No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Something is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice because of the goddamn rocks on the ground. This place was impassable! How did I even got here? Because of the strange noise, of course. Goddamnit. I hope I didn't come through all this for nothing!
And I didn't.
Even my terrified face couldn't explain the horror I've been looking at right now. It was hard to call this disgusting mess of bones, meat and blood, a human. The throat was cut, the guts were rip out. In some places of the body pieces of skin were missing. Whoever this is, this person died a few minutes ago, because the walker wasn't rotten. It was groaning, trying to get up, but all the organs hanging from it's stomach didn't allow it to stand. My heart sank. How... When... Why... Who?!
"OH GOD!" I yelled. That was the only thing I could say. I recognized April in this walker.
After a short minute, people ran to this place. They heard my scream. I saw Devyn with Devin, Zed, Sips and Tess. They looked worried - they probably thought that something happened to me.
"Gregory, what is go- AAARRGH!" screamed Tess. I stood shocked on my place, not capable to move any part of my body. I couldn't even remove my eyes from that bloody mess.
"It's April..." I whispered. Tess' eyes were widely opened. Devun and Devin couldn't say something. Sips was shocked. Only Zed had enough bravery to approach the body and try to inspect it.
"It wasn't a creeper who killed her. If it was, then it would be here, eating her organs. Creepers also chaotically rip out body parts... And her injuries were caused by something sharp, accurately cutting out all this mess." said Zed. His voice were trembling.
"You're trying to say that she was... killed?" asked Sips. He was even more scared.
"Yes." answered the doctor.
"Fucking shit..." said Devyn.
"That's for sure." agreed Devin.
"I'm afraid it will be impossible to bury her. We have to leave her here." sighed Zed. "Let's go. We have to tell the others."
We slowly walked back to the sanatorium. Nobody of us said anything. I loved the silence before the apocalypse, but now... it brings the worst memories. We came back soon and everyone ran to us. They were nervous.
"I thought something happened to you." said Emiline.
"Something DID happen. Come here." said Zed. He invited everyone to the garden house. Everyone sat down and looked at him with fright and anxiety in their eyes.
"There is a killer among us."
Some people wake up when cock is crowing. Some people wake up when alarm clock is ringing. Some people wake up when sun is rising.
And we woke up when Alice was screaming.
I quickly put my clothes on and went downstairs. I was the first person to reach her. And I saw the same that I saw yesterday.
But now it was Clarice instead of April.
Everybody else came here. Somebody sreamed, somebody was just scared. Sips covered his son's eyes.
"I'm afraid... I'm afraid we cannot leave her here like we did it with April. A corpse in the center of the sanatorium will be too much." I finally spoke. Spark, Fredo, Zed and Stefan tried to carry her away.
"This is too horrible. We got a lot of people here... Even children." Sips spoke." We should protect them while looking for that prick. We should control them."
"What does that mean?" resented Devyn.
"It means that every person should always be with someone else so they could protect eachother. Nobody shoud be alone even for a second. We must do something!" Chris said.
"Excuse me, but my personal space is really offended right now! With this "something" that we must do, everyone will loose their rights. I joined the friendly camp, not a totalitarian state!" Devyn argued. Chris wasn't amused.
"This is for our safety!" he yelled.
"Safety? This is just a risk. How do you know if it's not another band of people? They could easily take down both."
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Somethin… moreg is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Somethin… moreg is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Somethin… moreg is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Somethin… moreg is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Somethin… moreg is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Somethin… moreg is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Somethin… moreg is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice… [view original content]
Damn you curiousity!
[Examine the source of the noise]
By the way, can someone tell me if they see my comment please? Because I have huge issues to post things lately.
Voting is closed. Gregory will agree with Chris. Since I woke up not a long time ago and I feel like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack (R.I.P. Uncle Pete) I'll start start writing the new chapter SOON.
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks. Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So, here are the pairs: Chris and Josh, Alice and Arabella, me and Tess, Devyn and Devin, Zed and Stefan, James and Emiline, Spark and Fredo. Everyone is okay with it?"
"I guess so. We don't have much of a choice here." said Alice.
"Well, I had." smiled Devyn.
"Great. Everyone is free now." I said. People stood up and went to do their business. I approached Tess. She looked sad.
"Everything is okay?" I asked. Oh my god, what a stupid question! Of course everything is not okay, few people were killed! "Ahem, forget about this." Tess gave me a tired smile.
"I think you already know an answer." she sighed. "Let's go. I owe you a walk, remember?" Tess chuckled. I chuckled too.
"Let's go." I said.
We took one of the paths to the abandoned zoo, that belonged to this place before. Today was even windy than yesterday. I saw that a lot of leaves were already yellow, red or brown. Seems like autumn is striking fast. I could feel that the afternoon was pretty cold. Soon we'll have to search for warm clothes.
"What are you thinking about?" asked Tess.
"Autumn." I said quietly.
The evening was even more cold. Anomalies of the weather rarely happened in that area, but this summer wasn't as hot as usual. Sometimes cold years happen here. Chris made a bonfire and everyone was sitting around it, talking about something. Devin even played a little bit on his violin that he had. As we found out, he likes music. Everything was fine again. Like nobody was killed. Like we are together not because we have to, but because we want. Soon everyone left the place, except me and Tess. And everything became dark again...
Tess was sitting next to me, staring into the bonfire. I shivered because of her blank stare. The silence was too heavy and it was hard to break it.
"It will be okay, Tess." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Hope dies last, remember?" She embraced me, which made me blush a little. But she still didn't avert her eyes from the fire. Tess sighed.
"Sadly, it already died..." she answered. I shuddered.
"I wouldn't say so." I tried to cheer her up. She looked at me, but then removed her eyes back to the bonfire. Tess didn't say anything.
Suddenly, we heard a loud bark. I knew, that if Bernard barks, something definitely happened. Soon a sound of weak scream came. Tess took her knife and ran to the place of the noise. I ran there too, holding my gun.
When we approached the place, we saw Stefan, slowly dying from bleeding. He wasn't as disfigured as previous corpses. Seems like Bernard distracted the killer. However, he already ran away when we reached Stefan.
"Stefan, where are you? We shouldn't separate!" yelled Zed. He rushed to us and emitted a gasp when he saw his friend. Stefan tried to wheeze out something, but the last light of life in him died out.
"Look! What's this?" asked Tess and pointed at something covered in blood. It was a knife... Fredo's knife. FUCKING ASSHOLE! "Oh no... Why would he..."
"Where is he?" I asked severely.
"Last time I've seen him getting on a walk in the woods with Spark." said Arabella. I noticed that everyone else was here already.
"On a walk, huh?" I said angrily. I entered the woods with my flashlight. I quickly found both of them - they weren't that far. I took Fredo by his scuff.
"OW! What are you doing?" he asked. Spark looked confused.
"You'll regret everything you've done!" I said. "Spark, do you have anything to do with this murderer?"
"MURDERER? Oh no! I... I moved a little forward, I didn't notice that he was behind. I lost him for a while, but he came back. I didn't thank he could do something like this while he was missing!" Spark said intensely. He was shocked.
"NO! HE'S LYING!" yelled Fredo.
"Shut up. I won't believe you this time." I said angrily. I quickly led him to the rest of the group and pushed him down. He fell on the ground, almost crying. Everyone looked at him with despite.
"NO, PLEASE! I DID NOT DO THAT! THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!" he yelled in misery and despair. Spark only grinned.
"You are pathetic in your begs." Spark whispered and laughed.
"So... what do we do with him?" asked Zed.
"WE KILL HIM." said Emiline coldly.
"We cannot kill him! Think about this! We shouldn't loose our humanity!" said Josh.
"Oh really? He doesn't agree with you!" yelled Emiline.
"Don't yell at my son!" said Chris with anger.
"Fuck you." answered Emiline.
[Kill him], [Spare him] or [Leave him in the woods].
Oh God. What if it's not Fredo...hmm...Let's [Leave him in the woods] so we can regret it later.
By the way, the forum games tab is an interesting idea, TWD' part of forum won't be so spammed, but now we gotta find out about new posts in our fanfic thanks to profile feed or the following bar XD
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
I've seen enough of villains to know that becoming like them is the beginning of the end. I vote Fredo stays with us! [Spare him]
What if he didn't do it?
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
I've seen enough of villains to know that becoming like them is the beginning of the end. I vote Fredo stays with us!
[Spare him]
What if he didn't do it?
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
[Spare him]
Killing him is too harsh, I think we should at least hear his version of the story first.
Also, "Stefan, where are you? We shouldn't separate!" yelled Stefan. - I think there should be yelled Zed.
[Spare him]
Killing him is too harsh, I think we should at least hear his version of the story first.
Also, "Stefan, where are you? We shouldn't separate!" yelled Stefan. - I think there should be yelled Zed.
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks.… more Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So… [view original content]
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 2/5]
(?) You chose to examine the source of the noise.
No, it doesn't sound like creeper's groan. Something is wrong. I should definitely check it out.
The noise was realli quiet. But once I stepped into the woods, noise became a little bit clearer. Hmm, seems like I have to go deeper. I slowly approached the source of the noise, but it was pretty far. You're killing yourself, Greg. It's a trap! Once I've did 10 steps, the noise suddenly became very weak, until it completely stopped. I just wasted a minute of my life. I shrugged and got back on the lane. I kept walking, thinking about how stupid I am. Huh, goddamn noises. I become paranoid.
But I stood still on the lane. My ear caught something. A groan. It was pretty loud and it was definitely a creeper. It was strange... I don't know why, but started running to that groan. Fucking idiot. Branches of the trees were slapping my face, I almost fell twice because of the goddamn rocks on the ground. This place was impassable! How did I even got here? Because of the strange noise, of course. Goddamnit. I hope I didn't come through all this for nothing!
And I didn't.
Even my terrified face couldn't explain the horror I've been looking at right now. It was hard to call this disgusting mess of bones, meat and blood, a human. The throat was cut, the guts were rip out. In some places of the body pieces of skin were missing. Whoever this is, this person died a few minutes ago, because the walker wasn't rotten. It was groaning, trying to get up, but all the organs hanging from it's stomach didn't allow it to stand. My heart sank. How... When... Why... Who?!
"OH GOD!" I yelled. That was the only thing I could say. I recognized April in this walker.
After a short minute, people ran to this place. They heard my scream. I saw Devyn with Devin, Zed, Sips and Tess. They looked worried - they probably thought that something happened to me.
"Gregory, what is go- AAARRGH!" screamed Tess. I stood shocked on my place, not capable to move any part of my body. I couldn't even remove my eyes from that bloody mess.
"It's April..." I whispered. Tess' eyes were widely opened. Devun and Devin couldn't say something. Sips was shocked. Only Zed had enough bravery to approach the body and try to inspect it.
"It wasn't a creeper who killed her. If it was, then it would be here, eating her organs. Creepers also chaotically rip out body parts... And her injuries were caused by something sharp, accurately cutting out all this mess." said Zed. His voice were trembling.
"You're trying to say that she was... killed?" asked Sips. He was even more scared.
"Yes." answered the doctor.
"Fucking shit..." said Devyn.
"That's for sure." agreed Devin.
"I'm afraid it will be impossible to bury her. We have to leave her here." sighed Zed. "Let's go. We have to tell the others."
We slowly walked back to the sanatorium. Nobody of us said anything. I loved the silence before the apocalypse, but now... it brings the worst memories. We came back soon and everyone ran to us. They were nervous.
"I thought something happened to you." said Emiline.
"What happened?" asked Arabella. "Your expressions reveal everything."
"Something DID happen. Come here." said Zed. He invited everyone to the garden house. Everyone sat down and looked at him with fright and anxiety in their eyes.
"There is a killer among us."
Some people wake up when cock is crowing. Some people wake up when alarm clock is ringing. Some people wake up when sun is rising.
And we woke up when Alice was screaming.
I quickly put my clothes on and went downstairs. I was the first person to reach her. And I saw the same that I saw yesterday.
But now it was Clarice instead of April.
Everybody else came here. Somebody sreamed, somebody was just scared. Sips covered his son's eyes.
"I'm afraid... I'm afraid we cannot leave her here like we did it with April. A corpse in the center of the sanatorium will be too much." I finally spoke. Spark, Fredo, Zed and Stefan tried to carry her away.
"This is too horrible. We got a lot of people here... Even children." Sips spoke." We should protect them while looking for that prick. We should control them."
"What does that mean?" resented Devyn.
"It means that every person should always be with someone else so they could protect eachother. Nobody shoud be alone even for a second. We must do something!" Chris said.
"Excuse me, but my personal space is really offended right now! With this "something" that we must do, everyone will loose their rights. I joined the friendly camp, not a totalitarian state!" Devyn argued. Chris wasn't amused.
"This is for our safety!" he yelled.
"Safety? This is just a risk. How do you know if it's not another band of people? They could easily take down both."
[Agree with Chris] or [Agree with Devyn].
[Agree with Chris]
Oh boi', this is something.
[Agree with Devyn]
[Agree with Chris]
[Agree with Chris]
[Agree with Chris]
Also, April died...
I love these surprises.
Do more. Lol.
[Agree with Chris]
I submitted my character
[Agree with Chris]
I have a feeling that I should always agree with myself.
Alright guys, it's really late now, so I'll get to sleep. The voting is still open. ONLY ONE PLACE LEFT IN THE SUBMISSION BOX!
[Agree with Chris]
[Agree with Chris]
Oh my, this is "The Killer Among us"! Only girls seem to die though...
Yeah, girls will die mostly. Only one guy will be dead.
[Agree with Chris]
We need to find that fucker who killed April.
Who dares to kill my favourite month!!!
April was your favorite month? Damn. What if someone kills November? Then I have no birthday!
April is my favourite month, because it has my birthday, April Fools and Easter
I only just caught up on this. Tess is my character, it's interesting to see how she's been integrated. Good job with the writing, keep at it!
[Agree with Chris]
[Agree with Chris]
My character is in danger then, NUUUUUuuu!
It might be freaking Chris! He will pair up with a girl and then kill her! Sneaky bastard...
If your comment says "damn you curiousity" then I can see it just fine
Voting is closed. Gregory will agree with Chris. Since I woke up not a long time ago and I feel like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound sack (R.I.P. Uncle Pete) I'll start start writing the new chapter SOON.
Episode 2 - One Of Us [Part 3/5]
(?) You chose to agree with Chris and apply safety measures.
"Sorry, Devyn, but we cannot take risks. Yes, it could be a whole band, but we do not have any other choice. It's too dangerous." I said. Chris knew what he was talking about. Devyn just frowned.
"Fine, whatever. But don't you dare to put me in a pair with someone except my brother! That's my requirment." she said. I nodded in answer and Devyn left us, murmuring something.
In a few minutes, everyone sat at the garden house, taking part in the meeting. I stood up in front of everyone. I was kinda nervous, because I didn't speak in front of people before, but I took a deep breath and started talking.
"After what happened... We should be more careful. Our little community is in danger now. We decided to split everyone in pairs. These pairs should be together in most of the time to look for eachother. Got it?" I spoke. Everyone nodded. "So, here are the pairs: Chris and Josh, Alice and Arabella, me and Tess, Devyn and Devin, Zed and Stefan, James and Emiline, Spark and Fredo. Everyone is okay with it?"
"I guess so. We don't have much of a choice here." said Alice.
"Well, I had." smiled Devyn.
"Great. Everyone is free now." I said. People stood up and went to do their business. I approached Tess. She looked sad.
"Everything is okay?" I asked. Oh my god, what a stupid question! Of course everything is not okay, few people were killed! "Ahem, forget about this." Tess gave me a tired smile.
"I think you already know an answer." she sighed. "Let's go. I owe you a walk, remember?" Tess chuckled. I chuckled too.
"Let's go." I said.
We took one of the paths to the abandoned zoo, that belonged to this place before. Today was even windy than yesterday. I saw that a lot of leaves were already yellow, red or brown. Seems like autumn is striking fast. I could feel that the afternoon was pretty cold. Soon we'll have to search for warm clothes.
"What are you thinking about?" asked Tess.
"Autumn." I said quietly.
The evening was even more cold. Anomalies of the weather rarely happened in that area, but this summer wasn't as hot as usual. Sometimes cold years happen here. Chris made a bonfire and everyone was sitting around it, talking about something. Devin even played a little bit on his violin that he had. As we found out, he likes music. Everything was fine again. Like nobody was killed. Like we are together not because we have to, but because we want. Soon everyone left the place, except me and Tess. And everything became dark again...
Tess was sitting next to me, staring into the bonfire. I shivered because of her blank stare. The silence was too heavy and it was hard to break it.
"It will be okay, Tess." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Hope dies last, remember?" She embraced me, which made me blush a little. But she still didn't avert her eyes from the fire. Tess sighed.
"Sadly, it already died..." she answered. I shuddered.
"I wouldn't say so." I tried to cheer her up. She looked at me, but then removed her eyes back to the bonfire. Tess didn't say anything.
Suddenly, we heard a loud bark. I knew, that if Bernard barks, something definitely happened. Soon a sound of weak scream came. Tess took her knife and ran to the place of the noise. I ran there too, holding my gun.
When we approached the place, we saw Stefan, slowly dying from bleeding. He wasn't as disfigured as previous corpses. Seems like Bernard distracted the killer. However, he already ran away when we reached Stefan.
"Stefan, where are you? We shouldn't separate!" yelled Zed. He rushed to us and emitted a gasp when he saw his friend. Stefan tried to wheeze out something, but the last light of life in him died out.
"Look! What's this?" asked Tess and pointed at something covered in blood. It was a knife... Fredo's knife. FUCKING ASSHOLE! "Oh no... Why would he..."
"Where is he?" I asked severely.
"Last time I've seen him getting on a walk in the woods with Spark." said Arabella. I noticed that everyone else was here already.
"On a walk, huh?" I said angrily. I entered the woods with my flashlight. I quickly found both of them - they weren't that far. I took Fredo by his scuff.
"OW! What are you doing?" he asked. Spark looked confused.
"You'll regret everything you've done!" I said. "Spark, do you have anything to do with this murderer?"
"MURDERER? Oh no! I... I moved a little forward, I didn't notice that he was behind. I lost him for a while, but he came back. I didn't thank he could do something like this while he was missing!" Spark said intensely. He was shocked.
"NO! HE'S LYING!" yelled Fredo.
"Shut up. I won't believe you this time." I said angrily. I quickly led him to the rest of the group and pushed him down. He fell on the ground, almost crying. Everyone looked at him with despite.
"NO, PLEASE! I DID NOT DO THAT! THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!" he yelled in misery and despair. Spark only grinned.
"You are pathetic in your begs." Spark whispered and laughed.
"So... what do we do with him?" asked Zed.
"WE KILL HIM." said Emiline coldly.
"We cannot kill him! Think about this! We shouldn't loose our humanity!" said Josh.
"Oh really? He doesn't agree with you!" yelled Emiline.
"Don't yell at my son!" said Chris with anger.
"Fuck you." answered Emiline.
[Kill him], [Spare him] or [Leave him in the woods].
Oh God. What if it's not Fredo...hmm...Let's [Leave him in the woods] so we can regret it later.
By the way, the forum games tab is an interesting idea, TWD' part of forum won't be so spammed, but now we gotta find out about new posts in our fanfic thanks to profile feed or the following bar XD
[Leave him in the woods]
I've seen enough of villains to know that becoming like them is the beginning of the end. I vote Fredo stays with us!
[Spare him]
What if he didn't do it?
Maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to team up Spark and Fredo...
Anyway, I think we should [Spare him]. Just because it was his knife, doesn't mean he's the killer.
At least spare him for now until we figure out what's going on, if we kill him and it turns out he didn't do it, that makes us murderers.
[Spare him]
Spark lying please trust me
Double post
I vote to [Leave him in the woods] so he won't be a threat anymore but at least the group won't lose its humanity.
[Spare him]
Killing him is too harsh, I think we should at least hear his version of the story first.
Also, "Stefan, where are you? We shouldn't separate!" yelled Stefan. - I think there should be yelled Zed.
Well... [Tie him up and leave him for the Walkers] isn't an option.
I'll have to vote for [Leave him in the woods].
Oh, didn't notice that. I'll fix it.
[Spare him]
That has monolog there
[Spare him]
We have to find out if he did it and why.
But if he is innocent, Zed and Spark are pretty suspicious.