He's Mexican? I thought he was white based on his gravatar. Then again this is coming from the girl who thought you were Asian, so I shouldn't even try to guess anymore lol
nah mine is pretty bad it can only be found on my older youtube where me and a friend of mine did commentaries it was from like 2 years ago or something
NOOO ! that's why I didn't want you to post it !!! xD people think someone's watching porn! its my mom watching a prank. im dead serious, and the people speak a different language.
NOOO ! that's why I didn't want you to post it !!! xD people think someone's watching porn! its my mom watching a prank. im dead serious, and the people speak a different language.
And Rachelle, im not cute.
I NEW IT! no really, I knew it. From your E3 trailer...
It is known.
Justin Bieber IS MILEY CYRUS
I bet you sound like a slut.
You sound Mexican ^_^
NOBODY look up what I look like.... dont do it.
really? I thought he sounded Russian with some of his words...
Awww... can't I? v_v
Well, he is Mexican, so it makes sense.
He's just white as hell.
wait.. you don't know what I sound like already?
It's nowhere near as bad as my voice.
NONCY wtf xD
Whaaaaaat, I'm just being honest.
TWDFan lied ;-;
Of course I'm Mexican!
You don't sound like Darth Vader at all wtf
He's Mexican? I thought he was white based on his gravatar. Then again this is coming from the girl who thought you were Asian, so I shouldn't even try to guess anymore lol
nah mine is pretty bad it can only be found on my older youtube where me and a friend of mine did commentaries it was from like 2 years ago or something
You spanish?
Why were you watching porn at 1:25? xD
-_ -
Aw so cute why are you so shy this is good
I live in Chicago, ok? >.>
Well I live in Canada and I'm still pretty dark.
Your argument is invalid.
NOOO ! that's why I didn't want you to post it !!! xD people think someone's watching porn! its my mom watching a prank. im dead serious, and the people speak a different language.
And Rachelle, im not cute.
Do you speak Spanish? You don't, right?
how old do I sound to you?! be dead serious, don't like to me.
Cute x 100000
Si Señor.
Enough to have like a 2 minute conversation with someone, but not really.
I know how to count to 100 in Spanish, and one dirty word!
Ummmm.... 16-17.
How old are you?
Can't believe I haven't seen this thread before. So this works by me saying something random or relevant?
Ah well, I love poutine.
How old do you think I am?!
Nice thought you was white then again the same shit happens to me people think im white until they hear the accent lmfao.
Dang, spoiler alert.