Cool. 2 of my teacher have asked my how old I was, and when I told tem they said I was lying. they say I look years older than what I really am. And I sound like a grown woman. I can tell you how many tmes people have pointed that out...
And I don't think like ANYONE my age in my school.
Cool. 2 of my teacher have asked my how old I was, and when I told tem they said I was lying. they say I look years older than what I real… morely am. And I sound like a grown woman. I can tell you how many tmes people have pointed that out...
And I don't think like ANYONE my age in my school.
Im not cute. Im fun size.
Just got to that part THAT NOISE xD!! but it's good video
Now I want poutine.
my dad just brought ribs home. they smell so good but its a shame im not hungry. I WANT TO EAT THEM SO BAD!
Kieta el stupido elephante.
Poutine's the best.
I don't know, maybe.
I'm right, aren't I? xD
God what is that?
Your a fun cutie
She knows she is, she's just acting dumb
pfftt I don't know, look it up on wiki.
i knooowwww. its not what you think it I!!! I promise.
How old do you think I am? You probably already know.
No I'm not. -_-
I'm only two years older than you. =P
You'll only find it in Canada, and some parts of the U.S. It's fries covered in gravy and cheese curds. It's great.
So funny I believe you it's funny in a good way I don't know xD
Yup. You're 16? o.o You look like 18 in your gravatar
Cool. 2 of my teacher have asked my how old I was, and when I told tem they said I was lying.
they say I look years older than what I really am. And I sound like a grown woman. I can tell you how many tmes people have pointed that out...
And I don't think like ANYONE my age in my school.
Yeah, I'm 16. shhhhh don't tell anyone.
ummm 15?
ok guys serious question here which one of these should I use for my youtube banner?
this is the one I currently have
or should I use this one
Whenever people hear me on the phone, they think I'm my mom.
You need CLEM in every TWD banner I'm not really fan of the second one Kenny seems stretched or something just for me 100% the first one
This changes everything
I thought she was like 16 from her gravatar. I was right.
How so? >:(
I like the first one but the positioning makes it look like Kenny's gonna pop a cap in Clem.
Hmmmm you just gave my fat ass an idea.
It's the word I know!