yea my friend who helped make these purposely stretched kenny just to see what it looked like I actually think it looks pretty funny but yea the first one is the one I am currently using no jk, they don't. People know the different between me and my mom. you can here my moms voice in the video I think, im ganna look or the time she talks.
HAHAHA that's a bit to evil even for me she had the courage to share that don't mock her even though I like the idea it's funny but I think this is to much tbh
HAHAHA that's a bit to evil even for me she had the courage to share that don't mock her even though I like the idea it's funny but I think this is to much tbh
Now I can joke around more with you xD Because last time I talked to an 18 year old, they took my jokes very seriously.
The first one for sure.
yea my friend who helped make these purposely stretched kenny just to see what it looked like I actually think it looks pretty funny but yea the first one is the one I am currently using
Good luck on your journey young Its_That_Guy.
Hey guys, I'll be back on later. I'm not dead
They think I'm my dad. no jk, they don't. People know the different between me and my mom. you can here my moms voice in the video I think, im ganna look or the time she talks.
she talks at 2:15
Pssh, I'm not a very serious person anyway.
Oh, you're not dead.... Cancel the funeral everyone!
Thank you Master Dojo.
You're welcome

And to think we were just about to get the chips and balloons...
jk c:
im not dumb. >:/
CLUKE is dumb!
You spanish?
Dammit, jk cx
......... >=(
Yeah, now TWDFan and I are going to take Woodbury away from you xD
Oh God this picture just reminded me of a horrible experience.
You missed my embarrassing secret.
nah im good...
Poutine's better... No offence to ribs or anything... if they're pork ribs, then they should take offence.
I got him.
Okay, I'll do it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I trust you guys.
SO, I was 13. I met WhatTheDuck and I died. The end.
you still suck
You got your period TDM?
oh no. he knows! O_O
You don't trust TWDFan?
Ribs, Fries, and Wings.
HAHAHA that's a bit to evil even for me she had the courage to share that don't mock her even though I like the idea it's funny but I think this is to much tbh
Then wth am i gonna do with the coffin.
Fries, Gravy, Cheese Curds and you can put any type of meat on it.
xD lmfo
Tackles Woodbury even though she's on the ground
Changed it >.>
Thank you Mark. FFS.
I would have died bro.
ok.. you beat me at gravy.
Maybe someone else will die spontaneously of a heart attack. Or you could use it as a coffee table for now. Tell guests it's not a coffin.
My bad Woodbury ill take it down didnt mean to.