It was really interesting that Spark actually Glamoured as Snow and Crane. I bet Spark liked being Snow for a few minutes there. ...Only joking, of course.
I know, but that's what it seemed like.
It was really interesting that Spark actually Glamoured as Snow and Crane. I bet Spark liked being Snow for a few minutes there. ...Only joking, of course.
Chapter 19
"Stick with it"
Malcom sat nervously, as Snow and Bigby discussed the new law. Cole, who was present at the moment, had alr… moreeady signed the bill and it was in effect. Carla was restless; she was concerned about one thing: her family's well being.
Although the new rule was in place, this wouldn't stop the Council. Threatening Malcom would only anger them; push them further and create even more problems for not only the town but her as well. She was fretful for her sister and Georgie; not too long ago, that nightmare caused quite a stir in Fabletown for two weeks. Snow and Bigby couldn't remember the last incident that involved such dark magic. Her sister Mary was on edge ever since she and Bluebeard broke all communication. Something else was going on; Mary, however, refused to discuss it. Gina, now in a serious committed relationship with Hans, had many bumps in the road.
Gren gripped Carla's shoulders and brushed his li… [view original content]
Chapter 19
"Stick with it"
Malcom sat nervously, as Snow and Bigby discussed the new law. Cole, who was present at the moment, had alr… moreeady signed the bill and it was in effect. Carla was restless; she was concerned about one thing: her family's well being.
Although the new rule was in place, this wouldn't stop the Council. Threatening Malcom would only anger them; push them further and create even more problems for not only the town but her as well. She was fretful for her sister and Georgie; not too long ago, that nightmare caused quite a stir in Fabletown for two weeks. Snow and Bigby couldn't remember the last incident that involved such dark magic. Her sister Mary was on edge ever since she and Bluebeard broke all communication. Something else was going on; Mary, however, refused to discuss it. Gina, now in a serious committed relationship with Hans, had many bumps in the road.
Gren gripped Carla's shoulders and brushed his li… [view original content]
My reaction when posted the chapter ^
Thanks Draco and Pudding damn I taught you were going to kill me lol
Draco the reason he was a v… moreillain was because I taught of that ending and Draco was the perfect enemie for Spark as he can't use his powers against him and I just wanted to take on massive dragon lol
Thanks so much for not just reading and leaving a comment but being nice enough to let me use your brilliant characters. There might be more appearances of other characters in the storie in the next chapter to
I slowly began to wake up from my sleep. As I started to regain consciousness, I rolled over to face the ceiling. For a moment, I was at peace. I didn't remember anything bad, or anyone hurt. Then it all flooded back to me. Her head laid on the steps... T's breakdown... all like some sort of vivid nightmare. After accepting reality again, I pulled myself out of bed and began to get dressed. When I finished, I slowly opened the door to my bedroom and glanced out. There T was laid down on the sofa, just how I'd left her. Her face and body were calm and at rest. Alike me, she seemed like she had forgotten all her worries and troubles of last night. She looked as beautiful as she did before she had broke down. My eyes fixed on her resting body for a moment, then sharply turned off. I grabbed the door handle, and firmly pushed the door open. As I left my apartment, I turned around to take one last glimpse of T, before gently bringing the door to a close.
It was still early enough in the morning to mistake it for night. Some lampposts were brightly lit, while others were either flickering and or completely dead. The only sounds that I could hear were the sounds of the lampposts flickering, rats scuttling across the alleyways, and my own footsteps firmly hitting the pavement. I walked aimlessly, taking another puff from my cigarette every half a minute or so.
All I could think about was what to do, where to go next. The first thing I thought about was who would care that she was gone now. The person who sat at the front of my mind was T. She was the only close friend of Faith's that I knew personally. I imagined all her other friends would be the girls at the Pudding & Pie. One by one, I recalled their names; Vivian, Nerissa, only the names what Faith had relayed to me at one point or another. I didn't really know them personally besides the odd conversation, some of them even trying to sell themselves to me. After thinking through who Faith knew, a name popped into my head. A name that changed my whole perspective on the situation.
Bigby Wolf.
Fuck, he's going to bring his filthy nose in and act like he can sole everyone's problems like he always does. Well, he has no fucking clue what any of our problems for. He'll only be trying to find Faith's killer to get his pay and to have an excuse to get near me again and hope for another fight. No. No fucking way I'll let that happen. If anyone's gonna find what happened to my sister, it'll be me. I sat myself down on some nearby steps and cleared my thoughts. Where do I start? I couldn't go to where her... head is... Bigby will've taken that away by now, and no way he'll let me near it. Where else could I go to that would point me in the right direction?...
I never thought I'd ever be back here again, but hey. Life's full of surprises. I took one breath from my cigarette, before dropping to the cold pavement below and putting it out. I walked through the doors to the Pudding & Pie and looked around me. I guess there's no rest for the sleazy. Men looking for treatment dotted the place, all accompanied by their very own missus. Before long, a hand rested on my shoulder and a voice came from behind me.
"Welcome to the Pudding & Pie, Hope. I didn't expect to see you around here." Vivian said, trying to sound as entertaining as possible, as if I was another sleazy customer. She looked down my shirt, to see one of my pockets have my wallet inside, with enough bills sticking out to make any guy looking for the easy way happy. "Well... I see you came prepared. Who do you fancy then?" I quickly interjected, stopping her before she went any further with her misunderstanding.
"That's not what I'm here for, Vivian." I stopped her. She looked at me oddly, almost as if she was surprised to hear me say that.
"Well... that's disappointing..." she replied, her head facing away from me. She quickly pivoted it back to me, and spoke again. "Well, if you're not here for any... treatment, what are you here for?" she asked curiously.
"I'm here to see Georgie, Vivian. Where is he?" I asked firmly. I knew how Georgie was, and I was only preparing myself for the game he was bound to play with me.
"I'm sorry, Hope, if you don't have a... I guess you could say, appointment, I can't let you in." she answered me, not seeming apologetic in any way. Already my patience was starting to slip away. I turned my focus to Vivian, and asked again.
"I'm only going to say this one more time, so hear me out. I'm here. To see. Georgie." I told her, my voice with a tone of seriousness and slight anger. She looked at me silently for a moment, then succumbed to my demand.
"This way, Hope." she told me, visibly insulted by her tone and attitude. I followed her through the dimly lit pink and purple hall, before we reached his office. Once we got there, Vivian didn't say anything. She simply looked at me, gestured to the door, and walked away. I put my ear to the door for a moment, listening for Georgie. Unsurprisingly, he was in there, simply smoking cigarette and cursing to himself. Without knocking, I burst through the door.
"Oh, 'ello there, Hope. Looking for any male slots, are we?" Georgie said, laughing as he did so.
"I'm not here to play games, Georgie. I have questions to ask." I demanded, resting my hands on the edge of his desk, with my arms outstretched.
"Ah, I see. Ya' wantin' to play Bigby now, are ya'? Picking ya' self up from his fists an' makin' 'im an idol, now?" Georgie laughed again, completely unintimidated by my presence. "Oh, I know what ya' here for. Want to ask about that dead whore of a sister 'o yours?" he asked, with a large grin on his face. Lost in my own wrath, I picked him up his top, threw him down on his desk, and spoke again.
"Unless you want me to make this office red with your blood, you better stop laughing, and start listening now!" I shouted, my face only a few centimeters from his. He laughed again, and spoke with his pleased voice.
"Ya' startin' to learn a thing or two from Bigby now, aren't ya'? Getting ya' hands dirty like he has been with you?" he said, again, completely unintimidated by my threat. I picked him back up, and threw him against the wall. As he started to pick himself back up, I grabbed him yet again, and threw a punch against his face. I dropped him and left him against the wall for a bit. Soon after, blood started welling from his nose. "An' there ya' go, breakin' my bloody nose! Next thing ya' know Bigby'll be in 'ere, trashing the place or trying to beat the shit outta' me." Georgie said, now more angry then laughing.
"Where was Faith last?" I shouted at him, pacing back and forth by his desk, while he still lay against the wall, unable to get up. He was silent, but after a while, his face lit up with a smile and he spoke.
"...On the steps 'o tha' Woodlands..." he said, pleased with himself. Mindlessly, I approached him and kicked him in the chest, winding him. He started gasping for breath, and I asked again.
"Where was Faith last?!" I shouted again. Once he had regathered his breath, Georgie spoke up again, this time obedient to my demand.
"I...I 'eard Dee 'an Dum on the street earlier... said somin' about tha' Woodsman 'an Faith... that they'd talk to tha' Woodsman at the Trip Trap... see if he knew anythin'." Georgie answered, only before shouting back at me. "Now, will ya' get the fuck outta my club!" I shouted at me. I crouched down to his level against the wall, and answered him.
"It's been a delight talking to you, Mr. Peorgie." I said, with a smile on my face. I then brought myself up and began to leave, before Georgie spoke again.
"Ya can't get 'er back, y'know..." he said. I stopped at the door, my hand wrapped around the handle. I didn't turn around, I only looked forward. "Ya' need two things to get by in this city. Some people 'ave lost them, and that's made them fall into shitty places like this... people like Bigby have to solve their problems for 'em, because they've lost all their will to solve them 'emselves, because 'o this cruel, cold city..."
"Ya' need Faith and Hope to get by in this world."
If you decide to go for a new problem I hope Mary's in it - I really like the way you're portraying her character. It makes a nice from her being a bit full on nasty. Entirely up to you, of course. What you're doing with the comics makes sense, and it will be interesting to see how your story fits in with them exactly when I catch up with the comics. The reference is amusing too
Ha, thanks. I think my next chapter would take a break from romance and possibly develop a new problem. I might actually wait a while, until… more this month's new issue comes out. I want to see what happens and maybe tie in events from the issues to things Harmony might do/consider. If that makes sense. Also, the reference to page one was just so I didn't have to re-explain to any new readers (If there are more than just the 3 usual people who comment who read this). It was also to be a little funny, since I've seen TV shows do similar things to make the audience laugh.
Chapter 1
My name is Max. This is my story...
Night was the only time I'd leave that disgusting apartment and show myself to the world… more.
Fabletown was a joke to me; this place was not for a punk kid like myself but what choice did I have? The city was cruel to me when my father kicked me out two years ago. He was human, mom was a vampire.
No, I'm NOT that kind of Vampire; the whole blood drinking, garlic bullshit and the crucifix thing are false. When I was younger, my cousins would pull that shit, thinking the stories were true. It didn't help my great great great grandfather was Dracula himself. I've seen him only in pictures; mom swears he was an 'angel' and didn't understand why mundies felt the need to make up such false accusations.
When I was twelve, she was killed by a hunter. My father owed the Crooked Man a good ten thousand dollars and he was making the payments, just not quick enough apparently. I was at school when … [view original content]
'Notify me you are here, please.' I have to say, I found that amusing :P the formality of it in such a situation. Anyway, Dragon, I think this is short yet sweet. You've upped the descriptive details from last time while maintaining a clarity of writing that keeps the reader in the moment, and that's something that makes for great writing, in my opinion. Though I should warn you that my opinion does not generally carry much weight to it.
The noting of the time is a nice touch.
I personally think that this chapter is a bit better when compared to my previous chapter, I tried to make this as detailed and interesting … moreas possible when I made this sixth installment. Hope you guys enjoy it like always!
Chapter 6: Into The City
3:47 P.M., on the I-78 highway heading towards New York:
Snow and Tezoth were lying peacefully on opposite sides of the dark, dingy truck. Still being somewhat groggy from the sleeping pills, the recent bumps on the road did them no favors of granting them an undisturbed rest. Eventually, this had awakened the two.
Snow groaned, it felt like that her head was spinning. She rubbed her temples out of annoyance as she tried to look around in the pitch blackness of the truck, carefully squinting her eyes until they finally adjusted to the dark a little.
"Tez?" She whispered. "Notify me that you are here, please." Snow's worrisome voice cracked, there was no doubt that she was scared for … [view original content]
part 1 pg 15… moreread/p15
I finally got some time to write another chapter this is most violent chapter I wrote in a while and is full of bad language like TWAU game so just say that so know what to be expecting sorry if you get offended. I also have few easter eggs in these I won't reveal what and probably should of asked but I didn't want to ruin the surprise I want to hear users reactions sorry . I was inspired by so many stories here. This chapter my most ambitious one yet.
Spark escaped and the revolt was growing and with Spark able to call on many underground contacts including Greenleaf who will prove to be the most decisive to win this war Spark hoped.
Spark headed for the local bar in Fabletown to recruit more contacts with Gren and Porgie being top of the list. Spark always wo… [view original content]
Even in a time of peril, Snow still has to be somewhat professional! I still appreciate what you said about my recent chapter though, no matter the weight. I knew that you and Mark would've enjoyed it nevertheless. Probably pudding_pie and some others too.
'Notify me you are here, please.' I have to say, I found that amusing :P the formality of it in such a situation. Anyway, Dragon, I think th… moreis is short yet sweet. You've upped the descriptive details from last time while maintaining a clarity of writing that keeps the reader in the moment, and that's something that makes for great writing, in my opinion. Though I should warn you that my opinion does not generally carry much weight to it.
The noting of the time is a nice touch.
Chapter 3: Pudding & Peorgie
I slowly began to wake up from my sleep. As I started to regain consciousness, I rolled over to face the… more ceiling. For a moment, I was at peace. I didn't remember anything bad, or anyone hurt. Then it all flooded back to me. Her head laid on the steps... T's breakdown... all like some sort of vivid nightmare. After accepting reality again, I pulled myself out of bed and began to get dressed. When I finished, I slowly opened the door to my bedroom and glanced out. There T was laid down on the sofa, just how I'd left her. Her face and body were calm and at rest. Alike me, she seemed like she had forgotten all her worries and troubles of last night. She looked as beautiful as she did before she had broke down. My eyes fixed on her resting body for a moment, then sharply turned off. I grabbed the door handle, and firmly pushed the door open. As I left my apartment, I turned around to take one last glimpse of T, … [view original content]
Carla couldn't sleep; her stomach turning and the need to vomit every twenty minutes as unbearable. She closed her eyes, inhaled and try focusing on something else. 'It can't be the stress,' she thought, as she turned to get comfortable. 'I've been at the office for over a year. NOW the butterflies kick in?'
She faced the window and attempted to try and focus on something else. The guys would be back soon. Hopefully, Malcom was still in one solid piece; her father and the Sheriff had a nasty habit of creating 'accidents' with those that didn't follow the rules or pissed them off. Although that was some time ago and they never did it again, sometimes old habits are hard to break.
The door swung open and Carla turned over to face it. Her sister, Lyla made her way to the bed. In her hands, she held Junior. The baby squealed and kicked when he saw his aunt. Carla stood up, propped the pillow on the head board and reached out. Lyla handed the baby to Carla; Junior buried his face into her neck and began sucking his thumb. Carla kissed his forehead.
"How are you feeling," asked Lyla. "You had me worried there for awhile. Haven't seen you this sick since we were kids."
"I'm alright," replied Carla, as she snuggled Junior closer. "This weather I think isn't helping me either. Hot, cold, hot, cold."
"That's not just it, Carla..."
"Yeah. I know, Lyla but you CAN'T just blame the Business office. Don't be like dad; every bad day or illness I have can't be them all the time."
Lyla avoided any further discussion on this; Carla was too much like their father. No matter how much you pushed, begged or pleaded, she was always right. Lyla could have a presentation and evidence concluding what she was was true but Carla would always fight back Its no wonder she and Snow always bashed their skulls when it came to decision making.
"So, you hungry," asked Lyla, quickly changing the subject.
"No really, Lyla. My stomach is doing twirls down there. Give me a few minutes; me and Mr. Toilet are going to have a meeting for awhile."
Lyla giggled, as she gave a sister friendly punch to Carla's arm. Junior lifted his tiny hands up and gazed at his mother; little clouds of white escaping his palms, the trademark Georgie smug on his face. Lyla reached over and with her thumb, pushed his bottom lip up.
"Relax, sweetie," laughed Lyla. "Mommy is just kidding with your Aunt Carla. She's being an ass...don't repeat that, okay?"
"How is he and Penny doing with the powers," inquired Carla, while rocking the baby in her arms.
"They have complete control. They give 'warnings' like what he just did and it let's me and Georgie know its time to take them away from who ever angered them and assure them all is alright and they have no need to defend us."
Carla smiled, as she squeezed her nephew tightly. The boy giggled and kissed her cheek.
"So," continued Lyla, taking Junior's hand. "You and Gren, huh?"
"What's it like, Carla? I mean, him being a Grendel and all. Have you two done it yet? Have you seen his TRUE form?"
"LYLA!" Carla was blushing; she could feel her cheeks burning hot.
"This is sister talk, Carla! C'mon!"
"I didn't ask you about Georgie!"
"Oh, please! Yes you did! This is just girl talk, Carla. We are sisters; if we CAN'T discuss sex with each other, well, we are screwed."
Carla giggled and began playing with her hair. She bit her lip just thinking about Gren; he was handsome, no matter what form he took.
"Ah ha! Come on...tell me sis! You love him, huh?"
"I do, Lyla," sighed Carla. "I have never been in a relationship with someone like I am with Gren. He's not just my lover but best friend, too. He doesn't scare me, Lyla. I asked him four weeks ago to stay in his true form when I went to his apartment. I didn't want him to hide from me; I KNOW what I'm getting into here..."
"Oh, you slut," shouted Lyla, as she punched her arm. "He stayed in his TRUE form while you two-"
All Carla could do was nod.
The girls screamed; Lyla still couldn't believe it. This was not her sister, Carla. This used to be the girl that hated discussing certain topics, avoiding certain situations if if embarrassed her.
Lyla and Carla looked to the door and found Georgie standing by the door; in his arms, he held Kathrine, too busy chewing on his shirt. They could see it was drenched in baby spit. He looked, concerned, however. Lyla stood up and trudged on towards Georgie. He stood before him; the last time he had this look, it was not good.
"Georgie," whispered Lyla, grabbing his arm. "What is it, sweetie?"
"Your, uh, father is here...."
"So. Everything okay with my dad?"
"He has Bigby with him, has to do with Gren..."
"What about Gren? Georgie!?"
Carla overheard Gren's name; her attention was focused on her sister now. She stood up and marched in her direction.
"What about Gren, Georgie," demanded Carla. "Is he here? He okay?"
Georgie was silent; he tried to avoid eye contact with Carla. She knew all to well how Porgie worked; when he refused to look you in the eye, it was never a positive thing. She handed Lyla Junior and ran out the door. She rushed down the stairs, hands gliding across the bars, feet pounding against the steps.
"CARLA," screamed Lyla, trying to chase after her. "STOP! Come back here! I'm sure it is nothing-"
Carla ignored Lyla's calls; she knew something happened. Bigby and her father together either meant two things-business or trouble. As much as she loved her father and cared deeply for the sheriff like he was a family member, the two always seemed to find trouble in the most random circumstances. She darted into the lounge and found them sitting in chairs; Henry and Hans at the bar, pouring drinks. Both Jersey and Malcom sitting on stools, looking her direction. 'Now I KNOW this is trouble,' thought Carla.
Lyla caught up to Carla, who continued to stand still in her current position. She scanned the area; the room was spinning, her heart pounding frantically against her chest. The urge to vomit was returning. She ran to the bar, grabbed a bucket and let everything go. Henry grabbed her hair and helped pull it back. The one person she needed, was not here. Something did happen.
"Carla, sweetie. Calm down. Com back to bed..."
Lyla grabbed her arm but was shoved back. Carla looked over at Lyla; she had the most mournful look in her green eyes.
"No," she pronounced, wiping her mouth. "NO! Where is he? WHERE IS HE?!"
"Carla," replied John, coming to her aide. "Just. Stop. Please. Come with me. Come sit next to daddy."
Carla pushed John back. Although he was much bigger and could easily take her down, she had no problem taking him down. Even she knew this was foolish but she wanted answers. Bigby watched this and quickly got up; Carla was a dangerous combination for a child. Half John, half Nancy; a mundy with a wolf's temper. It was a constant ticking time bomb; any little noise or sudden movement could send it off. The smell was stronger as he got closer; he knew John could detect it but he didn't want to mention it; why would he? His little girl was not a child anymore.
"Carla, please," said Bigby, grabbing her hand. "Just come sit down and we will discuss your concern and answer any questions you have-"
"THEN DO IT NOW," shrieked Carla. "I don't want to sit, don't want to sleep, eat, go for a walk, sing Kumbya, any of that shit! Tell me now! Where is Gren and WHY are you all here? And DON'T tell me its because of Malcom! Fucker looks pretty relaxed over there!"
There was no point in making a bigger issue then it was already. Carla would not budge; John came to a conclusion and decided he had no choice. He grabbed her hands and held them tightly in his. All he could picture was this little girl with curly auburn hair, her two front teeth missing, sun kissed freckles and capability to see nothing but beauty in this world. Her enthusiasm to be with him and the office; learn about the world she knew so little of. Take such an interest in the world, the Fables and why things happened when they did. He tried to hold back his tears; she was not that curly haired little girl anymore. He was holding the hands of a woman now.
"Carla. I need you to listen to me very carefully and answer my questions with nothing but the truth. Please. Have you and Gren...have you two...fuck, man. I don't want to ask my daughter this! Sheriff!"
"Have you two had sex, Carla?"
"Daddy, please-"
"Carla. Have you?"
Carla could only nod; her father's grasp releasing and he was soon walking in circles, holding his head in his hands. Carla thought for sure this was the reason why Gren was not here; the sheriff and her father must have said something to him.
"It makes sense now," continued John, still pacing in the lounge. "The sickness, your smell changing. I didn't want to...didn't-"
"My smell? What are you talking about, dad? Sheriff?"
"I hate asking you this, Carla. But have you had a period yet? Since you and Gren..."
Carla had to sit. She was late; she assumed the stress and heat had gotten to her. She took a seat and began crying. 'Fuck,' she thought. 'No! No! She couldn't be...they were so careful If the Council found out....' Carla broke into tears; she couldn't hold the emotions back any longer. John rushed to her side and wrapped his arms around his distressed daughter. Everyone in the Pudding and Pie was silent; they didn't know what to say.
"We have no idea where Gren is," continued John. "We, we asked him the same questions and when he placed it all together, he took off. The sheriff and I went after him but we lost his scent two hours ago. We have no idea where he went to, Carla. Or, if he's coming back..."
The room was rotating so quickly; she had the sensation to run; run away and hide from the world. Her mind was heavy, she needed to lay down, to wake up from this horrible dream. Carla suddenly passed out in John's arms; Bigby yelling for Georgie to call Swineheart. She was conscience though and could slightly hear her father's panicked voice; she could hear Lyla, Georgie talking to the doctor, Bigby frantically looking for a pillow.
All Carla wanted was to wake up; to find out this was a dream. A sick, horrible dream. To continue the day like nothing happened. Return to her job at the office; walk in the sun, go to the park.
Thanks so much for not just for reading but leaving a comment this had be the most worried I ever was posting a chapter as I upped the violence/bad language and added characters from other stories etc. But I'm just delighted you enjoyed it thanks I'm a big fan of your intelligent writing so I'm honored.
I feel sorry for whoever has to clean all that up.
Seriously though, that was epic. I was going to comment on this and that, however epic just sums it up nicely.
I've been kind of hoping someone would do a story that brought in characters from other stories, so I'm pleased you did that! The language and violence cam across as believable, given the situation. Are you glad you decided to have a go at writing your own Fable?
Thanks so much for not just for reading but leaving a comment this had be the most worried I ever was posting a chapter as I upped the viole… morence/bad language and added characters from other stories etc. But I'm just delighted you enjoyed it thanks I'm a big fan of your intelligent writing so I'm honored.
I've been kind of hoping someone would do a story that brought in characters from other stories, so I'm pleased you did that! The language a… morend violence cam across as believable, given the situation. Are you glad you decided to have a go at writing your own Fable?
I really hope you have a plan for this, Pudding. I trust you. So much must be in his head; never has anyone taken an interest, loved him the way she does. Now, this. Can't wait to read more. I'm a huge fan of Carla and Gren Nuff' said.
Again, thanks for pudding_pie for allowing me the gift of using Henry. Thanks, dude!
I walked outside, still holding Woody's picture. I liked him; had nothing bad or negative to say about him. Last time I saw him, however, he looked terrible. Rumor has it he and the Sheriff got into it again. Uh, the Sheriff. What a waste. I couldn't stand Bigby.
I climbed the walls, jumped onto the roof and was soon off into the night. I jumped from top to top, nearly gliding in the air. The city below looked so tiny, so harmless. Soon, I thought. You would be nothing more than a distant memory.
I jumped down and found myself at the Trip Trap's entrance. I knocked three times; the door was locked tight. I heard rustling behind the door; a deep, voice spoke, while another laughed.
When it opened, there he stood-Gren. I had nothing with him, except the time he and I exchanged some words a few months back. Let's just saw, Beowulf was not the only one that tore off his arm. It was weird seeing it back on, however. Freakin' Swineheart. Has to fucking save us all.
"Heeeeeeeeeeey, bat boy," he said, punching my arm. "What...what are you doing here?"
I peered in. Woody saw me; he was trying to hide behind the pool table.
"Now...I know you are just a wee baby but inside and have a drink with you ol' pal, Grendel. Eh?"
He was so wasted; I could smell the alcohol clearly stained in his mouth.
"I just...ugh! Stop touching me! I just need to talk to Woody..."
I was geeting annoyed with this drunk, so I simply pushed him. He fell to the ground and erupted in a laughing fit. I rolled my eyes and continued towards Woody; he was backed into the wall, hands up.
"Please," he begged me. "I'm, I'm sorry about the money, kid. Tell Georgie he will get it on Friday, okay? Please!"
"Well, you see. He's TRIED letting this slide for awhile, woody. You own Georgie $300 dollars, plus, an extra $150 for the late fees."
"Yeesh, Woody. That is some expensive pussy you are paying for..."
I walked back over to Gren and kicked him in the chin. I swore he lifted off the ground for a second.
"Oh shut up, Gren. Not now...."
Woody was petrified; I felt so bad for the guy.
"Look, do you have SOME of the money you owe?"
"Look, kid! Times are tough right now! I ain't got it..."
I took crowd control and swung it around in my hand. His eyes were focused of the twirling object. I began smashing the stools, breaking every single one. The bartender, Holly, appeared from the back. She was surprised to see me there and Gren, still drunk as fuck, passed out on the floor. Those poor stools; sacrificing themselves, so can get a point across. In loving memory, I thought, saluting the broken shards. We salute you.
"Fuck, Max," screamed Holly. "What is it with you making this a place of business for you, huh?"
"Relax sweetie," I said, holding up my hand.
'God, you're hot,' I thought to myself, looking at Holly. 'Mmm. Yeah, your a troll but who the fuck cared? Vampires are NOT picky?
"Look, Woody. I'm giving you until Friday. You don't have the money, then I will return for your head and serve it to Geaorgie with a side dish of cranberries and apple sauce. Sound fair?"
All the guy could do was shake; freakin' kidding me? I blew Holly a kiss, kicked Gren one last time and left the bar.
I managed to get back to the club just in time. Georgie was in his random mood; I found him dancing with a broom, Hans not sure what to do. Henry, his bartender, looked annoyed.
"How long has he been dancing with the broom," I asked. "She have a name?"
Henry chuckled.
"Eh, 'bout ten minutes now. You get the cash?"
"Nah. He said by Friday, So that give him 24 hours to get it. Seems like Georgie won't be askin' for it..."
"He's an idiot sometimes, bat."
I laughed an grabbed a can of soda from the bar. Georgie continued dancing with the broom.
"You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record baby...."
The hell? Oh that poor broom...
For now, this is all I wanted to worry about; who would explain to Georgie the mess and why he was dancing with a broom.
Chapter 2
Again, thanks for pudding_pie for allowing me the gift of using Henry. Thanks, dude!
I walked outside, still holding Woody's… more picture. I liked him; had nothing bad or negative to say about him. Last time I saw him, however, he looked terrible. Rumor has it he and the Sheriff got into it again. Uh, the Sheriff. What a waste. I couldn't stand Bigby.
I climbed the walls, jumped onto the roof and was soon off into the night. I jumped from top to top, nearly gliding in the air. The city below looked so tiny, so harmless. Soon, I thought. You would be nothing more than a distant memory.
I jumped down and found myself at the Trip Trap's entrance. I knocked three times; the door was locked tight. I heard rustling behind the door; a deep, voice spoke, while another laughed.
When it opened, there he stood-Gren. I had nothing with him, except the time he and I exchanged some words a few months back. Let's just saw, Beowulf was no… [view original content]
Chapter 2
Again, thanks for pudding_pie for allowing me the gift of using Henry. Thanks, dude!
I walked outside, still holding Woody's… more picture. I liked him; had nothing bad or negative to say about him. Last time I saw him, however, he looked terrible. Rumor has it he and the Sheriff got into it again. Uh, the Sheriff. What a waste. I couldn't stand Bigby.
I climbed the walls, jumped onto the roof and was soon off into the night. I jumped from top to top, nearly gliding in the air. The city below looked so tiny, so harmless. Soon, I thought. You would be nothing more than a distant memory.
I jumped down and found myself at the Trip Trap's entrance. I knocked three times; the door was locked tight. I heard rustling behind the door; a deep, voice spoke, while another laughed.
When it opened, there he stood-Gren. I had nothing with him, except the time he and I exchanged some words a few months back. Let's just saw, Beowulf was no… [view original content]
Draco and Gillian took their fighting stances and began to circle each other, and then the crowd cheered louder waiting for the two to make a move. Draco moved in and landed a punch on Gillian's jaw barely hurting him, but there was signs of bleeding. Gillian wiped his mouth and grinned. He grabbed Draco and slammed him to the ground with his fearsome strength. Draco tried to go for Gillain's legs but is kicked away by him.
Gillian leaps into the air towards the downed Draco and misses him. He turns around and catches Draco's attempted punch and headbutts him. His face is then covered in blood as he falls back. He shakes it off and continues to go for Gillian.
Gillian: I admire your determination dragon, but you are going to have to hit harder than that....
Talia: Without turning into a dragon!
Draco thought to himself how in the world was going to defeat this brute, he was much faster and stronger than him. He couldn't even turn into a dragon and end this soon as possible without endangering his friend life. He kept fighting with all his will and strength and threw everything he had at Gillian, but Gillian's sheer power and endurance outmatched it.
Draco switched up his tactics following punches and strong kicks. Gillian countered one of his attacks and grab Draco in mid-air and slammed him to the ground again breaking one of his ribs. Draco coughs up blood, then rolls over onto and stand up on one knee and breathes heavily.
Gillian: It's getting closer to that time dragon... Seems that you are not as strong as you appeared to be. Let me put you out of your misery....
Gillian charged at Draco preparing to deliver one final blow but suddenly, a flame in Draco chest ignited. His eyes glowed,he stood up and charged towards Gillian and delivered a devastating kick to Gillian's skull causing him to fall back in unimaginable pain...
As Gillian fell he had a flashback from his past:
Gillian: This feeling, this strange and powerful feeling... I remember now.... When I fought him.. This is the exact same feeling I felt we I lost to him.. This strong just like him.. Just like---
Gillian crashes to the ground unconscious and covered in blood. The crowd goes silent and gaze upon the victorious Draco in terror. Talia gets up out of her chair and is shocked that see defeated Gillian. She clench her fist and said " Not bad handsome, you defeated our champion, however that's not enough.. Oh booys! "
Suddenly a group of people surround the cage ring and began to enter glaring at Draco.
Talia: You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?
Draco: You know, for a second there, yeah i kinda did...
Talia: Silly dragon, tricks are for kids...
Draco: And what does that make you?
Talia: The bitch with a army. NOW KILL HIM!
The group of people began to approach the injured Draco, but suddenly...
Wolven: A fight club, and I wasn't invited?
Draco: Wolven?!
Wolven: Hang in there kid, backup has arrived.
Talia leaps towards Wolven trying to drain his life force with her succubus abilities, but he throws her off of him and transform into his wolf and says "Now it's a FIGHT!"
Violence violence and more violence.
Chapter 7 Fight Club Part 3
Draco and Gillian took their fighting stances and began to circle eac… moreh other, and then the crowd cheered louder waiting for the two to make a move. Draco moved in and landed a punch on Gillian's jaw barely hurting him, but there was signs of bleeding. Gillian wiped his mouth and grinned. He grabbed Draco and slammed him to the ground with his fearsome strength. Draco tried to go for Gillain's legs but is kicked away by him.
Gillian leaps into the air towards the downed Draco and misses him. He turns around and catches Draco's attempted punch and headbutts him. His face is then covered in blood as he falls back. He shakes it off and continues to go for Gillian.
Gillian: I admire your determination dragon, but you are going to have to hit harder than that....
Talia: Without turning into a dragon!
Draco thought to himself how in the world was going to defeat this… [view original content]
It has a moderately fast pace generally, however I wouldn't say it's necessarily detrimental to the story. If anything, the tempo gives it an urgency that fits with the search for answers. Scenes can often be added to it in writing, though that may come across as filler.
This is just my opinion though, and perhaps the way you naturally pace things is fast - great writing isn't always intrinsically linked to the pace of the story.
Besides, if you're enjoying the way you do it, then go with it. Having fun with it is important
It has a moderately fast pace generally, however I wouldn't say it's necessarily detrimental to the story. If anything, the tempo gives it a… moren urgency that fits with the search for answers. Scenes can often be added to it in writing, though that may come across as filler.
This is just my opinion though, and perhaps the way you naturally pace things is fast - great writing isn't always intrinsically linked to the pace of the story.
Besides, if you're enjoying the way you do it, then go with it. Having fun with it is important
Aww, dude, thanks! Billy Murray, too! I have no gif for this situation - actually I don't have any at all, which I should probably do something about - but I feel the same about your work and skill, and I really mean that. XD
'I want arms that know how to rock me safe in the arms of love. I wanna fall and know that love has caught me safe in the arms of love.'
Carla could see him standing before her, his arms reached out. His grin was hypnotizing her, like a moth to a flame. The wind around them picked up; the hair flowing carelessly through his hair invading her nose. She swore he was there; it was clear as day. Carla inhaled and took in the moment. He continued to stand perfectly still, arms still reaching towards her.
She suddenly heard the rustle and chatter of people surrounding her. The voices sounded familiar; she could make her father's voice, while the other man speaking sounded similar to Swineheart. As she turned back, Gren was gone; the sky above turned a dark gray and the rain came. She peered down and saw an enormous belly. Carla began to panic, as she witnessed Nate, Malcom and Sam surrounding her.
"Give us the child," all three hissed. "Hand us the monster..."
Carla stood up, her piercing screams filling the room. Everyone stopped and soon, her sisters were by her said. Lyla collected Carla in her arms and held her tight. Swineheart sat beside Carla, checking her arm with a stethoscope. He carefully listened to her vital signs, her every heart beat.
"Gren..." whispered Carla. "Where, where is Gren?"
"You need to relax, Carla," demanded Swineheart, as he moved the item up her arm. "I'm having a difficult time getting an accurate sign." It was cold against her flesh; she felt uncomfortable sitting there in silence. John and Bigby entered the room. John rushed to Carla's side when he noticed his daughter's eyes open.
"Oh, my Carla," he said, as he continually kissed her head. "My dear, sweet Carla. You're alright..."
"So, is she doctor," asked Bigby.
Swineheart nodded; everyone in the room seem to have hung their heads. Carla was not sure if in shame or concern; this was not going to go over easily with the Council. Someday, they would find out. She glanced over and saw her mother and Snow frantically reading through several large books. Snow scanned the chapter with her finger, while Nancy flipped through the pages.
"Carla, you are indeed pregnant, dear," replied Swineheart, placing the stethoscope back into his bag. "You are almost a month into the pregnancy. So far, everything appears to be normal and the fetus is very healthy."
Carla grabbed his arm. Swineheart instantly stopped and looked into Carla's eyes. Her troubled look concerned him.
"Swineheart," pleaded Carla, tears streaming down her face. "Is baby..."
"Yes, Carla," spoke Swineheart. "The baby you are carrying is no doubt a Fable; a Grendel. Your uterus is encased in a cocoon like substance that protects the baby from accidentally injuring the mother while it grows and moves inside. Around six months, your abdomen will harden and it will be difficult for you to walk or sleep. This is simply the baby moving down and adjusting to the ever growing sac it lives in. As we get closer to the delivery, the cocoon will soften up, allowing a more relaxed feeling."
"A cocoon," Carla asked confused.
"Yes, Grendel babies do this; it's normal, so no worries. It softening up will also make the delivery a little bit easier on the two of you; the spongy material will help numb the pain, like an epidural does to mundies."
Carla tried to grasp the idea of carrying a Grendel baby. She knew this was playing Russian Roulette; all but one chamber had the bullet. Carla prayed she didn't get that bullet. She clung onto her stomach. Gren....
"Where is Gren," Carla asked again. "Did he ever come back?"
Bigby's face said enough; she didn't need an answer.
"We tried calling his apartment, Carla," uttered Lyla. "We called three time and nothing. Dad and Bigby stopped by and still nothing."
This was not making sense to Carla. Gren did not have the mentality to do something like this; he could be an ass, yes but even this extreme behavior was not in his character. She sadly expected Georgie to do this; for fucking sake, the god damn pmip stuck around for her sister. Why couldn't her Grendel?
"I found something that might explain this strange behavior," yelled Snow.
Carla instantly ran from the bed to Snow's side. She held her finger on the chapter listed "Mating and reproduction."
"The chapter states when Grendel's are to become parents, the father will disappear for days, weeks, even months before the birth of the baby."
It was bitter sweet to Carla; Gren didn't just leave but her main concern was still this: Where did he go and for how long would he be gone?
Snow continued.
"While the mother stays away and takes care of the unborn child, the father will venture to a local wooded area and look for shelter and a possible location for the birthing."
"Adirondack Park," whispered Carla. "He...he went there to find a spot so I can give birth to the baby."
"Bullshit," screamed John. "HE took off and didn't look back once! Does that sound like a man taking responsibility of a child?"
"He's doing what comes naturally to him, daddy," shrieked Carla. "You don't know him like I do. He wouldn't leave..."
"Well, when your mother was pregnant, I didn't RUN off to the fucking woods looking for a cave! This makes no sense to me at all!"
Everyone's attention was directed at Snow. She still held the book, trying to give Carla the answers. Although she was worried and concerned for the girl, she deserved answers; she needed to understand his world.
"John, I can't sit by and watch you do this to her," Snow informed, looking at John. "YOU of all people should know what she is going through; what Lyla had to do. These girls NEED you to be on their side, despite how you feel. I know you are worried; we all are, John! But you pushing them like this, causing stress, is not what needs to be done. So, please."
John glanced at his wife. Nancy was trying to smile; she knew all too well what Carla was dealing with. A mundy pregnant by either Folker or Fable was never easy; she, however, had a Grendel inside. Those, sadly, rarely went smoothly for a mundy mother.
Snow read on.
"The Grendel father will look for a bubbling Mere; he would prefer the mother to give birth here. Grendels usually live in the water and the caressing motion and feel of the water will not only calm the baby but help heal the other."
Carla was actually pleased with the answer. Although her heart was broken, he knew this what he had to do.
"I have to find him," announced John, grabbing his keys. "I have to go find him and bring him back here! How dare he just leave! Warn us next time!"
"You can't do that," said Swinheart. "You can't just find him and expect Grendel to come back. He's doing what his kind has done for hundreds of years. This is a waiting game now; all we can do now is focus on Carla, her well being and the health of the baby. When Gren has completed what needs to be done, he will return to her..."
He gathered his bag and headed out the door. Before he left, he grabbed John's shoulder. He could feel the tension in the alpha's arm.
"Relax, John," whispered Swineheart. "I'll tell you what I've told Bigby for years; some things are out of your control. I've seen this before; trust me, he will be back. Right now, you need to focus on Carla and SUPPORT her. You know about mundies and Grendel babies..."
John didn't want to think about it. The horrible thought of him burying his daughter because her body couldn't handle the trauma, handle the beast growing inside her. His mind also found its way back to the Council; what would he do and how would he handle it? Secrets stay hidden for so long. Malcom was still in the club. Could he trust him?
Swineheart left. He would be back in three weeks for a checkup. He wanted to routinely do so, in case something changed.
John found Carla starring out the window; she was starring in the direction of the park. Her heart was heavy. All she wanted was Gren; to be by her side and take the steps with him. She was terrified. Not because of his absence but what was growing inside. She had heard stories, witnessed it herself. Bufkin warned her that day in the office; most mundies rarely made it out alive carrying such beasts full term.
"The Council," asked Carla. "What about them? The rule is in place but that never stopped them. No matter how many times you burn the records, people's memories stay the same. They will make it a point to 'visit', especially Decimus."
"We will deal with all of that," said John, as he kissed her forehead. "For now, worry about the sesame seed growing in here."
Carla was proud of her father; he was trying so hard to forgive, to move on, to understand. He, along with her mother and sisters, each placed a hand on her stomach.
That night, Carla couldn't sleep; her mind was focused simply on Gren and his whereabouts in the forest. She wanted to have him there tonight; to hold her near his beating heart, to have his scent wrapped around her skin, his tender touch brush against her cheek. All she wanted was his true form taking her in his arms; be with the Fable she knew and loved, no matter what. Carla looked out the window again; she was tempted to leave herself and search for Gren. But the words of the doctor stuck to her like glue; focus on the health of the baby.
She would not be a stereotypical mundy; she had the strength and agility like a wolf. Although she was a mundy like her mother, the blood of an alpha swam in her veins, coated her heart with strength and mind with courage. Carla was determined to fight any battle that came her way.
She still felt so small looking out the window. The city below carried on, not knowing on the second floor, a young mundy woman would be dealing with so much. She smiled, however and held her hands on each side. Carla looked down at her stomach and touched it gently with her right.
"I love you already," she whispered to her belly. "I hope you know how much you are loved. Promise me you will give faith a fighting chance, like I did. Like your daddy did...never take a single day for granted. I hope you never have to fear life; take the path you want and live. Take chances, sweet baby. Love is worth it; do not let one heart break make you bitter. I hope you are like your daddy, sweetie-loving, strong and proud."
Carla began signing softly.
"Hush, little baby. Rock-a-bye and goodnight.
Sleep little baby, know everything is alright.
When you wake, you will know that you have,
the continuing love from your mom and dad.
Hush my baby, rock-a-bye and sleep,
do not worry; do not fear that you are beast.
Because your mommy took a chance, she was able
To fall in love with your daddy, who is a Grendel and Fable."
Carla closed her eyes and simply dreamed.
Dreamed of a new world, of a new life. Of the adventure that was in front of her.
Violence violence and more violence.
Chapter 7 Fight Club Part 3
Draco and Gillian took their fighting stances and began to circle eac… moreh other, and then the crowd cheered louder waiting for the two to make a move. Draco moved in and landed a punch on Gillian's jaw barely hurting him, but there was signs of bleeding. Gillian wiped his mouth and grinned. He grabbed Draco and slammed him to the ground with his fearsome strength. Draco tried to go for Gillain's legs but is kicked away by him.
Gillian leaps into the air towards the downed Draco and misses him. He turns around and catches Draco's attempted punch and headbutts him. His face is then covered in blood as he falls back. He shakes it off and continues to go for Gillian.
Gillian: I admire your determination dragon, but you are going to have to hit harder than that....
Talia: Without turning into a dragon!
Draco thought to himself how in the world was going to defeat this… [view original content]
Oh my god...the last few sentences with Carla and the baby....Talk about needing a moment, dude! Sheesh!
This was very sweet and can't wait to read more. The idea of the whole cocoon thing was brilliant and different since we have NO idea about grendels. The picture is adorable, by the way. Good job, georgie. More, please!
Chapter 21
'I want arms that know how to rock me safe in the arms of love. I wanna fall and know that love has caught me sa… morefe in the arms of love.'
Carla could see him standing before her, his arms reached out. His grin was hypnotizing her, like a moth to a flame. The wind around them picked up; the hair flowing carelessly through his hair invading her nose. She swore he was there; it was clear as day. Carla inhaled and took in the moment. He continued to stand perfectly still, arms still reaching towards her.
She suddenly heard the rustle and chatter of people surrounding her. The voices sounded familiar; she could make her father's voice, while the other man speaking sounded similar to Swineheart. As she turned back, Gren was gone; the sky above turned a dark gray and the rain came. She peered down and saw an enormous belly. Carla began to panic, as she witnessed Nate, Malcom and Sam surrounding her.
"Give us the … [view original content]
It's more complicated then THAT!! actually it's not that gif is my plot lol
Still glad you're a fan of my story.
I know, but that's what it seemed like.
It was really interesting that Spark actually Glamoured as Snow and Crane. I bet Spark liked being Snow for a few minutes there. ...Only joking, of course.
Oh shit missed this can't wait YES!! is it being released today yes I'm a fanboy lol I can't wait
But you liked it right lol? do you not like a bit of chaos and violence
I did like the chaos. I should've ate some popcorn during all of the carnage that had happened.
I'll most likely post it sometime today, I REALLY need to get back into the mojo for making stories for Tez anyways! XP
YESSSS! can't wait
Thanks really appreciate that
Just so beautiful your such a talented writer to many feels such an enjoyable read just fantastic
Of course she smells sweet! She ALWAYS does! :')
Oh did he....did he just leave? Like that? NO! Say he's coming back...right, Georgie??
Can't wait to
Nah, dude. Don't worry about it.
I'm honored.
Keep up the good work, though.
Chapter 3: Pudding & Peorgie
I slowly began to wake up from my sleep. As I started to regain consciousness, I rolled over to face the ceiling. For a moment, I was at peace. I didn't remember anything bad, or anyone hurt. Then it all flooded back to me. Her head laid on the steps... T's breakdown... all like some sort of vivid nightmare. After accepting reality again, I pulled myself out of bed and began to get dressed. When I finished, I slowly opened the door to my bedroom and glanced out. There T was laid down on the sofa, just how I'd left her. Her face and body were calm and at rest. Alike me, she seemed like she had forgotten all her worries and troubles of last night. She looked as beautiful as she did before she had broke down. My eyes fixed on her resting body for a moment, then sharply turned off. I grabbed the door handle, and firmly pushed the door open. As I left my apartment, I turned around to take one last glimpse of T, before gently bringing the door to a close.
It was still early enough in the morning to mistake it for night. Some lampposts were brightly lit, while others were either flickering and or completely dead. The only sounds that I could hear were the sounds of the lampposts flickering, rats scuttling across the alleyways, and my own footsteps firmly hitting the pavement. I walked aimlessly, taking another puff from my cigarette every half a minute or so.
All I could think about was what to do, where to go next. The first thing I thought about was who would care that she was gone now. The person who sat at the front of my mind was T. She was the only close friend of Faith's that I knew personally. I imagined all her other friends would be the girls at the Pudding & Pie. One by one, I recalled their names; Vivian, Nerissa, only the names what Faith had relayed to me at one point or another. I didn't really know them personally besides the odd conversation, some of them even trying to sell themselves to me. After thinking through who Faith knew, a name popped into my head. A name that changed my whole perspective on the situation.
Bigby Wolf.
Fuck, he's going to bring his filthy nose in and act like he can sole everyone's problems like he always does. Well, he has no fucking clue what any of our problems for. He'll only be trying to find Faith's killer to get his pay and to have an excuse to get near me again and hope for another fight. No. No fucking way I'll let that happen. If anyone's gonna find what happened to my sister, it'll be me. I sat myself down on some nearby steps and cleared my thoughts. Where do I start? I couldn't go to where her... head is... Bigby will've taken that away by now, and no way he'll let me near it. Where else could I go to that would point me in the right direction?...
I never thought I'd ever be back here again, but hey. Life's full of surprises. I took one breath from my cigarette, before dropping to the cold pavement below and putting it out. I walked through the doors to the Pudding & Pie and looked around me. I guess there's no rest for the sleazy. Men looking for treatment dotted the place, all accompanied by their very own missus. Before long, a hand rested on my shoulder and a voice came from behind me.
"Welcome to the Pudding & Pie, Hope. I didn't expect to see you around here." Vivian said, trying to sound as entertaining as possible, as if I was another sleazy customer. She looked down my shirt, to see one of my pockets have my wallet inside, with enough bills sticking out to make any guy looking for the easy way happy. "Well... I see you came prepared. Who do you fancy then?" I quickly interjected, stopping her before she went any further with her misunderstanding.
"That's not what I'm here for, Vivian." I stopped her. She looked at me oddly, almost as if she was surprised to hear me say that.
"Well... that's disappointing..." she replied, her head facing away from me. She quickly pivoted it back to me, and spoke again. "Well, if you're not here for any... treatment, what are you here for?" she asked curiously.
"I'm here to see Georgie, Vivian. Where is he?" I asked firmly. I knew how Georgie was, and I was only preparing myself for the game he was bound to play with me.
"I'm sorry, Hope, if you don't have a... I guess you could say, appointment, I can't let you in." she answered me, not seeming apologetic in any way. Already my patience was starting to slip away. I turned my focus to Vivian, and asked again.
"I'm only going to say this one more time, so hear me out. I'm here. To see. Georgie." I told her, my voice with a tone of seriousness and slight anger. She looked at me silently for a moment, then succumbed to my demand.
"This way, Hope." she told me, visibly insulted by her tone and attitude. I followed her through the dimly lit pink and purple hall, before we reached his office. Once we got there, Vivian didn't say anything. She simply looked at me, gestured to the door, and walked away. I put my ear to the door for a moment, listening for Georgie. Unsurprisingly, he was in there, simply smoking cigarette and cursing to himself. Without knocking, I burst through the door.
"Oh, 'ello there, Hope. Looking for any male slots, are we?" Georgie said, laughing as he did so.
"I'm not here to play games, Georgie. I have questions to ask." I demanded, resting my hands on the edge of his desk, with my arms outstretched.
"Ah, I see. Ya' wantin' to play Bigby now, are ya'? Picking ya' self up from his fists an' makin' 'im an idol, now?" Georgie laughed again, completely unintimidated by my presence. "Oh, I know what ya' here for. Want to ask about that dead whore of a sister 'o yours?" he asked, with a large grin on his face. Lost in my own wrath, I picked him up his top, threw him down on his desk, and spoke again.
"Unless you want me to make this office red with your blood, you better stop laughing, and start listening now!" I shouted, my face only a few centimeters from his. He laughed again, and spoke with his pleased voice.
"Ya' startin' to learn a thing or two from Bigby now, aren't ya'? Getting ya' hands dirty like he has been with you?" he said, again, completely unintimidated by my threat. I picked him back up, and threw him against the wall. As he started to pick himself back up, I grabbed him yet again, and threw a punch against his face. I dropped him and left him against the wall for a bit. Soon after, blood started welling from his nose. "An' there ya' go, breakin' my bloody nose! Next thing ya' know Bigby'll be in 'ere, trashing the place or trying to beat the shit outta' me." Georgie said, now more angry then laughing.
"Where was Faith last?" I shouted at him, pacing back and forth by his desk, while he still lay against the wall, unable to get up. He was silent, but after a while, his face lit up with a smile and he spoke.
"...On the steps 'o tha' Woodlands..." he said, pleased with himself. Mindlessly, I approached him and kicked him in the chest, winding him. He started gasping for breath, and I asked again.
"Where was Faith last?!" I shouted again. Once he had regathered his breath, Georgie spoke up again, this time obedient to my demand.
"I...I 'eard Dee 'an Dum on the street earlier... said somin' about tha' Woodsman 'an Faith... that they'd talk to tha' Woodsman at the Trip Trap... see if he knew anythin'." Georgie answered, only before shouting back at me. "Now, will ya' get the fuck outta my club!" I shouted at me. I crouched down to his level against the wall, and answered him.
"It's been a delight talking to you, Mr. Peorgie." I said, with a smile on my face. I then brought myself up and began to leave, before Georgie spoke again.
"Ya can't get 'er back, y'know..." he said. I stopped at the door, my hand wrapped around the handle. I didn't turn around, I only looked forward. "Ya' need two things to get by in this city. Some people 'ave lost them, and that's made them fall into shitty places like this... people like Bigby have to solve their problems for 'em, because they've lost all their will to solve them 'emselves, because 'o this cruel, cold city..."
"Ya' need Faith and Hope to get by in this world."
"An' you're one sister short."
If you decide to go for a new problem I hope Mary's in it - I really like the way you're portraying her character. It makes a nice from her being a bit full on nasty. Entirely up to you, of course. What you're doing with the comics makes sense, and it will be interesting to see how your story fits in with them exactly when I catch up with the comics. The reference is amusing too
There can be no hate here for this very interesting story
'Notify me you are here, please.' I have to say, I found that amusing :P the formality of it in such a situation. Anyway, Dragon, I think this is short yet sweet. You've upped the descriptive details from last time while maintaining a clarity of writing that keeps the reader in the moment, and that's something that makes for great writing, in my opinion. Though I should warn you that my opinion does not generally carry much weight to it.
The noting of the time is a nice touch.
I feel sorry for whoever has to clean all that up.
Seriously though, that was epic. I was going to comment on this and that, however epic just sums it up nicely.
Even in a time of peril, Snow still has to be somewhat professional!
I still appreciate what you said about my recent chapter though, no matter the weight. I knew that you and Mark would've enjoyed it nevertheless. Probably pudding_pie and some others too. 
Interesting to see the investigation from a different perspective!
Chapter 20
"Flood gates"
Carla couldn't sleep; her stomach turning and the need to vomit every twenty minutes as unbearable. She closed her eyes, inhaled and try focusing on something else. 'It can't be the stress,' she thought, as she turned to get comfortable. 'I've been at the office for over a year. NOW the butterflies kick in?'
She faced the window and attempted to try and focus on something else. The guys would be back soon. Hopefully, Malcom was still in one solid piece; her father and the Sheriff had a nasty habit of creating 'accidents' with those that didn't follow the rules or pissed them off. Although that was some time ago and they never did it again, sometimes old habits are hard to break.
The door swung open and Carla turned over to face it. Her sister, Lyla made her way to the bed. In her hands, she held Junior. The baby squealed and kicked when he saw his aunt. Carla stood up, propped the pillow on the head board and reached out. Lyla handed the baby to Carla; Junior buried his face into her neck and began sucking his thumb. Carla kissed his forehead.
"How are you feeling," asked Lyla. "You had me worried there for awhile. Haven't seen you this sick since we were kids."
"I'm alright," replied Carla, as she snuggled Junior closer. "This weather I think isn't helping me either. Hot, cold, hot, cold."
"That's not just it, Carla..."
"Yeah. I know, Lyla but you CAN'T just blame the Business office. Don't be like dad; every bad day or illness I have can't be them all the time."
Lyla avoided any further discussion on this; Carla was too much like their father. No matter how much you pushed, begged or pleaded, she was always right. Lyla could have a presentation and evidence concluding what she was was true but Carla would always fight back Its no wonder she and Snow always bashed their skulls when it came to decision making.
"So, you hungry," asked Lyla, quickly changing the subject.
"No really, Lyla. My stomach is doing twirls down there. Give me a few minutes; me and Mr. Toilet are going to have a meeting for awhile."
Lyla giggled, as she gave a sister friendly punch to Carla's arm. Junior lifted his tiny hands up and gazed at his mother; little clouds of white escaping his palms, the trademark Georgie smug on his face. Lyla reached over and with her thumb, pushed his bottom lip up.
"Relax, sweetie," laughed Lyla. "Mommy is just kidding with your Aunt Carla. She's being an ass...don't repeat that, okay?"
"How is he and Penny doing with the powers," inquired Carla, while rocking the baby in her arms.
"They have complete control. They give 'warnings' like what he just did and it let's me and Georgie know its time to take them away from who ever angered them and assure them all is alright and they have no need to defend us."
Carla smiled, as she squeezed her nephew tightly. The boy giggled and kissed her cheek.
"So," continued Lyla, taking Junior's hand. "You and Gren, huh?"
"What's it like, Carla? I mean, him being a Grendel and all. Have you two done it yet? Have you seen his TRUE form?"
"LYLA!" Carla was blushing; she could feel her cheeks burning hot.
"This is sister talk, Carla! C'mon!"
"I didn't ask you about Georgie!"
"Oh, please! Yes you did! This is just girl talk, Carla. We are sisters; if we CAN'T discuss sex with each other, well, we are screwed."
Carla giggled and began playing with her hair. She bit her lip just thinking about Gren; he was handsome, no matter what form he took.
"Ah ha! Come on...tell me sis! You love him, huh?"
"I do, Lyla," sighed Carla. "I have never been in a relationship with someone like I am with Gren. He's not just my lover but best friend, too. He doesn't scare me, Lyla. I asked him four weeks ago to stay in his true form when I went to his apartment. I didn't want him to hide from me; I KNOW what I'm getting into here..."
"Oh, you slut," shouted Lyla, as she punched her arm. "He stayed in his TRUE form while you two-"
All Carla could do was nod.
The girls screamed; Lyla still couldn't believe it. This was not her sister, Carla. This used to be the girl that hated discussing certain topics, avoiding certain situations if if embarrassed her.
Lyla and Carla looked to the door and found Georgie standing by the door; in his arms, he held Kathrine, too busy chewing on his shirt. They could see it was drenched in baby spit. He looked, concerned, however. Lyla stood up and trudged on towards Georgie. He stood before him; the last time he had this look, it was not good.
"Georgie," whispered Lyla, grabbing his arm. "What is it, sweetie?"
"Your, uh, father is here...."
"So. Everything okay with my dad?"
"He has Bigby with him, has to do with Gren..."
"What about Gren? Georgie!?"
Carla overheard Gren's name; her attention was focused on her sister now. She stood up and marched in her direction.
"What about Gren, Georgie," demanded Carla. "Is he here? He okay?"
Georgie was silent; he tried to avoid eye contact with Carla. She knew all to well how Porgie worked; when he refused to look you in the eye, it was never a positive thing. She handed Lyla Junior and ran out the door. She rushed down the stairs, hands gliding across the bars, feet pounding against the steps.
"CARLA," screamed Lyla, trying to chase after her. "STOP! Come back here! I'm sure it is nothing-"
Carla ignored Lyla's calls; she knew something happened. Bigby and her father together either meant two things-business or trouble. As much as she loved her father and cared deeply for the sheriff like he was a family member, the two always seemed to find trouble in the most random circumstances. She darted into the lounge and found them sitting in chairs; Henry and Hans at the bar, pouring drinks. Both Jersey and Malcom sitting on stools, looking her direction. 'Now I KNOW this is trouble,' thought Carla.
Lyla caught up to Carla, who continued to stand still in her current position. She scanned the area; the room was spinning, her heart pounding frantically against her chest. The urge to vomit was returning. She ran to the bar, grabbed a bucket and let everything go. Henry grabbed her hair and helped pull it back. The one person she needed, was not here. Something did happen.
"Carla, sweetie. Calm down. Com back to bed..."
Lyla grabbed her arm but was shoved back. Carla looked over at Lyla; she had the most mournful look in her green eyes.
"No," she pronounced, wiping her mouth. "NO! Where is he? WHERE IS HE?!"
"Carla," replied John, coming to her aide. "Just. Stop. Please. Come with me. Come sit next to daddy."
Carla pushed John back. Although he was much bigger and could easily take her down, she had no problem taking him down. Even she knew this was foolish but she wanted answers. Bigby watched this and quickly got up; Carla was a dangerous combination for a child. Half John, half Nancy; a mundy with a wolf's temper. It was a constant ticking time bomb; any little noise or sudden movement could send it off. The smell was stronger as he got closer; he knew John could detect it but he didn't want to mention it; why would he? His little girl was not a child anymore.
"Carla, please," said Bigby, grabbing her hand. "Just come sit down and we will discuss your concern and answer any questions you have-"
"THEN DO IT NOW," shrieked Carla. "I don't want to sit, don't want to sleep, eat, go for a walk, sing Kumbya, any of that shit! Tell me now! Where is Gren and WHY are you all here? And DON'T tell me its because of Malcom! Fucker looks pretty relaxed over there!"
There was no point in making a bigger issue then it was already. Carla would not budge; John came to a conclusion and decided he had no choice. He grabbed her hands and held them tightly in his. All he could picture was this little girl with curly auburn hair, her two front teeth missing, sun kissed freckles and capability to see nothing but beauty in this world. Her enthusiasm to be with him and the office; learn about the world she knew so little of. Take such an interest in the world, the Fables and why things happened when they did. He tried to hold back his tears; she was not that curly haired little girl anymore. He was holding the hands of a woman now.
"Carla. I need you to listen to me very carefully and answer my questions with nothing but the truth. Please. Have you and Gren...have you two...fuck, man. I don't want to ask my daughter this! Sheriff!"
"Have you two had sex, Carla?"
"Daddy, please-"
"Carla. Have you?"
Carla could only nod; her father's grasp releasing and he was soon walking in circles, holding his head in his hands. Carla thought for sure this was the reason why Gren was not here; the sheriff and her father must have said something to him.
"It makes sense now," continued John, still pacing in the lounge. "The sickness, your smell changing. I didn't want to...didn't-"
"My smell? What are you talking about, dad? Sheriff?"
"I hate asking you this, Carla. But have you had a period yet? Since you and Gren..."
Carla had to sit. She was late; she assumed the stress and heat had gotten to her. She took a seat and began crying. 'Fuck,' she thought. 'No! No! She couldn't be...they were so careful If the Council found out....' Carla broke into tears; she couldn't hold the emotions back any longer. John rushed to her side and wrapped his arms around his distressed daughter. Everyone in the Pudding and Pie was silent; they didn't know what to say.
"We have no idea where Gren is," continued John. "We, we asked him the same questions and when he placed it all together, he took off. The sheriff and I went after him but we lost his scent two hours ago. We have no idea where he went to, Carla. Or, if he's coming back..."
The room was rotating so quickly; she had the sensation to run; run away and hide from the world. Her mind was heavy, she needed to lay down, to wake up from this horrible dream. Carla suddenly passed out in John's arms; Bigby yelling for Georgie to call Swineheart. She was conscience though and could slightly hear her father's panicked voice; she could hear Lyla, Georgie talking to the doctor, Bigby frantically looking for a pillow.
All Carla wanted was to wake up; to find out this was a dream. A sick, horrible dream. To continue the day like nothing happened. Return to her job at the office; walk in the sun, go to the park.
All she wanted was Gren.
Thanks so much for not just for reading but leaving a comment this had be the most worried I ever was posting a chapter as I upped the violence/bad language and added characters from other stories etc. But I'm just delighted you enjoyed it thanks I'm a big fan of your intelligent writing so I'm honored.
I've been kind of hoping someone would do a story that brought in characters from other stories, so I'm pleased you did that! The language and violence cam across as believable, given the situation. Are you glad you decided to have a go at writing your own Fable?
Thanks! ^^ Also, I have a question.
Is the story paced alright? I have a feeling I'm always going too quick.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Thanks bro you always comment on all my story's your just awesome and very talented I can't tell you how much I appreciate it but here's a gif lol ^
That's beautiful.
I really hope you have a plan for this, Pudding. I trust you. So much must be in his head; never has anyone taken an interest, loved him the way she does. Now, this. Can't wait to read more. I'm a huge fan of Carla and Gren
Nuff' said.
Great work and can't wait for more.
Chapter 2
Again, thanks for pudding_pie for allowing me the gift of using Henry. Thanks, dude!
I walked outside, still holding Woody's picture. I liked him; had nothing bad or negative to say about him. Last time I saw him, however, he looked terrible. Rumor has it he and the Sheriff got into it again. Uh, the Sheriff. What a waste. I couldn't stand Bigby.
I climbed the walls, jumped onto the roof and was soon off into the night. I jumped from top to top, nearly gliding in the air. The city below looked so tiny, so harmless. Soon, I thought. You would be nothing more than a distant memory.
I jumped down and found myself at the Trip Trap's entrance. I knocked three times; the door was locked tight. I heard rustling behind the door; a deep, voice spoke, while another laughed.
When it opened, there he stood-Gren. I had nothing with him, except the time he and I exchanged some words a few months back. Let's just saw, Beowulf was not the only one that tore off his arm. It was weird seeing it back on, however. Freakin' Swineheart. Has to fucking save us all.
"Heeeeeeeeeeey, bat boy," he said, punching my arm. "What...what are you doing here?"
I peered in. Woody saw me; he was trying to hide behind the pool table.
"Now...I know you are just a wee baby but inside and have a drink with you ol' pal, Grendel. Eh?"
He was so wasted; I could smell the alcohol clearly stained in his mouth.
"I just...ugh! Stop touching me! I just need to talk to Woody..."
I was geeting annoyed with this drunk, so I simply pushed him. He fell to the ground and erupted in a laughing fit. I rolled my eyes and continued towards Woody; he was backed into the wall, hands up.
"Please," he begged me. "I'm, I'm sorry about the money, kid. Tell Georgie he will get it on Friday, okay? Please!"
"Well, you see. He's TRIED letting this slide for awhile, woody. You own Georgie $300 dollars, plus, an extra $150 for the late fees."
"Yeesh, Woody. That is some expensive pussy you are paying for..."
I walked back over to Gren and kicked him in the chin. I swore he lifted off the ground for a second.
"Oh shut up, Gren. Not now...."
Woody was petrified; I felt so bad for the guy.
"Look, do you have SOME of the money you owe?"
"Look, kid! Times are tough right now! I ain't got it..."
I took crowd control and swung it around in my hand. His eyes were focused of the twirling object. I began smashing the stools, breaking every single one. The bartender, Holly, appeared from the back. She was surprised to see me there and Gren, still drunk as fuck, passed out on the floor. Those poor stools; sacrificing themselves, so can get a point across. In loving memory, I thought, saluting the broken shards. We salute you.
"Fuck, Max," screamed Holly. "What is it with you making this a place of business for you, huh?"
"Relax sweetie," I said, holding up my hand.
'God, you're hot,' I thought to myself, looking at Holly. 'Mmm. Yeah, your a troll but who the fuck cared? Vampires are NOT picky?
"Look, Woody. I'm giving you until Friday. You don't have the money, then I will return for your head and serve it to Geaorgie with a side dish of cranberries and apple sauce. Sound fair?"
All the guy could do was shake; freakin' kidding me? I blew Holly a kiss, kicked Gren one last time and left the bar.
I managed to get back to the club just in time. Georgie was in his random mood; I found him dancing with a broom, Hans not sure what to do. Henry, his bartender, looked annoyed.
"How long has he been dancing with the broom," I asked. "She have a name?"
Henry chuckled.
"Eh, 'bout ten minutes now. You get the cash?"
"Nah. He said by Friday, So that give him 24 hours to get it. Seems like Georgie won't be askin' for it..."
"He's an idiot sometimes, bat."
I laughed an grabbed a can of soda from the bar. Georgie continued dancing with the broom.
"You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record baby...."
The hell? Oh that poor broom...
For now, this is all I wanted to worry about; who would explain to Georgie the mess and why he was dancing with a broom.
I'd leave that to Henry.
Max be kicking ass.
Good read! Looking forward to more of it. ^^
The hell? XD Georgie dancing with the broom was pricless.
'In memory of the broken stools that gave their lives. We salute you!'
This is good, dude. Keep it up. And no problem about Henry.
Violence violence and more violence.
Chapter 7 Fight Club Part 3
Draco and Gillian took their fighting stances and began to circle each other, and then the crowd cheered louder waiting for the two to make a move. Draco moved in and landed a punch on Gillian's jaw barely hurting him, but there was signs of bleeding. Gillian wiped his mouth and grinned. He grabbed Draco and slammed him to the ground with his fearsome strength. Draco tried to go for Gillain's legs but is kicked away by him.
Gillian leaps into the air towards the downed Draco and misses him. He turns around and catches Draco's attempted punch and headbutts him. His face is then covered in blood as he falls back. He shakes it off and continues to go for Gillian.
Gillian: I admire your determination dragon, but you are going to have to hit harder than that....
Talia: Without turning into a dragon!
Draco thought to himself how in the world was going to defeat this brute, he was much faster and stronger than him. He couldn't even turn into a dragon and end this soon as possible without endangering his friend life. He kept fighting with all his will and strength and threw everything he had at Gillian, but Gillian's sheer power and endurance outmatched it.
Draco switched up his tactics following punches and strong kicks. Gillian countered one of his attacks and grab Draco in mid-air and slammed him to the ground again breaking one of his ribs. Draco coughs up blood, then rolls over onto and stand up on one knee and breathes heavily.
Gillian: It's getting closer to that time dragon... Seems that you are not as strong as you appeared to be. Let me put you out of your misery....
Gillian charged at Draco preparing to deliver one final blow but suddenly, a flame in Draco chest ignited. His eyes glowed,he stood up and charged towards Gillian and delivered a devastating kick to Gillian's skull causing him to fall back in unimaginable pain...
As Gillian fell he had a flashback from his past:
Gillian: This feeling, this strange and powerful feeling... I remember now.... When I fought him.. This is the exact same feeling I felt we I lost to him.. This strong just like him.. Just like---
Gillian crashes to the ground unconscious and covered in blood. The crowd goes silent and gaze upon the victorious Draco in terror. Talia gets up out of her chair and is shocked that see defeated Gillian. She clench her fist and said " Not bad handsome, you defeated our champion, however that's not enough.. Oh booys! "
Suddenly a group of people surround the cage ring and began to enter glaring at Draco.
Talia: You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?
Draco: You know, for a second there, yeah i kinda did...
Talia: Silly dragon, tricks are for kids...
Draco: And what does that make you?
Talia: The bitch with a army. NOW KILL HIM!
The group of people began to approach the injured Draco, but suddenly...
Wolven: A fight club, and I wasn't invited?
Draco: Wolven?!
Wolven: Hang in there kid, backup has arrived.
Talia leaps towards Wolven trying to drain his life force with her succubus abilities, but he throws her off of him and transform into his wolf and says "Now it's a FIGHT!"
To be continued.
Action and violence from start to finish you know what I like master just superb
The bitch with a army. NOW KILL HIM! so epic :')
It has a moderately fast pace generally, however I wouldn't say it's necessarily detrimental to the story. If anything, the tempo gives it an urgency that fits with the search for answers. Scenes can often be added to it in writing, though that may come across as filler.
This is just my opinion though, and perhaps the way you naturally pace things is fast - great writing isn't always intrinsically linked to the pace of the story.
Besides, if you're enjoying the way you do it, then go with it. Having fun with it is important
I imagine you just have a storage room full of gifs for every single plausible occasion. XD
Alright, thanks for the feedback! Appreciate it.
But to be fair don't just comment to use a gif lol but leave a comment and use the gif to visually enhance the point I'm making.
Aww, dude, thanks! Billy Murray, too! I have no gif for this situation - actually I don't have any at all, which I should probably do something about - but I feel the same about your work and skill, and I really mean that. XD
Chapter 21
'I want arms that know how to rock me safe in the arms of love. I wanna fall and know that love has caught me safe in the arms of love.'
Carla could see him standing before her, his arms reached out. His grin was hypnotizing her, like a moth to a flame. The wind around them picked up; the hair flowing carelessly through his hair invading her nose. She swore he was there; it was clear as day. Carla inhaled and took in the moment. He continued to stand perfectly still, arms still reaching towards her.
She suddenly heard the rustle and chatter of people surrounding her. The voices sounded familiar; she could make her father's voice, while the other man speaking sounded similar to Swineheart. As she turned back, Gren was gone; the sky above turned a dark gray and the rain came. She peered down and saw an enormous belly. Carla began to panic, as she witnessed Nate, Malcom and Sam surrounding her.
"Give us the child," all three hissed. "Hand us the monster..."
Carla stood up, her piercing screams filling the room. Everyone stopped and soon, her sisters were by her said. Lyla collected Carla in her arms and held her tight. Swineheart sat beside Carla, checking her arm with a stethoscope. He carefully listened to her vital signs, her every heart beat.
"Gren..." whispered Carla. "Where, where is Gren?"
"You need to relax, Carla," demanded Swineheart, as he moved the item up her arm. "I'm having a difficult time getting an accurate sign." It was cold against her flesh; she felt uncomfortable sitting there in silence. John and Bigby entered the room. John rushed to Carla's side when he noticed his daughter's eyes open.
"Oh, my Carla," he said, as he continually kissed her head. "My dear, sweet Carla. You're alright..."
"So, is she doctor," asked Bigby.
Swineheart nodded; everyone in the room seem to have hung their heads. Carla was not sure if in shame or concern; this was not going to go over easily with the Council. Someday, they would find out. She glanced over and saw her mother and Snow frantically reading through several large books. Snow scanned the chapter with her finger, while Nancy flipped through the pages.
"Carla, you are indeed pregnant, dear," replied Swineheart, placing the stethoscope back into his bag. "You are almost a month into the pregnancy. So far, everything appears to be normal and the fetus is very healthy."
Carla grabbed his arm. Swineheart instantly stopped and looked into Carla's eyes. Her troubled look concerned him.
"Swineheart," pleaded Carla, tears streaming down her face. "Is baby..."
"Yes, Carla," spoke Swineheart. "The baby you are carrying is no doubt a Fable; a Grendel. Your uterus is encased in a cocoon like substance that protects the baby from accidentally injuring the mother while it grows and moves inside. Around six months, your abdomen will harden and it will be difficult for you to walk or sleep. This is simply the baby moving down and adjusting to the ever growing sac it lives in. As we get closer to the delivery, the cocoon will soften up, allowing a more relaxed feeling."
"A cocoon," Carla asked confused.
"Yes, Grendel babies do this; it's normal, so no worries. It softening up will also make the delivery a little bit easier on the two of you; the spongy material will help numb the pain, like an epidural does to mundies."
Carla tried to grasp the idea of carrying a Grendel baby. She knew this was playing Russian Roulette; all but one chamber had the bullet. Carla prayed she didn't get that bullet. She clung onto her stomach. Gren....
"Where is Gren," Carla asked again. "Did he ever come back?"
Bigby's face said enough; she didn't need an answer.
"We tried calling his apartment, Carla," uttered Lyla. "We called three time and nothing. Dad and Bigby stopped by and still nothing."
This was not making sense to Carla. Gren did not have the mentality to do something like this; he could be an ass, yes but even this extreme behavior was not in his character. She sadly expected Georgie to do this; for fucking sake, the god damn pmip stuck around for her sister. Why couldn't her Grendel?
"I found something that might explain this strange behavior," yelled Snow.
Carla instantly ran from the bed to Snow's side. She held her finger on the chapter listed "Mating and reproduction."
"The chapter states when Grendel's are to become parents, the father will disappear for days, weeks, even months before the birth of the baby."
It was bitter sweet to Carla; Gren didn't just leave but her main concern was still this: Where did he go and for how long would he be gone?
Snow continued.
"While the mother stays away and takes care of the unborn child, the father will venture to a local wooded area and look for shelter and a possible location for the birthing."
"Adirondack Park," whispered Carla. "He...he went there to find a spot so I can give birth to the baby."
"Bullshit," screamed John. "HE took off and didn't look back once! Does that sound like a man taking responsibility of a child?"
"He's doing what comes naturally to him, daddy," shrieked Carla. "You don't know him like I do. He wouldn't leave..."
"Well, when your mother was pregnant, I didn't RUN off to the fucking woods looking for a cave! This makes no sense to me at all!"
Everyone's attention was directed at Snow. She still held the book, trying to give Carla the answers. Although she was worried and concerned for the girl, she deserved answers; she needed to understand his world.
"John, I can't sit by and watch you do this to her," Snow informed, looking at John. "YOU of all people should know what she is going through; what Lyla had to do. These girls NEED you to be on their side, despite how you feel. I know you are worried; we all are, John! But you pushing them like this, causing stress, is not what needs to be done. So, please."
John glanced at his wife. Nancy was trying to smile; she knew all too well what Carla was dealing with. A mundy pregnant by either Folker or Fable was never easy; she, however, had a Grendel inside. Those, sadly, rarely went smoothly for a mundy mother.
Snow read on.
"The Grendel father will look for a bubbling Mere; he would prefer the mother to give birth here. Grendels usually live in the water and the caressing motion and feel of the water will not only calm the baby but help heal the other."
Carla was actually pleased with the answer. Although her heart was broken, he knew this what he had to do.
"I have to find him," announced John, grabbing his keys. "I have to go find him and bring him back here! How dare he just leave! Warn us next time!"
"You can't do that," said Swinheart. "You can't just find him and expect Grendel to come back. He's doing what his kind has done for hundreds of years. This is a waiting game now; all we can do now is focus on Carla, her well being and the health of the baby. When Gren has completed what needs to be done, he will return to her..."
He gathered his bag and headed out the door. Before he left, he grabbed John's shoulder. He could feel the tension in the alpha's arm.
"Relax, John," whispered Swineheart. "I'll tell you what I've told Bigby for years; some things are out of your control. I've seen this before; trust me, he will be back. Right now, you need to focus on Carla and SUPPORT her. You know about mundies and Grendel babies..."
John didn't want to think about it. The horrible thought of him burying his daughter because her body couldn't handle the trauma, handle the beast growing inside her. His mind also found its way back to the Council; what would he do and how would he handle it? Secrets stay hidden for so long. Malcom was still in the club. Could he trust him?
Swineheart left. He would be back in three weeks for a checkup. He wanted to routinely do so, in case something changed.
John found Carla starring out the window; she was starring in the direction of the park. Her heart was heavy. All she wanted was Gren; to be by her side and take the steps with him. She was terrified. Not because of his absence but what was growing inside. She had heard stories, witnessed it herself. Bufkin warned her that day in the office; most mundies rarely made it out alive carrying such beasts full term.
"The Council," asked Carla. "What about them? The rule is in place but that never stopped them. No matter how many times you burn the records, people's memories stay the same. They will make it a point to 'visit', especially Decimus."
"We will deal with all of that," said John, as he kissed her forehead. "For now, worry about the sesame seed growing in here."
Carla was proud of her father; he was trying so hard to forgive, to move on, to understand. He, along with her mother and sisters, each placed a hand on her stomach.
That night, Carla couldn't sleep; her mind was focused simply on Gren and his whereabouts in the forest. She wanted to have him there tonight; to hold her near his beating heart, to have his scent wrapped around her skin, his tender touch brush against her cheek. All she wanted was his true form taking her in his arms; be with the Fable she knew and loved, no matter what. Carla looked out the window again; she was tempted to leave herself and search for Gren. But the words of the doctor stuck to her like glue; focus on the health of the baby.
She would not be a stereotypical mundy; she had the strength and agility like a wolf. Although she was a mundy like her mother, the blood of an alpha swam in her veins, coated her heart with strength and mind with courage. Carla was determined to fight any battle that came her way.
She still felt so small looking out the window. The city below carried on, not knowing on the second floor, a young mundy woman would be dealing with so much. She smiled, however and held her hands on each side. Carla looked down at her stomach and touched it gently with her right.
"I love you already," she whispered to her belly. "I hope you know how much you are loved. Promise me you will give faith a fighting chance, like I did. Like your daddy did...never take a single day for granted. I hope you never have to fear life; take the path you want and live. Take chances, sweet baby. Love is worth it; do not let one heart break make you bitter. I hope you are like your daddy, sweetie-loving, strong and proud."
Carla began signing softly.
"Hush, little baby. Rock-a-bye and goodnight.
Sleep little baby, know everything is alright.
When you wake, you will know that you have,
the continuing love from your mom and dad.
Hush my baby, rock-a-bye and sleep,
do not worry; do not fear that you are beast.
Because your mommy took a chance, she was able
To fall in love with your daddy, who is a Grendel and Fable."
Carla closed her eyes and simply dreamed.
Dreamed of a new world, of a new life. Of the adventure that was in front of her.
Dreamed of Gren.
I applaud you you, good sir. Loving the fight scenes. claps
Can't wait to read more!
Oh my god...the last few sentences with Carla and the baby....Talk about needing a moment, dude! Sheesh!
This was very sweet and can't wait to read more. The idea of the whole cocoon thing was brilliant and different since we have NO idea about grendels. The picture is adorable, by the way. Good job, georgie. More, please!