The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2014

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    I feel so bad for you poor woodbury :'(. Wow your so brave to share that respect

    Okay, I'll do it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I trust you guys. SO, I was 13. I still hadn't gotten my period yet, but all of my fri

  • edited June 2014

    WTF?! why would he??! lol I would have gone around school saying I walked in on him while he was In the bathroom and told everyone he was only 1 inch. im dead serious I would have done that.

    but, if your friends are your age, I think they should understand. I know some girls in my school that that has happened to them and I don't really... laugh or anything or think its funny. And I sure as hell don't tell anyone else.

    well that's #1 on the worst day of my life list. for sure.

    The thing is though, my mom told my stupid ass brother about it and he ended up telling the majority of my friends. So now all my friends know about it. It was a really fucked up thing for him to do. >.<

  • There were boys in the class too x_x

    I still don't know why they laughed, but they did. =(

    thats mean. my friends comforted me and no one laughed. especially there age, if most people there were around your age at the time, then I

  • Why, thank you. I think you're a good guy too, Azlyn.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Again, i don't see how that would work. Plus, i think Syracuse is a good guy.

  • So I just read a customer review on the walking dead and this review rated the games 2\5 with the reason being why would you make a walking dead game without daryl? guys we need to find this person and take care of him if you know what I mean :p

  • Yeah I know how that feels... a majority of my class was guys and I didn't know it had happened to me until I got to the hall way... O_O So a lot of guys saw.... but I don't remember anyone laughing at me. but wats the worst thing is that that hallway was FULL OF PEOPLE that I don't know and that I do know, so its like, wired. and before i didn't think it could get any worse, I had to walk a crap load because the school is huge and when I finally got to a bathroom, it was locked. AND THE ONLY OTHER BATHROOM WAS ALL THE WAY IN THE OTHER BUILDING ON THE OPPISITE SIDE.

    There were boys in the class too x_x I still don't know why they laughed, but they did. =(

  • My brother is just a dick x_x

    He's always finding ways to ruin my life.

    WTF?! why would he??! lol I would have gone around school saying I walked in on him while he was In the bathroom and told everyone he was on

  • Yes! You tie him down, I'll do the dirty work. Since I'm in a semi-good mood right now, I'll let you decide what tools I get to use on him.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    So I just read a customer review on the walking dead and this review rated the games 2\5 with the reason being why would you make a walking dead game without daryl? guys we need to find this person and take care of him if you know what I mean

  • Goodnight, everybody!

    Talos guide you.

  • Who the hell is downvoting all the comments?? >:(

    Okay, I'll do it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I trust you guys. SO, I was 13. I still hadn't gotten my period yet, but all of my fri

  • Then ruin his... :3 just find ways to embarrass him.

    My brother is just a dick x_x He's always finding ways to ruin my life.

  • edited June 2014

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    Just came back and realised I used the wrong gif. I used the one I used on my last comment on different thread. copy and paste didn't work and used the picture I copied last time by accident. I feel like such an assh*** talk about bad time to use wrong gif I'm so sorry :(

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I feel so bad for you poor woodbury . Wow your so brave to share that respect

  • down vote trolls. typical.

    Who the hell is downvoting all the comments?? >:(

  • what do you reckon something along the lines of this yea?

    Rigtail posted: »

    Yes! You tie him down, I'll do the dirty work. Since I'm in a semi-good mood right now, I'll let you decide what tools I get to use on him.

  • Exactly what I had in mind, but with a little more of my creativity added in. We're gonna make him wish he'd die.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    what do you reckon something along the lines of this yea?

  • Lmfaoo you lying put the link up i wanna role on the floor laughing my ass of.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    So I just read a customer review on the walking dead and this review rated the games 2\5 with the reason being why would you make a walking dead game without daryl? guys we need to find this person and take care of him if you know what I mean

  • I do, trust me. xD I told his girlfriend pretty much every single embarrassing thing that happened to him.

    Then ruin his... just find ways to embarrass him.

  • Lol don't worry about it man. =P

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Just came back and realised I used the wrong gif. I used the one I used on my last comment on different thread. copy and paste didn't work a

  • Where you live bro its like 6:40

    Azlyn posted: »

    Goodnight, everybody! Talos guide you.

  • It just goes to show that embarrassing shit can happen to anyone D:

    Twistee posted: »

    Wow, that's horrible. ;(

  • edited December 2014

    Damn. That sucks.

    Okay, I'll do it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I trust you guys. SO, I was 13. I still hadn't gotten my period yet, but all of my fri

  • i don't want to live on this planet anymore...

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    So I just read a customer review on the walking dead and this review rated the games 2\5 with the reason being why would you make a walking dead game without daryl? guys we need to find this person and take care of him if you know what I mean

  • I think she lives in Romania, which is somewhere in Europe, so over there it's probably like 10-12 p.m I'm guessing.

    Where you live bro its like 6:40

  • One time, I saw a cow. It was a pretty cool cow. We hang out a lot now.

  • I don't have the link cause me and my friend were looking at it on his phone but I will try to find it and screen shot it

    Lmfaoo you lying put the link up i wanna role on the floor laughing my ass of.


    Sometimes when I'm really depressed I want to cry a bit, but I can't. I try to force myself but it doesn't work. So, instead I go to Youtube and search up Lee's death and I just watch it and it makes me cry.

    I'm really considering naming my first daughter Clementine.

  • ........You were sad cuz you never had your period?

    Okay, I'll do it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I trust you guys. SO, I was 13. I still hadn't gotten my period yet, but all of my fri

  • Its still pretty early i guess.

    I think she lives in Romania, which is somewhere in Europe, so over there it's probably like 10-12 p.m I'm guessing.

  • Lmfao is it on metacritic or something like that?

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    I don't have the link cause me and my friend were looking at it on his phone but I will try to find it and screen shot it

  • That's what I'm thinking! I would have looooved to have gotten in later than I did.

    ........You were sad cuz you never had your period?

  • @Welcome_To_Woodbury

    How can you and Noncy date in the story? Isn't your character 17? And Noncy's character is an adult... Maybe 28 years old? That would be pretty weird xD

  • I want to name my daughter Clementine too! :o

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    EXTRA SECRETS: Sometimes when I'm really depressed I want to cry a bit, but I can't. I try to force myself but it doesn't work. So, inste

  • edited June 2014

    I wasn't all that sad because I thought I wasn't going to be able to have kids, I was sad because it was something my friends talked about ALL THE TIME. Like, constantly. That, and boys. I could talk to them about boys and stuff, but never about that, because I didn't have it yet. I guess I just wanted to fit in, lol.

    Damn. That sucks.


    One time, I saw a cow. It was a pretty cool cow. We hang out a lot now.

  • edited June 2014

    it was on the app store and I found it well it was 3/5 still wtf

    Alt text

    Lmfao is it on metacritic or something like that?

  • I don't know why i do it to myself but i look up lees death and start crying, and i do it over and over and over and it like.. relives me or something i guess.

    i like the name clementine, if you want you should do it.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    EXTRA SECRETS: Sometimes when I'm really depressed I want to cry a bit, but I can't. I try to force myself but it doesn't work. So, inste

  • My best friend knows a girl who didn't get her first one til she was like 16.

    That's what I'm thinking! I would have looooved to have gotten in later than I did.

  • No BS i thought the same shit too i was like if i ever have a daughter ill name her Clem lmffaooo watch i bet mad people thought the same shit watch there be a bunch of Clementines in the world.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    EXTRA SECRETS: Sometimes when I'm really depressed I want to cry a bit, but I can't. I try to force myself but it doesn't work. So, inste

  • edited June 2014

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    Good Night Azlyn may the gods guide your blades(GOW Quote)

    Azlyn posted: »

    Goodnight, everybody! Talos guide you.

  • Hey, it's the apocalypse. Anything can happen.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury How can you and Noncy date in the story? Isn't your character 17? And Noncy's character is an adult... Maybe 28 years old? That would be pretty weird xD

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