Season 2 DLC: Christa?

So if season 2 ends with a shocking finale like the last season did, we will probably all want a DLC episode and 400 days did pretty good so I definitely see Telltale doing one for season 2. I feel like the season will end with us finding Christa and making a decision between her or the group, and the DLC could explore what happens to her in the woods with Winston and his people.

I think the decision to either sneak away or help Christa is a big one. If you sneak away, one of the guys stabs Christas leg. This would probably make it very difficult for her to fight back especially because they kept her surrounded. But Christa is really strong, she kept Clementine alive for almost 2 years. I feel like either way she escaped, but if you distracted the scavengers she is fine, but if you didn't she is injured.

This effects the rest of the DLC episode, and gives so much importance to a decision a lot of people probably forgot about. The episode could be about finding Clementine and getting to Wellington. Christa is probably very close to the group right now, and maybe she goes through the herd as well and I think Clem loses her hat and Christa finds it. Then she thinks she is dead and heads to Wellington, where she will find her. Along the way she meets new characters also headed to Wellington, who will be in season 3, which could be about Wellington. Also the decisions Christa makes about what to say to them effects how they are in season 3. Maybe even a decision of who to save or who to leave behind, will effect who is in season 3? And maybe whoever you leave behind actually survives and makes it there and has a grudge against Christa, which endangers Clem as well?

These are just my thoughts... I really think Christa would make a great protagonist. It would be nice to play as a grown up protagonist for a bit (playing as Clem is awesome), and she is such a unique and hardened character, there are soooooo many options telltale has with her. It would be a huge waste to just kill her.

I really wanted Christa to go against Rebecca but I don't see that happening.




  • This would be very interesting, but I think a lot of people want a Kenny DLC to see how the hell he got out of that alley and the metamorphosis of the 'stache into the hobo beard. I guess if I had the answer to those questions, I'd prefer the Christa DLC, but, otherwise, I want the Kenny DLC.

  • You live in Europe? I'm so sorry.

  • I like the idea because a lot could have happened to Christa during that time and she's a cool character too but I wouldn't want to play as her unless you do something out of character. The same reason I wouldn't want to play as Kenny. Still you could be a completely new character who meets Christa and then helps her find Clem. Although Id like a dlc where your at Carvers camp before the cabin group escapes and George dies so we can learn more about them. Also learn if Carver was actually a nice guy once and we could to talk to the 400 days characters more.

  • I disagree, i can't stand Christa. I left her to die, and i hope she would remain dead. There are so many more interesting than her, all she did was complain whenever she was with Clementine/Lee. I surprised Omid didn't shoot himself, after listening to her for nine months. Stronger man than i, i liked how they did 400 days actually. I just wish the characters actually had something to do with Season 2.

  • News to me. I live in the only country that matters.... Merica.

  • CrazyGeorge posted: »

    News to me. I live in the only country that matters.... Merica.

  • Maybe all she did was complain but she kept Clementine and herself alive for 16 months and even survived having a baby through this and losing everything.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I disagree, i can't stand Christa. I left her to die, and i hope she would remain dead. There are so many more interesting than her, all she

  • I would rather have a DLC that was present day not something that happened in the past.

  • I want a DLC like 400 days with 5 different characters.

    1. Clementine and Christa in those 16 months

    2. Kenny escaping Savannah

    3. What happened to Christa while she was missing

    4. Molly? I don't know, I just really like her character and don't really like Jane.

    5.the cabin group when they were in Carvers camp.

  • edited June 2014

    It could happen. But I doubt it.

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    Maybe TTG could split the time. Maybe even put Carver in there. Bonnie did say Carver had changed.

    This would be very interesting, but I think a lot of people want a Kenny DLC to see how the hell he got out of that alley and the metamorpho

  • Sorry for what? Nor living in a country full of polution, obese people and smartphone zombies? I'm sorry for you.

    ViralType posted: »

    You live in Europe? I'm so sorry.

  • Last time I checked earth wasn't 100% assholes and obeses, so, I think there are other countries.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    News to me. I live in the only country that matters.... Merica.

  • Our food is gross. You'll get sick.

  • Well, my idea is sort of close to that, it involves Christa, too.

    The Walking Dead: 16 months.

    A DLC on the 16 months that we spent with Christa. We also kind of get days or maybe months, like how 400 days had.

    For example, month 2, you go along with the story and Clementine's appearance differs each time, so does Christa's. The DLC stops at 16 months, where we see Clementine and Christa sitting on the log at the campfire.


  • The Walking Dead: 800 Days.

  • I prefer Omid... but I would be happy with this DLC. Be nice to find out what happened to Christa after she got separated from Clem.

  • Why do you assume I live in 'Murica just because I make fun or Europe. Maybe I'm from Japan and am laughing at you filthy white gaijin. Or maybe I'm from 'Straya. Or maybe I'm from Egypt. India? Who the fuck knows.

    Palcto! posted: »

    Sorry for what? Nor living in a country full of polution, obese people and smartphone zombies? I'm sorry for you.

  • Well, I figure there would only be one DLC. But having both would sound great!

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Maybe TTG could split the time. Maybe even put Carver in there. Bonnie did say Carver had changed.

  • To be honest, I wouldn't really be comfortable with such a DLC. People have also suggested we should get a DLC about those 16 months Christa and Clem spend together, or how Kenny escaped and met Walter and Sarita. I'm not saying they will suck or won't be good,no. But let's say Christa dies in episode 5....I don't know about you, but I'll always think about that the whole time I'll be playing the DLC and I wouldn't enjoy it that much.

    WIth 400 days it was different. Simply because we didn't know these characters.

  • How about a DLC of Molly? It would totally be like Assassin's Creed or something haha.

  • You really are crazy

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I disagree, i can't stand Christa. I left her to die, and i hope she would remain dead. There are so many more interesting than her, all she

  • i believe that christa is dead

  • So what are you trying to say? I never disputed that fact.

    JesseC25 posted: »

    Maybe all she did was complain but she kept Clementine and herself alive for 16 months and even survived having a baby through this and losing everything.

  • Crazy is such a subjective word, i think of myself as a eccentric thinker, above the bell curve. Most people can't understand my level of humor, or maybe i am just some crazy narcissistic loon. Who knows right? He is an enigma wrapped in a mystery.

    You really are crazy

  • Alt text

    Palcto! posted: »

    Don't be stupid.

  • Hey, dad. I'm sorry I couldn't save your life :/ Rafoli broke your legs...

    You really are crazy

  • It's alright son...

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Hey, dad. I'm sorry I couldn't save your life Rafoli broke your legs...

  • Did you even read the story?

    It's alright son...

  • Yeah, but, there were times that I got overwhelmed with all the extra chatter (LOOKING AT YOU JOE AND WOODBURY) so I'd say screw it.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Did you even read the story?


    TWD_25 posted: »

    I want a DLC like 400 days with 5 different characters. * Clementine and Christa in those 16 months * Kenny escaping Savannah * W

  • I really hope so! Christa is my favourite and way more interesting than Kenny (cue downvotes). But its because she is way more complex and would provide a long entertaining storyline, whereas if the DLC focused on kenny getting out of Savannah, then it'd be pretty straightforward and we'd already know the outcome.

  • Someone can't take a joke.

    Alt text

    Palcto! posted: »

    Sorry for what? Nor living in a country full of polution, obese people and smartphone zombies? I'm sorry for you.

  • Not all americans are obese or "smartphone zombies"

    Palcto! posted: »

    Sorry for what? Nor living in a country full of polution, obese people and smartphone zombies? I'm sorry for you.

  • Alt text

    zeke10 posted: »

    Not all americans are obese or "smartphone zombies"

  • True. Our food is like 99.9% of fat. But honestly, most people who I've met aren't fat or obese, they're regular sized. Most of the things you hear are stereotypical.

    Our food is gross. You'll get sick.

  • True. I'm not obese, and I've never owned a smartphone. I know a lot of my friends and family are the same way. :P

    zeke10 posted: »

    Not all americans are obese or "smartphone zombies"

  • I disagree, our food is pretty good where i live, i get all organic food though so. I am not eating at Fatdonalds.

    kawaiiclem posted: »

    True. Our food is like 99.9% of fat. But honestly, most people who I've met aren't fat or obese, they're regular sized. Most of the things you hear are stereotypical.

  • I actually had a dream where there was a DLC about Mark and it started out with him finding Lee and the others and him joining the group, up to the point of him going down the stairs and saying not to eat the dinner.

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