Do you think Snow White is jealous with the Nerissa and Bigby relationship?



  • I got the impression she was jealous.

  • ==-

    What about her past makes her not want to love Bigby? This was a prequel to the comix, so it has to be in tyhe game but I missed it. Was she gang-raped by the 7 dwarfs and doesn't trust men?


    Gavin34 posted: »

    It's clear snow has feelings for bigby, she does not want to get into a relationship at this point due to her past.

  • ==--
    Thanx! I'm going to go check out bioware games right now! (Shit, I hope they don;t cost too much...)

    Off_Ground posted: »

    It's complicated. She's had some tender feelings that might have been developing into a tiny crush on Bigby almost since Fabletown's foundin

  • I'm not sure what lies you are talking about. If you are talking about Bigby's ruse to get her to come to the dance with him, that wasn't even a big deal.

    You said Bigby and Snow had a mutual attraction since they left the Homelands. I say this isn't the case, and Snow only started becoming attracted to him after their mountain adventure.

    He was a wolf when they first met and I doubt Snow has the same smell-based attraction to Bigby or actually found wolves attractive. At least there's no mention of this in the issues I've read. They also met briefly in the Homelands but didn't leave together, not that I think it matters much.

    Game Snow certainly isn't hiding her feeling well, by the way. She pretty much sucks at it, actually. This is inconsistent with both our interpretations of comics Snow's feelings for Bigby.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Snow hides her feelings very well, but it is mutual. From Fabletown With Love shows it a bit more since it has a longer time span. Snow does

  • What happened between Snow and the dwarfs isn't mentioned in the comics, but Blue did warn someone not to mention the "D" word in front of her. The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is actually drawn to a conclusion in 1001 Nights of Snowfall, but you need to read to find out what happened!

    Faye_Kane posted: »

    ==- What about her past makes her not want to love Bigby? This was a prequel to the comix, so it has to be in tyhe game but I missed it. Was she gang-raped by the 7 dwarfs and doesn't trust men? --faye

  • edited June 2014

    Did you forget Bluebeard's line when he saw Snow after Bigby solved the Rose Red case? And more importantly Prince Charming's conversation with Bluebeard about justification for killing him? You said yourself that you read the issues. Did it slip your mind? Also Snow had to convince Bigby to come to Fabletown, as well as made him Sheriff.

    xChryst posted: »

    I'm not sure what lies you are talking about. If you are talking about Bigby's ruse to get her to come to the dance with him, that wasn't ev

  • edited June 2014

    Perhaps so.

    I remember that Charming killed Bluebeard to protect Bigby who Charming believed was Snow's boyfriend. Am I remembering it correctly? I thought that was merely because of the widespread and exaggerated rumor that Snow and Bigby have been banging since that Remembrance Day dance. Snow and Bigby's camaraderie certainly didn't help dispell those rumors.

    Was there something more to it or something I'm mistaken about?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Did you forget Bluebeard's line when he saw Snow after Bigby solved the Rose Red case? And more importantly Prince Charming's conversation w

  • Actually it's partially mentioned in the comics. It's in issue 96.

    ElToppo posted: »

    What happened between Snow and the dwarfs isn't mentioned in the comics, but Blue did warn someone not to mention the "D" word in front of h

  • Snow is definitely jealous. The look on her face tells it all. And there is all sorts of stuff hinting at their little crush. Like when Bigby spared her life in his beast form before he even became sheriff. Also you cant deny that they have something together..... A man and a woman cannot carry on such a tense professional partnership as theirs without at least some interest.

  • Charming also said to not go by the way Snow treats Bigby (professionally) snapping and snarling, and explains it by saying that she has been betrayed by everyone she ever loved (cautious Snow). Charming does have his own spies in Fabletown as well (possibly spying on Snow in the game).

    xChryst posted: »

    Perhaps so. I remember that Charming killed Bluebeard to protect Bigby who Charming believed was Snow's boyfriend. Am I remembering it co

  • Yeah, but how is Snow being cautious and charming having spies indicate Snow has been in love with Bigby since they left the Homelands?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Charming also said to not go by the way Snow treats Bigby (professionally) snapping and snarling, and explains it by saying that she has bee

  • Her husband also cheated on her with her sister.

    Faye_Kane posted: »

    ==- What about her past makes her not want to love Bigby? This was a prequel to the comix, so it has to be in tyhe game but I missed it. Was she gang-raped by the 7 dwarfs and doesn't trust men? --faye

  • Spoiler

    Well I remember that Snow starts training in Sword Fighting and around that time the 7 Dwarfs start getting murdered . And the first Dwarf murdered it was very sloppy like an armature did it. And each Dwarf killed the job gets cleaner like the killer is getting better and better. And when the last Dwarf is killed Snow stops her training for know apparent reason lol.

    Faye_Kane posted: »

    ==- What about her past makes her not want to love Bigby? This was a prequel to the comix, so it has to be in tyhe game but I missed it. Was she gang-raped by the 7 dwarfs and doesn't trust men? --faye

  • Did you read The Wolf In The Fold? It happens not too long after Bigby leaves the Homelands. Bigby doesn't want to be with the other fables, but Snow convinces him to be the sheriff of Fabletown and slits a part of Bigby with a Lycanthropy stained knife, like Bigby bit Snow to make sure she wasn't corrupted by the Adversary. Snow even blushed at Bigby.

    xChryst posted: »

    Yeah, but how is Snow being cautious and charming having spies indicate Snow has been in love with Bigby since they left the Homelands?

  • It definitely won't look that way in episode 5 or a DLC.

  • Is that the prose novel? What's the context? How does it show that Snow's in love with Bigby back then?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Did you read The Wolf In The Fold? It happens not too long after Bigby leaves the Homelands. Bigby doesn't want to be with the other fables,

  • It says it meaningfully. Up until the moment Bigby bit Snow as a precaution Snow didn't love nor did she even think of loving Bigby which was fully mentioned. Snow also cut Bigby with a Lyncanthropy stained knife to which Bigby rejected at first, but Snow convinced him by reminding him of when he bit her. Neither Snow nor Bigby want to talk about those 2 events, even in the game.

    xChryst posted: »

    Is that the prose novel? What's the context? How does it show that Snow's in love with Bigby back then?

  • That's cool. I wasn't interested in the prose novel and avoided it.

    Still, not meaning to sound too anal, this hasn't been shown to be the case in the comics, atleast not the ones I've read.

    LukaszB posted: »

    It says it meaningfully. Up until the moment Bigby bit Snow as a precaution Snow didn't love nor did she even think of loving Bigby which wa

  • Get her "thrust"? Wot.

    I've a "worse Bigby possible" save and after interviewing Nerissa when Snow asked what it was about, she got mad at Bigby for not giving her

  • I got all 3 mass effect games for 30 aussie dollars. Hell yeah thats like 45 hours of pure story and gameplay goodness!

    Faye_Kane posted: »

    ==-- Thanx! I'm going to go check out bioware games right now! (Shit, I hope they don;t cost too much...)

  • Snow probably would be if she wasn't well... decapitated. e-o

    kappafan posted: »

    not sure if snow white jealous of nerissa but surely she would be jealous of faith hue

  • Which is why I said that Snow hides her romantic interest in Bigby. Each story arc up until they were under Bluebeard's black market spell has one semi-romantic issue of Snow & Bigby. Snow & Bigby's dance, Snow recovering at the hospital.

    xChryst posted: »

    That's cool. I wasn't interested in the prose novel and avoided it. Still, not meaning to sound too anal, this hasn't been shown to be the case in the comics, atleast not the ones I've read.

  • No I mean if comics were intended to know Snow's feelings for Bigby, it does a crappy job. A spinoff novel has to be th one to retroactively say, oh, Snow's been hiding it.

    Romance is not necessarily a mutual thing. The comics it's Bigby's one sided thing for Snow until he finally wins her over.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Which is why I said that Snow hides her romantic interest in Bigby. Each story arc up until they were under Bluebeard's black market spell has one semi-romantic issue of Snow & Bigby. Snow & Bigby's dance, Snow recovering at the hospital.

  • Nah, she knows better, that hand holding... is nothing.

  • Spoiler

    Well she does have 7 of his children!

    She tried to hide her feelings because both Bigby and Rose Red tell her that she still believes in the fairy tale that she needs some prince. And the love was very continous on Bigby's end since they met. He could smell her moods, and where she was which was like how could he not tell that wasn't her head, the one thing in this otherwise amazing game.

    "I'm having a LITTER?"

  • edited June 2014

    I don't think Snow is going to make it more than it really is. She's a rational individual.

    She has no time to put "jealousy" on her list when she has a Crime Lord to catch. Besides, to term it jealously would suggest that Bigby and Narrisa actually have a relationship, which is not the case.

  • The main comics have that feeling, true. Snow starts showing her interest in Bigby after being shot in the main comics, only to Bigby at first. And soon afterwards Bluebeard hatches his scheme.

    xChryst posted: »

    No I mean if comics were intended to know Snow's feelings for Bigby, it does a crappy job. A spinoff novel has to be th one to retroactively

  • I think Snow was like, "What the heck?!" When she saw that. Nerissa seemed absolutely like Faith in Episode 4.

  • She was Married with Ross Geller. 3 divorces.

    Gavin34 posted: »

    Her husband also cheated on her with her sister.

  • Spoiler

    I think Snow does feel jealous about Nerissa, but at the same time i dont think either Bigsby or Nerissa feel any kind of romantic things between them. The way i see it Bigsby just has a soft heart for the girls who are in trouble, like Faith and Nerissa. Nerissa in her part lost both her friends, and now is likly in my opinion looking for someone to be her friend. Seeing as Bigsby is the only one you see being friendly to her, she likely is drawn to him for that reason.

    As for the ribbons, both times they point out the ribbon shortly after being unable to awnser a question by Bigsby. Thus i do think they both try to tell him the ribbons are important to the case. I also believe from a comment made on both Lilly's and Faiths Corpse that removal of the ribbon (or basicly the ribbon itself) is what killed them, just look at how Nerissa reacts when Bigsby tries to remove it (or even sugjesting it).

  • Nah I don't think she was necessarily jealous. Technically speaking, isn't Nerissa the only fable Snow would have seen not be an a$$hole to Bigby? Plus she did end up seeing Bigby shirtless twice in a couple of hours after being shot on separate occasions. His life was in "jeopardy", she was emotional. She was probably just surprised. She's probably use to being the one always around him (comforting, sharing, talking, just being there) so it would be weird seeing someone else playing that role.

  • I really doubt it. If she was, then she is ridiculously sensitive. I don't think becoming jealous that easily is in Snow's personality.

  • At one point in the comics you do see Snow White working with the dwarfs telling her:

    • "This is work time, lazy-bones, not playtime! That comes later!"
    • "It will! It surely will! My turn tonight!"
      So she was actually sexually abused.
    ElToppo posted: »

    What happened between Snow and the dwarfs isn't mentioned in the comics, but Blue did warn someone not to mention the "D" word in front of h

  • Snow doesn't support BigbyXNerissa.

  • Of course she was, she could clearly see the boiling chemistry between those two :)

    Maybe she was jealous for Nerissa's looks too? Who knows...

    Big Bad Mermaid for life!

  • I'm not too sure tbh...

    Snow seemed more annoyed that Bigby was getting close to an asset of the case. Then again, Snow clearly cares for Bigby (maybe even loves him) during TWAU, so there is probably some jealousy thrown in there as well :P

    Snigby is love, Snigby is life! XD

  • I have a feeling The Wolf Among Us is the time Snow really starts to get close to Bigby, so I think jealousy is definitely a good guess to her emotions.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm not too sure tbh... Snow seemed more annoyed that Bigby was getting close to an asset of the case. Then again, Snow clearly cares for

  • Shubba! Long time no see in TWAU section. How is your GoT section doing? :)

    I have a feeling The Wolf Among Us is the time Snow really starts to get close to Bigby, so I think jealousy is definitely a good guess to her emotions.

  • What's up armis? And it's all good, though I miss our Wolf Among Us times :(

    armis37 posted: »

    Shubba! Long time no see in TWAU section. How is your GoT section doing?

  • If we get any news :(

    And yup, him and Mira are my favorite protagonists. I see you like Rhysha... thought you were cool armis :P

    armis37 posted: »

    I miss them very, very much too Though I guess we have to keep ourselves busy until we get some news, right? I see you've take a liking in Asher, haven't you?

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