Yeah and two twins have a child together, and he turns out to be fucked up in every way shape and form, but...... don't worry about it. Just let it happen, it's GoT.
ahem twincest ahem
Yeah and two twins have a child together, and he turns out to be fucked up in every way shape and form, but...... don't worry about it. Just let it happen, it's GoT.
ahem twincest ahem
you literally feel like your drowning and your lungs sting and feel like a razor blade is pealing parts of your lu… morengs off little by little and hot sauce is being poured on the raw flesh of your lungs while the pour chunky sand on the flesh wound. then it feels like your lungs are breathing themselves in UUGGGHHHH !! DONT DO IT! its a friken nightmare.
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... Actually I take that back.
Nope, I stay in almost the exact same position as I fell asleep in. I don't move around a lot unless if I have trouble staying asleep. Also, I don't snore at all so my roommates would have no problem with me
well, i got die like this and put it in her shampoo, old style prank.
her hair was like that for about a week. She had to go to school lie that and everything. Ever since that we hatted each other and we've ben pranking each other. not your ordinary pranks though, when we got back at each other, we HURT each other...
well, i got die like this and put it in her shampoo, old style prank.
her hair was like that for about a week. She had to go to schoo… morel lie that and everything. Ever since that we hatted each other and we've ben pranking each other. not your ordinary pranks though, when we got back at each other, we HURT each other...
I think they only showed 2 others in the series? Theon's and that guy who uhh....offered a certain khalessi some wine -hint hint wink wink!-
Of all the people....Robb, Jon, Jaimie, Drogo, Daario THEY SHOW HODORS
Nope, I stay in almost the exact same position as I fell asleep in. I don't move around a lot unless if I have trouble staying asleep. Also, I don't snore at all so my roommates would have no problem with me
Does anyone remember the scene with Hodor where he is COMPLETELY NAKED and you can see ERRYTHING and Osha goes:
"Looks like you got some giant in ya!"
I now have mixed feelings.
Or does she...
-creepy smile-
IKR I WAS SO PISSED THE NEXT MORNING! And that's not even the worst shes done to me!!
New York is big, silly :P
I always wondered why Joffrey came out incredibly insane while Tommen and Myrcella seems to be rather normal.
It's one of those life mysteries, I guess.
I'm looking forward to more Myrcella though.
Hey dude, be a man. I'm a girl and I can handle it.
Holy shit, well if you put it that way, that's fucking scary ._.
Have you ever woke up on the opposite side of your bed? Its freaky O_O
lots of Joseph in NY...I could find him for you though...for a price... ]:)
Well okay, then.
I'm glad my brother moved out and my sister is too little to do any real damage.
Nope, I stay in almost the exact same position as I fell asleep in. I don't move around a lot unless if I have trouble staying asleep. Also, I don't snore at all so my roommates would have no problem with me
whispers to Password can I pay you in gum?
well, i got die like this and put it in her shampoo, old style prank.
her hair was like that for about a week. She had to go to school lie that and everything. Ever since that we hatted each other and we've ben pranking each other. not your ordinary pranks though, when we got back at each other, we HURT each other...
I think they only showed 2 others in the series? Theon's and that guy who uhh....offered a certain khalessi some wine -hint hint wink wink!-
Of all the people....Robb, Jon, Jaimie, Drogo, Daario THEY SHOW HODORS
What is this? What's going on here?
Your life sounds like Hell. xD or else...
my sister is 4 years older than me so she has the advantage.
... at some things. c:<
I think it's better if I just startle them awake with really loud music. I've done it before!
Well, I have my sister's old bed so it's pretty small. I usually wake up in the middle or clinging to the wall like a koala.
am I glad to be an only son...xD
Oh my God I know right x_x
So many boobs, and yet nothing for the females. It's so sad. Hey, at least we saw Daario's butt.
-looks up scene-
-deletes history-
My life is the Hell-Of-Hell
But its funny when i embarrass the shit out of her.
LUCKY !! when i wake up im in positions i didnt know was possible! i wake up and it looks like a murder took place in my hair...
just business my friend...just business..

okay, fine. how much?
-moves to a different address- HA!
Well, my hair is a different story when it's longer xP
you poor soul
I pity the fool.
482,000 dollars.
but it looks.... animated. i don't think that's his real dingaling.