Kenny is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol when he said urban i laughed so hard seiously he is like super cool xD
Like LIKE if god had a mustache!!
He has a pwoerful stache lol he should have used his stache to kill carver instead of a crowbar!!!!
He should have used a boat!!!!!!
Get it, boat?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do u guyz also like keny?
Like if u don't ur wrong an if u like lily no offense but ur probs stupid and maybe even evil jus kidding but seriously no thing can comapre to stache!!!!!!!!!!
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Kenny fanboys doesn't talk like that, the "powerful stache" thing is a joke.
Stop being so mad because there are people who likes Kenny too.
wut don't u like kenny??
............... WTF
ikrrrr he so cool
wut u mean everyone likes keny
I think if some1 doesn't we should dislike them and refuse to respons to his points even if they are logical
Let's be honest here, the stache is more powerful than logic and reason anyway rite?
Haha kenny is so well liked he's even turned into a fable in wolf among us!!! xD
I think he shoudl be very very hard to kill on it because we all know him and like him and the more liked and known a fable is, the harder they are to kill!!
To be fair he also survives loads in TWD game too so maybees he's a fab;le in this game too!
i will make a theory thread about it u guyz shud tell me what u think about it
... I hate boats
Kenny: Why you make me cry MrLee
He toughed Clems hat SORRY HAT TO SAY THAT do you need a hug?
Why have you turned hyper all of a sudden?
no keny loves boats and urbans lol
He's trying to troll the people who likes Kenny, as well as trying to be a fun guy.
o no but Clem';s hat is cursed :OOOOO ((((((((((((((((((((
Yeah give me a hug bro!!!!!!! xD
cause i have been enlightened that keny is super cool
Good god Flog did you get hacked or something? xD
no i just stopped being stupid a started liking kenny like a clevver person xD
Yeah, he/she used to be... I dunno... normal. I think he/she got hacked.
more like 'fan guy' because i am a keny fan xD
do u get my joke
The curse VS The BEARD
ur hakked
He's just being ironic, it's on his profile.
You're not stupid for not liking Kenny.
Well Kenny is a badass anyway.
clash of titans
lol its spelt profil* silly urbans
More than some others on the forum could say, such as the person who recently said all Lilly fans are unintelligent.
Pretending to like Kenny is just easier, more people agree with me if I do and no-one personally insults me, as they have, for not liking some of what Kenny does.
Nope you just love his beard
Evil voice: Like you all
he iz, tru that
You are pathetic, what are you trying to prove here? That Kenny fans are stupid? Well guess what, you made a fool out of yourself.
The person who said that must an idiot or something. "loludunlikekenurgay"
The lowest form of stupid.
no they aren't stupid they are cool
leave kenny fans alone
I'm trying to prove that I get fewer people having a go with my view themselves and insulting me personally for said view if I pretend to like Kenny.
Some don't like the thread; that is fine - it's just a bit of silliness. But they are fine with the views expressed far more than if I were to start a thread saying lilly is cool on which they would all say 'omg you like lilly, a murderer? You must be really fucking dumb.' or other such fun comments..
What can I say; it's a gift.
i knowright top kek
caling people pathetic is the toppest of kek
Also it's spelled 'prove' x
i'm drinking keny's boat