Come to, and fly back to us.
Chapter 10 Escape From Madness
Draco breathes flames at the vastly white dragon, but it brushes it off li… moreke it never happen. It claws towards Draco attempting to knock it out of the sky. It tails whips Draco knocking him into the ground then it exhales it's own mighty fires at Draco. The heat from the fires is too much for him to bare causing him to fly away into a nearby waterfall to cool off from the flames.
He breathes heavily then snarls and has another flashback of his past when he was a youth and how rebellious he was during that time. He didn't care for much, he hated everything and everyone.. Draco was not the man as we see today during that time. He felt like the world was against him. Like he wasn't meant be here. He was so angry at himself and at the world he nearly jump off a cliff in frustration, but that all changed when he met his best friend Marco, who talked him out of his own demise.
… [view original content]
Bluebeard roughly pushed me through the doors of the business office and gave me a shove towards Snow and Bigby’s direction, so hard that I nearly toppled over. Snow looked up, dropped the phone and came over. Bigby followed, his teeth clenched.
“Bluebeard! Don’t handle her like that!” Snow scolded, lightly placing her hand on my shoulder. Her words made me feel delicate. “Are you all right, Lehava?”
I can play at that game if I want to. With my bottom lip trembling, I looked up as Snow, trying to widen my golden eyes as much as possible. “He hurt me a little bit,” I whispered, rubbing my shoulders where he’d grabbed them and wincing for good measure.
“Oh, spare me the sob act,” Bluebeard snapped. He pointed his finger at me menacingly, “this kid is turning this decent, well-respected democracy into her own little sleeping spot! This is the Woodlands, not a domain for homeless Fables!”
I was itching like mad to spit embers in his face and set his shoes alight, but then Bigby stepped forward to my defence.
“Just calm the fuck down, all right?” he snarled. “We’ll deal with this, just give us a minute.”
Bluebeard breathed heavily through his nostrils, his eyes fierce little slits behind his glasses. He shot me a cold, filthy look full of hatred. “I want this girl banished the second I leave this room,” he hissed to Bigby, and then turned to leave.
As soon as he left, I heaved a huge sigh of relief and Snow wiped her forehead. “Sorry about that,” she said to me. “Bluebeard tends to get a bit hot-headed sometimes. He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Of course not,” I boasted indignantly, tilting my chin. “Hardly anyone can physically hurt me.”
They exchanged eyebrow-raised glances. “All right then,” Snow said.
I nibbled round the red flesh of my fingers, suddenly worrying if I was going to be in trouble. I mean, its true that I don’t even live in the Woodlands. I just tend to go there quite a lot (all my life, really. I had nowhere else to go). Bigby, Colin, Snow, Bufkin … They’re the closest things I have right now to friends. But I didn’t want to irritate them. I’m not their child, after all.
Bigby leant against the desk and Snow clutched her head with her hand, looking flustered. It looked like they had more important stuff on their minds right now to worry about me trespassing and sleeping in the Woodlands’s territory. Yesterday’s curiosity suddenly returned to me. What did Snow want Bigby to see? It was still playing a role in my head. Was it that bad?
I was about to say something about it, when Snow suddenly bent down and gave me an upset look. It made me feel anxious.
“I’m sorry,” I quickly started. “I didn’t mean to-”
“It‘s okay, don‘t worry,” Snow said, but she didn’t quite catch my eye. Bigby sighed and took out his packet of Huff N Puff cigarettes. I turned to watch as he lit one and took a puff.
“Can you teach me how to do it?” I asked him.
“Fuck no, are you kidding?” Bigby exclaimed. “I’m not sure Miss White will approve at all-”
“Go on,” I begged. “You don’t have to light it…”
Sighing, he reluctantly handed me one and watched suspiciously as I put it between my teeth. Snow stood up, her face registering great horror. Of course, they know I can light things up if I want to. Even though I shouldn’t really do it, I placed my finger at the end of the cigarette and let the heat come. This was really risky; if I want just the smallest flicker of flames, I usually get a huge flamethrower that would leave the business office in ruins.
But this time I was obeyed.
“Bigby!” snapped Snow, as I coughed and gagged the smoke out. “What the hell are you doing, allowing her to smoke?”
“How was I supposed to know she was going to light it?”
“You knew damn well she can light it without a lighter!”
“It won’t exactly harm her, Snow.”
“That’s not the point-”
I listened to them arguing like an old married couple, the cigarette pinched between my two fingers. I took another tentative puff, trying to pluck up the courage to ask them something. But then something on Snow’s desk caught my eye: a closed file with a picture of a very familiar-looking girl on it, with golden eyes and long red hair. Wait, was that my file? Why has Snow reading my file? It probably meant nothing, but I started to wonder if I was in trouble again.
I was just about to say something about it, when Bigby and Snow finally stopped arguing and turned to me with a serious look on their faces.
“What?” I asked, an uneasy feeling settling inside my stomach. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Snow slowly bent down so it was easier for her to look at me. Her sad, I-feel-sorry-for-you face made me drop the cigarette. What she was about to say next … I knew I wouldn’t like it.
“You’re not in trouble,” she quickly said, as I anxiously started to nibble my nails. “We just … have something to tell you. But its nothing bad, so you can relax.”
Nothing bad? Something didn’t seem right here; I can’t remember the last time someone had anything good to tell me.
“I said I’m sorry for sneaking round here again. I just-”
“Trust me, we‘re not mad at you for that,” Snow said. “It’s actually … good for all of us if you stay here.”
I blinked. Snow took a deep breath, and it all came out.
“We … don’t think it’s necessarily safe for you to wander around in the streets where all the mundies are. Bigby has been helping you control your … power, but until then, it’s too risky for you to be out in public. Even though …”
She stopped. I knew what she was thinking; she was thinking I had no needs to go out anyway seeing as I had no home, no friends to go to. I’ve spent most of my life hanging around the woodlands. Hardly anyone wanted me there either.
Even so, I still couldn’t help feeling a bit confused, a bit worried. Where would I stay then? Would I have my own apartment? Then a sudden, terrifying thought hit me.
“Oh no,” I whispered. Pleadingly I looked up at Snow. “Please don’t send me to the chambers … I … I-”
They both looked horrified - and then laughed, much to my relief. “Of course we won’t do that,” Snow said, patting my shoulder reassuringly. “We have a good friend of ours that is willing to take you on and help you control your power.”
She turned to look at Bigby. More relief suddenly filled itself in my stomach; if I was staying with Bigby, then I’ll feel much more safer and comfortable. He understood me, he helped me. I can’t see anyone else doing that.
Bigby slowly approached me. Then he suddenly said,
“Her name’s Veronica, and she’s had experience with your kind of ability back in her days. She knows what she’s dealing with … uh, hopefully.”
“Veronica has different powers, and fire is one of them,” Snow added. “Word said she had trouble controlling it in her time.”
They said other things, but I was barely listening. The dread and horror was slowly coming back to me. Me living with a stranger. They can’t positively be serious. Don’t they know how I react to every stranger I meet? Do they honestly think I’m going to be okay living with someone I don’t even know?
“Are you all right, Lehava?” Snow asked me softly.
No, I’m not okay, I thought bitterly. I’ve just been told that I’m going to be kept as a stranger’s prisoner for the rest of my life, seeing as they’re probably never going to help control my power anyway because nobody can!
But I looked up at her and Bigby’s gentle, concerned faces, and felt my breathing relax. They wanted the best for me. They wanted me to be safe. Maybe I should be grateful that I have some people on my side.
Putting on the brave face I’ve been so good at putting on, I nodded. “Yes. I’m fine.” My fingers started to shake dangerously, but I clenched them hard. “Can I please meet … Veronica now?”
Hey Dragon, you could make that into an award category. 'Best ending', or 'Best didn't-see-that-coming ending'; something like that. Just a suggestion, is all.
------ Continued, Part 4
Bluebeard roughly pushed me through the doors of the business office and gave me a shove towards Snow and Bigby’… mores direction, so hard that I nearly toppled over. Snow looked up, dropped the phone and came over. Bigby followed, his teeth clenched.
“Bluebeard! Don’t handle her like that!” Snow scolded, lightly placing her hand on my shoulder. Her words made me feel delicate. “Are you all right, Lehava?”
I can play at that game if I want to. With my bottom lip trembling, I looked up as Snow, trying to widen my golden eyes as much as possible. “He hurt me a little bit,” I whispered, rubbing my shoulders where he’d grabbed them and wincing for good measure.
“Oh, spare me the sob act,” Bluebeard snapped. He pointed his finger at me menacingly, “this kid is turning this decent, well-respected democracy into her own little sleeping spot! This is the Woodlands, not a domain for homeless Fables!”
I was itching lik… [view original content]
Hey Dragon, you could make that into an award category. 'Best ending', or 'Best didn't-see-that-coming ending'; something like that. Just a suggestion, is all.
I'm enjoying your tale. There aren't too many threads, at the moment, and not a vast array of characters, yet this and the way you write make it easy to read, to keep up with, and seem more real. A feeling for the characters is swiftly created, and it leaves one wondering what will happen next. Great job!
------ Continued, Part 4
Bluebeard roughly pushed me through the doors of the business office and gave me a shove towards Snow and Bigby’… mores direction, so hard that I nearly toppled over. Snow looked up, dropped the phone and came over. Bigby followed, his teeth clenched.
“Bluebeard! Don’t handle her like that!” Snow scolded, lightly placing her hand on my shoulder. Her words made me feel delicate. “Are you all right, Lehava?”
I can play at that game if I want to. With my bottom lip trembling, I looked up as Snow, trying to widen my golden eyes as much as possible. “He hurt me a little bit,” I whispered, rubbing my shoulders where he’d grabbed them and wincing for good measure.
“Oh, spare me the sob act,” Bluebeard snapped. He pointed his finger at me menacingly, “this kid is turning this decent, well-respected democracy into her own little sleeping spot! This is the Woodlands, not a domain for homeless Fables!”
I was itching lik… [view original content]
Come to, and fly back to us.
Chapter 10 Escape From Madness
Draco breathes flames at the vastly white dragon, but it brushes it off li… moreke it never happen. It claws towards Draco attempting to knock it out of the sky. It tails whips Draco knocking him into the ground then it exhales it's own mighty fires at Draco. The heat from the fires is too much for him to bare causing him to fly away into a nearby waterfall to cool off from the flames.
He breathes heavily then snarls and has another flashback of his past when he was a youth and how rebellious he was during that time. He didn't care for much, he hated everything and everyone.. Draco was not the man as we see today during that time. He felt like the world was against him. Like he wasn't meant be here. He was so angry at himself and at the world he nearly jump off a cliff in frustration, but that all changed when he met his best friend Marco, who talked him out of his own demise.
… [view original content]
Come to, and fly back to us.
Chapter 10 Escape From Madness
Draco breathes flames at the vastly white dragon, but it brushes it off li… moreke it never happen. It claws towards Draco attempting to knock it out of the sky. It tails whips Draco knocking him into the ground then it exhales it's own mighty fires at Draco. The heat from the fires is too much for him to bare causing him to fly away into a nearby waterfall to cool off from the flames.
He breathes heavily then snarls and has another flashback of his past when he was a youth and how rebellious he was during that time. He didn't care for much, he hated everything and everyone.. Draco was not the man as we see today during that time. He felt like the world was against him. Like he wasn't meant be here. He was so angry at himself and at the world he nearly jump off a cliff in frustration, but that all changed when he met his best friend Marco, who talked him out of his own demise.
… [view original content]
I'm enjoying your tale. There aren't too many threads, at the moment, and not a vast array of characters, yet this and the way you write mak… moree it easy to read, to keep up with, and seem more real. A feeling for the characters is swiftly created, and it leaves one wondering what will happen next. Great job!
The only friends Malcom had were the shadows dancing on the wall; the alley located on 10th street was his only option. Sure, he thought to himself, as he placed his fourth can of beer to his lips. I can go back, tell them my side. But who is to believe an old, childish, coward such as myself? He continued looking to the sky; he was hoping some sort of sign would be handed to him from the heavens.
Bigby, John and that troll were too busy with Carla; he was able to leave the apartment, run down and charge directly into the open arms of the darkness. He had no reason to be there. Why had he helped her? Malcom was still puzzled with his bizarre attempts to regain his fellow man's trust. It was true; in the back of his mind, he thought this whole countless efforts to banish the Smiths and Fables alike were growing tiresome; he felt no need to push on and carry out this ridiculous attempt to rid THEIR world of Fables. In the end, he lost. He lost all future hopes and dreams with Lyla; he watched, as Carla did the same to Sam.
Malcom could understand the young wolf's pride being broken and demolished like an old, useless building. He too, was devastated with the news of Lyla's choice in mate; she picked not only a fable but the worthless corpse Georgie Porgie. He couldn't comprehend that her thoughts were; surely, this was forced upon and Lyla had no choice, due to her 'employment' choices. Perhaps, he thought to himself, I can take a hold of the situation and rescue the fair maiden. He would be a hero in his community's eyes; the love of his life, wrapping her arms around his neck, leaving kisses all over his face. He, like Sam, had strong wolf blood running along their body.
No matter, thought Malcom, as he crushed the empty can. Not like it REALLY matters anymore. He kicked it to the side and watched as it bounced from side to side, ending at the bottom of his feet. With frustration, he kicked the can once more. He heard a loud thud; the can's final destination landing in some empty dumpster. Malcom stumbled down the street, the moon ricocheting off of his skin. Fuck this shit, he thought. What a fucking waste....
There was no point in going back to the Council now. Sam would be there and he knew his punishment. Death seemed all too easy for him. They banished the Smiths; they, as far as the community was concerned, were no longer a part of the Folkers. Funny thing about that, laughed Malcom to himself. They still track down these fuckers like they never left; sending their men to track them down like Bloodhounds on a coon's trail Then, when they think they have them trapped in a tree, with nowhere to go, here comes the hunters; Decimus was notorious of such behavior. He was very professional with John, there was no doubt but Malcom knew better; the old wolf superior was very crafty and conniving when he wanted to be, especially if it involved his own.
But Malcom knew if he returned, death was only an option. So, he decided to journey into the Fable community one last time before his carcass became bug food and his head mounted on the wall. He would rather deal with the Sheriff and John; at least they had the common curtsy to ASK questions, actions later.
Malcom never wanted to kill Carla or hurt her family.
Before long, the mighty wolf slumped to the ground and pressed his tired body along a large building. The heavy, thick air was making it hard to breathe. He could feel the burning feeling lodged into his throat; his chest tightening and sweat forming around his forehead. Malcom was never one for this heat; it made it difficult to do anything when the sun was above them. Even as the dark enveloped the city, it was still an oven. He lifted himself up and turned the corner, only to be pushed violently into the brick wall. He could feel a trickle of blood dripping down his head. Sam laced his fingers around his neck; with a mighty grasp, enclosed all his fingers, watching them dig into his flesh. His eyes were a deep yellow; they were piercing his very soul.
"You fucking rat," shrieked Sam, as he continued slamming Malcom into the wall. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"
Sam was pleased; he could see the blood splatter, his bones cracking.
"Sam," gagged Malcom. "I...I....stop-"
"SHUT UP!!!"
With another might blow, Sam slammed Malcom into the brick; he fell to the side and tried covering the wound with his bare hands. Malcom could feel the warm liquid caressing his finger; the dirt and hair entwining themselves around his fingers. Sam watched, as a tiny puddle formed under his head. He lifted his shoe and pressed it against Malcom's face, causing the wolf man to fall flat into the ground. The pressure Sam was creating was unbearable; he could feel the pain forming in his lower jaw.
"You are not worthy to live another day," hissed Sam, as he forced his boot deeper into Malcom's face. "You are just like John! What kind of wolf leaves the comfort of the pack, just to venture off and die alone? You both have no right to even BREATHE my air; you are a worthless worm, Malcom..."
Sam lifted his foot off; Malcom continued to lie there and was still; he was terrified if he made another movement, the punishment Sam would bestow upon his body.
"Please....," begged Malcom. He could feel the tears building up. "Don't do this...please-"
Sam turned and kicked Malcom in the chest. As Malcom coughed up some blood into the ground, he looked up and saw a beautiful pale woman in a blue dress walk behind Sam. Her icy blue eyes looked down at the injured wolf, as her long blonde hair continued blowing along the wind. In her hands, she carried a large wooden box. He watched, as Sam grabbed it from her. She walked up to Malcom and took a seat beside him. She smelled heavily of rose petals and white wine.
"He helped her escape, Amber," continued Sam, he opened the box. "He's been secretly helping those Fables. I almost had it complete; I could feel the fear in her-"
The beautiful woman held up her hand; instantly, Sam's words were no more. The woman lifted Malcom's head up; her hands were so delicate and smooth under his chin.They were very cold and had a texture of wet paper. Her eyes were focused on his.
"Malcom, do you remember me?"
Malcom was having a hard time shaking his head; the injury he sustained from Sam was taking over his every thought, every movement. Her name was Amber; story goes she died during a flash flood in Oklahoma when she was a teenager. Since that tragic evening, you are capable of communicating with her spirit through a Ouija board; things teenagers all knew too familiar with. Legend has it, you managed to contact her spirit, you were given three days to remove the curse she bestowed upon you, friends and family. If you did not and failed any attempt to save your life, you would find your body in an icy tub of water and slowly drown to death; all the while, her spirit watched over you, cursing you to wonder the earth for all eternity.
Malcom finally managed to nod; he knew better than to keep Amber waiting.
"Good doggy," answered Amber, as she gave him a pat on the head. "Now that is out of the way, seems like we have a little problem. Sam here says you helped Carla Smith, is this true? I do not appreciate you helping the rats escape the boat, Malcom; they made the decision to play with fleas, so, let them DIE with fleas..."
She began laughing, as she pulled out a Ouija board from within the box. Malcom was unable to move; all he could do was watch, as she placed the game between them. The noise of the city and darkness continued to surround them.
"Now, Decimus is a patient man, Malcom," continued Amber, as she set up the game. "He's given the Smiths a chance to redeem themselves. He offered John a home and his position on the Council. But he would rather play with hundreds of lives, then abide by the rules and traditions we have created for over hundreds of years! The Fables entered our world; we didn't want this, Malcom. NONE of us did. But, here we all are...and yet, hmmm. Seems like you and John STILL want to play with trash!"
"They are not bad people," bellowed Malcom. The copper taste was getting to him. "They are just like us! And you BOTH know this! We are all lost in this mundy world; we should be helping each other, not fight!"
"They are NOT like us, Malcom," replied Amber. "They are NOTHING to me! Fucking Fables and creating bastard children are not on my 'to do list' in this world...."
Without another word, Amber reached over and grabbed Malcom's hand. Although she had a small stature, her strength was that of a full grown wolf. She placed his hands on the triangle, then gently placed her own on his. The triangle began to move; slow at first, then it picked up the pace, as it traced over the various numbers and letters. Malcom found it difficult to struggle; the entire time, Sam watching them. As the triangle finished spelling, it levitated into the air and glowed a bright, crimson red. The alley became coated in the color, as a thick fog wrapped itself around the three of them. Malcom looked around; they were at the beach. He could hear seagulls from a far, the waves crashing among ancient rocks. He turned to see Amber and Sam standing close by.
"Where-where are we," asked Malcom. "What the fuck is this place?"
He carefully watched Amber bend down and cup the sea water into her hands. She placed it to her lips and slowly drank it.
"The sea is a beautiful place," mumbled Amber, as she kicked up the sand. "I loved the beach as a child; so many memories created there. It's a great place to bury the truth, as well, don't you think Malcom? So much mystery....."
"What did it say," inturupted Malcom, still clinging to his wounded head. "What...what did the message say?"
Amber looked back; the most depraved, horrifying smile upon her face. Her eyes were pure white.
"Wanna go for a swim...."
Amber's eyes were now directed on the ocean. She noticed the water reaching her toes, the moon shining down below. She held up her arms and within seconds, a large wave crashed on shore and into Malcom. When Same and Amber looked out, they watched as it carried the large wolf deeper into the dark; waves crashing along his body, throwing him around like wet laundry. His shrills filled the night.
"Fuck you, Sam! You don't deserve any of this! You don't deserve to be on the Council! I hope they fucking kill...I hope they kill you, Sam! I hope to fucking GOD they murder you your sleep!"
Sam continued to watch, as Malcom's body bobbed up and down; his voice trailing off and strength diminishing.
"I hope John the fucking Sheriff get you for this...."
Sam watched as Malcom disappeared into the ocean; his body becoming the next meal for parasites and sea creatures alike. Amber waited and when he was no longer visible, placed the board into the wooden box and as she waved her arms, watched it vanish. Sam did not speak another word, as they walked back to the Council.
"Oops, accidents happen, right Sam..."
It was now a battle; The Fables and Folkers alike had no idea what they had created.
I hope, Georgie, you have a direction with this....Amber sounds like a problem in herself; fuck the Council! She is bad ass. Never heard of her story, though. Did you make it up? Actually kinda sad to see him go. Seemed like he WANTED to help the Smith family.
This was good and can't wait to read more! Good job! Hope fully the next installment will have a picture? BTW, did you get my message? I know you must be busy, so no rush! Sry...look at me blab on!! ^^;
Chapter 26
"Wanna go for a swim?"
The only friends Malcom had were the shadows dancing on the wall; the alley located on 10th street w… moreas his only option. Sure, he thought to himself, as he placed his fourth can of beer to his lips. I can go back, tell them my side. But who is to believe an old, childish, coward such as myself? He continued looking to the sky; he was hoping some sort of sign would be handed to him from the heavens.
Bigby, John and that troll were too busy with Carla; he was able to leave the apartment, run down and charge directly into the open arms of the darkness. He had no reason to be there. Why had he helped her? Malcom was still puzzled with his bizarre attempts to regain his fellow man's trust. It was true; in the back of his mind, he thought this whole countless efforts to banish the Smiths and Fables alike were growing tiresome; he felt no need to push on and carry out this ridiculous attempt to rid THEIR wor… [view original content]
Dragon i'm reading your story i'm in chapter five and totally lost where's chapter six, i'm so hyped i need to know what happened to snow and the dragon thief.
Power is an illusion. Absolute power is a seamless illusion.
Chapter 11 Open the Floodgates
Boogey chants the Latin texts from the book of black magic and hovers his hand over the boy's body. The clouds grow darker and darker and the ground begins to shake. Lighting strikes once again hitting the antenna of the building and the wind blows fiercely before growing silent. Boogey raises his right hand while holding the book in his other. A purple light beams down onto the building and from it thousands of creatures flew out of the rays and descended onto the city.
The creatures began to terrorize the citizens by either killing and scaring them to death. The people ran and ran but it was no use, you couldn't hide from these creatures, you couldn't hide from the Boogeyman... Boogey watched from atop of his building, as the city began being to torn into madness and chaos. So much pain and suffering, so much destruction. Boogey has won, he got what he wanted, and in days the world will be plague in fear just as he planned.
Mett' appears before Boogey, demanding the release of his brother.
Mett':You got what you wanted, now release him Boogey.
Boogey: Wendigo's are such gruesome creatures, they kill and kill and devour flesh by flesh... Do you want your brother to be part of that life Mett'?
Mett': That is none of your concern Boogey. The agreement was my services for my brothers freedom. Enough games. RELEASE HIM NOW.
Boogey: I'm not finished with him just yet, I still have more work to do-
Mett': I don't give a damn!! NO MORE. No more will I let you manipulate anyone into doing your hellish schemes. I'm putting everything aside just to see you fall. Boogey, I made a mistake ever joining this. I should of stoped this before it gotten worse.
Boogey: What do you plan on doing now? Are you going to stop me? Are you going to kill me? Well if that's the case, then--
Suddenly, a giant dragons descends upon the building.
Boogey: Ah theres my beast. Now where was I? Ah yes, killing... you. Destroy him my beast!
The dragon claws at Mett'. He transforms into his wendigo and tries tries to rescue his brother, but the dragon smacks Mett' away from the boy, sending him flying off the roof to his demise.. Boogey looks out into the city as it being destroyed and says "I will finally prove to my father I am the most powerful incarnation of the Bogeymen. And now, I will be the last."
Meanwhile, Draco, Wolven, and Viera are driving through the chaos of the city. They see people being torn apart and driven into madness by the creatures Boogey released onto the city. They watch in horror, thinking about what is waiting for them once they reached Boogey.
Viera: This is horrible...
Draco: We gotta stop this before this spreads out of the city...
Wolven: We are almost there, just keep going until we reach the-- What the hell?
Wolven points to the building with the freakishly large dragon sitting at the very top of the building.
Draco: Of course he has a dragon..
Wolven:It's just over the bridge, lets go.
The group begins to drive over the bridge towards the building, but suddenly they are attacked by a hydra..
Draco: WHAT??
They crashed halfway on the bridge, and the six headed beast draws closer and roars ferociously. Viera is silent. She thinks and looks at Draco and tells him and Wolven to go on without her. She will hold the Hydra off while they escape. Draco disproves her choice to stay behind and tries to convince not to. But he is scolded by her and she tells him that she can handle it herself. So Draco and Wolven gets out of the car and before giving Viera one final look the two leaves the car and sprints across the bridge. Halfway across, Wolven transforms into his wolf.
Viera then faces the Hydra preparing to clash with the mighty beast unsheathing her sword.
Minutes later, Draco and Wolven makes it to the entrance of the building where Boogey was. Mett' can be seen in a pile of blood, surrounded by Gillian, Talia and Chupa. They looked at Draco and Wolven in a regretful manner.
Mett' then calls Wolven's name, demanding his presence as he coughs up blood...
Dragon i'm reading your story i'm in chapter five and totally lost where's chapter six, i'm so hyped i need to know what happened to snow and the dragon thief.
I heard it as a kid. Not sure if it was a way to scare us kids or what. So, I have no idea. lol She will play a big part later. Yes, I did get the message and I will work on it asap. Promise. And yes-hopefully the next xhapter will have pictures. Glad you and everyone else is enjoying.
I hope, Georgie, you have a direction with this....Amber sounds like a problem in herself; fuck the Council! She is bad ass… more. Never heard of her story, though. Did you make it up? Actually kinda sad to see him go. Seemed like he WANTED to help the Smith family.
This was good and can't wait to read more! Good job! Hope fully the next installment will have a picture? BTW, did you get my message? I know you must be busy, so no rush! Sry...look at me blab on!! ^^;
Y'know, when I read this earlier, I felt sorry for Malcolm. He was supposed to be the stupid one of the Folker group of the council, correct? If that's the case, I feel even more bad for him, especially when he was trying to convince him that Fables aren't bad.
Them feels, pudding, such a horrible fate for him.
Chapter 26
"Wanna go for a swim?"
The only friends Malcom had were the shadows dancing on the wall; the alley located on 10th street w… moreas his only option. Sure, he thought to himself, as he placed his fourth can of beer to his lips. I can go back, tell them my side. But who is to believe an old, childish, coward such as myself? He continued looking to the sky; he was hoping some sort of sign would be handed to him from the heavens.
Bigby, John and that troll were too busy with Carla; he was able to leave the apartment, run down and charge directly into the open arms of the darkness. He had no reason to be there. Why had he helped her? Malcom was still puzzled with his bizarre attempts to regain his fellow man's trust. It was true; in the back of his mind, he thought this whole countless efforts to banish the Smiths and Fables alike were growing tiresome; he felt no need to push on and carry out this ridiculous attempt to rid THEIR wor… [view original content]
“It’s apartment number 205,” Snow told me gently. “We can go up with you if you want.”
I wanted nothing more than to cling to her arm and let her carry me all the way up to the room, but I wasn’t a baby. I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”
Giving my file on Snow’s desk one last glance, I turned to leave. I held my head high, showing them I was being brave when really all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and die. Its not like anyone would notice.
I pushed through the doors and passed Bluebeard on my way, who gave me a very dark look. Tiny Tim and Cryer whom I also passed slowly backed away when they saw me, but I pretended not to notice. I’ve given up trying to tell people that I don’t intend to hurt them.
As I reached out to press the elevator button, there was a sudden sharp prod on my shoulder. Startled, I turned round find myself face-to-face with only my worst enemy: Grizelda, the witch’s child. She was the newest resident to the Woodlands, and has been a threat to me ever since I came across her. Tall and slender with chalk white skin and long, glossy black hair, she had this way of looking sweet when really inside she was a devious bitch.
She narrowed her cold grey eyes at me in the same disgusted manner she’s always used. “Hi Lehava. Long time no see. I’m actually surprised to see that you’re still wanted here.”
I glared at her. Grizelda, callous and cruel as she was, never failed to crawl under my skin. She has done plenty of things in the past to get me in trouble: setting Grimble’s desk alight, I got the blame; tried to burn down Cindy’s shoe store, I got the blame, and then she used her matchsticks to create a small fire outside the business office that soon grew bigger and spread over the whole of the Woodlands. All the Fabletown residents were running to get out of the building, and there was me, standing on the steps with my fingertips aglow because I was so shocked. That made the whole situation look more as if it was my fault. It took at least three weeks for the Woodlands to look normal again. And for months after that the Fabletown residents had hated me even more than before. Even Bigby and Snow showed a new cold attitude. I didn’t even bother telling them it was all Grizelda; who would have believed me?
“I’ve made a list that has one hundred ways of getting you in trouble,” Grizelda smirked, her eyes glittering menacingly. “I’ll read it out for you if you want.”
“Don’t even fucking try to pull that shit on me again,” I growled at her. “You made everyone hate me.”
She raised an eyebrow, amused. “I thought everyone already hated you. What difference does it make?”
That stung me like a swarm of bees. I gritted my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut, knowing it was true. Then I opened them quickly, furious, and turned away from her. I’m not going to let Grizelda’s words get to me. No way.
But they had this way of doing that anyway.
“Poor little Lehava, she’s just a helpless-looking child and yet nobody wants her,” Grizelda sang in a spiteful little voice. Her voice darkened. “It must be horrible that you’re so alone, so unwanted.”
My hands started to shake furiously. I clenched my teeth hard, tasting acid in my mouth.* No, Lehava … Ignore her … Ignore her!*
“You must know by now that Bigby and Snow don’t want you either. They’re only nice to you because they feel sorry for you.”
Control it… Control it … Don’t let her get to you …
“Just go back to Hell, Lehava. At least the other devils like you want you there.”
And suddenly a great tidal wave of absolute fury washed over me; I whipped around, my whole body boiling like a kettle. “FUCK you!” I roared, and I let my anger release at last. A burst of flames exploded from my hands and shot straight at Grizelda, lightly brushing her face. She stepped back, arms flailing, her mouth in a wide O of terror. Embers burned like death all around her feet, and one small fire ball exploded on her arm, causing her to screech in pain.
Suddenly it was all over. I was left, shaking and shocked, looking at what I’ve just done. Dark red burns were left sizzling on Grizelda’s cheeks and forehead. Her hand and half of her arm was burnt almost black. Even her hair started to melt, resulting in black cinders on the floor.
Standing behind Grizelda were Tiny Tim, Cryer and Flycatcher, who were staring at me in shock as if I was some kind of monster. Which I just had been.
“Grizelda, I-I’m s-” I started, stepping towards her - but she suddenly backed away from me.
“Get away from me,” she spat. “You hear me? Get away.”
Her voice was full of fear. It made my insides churn; she was properly frightened. Of me.
She turned and ran in the business office’s direction, and I instantly knew from then on I was going to be in very deep trouble. I wanted to run after her, to beg her I was sorry and I didn’t mean to nearly kill her - but Cryer suddenly stepped forward, blocking me.
“Do you really want to turn this into a bigger problem than it already is?” he asked with stern iciness to his voice.
It was enough to silence me. My silence was so dark that he started to wearily step back, thinking I was about to explode again. But I let my arms drop and my shoulders slump. I’ve done enough. Now I just have to face the consequences.
I turned to get onto the elevator. My eyes were stinging even though I‘ve been taught I shouldn‘t cry.
At least there was this woman to look forward to. Not.
Number 205. This was her place.
I reached out to knock, and then stopped and drew my hand back. I reached out to knock again, but once again my nerves had took over. What was I doing? Just knock, for God’s sake. Knock and then everything will be over.
“It will never be over,” I muttered sourly.
Suddenly the door opened.
“Ah. Lehava. I was expecting you,” murmured a low, soft voice.
I looked up, swallowing anxiously. A pair of huge, unblinking silver-blue eyes looked back down at me. This woman was tall, very elegant and unusual-looking, with long silver-white curls flowing almost to her waist. She wore a floaty turquoise skirt and a midnight-blue blouse, and had about a million rings on each long, white finger.
Veronica held out her hand, which seemed oddly formal for such an eerily beautiful kind of lady. I looked down at it for a few seconds before tentatively shaking it.
“Let’s talk, should we?” she said, beckoning me inside. “I’m sure there’s quite an amount to talk about.”
Wouldn’t you like to know, I thought, awkwardly stepping inside. Her apartment seemed so out of place for someone as clumsy and as fiery as me. Paintings on every wall, chandeliers on the ceiling, jewel-encrusted cabinets and fancy-looking wallpaper. I made sure I took my shoes off before stepping out onto the flowery-patterned rug.
“I hope you like the look of my house,” Veronica said softly as I looked around in awe. “After all, this is where you’ll be staying now.”
“It’s really beautiful,” I said truthfully.
“That’s sweet of you to mention,” she smiled. “Now take a seat, if you please.”
As I perched at the edge of the cream sofas, Veronica cleared her throat and folded her hands on her lap as if this was some kind of official meeting. “Its nice to meet you, Lehava,” she started. “The sheriff and Miss White already told me some information about you. How you‘re very well-mannered and polite.” I snorted. “However … I’ve heard that you let your temper overcome you sometimes.”
I looked down at the floor, remembering Grizelda’s scarred face.
“I know it must be horrible for you,” she said with a touch of sympathy in her voice. “Not being able to rage or cry without creating a small explosion. Believe me, I reckon our pasts have been similar.”
A new thought struck me. “Oh yeah,” I said. “Snow mentioned you have a fire power like me. Is … that true?”
“I can do lots of fire magic,” Veronica said. She slowly brought up her hand, and a small blue flame lit up on her palm. “Fire,” she said. “And -” the blue flame suddenly changed into a large, silver snowflake. “Ice.”
My eyes widened. She can fire* and *ice?
“What about water?” I asked.
“Your weakness?” she chuckled. “Better not. We don’t want you injured before we’ve even gotten started.”
I remembered the countless times when Fables tried to kill me with endless buckets of water, and decided to agree.
“Your fire is much more angrier than mine though,” Veronica said slowly, approaching me. She gently took hold of my hand and inspected my fingers. They were red-hot, but she didn’t even flinch. “Ever heard of the term “nimble fingers”, dear? Because that’s what we need to teach them to be like. Quick and light in movement, so your flames will be quick and light as well.”
“I don’t want to keep hurting people,” I whispered. I forgot about my anxiety, forgot about me quivering at a stranger touching me. All I wanted for her to do is to help me. Images of Grizelda’s burnt face, of Colin’s scalds, of Bufkin’s burnt wing, of Bigby’s alight shoes were coming back … and I knew that if my fire got any stronger, the results will end up being more severe. “Please, Veronica. Help me.”
She stared straight into my eyes with her unblinking blue orbs.
“You will be helped, Lehava. And we will succeed.”
Dear Gren- Our last visit was spectacular. Rosie has calmed down since we last saw you. I guess that is all she really needed. I will not visit you any time soon, unless I feel the need to do so. I know you have many preparations left and I'd hate to interrupt your concentration. Everything looks amazing so far. Malcom has been missing now for quite some time. No one is sure of his whereabouts. Dad and Bigby wanted to ask him a few questions but no luck. It's almost like he vanished off the face of the Earth. The Council is not pleased, my father told me. They blame US for Nate's death and Malcom's disappearance. Decimus has declared war on Fabletown; Snow has prepared a plan. We do not intend to fight but it is fair game, should they cross our paths and start trouble. Do not worry about us. We are fine and safe in the apartment. I'm never alone. I love you so much and hope to hear from you soon. Love you always, Carla.
Carla sat comfortably on the couch. The humidity was rising outside; today was going to be a hot day. Thankfully, Bigby had someone come out and fix the cooling system. She sighed, as the cool breeze brushed against her face.
Several feet from her, she watched as Holly dipped a mop into a bucket of water and suds. She pulled it out, rung out any excess water and continued cleaning the corners. Earlier, Carla attempted to clean the apartment; she was not one for living in clutter and filth. Gren may have 'preferred' it to look like a cow's pen but not her, especially with a new born on the way. As she was cleaning the windows, Holly arrived and was furious to fin her cleaning; she felt Carla had enough to deal with, especially with the baby.
"You need to save you strength for Rosie," replied Holly, snatching the rag from her hand. "And besides, these chemicals so close to your face is not healthy for either of you! Now, go sit and relax!"
Who was Carla to argue with the bar troll; she would never win that fight, so instead of carrying on the conversation, she waved her white flag and began sewing a baby blanket. Carla watched as the needle and thread snaked its way along the edges; she was determined to finish this before the baby arrived. The pattern was simple; bright pink with polka dots, flowers and a lace trim. She couldn't wait to show Gren; he would be pleased with the results.
As she continued sewing, Holly took a break and sat beside her. She grabbed an end and ran her fingers over the material. To Holly, she was simply astonished to see something so ancient still continuing.
"This is very beautiful, Carla," said Holly.
"Thank you. I'm hoping to have it complete for Rosie."
"I had no idea you could do things like this..."
"My mom taught all of us at an early age. Mary and Gina do not do as much as Lyla and I. I remember one summer, spending my entire free time helping my mother build a quilt. Thought making something like this for Rosie would mean a lot to her as she grew."
"Well, it's looking really nice."
For the past weeks since the incident, Holly had been staying with her at night. Carla never returned to the Business office; Snow believed it would cause more stress then god, especially with the Council on edge lately. During the day, Lyla always came over; they were on good terms again. Carla felt no need to argue with her sister, especially something as silly as it was. At night it varied; Holly, her father or Bigby would stop by and watch.
What John said, always had to be done; if he wanted Carla to be watched over, so be it. She could recall being a little girl and believing everything her father said; he was Alpha and knew so much more of this world then she did. His words put fear into Carla. Even to this day, she finds it difficult to argue with him.
Carla watched as Holly returned to the mop and continued cleaning.
"They ever find that Malcom guy," asked Holly.
"No. My father and Bigby believe he took off to with another city or is in hiding here in town. Sam claims we did something to him but last time I saw him, was here in the apartment. Malcom is a coward, so I'm not surprised by his actions."
As Carla finished another section, she noticed a man on the television screen holding up a plate of fried fish. His explanations of the dish made her mouth water; Rosie began thrashing inside, her stomach growling. Carla closed her eyes and could already taste the crispy skin, the succulent meat, and the crunchy bones between her teeth. Holly looked over and found Carla's face pressed against the screen.
"Mmmm. This sounds so good right now...."
"What does, Carla?"
Holly dropped the bucket, walked over to Carla and pulled her gently back. She watched as a large chef began showing the preparations of the meal; he had flour, eggs, seasonings and fresh parsley to top it off. They watched as he battered the fish and dipped it in hot, bubbling oil. Carla couldn't take it, as she lifted up and went to her purse. She opened her wallet and fished out a twenty.
"Sssh," Carla whispered, as she stroked her belly. "Mommy is going right now..."
"Carla, dear," said Holly, as she took the money from her hands. "Sit back down. Let me do this, okay? I can call in an order and have them deliver it. It's too damn hot. Last thing I need is a pregnant mundy on my hands..."
Carla giggle, as she watched Holly punch in some numbers. Holly knew of a place in New York that had premium fried sea food; she too, was getting hungry and that surprisingly sounded very appealing. Carla heard her order eight fried fillets of Trout, two fish ball soups and ten pieces of the crispy Sardines Carla's taste longed for. Each day, as Rosie continued to grow, Swinheart made it a point to remind her about the consumption of fish; Grendel babies thrive off of the oils and proteins they provide.
Twenty minutes later, Holly and Carla were feasting. Carla devoured the entire body of the fried Sardines, while she chewed and crunched on the fillet of Trouts. How embarrassing, she thought, as she growled at Holly. She had reached over for another piece and Rosie was not having it. Holly simply laughed it off; she knew Carla could not control the baby's emotions. She was simply doing what Grendels do in the wild.
"I'm sorry, Carla..."
Carla was taken back by the sudden words Holly spoke of. What was this about, she asked herself. Sorry for what? She looked at Holly, who began picking at the fried skin, taking bits and placing them in the corner of her mouth, slowly chewing and looking directly into the ground.
"I don't understand what you mean," began Carla, as she wiped her mouth clean. "Sorry for what?"
Holly was silent, still looking at the ground. Carla moved to her side and gently placed her hands on Holly's shoulders. She never moved, still continuing to stare off into nothing.
"I was so sure you were going to hurt him, Carla. He has been a very good friend to me. Has been there, even when all others left. His heart was on the mends when you two began this relationship. He blamed his broken heart of every woman in sight, every mundy he crossed paths with..."
Holly stopped to take a sip from her wine glass.
"On a Whiskey night, you could never be too sure what you might get; Gren was a mystery in himself and that's were people felt threatned with him. He was ready to fight, ready to end it all...."
"End it...I don't-"
Holly sighed, grabbing Carla's hands. She was grinning; the corners of her mouth curved with dimples.
"Don't tell him I told you this but...he was devestated with the whole situation with Lyla and the 'cleansing' process he had to go through. He spent months in therapy, Carla. They almost sent him to the Farm; he walked around downtown in his true form. The Sheriff managed to erase the memories of the mundies that night. I guess they took pity on him; your father was the one that wanted to give him a second chance..."
She squeezed Carla's hands as she spoke.
"He tried committing suicide one night, Carla. Its wonders what mundy drugs and alcohol can do to our systems, when mixed the right way....Jack and Woody found him, slumped over that couch. He appeared to have been there for days; Swineheart said another hour and he would have been...would have-"
She trailed off. Carla released her grasp, stood up and walked to the window. She peered out the window.
"We all thought the same thing, Carla. We feared it would happen again. He couldn't bare to go through something like that again. He may be a titan in form but hiss heart is like the rest of us, I suppose..."
"I'd never hurt him, Holly..."
Carla continued to peer down. She watched as groups of people rushed to their works, homes or activities with loved ones. A man and his young daughter, ran through the sea of bodies and tried to catch an empty cab. Carla tried to picture something else; the image Holly painted in her mind was very visible. Carla could see him now-hollow, alone and emotionless, as he waited for death to take him; any excuse to shoot down those old memories that haunted his very mind.
Carla parted with the window and took her seat back on the floor; the fish was cold now. Her appetite was lost.
"I didn't want to worry you, Carla," continued Holly. "You had to know, though-know why we all worried. Asked so many questions...wondered if this was going to work out or not."
Carla lifted the couch cushion, as Holly sat beside her. She was confused; she continued watching Carla pull out a file and frantically search for something. Carla flipped through the various papers until she reached it. She pulled it out and handed it to Holly. It was a child's drawing; it was of her and Gren.
"Junior made this for me," spoke Carla, as she looked at the drawing. "He sees Gren like I do, Holly-nothing more then a person. I don't see Fable, Halfer, Folker....neither do they. WE were taught to hate the Fables; to believe we were all on opposite sides, forced to fight for survival. And for what...I was careful with him, Holly. Trust me...I know...."
Holly traced the picture with her hands. It was so beautiful and innocent; nothing evil or confusing was anywhere on the paper, drawing or colors.
"I taught Gren, yes, to move forward. But he has also been teaching me, Holly....he's taught me so much. My eyes have been covered for years."
"So have his, Carla...."
Holly leaned forward and hugged Carla tightly.
"Welcome to the family, Carla...."
You can't look back-you just have to put the past behind you and find something better in your future.
-Jodu Picoult
Loved the story and the pictures! This was a very sad chapter for me, especially the whole part with Gren. I remember you BRIEFLY describing his struggles in the story about Georgie and Lyla. Glad he found safety and love in Carla. Good job again, Georgie. More!! I need to know what happens!!
Chapter 27
"Past is behind now..."
August 5th, 2012
Dear Gren- Our last visit was spectacular. Rosie has calmed down since … morewe last saw you. I guess that is all she really needed. I will not visit you any time soon, unless I feel the need to do so. I know you have many preparations left and I'd hate to interrupt your concentration. Everything looks amazing so far. Malcom has been missing now for quite some time. No one is sure of his whereabouts. Dad and Bigby wanted to ask him a few questions but no luck. It's almost like he vanished off the face of the Earth. The Council is not pleased, my father told me. They blame US for Nate's death and Malcom's disappearance. Decimus has declared war on Fabletown; Snow has prepared a plan. We do not intend to fight but it is fair game, should they cross our paths and start trouble. Do not worry about us. We are fine and safe in the apartment. I'm never alone. I love you so much and hop… [view original content]
Draco and Wolven walks overs towards the dying Mett' and hears what he has to say. Mett' looks at Wolven and tells him that he apologizes for accusing him of murder. He feels utter regret about this whole situation and how Booegy lied to him and his comrades for the past 4 years.
Mett' tells Wolven why he joined Boogey in the first place.
Talia, Chupa,Gillian and Mett' was recruited by Boogey on lies and true deception. He mastermind this plan for years and targeted the weak and helpless, using and discarding them the next day. It all started when Boogey met Aizaax years ago, both Aizaax and Boogey where the original members of the Legue of Dark Fabled before recruiting others. The two shared a common goal, restoring their home worlds to their
former glory. Aizaax ambitions clouded his judgment which lead to him being manipulated by Boogey. From there after Aizaax defeat, Boogey found and recruited 4 more individuals for his schemes.
The first was Mett' a wedigo looking for his missing human brother. Talia, a succubus who escape the nether world only to be captured by hunters and was saved by Boogey in exchange for her services. Chupa a chuparacabra from mexico who was nearly killed by werecyotes until he was rescued by Boogey. And the last was Gillian, a werecat hunter who Boogey convinced to kill Draco knowing that he has a thrill for hunting powerful creatures.
Mett' explained to Wolven and Draco that Boogey isn't unbeatable, the book that he has in his possession must be destroyed in order to stop his madness. Once the book is destroyed, the creatures will return to whence they came and then his power will diminish. But in order for Draco and Wolven to get close to Boogey, you must find a way to get rid of his beast that sits atop of the tower.
Draco: How do we stop it? It's like 20 times bigger than me...
Talia: That is where we come in handsome. We cant let you have all the fun..
Chupa: Senor Boogey saved us from our demise, now we will repay him in la sangre..
Gillain: You are strong dragon, only 1 person was able to knock me out like that until now.. I came to place only for the thrills. So I will gladly help you rid this world of that fiend.
Draco: ....I'm glad we can all work to gather on this, we were all part of Boogey's fuck up scheme and suffered enoighed. Now we're going to end this. Here and now.
Mett': Excellent. Enemies united to form the ultimate alliance....there's no way we can lose- coughs up more blood
Wolven: Mett'!
Mett': Don't worry about me wolf, you need to destroy that book fast before Boogey gets stronger. You must go now!!
Talia: We will distract the dragon while Wolven and Draco go for the book, we only got one shot at this so make it count.
Draco: Right! Wolven let's go!
Draco transform into his dragon and picks Wolven up and flies to the very top of the building getting Boogey's and his dragons attention. Boogey sends his dragon on Draco. The large dragon gets up and prepares to strike but is stabbed by Gillian in the neck. It struggles to shake Gillian off of him but is stabbed again by Chupa and Talia. The dragons falls off the building in the process but is not deadt....
Draco and Wolven lands on the roof where Boogey is. He reverts back to his human from and the two slowly approaches Boogey. He turns around and looks at Draco and Wolven.
Boogey: Ahh you escaped your own fears sooner than I thought.
Draco: I overcame my fears and gained new power Boogey. I am much stronger than before. I will stop you here even if it kills me. And you will pay for what you did to Marco.
Boogey: I have to pay for a lot of things lately. I've killed so many people and manipulated everyone I came across just so I can gain what I have now. ABSOLUTE POWER. Don't you see Draco. You can have whatever you what. All you have to do is pull some strings and break hearts!
But you know, you kinda remind me of a younger me. Before i took the role of the Boogeyman.
Draco: You and me ARE not alike! You are a psychotic monster. You are the definition of evil. You're the fucking devil!!!
Boogey: A devil you say.... Hmmhmhmhmhm, Draco. Here yet me show you what a devil can do!!!!
Boogey closes the book and throws towards one of his minions. It catches it and then sprints down the stairs and then Wolven chases after it.
Draco then watches as Boogey transforms into his true form....
Boogey swipes at Draco ferociously. Draco jumps back and transforms into his dragon and then the two engages into a fierce fight..
Meanwhile back on the bridge, Viera does her best to hold off hydra. It nearly kills her when she trips over debris. In order to destroy the hydra she needs to cut off the heads and burn them immediately before they can grow back. First she distracts the hydra the jumps on its back and begins to attack the first head.
The other heads nearly catches her,but she manages to decapitate the first head and burn it. She repeats this 3 more times leaving only 2 heads left. The hydra gets more aggressive and tries to destroy the whole bridge in rage. It knocks her off the bridge and she tries to avoid falling into water. She grabs onto the ledge of the bridge and hangs on for her life.
The hydra draws near, preparing to eat Viera. She gets back on the bridges and then her sword infuses with flames. She charges at the hydra and jumps over its head and finally decapitates both head at once burning both and killing the hydra once and for all. She sheaths her sword and takes a breath. She turns around to see Talia and the others fighting the large dragon.
Viera: What a day...
Draco continues to clash with Boogey. Boogey summons skeletal archers to attack Draco but they are easily destroyed by his might flames. Then out of frustration, Boogey leaps into air and grabs onto Draco. As Draco struggle to get Boogey off of him, he starts falling then the two crashes onto the roof.
Boogey gets up and chants a spell concealing Draco into magical chains. He materialize a sword and walks slowly to Draco and says "How do you kill a dragon? Simple, cut off it's FUCKING HEAD!!"
Boogey then raises his sword in the air with all his strength.
------ Continued, Part 5
“It’s apartment number 205,” Snow told me gently. “We can go up with you if you want.”
I wanted nothing more … morethan to cling to her arm and let her carry me all the way up to the room, but I wasn’t a baby. I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”
Giving my file on Snow’s desk one last glance, I turned to leave. I held my head high, showing them I was being brave when really all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and die. Its not like anyone would notice.
I pushed through the doors and passed Bluebeard on my way, who gave me a very dark look. Tiny Tim and Cryer whom I also passed slowly backed away when they saw me, but I pretended not to notice. I’ve given up trying to tell people that I don’t intend to hurt them.
As I reached out to press the elevator button, there was a sudden sharp prod on my shoulder. Startled, I turned round find myself face-to-face with only my worst enemy: Grizelda, the wit… [view original content]
Y'know, when I read this earlier, I felt sorry for Malcolm. He was supposed to be the stupid one of the Folker group of the council, correct… more? If that's the case, I feel even more bad for him, especially when he was trying to convince him that Fables aren't bad.
Them feels, pudding, such a horrible fate for him.
Yeah, he was the stupid one. He actually agreed with John but due to the rules, he had no choice. All he wanted was peace.
Thanks, dude. Feelings all around!!!
Carla needed a walk; Holly agreed to take her down to the beach. There was no harm in that, she thought. The cool, salt water might be good for her and Rosie.
The air was crisp and clean, as Carla took in a large breathe. She could feel the salt entering her nose; the sweet, smell of the beach. Several gulls flew over he head; all but one, screeching into the late afternoon. They dodged in and out of the clouds that hung lazily above her. Carla watched as the waves kissed the sand, slowly rising, then heading back out into the deep. She knelt down, sand against her skin, as she cupped the ocean water. Holly watched, as she slowly placed the water onto her expanding belly.
Carla closed her eyes. She could hear the water pounding the rocks; the waves splashing against gray and sand, leaving slow, permanent marks. The wind picked up, as she felt it slide under her hair and pick it up. This sent strands of red into the hair, twirling and dancing. Holly grabbed her hand and held it. Everything felt at ease; the world stood still, it seemed, as mundy and Fable looked out into the unknown. She too, closed her eyes. The troll pictured the homelands; a bright, blue ocean, with hundreds of acres to roam and be free. Several gulls flew over head, as she opened her eyes. Carla still continued to have her closed.
"This is beautiful," said Holly, as she inhaled deeply. "I...I can't remember the last time I was at the beach. Perhaps when my sister was alive-"
Holly ended the conversation early and looked forward. She noticed Carla staring at her; he piercing green, concerned eyes watching her.
"Yeah, your sister. I've heard stories about her. I'm...I'm sorry..."
Holly did not appeared to be bothered or upset with the conversation. In fact, it was almost like a peace of mind when she spoke of her sister and the memories she remembered; even the bad ones had some meaning to life. It was as if she never left; somewhere in the city, she still roamed.
"I used to blame Georgie, for all the fuckin' shit he's done. I blamed him for her death, the trouble her brought on us; the trouble he and your sister started now..."
This was nothing new to Carla's ears. For the past year, many Fables did indeed blame her sister and Georgie for stirring up trouble for the community; many vouched for Sheriff and Snow to execute Georgie or send him to the Farm for hard labor. She heard it all; 'They broke the rules,' 'They are endangering the rest of us,' 'The Council this, Council that.'
"But now," continued Holly. "I'm okay with it."
They both continued to watch, as the waves bounced and slammed into rocks; the water rushed up between their toes and quickly pulled back out. Carla watched, as a tiny Crab scurried along the banks. As she looked to the right, she noticed a large red lump wedged into the rocks. Perhaps it was a child's toy, she thought, as it bobbed furiously along the water. Carla looked closer. Her heart sank, when she recognized the jacket-Malcom.
"Malcom....," whispered Carla.
"What did you say, Carla," asked Holly confused.
Carla released her grip on Holly and charged in the direction of the red; her mind was racing, her heart beating fast. She could feel her feet digging deep in the sand. She was nearly gliding across, as she ran to the rocks. 'Please be wrong,' she thought, nearly tripping on her feet. 'Please...'
Holly was soon after her. She found Carla slowly climbing over the rocks. Holly noticed the lifeless body in red.
"WAIT! Carla! You are going to get hurt!"
Holly quickly scanned the area for mundies and when there was none but the desperate Auburn haired woman, she turned and ventured into the rough waters. She was capable of making her way through the icy, pounding waters. She quickly gathered his body and placed him gently on the shore. Carla ran to his side; his face was a pale blue, his eyes closed and no sign of breathing. Carla placed her head on his chest and when there was not a pulse, began performing CPR. Holly lifted herself up, as she watched Carla frantically trying to revive Malcom.
"Come on," screamed Carla, as she pumped his chest. "Please! Please..."
Although she had anger towards Malcom, she couldn't forget his act of kindness. He helped her escape that night. Sam, she thought. SAM did this to you! This entire time they blamed her...her father. Bigby and Snow...
'Please,' she continued to beg. ', Malcom. Please wake up. You didn't deserve were just following orders...Malcom...'
Carla continued forcing air into his mouth; Holly watched his chest pump up, then slowly back down. It was like a balloon filling up with air. After five minutes, however, there was still no progress. The wolf man continued to lay very still; the color on his face still blue, his eyes remaining closed. Holly couldn't bare to watch Carla desperately trying to save a life. She was in no condition.
"Carla, sweetie. I think he's-"
"DON'T YOU SAY IT!!! Don't you TELL me he's gone! I have to save him, Holly!"
"Carla! CARLA!"
Holly grabbed Carla and quickly pulled her away; she began kicking and swinging her arms around. The hot tears quickly falling down her face, the burning sensation lodged into her throat.
Carla buried her face deep into Holly's chest; she thought she had a chance. There was a small portion of herself that knew it would work; she would save his life, like he did for her and Rosie. She failed him; she failed to save a Folker.
The two of them noticed, however, his right hand's finger move. Carla crawled to Malcom's side; his breathing was faint and his heart beat was slow. She placed her fingers on his face. The flesh was still cold but slowly warming up. His eyes fluttered open and looked at Carla.
"Car...Carla..whe-where am I..."
"Oh my God, Malcom! You are okay! You are...."
Malcom glanced at Holly and shrieked.
"PLEASE, Carla! I'm sorry! Just...just call off your dogs..."
"Who, Holly? No, she helped you..."
Holly and Carla helped him up; his knees wobbled, as he tried walking. They needed to get him home and into new clothes. They needed to call the others.
"They will be severely punished," said Snow, as she paced back and forth.
Malcom sat between John and Bigby; he was wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot coffee. John rubbed his forehead the entire time Snow spoke.
"John, this has to stop! They are killing their own kind and blaming US for their disgusting, horrible actions! This must be handled properly AND professionally! How many more times are they going to pull this on us before it get's serious? "
"I've BEEN trying for years, Snow! THIS, sadly, is nothing new the Council has done! They will throw their own, before you collect them.You know this...."
Malcom continued to drink his coffee. He had given his statement; Snow assured Malcom he was to remain in their protection until the Council was dealt with. She opened up a large binder and skimmed through the pages. Carla held her stomach; Rosie was not pleased with the situation, as she watched Snow continue looking. She came to an end, as she circled an entire paragraph.
"In the Fabletown justice system, penal code 111243.5 paragraph 4, we have every right to fight back and bring justice how we, as a community, feel. The prosecuted will be held on trial and before a judge, determine their fate. The Council has done the several to the community: Endangerment, attempted murder, attempted rape and kidnapping. If found guilty, all parties involved will be sent to the Farm and endure hard labor for the rest of their lives. Should they fail or attempt to escape punishment, execution at dawn and body thrown down the Witching Well will be their final demise."
The room fell silent, as Snow continued to shuffle through the papers.
"We have tried to reason with them, even attempted to create laws accustomed to BOTH parties but they would rather fight dirty while our backs are turned, then to properly handle this situation. They are now involving small children and I WILL NOT sit back, while this town crumbles to the ground again!"
Bigby got up and walked to the window. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He looked down and watched mundies scatter off into the dark.
"She is not safe here," said Bigby, as he took a puff. "She has to go....."
"And WHERE will that be, Bigby! Please! Think about this! We can't just leave her with some Joe Shmoe or-"
"Not just anyone," interrupted Bigby. " know who I'm talking about. He's the only one..."
Snow knew this was the truth; the wooded area would be her only hope for safety and the ability to deliver a healthy baby. She simply nodded to Bigby, as he did to John. Carla watched her father smile, as he reached over and touched her belly.
Soon, while riding on the Sheriff's back and the others behind, they were off into the dark, secluded woods. Safety.
Chapter 28
Carla needed a walk; Holly agreed to take her down to the beach. There was no harm in that, she thought. The co… moreol, salt water might be good for her and Rosie.
The air was crisp and clean, as Carla took in a large breathe. She could feel the salt entering her nose; the sweet, smell of the beach. Several gulls flew over he head; all but one, screeching into the late afternoon. They dodged in and out of the clouds that hung lazily above her. Carla watched as the waves kissed the sand, slowly rising, then heading back out into the deep. She knelt down, sand against her skin, as she cupped the ocean water. Holly watched, as she slowly placed the water onto her expanding belly.
Carla closed her eyes. She could hear the water pounding the rocks; the waves splashing against gray and sand, leaving slow, permanent marks. The wind picked up, as she felt it slide under her hair and pick it up. This sent strands of red i… [view original content]
◦Likes: fighting random ass people, drinking, smoking, hair gel, pretty girls, TV, and ice cream
◦Dislikes: Cults especially ones that worship him, and taxes
◦Hobbies: Hunting down rouge fables, killing cults that worship him, working part time as a police officer
Bio: Harbinger is a beast that lived under the water who would one day destroy the world, Several story's about him were created most of them say he's a huge monster that could eat the world in one bite and bring darkness too the world so of course they worshiped him without any resistance, At first he liked it. But the more it went on he began getting really angry at the cultists they were loud and very small for his taste so he killed them with a huge thunderstorm for no reason but for being tired of them, finally the humans were angry at there so called sea god, this is what harbinger wanted something new something fresh he thought, now things would get more interesting around here. However the humans only lasted a few seconds even with Harbinger going easy on them. So they worshiped him again after six or seven try's of him trying to be hated by the humans he was done with being worshiped and returned too the sea or did he? instead he went to the homelands and wanted a new life as a fable he transformed into a human and started working as mercenary hunting vampires, werewolves ,dragons and even other fables, but then he got bored of that too. He was richer then a lot of fables in the homelands but was still bored with his life as a sea god and as a mercenary. He was over joyed with the thought of leaving the homelands when the time came to leave, a new world was up for him New York city. He took up two jobs a fable hunter for run away fables and a police officer he spends most of his time in the trip trap getting drunk and fighting with other fables if there's a job too be doing he's on the case.
Fable Name: Harbinger
Human Name: Phil
◦Species: Fable
◦Likes: fighting random ass people, drinking, smoking, hair gel, pretty girl… mores, TV, and ice cream
◦Dislikes: Cults especially ones that worship him, and taxes
◦Hobbies: Hunting down rouge fables, killing cults that worship him, working part time as a police officer
Bio: Harbinger is a beast that lived under the water who would one day destroy the world, Several story's about him were created most of them say he's a huge monster that could eat the world in one bite and bring darkness too the world so of course they worshiped him without any resistance, At first he liked it. But the more it went on he began getting really angry at the cultists they were loud and very small for his taste so he killed them with a huge thunderstorm for no reason but for being tired of them, finally the humans were angry at there so called sea god, this is what harbinger wanted somet… [view original content]
Chapter 28
Carla needed a walk; Holly agreed to take her down to the beach. There was no harm in that, she thought. The co… moreol, salt water might be good for her and Rosie.
The air was crisp and clean, as Carla took in a large breathe. She could feel the salt entering her nose; the sweet, smell of the beach. Several gulls flew over he head; all but one, screeching into the late afternoon. They dodged in and out of the clouds that hung lazily above her. Carla watched as the waves kissed the sand, slowly rising, then heading back out into the deep. She knelt down, sand against her skin, as she cupped the ocean water. Holly watched, as she slowly placed the water onto her expanding belly.
Carla closed her eyes. She could hear the water pounding the rocks; the waves splashing against gray and sand, leaving slow, permanent marks. The wind picked up, as she felt it slide under her hair and pick it up. This sent strands of red i… [view original content]
Your character has an interesting back story. You can take him into many directions to built his character like many of the characters created in this thread.
Another think i like about his back story is how he's a fable hunter! That can make a interesting story arc, but it's really up to you. Its your story and imagination.
Your character has an interesting back story. You can take him into many directions to built his character like many of the characters creat… moreed in this thread.
Another think i like about his back story is how he's a fable hunter! That can make a interesting story arc, but it's really up to you. Its your story and imagination.
He is destined for great things
Power is an illusion. Absolute power is a seamless illusion.
Chapter 11 Open the Floodgates
Boogey chants the Latin texts from the boo… morek of black magic and hovers his hand over the boy's body. The clouds grow darker and darker and the ground begins to shake. Lighting strikes once again hitting the antenna of the building and the wind blows fiercely before growing silent. Boogey raises his right hand while holding the book in his other. A purple light beams down onto the building and from it thousands of creatures flew out of the rays and descended onto the city.
The creatures began to terrorize the citizens by either killing and scaring them to death. The people ran and ran but it was no use, you couldn't hide from these creatures, you couldn't hide from the Boogeyman... Boogey watched from atop of his building, as the city began being to torn into madness and chaos. So much pain and suffering, so much destruction. Boogey has w… [view original content]
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger
The day was like any other. Holly was serving drinks Gren and the gang were playing darts. And I was drinking away my Sorrows, fuck this town I thought coming to New York city would be fun a new start for me a new life but its the fucking same maybe living under the sea isn't a bad idea, What am I talking about its boring down there nothing but water and fish and the sunken boats of dead sailors why would I go back there. Hell even the homelands had more excitement then this place what does fable town have a bunch of weak ass fables. The Woodsman nothing but a drunk that likes to fuck trolls, Gren just a mommy's boy at heart and finally beast he's just a boy toy for beauty, there's no real men in fable town no real challenge for me, And now that am going on a rant in my head because that makes since why shouldn't I talk about my jobs one as a fable hunter and the other as a police officer. I hunt fables that's it , If I find some weak ass fable leaving the farm I bring them back dead or alive the challenge is shit but the moneys good. And my job as a police officer, I don't even do anything I just sit down and do paper work not the thing you would be seeing a billion year old sea god too be doing well yea, one of these days am going to blow that fucking building away but I'd lie if I say I don't like doing something new even though its boring,
Holly: wake the fuck up you lazy ass prick your talking in your sleep again
Phil: hey if I mite say holly you are looking beauty this fine day
Holly: don't butter me up you fish freak now pay up am not taking tips this time
Phil: well you see I left my wallet in my other pare of pants so let me go get it
Holly: Gren get over here I need you for a minute
Gren: yeah
Holly: Phil here doesn't want to pay and this is his third time this week
Gren: oh really you think just because you hunt fucking fables you get a free pass not here asshole
Phil: listen its hot as hell out there and I need the refreshments to cheep me nice and relaxed so how about we all just start over high my name is Phil (he sends out his hand too Gren for a handshake)
Gren: Gren looks confused ah aright
Holly: what do you mean alright he just wants some free drinks
Gren: listen holly I agree with Phil it is hot as fuck out there lets let him go with a warning and ask for the money later am sure he can get it
Holly: are you out of your fucking mind
Phil: put it there pal (they shake hands Gren is then filled with a fuck ton of electricity) hahahahaha I can't believe he fell for the oldest trick in the book maybe this place is fun after all hahahahaha
Holly: Your sick you know that your fucking sick
Gren: What happed
Phil: I tricked your ass that's what happed
Holly: Listen free drinks for a week if you can kick this guys ass
Phil: (Phil cracked his knuckles) finally some fun
(a big fight broke out for the chance to fight Phil fables turning into there forms and the others grabbing weapons )
------ Continued, Part 5
“It’s apartment number 205,” Snow told me gently. “We can go up with you if you want.”
I wanted nothing more … morethan to cling to her arm and let her carry me all the way up to the room, but I wasn’t a baby. I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”
Giving my file on Snow’s desk one last glance, I turned to leave. I held my head high, showing them I was being brave when really all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and die. Its not like anyone would notice.
I pushed through the doors and passed Bluebeard on my way, who gave me a very dark look. Tiny Tim and Cryer whom I also passed slowly backed away when they saw me, but I pretended not to notice. I’ve given up trying to tell people that I don’t intend to hurt them.
As I reached out to press the elevator button, there was a sudden sharp prod on my shoulder. Startled, I turned round find myself face-to-face with only my worst enemy: Grizelda, the wit… [view original content]
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger
The day was like any other. Holly was serving drinks Gren and the gang were playing darts. And I was d… morerinking away my Sorrows, fuck this town I thought coming to New York city would be fun a new start for me a new life but its the fucking same maybe living under the sea isn't a bad idea, What am I talking about its boring down there nothing but water and fish and the sunken boats of dead sailors why would I go back there. Hell even the homelands had more excitement then this place what does fable town have a bunch of weak ass fables. The Woodsman nothing but a drunk that likes to fuck trolls, Gren just a mommy's boy at heart and finally beast he's just a boy toy for beauty, there's no real men in fable town no real challenge for me, And now that am going on a rant in my head because that makes since why shouldn't I talk about my jobs one as a fable hunter and the other as a police officer. I hunt fables … [view original content]
Chapter 13 Fierce Fight Conclusion & The end of Boogey
Boogey raises his sword over Draco's head. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was dripping saliva in delight of finally killing the only threat to his reign. With all his strength he swings his sword at Draco's head but before it touches him, Mett's brother who was unconscious this whole time attacks Boogey with a broken piece of glass stabbing him twice before being knocked away by Boogey.
Boogey let's out a horrible scream. He has been stab in the neck and as blood drips from his wound the cut slowly heals. Boogey turns around where Draco was but he is not there, he escaped the magical chains. Boogey scans the the whole roof searching for Draco. He looks into the clouds only to be tackled by Draco who begins biting Boogey with his powerful jaws.
Meanwhile Wolven continues to chase down the creature whose carrying Boogey's book inside of the building. The creature pulls out a pistol with silver bullets and fires at Wolven. One of the bullets passes through Wolvens leg. This doesn't slow him down, he continues to pursue the creature because the only way to stop Boogey's chaos is to destroy the book before things get worse..
Talia,Gillian and Chupa are joined by Viera who helps slay the large dragon Boogey has summoned. Even though it was severely injured, it still continues to fight back. The large dragon smacks Gillian and Chupa into the building and nearly steps on Talia who is saved by Viera. The dragon then exhale blue fire from its mouth at the two, and the barely avoid it.
Viera gives Talia her sword and tells her that she will distract the dragon so that Talia can stab it through the heart and kill it. Talia nods and Viera transform into her phoenix and attacks the dragon with her sacred flames. The dragon tries to swipe Viera out of the sky, but she gracefully avoids the dragons attack like they were nothing. Out of frustration the dragon smacks debris into Viera wings causing her to fall down. It moves in for the kill and prepares to eat her but is stabbed through the heart by Talia with Viera's sword and dies...
The moment is silence before being interrupted by the creature who is carrying Boogey's book screaming "The wolf!! Help me!!! It's going to kill meee!!" Wolven can be seen limping out of the building due to his injury from the silver bullet.
The creature runs past the downed Viera and just before he can get farther, Viera blast the creature with her flames from her left wing, killing it and burning the book. The book is destroy and the grounds begin to shake. Boogey's minions begins to die and be sucked into the sky enetering a portal leading to their. Lightning strikes down onto the building and hits Boogey who is still fighting Draco.
After being struck by the bolt, Boogey reverts to his human form. He has lost most of his power but has one more trick up his sleve. Draco then reverts to his human form and approaches Boogey.
Draco: It's over Boogey, you lost...
Boogey: No, not yet...dragon. I may have lost most of my power... But I have just enough to split this whole planet in half.... consider this my last resort.
Draco: What the hell are you saying?
Boogey: What I am saying is, BURN IN HELL!!!!!!
Boogey fires dark flames towards Draco with all the strength he has left. Draco retaliates and fires his own flames back at Boogey. The two attacks collides and begins to ripe the building apart.
Boogey: That's right Draco! Already I can feel you slipping! You thought you have won this battle so easily. Now you will SUFFERR!
Draco: Dammit! He's to strong! I can't hold him back... i'm going to di--
Delphantez: Draco...
Draco: Dad? How..?
*Delphantez *: Don't worry son. You are more power than Boogey or any of his incarnations. You gained that power from discarding your fears and doubts. Use it to destroy Boogey. USE IT NOW DRACO!
Draco is engulfed by flames, he continues to use all of his strength to defeat Boogey but it is not still enough. Talia and Viera appears and attack Boogey from behind but they are blown away by Boogey.
Draco: NOO!
Suddenly Boogey is attacked by a ball of light by Irene. it stuns Boogey leaving him open.
Boogey: IRENE?
Delphantez: NOW SON, FINISH HIM!
Draco unleashes a one final blast overpowering Boogey's..
Boogey begins to be ripped apart by the flames overwhelming power, his final words are " CURSE YOU DRACO, DAMN YOU. I SHOULD OF KILLED YOU WHILE I HAD THE CHANCE. I AM THE TRUE BOOGEYMAN. YOU CAN NEVER KILL THE BOOGEYMAN..."
The clouds clear, the suns rays beam down onto Draco. He falls to his knee's in satisfaction and smiles. He mutters "I did" before falling to ground and blacking out. The winds blows peacefully then goes silent.. Boogey, is no more..
Draco wakes up in a bed. He gets up and looks around, and picks up a book with a dragon on the cover. It's title 'The Dragon Boy' and as he skims through it he see's a picture of himself in his dragon form..
A young boy burst into the room and yells " Daddy daddy! It's time for the picture! Hurry!". Draco replies "Okay son I'll be right down.."
He closes the book and takes his son's hand and as he prepares to leave the room the closet door opens slightly. Draco walks over and slams the door shut and says to himself "Not this time". He leaves the room and goes down stairs.
Draco pics son up and walks outside on the sandy beach. Outside waiting are Viera, Irene and her two children, Wolven and his wife and his 7 children. Draco son runs towards Viera and gives her a big hug. She smiles at Draco as he approaches her.
He walks over to Viera and gives her a nice kiss before Dewloren interrupts them.
Dewloren: Ok kiddo's time for the family picture, Smile!!
After taking the picture everyone runs towards the ocean in happiness except for Draco and his son.
Draco: Son, I want to tell you something. Something you will learn how to do one day..
Draco and his son slowly walked down the beach. As they walked Draco told his son about his adventures he had with Marco, Wolven, Irene and wife, Viera...
That dragon battle was pretty tense, and you've built up the suspense for a final showdown. There's got to be a final showdown, right?
Of course there will be. We can't let a monster plague the world in fear and unleash hell on earth lol
Well, you can. You'd be the first storyteller on here to create a super-ultra-horrific bad ending, if you really wanted to.
------ Continued, Part 4
Bluebeard roughly pushed me through the doors of the business office and gave me a shove towards Snow and Bigby’s direction, so hard that I nearly toppled over. Snow looked up, dropped the phone and came over. Bigby followed, his teeth clenched.
“Bluebeard! Don’t handle her like that!” Snow scolded, lightly placing her hand on my shoulder. Her words made me feel delicate. “Are you all right, Lehava?”
I can play at that game if I want to. With my bottom lip trembling, I looked up as Snow, trying to widen my golden eyes as much as possible. “He hurt me a little bit,” I whispered, rubbing my shoulders where he’d grabbed them and wincing for good measure.
“Oh, spare me the sob act,” Bluebeard snapped. He pointed his finger at me menacingly, “this kid is turning this decent, well-respected democracy into her own little sleeping spot! This is the Woodlands, not a domain for homeless Fables!”
I was itching like mad to spit embers in his face and set his shoes alight, but then Bigby stepped forward to my defence.
“Just calm the fuck down, all right?” he snarled. “We’ll deal with this, just give us a minute.”
Bluebeard breathed heavily through his nostrils, his eyes fierce little slits behind his glasses. He shot me a cold, filthy look full of hatred. “I want this girl banished the second I leave this room,” he hissed to Bigby, and then turned to leave.
As soon as he left, I heaved a huge sigh of relief and Snow wiped her forehead. “Sorry about that,” she said to me. “Bluebeard tends to get a bit hot-headed sometimes. He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Of course not,” I boasted indignantly, tilting my chin. “Hardly anyone can physically hurt me.”
They exchanged eyebrow-raised glances. “All right then,” Snow said.
I nibbled round the red flesh of my fingers, suddenly worrying if I was going to be in trouble. I mean, its true that I don’t even live in the Woodlands. I just tend to go there quite a lot (all my life, really. I had nowhere else to go). Bigby, Colin, Snow, Bufkin … They’re the closest things I have right now to friends. But I didn’t want to irritate them. I’m not their child, after all.
Bigby leant against the desk and Snow clutched her head with her hand, looking flustered. It looked like they had more important stuff on their minds right now to worry about me trespassing and sleeping in the Woodlands’s territory. Yesterday’s curiosity suddenly returned to me. What did Snow want Bigby to see? It was still playing a role in my head. Was it that bad?
I was about to say something about it, when Snow suddenly bent down and gave me an upset look. It made me feel anxious.
“I’m sorry,” I quickly started. “I didn’t mean to-”
“It‘s okay, don‘t worry,” Snow said, but she didn’t quite catch my eye. Bigby sighed and took out his packet of Huff N Puff cigarettes. I turned to watch as he lit one and took a puff.
“Can you teach me how to do it?” I asked him.
“Fuck no, are you kidding?” Bigby exclaimed. “I’m not sure Miss White will approve at all-”
“Go on,” I begged. “You don’t have to light it…”
Sighing, he reluctantly handed me one and watched suspiciously as I put it between my teeth. Snow stood up, her face registering great horror. Of course, they know I can light things up if I want to. Even though I shouldn’t really do it, I placed my finger at the end of the cigarette and let the heat come. This was really risky; if I want just the smallest flicker of flames, I usually get a huge flamethrower that would leave the business office in ruins.
But this time I was obeyed.
“Bigby!” snapped Snow, as I coughed and gagged the smoke out. “What the hell are you doing, allowing her to smoke?”
“How was I supposed to know she was going to light it?”
“You knew damn well she can light it without a lighter!”
“It won’t exactly harm her, Snow.”
“That’s not the point-”
I listened to them arguing like an old married couple, the cigarette pinched between my two fingers. I took another tentative puff, trying to pluck up the courage to ask them something. But then something on Snow’s desk caught my eye: a closed file with a picture of a very familiar-looking girl on it, with golden eyes and long red hair. Wait, was that my file? Why has Snow reading my file? It probably meant nothing, but I started to wonder if I was in trouble again.
I was just about to say something about it, when Bigby and Snow finally stopped arguing and turned to me with a serious look on their faces.
“What?” I asked, an uneasy feeling settling inside my stomach. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Snow slowly bent down so it was easier for her to look at me. Her sad, I-feel-sorry-for-you face made me drop the cigarette. What she was about to say next … I knew I wouldn’t like it.
“You’re not in trouble,” she quickly said, as I anxiously started to nibble my nails. “We just … have something to tell you. But its nothing bad, so you can relax.”
Nothing bad? Something didn’t seem right here; I can’t remember the last time someone had anything good to tell me.
“I said I’m sorry for sneaking round here again. I just-”
“Trust me, we‘re not mad at you for that,” Snow said. “It’s actually … good for all of us if you stay here.”
I blinked. Snow took a deep breath, and it all came out.
“We … don’t think it’s necessarily safe for you to wander around in the streets where all the mundies are. Bigby has been helping you control your … power, but until then, it’s too risky for you to be out in public. Even though …”
She stopped. I knew what she was thinking; she was thinking I had no needs to go out anyway seeing as I had no home, no friends to go to. I’ve spent most of my life hanging around the woodlands. Hardly anyone wanted me there either.
Even so, I still couldn’t help feeling a bit confused, a bit worried. Where would I stay then? Would I have my own apartment? Then a sudden, terrifying thought hit me.
“Oh no,” I whispered. Pleadingly I looked up at Snow. “Please don’t send me to the chambers … I … I-”
They both looked horrified - and then laughed, much to my relief. “Of course we won’t do that,” Snow said, patting my shoulder reassuringly. “We have a good friend of ours that is willing to take you on and help you control your power.”
She turned to look at Bigby. More relief suddenly filled itself in my stomach; if I was staying with Bigby, then I’ll feel much more safer and comfortable. He understood me, he helped me. I can’t see anyone else doing that.
Bigby slowly approached me. Then he suddenly said,
“Her name’s Veronica, and she’s had experience with your kind of ability back in her days. She knows what she’s dealing with … uh, hopefully.”
“Veronica has different powers, and fire is one of them,” Snow added. “Word said she had trouble controlling it in her time.”
They said other things, but I was barely listening. The dread and horror was slowly coming back to me. Me living with a stranger. They can’t positively be serious. Don’t they know how I react to every stranger I meet? Do they honestly think I’m going to be okay living with someone I don’t even know?
“Are you all right, Lehava?” Snow asked me softly.
No, I’m not okay, I thought bitterly. I’ve just been told that I’m going to be kept as a stranger’s prisoner for the rest of my life, seeing as they’re probably never going to help control my power anyway because nobody can!
But I looked up at her and Bigby’s gentle, concerned faces, and felt my breathing relax. They wanted the best for me. They wanted me to be safe. Maybe I should be grateful that I have some people on my side.
Putting on the brave face I’ve been so good at putting on, I nodded. “Yes. I’m fine.” My fingers started to shake dangerously, but I clenched them hard. “Can I please meet … Veronica now?”
Hey Dragon, you could make that into an award category. 'Best ending', or 'Best didn't-see-that-coming ending'; something like that. Just a suggestion, is all.
Had me on edge, I'm literally trembling with anticipation now! Can't wait to see how Veronica reacts to the situation!
Great idea! It seems that pudding_pie and MasterStone are going to finish their stories again, so I might make that into a category for this month!
I'm enjoying your tale. There aren't too many threads, at the moment, and not a vast array of characters, yet this and the way you write make it easy to read, to keep up with, and seem more real. A feeling for the characters is swiftly created, and it leaves one wondering what will happen next. Great job!
Yes epic just caught up and need more so epic and intense just so addictive to read I NEED MORE
Double post
Thank you so much for the kind words.
I'm glad people are enjoying my story just as much as I'm enjoying everybody else's.
Chapter 26
"Wanna go for a swim?"
The only friends Malcom had were the shadows dancing on the wall; the alley located on 10th street was his only option. Sure, he thought to himself, as he placed his fourth can of beer to his lips. I can go back, tell them my side. But who is to believe an old, childish, coward such as myself? He continued looking to the sky; he was hoping some sort of sign would be handed to him from the heavens.
Bigby, John and that troll were too busy with Carla; he was able to leave the apartment, run down and charge directly into the open arms of the darkness. He had no reason to be there. Why had he helped her? Malcom was still puzzled with his bizarre attempts to regain his fellow man's trust. It was true; in the back of his mind, he thought this whole countless efforts to banish the Smiths and Fables alike were growing tiresome; he felt no need to push on and carry out this ridiculous attempt to rid THEIR world of Fables. In the end, he lost. He lost all future hopes and dreams with Lyla; he watched, as Carla did the same to Sam.
Malcom could understand the young wolf's pride being broken and demolished like an old, useless building. He too, was devastated with the news of Lyla's choice in mate; she picked not only a fable but the worthless corpse Georgie Porgie. He couldn't comprehend that her thoughts were; surely, this was forced upon and Lyla had no choice, due to her 'employment' choices. Perhaps, he thought to himself, I can take a hold of the situation and rescue the fair maiden. He would be a hero in his community's eyes; the love of his life, wrapping her arms around his neck, leaving kisses all over his face. He, like Sam, had strong wolf blood running along their body.
No matter, thought Malcom, as he crushed the empty can. Not like it REALLY matters anymore. He kicked it to the side and watched as it bounced from side to side, ending at the bottom of his feet. With frustration, he kicked the can once more. He heard a loud thud; the can's final destination landing in some empty dumpster. Malcom stumbled down the street, the moon ricocheting off of his skin. Fuck this shit, he thought. What a fucking waste....
There was no point in going back to the Council now. Sam would be there and he knew his punishment. Death seemed all too easy for him. They banished the Smiths; they, as far as the community was concerned, were no longer a part of the Folkers. Funny thing about that, laughed Malcom to himself. They still track down these fuckers like they never left; sending their men to track them down like Bloodhounds on a coon's trail Then, when they think they have them trapped in a tree, with nowhere to go, here comes the hunters; Decimus was notorious of such behavior. He was very professional with John, there was no doubt but Malcom knew better; the old wolf superior was very crafty and conniving when he wanted to be, especially if it involved his own.
But Malcom knew if he returned, death was only an option. So, he decided to journey into the Fable community one last time before his carcass became bug food and his head mounted on the wall. He would rather deal with the Sheriff and John; at least they had the common curtsy to ASK questions, actions later.
Malcom never wanted to kill Carla or hurt her family.
Before long, the mighty wolf slumped to the ground and pressed his tired body along a large building. The heavy, thick air was making it hard to breathe. He could feel the burning feeling lodged into his throat; his chest tightening and sweat forming around his forehead. Malcom was never one for this heat; it made it difficult to do anything when the sun was above them. Even as the dark enveloped the city, it was still an oven. He lifted himself up and turned the corner, only to be pushed violently into the brick wall. He could feel a trickle of blood dripping down his head. Sam laced his fingers around his neck; with a mighty grasp, enclosed all his fingers, watching them dig into his flesh. His eyes were a deep yellow; they were piercing his very soul.
"You fucking rat," shrieked Sam, as he continued slamming Malcom into the wall. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"
Sam was pleased; he could see the blood splatter, his bones cracking.
"Sam," gagged Malcom. "I...I....stop-"
"SHUT UP!!!"
With another might blow, Sam slammed Malcom into the brick; he fell to the side and tried covering the wound with his bare hands. Malcom could feel the warm liquid caressing his finger; the dirt and hair entwining themselves around his fingers. Sam watched, as a tiny puddle formed under his head. He lifted his shoe and pressed it against Malcom's face, causing the wolf man to fall flat into the ground. The pressure Sam was creating was unbearable; he could feel the pain forming in his lower jaw.
"You are not worthy to live another day," hissed Sam, as he forced his boot deeper into Malcom's face. "You are just like John! What kind of wolf leaves the comfort of the pack, just to venture off and die alone? You both have no right to even BREATHE my air; you are a worthless worm, Malcom..."
Sam lifted his foot off; Malcom continued to lie there and was still; he was terrified if he made another movement, the punishment Sam would bestow upon his body.
"Please....," begged Malcom. He could feel the tears building up. "Don't do this...please-"
Sam turned and kicked Malcom in the chest. As Malcom coughed up some blood into the ground, he looked up and saw a beautiful pale woman in a blue dress walk behind Sam. Her icy blue eyes looked down at the injured wolf, as her long blonde hair continued blowing along the wind. In her hands, she carried a large wooden box. He watched, as Sam grabbed it from her. She walked up to Malcom and took a seat beside him. She smelled heavily of rose petals and white wine.
"He helped her escape, Amber," continued Sam, he opened the box. "He's been secretly helping those Fables. I almost had it complete; I could feel the fear in her-"
The beautiful woman held up her hand; instantly, Sam's words were no more. The woman lifted Malcom's head up; her hands were so delicate and smooth under his chin.They were very cold and had a texture of wet paper. Her eyes were focused on his.
"Malcom, do you remember me?"
Malcom was having a hard time shaking his head; the injury he sustained from Sam was taking over his every thought, every movement. Her name was Amber; story goes she died during a flash flood in Oklahoma when she was a teenager. Since that tragic evening, you are capable of communicating with her spirit through a Ouija board; things teenagers all knew too familiar with. Legend has it, you managed to contact her spirit, you were given three days to remove the curse she bestowed upon you, friends and family. If you did not and failed any attempt to save your life, you would find your body in an icy tub of water and slowly drown to death; all the while, her spirit watched over you, cursing you to wonder the earth for all eternity.
Malcom finally managed to nod; he knew better than to keep Amber waiting.
"Good doggy," answered Amber, as she gave him a pat on the head. "Now that is out of the way, seems like we have a little problem. Sam here says you helped Carla Smith, is this true? I do not appreciate you helping the rats escape the boat, Malcom; they made the decision to play with fleas, so, let them DIE with fleas..."
She began laughing, as she pulled out a Ouija board from within the box. Malcom was unable to move; all he could do was watch, as she placed the game between them. The noise of the city and darkness continued to surround them.
"Now, Decimus is a patient man, Malcom," continued Amber, as she set up the game. "He's given the Smiths a chance to redeem themselves. He offered John a home and his position on the Council. But he would rather play with hundreds of lives, then abide by the rules and traditions we have created for over hundreds of years! The Fables entered our world; we didn't want this, Malcom. NONE of us did. But, here we all are...and yet, hmmm. Seems like you and John STILL want to play with trash!"
"They are not bad people," bellowed Malcom. The copper taste was getting to him. "They are just like us! And you BOTH know this! We are all lost in this mundy world; we should be helping each other, not fight!"
"They are NOT like us, Malcom," replied Amber. "They are NOTHING to me! Fucking Fables and creating bastard children are not on my 'to do list' in this world...."
Without another word, Amber reached over and grabbed Malcom's hand. Although she had a small stature, her strength was that of a full grown wolf. She placed his hands on the triangle, then gently placed her own on his. The triangle began to move; slow at first, then it picked up the pace, as it traced over the various numbers and letters. Malcom found it difficult to struggle; the entire time, Sam watching them. As the triangle finished spelling, it levitated into the air and glowed a bright, crimson red. The alley became coated in the color, as a thick fog wrapped itself around the three of them. Malcom looked around; they were at the beach. He could hear seagulls from a far, the waves crashing among ancient rocks. He turned to see Amber and Sam standing close by.
"Where-where are we," asked Malcom. "What the fuck is this place?"
He carefully watched Amber bend down and cup the sea water into her hands. She placed it to her lips and slowly drank it.
"The sea is a beautiful place," mumbled Amber, as she kicked up the sand. "I loved the beach as a child; so many memories created there. It's a great place to bury the truth, as well, don't you think Malcom? So much mystery....."
"What did it say," inturupted Malcom, still clinging to his wounded head. "What...what did the message say?"
Amber looked back; the most depraved, horrifying smile upon her face. Her eyes were pure white.
"Wanna go for a swim...."
Amber's eyes were now directed on the ocean. She noticed the water reaching her toes, the moon shining down below. She held up her arms and within seconds, a large wave crashed on shore and into Malcom. When Same and Amber looked out, they watched as it carried the large wolf deeper into the dark; waves crashing along his body, throwing him around like wet laundry. His shrills filled the night.
"Fuck you, Sam! You don't deserve any of this! You don't deserve to be on the Council! I hope they fucking kill...I hope they kill you, Sam! I hope to fucking GOD they murder you your sleep!"
Sam continued to watch, as Malcom's body bobbed up and down; his voice trailing off and strength diminishing.
"I hope John the fucking Sheriff get you for this...."
Sam watched as Malcom disappeared into the ocean; his body becoming the next meal for parasites and sea creatures alike. Amber waited and when he was no longer visible, placed the board into the wooden box and as she waved her arms, watched it vanish. Sam did not speak another word, as they walked back to the Council.
"Oops, accidents happen, right Sam..."
It was now a battle; The Fables and Folkers alike had no idea what they had created.
I hope, Georgie, you have a direction with this....Amber sounds like a problem in herself; fuck the Council! She is bad ass. Never heard of her story, though. Did you make it up? Actually kinda sad to see him go. Seemed like he WANTED to help the Smith family.
This was good and can't wait to read more! Good job! Hope fully the next installment will have a picture?
BTW, did you get my message? I know you must be busy, so no rush! Sry...look at me blab on!! ^^;
Dragon i'm reading your story i'm in chapter five and totally lost where's chapter six, i'm so hyped i need to know what happened to snow and the dragon thief.
Power is an illusion. Absolute power is a seamless illusion.
Chapter 11 Open the Floodgates
Boogey chants the Latin texts from the book of black magic and hovers his hand over the boy's body. The clouds grow darker and darker and the ground begins to shake. Lighting strikes once again hitting the antenna of the building and the wind blows fiercely before growing silent. Boogey raises his right hand while holding the book in his other. A purple light beams down onto the building and from it thousands of creatures flew out of the rays and descended onto the city.
The creatures began to terrorize the citizens by either killing and scaring them to death. The people ran and ran but it was no use, you couldn't hide from these creatures, you couldn't hide from the Boogeyman... Boogey watched from atop of his building, as the city began being to torn into madness and chaos. So much pain and suffering, so much destruction. Boogey has won, he got what he wanted, and in days the world will be plague in fear just as he planned.
Mett' appears before Boogey, demanding the release of his brother.
Mett':You got what you wanted, now release him Boogey.
Boogey: Wendigo's are such gruesome creatures, they kill and kill and devour flesh by flesh... Do you want your brother to be part of that life Mett'?
Mett': That is none of your concern Boogey. The agreement was my services for my brothers freedom. Enough games. RELEASE HIM NOW.
Boogey: I'm not finished with him just yet, I still have more work to do-
Mett': I don't give a damn!! NO MORE. No more will I let you manipulate anyone into doing your hellish schemes. I'm putting everything aside just to see you fall. Boogey, I made a mistake ever joining this. I should of stoped this before it gotten worse.
Boogey: What do you plan on doing now? Are you going to stop me? Are you going to kill me? Well if that's the case, then--
Suddenly, a giant dragons descends upon the building.
Boogey: Ah theres my beast. Now where was I? Ah yes, killing... you. Destroy him my beast!
The dragon claws at Mett'. He transforms into his wendigo and tries tries to rescue his brother, but the dragon smacks Mett' away from the boy, sending him flying off the roof to his demise.. Boogey looks out into the city as it being destroyed and says "I will finally prove to my father I am the most powerful incarnation of the Bogeymen. And now, I will be the last."
Meanwhile, Draco, Wolven, and Viera are driving through the chaos of the city. They see people being torn apart and driven into madness by the creatures Boogey released onto the city. They watch in horror, thinking about what is waiting for them once they reached Boogey.
Viera: This is horrible...
Draco: We gotta stop this before this spreads out of the city...
Wolven: We are almost there, just keep going until we reach the-- What the hell?
Wolven points to the building with the freakishly large dragon sitting at the very top of the building.
Draco: Of course he has a dragon..
Wolven:It's just over the bridge, lets go.
The group begins to drive over the bridge towards the building, but suddenly they are attacked by a hydra..
Draco: WHAT??
They crashed halfway on the bridge, and the six headed beast draws closer and roars ferociously. Viera is silent. She thinks and looks at Draco and tells him and Wolven to go on without her. She will hold the Hydra off while they escape. Draco disproves her choice to stay behind and tries to convince not to. But he is scolded by her and she tells him that she can handle it herself. So Draco and Wolven gets out of the car and before giving Viera one final look the two leaves the car and sprints across the bridge. Halfway across, Wolven transforms into his wolf.
Viera then faces the Hydra preparing to clash with the mighty beast unsheathing her sword.
Minutes later, Draco and Wolven makes it to the entrance of the building where Boogey was. Mett' can be seen in a pile of blood, surrounded by Gillian, Talia and Chupa. They looked at Draco and Wolven in a regretful manner.
Mett' then calls Wolven's name, demanding his presence as he coughs up blood...
To be continued..
Chapter 6 should be located on page 17, my curious friend.
I hope that you've liked what you read so far!
I heard it as a kid. Not sure if it was a way to scare us kids or what. So, I have no idea. lol
She will play a big part later. Yes, I did get the message and I will work on it asap.
Promise. And yes-hopefully the next xhapter will have pictures. Glad you and everyone else is enjoying. 
Y'know, when I read this earlier, I felt sorry for Malcolm. He was supposed to be the stupid one of the Folker group of the council, correct? If that's the case, I feel even more bad for him, especially when he was trying to convince him that Fables aren't bad.
Them feels, pudding, such a horrible fate for him.
------ Continued, Part 5
“It’s apartment number 205,” Snow told me gently. “We can go up with you if you want.”
I wanted nothing more than to cling to her arm and let her carry me all the way up to the room, but I wasn’t a baby. I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”
Giving my file on Snow’s desk one last glance, I turned to leave. I held my head high, showing them I was being brave when really all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and die. Its not like anyone would notice.
I pushed through the doors and passed Bluebeard on my way, who gave me a very dark look. Tiny Tim and Cryer whom I also passed slowly backed away when they saw me, but I pretended not to notice. I’ve given up trying to tell people that I don’t intend to hurt them.
As I reached out to press the elevator button, there was a sudden sharp prod on my shoulder. Startled, I turned round find myself face-to-face with only my worst enemy: Grizelda, the witch’s child. She was the newest resident to the Woodlands, and has been a threat to me ever since I came across her. Tall and slender with chalk white skin and long, glossy black hair, she had this way of looking sweet when really inside she was a devious bitch.
She narrowed her cold grey eyes at me in the same disgusted manner she’s always used. “Hi Lehava. Long time no see. I’m actually surprised to see that you’re still wanted here.”
I glared at her. Grizelda, callous and cruel as she was, never failed to crawl under my skin. She has done plenty of things in the past to get me in trouble: setting Grimble’s desk alight, I got the blame; tried to burn down Cindy’s shoe store, I got the blame, and then she used her matchsticks to create a small fire outside the business office that soon grew bigger and spread over the whole of the Woodlands. All the Fabletown residents were running to get out of the building, and there was me, standing on the steps with my fingertips aglow because I was so shocked. That made the whole situation look more as if it was my fault. It took at least three weeks for the Woodlands to look normal again. And for months after that the Fabletown residents had hated me even more than before. Even Bigby and Snow showed a new cold attitude. I didn’t even bother telling them it was all Grizelda; who would have believed me?
“I’ve made a list that has one hundred ways of getting you in trouble,” Grizelda smirked, her eyes glittering menacingly. “I’ll read it out for you if you want.”
“Don’t even fucking try to pull that shit on me again,” I growled at her. “You made everyone hate me.”
She raised an eyebrow, amused. “I thought everyone already hated you. What difference does it make?”
That stung me like a swarm of bees. I gritted my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut, knowing it was true. Then I opened them quickly, furious, and turned away from her. I’m not going to let Grizelda’s words get to me. No way.
But they had this way of doing that anyway.
“Poor little Lehava, she’s just a helpless-looking child and yet nobody wants her,” Grizelda sang in a spiteful little voice. Her voice darkened. “It must be horrible that you’re so alone, so unwanted.”
My hands started to shake furiously. I clenched my teeth hard, tasting acid in my mouth.* No, Lehava … Ignore her … Ignore her!*
“You must know by now that Bigby and Snow don’t want you either. They’re only nice to you because they feel sorry for you.”
Control it… Control it … Don’t let her get to you …
“Just go back to Hell, Lehava. At least the other devils like you want you there.”
And suddenly a great tidal wave of absolute fury washed over me; I whipped around, my whole body boiling like a kettle. “FUCK you!” I roared, and I let my anger release at last. A burst of flames exploded from my hands and shot straight at Grizelda, lightly brushing her face. She stepped back, arms flailing, her mouth in a wide O of terror. Embers burned like death all around her feet, and one small fire ball exploded on her arm, causing her to screech in pain.
Suddenly it was all over. I was left, shaking and shocked, looking at what I’ve just done. Dark red burns were left sizzling on Grizelda’s cheeks and forehead. Her hand and half of her arm was burnt almost black. Even her hair started to melt, resulting in black cinders on the floor.
Standing behind Grizelda were Tiny Tim, Cryer and Flycatcher, who were staring at me in shock as if I was some kind of monster. Which I just had been.
“Grizelda, I-I’m s-” I started, stepping towards her - but she suddenly backed away from me.
“Get away from me,” she spat. “You hear me? Get away.”
Her voice was full of fear. It made my insides churn; she was properly frightened. Of me.
She turned and ran in the business office’s direction, and I instantly knew from then on I was going to be in very deep trouble. I wanted to run after her, to beg her I was sorry and I didn’t mean to nearly kill her - but Cryer suddenly stepped forward, blocking me.
“Do you really want to turn this into a bigger problem than it already is?” he asked with stern iciness to his voice.
It was enough to silence me. My silence was so dark that he started to wearily step back, thinking I was about to explode again. But I let my arms drop and my shoulders slump. I’ve done enough. Now I just have to face the consequences.
I turned to get onto the elevator. My eyes were stinging even though I‘ve been taught I shouldn‘t cry.
At least there was this woman to look forward to. Not.
Number 205. This was her place.
I reached out to knock, and then stopped and drew my hand back. I reached out to knock again, but once again my nerves had took over. What was I doing? Just knock, for God’s sake. Knock and then everything will be over.
“It will never be over,” I muttered sourly.
Suddenly the door opened.
“Ah. Lehava. I was expecting you,” murmured a low, soft voice.
I looked up, swallowing anxiously. A pair of huge, unblinking silver-blue eyes looked back down at me. This woman was tall, very elegant and unusual-looking, with long silver-white curls flowing almost to her waist. She wore a floaty turquoise skirt and a midnight-blue blouse, and had about a million rings on each long, white finger.
Veronica held out her hand, which seemed oddly formal for such an eerily beautiful kind of lady. I looked down at it for a few seconds before tentatively shaking it.
“Let’s talk, should we?” she said, beckoning me inside. “I’m sure there’s quite an amount to talk about.”
Wouldn’t you like to know, I thought, awkwardly stepping inside. Her apartment seemed so out of place for someone as clumsy and as fiery as me. Paintings on every wall, chandeliers on the ceiling, jewel-encrusted cabinets and fancy-looking wallpaper. I made sure I took my shoes off before stepping out onto the flowery-patterned rug.
“I hope you like the look of my house,” Veronica said softly as I looked around in awe. “After all, this is where you’ll be staying now.”
“It’s really beautiful,” I said truthfully.
“That’s sweet of you to mention,” she smiled. “Now take a seat, if you please.”
As I perched at the edge of the cream sofas, Veronica cleared her throat and folded her hands on her lap as if this was some kind of official meeting. “Its nice to meet you, Lehava,” she started. “The sheriff and Miss White already told me some information about you. How you‘re very well-mannered and polite.” I snorted. “However … I’ve heard that you let your temper overcome you sometimes.”
I looked down at the floor, remembering Grizelda’s scarred face.
“I know it must be horrible for you,” she said with a touch of sympathy in her voice. “Not being able to rage or cry without creating a small explosion. Believe me, I reckon our pasts have been similar.”
A new thought struck me. “Oh yeah,” I said. “Snow mentioned you have a fire power like me. Is … that true?”
“I can do lots of fire magic,” Veronica said. She slowly brought up her hand, and a small blue flame lit up on her palm. “Fire,” she said. “And -” the blue flame suddenly changed into a large, silver snowflake. “Ice.”
My eyes widened. She can fire* and *ice?
“What about water?” I asked.
“Your weakness?” she chuckled. “Better not. We don’t want you injured before we’ve even gotten started.”
I remembered the countless times when Fables tried to kill me with endless buckets of water, and decided to agree.
“Your fire is much more angrier than mine though,” Veronica said slowly, approaching me. She gently took hold of my hand and inspected my fingers. They were red-hot, but she didn’t even flinch. “Ever heard of the term “nimble fingers”, dear? Because that’s what we need to teach them to be like. Quick and light in movement, so your flames will be quick and light as well.”
“I don’t want to keep hurting people,” I whispered. I forgot about my anxiety, forgot about me quivering at a stranger touching me. All I wanted for her to do is to help me. Images of Grizelda’s burnt face, of Colin’s scalds, of Bufkin’s burnt wing, of Bigby’s alight shoes were coming back … and I knew that if my fire got any stronger, the results will end up being more severe. “Please, Veronica. Help me.”
She stared straight into my eyes with her unblinking blue orbs.
“You will be helped, Lehava. And we will succeed.”
Chapter 27
"Past is behind now..."
August 5th, 2012
Dear Gren- Our last visit was spectacular. Rosie has calmed down since we last saw you. I guess that is all she really needed.
I will not visit you any time soon, unless I feel the need to do so. I know you have many preparations left and I'd hate to interrupt your concentration. Everything looks amazing so far. Malcom has been missing now for quite some time. No one is sure of his whereabouts. Dad and Bigby wanted to ask him a few questions but no luck. It's almost like he vanished off the face of the Earth. The Council is not pleased, my father told me. They blame US for Nate's death and Malcom's disappearance. Decimus has declared war on Fabletown; Snow has prepared a plan. We do not intend to fight but it is fair game, should they cross our paths and start trouble. Do not worry about us. We are fine and safe in the apartment. I'm never alone.
I love you so much and hope to hear from you soon. Love you always, Carla.
Carla sat comfortably on the couch. The humidity was rising outside; today was going to be a hot day. Thankfully, Bigby had someone come out and fix the cooling system. She sighed, as the cool breeze brushed against her face.
Several feet from her, she watched as Holly dipped a mop into a bucket of water and suds. She pulled it out, rung out any excess water and continued cleaning the corners. Earlier, Carla attempted to clean the apartment; she was not one for living in clutter and filth. Gren may have 'preferred' it to look like a cow's pen but not her, especially with a new born on the way. As she was cleaning the windows, Holly arrived and was furious to fin her cleaning; she felt Carla had enough to deal with, especially with the baby.
"You need to save you strength for Rosie," replied Holly, snatching the rag from her hand. "And besides, these chemicals so close to your face is not healthy for either of you! Now, go sit and relax!"
Who was Carla to argue with the bar troll; she would never win that fight, so instead of carrying on the conversation, she waved her white flag and began sewing a baby blanket. Carla watched as the needle and thread snaked its way along the edges; she was determined to finish this before the baby arrived. The pattern was simple; bright pink with polka dots, flowers and a lace trim. She couldn't wait to show Gren; he would be pleased with the results.
As she continued sewing, Holly took a break and sat beside her. She grabbed an end and ran her fingers over the material. To Holly, she was simply astonished to see something so ancient still continuing.
"This is very beautiful, Carla," said Holly.
"Thank you. I'm hoping to have it complete for Rosie."
"I had no idea you could do things like this..."
"My mom taught all of us at an early age. Mary and Gina do not do as much as Lyla and I. I remember one summer, spending my entire free time helping my mother build a quilt. Thought making something like this for Rosie would mean a lot to her as she grew."
"Well, it's looking really nice."
For the past weeks since the incident, Holly had been staying with her at night. Carla never returned to the Business office; Snow believed it would cause more stress then god, especially with the Council on edge lately. During the day, Lyla always came over; they were on good terms again. Carla felt no need to argue with her sister, especially something as silly as it was. At night it varied; Holly, her father or Bigby would stop by and watch.
What John said, always had to be done; if he wanted Carla to be watched over, so be it. She could recall being a little girl and believing everything her father said; he was Alpha and knew so much more of this world then she did. His words put fear into Carla. Even to this day, she finds it difficult to argue with him.
Carla watched as Holly returned to the mop and continued cleaning.
"They ever find that Malcom guy," asked Holly.
"No. My father and Bigby believe he took off to with another city or is in hiding here in town. Sam claims we did something to him but last time I saw him, was here in the apartment. Malcom is a coward, so I'm not surprised by his actions."
As Carla finished another section, she noticed a man on the television screen holding up a plate of fried fish. His explanations of the dish made her mouth water; Rosie began thrashing inside, her stomach growling. Carla closed her eyes and could already taste the crispy skin, the succulent meat, and the crunchy bones between her teeth. Holly looked over and found Carla's face pressed against the screen.
"Mmmm. This sounds so good right now...."
"What does, Carla?"
Holly dropped the bucket, walked over to Carla and pulled her gently back. She watched as a large chef began showing the preparations of the meal; he had flour, eggs, seasonings and fresh parsley to top it off. They watched as he battered the fish and dipped it in hot, bubbling oil. Carla couldn't take it, as she lifted up and went to her purse. She opened her wallet and fished out a twenty.
"Sssh," Carla whispered, as she stroked her belly. "Mommy is going right now..."
"Carla, dear," said Holly, as she took the money from her hands. "Sit back down. Let me do this, okay? I can call in an order and have them deliver it. It's too damn hot. Last thing I need is a pregnant mundy on my hands..."
Carla giggle, as she watched Holly punch in some numbers. Holly knew of a place in New York that had premium fried sea food; she too, was getting hungry and that surprisingly sounded very appealing. Carla heard her order eight fried fillets of Trout, two fish ball soups and ten pieces of the crispy Sardines Carla's taste longed for. Each day, as Rosie continued to grow, Swinheart made it a point to remind her about the consumption of fish; Grendel babies thrive off of the oils and proteins they provide.
Twenty minutes later, Holly and Carla were feasting. Carla devoured the entire body of the fried Sardines, while she chewed and crunched on the fillet of Trouts. How embarrassing, she thought, as she growled at Holly. She had reached over for another piece and Rosie was not having it. Holly simply laughed it off; she knew Carla could not control the baby's emotions. She was simply doing what Grendels do in the wild.
"I'm sorry, Carla..."
Carla was taken back by the sudden words Holly spoke of. What was this about, she asked herself. Sorry for what? She looked at Holly, who began picking at the fried skin, taking bits and placing them in the corner of her mouth, slowly chewing and looking directly into the ground.
"I don't understand what you mean," began Carla, as she wiped her mouth clean. "Sorry for what?"
Holly was silent, still looking at the ground. Carla moved to her side and gently placed her hands on Holly's shoulders. She never moved, still continuing to stare off into nothing.
"I was so sure you were going to hurt him, Carla. He has been a very good friend to me. Has been there, even when all others left. His heart was on the mends when you two began this relationship. He blamed his broken heart of every woman in sight, every mundy he crossed paths with..."
Holly stopped to take a sip from her wine glass.
"On a Whiskey night, you could never be too sure what you might get; Gren was a mystery in himself and that's were people felt threatned with him. He was ready to fight, ready to end it all...."
"End it...I don't-"
Holly sighed, grabbing Carla's hands. She was grinning; the corners of her mouth curved with dimples.
"Don't tell him I told you this but...he was devestated with the whole situation with Lyla and the 'cleansing' process he had to go through. He spent months in therapy, Carla. They almost sent him to the Farm; he walked around downtown in his true form. The Sheriff managed to erase the memories of the mundies that night. I guess they took pity on him; your father was the one that wanted to give him a second chance..."
She squeezed Carla's hands as she spoke.
"He tried committing suicide one night, Carla. Its wonders what mundy drugs and alcohol can do to our systems, when mixed the right way....Jack and Woody found him, slumped over that couch. He appeared to have been there for days; Swineheart said another hour and he would have been...would have-"
She trailed off. Carla released her grasp, stood up and walked to the window. She peered out the window.
"We all thought the same thing, Carla. We feared it would happen again. He couldn't bare to go through something like that again. He may be a titan in form but hiss heart is like the rest of us, I suppose..."
"I'd never hurt him, Holly..."
Carla continued to peer down. She watched as groups of people rushed to their works, homes or activities with loved ones. A man and his young daughter, ran through the sea of bodies and tried to catch an empty cab. Carla tried to picture something else; the image Holly painted in her mind was very visible. Carla could see him now-hollow, alone and emotionless, as he waited for death to take him; any excuse to shoot down those old memories that haunted his very mind.
Carla parted with the window and took her seat back on the floor; the fish was cold now. Her appetite was lost.
"I didn't want to worry you, Carla," continued Holly. "You had to know, though-know why we all worried. Asked so many questions...wondered if this was going to work out or not."
Carla lifted the couch cushion, as Holly sat beside her. She was confused; she continued watching Carla pull out a file and frantically search for something. Carla flipped through the various papers until she reached it. She pulled it out and handed it to Holly. It was a child's drawing; it was of her and Gren.
"Junior made this for me," spoke Carla, as she looked at the drawing. "He sees Gren like I do, Holly-nothing more then a person. I don't see Fable, Halfer, Folker....neither do they. WE were taught to hate the Fables; to believe we were all on opposite sides, forced to fight for survival. And for what...I was careful with him, Holly. Trust me...I know...."
Holly traced the picture with her hands. It was so beautiful and innocent; nothing evil or confusing was anywhere on the paper, drawing or colors.
"I taught Gren, yes, to move forward. But he has also been teaching me, Holly....he's taught me so much. My eyes have been covered for years."
"So have his, Carla...."
Holly leaned forward and hugged Carla tightly.
"Welcome to the family, Carla...."
You can't look back-you just have to put the past behind you and find something better in your future.
-Jodu Picoult
Loved the story and the pictures! This was a very sad chapter for me, especially the whole part with Gren. I remember you BRIEFLY describing his struggles in the story about Georgie and Lyla. Glad he found safety and love in Carla.
Good job again, Georgie. More!! I need to know what happens!!
How do you kill a dragon?
Chapter 12 Fierce Fight Part 1
Draco and Wolven walks overs towards the dying Mett' and hears what he has to say. Mett' looks at Wolven and tells him that he apologizes for accusing him of murder. He feels utter regret about this whole situation and how Booegy lied to him and his comrades for the past 4 years.
Mett' tells Wolven why he joined Boogey in the first place.
Talia, Chupa,Gillian and Mett' was recruited by Boogey on lies and true deception. He mastermind this plan for years and targeted the weak and helpless, using and discarding them the next day. It all started when Boogey met Aizaax years ago, both Aizaax and Boogey where the original members of the Legue of Dark Fabled before recruiting others. The two shared a common goal, restoring their home worlds to their
former glory. Aizaax ambitions clouded his judgment which lead to him being manipulated by Boogey. From there after Aizaax defeat, Boogey found and recruited 4 more individuals for his schemes.
The first was Mett' a wedigo looking for his missing human brother. Talia, a succubus who escape the nether world only to be captured by hunters and was saved by Boogey in exchange for her services. Chupa a chuparacabra from mexico who was nearly killed by werecyotes until he was rescued by Boogey. And the last was Gillian, a werecat hunter who Boogey convinced to kill Draco knowing that he has a thrill for hunting powerful creatures.
Mett' explained to Wolven and Draco that Boogey isn't unbeatable, the book that he has in his possession must be destroyed in order to stop his madness. Once the book is destroyed, the creatures will return to whence they came and then his power will diminish. But in order for Draco and Wolven to get close to Boogey, you must find a way to get rid of his beast that sits atop of the tower.
Draco: How do we stop it? It's like 20 times bigger than me...
Talia: That is where we come in handsome. We cant let you have all the fun..
Chupa: Senor Boogey saved us from our demise, now we will repay him in la sangre..
Gillain: You are strong dragon, only 1 person was able to knock me out like that until now.. I came to place only for the thrills. So I will gladly help you rid this world of that fiend.
Draco: ....I'm glad we can all work to gather on this, we were all part of Boogey's fuck up scheme and suffered enoighed. Now we're going to end this. Here and now.
Mett': Excellent. Enemies united to form the ultimate alliance....there's no way we can lose- coughs up more blood
Wolven: Mett'!
Mett': Don't worry about me wolf, you need to destroy that book fast before Boogey gets stronger. You must go now!!
Talia: We will distract the dragon while Wolven and Draco go for the book, we only got one shot at this so make it count.
Draco: Right! Wolven let's go!
Draco transform into his dragon and picks Wolven up and flies to the very top of the building getting Boogey's and his dragons attention. Boogey sends his dragon on Draco. The large dragon gets up and prepares to strike but is stabbed by Gillian in the neck. It struggles to shake Gillian off of him but is stabbed again by Chupa and Talia. The dragons falls off the building in the process but is not deadt....
Draco and Wolven lands on the roof where Boogey is. He reverts back to his human from and the two slowly approaches Boogey. He turns around and looks at Draco and Wolven.
Boogey: Ahh you escaped your own fears sooner than I thought.
Draco: I overcame my fears and gained new power Boogey. I am much stronger than before. I will stop you here even if it kills me. And you will pay for what you did to Marco.
Boogey: I have to pay for a lot of things lately. I've killed so many people and manipulated everyone I came across just so I can gain what I have now. ABSOLUTE POWER. Don't you see Draco. You can have whatever you what. All you have to do is pull some strings and break hearts!
But you know, you kinda remind me of a younger me. Before i took the role of the Boogeyman.
Draco: You and me ARE not alike! You are a psychotic monster. You are the definition of evil. You're the fucking devil!!!
Boogey: A devil you say.... Hmmhmhmhmhm, Draco. Here yet me show you what a devil can do!!!!
Boogey closes the book and throws towards one of his minions. It catches it and then sprints down the stairs and then Wolven chases after it.
Draco then watches as Boogey transforms into his true form....
Boogey swipes at Draco ferociously. Draco jumps back and transforms into his dragon and then the two engages into a fierce fight..
Meanwhile back on the bridge, Viera does her best to hold off hydra. It nearly kills her when she trips over debris. In order to destroy the hydra she needs to cut off the heads and burn them immediately before they can grow back. First she distracts the hydra the jumps on its back and begins to attack the first head.
The other heads nearly catches her,but she manages to decapitate the first head and burn it. She repeats this 3 more times leaving only 2 heads left. The hydra gets more aggressive and tries to destroy the whole bridge in rage. It knocks her off the bridge and she tries to avoid falling into water. She grabs onto the ledge of the bridge and hangs on for her life.
The hydra draws near, preparing to eat Viera. She gets back on the bridges and then her sword infuses with flames. She charges at the hydra and jumps over its head and finally decapitates both head at once burning both and killing the hydra once and for all. She sheaths her sword and takes a breath. She turns around to see Talia and the others fighting the large dragon.
Viera: What a day...
Draco continues to clash with Boogey. Boogey summons skeletal archers to attack Draco but they are easily destroyed by his might flames. Then out of frustration, Boogey leaps into air and grabs onto Draco. As Draco struggle to get Boogey off of him, he starts falling then the two crashes onto the roof.
Boogey gets up and chants a spell concealing Draco into magical chains. He materialize a sword and walks slowly to Draco and says "How do you kill a dragon? Simple, cut off it's FUCKING HEAD!!"
Boogey then raises his sword in the air with all his strength.
To be continued.
Another great story, she-wolf, or should I say 'Lehava'? XD
Want a Huff & Puff? I sense a Fable of the Month award incomin'.
Yeah, he was the stupid one. He actually agreed with John but due to the rules, he had no choice. All he wanted was peace.
Thanks, dude. Feelings all around!!!
No problem at all, man! Anytime! Also:
Chapter 28
Carla needed a walk; Holly agreed to take her down to the beach. There was no harm in that, she thought. The cool, salt water might be good for her and Rosie.
The air was crisp and clean, as Carla took in a large breathe. She could feel the salt entering her nose; the sweet, smell of the beach. Several gulls flew over he head; all but one, screeching into the late afternoon. They dodged in and out of the clouds that hung lazily above her. Carla watched as the waves kissed the sand, slowly rising, then heading back out into the deep. She knelt down, sand against her skin, as she cupped the ocean water. Holly watched, as she slowly placed the water onto her expanding belly.
Carla closed her eyes. She could hear the water pounding the rocks; the waves splashing against gray and sand, leaving slow, permanent marks. The wind picked up, as she felt it slide under her hair and pick it up. This sent strands of red into the hair, twirling and dancing. Holly grabbed her hand and held it. Everything felt at ease; the world stood still, it seemed, as mundy and Fable looked out into the unknown. She too, closed her eyes. The troll pictured the homelands; a bright, blue ocean, with hundreds of acres to roam and be free. Several gulls flew over head, as she opened her eyes. Carla still continued to have her closed.
"This is beautiful," said Holly, as she inhaled deeply. "I...I can't remember the last time I was at the beach. Perhaps when my sister was alive-"
Holly ended the conversation early and looked forward. She noticed Carla staring at her; he piercing green, concerned eyes watching her.
"Yeah, your sister. I've heard stories about her. I'm...I'm sorry..."
Holly did not appeared to be bothered or upset with the conversation. In fact, it was almost like a peace of mind when she spoke of her sister and the memories she remembered; even the bad ones had some meaning to life. It was as if she never left; somewhere in the city, she still roamed.
"I used to blame Georgie, for all the fuckin' shit he's done. I blamed him for her death, the trouble her brought on us; the trouble he and your sister started now..."
This was nothing new to Carla's ears. For the past year, many Fables did indeed blame her sister and Georgie for stirring up trouble for the community; many vouched for Sheriff and Snow to execute Georgie or send him to the Farm for hard labor. She heard it all; 'They broke the rules,' 'They are endangering the rest of us,' 'The Council this, Council that.'
"But now," continued Holly. "I'm okay with it."
They both continued to watch, as the waves bounced and slammed into rocks; the water rushed up between their toes and quickly pulled back out. Carla watched, as a tiny Crab scurried along the banks. As she looked to the right, she noticed a large red lump wedged into the rocks. Perhaps it was a child's toy, she thought, as it bobbed furiously along the water. Carla looked closer. Her heart sank, when she recognized the jacket-Malcom.
"Malcom....," whispered Carla.
"What did you say, Carla," asked Holly confused.
Carla released her grip on Holly and charged in the direction of the red; her mind was racing, her heart beating fast. She could feel her feet digging deep in the sand. She was nearly gliding across, as she ran to the rocks. 'Please be wrong,' she thought, nearly tripping on her feet. 'Please...'
Holly was soon after her. She found Carla slowly climbing over the rocks. Holly noticed the lifeless body in red.
"WAIT! Carla! You are going to get hurt!"
Holly quickly scanned the area for mundies and when there was none but the desperate Auburn haired woman, she turned and ventured into the rough waters. She was capable of making her way through the icy, pounding waters. She quickly gathered his body and placed him gently on the shore. Carla ran to his side; his face was a pale blue, his eyes closed and no sign of breathing. Carla placed her head on his chest and when there was not a pulse, began performing CPR. Holly lifted herself up, as she watched Carla frantically trying to revive Malcom.
"Come on," screamed Carla, as she pumped his chest. "Please! Please..."
Although she had anger towards Malcom, she couldn't forget his act of kindness. He helped her escape that night. Sam, she thought. SAM did this to you! This entire time they blamed her...her father. Bigby and Snow...
'Please,' she continued to beg. ', Malcom. Please wake up. You didn't deserve were just following orders...Malcom...'
Carla continued forcing air into his mouth; Holly watched his chest pump up, then slowly back down. It was like a balloon filling up with air. After five minutes, however, there was still no progress. The wolf man continued to lay very still; the color on his face still blue, his eyes remaining closed. Holly couldn't bare to watch Carla desperately trying to save a life. She was in no condition.
"Carla, sweetie. I think he's-"
"DON'T YOU SAY IT!!! Don't you TELL me he's gone! I have to save him, Holly!"
"Carla! CARLA!"
Holly grabbed Carla and quickly pulled her away; she began kicking and swinging her arms around. The hot tears quickly falling down her face, the burning sensation lodged into her throat.
Carla buried her face deep into Holly's chest; she thought she had a chance. There was a small portion of herself that knew it would work; she would save his life, like he did for her and Rosie. She failed him; she failed to save a Folker.
The two of them noticed, however, his right hand's finger move. Carla crawled to Malcom's side; his breathing was faint and his heart beat was slow. She placed her fingers on his face. The flesh was still cold but slowly warming up. His eyes fluttered open and looked at Carla.
"Car...Carla..whe-where am I..."
"Oh my God, Malcom! You are okay! You are...."
Malcom glanced at Holly and shrieked.
"PLEASE, Carla! I'm sorry! Just...just call off your dogs..."
"Who, Holly? No, she helped you..."
Holly and Carla helped him up; his knees wobbled, as he tried walking. They needed to get him home and into new clothes. They needed to call the others.
"They will be severely punished," said Snow, as she paced back and forth.
Malcom sat between John and Bigby; he was wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot coffee. John rubbed his forehead the entire time Snow spoke.
"John, this has to stop! They are killing their own kind and blaming US for their disgusting, horrible actions! This must be handled properly AND professionally! How many more times are they going to pull this on us before it get's serious? "
"I've BEEN trying for years, Snow! THIS, sadly, is nothing new the Council has done! They will throw their own, before you collect them.You know this...."
Malcom continued to drink his coffee. He had given his statement; Snow assured Malcom he was to remain in their protection until the Council was dealt with. She opened up a large binder and skimmed through the pages. Carla held her stomach; Rosie was not pleased with the situation, as she watched Snow continue looking. She came to an end, as she circled an entire paragraph.
"In the Fabletown justice system, penal code 111243.5 paragraph 4, we have every right to fight back and bring justice how we, as a community, feel. The prosecuted will be held on trial and before a judge, determine their fate. The Council has done the several to the community: Endangerment, attempted murder, attempted rape and kidnapping. If found guilty, all parties involved will be sent to the Farm and endure hard labor for the rest of their lives. Should they fail or attempt to escape punishment, execution at dawn and body thrown down the Witching Well will be their final demise."
The room fell silent, as Snow continued to shuffle through the papers.
"We have tried to reason with them, even attempted to create laws accustomed to BOTH parties but they would rather fight dirty while our backs are turned, then to properly handle this situation. They are now involving small children and I WILL NOT sit back, while this town crumbles to the ground again!"
Bigby got up and walked to the window. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He looked down and watched mundies scatter off into the dark.
"She is not safe here," said Bigby, as he took a puff. "She has to go....."
"And WHERE will that be, Bigby! Please! Think about this! We can't just leave her with some Joe Shmoe or-"
"Not just anyone," interrupted Bigby. " know who I'm talking about. He's the only one..."
Snow knew this was the truth; the wooded area would be her only hope for safety and the ability to deliver a healthy baby. She simply nodded to Bigby, as he did to John. Carla watched her father smile, as he reached over and touched her belly.
Soon, while riding on the Sheriff's back and the others behind, they were off into the dark, secluded woods. Safety.
"Gren," she whispered again. "I'm coming...."
Oh fuck, he is alive!!! Man, Pie....just when I think you got me....You pull this shit!
Loved it! Now, can't wait to see what happens next. Something tells me something is going to go down REAL soon! Keep it up, Georgie! Loving it! MORE!
Fable Name: Harbinger
Human Name: Phil
◦Species: Fable
◦Likes: fighting random ass people, drinking, smoking, hair gel, pretty girls, TV, and ice cream
◦Dislikes: Cults especially ones that worship him, and taxes
◦Hobbies: Hunting down rouge fables, killing cults that worship him, working part time as a police officer
Bio: Harbinger is a beast that lived under the water who would one day destroy the world, Several story's about him were created most of them say he's a huge monster that could eat the world in one bite and bring darkness too the world so of course they worshiped him without any resistance, At first he liked it. But the more it went on he began getting really angry at the cultists they were loud and very small for his taste so he killed them with a huge thunderstorm for no reason but for being tired of them, finally the humans were angry at there so called sea god, this is what harbinger wanted something new something fresh he thought, now things would get more interesting around here. However the humans only lasted a few seconds even with Harbinger going easy on them. So they worshiped him again after six or seven try's of him trying to be hated by the humans he was done with being worshiped and returned too the sea or did he? instead he went to the homelands and wanted a new life as a fable he transformed into a human and started working as mercenary hunting vampires, werewolves ,dragons and even other fables, but then he got bored of that too. He was richer then a lot of fables in the homelands but was still bored with his life as a sea god and as a mercenary. He was over joyed with the thought of leaving the homelands when the time came to leave, a new world was up for him New York city. He took up two jobs a fable hunter for run away fables and a police officer he spends most of his time in the trip trap getting drunk and fighting with other fables if there's a job too be doing he's on the case.
Welcome, looking forward to reading more about your fable
There we go sorry I uploaded too soon here's the full story hope you like it.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
Interesting, your characters creature reminds me of Leviathan, the sea monster from the bible.
Thank you
what do you think about my character am open for feed back.
Your character has an interesting back story. You can take him into many directions to built his character like many of the characters created in this thread.
Another think i like about his back story is how he's a fable hunter! That can make a interesting story arc, but it's really up to you. Its your story and imagination.
He is destined for great things
Thanks I can't wait to start writing with him.
Hang on one moment. Boogey's father? Interesting reference.
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger
The day was like any other. Holly was serving drinks Gren and the gang were playing darts. And I was drinking away my Sorrows, fuck this town I thought coming to New York city would be fun a new start for me a new life but its the fucking same maybe living under the sea isn't a bad idea, What am I talking about its boring down there nothing but water and fish and the sunken boats of dead sailors why would I go back there. Hell even the homelands had more excitement then this place what does fable town have a bunch of weak ass fables. The Woodsman nothing but a drunk that likes to fuck trolls, Gren just a mommy's boy at heart and finally beast he's just a boy toy for beauty, there's no real men in fable town no real challenge for me, And now that am going on a rant in my head because that makes since why shouldn't I talk about my jobs one as a fable hunter and the other as a police officer. I hunt fables that's it , If I find some weak ass fable leaving the farm I bring them back dead or alive the challenge is shit but the moneys good. And my job as a police officer, I don't even do anything I just sit down and do paper work not the thing you would be seeing a billion year old sea god too be doing well yea, one of these days am going to blow that fucking building away but I'd lie if I say I don't like doing something new even though its boring,
Holly: wake the fuck up you lazy ass prick your talking in your sleep again
Phil: hey if I mite say holly you are looking beauty this fine day
Holly: don't butter me up you fish freak now pay up am not taking tips this time
Phil: well you see I left my wallet in my other pare of pants so let me go get it
Holly: Gren get over here I need you for a minute
Gren: yeah
Holly: Phil here doesn't want to pay and this is his third time this week
Gren: oh really you think just because you hunt fucking fables you get a free pass not here asshole
Phil: listen its hot as hell out there and I need the refreshments to cheep me nice and relaxed so how about we all just start over high my name is Phil (he sends out his hand too Gren for a handshake)
Gren: Gren looks confused ah aright
Holly: what do you mean alright he just wants some free drinks
Gren: listen holly I agree with Phil it is hot as fuck out there lets let him go with a warning and ask for the money later am sure he can get it
Holly: are you out of your fucking mind
Phil: put it there pal (they shake hands Gren is then filled with a fuck ton of electricity) hahahahaha I can't believe he fell for the oldest trick in the book maybe this place is fun after all hahahahaha
Holly: Your sick you know that your fucking sick
Gren: What happed
Phil: I tricked your ass that's what happed
Holly: Listen free drinks for a week if you can kick this guys ass
Phil: (Phil cracked his knuckles) finally some fun
(a big fight broke out for the chance to fight Phil fables turning into there forms and the others grabbing weapons )
End of part 1
Once again you have my compliments
"Wake the fuck up, you lazy ass prick." Whoa there, Holly, whoa.
The boy who became a fable
Chapter 13 Fierce Fight Conclusion & The end of Boogey
Boogey raises his sword over Draco's head. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was dripping saliva in delight of finally killing the only threat to his reign. With all his strength he swings his sword at Draco's head but before it touches him, Mett's brother who was unconscious this whole time attacks Boogey with a broken piece of glass stabbing him twice before being knocked away by Boogey.
Boogey let's out a horrible scream. He has been stab in the neck and as blood drips from his wound the cut slowly heals. Boogey turns around where Draco was but he is not there, he escaped the magical chains. Boogey scans the the whole roof searching for Draco. He looks into the clouds only to be tackled by Draco who begins biting Boogey with his powerful jaws.
Meanwhile Wolven continues to chase down the creature whose carrying Boogey's book inside of the building. The creature pulls out a pistol with silver bullets and fires at Wolven. One of the bullets passes through Wolvens leg. This doesn't slow him down, he continues to pursue the creature because the only way to stop Boogey's chaos is to destroy the book before things get worse..
Talia,Gillian and Chupa are joined by Viera who helps slay the large dragon Boogey has summoned. Even though it was severely injured, it still continues to fight back. The large dragon smacks Gillian and Chupa into the building and nearly steps on Talia who is saved by Viera. The dragon then exhale blue fire from its mouth at the two, and the barely avoid it.
Viera gives Talia her sword and tells her that she will distract the dragon so that Talia can stab it through the heart and kill it. Talia nods and Viera transform into her phoenix and attacks the dragon with her sacred flames. The dragon tries to swipe Viera out of the sky, but she gracefully avoids the dragons attack like they were nothing. Out of frustration the dragon smacks debris into Viera wings causing her to fall down. It moves in for the kill and prepares to eat her but is stabbed through the heart by Talia with Viera's sword and dies...
The moment is silence before being interrupted by the creature who is carrying Boogey's book screaming "The wolf!! Help me!!! It's going to kill meee!!" Wolven can be seen limping out of the building due to his injury from the silver bullet.
The creature runs past the downed Viera and just before he can get farther, Viera blast the creature with her flames from her left wing, killing it and burning the book. The book is destroy and the grounds begin to shake. Boogey's minions begins to die and be sucked into the sky enetering a portal leading to their. Lightning strikes down onto the building and hits Boogey who is still fighting Draco.
After being struck by the bolt, Boogey reverts to his human form. He has lost most of his power but has one more trick up his sleve. Draco then reverts to his human form and approaches Boogey.
Draco: It's over Boogey, you lost...
Boogey: No, not yet...dragon. I may have lost most of my power... But I have just enough to split this whole planet in half.... consider this my last resort.
Draco: What the hell are you saying?
Boogey: What I am saying is, BURN IN HELL!!!!!!
Boogey fires dark flames towards Draco with all the strength he has left. Draco retaliates and fires his own flames back at Boogey. The two attacks collides and begins to ripe the building apart.
Boogey: That's right Draco! Already I can feel you slipping! You thought you have won this battle so easily. Now you will SUFFERR!
Draco: Dammit! He's to strong! I can't hold him back... i'm going to di--
Delphantez: Draco...
Draco: Dad? How..?
*Delphantez *: Don't worry son. You are more power than Boogey or any of his incarnations. You gained that power from discarding your fears and doubts. Use it to destroy Boogey. USE IT NOW DRACO!
Draco is engulfed by flames, he continues to use all of his strength to defeat Boogey but it is not still enough. Talia and Viera appears and attack Boogey from behind but they are blown away by Boogey.
Draco: NOO!
Suddenly Boogey is attacked by a ball of light by Irene. it stuns Boogey leaving him open.
Boogey: IRENE?
Delphantez: NOW SON, FINISH HIM!
Draco unleashes a one final blast overpowering Boogey's..
Boogey begins to be ripped apart by the flames overwhelming power, his final words are " CURSE YOU DRACO, DAMN YOU. I SHOULD OF KILLED YOU WHILE I HAD THE CHANCE. I AM THE TRUE BOOGEYMAN. YOU CAN NEVER KILL THE BOOGEYMAN..."
The clouds clear, the suns rays beam down onto Draco. He falls to his knee's in satisfaction and smiles. He mutters "I did" before falling to ground and blacking out. The winds blows peacefully then goes silent.. Boogey, is no more..
Draco wakes up in a bed. He gets up and looks around, and picks up a book with a dragon on the cover. It's title 'The Dragon Boy' and as he skims through it he see's a picture of himself in his dragon form..
A young boy burst into the room and yells " Daddy daddy! It's time for the picture! Hurry!". Draco replies "Okay son I'll be right down.."
He closes the book and takes his son's hand and as he prepares to leave the room the closet door opens slightly. Draco walks over and slams the door shut and says to himself "Not this time". He leaves the room and goes down stairs.
Draco pics son up and walks outside on the sandy beach. Outside waiting are Viera, Irene and her two children, Wolven and his wife and his 7 children. Draco son runs towards Viera and gives her a big hug. She smiles at Draco as he approaches her.
He walks over to Viera and gives her a nice kiss before Dewloren interrupts them.
Dewloren: Ok kiddo's time for the family picture, Smile!!
After taking the picture everyone runs towards the ocean in happiness except for Draco and his son.
Draco: Son, I want to tell you something. Something you will learn how to do one day..
Draco and his son slowly walked down the beach. As they walked Draco told his son about his adventures he had with Marco, Wolven, Irene and wife, Viera...
... and they lived happily every after..
The End