Forum Contest Suggestion Thread
Hello everyone, I'm ShaleReeve. As many of you know, I post forum contests that involve you guys and keep it up for about 2-3 days until I announce the winners. Well, I'm not gonna lie, I'm running out of ideas. There's just so many different things you can do with these forum contests. So, I'm asking you guys to help me out. You guys can suggest any idea I can make a forum contest out of. If your idea is good enough to make a forum contest, I will use it and credit you in that contest.
Also, mods, can you please keep it in the Walking Dead section for a while so at least a lot of people see it? No one really goes to check on the games section, so if it's moved there right away, I won't get any suggestions. Thank you.
-It must involve the forum members, not a walking dead contest. I am aware that someone else has started walking dead contests, but even before those started my contests were still specifically about the forum members.
-No popularity contests. I have done one in the past, and the feedback I received made me think about it. I understand now that many people get upset in those types of things, and since these contests are meant to be fun for everyone, popularity contests will not be allowed.
-It has to be something that I already know. (For example, it can't be guess everyone's names, because then I would have to contact the ENTIRE forum for their names).
-It cannot repeat the contests I have already done. Since I have lost the links, I will just give a brief description of each one.
1- Name as much forum members as you can.
2- Name your favorite forum members (popularity contest, not allowed!)
3- Estimate when each forum member joined the forums.
4- Estimate how much likes each forum member has.
5- Guess the forum members' gravatars/profile pictures.
6- Unscramble the scrambled usernames.
7- Repeat of #1, which I regret.
8- Fill in the missing spaces of usernames.
9- Forum user word search
10-Elimination game with forum members.
11-Sequel to #10
12-Walking Dead art contest
That's about it. As long as you guys follow the requirements, I will gladly accept any suggestions. Of course, this is optional and you don't have you suggest, but if you have any good ideas for a forum user contest, please let me know here. Thanks!
Make a list of how many fanfics there are? Going to be hard.
Maybe guessing people's favorite Walking Dead characters?
I really enjoyed #5 and 6
Guess forum members age?
Guess forum members background?
Name the user who has a really popular thread right now.
Name the user with the best name corresponding to characters from the game.
Guess forum members real name?
Those are good ideas, but I would have to contact the entire forum personally and ask them their age/background. The last suggestion I cannot use, since it's kind of based on opinion. Your 3rd suggestion is pretty good however, I'll make sure to write it down.
Good idea again, but I would have to contact the entire forum personally and ask them their real name. :P
" Name the user with the best name corresponding to characters from the game. "
I vote for Clementine-Everett!
Ah okay thanks .
Thanks for the suggestions guys! But I still need to keep this thread alive! Bump!
Jonathan Gonzales. I win
Well, one down, pretty much the entire forum to go.
That'd be great!
But it is a great contest, don't you think?
My name is ummm.... Anyone wanna guess?
I need more suggestions! Bump!
You could just give 10 forum members names, wait a couple of days for responses and then the forum members whose names have been addressed could comment on what their names actually are. Ex. 1. --> John Doe
Of course, the forum members who you use might not actually comment back or may not want to give their real names.
I still like the idea though
Maybe a fill-in-the-blank with forum member's usernames?
Ex. S_al_Re_v_ --> ShaleReeve (but with more blanks of course for extra difficulty)
That's actually a really good idea, thanks! Definitely going to use that for my next forum contest.
I'm going to get this wrong but is it Patrick?
Dear lord no XD
Okay... Could you tell me?
Wait. Ain't I in your fan-fic?
Yeah you are. Brent is not a weird name... (If that is you're name of course)
I see you changed you're profile picture back
Aw Thank you so much!
I vote myself.
Guess the source of a user's gravatar?
Source doesn't to be too specific though.
You may not realize this but Maximum Shred each verse has our own built-in set of weights our own body the entire workout may not give you the ability to select the amount watt you use but you can hit every major muscle group affectively in with Maximum Shred real impact by simply using your own body weight as a source of resistance. did i. ;D
Great contest, very creative!
Hey guys, for the 10th contest, I've had this idea for a while. But I don't know if I should do it. I'm gonna need some feedback.
I was planning on doing the same thing as TWD and TWAU elimination game. But I was thinking of doing it with forum members. I would make a submission thread on who would want to enter, but I still understand that even though I'll try to tell everyone that it isn't a popularity contest, I'm afraid it can become one and people will get sad if they are eliminated. But it can also be for good fun. What do you guys think?
Go for it, I'll submit myself, even tho most people don't like me.
I'd be fine with it but I think most of the other members wouldn't
Sounds like fun!
I hope it turns out fun. If I get one more confirmation that it's a good idea then I'll do it.
it seems like a pretty good idea.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll start up the submission thread now.