
I think chapter 7 will be my best one yet, I know I said that for chapter 5 before, but I'm for real this time. For dragon real, that is. Muhahaha!
Let's see, judging from what I read from this particular chapter, Spark fucked shit up...
I knew it was coming to that! Carla, be well for Gren and stay beautiful.
My reaction when posted the chapter ^
Thanks Draco and Pudding damn I taught you were going to kill me lol
Draco the reason he was a villain was because I taught of that ending and Draco was the perfect enemie for Spark as he can't use his powers against him and I just wanted to take on massive dragon lol
Thanks so much for not just reading and leaving a comment but being nice enough to let me use your brilliant characters. There might be more appearances of other characters in the storie in the next chapter to