The story of Phil aka The Harbinger
The day was like any other. Holly was serving drinks Gren and the gang were playing darts. And I was d… morerinking away my Sorrows, fuck this town I thought coming to New York city would be fun a new start for me a new life but its the fucking same maybe living under the sea isn't a bad idea, What am I talking about its boring down there nothing but water and fish and the sunken boats of dead sailors why would I go back there. Hell even the homelands had more excitement then this place what does fable town have a bunch of weak ass fables. The Woodsman nothing but a drunk that likes to fuck trolls, Gren just a mommy's boy at heart and finally beast he's just a boy toy for beauty, there's no real men in fable town no real challenge for me, And now that am going on a rant in my head because that makes since why shouldn't I talk about my jobs one as a fable hunter and the other as a police officer. I hunt fables … [view original content]
"They have gone too far. Now, it involves too many lives to take chances. We have given them countless options, many chances to take a step back and reason with us. I don't want to fight or get so many people involved but we can't take anymore chances. Mayor Cole agrees with mine and Bigby's decision to battle, should it come down to it. The Council could be plotting their next move; surely, they will know that Malcom has joined our side. We welcome him, just like we did to John all those years ago; for they saw not Fables or parasites but as one. We must be swift and take action; use all forces, keep time on our side and we will all make it. Heave my warnings and do not take things lightly. They want a be it. To Fabletown, Folkers, Halfers and mundies alike. Good luck and let's get down to business...."-Snow White; holding a meeting at the Trip Trap.
Gren could not sleep. His attention was solely focused on Carla. He had created a tiny nest made out of large leaves, branches, animal skin and moss. She was pressed gently into the earth, her hair and arms surrounding the twigs and leaves. She moved several time; perhaps she was remembering where she was at that very moment. Several times, she appeared to be worried; she was so small against his palm. When she inhaled deeply, a smile always crossed her face. Gren placed his head near her chest and listened to the steady beats of her heart.
It echoed along the deep walls of the cave. It was music to the massive beast's ears, as he closed his eyes. From a distance, he could hear the tree frogs, rushing of the river; tiny creatures dashing into the shrubs, night owls swooping down, gathering food for their young. All this, plus her heart beat, was a soothing lullaby for Gren. He was pleased with the scenery, the images he painted in his mind. He could see Carla; her bare, peach flesh touching the water, small splashes kissing her naked body, as she held a tiny infant. Gren could see the strong resemblance to himself. The baby would coo and create large, wave like splashes. She would giggle when Carla tried pulling back the wet strands of hair; the baby's milky eyes watching her mother. Carla, while holding their daughter, looked at him and smiled; he could see himself walking towards her, the wet sand and cattails tickling his feet. The water was cool, as he slowly dipped his entire body in. He found himself, entwined with Carla, as the two held their daughter.
When Gren opened his eyes again, he continued watching Carla. She had turned once more; her arm was still grasping at his massive hand. He was careful with the claws, however. Th last thing he needed to do, was accidentally scratch her face. He had done that one time; since then, he was cautious. There were times Gren simply forgot Carla was mundy; her ability to handle extreme pain to her body was not that of a wolf, Fable or Folker. Although she did have wolf and there were some things she could overcome, this was simply not one of them.
Gren leaned against the walls. The coolness of the cave felt good against his skin. He should get some sleep; Gren knew of this but he refused to do so. All he wanted to do, was look at the marvelous gift that was beside him. He reached over and very carefully, placed his other hand on her belly. It was growing at a rapid pace and the development of the Grendel baby could be seen.
"Rosie," he whispered, as he rubbed gently up and down. "Rosie...."
Gren swore he felt a tiny kick press against his giant hand. He was grinning, as he continued rubbing Carla's belly. As he looked down, he found Carla was alert; her green eyes glimmered against the moon, as she smiled.
"You should try and rest, Gren," replied Gren, as she reached up and touched his face. She was pleased to see him in his true form; out in the wild, in the secluded forest, she felt no need for him to hide. She wanted to teach her daughter that as well; do not be ashamed of who you really are. She continued to speak, still stroking his face.
"My father tells me you have been at this whole nest and birthing thing for days. She is fine...we both are now...I feel so safe beside you. I've missed you, Gren."
The giant beast was taciturn; he too, felt the same way when she was absent from his side. He longed to be beside her; wrap his mighty arms around her, climb into the cave he was building and simply hold her. He envisioned their bodies enveloped in one another; his fingers tangled in her locks, her fingers tracing his torso. Gren would feel her heavy breathing, as he gently kissed her neck; the urge to passionately make love beneath the stars, surrounded by such beauty in the world. He knew, however, this was he had to do. Unfortunately, things changed; even after hundreds of years with tradition and practices, he couldn't ignore her anguished cries. She and his unborn daughter were being threatened; he couldn't take that risk and was blessed to have others agree with the final decision.
"I missed you so much, Carla. There were times I fuckin' swore I was going to storm into that city and take you away! Fuck the rules and just throw you on my back and fuckin' leave this shit hole town! Then I remembered her..."
Gren leaned forward and kissed her stomach. It was no longer about his crude feelings towards the city, Council or even the Fabletown government. He had a child on the way; his beliefs, rough interior and rugged look on the world had to end soon.
"I hope all of this silliness ends soon. I can't imagine having Rosie grow up in the middle of a war. She will never understand their reasons. Comprehend why the Council can not stand her or her family...thrown out in exile, just because they are a little different...."
Gren took his finger and wiped away a tear forming in the corner of Carla's eye. His heart was aching; Carla was all too worried about what the future held for her and Rosie. She witnessed the circus act her sister and Georgie struggled each day to contain; Gren could see the fire building in Georgie's eyes, however, every time a member of the Council dares show their face. Georgie, like Gren, could only take so much abuse. They simply feared the unknown. What would their children struggle against as they grew? The people they would meet? WHO would they be?
"She will be fine, Carla," Gren said, trying to reassure her. "Hopefully she is like you. Overlook this ugly place, look out and see nothing but beauty; a fantastic journey she can take, with no one telling her no. I want her to know not just the Fable side but her mundy and Folker, was well. I hope Rosie closes her eyes and does not just see darkness but a new horizon to pursue; the colors and wonders I never sought out...."
"Rosie will do wonders in this world, Carla. She will make us BOTH proud. I fuckin' know she will...she just has to be..."
Carla threw herself against Gren's chest. He caught her and gently pressed her body against his; her warm, burning flesh was sensational among his own. The Apple and rainwater caressed his nose, as he buried his face in her field of hair. Just then, they both her a rustle in the bushes. Gren's throat vibrated, as he growled against the noise. Carla crawled to a corner; Gren made sure to tell her this, should an intruder ever appeared. He frantically sniffed the air; the heavy scent of wolf in the air. 'Folker, he thought....' The beast slowly peered around the corner. Gren was prepared to attack, even if that meant blood. He was to protect his mate and unborn offspring. Carla watched, as he crouched along the brush, continuing to sniff the night air. He watched, as the tree frogs jumped into the water and the owls fly off into the darkness. He clenched his fist into a tight ball; he could feel the pulse run down his knuckles, the urge to fight growing with each passing minute.
Gren watched, as Malcom pushed his way through the brush. The wolf's hair looked like a mess; twigs and various leaves poking from every end. He brushed himself down; he looked frightened, when he realized Gren was preparing for a fight. Malcom tried to regain his posture; he had seen Grendels in books before but there was indeed a difference, when one was a few feet from you. He could see the beast's nostrils flaring up and down.
"Malcom, what are you doing here," asked Carla, as she slowly walked to him. "Everything okay?" As she stood beside Gren, she placed a hand of his; she wanted to assure him they were not in danger. Carla trusted Malcom.
"We have him, Carla," spoke Malcom. His eyes, however, never left Gren's sight. "We...we found Sam lurking around the Pudding and Pie. He was trying to get to either Lyla, Georgie or the quads. Snow received a call from Lyla; she heard noises coming from behind the club. Bigby and your dad went out to investigate. He was hiding an an abandoned shed, not to far from the club."
There was a vile taste in Carla's mouth; she was trying not to picture WHY Sam was there in the first place.
"Take me to him," said Gren. As he spoke, he slowly turned into his glamoured self. He adjusted his jacket and combed back his hair. No more playing nice, he thought, as he began grinding his teeth. Show me the rat...
"Please," begged Carla, as she kissed his lips. "Do not fall to their level..."
"I won't. Hopefully, the dog knows commands. He may fuckin' need them when I get there."
Gren kissed Carla one more time and soon, he and Malcom were heading into the deeper part of the forest.
"You're in MY town now, bitch," mumbled Gren, as he walked towards a small cabin, both fists clenched and ready.
Oh, the first section with White was fun! I pictured her, along with all the others, drinking a preparing for battle. The whole scene with Carla and Gren in the cave...what I pictured gave me feelings, Georgie. Freaking feelings, man! I can't WAIT to see what Gren does to Sam! Keep going, Pie! MORE!! BTW, will the next one have pictures maybe?
Chapter 29
"Rage of War Part 1"
"They have gone too far. Now, it involves too many lives to take chances. We have given them countless… more options, many chances to take a step back and reason with us. I don't want to fight or get so many people involved but we can't take anymore chances. Mayor Cole agrees with mine and Bigby's decision to battle, should it come down to it. The Council could be plotting their next move; surely, they will know that Malcom has joined our side. We welcome him, just like we did to John all those years ago; for they saw not Fables or parasites but as one. We must be swift and take action; use all forces, keep time on our side and we will all make it. Heave my warnings and do not take things lightly. They want a be it. To Fabletown, Folkers, Halfers and mundies alike. Good luck and let's get down to business...."-Snow White; holding a meeting at the Trip Trap.
Gren could not sleep. His attention was… [view original content]
Phil: is that all you weaklings got? those fucking cult's I killed back in the day were more tough then you pansies (Phil took two fables and slammed their heads too the ground)
Fable 1: is he even a fable?
Fable 2: I don't known but am not sticking around to found out (they all started to run)
Phil: where the hell do you think you all are going am not finished yet (Phil created a small twister in the trip trap throwing fables around like rag dolls leaving them hurt and unconscious ) Now am done and now am bored again, hey is anyone up for round two? no just me alright, well it looks like I win holly do I get free drinks or what.
Holly: Fuck you Phil
Phil: What did I do?
Holly: You owe me money, you hurt my friend, now you beak my bar and drive away my costumers
Phil: I didn't drive them away there still here just hurt and unconscious
Holly: you know what Phil one of these days your going to find someone stronger then you and when you do I want to see you beg too them for mercy
Phil: I don't know about the begging part but I'd love to find someone stronger then me that would be something new
( a young women wearing a red dress walks in)
The Red women: then I'd be just the person you would be looking for.
Phil: Wow that was convenient, well then are you the person I well be fighting because I'd hate to ruin your beautiful face miss
The Red women: most people just call me the red women I am a shadow broker and did I not hear you want to fight someone better then you aren't you also a fable hunter?
Phil: you had me at fighting someone better then me and yes I am a fable hunter the best if you well find.
The Red women: very cocky I like it
Phil: before we start why do people call you the red women is it because you wear that sexy red dress or because you are secretly a lobster under all of that skin if that's the case I have many uses for you all bring the snake tongue if you bring the lobster claws
Holly: (What the hell kind of pick up line is that there's no way she well fall for that cheesy crap)
The red women: ok all bring the lobster claws if you bring the snake tongue if you bring this very dangerous fable in
Phil: oh yeah am in it too win it baby who do I need to kill or bring in I hope he's strong who is he
The red women: this is his name (she hands him the paper with the name)
Phil: 'The Big Bad Wolf' hahahaha what kind of gay ass name is that what does he do fart wind out his ass or something hahahah
The red women: well you bring him in alive not dead
Phil: sure all kick his ass and bring him back (I like this it sounds new and fresh finally a stronger fable then me)
The red women: good lets go all get you ready with the details at my apartment
Phil:(fuck yeah a sexy lady and a stronger fable I really like this)
The red women: here this well cover the damages (she hands holly a lot of money) this well also cover all of his drinks
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 2
Phil: is that all you weaklings got? those fucking cult's I killed back in the day were more t… moreough then you pansies (Phil took two fables and slammed their heads too the ground)
Fable 1: is he even a fable?
Fable 2: I don't known but am not sticking around to found out (they all started to run)
Phil: where the hell do you think you all are going am not finished yet (Phil created a small twister in the trip trap throwing fables around like rag dolls leaving them hurt and unconscious ) Now am done and now am bored again, hey is anyone up for round two? no just me alright, well it looks like I win holly do I get free drinks or what.
Holly: Fuck you Phil
Phil: What did I do?
Holly: You owe me money, you hurt my friend, now you beak my bar and drive away my costumers
Phil: I didn't drive them away there still here just hurt and unconscious
Holly: you know what Phil one of these … [view original content]
Now that I've finished Draco's story, it is time to start a new character, so here is a sneak peak.
He was an ordinary teenager, living in Manhattan. He went to school like every other kid by day. But by night he was a thief, hunting and collecting rare items. So one night he decided to go pro after met a mysterious man who gave him a mysterious weapon which made him do extraordinary things. He was about to sneak into buildings without being detected, Looting many valuable items from each one.
The mysterious man returned one night, and offered a job for the young man, he wanted him to steal valuable items from a place called Fabletown.
Don't know when I will start writing yet, but I have big things planned.
'When everything you've had is stolen from you, all you have left is revenge.' -Emily Thorne
There was no escaping the burning fire deep in his belly. Gren's teeth continued to grind; it echoed deep into his ears and settled into his mind. He saw red. Gren's mind was mostly focused on the miserable life sitting before him. Sam struggled furiously to free his hands. Gren watched the poor creature kick like a child and gag against the filthy, vile rag lodged deep into his mouth. Malcom stood beside Sam, continuing to smoke a cigarette. Perhaps, waiting for Gren's next move; the massive creature had not made a peep since they entered the cabin. The only noise was the sound of Sam's pathetic attempts to speak and free himself.
Gren felt no sympathy for the wolf man. He, like all the other cowards that hid in the shadows, did not deserve justice or the ability to explain themselves. Since the dawn of time, rules were set in place to avoid situations like so; the Council, however, never knew when to stop while they could. They continued thriving on problems; consumed by greed and power, which drove them to create such nonsense. Fables and Folkers were not much different; Snow and Mayor Cole even created various rules to please both sides. But it has come to this; Folkers did not want peace or the chance to create a strong alliance. All they say, were Fables and nothing more.
Now, Gren's family was in serious danger because of the foolish wolves that could not simply stop; stop long enough, too look out and see the world for what it was. They, like the Folkers, all hid their secrets, like it was a terrible thing to posses. Gren would slink from dark corners, avoiding any contact with the outside world. Mundies were creatures that could not be trusted; Halfers, too, were considered 'evil' and to be ignored like trash on the sidewalk. For hundreds of years, Gren's ability to love was taken over by his hate filled heart. These Folkers, these wolves, did the same thing. Now, they were pushing their luck; his unborn daughter was not going to grow up, looking behind her back with every step she took.
Sam's actions grew tiresome watching; the rope was now slowly cutting into his wrists. Malcom and Gren watched as the pink flesh rubbed against the material; small, stream like trickles of blood ran down his fingers, creating a crimson red pool beneath his chair. Gren reached across and forcefully pulled out the rage. Sam began coughing and choking on his own saliva.
"You won't get away with this," screamed Sam, continuing to struggle. "My father will find out and everyone of you Fables and rats will be executed or sent to the fucking Farm! You hear me, Grendel?"
Gren swayed his arms and forced his fist into the side of Sam's head. Malcom watched, as blood escaped his mouth and land on the floor. Gren took his fist, now covered in some blood and wiped it on Sam's shirt; all the while, he continued to smile.
"Yuck," said Gren, as he roughly cleaned his fist. "You're blood is so putrid. Would hate to have it on my nice, clean, Fable blood..."
Sam tried reaching for Gren's throat; his teeth were in rows like sharp knives and he continued snapping at the Grendel. He was salivating, growling and forcing the veins in his neck to pop out. Once more, Gren continued to smile; Malcom was now, uneasy. He had seen Sam lose control before. He was capable of devouring an entire man in a single shot. But Gren didn't seem bothered by Sam's silly attempts to murder him. After all, he thought. He's only doing what he was taught to do-kill.
"You might want to relax, Sam," spoke Gren. "You might make yourself so sick acting like a fuckin' animal..."
"Fuck you, Fable! Fuck you and ALL the others you associate yourself with!"
Gren swung again, this time, hitting his lower jaw. A tooth went flying, hitting the wall and landing by the door. Gren grabbed his neck and while still tied to the chair, slammed him into the wall.
"You wanna try me, dog? HUH!? 'Cause I ain't in the MOOD to be playin' fuckin' games with you!"
"Fuck you, Fable! think you are so much fucking better than us, don't you? Think just because you fucked her, makes you less of a monster-"
Gren violently slammed Sam's head into the wall. A nearby shelf fell to the floor; several dishes were now nothing but broken shards on the floor.
"Gren," begged Malcom, trying to pull him away. "STOP! Okay? Do not stoop to their level..."
"FUCK YOU....YO-You too, Malcom," said Sam, struggling against Gren's grip. "YOU ha-have...have no RIGHT to speak, you useless piece of shit! You waste of life! never DESERVED that seat next to my father, next to John! NEITHER of you did-"
Gren once more, slammed his skull into the wood. He dropped Sam, as his body slummed to the right. Gren watched, as Sam coughed up blood.
"And then, there is you....," continued Sam. "You think, by becoming friendly with John, EVERYTHING you have done will be erased!? You really truly believe that, Fable? You fucking parasites are all the same. Leeching onto our kind and worming your way inside. WE fought our battles, WE created a society intended for US ONLY, Fable! And yet, here you are...."
Gren and Malcom simply stood and listened to the wolf speak, all the while, continuing to cough up blood.
"She was MY mate, you sick fucker! I was to cleanse that mundy blood her father felt the need to add! I was to give her strong, proud wolf puppies that would carry on the Folker ways; the traditions, way of life and avoid this mixing bullshit you ALL SEEM to think is okay around here!"
"And what if they were mundies," asked Gren, now kneeling beside Sam. "What if those babies all turned out like their grandmother and didn't have a single strand of wolf in them?"
"They would perish," whispered Sam. "EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM...."
Gren was stunned at his answer. He was appalled; the idea of an entire community and race disposing children because they appeared different; disowning an entire family because of their choices to live THEIR lives.
"Just like your daughter will one day, Grendel. Her and those god awful babies Lyla had with that Georgie Porgie. Who would want her now, or Carla for that. Your sick, infested dicks touching our women..."
Gren stood up. He did not say a word, as he walked outside. Malcom watched him go into the nearby shed. He was gone for several minutes; he was worried. Gren was a ticking time bomb that was prepared to explode at any minute. Sam continued to speak.
"Psh. What a fucking idiot! And you-helping those parasites! I hope they stab you in the back and throw your body to the birds! The Witching Well is too easy for you...Fucking shame Amber didn't kill you properly-"
Malcom turned around and kicked Sam in the chest. As he finished, Gren returned; in his hands, he held a gas container. He picked up Sam's chair and placed it back against the wall. Sam's entire right side was covered in blood. His eye was black and beginning to bruise. Gren reached into his jean pocket and pulled out an ultra sound picture of Rosie. Swineheart was able to use the machine not too long ago and get a clear picture. He shoved the picture into Sam's face.
"TAKE a good long, FUCKIN' look at this precious child, Sam," mumbled Gren. "LOOK at my daughter! IS THIS a creature of hate? A child that deserves the life of crime and sin, when she can not control it, for SHE is both Fable AND Folker? Can she truly be punished, all because two people from the opposite side of the FUCKIN' fence fell in love?! HUH?! TELL ME!!"
Sam watched as Gren took out another photo. This one, of him and Carla before her pregnancy.
"THIS woman, right here," continued Gren, as tears began forming in his eyes. "THIS woman saw ME; not a Grendel, not a Fable, not a fuckin' MONSTER. She saw ME, Sam-ME! But that...that does not matter to you or the others, does it?"
Sam didn't say a word. Instead, he hawked back and spit at the picture of Gren and Carla; the blood and phlegm slowly dripping down.
"Fuck you, Fable...."
Gren wiped the blood off the picture, took the gas can and poured a circle of gas around Sam. He doused the walls and curtains; covered what furniture he saw and finished by the door. He tossed the can to the side and grabbed Sam's neck.
"Apologize, you miserable fuckin' bitch and I might spare you-"
"Fuck you. I hope they take you, your children, your children's children and ALL the others out to that Farm....rot in hell, Grendel!"
Malcom headed out the door, the minute he saw Gren fish into his pocket and pull out the matches.
"See you there, Sam," mumbled Gren, as he smiled and slapped his face.
Gren walked behind Malcom; while Sam continued to kick, scream and attempt to free himself. Gren struck the match and as they were away from the cabin, he tossed it. The cabin was engulfed in flames within seconds; the sound of the fire licking the wood, falling timber and the faint shrill of Sam's voice could be heard. There was a loud explosion; then, nothing but silence and the continuing of the burning wood. Gren and Malcom stood, watching the fires dance into the heavens; tiny embers falling from the sky, like gray snowflakes from clouds.
Gren did not say a word, as he headed back to Carla. Malcom would never speak of this; as far as anyone was concerned, Sam did this to himself or someone else was out to get him. Gren, like so many others, would settle this THEIR way.
Chapter 30
"Rage of War part 2"
'When everything you've had is stolen from you, all you have left is revenge.' -Emily Thorne
There … morewas no escaping the burning fire deep in his belly. Gren's teeth continued to grind; it echoed deep into his ears and settled into his mind. He saw red. Gren's mind was mostly focused on the miserable life sitting before him. Sam struggled furiously to free his hands. Gren watched the poor creature kick like a child and gag against the filthy, vile rag lodged deep into his mouth. Malcom stood beside Sam, continuing to smoke a cigarette. Perhaps, waiting for Gren's next move; the massive creature had not made a peep since they entered the cabin. The only noise was the sound of Sam's pathetic attempts to speak and free himself.
Gren felt no sympathy for the wolf man. He, like all the other cowards that hid in the shadows, did not deserve justice or the ability to explain themselves. Since the dawn of tim… [view original content]
Chapter 30
"Rage of War part 2"
'When everything you've had is stolen from you, all you have left is revenge.' -Emily Thorne
There … morewas no escaping the burning fire deep in his belly. Gren's teeth continued to grind; it echoed deep into his ears and settled into his mind. He saw red. Gren's mind was mostly focused on the miserable life sitting before him. Sam struggled furiously to free his hands. Gren watched the poor creature kick like a child and gag against the filthy, vile rag lodged deep into his mouth. Malcom stood beside Sam, continuing to smoke a cigarette. Perhaps, waiting for Gren's next move; the massive creature had not made a peep since they entered the cabin. The only noise was the sound of Sam's pathetic attempts to speak and free himself.
Gren felt no sympathy for the wolf man. He, like all the other cowards that hid in the shadows, did not deserve justice or the ability to explain themselves. Since the dawn of tim… [view original content]
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 3
(Phil and the red women left for her apartment)
Phil: damn girl you have a nice place here all it is missing is a couple of stripper pools and we would be in business
The red women: ha I never thought the harbinger of death was such a comedian
Phil: I can do other things you know
(Phil reaches for her breasts)
the red women: oh we should really start looking at the files before we get too distracted, remember you don't get your reward unless you bring bigby too me.
Phil: Yeah yeah so what can you tell me about him how strong is he and what does he look like.
the red women: lets see here they say he's pretty strong he one time killed a dragon
Phil: ha I kill dragons all the time what else
the red women: it says he can also turn into a giant wolf
Phil: is that all
the red women: well it goes on to talk about his personal achievements knowing you I don't think you care about that stuff
Phil: alright am ready where can I find him
the red women: wait you want to go now if you really do want to go you should know that he's the sheriff of fable town
Phil: oh really then this should be very interesting all be back wear the finest outfit you can find because I want that reward right when I get back
the red women: of course, you can find him mostly at his apartment or at the sheriffs office here are the details (she whispers into his ear) don't cheep me waiting
End of part 3 sorry about making this part shorter then the others I promise to make the fourth part longer
I have a request, as it is totally up to you if you want to do it or not. I wanna see a scene or drawing where Malcolm is being hugged by Lyla and Carla, 'cause I think Malcolm has been hanging with the wrong group all this time. He deserves such appreciation now. I'm just glad he decided to side with the Fables.
Chapter 30
"Rage of War part 2"
'When everything you've had is stolen from you, all you have left is revenge.' -Emily Thorne
There … morewas no escaping the burning fire deep in his belly. Gren's teeth continued to grind; it echoed deep into his ears and settled into his mind. He saw red. Gren's mind was mostly focused on the miserable life sitting before him. Sam struggled furiously to free his hands. Gren watched the poor creature kick like a child and gag against the filthy, vile rag lodged deep into his mouth. Malcom stood beside Sam, continuing to smoke a cigarette. Perhaps, waiting for Gren's next move; the massive creature had not made a peep since they entered the cabin. The only noise was the sound of Sam's pathetic attempts to speak and free himself.
Gren felt no sympathy for the wolf man. He, like all the other cowards that hid in the shadows, did not deserve justice or the ability to explain themselves. Since the dawn of tim… [view original content]
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 3
(Phil and the red women left for her apartment)
Phil: damn girl you have a nice place here al… morel it is missing is a couple of stripper pools and we would be in business
The red women: ha I never thought the harbinger of death was such a comedian
Phil: I can do other things you know
(Phil reaches for her breasts)
the red women: oh we should really start looking at the files before we get too distracted, remember you don't get your reward unless you bring bigby too me.
Phil: Yeah yeah so what can you tell me about him how strong is he and what does he look like.
the red women: lets see here they say he's pretty strong he one time killed a dragon
Phil: ha I kill dragons all the time what else
the red women: it says he can also turn into a giant wolf
Phil: is that all
the red women: well it goes on to talk about his personal achievements knowing you I don't think you care ab… [view original content]
The boy who became a fable
Chapter 13 Fierce Fight Conclusion & The end of Boogey
Boogey raises his sword over Draco's head. His e… moreyes were wide open and his mouth was dripping saliva in delight of finally killing the only threat to his reign. With all his strength he swings his sword at Draco's head but before it touches him, Mett's brother who was unconscious this whole time attacks Boogey with a broken piece of glass stabbing him twice before being knocked away by Boogey.
Boogey let's out a horrible scream. He has been stab in the neck and as blood drips from his wound the cut slowly heals. Boogey turns around where Draco was but he is not there, he escaped the magical chains. Boogey scans the the whole roof searching for Draco. He looks into the clouds only to be tackled by Draco who begins biting Boogey with his powerful jaws.
Meanwhile Wolven continues to chase down the creature whose carrying Boogey's book inside of the … [view original content]
Oh, a challenge! I accept! Hopefully, sometime today, you will have Lyla and Malcom hugging. Glad to see the appreciation, man! Malcom needs all the lovin' he can get!
I have a request, as it is totally up to you if you want to do it or not. I wanna see a scene or drawing where Malcolm is being hugged by Ly… morela and Carla, 'cause I think Malcolm has been hanging with the wrong group all this time. He deserves such appreciation now. I'm just glad he decided to side with the Fables.
Oh, a challenge! I accept! Hopefully, sometime today, you will have Lyla and Malcom hugging. Glad to see the appreciation, man! Malcom needs all the lovin' he can get!
Chapter 30
"Rage of War part 2"
'When everything you've had is stolen from you, all you have left is revenge.' -Emily Thorne
There … morewas no escaping the burning fire deep in his belly. Gren's teeth continued to grind; it echoed deep into his ears and settled into his mind. He saw red. Gren's mind was mostly focused on the miserable life sitting before him. Sam struggled furiously to free his hands. Gren watched the poor creature kick like a child and gag against the filthy, vile rag lodged deep into his mouth. Malcom stood beside Sam, continuing to smoke a cigarette. Perhaps, waiting for Gren's next move; the massive creature had not made a peep since they entered the cabin. The only noise was the sound of Sam's pathetic attempts to speak and free himself.
Gren felt no sympathy for the wolf man. He, like all the other cowards that hid in the shadows, did not deserve justice or the ability to explain themselves. Since the dawn of tim… [view original content]
Phil: ha what do I need directions for am a goddamn fable hunter know all I need is Scarlet and all be ready to go
Meanwhile with Bigby and snow
Snow: Bigby I really wise you took this case a little more serious
Bigby: oh sorry I've had a lot on my mind lately what were you taking about
Snow:( Snow gives Bigby a stare )
Holly: are you guys going to go all Googly eyed over each other or are you going to let me tell my fucking story
Snow: am sorry Holly please start from the very beginning again ok
Holly: Fine, everything was all fine until Phil that drink piece of shit walked through my door
Snow: wait who's Phil
Holly:you know the harbinger
Snow: I've never heard about him are you sure he is a fable
Holly: I don't know he calls himself a fable even through I've never heard of him before
Snow: all have bufkin look him up at the business office what else can you tell us about what happened
Holly: alright he was having a few drinks like he always does. And then he fell a sleep like he always does, and then I got freaking pissed that he doesn't pay then Gren got hurt and then their was a fight and I just need to ley down it just happed so fast.
Snow: its ok is their anything else you can give us
Holly: well there was this lady in a red dress that paid for all of the damages and paid for all of his drinks but then she waved her hand and now am having a hard time remembering anything else
Bigby: that's weird it sounds like she erased some of your memories but not all of them I wonder why
Snow: maybe she's a novice at it maybe she's new to magic
Bigby: it could be, hey holly you wouldn't mind going with snow to Swineheart's place would you just too check you out
Holly: I guess not
Snow: Bigby I don't like this a fight in fable town is pretty normal but erasing memories of other fables
Bigby: don't worrie snow all take care of it you should take Holly to Swineheart's place all look around some more ok
Snow: yeah all due that just be careful alright
Bigby: all try (both Holly and snow leave)
Bigby: smells like blood in here I wonder why, and it continues out side too
Phil: do you always talk too yourself like that ( Phil said loading his crossbow scarlet)
Bigby: alright who the fuck are you (before Bigby could get another word out Phil fired his crossbow at Bigby hitting his shoulder) aw what the hell
Phil: the better question is what the fuck did I hit you with the answer is this my own hand made adrenaline it won't kill you but it well unlock your true power
Bigby: what the hell are you talking about
Phil: you see I was a little worried that you would not live up too your reputation so I came ready for you with this so now you have no choice but to fight me at your strongest
Bigby: you bastard why are you doing this
Phil: Two reason's my flee beaded friend a good fight and a hot girl what more could you ask now then no more talk lets fight(Phil turned into smaller version of his fable form without wings and more human like while bigby turned into his half wolf half human form)
Carla: I want a baby....:)
Gren: ..................?
The remains of the cabin were nothing more than a distant memory; Gren and I went back to look at the damage the very next day. Guess that's the beauty of this place being so secluded; no one bothers to walk this far out and even if they did, they turned the other way. Mundies were creatures of habit. They stuck to what they knew and that was it. Gren seem pleased, as we walked up to the smoldering ashes. I too, felt an ease and relief with the results; I knew this would create problems once Decimus found out but we were prepared. That would come later though; right now, our main focus was the very pregnant woman with the auburn hair sleeping in the cave.
-4 months later-
The first snow fall rested gently against the rocks; the cave was silent, as Carla awoke from her slumber. she stretched her arms into the frigid air. She quickly reached over and grabbed an animal skin throw and placed it around her naked body. Gren was no where to be found; he must be out searching for food. Rosie was eating at an alarming rate, which meant more food and constant snacking in the night. She counted eating three Pheasants, six pounds of fish, several buckets of wild berries and three rabbits; this was her lunch alone, mind you. Like all typical mundies, she worried about the weight gain. Gren laughed when she brought up the thought; he assured her every ounce of weight was going to Rosie's little body. 'Little,' thought Carla. 'I wouldn't call her little....'
Carla's bare feet touched the white, thick layer of snow, as she carefully peered out of the cave. The sun was sitting in between trees; the glow made the ice crystals glisten and shine, while the snow had the appearance of glitter scattered all over. Carla watched as a white rabbit ran past her and into a large hole several feet from the cave. Several large bucks could be seen far into the distance; Carla was taken back by the majestic beauty of the creatures, as they frolicked and picked layers off the tree to eat as their breakfast.
Carla bent down and scooped up a large pile of cold, refreshing snow. Carla recalled Gina, Mary, herself and Lyla waking up to mornings like this and like so many children before them, rushed down the stairs and into the frozen world outside; Gina and Mary would always create armies of Snowmen, while she and little Lyla made snow angels. Seconds later, their mother would come screaming outside, holding various articles of warm clothing. Carla smiled; she placed her hands on her rapidly growing belly and thought. She began picturing her own daughter doing the same thing; her half asleep, frantic self running outside, holding up mittens and scarf; all the while, Gren leaning against the door and laughing hysterically.
Carla suddenly heard twigs breaking in the distance; she backed up into the opening of the cave and waited. If it was Malcom or Gren, no problem; Dr. Swineheart was due for his usual checkup on Carla. Perhaps, it was the doctor. She waited; left ear pressed to the opening and waiting. Rosie began kicking; Carla could see three toes and three sets of tiny claws press against her belly. The cocoon inside, encasing Rosie, was beginning to harden up; Carla held the bottom of her belly, while trying to fight back the pain.
"Ssh, sweetie," whispered Carla, as she continued looking outside. "Relax. Mommy is alright..."
No, no she wasn't; the idea of some unknown person walking around the forest made her worry sometimes. Gren was gone, as was Malcom. Although the cave was far into the forest and very rarely did mundies come out here, she still looked out.
The sound of twigs continued, as she could hear growls and someone mumbling to themselves. It was not Malcom; his voice was deep and sort of raspy. She KNEW Gren's, even in his true form, the growls she heard was no where near his distinct voice. Carla could feel her rapid heart beating against her chest, the need to run growing stronger. Instead, she carefully walked to the corner and picked up a spear. Gren made this for her three days after she decided to stay with him permanently until the birth of the baby.
Carla held up the fear. She was prepared and determined to fight off whoever was heading her direction. Her noise was in the air, sniffing and trying to figure it out. Thank you dad, she thought to herself. You gave me the best ability from your side of the family.
The footsteps were growing closer; twigs continuing to break and the mumbling grew louder. Carla closed her eyes, said a small prayer and jumped out of the cave; she began yelling and screaming, still closing her eyes and jabbing whoever was there.
"HEY, watch it, lady!"
Carla opened her eyes; that voice, she thought.
Standing before her was Jersey in his true form; not too far behind, she watched a large, grey wolf run behind-Malcom. Carla looked down and noticed a puncture wound. Jersey dropped the rabbit carcass and picked at the wound.
"The hell is wrong with you, Carla," asked Jersey annoyed. "Is this how pregnancy is treatin' ya these days. Fuck..."
"I'm so sorry, Jersey," replied Carla, trying to help him. She grabbed a handful of snow and placed it against the opening; she watched the red coat the snow and seep into his flesh. Carla was secretly terrified; she had never seen Jersey in his TRUE form. Now was not a good time to panic, she thought.
"Fuck that shit hurts, Carla! I mean, I've takin' some fuckin' punishment in my earlier days but fuck-a spear? The fuck you think it was!"
"I don't know these days, Jersey. can't be too careful..."
"You alright," asked Malcom, as he licked the side of Carla's face. "We honestly were gone for not that long; we assumed you would still be asleep when we got back. We were getting hungry and thought when you woke up, you'd be hungry, too."
"Of course she'd be fuckin' hungry," bellowed Jersey. "When the fuck is that thing never hungry!? Surprised it ain't eatin' your insides, lady!"
Carla ignored him. The beast was in pain and Jersey had a nasty habit of not watching what he said; he had what her mother liked to call 'Diarrhea of the mouth,' She would allow him one free pass today. Carla however, grabbed the rabbit and walked inside the cave. Malcom followed behind, now in his human form and watched her light a fire. She threw the rabbit onto the burning coals and took a seat; Rosie continuing to kick and move around.
"What the hell is he doing here anyways," asked Carla. "Since WHEN does the Jersey Devil give a shit about me or what is going on?"
"He feels like he has to, Carla," said Malcom, as he took a seat by her. "He said he has this feeling, like, he is SUPPOSED to be doing this. That he too, wants all of this to be over with. I'm not sure what he means by he HAS to do this but I won't say no to help. Right now, we need all we can get...."
"My father-"
"He is with Bigby and Snow White. Right now, their main concern is the Council and protecting you from their grasp. Decimus will find out and it won't take him long to send more of his troops to do the dirty work, especially when he finds out I'M alive and Sam is-"
Just then, Gren walked into the cave. In each hand, he held a Pheasant. Jersey walked behind, still holding his side and carrying several more of the birds. He dropped the birds besides Carla and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.
"Did she wake you up," asked Gren.
"No, I've been up for awhile. Jersey and Malcom just got here themselves...."
"Yeah, I can see that..."
Jersey sat in the corner, still mumbling to himself. 'What a fucking baby,' she thought. 'Oh yeah. So scary.' He continued mending his wounds, while Malcom and Gren cleaned the bird, gutted them and threw them onto the fire. Gren wrapped his giant arm around Carla and kissed her; while he did, he placed the other on her stomach.
"Almost," whispered Gren. "She's almost here...."
"Swineheart wants to come by and take a look at me and see the process of the cave."
"Hopefully she is nothin' like you, Carla," mumbled Jersey. "Poor fuckin' kid..."
Carla ignored Jersey; she was not in the mood to fight the Jersey Devil.
"Your father will be here later," continued Gren. "Think, uh, Lyla and Georgie will make it out here. She doesn't want to miss the birth."
Carla leaned into his body and closed his eyes. The warmth from the fire was dancing against her skin, seeping into her body and mind. The smell of the cooking meat was relaxing both her and Rosie. Gren began stroking her hair; the smell of Apples and rainwater circling his nose. Malcom took the rabbit from the fire and tossed in the other two birds; he watched the skin crackle and smoke against the fire. The snow began falling lightly outside the cave.
"Its going to be a cold one," whispered Malcom, chewing on the burnt meat. "She should probably get some rest..."
Gren placed her gently down on a nest of leaves. He grabbed more skins and threw them over her body.
"I'll wake her up in a bit, so she can eat. But she does need rest...the baby is taking a lot of her energy and strength."
Malcom sat quietly, as Jersey tore into the body of a fish; pieces of scales and bones flying each way, landing at Malcom's feet. Gren poked at the fire and began shewing on a deer bone. The three men sat in silence, the night approaching fast and the snow continuing to fall. Morning would come, just like it always did. Malcom and Gren knew the Council would find out; those bastards always managed to find everything out. But they were all prepared, as Gren looked over at the two people ready to battle beside him.
Gren leaned down and kissed Carla once more.
"We will fix this," he whispered to her. "Rosie is safe. I promise you..."
Carla reached over and tucked his large palm under her face. That's how she stayed; he would not move until morning.
But not Malcom or Jersey, for they, had other plans.
What do Malcom and Jersey have planned, Pie? This is getting good with each passing chapter! Love the pic; his face btw! Can't wait to read more, dude!!
Chapter 31
"Rage of war part 3"
Carla: I want a baby....:)
Gren: ..................?
The remains of the cabin were no… morething more than a distant memory; Gren and I went back to look at the damage the very next day. Guess that's the beauty of this place being so secluded; no one bothers to walk this far out and even if they did, they turned the other way. Mundies were creatures of habit. They stuck to what they knew and that was it. Gren seem pleased, as we walked up to the smoldering ashes. I too, felt an ease and relief with the results; I knew this would create problems once Decimus found out but we were prepared. That would come later though; right now, our main focus was the very pregnant woman with the auburn hair sleeping in the cave.
-4 months later-
The first snow fall rested gently against the rocks; the cave was silent, as Carla awoke from her slumber. she stretched her arms into the frigid air. She quickl… [view original content]
Thanks. We are getting close to end and I want it to end with a bang. You will like it, I promise. Can't tell you WHAT they have planned but I'm sure you have thought of a few ideas.
What do Malcom and Jersey have planned, Pie? This is getting good with each passing chapter! Love the pic; his face btw! Can't wait to read more, dude!!
Following my first story, explains how Georgie and Lyla came to be. Years have passed and the quads are six years old; the perfect age to get into trouble and ask too many questions. This Fable tale will show the Quads struggles in Fabletown, as the war continues on. The troubles they face in Wonderland and discover just who their father, Georgie Porgie, really is. Both Junior and Penny will figure out their power's true meaning, what is in stock for Katie and will Emily be the next Georgie of Fabletown? With many appearances from the lovable Bigby, Snow, Jersey Devil, John and so many others, what could possibly go wrong?
'You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something.'
Jersey was half way to the top of the Council's building. Malcom was down below keeping watch; the might wolf took form and simply hid in the shadows. His noise was sniffing the air, frantically searching for anything unusual. Jersey dug his claws deep into the concrete walls and pulled himself up; the creature began to his and mumble his rage to himself. He, like the others, had no idea WHY he was here. Jersey simply felt like he had to be here, to help them out.
'But why,' he thought, as he continued to climb. 'They surely never cared about ME or my struggles in this world. After all, I've been alone all these years; never once did I ever need a friend or felt the need to do something out of sheer kindness.' There was indeed holding the beast back; something about the Porgie family, even including her sister's world, was keeping him there. He joggled his mind and avoided any further discussion with himself; he had to focus on the situation. Later, he would question his sanity.
The creature jumped into an open window and tip toed past various objects hiding in the dark. For a minute, he hid behind a large fern plant, when the noise of feet echoed down the hall. He carefully stood behind the fern and waited; his breathing became shallow, his eyes watching, as a large man walked past him. The man stopped and had his noise high in the air; fuck, thought Jersey. The dog can smell me out. For awhile, the wolf stood in silence, continuing to smell the open space. He growled for a second and when he noticed nothing in return, assumed it was his imagination and left. Jersey quickly moved into the next room and down the hall; Malcom would be there shortly.
His job was simply: find Decimus and his goons. Malcom had given Jersey directions in locating the office; Malcom would call and ask to speak to decimus. The entire building would be pleased to hear the news of his return. From withing the room, he and Jersey would find answers and destroy whomever felt the need to get involved; now, was not the time to play stupid.
Jersey located a large meeting space and strolled inside. The lights were off; several candles flickered in the corners, as he noticed decimus and three other wolves bowing and praying. A hint of Juniper and wild Daises was in the air; strong, gray smoke began pouring out of three chambers. Each wolf held one, as Decimus bowed and kissed the top. 'Freaks,' thought Jersey, as he continued sneaking in the dark.
He turned to the right and found Malcom; he casually walked in and was greeted by one of the younger wolves. They all shoke his hand, as Decimus gave him a kiss on each cheek.
"Ah, yes, Malcom," said Decimus, as he lead him to the front. "Come. Come sit with me. We all surely believed you were dead, my boy."
"Hm. Well, I am a werewolf; really doesn't take much to kill me."
Decimus simply gave a nod and handed Malcom a large, gold goblet. Inside, there was a strong smell of wine.
"Take a sip," said the old wolf. "You must be exhausted."
Malcom watched, as the three younger wolves continued to stare at him; the entire time he sat down and began talking to Decimus, their eyes never left his side. Malcom felt no threat; these were merely babies of the society that felt the need to join this place. If only they truly knew that the Council had planned. Malcom pushed the wine back to Decimus and thanked him.
"Have a long night ahead of me," replied Malcom. "Wine would only get in the way..."
Decimus smiled and poured the wine back into the bottle. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Jersey lurking in the shadows.
"So," continued Decimus. "How was it that you escaped? We had heard you drowned in the ocean, washed out to sea. We were all so certain you were lost..."
"Well, here I am. It's funny how some are so quick to forget just WHO I am..."
"Whatever do you mean, Malcom?"
Malcom stood up and walked over the the seat he and John once occupied; he traced his fingers along the dark Cherry wood and laughed to himself. How naive they were, so young and foolish to believe in rules that held them back with shackles. He watched as his beloved friend went from most respected to the most despised person in all of Folktown. Decimus gave him no other option; he had not seen the old wolf make such a hasty decision in just seconds.
"Well," continued Malcom. "I mean, I'm a Folker; a werewolf, to be exact. We take awhile to kill; you know the rules mundies gave us. Only silver could take a strong, male wolf down..."
He could see the three other wolves slowly creeping up from behind; their heavy breathing down his neck, their solid yellow eyes watching him.
"Amber, like us, is a Folker as well. She's lucky, though. He demise was quick and painless. I mean, I HOPE it was. Watching yourself drown like that. Only to come back with such hate in your heart-"
"WHERE is this going, Malcom?"
"She thought a little ol' water was going to throw me off and allow me to drown, like some common house pet. Surely, she knew better than that..."
Decimus stood up and walked to his desk. He hung his head low and closed his eyes.
"But, here I am," continued Malcom, as he chuckled. "And to THINK, you thought you had gotten rid of me-"
Just then, the three wolves lunged at Malcom and pinned him down; Malcom threw this right leg up and tossed two of them into the wall. The other dug his claws into Malcom's shoulders. Decimus stood back and watched, as Malcom took on three wolves.
Jersey continued to sit back and wait. Wait for his turn. Wait for revenge.
The wolves managed to pin Malcom to the floor; he was still terribly weak from the struggles against the ocean's current. He was breathing heavily, as he watched Decimus pull out a gun, load it and cocked it. He held the front against Malcom's forehead.
"It's a damn shame you and John chose them over us," shrieked Decimus. "YOU and JOHN were the only decent men on this Council. Two of my hardest working alphas made a poor decision. I gave you chances, I ALLOWED you both to come back and redeem yourselves. But instead, you would rather be with Fables. What kind of wolf is that, huh? Turning his back on his own people..."
One of the wolves lunged forward and sunk his jaws into Malcom's arm. The beast let out a painful scream, as Decimus continued holding the gun against his face.
"You both make me sick! Knowing who's side you REALLY belong to! Pity...those girls would have made fine puppies, amazing wives. I bet that just sickens you, Malcom. Knowing Lyla, your mate to be, is fucking that god awful Georgie Porgie! Knowing those are HIS babies, not yours; HIS body against her's, not you! And to think, you want to be on THEIR side..."
Malcom remembered all too well his feelings about Lyla's decisions; the choice to become employed with the Pudding & Pie, allow the owner, Georgie Porgie, the right to treat her like shit. Then, knowing he STILL had a humane side and she was the one to find it; brought it forward and became a family. He hated himself for this; he had a choice but refused. This was not his fate; this was never meant for him. Something else was calling him and it was not Lyla. Like Jersey, he still had no idea. But his anger was replaced with contentment; knowing she was happy and cared for was all he really wanted.
Malcom began laughing; the wolves looked confused.
"Keep your friends close, your enemies closer..."
Decimus stood beside Malcom. He was furious.
"The fuck did you just say," whispered Decimus.
Without hesitation, Jersey ran out from the shadows and swung his giant claws at each of the wolves; they whimpered and yelped, as the beast charged after them. Malcom rose to his feet and fought the old wolf; the Superior had no choice but to fight back. He was disgusted to see a Fable in his presence; how could he not have seen this? He watched in horror, as Jersey ripped off the legs of one and the right arm of the other; the third wolf was trying to run and escape out the door.
"What's the matter, wolfy," screamed Jersey, as he lunged at the frightened creature. "You wanted to take on a Fable-well, here I am!"
Jersey hissed and chuckled, as he grabbed the third wolf and played with him like it was a rag doll. He could hear the bones breaking, the splatter of blood painting the white walls. He looked over to see Malcom and Decimus fighting; both in their wolf forms.
"You're a murderer," mumbled Malcom, as he pinned Decimus to the wall. "Using Amber as a weapon, as an object of war..."
"You think SHE is the only one," smiled Decimus. "I even have some Fables working in MY favor. Alice and her friends are always looking for something new to try..."
Malcom could recall the incident, when Georgie was nearly fatally wounded by Alice. That was it, he thought. Decimus KNEW the whole time. He already KNEW about Georgie and Lyla, the quads...But, how?
"Snow White has that mirror, the Folkers have Lola and WE have Vermillda. Uh! The fucking shit she showed me! I had to stop it...her father was not and I couldn't see it! But he still won..they STILL managed to mate and connect! I should have had the Crooked Man kill that miserable fool when I had the chance..ugh! And that Grendel, good, parasite invested vermin..."
Malcom's growls deepened, as he dug his claws under Decimus' jaw and tossed him to the side. He watched the old wolf, like a slinky, slowly make his way to the bottom. Malcom found him coughing up blood, slowly choking on his blood. Jersey stood beside Malcom; his vacant eyes never left the giant grey wolf's side. Malcom lifted Decimus up and smiled; this poor, old fool.
"Keep your friends close, your enemies closer..."
"Why-Why do you ke...keep...keep saying that?"
"Because, Decimus. He WAS my enemy, remember?"
Decimus looked over at Jersey; he was hissing, as he smiled his flesh less, toothy grin. He grabbed the wolf by the neck and held it tight. Malcom could hear the gargling and blood splatter on the floor.
"Tell Sam I said hi for me, okay?"
Jersey simply twisted his neck and with a loud crack, the wolf was dead. Jersey threw him to the side; his lifeless body slummed over. Malcom lit a cigarette and offered Jersey one; he tried not to laugh, as he watched Jersey struggle to hold the quickly burning cigarette. They walked down the stairs and out to the front; not before, a loud explosion behind them. The cloud of black smoke filled the afternoon sky; the snow fall turned gray and thick, as the fire rose higher into the winter sky.
Jersey was now his glamoured form, as the two walked down the sidewalk. People around them were too busy looking at the burning building to notice a Fable and a traitor, walking beside them.
"Uh, it's going to take a lot of detergent to get this shirt clean," complained Jersey. "I mean, look! Wolf blood all over the fuckin' place!"
Malcom laughed, as the two headed back to Fabletown.
I'm back! For another short chapter! And good God, will things get ugly. If you haven't read the latest issue, I suggest you do. Otherwise, a spoiler will be placed.
Anyway. I guess I should start. I don't remember what chapter I left off on, but what eves.
Tim and I remained friends. As depressing as that sounds, I kind of liked just that.
No rush.
But God damn, those eyes.
Anywho, there's been some striking developments over the year. Bigby's statue was completed, except for one single ring-shaped piece. I talked to Ozma, and she suspects something fishy is happening.
Snow and Rose haven't made up. Not surprising. At least, that's what everyone says. Rose is creating a new "Camelot". I never read that story, but from how Mrs. Green's initial reaction was, it didn't sound like it ended very pretty.
My mother has been teaching me how to shift back. It's still peculiar that I can't go invisible. She can't figure out what's stopping me, nor can any of the witches I've talked to. Bloody Mary says that I'm probably just to stressed. I actually thought that might have been good advise.
I've begun taking walks in the city. Remembrance is approaching again, but no one seems to care anymore. Tim sometimes comes with me, if he can. But I like going alone.
Recently, the newspapers have been covered in the headlines,"Mad beast strikes again!" or,"Another Victim Found!"
And they aren't talking about you're usual criminals on the street.
He's a Fable. A familiar fable.
One I haven't met, but surely Snow has.
Actually. I know she has.
I walk down the street, accompanied by Mary. She insisted on going with me. Tells me that it's for protection. I'm beginning to think it's just so she can escape Jack, who despite how scared he looked all those months ago, has decided to pursue her once more. He must be running out of woman to sleep with.
We decide to cut through an ally to shave 10 minutes of walking back home. It's long and empty, except for a few dumpsters. Another newspaper with the same headlines as earlier sits on the group, soaked from the puddle it lies in.
Mary grimaces.
"Who could it be?" I say.
"Oh, please. You already know who it is."
I sigh,"We all do. We just can't say it out loud."
Our steps echo off the walls. The brick looks darker on this side of the building. Less faded from the sun. I look up and there's cloud forming. It's going to rain soon. We head back to Fabletown castle in a hurry not to get wet.
We cut through another ally, which is where the water starts to drip. I pull my jacket over my head and we start running.
Before I can react, and hand from somewhere underneath me grabs me and pulls me down.
"Ahh!! Help!" I scream.
Mary's horrified face tells it all. She pulls my from whatever is grabbing me and I regain my footing, running fast as possible. Whatever it was, it gave up and retreated to it's hiding spot. I didn't look back once. We made it in time for rain to shower down in buckets and we entered the front doors, panting.
"I saw him! Where the fuck is Ozma, I need to talk to her, ASAP!"
Mary starts running up the stairs. I'm still keeled over my knees, catching my breath.
"Who'd she see?" Asks an familiar Fable's face. I wish I remembered his name.
I look at the blood stream dripping from my ankle.
Surely he'd chase me from his hiding spot.
He wouldn't give up his prey.
"Read the newspaper," Is all I say, and I press the button on the elevator.
I get off on the 13th floor, just as Mary is explaining it all to the witches on the otherside.
"He's fucking disgusting." She says. He face looks like it's changing green.
"This isn't good," says Mrs. Green. She steps over to one of the windows,"I'm going back to the Farm tonight, we'd better warn the others."
"Should we tell-"
"No!" Says Ozma, Green, and Mary, in unison.
"No one says a word to Snow. Got it?" Ozma.
I nod, in compliance,"Was that really Bigby. Was that grandfather?" I want it to be a dream. I want it not to be real.
Mary nods, closing her eyes.
My stomach turns at the thought of what he might look like. Then it hits me.
"Do you think he stopped chasing me, because he tasted my blood?" I ask.
"I...I mean, maybe he know's I'm family. Tasted the blood and knew not to attack me. He would have mauled me in point 3 seconds flat, had I been anyone else."
"It sounds logical. Maybe. We'd have to investigate further. Until now, go on with your daily life. I'll let you know if we find out anything else." Ozma dismisses us to the elevator.
Me and Mary stand there, silently. After a while, she starts to shake her head.
"I think I might know why he's so.....horrid." She says, almost a whisper.
My eyebrows arch, and I look at her skeptically.
"How so?"
She looks away, then back at me."I've been...spying. I know, I know. Fabletown specifically requires me not to, otherwise legal action would be taken. But I've been suspicious of Spratt since the day we came back to this damn place. She's way too suspicious and humble. She's out for revenge. Don't you remember the missing piece of the statue? It was shaped like a ring. Coincidence? I don't think so. She's fucking evil, Harm."
"No shit. Well, I'm sure they won't care if you're spying for that reason."
"Stop joking. This is serious! We need to do something."
"I intend on doing whatever needs to be done. But for now, I'm going to my house and sleeping so I can work tonight."
"Alright. See ya then."
Mary pulls a small mirror from her pocket and disappears. The mirror falls to the ground and her initials are carved with red paint on the lid. I pick it up and toss it in the trash. That'll be a nice prank for later.
Woo! I really like this chapter a lot! I've decided that I'll write a new one every time a new issue comes out (And occasionally in between, to fill the void.) For now, I hope you liked this one! I really think I've outdone myself this time.
Oh, I'm looking forward to your next chapter in the Fable story book! 'Proud parents that made it happen.' Oh, that made my day! Bring on the quads! BTW, I though Lyla was not dancing anymore? Perhaps an old photo of her back in the day? Looking good, pie! Can't wait!!!!
Coming soon
Meet the Porgie quads....
And the proud parents that made this happen
Following my first story, explains ho… morew Georgie and Lyla came to be. Years have passed and the quads are six years old; the perfect age to get into trouble and ask too many questions. This Fable tale will show the Quads struggles in Fabletown, as the war continues on. The troubles they face in Wonderland and discover just who their father, Georgie Porgie, really is. Both Junior and Penny will figure out their power's true meaning, what is in stock for Katie and will Emily be the next Georgie of Fabletown? With many appearances from the lovable Bigby, Snow, Jersey Devil, John and so many others, what could possibly go wrong?
So, THAT'S what they were doing! Oh, I love seeing them on the Fables' side. Hell, even Jersey! But I'm still curious as to WHY they are doing this? Hmmm......Good job again, Pie!! Loving it like always!
Chapter 32
"Rage of war part 4"
'You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something.'
Jersey was half way to the top of … morethe Council's building. Malcom was down below keeping watch; the might wolf took form and simply hid in the shadows. His noise was sniffing the air, frantically searching for anything unusual. Jersey dug his claws deep into the concrete walls and pulled himself up; the creature began to his and mumble his rage to himself. He, like the others, had no idea WHY he was here. Jersey simply felt like he had to be here, to help them out.
'But why,' he thought, as he continued to climb. 'They surely never cared about ME or my struggles in this world. After all, I've been alone all these years; never once did I ever need a friend or felt the need to do something out of sheer kindness.' There was indeed holding the beast back; something about the Porgie family, even including her sister's world, was keeping him … [view original content]
Oh, I'm looking forward to your next chapter in the Fable story book! 'Proud parents that made it happen.' Oh, that made my day! Bring on t… morehe quads! BTW, I though Lyla was not dancing anymore? Perhaps an old photo of her back in the day? Looking good, pie! Can't wait!!!!
Basically, I’m smitten with Nerissa. Out of all the games I’ve played, never have I cared this much about a character. The only other character I had some sorts of feels for was Elizabeth at the end of Burial at Sea Episode Two. That was a brutal ending to tie two fantastic games together. Anyway, that doesn’t compare to the pain I feel seeing Nerissa constantly ache with the hand she’s been dealt. She just darn near breaks my heart. Seeing as how The Wolf Among Us is canon to the Fables comic series, and Nerissa isn’t in the comics (I haven’t read the comics, so feel free to correct me on that), I’m going to go out on a limb and say that she either dies in Episode 5, or she’s forgotten and fades into non-importance as the plot comes to an epic conclusion. Either way, I have a feeling her happy ending will continue to elude her. She strikes me as that character you want to get a happy ending, but know it’s not going to happen because, well, that would just make too much sense, I suppose. I want her to have a happy ending, though.
So, I’m creating this Fable and the included story with that specific purpose. I’m not going to get all fantastical and outlandish, deviating to and fro from the material that’s already out there. I’m going to try and make it as true to the comics as possible. Like I said before, I haven’t read the comics, so if my story begins to clash with that which is canon, let me know and I’ll scurry to patch it up.
I’m a TERRIBLE writer. English was always my worst subject, but I’ve been brainstorming this whole story since “Smoke & Mirrors”. I’ve never joined any kind of forum, but I came across this thread while surfing the Interwebs and it just seems like the perfect place to share it. I just guess it’s better off posted on this thread than locked away in my “Documents”.
I don’t know if I’ll actually muster up the courage to get to writing a story with dialogue and all that jazz, but for now, here’s my Fable’s biography:
Okay, so right around the time that The Adversary started wreaking havoc in the Homelands, one of the Great Powers known as the Spirit of the Morning (The Spirit of the Morning has only been mentioned in the comics. It hasn’t been seen on panel and we don’t know if it’s male or female, or even what it is the physical manifestation of. For the sake of my story, I’ll have it be male and the physical manifestation of courage? I don’t know, there’s just something about a sunrise that seems synonymous with courage to me. This could quickly change if anything is further revealed about said Great Power.) fell in love with a beautiful peasant woman of noble heart. Their love was true, and she gave birth to a son (That’s my fable!), but the evil Mr. Dark found out, and for reasons I haven’t yet come up with, sought to eliminate the child. The child’s mother was aware of this, and unbeknownst to even the Spirit of the Morning, she began to devise a plan to have her child escorted out of the Homelands and to the safety of another realm.
The mother scoured the land for a family of good that would love and lead the child in a path of righteousness. Her search concluded with a young couple who were unable to have children of their own. As opposed to just leaving the child in a basket on their doorstep during a rainy night, the mother explained the whole ordeal to the couple, making it very clear that life with the child would not be easy, as they would have to live their lives on the run and looking over their shoulders for the evil that would endlessly pursue them. Much to the mother’s surprise, the couple agreed and took the child as their own. The mother was never seen again. The Spirit of the Morning spent years looking for her and the child, but to no avail.
The young couple were quick to act and took advantage of the exodus taking place as a result of The Adversary’s machinations. They, along with many other fables, were escorted by the Big Bad Wolf from the Homelands to the Mundane city of New Amsterdam. There, they secretly consulted with the most powerful sorcerers available on spells that would mask the child’s true origin from him and the Mundy world. They decided upon a spell that would result in the child becoming a baby once he hit the age of thirty, over and over again. Once the child turned thirty, he would physically and mentally resort to being a baby, losing all knowledge of the years lived, but retaining some memories.
They didn’t stay in New Amsterdam for long, though. Shortly after the establishment of Fabletown began, they left knowing that a community of fables would be the very first place that evil would search. They would spend the next 300 or so years traveling the world, undergoing various places of residence as well as aliases, never staying in the same place for too long and never leaving even the slightest trace. It wasn’t until shortly after the destruction of the Bulfinch Street section of Fabletown by the hand of Mr. Dark that things start to pick up in my fable’s story. By that time, the child is once again a man in his late twenties (although, in reality, he’s over 300 years old) living on his own in an apartment in Washington, D.C. Under the name Peter Caves, he has graduated, with honors, from the Quantico FBI Training Academy and has been working with the Violent Crimes Unit. His parents, now using the aliases of Rudolph and Victoria Caves, have recently moved to Washington from Salt Lake City, thinking that being too far from Peter would be endangering him.
The Caves had always maintained communication with Fabletown by way of the sorcerers who helped them in the beginning of their journey. Shortly after Mr. Dark’s destruction of Fabletown, the Caves felt it to be their duty to go to New York and aid the surviving fable community. Upon arriving they find out that the destruction was caused by Mr. Dark, the evil that for so long has been seeking them out. Knowing now how exposed they are by being in the same city as Mr. Dark and that their death seems highly likely, they prepare one final, intricate message for Peter. It’s a message they know only Peter will be able to find. It’s a message that includes their final goodbye, as well as the revelation of who he is and where he comes from.
Knowing Mr. Dark is upon them, they travel back to Salt Lake City, not wanting to lead anyone to Peter in Washington, and there they are found murdered by the local Mundies. Peter is eventually notified of his parents’ death and insists on taking the case. He immediately travels to Utah to inspect the scene of the crime. It is there among the corpses of the two people who raised him that he will be set on a journey into a world he thought was only fantasy. A journey in which he will discover himself and the greater purpose he is destined for. A journey that will have him cross paths with the only person that will ever truly complement (not compliment) him and who he is to save, and be saved by: Nerissa.
Basically, I’m smitten with Nerissa. Out of all the games I’ve played, never have I cared this much about a character. The only other charac… moreter I had some sorts of feels for was Elizabeth at the end of Burial at Sea Episode Two. That was a brutal ending to tie two fantastic games together. Anyway, that doesn’t compare to the pain I feel seeing Nerissa constantly ache with the hand she’s been dealt. She just darn near breaks my heart. Seeing as how The Wolf Among Us is canon to the Fables comic series, and Nerissa isn’t in the comics (I haven’t read the comics, so feel free to correct me on that), I’m going to go out on a limb and say that she either dies in Episode 5, or she’s forgotten and fades into non-importance as the plot comes to an epic conclusion. Either way, I have a feeling her happy ending will continue to elude her. She strikes me as that character you want to get a happy ending, but know it’s not going to happen because, well, t… [view original content]
Whoa, Phil is a lady killer!
Nice so far! The lazy prick comment was funny! XD
Chapter 29
"Rage of War Part 1"
"They have gone too far. Now, it involves too many lives to take chances. We have given them countless options, many chances to take a step back and reason with us. I don't want to fight or get so many people involved but we can't take anymore chances. Mayor Cole agrees with mine and Bigby's decision to battle, should it come down to it. The Council could be plotting their next move; surely, they will know that Malcom has joined our side. We welcome him, just like we did to John all those years ago; for they saw not Fables or parasites but as one. We must be swift and take action; use all forces, keep time on our side and we will all make it. Heave my warnings and do not take things lightly. They want a be it. To Fabletown, Folkers, Halfers and mundies alike. Good luck and let's get down to business...."-Snow White; holding a meeting at the Trip Trap.
Gren could not sleep. His attention was solely focused on Carla. He had created a tiny nest made out of large leaves, branches, animal skin and moss. She was pressed gently into the earth, her hair and arms surrounding the twigs and leaves. She moved several time; perhaps she was remembering where she was at that very moment. Several times, she appeared to be worried; she was so small against his palm. When she inhaled deeply, a smile always crossed her face. Gren placed his head near her chest and listened to the steady beats of her heart.
It echoed along the deep walls of the cave. It was music to the massive beast's ears, as he closed his eyes. From a distance, he could hear the tree frogs, rushing of the river; tiny creatures dashing into the shrubs, night owls swooping down, gathering food for their young. All this, plus her heart beat, was a soothing lullaby for Gren. He was pleased with the scenery, the images he painted in his mind. He could see Carla; her bare, peach flesh touching the water, small splashes kissing her naked body, as she held a tiny infant. Gren could see the strong resemblance to himself. The baby would coo and create large, wave like splashes. She would giggle when Carla tried pulling back the wet strands of hair; the baby's milky eyes watching her mother. Carla, while holding their daughter, looked at him and smiled; he could see himself walking towards her, the wet sand and cattails tickling his feet. The water was cool, as he slowly dipped his entire body in. He found himself, entwined with Carla, as the two held their daughter.
When Gren opened his eyes again, he continued watching Carla. She had turned once more; her arm was still grasping at his massive hand. He was careful with the claws, however. Th last thing he needed to do, was accidentally scratch her face. He had done that one time; since then, he was cautious. There were times Gren simply forgot Carla was mundy; her ability to handle extreme pain to her body was not that of a wolf, Fable or Folker. Although she did have wolf and there were some things she could overcome, this was simply not one of them.
Gren leaned against the walls. The coolness of the cave felt good against his skin. He should get some sleep; Gren knew of this but he refused to do so. All he wanted to do, was look at the marvelous gift that was beside him. He reached over and very carefully, placed his other hand on her belly. It was growing at a rapid pace and the development of the Grendel baby could be seen.
"Rosie," he whispered, as he rubbed gently up and down. "Rosie...."
Gren swore he felt a tiny kick press against his giant hand. He was grinning, as he continued rubbing Carla's belly. As he looked down, he found Carla was alert; her green eyes glimmered against the moon, as she smiled.
"You should try and rest, Gren," replied Gren, as she reached up and touched his face. She was pleased to see him in his true form; out in the wild, in the secluded forest, she felt no need for him to hide. She wanted to teach her daughter that as well; do not be ashamed of who you really are. She continued to speak, still stroking his face.
"My father tells me you have been at this whole nest and birthing thing for days. She is fine...we both are now...I feel so safe beside you. I've missed you, Gren."
The giant beast was taciturn; he too, felt the same way when she was absent from his side. He longed to be beside her; wrap his mighty arms around her, climb into the cave he was building and simply hold her. He envisioned their bodies enveloped in one another; his fingers tangled in her locks, her fingers tracing his torso. Gren would feel her heavy breathing, as he gently kissed her neck; the urge to passionately make love beneath the stars, surrounded by such beauty in the world. He knew, however, this was he had to do. Unfortunately, things changed; even after hundreds of years with tradition and practices, he couldn't ignore her anguished cries. She and his unborn daughter were being threatened; he couldn't take that risk and was blessed to have others agree with the final decision.
"I missed you so much, Carla. There were times I fuckin' swore I was going to storm into that city and take you away! Fuck the rules and just throw you on my back and fuckin' leave this shit hole town! Then I remembered her..."
Gren leaned forward and kissed her stomach. It was no longer about his crude feelings towards the city, Council or even the Fabletown government. He had a child on the way; his beliefs, rough interior and rugged look on the world had to end soon.
"I hope all of this silliness ends soon. I can't imagine having Rosie grow up in the middle of a war. She will never understand their reasons. Comprehend why the Council can not stand her or her family...thrown out in exile, just because they are a little different...."
Gren took his finger and wiped away a tear forming in the corner of Carla's eye. His heart was aching; Carla was all too worried about what the future held for her and Rosie. She witnessed the circus act her sister and Georgie struggled each day to contain; Gren could see the fire building in Georgie's eyes, however, every time a member of the Council dares show their face. Georgie, like Gren, could only take so much abuse. They simply feared the unknown. What would their children struggle against as they grew? The people they would meet? WHO would they be?
"She will be fine, Carla," Gren said, trying to reassure her. "Hopefully she is like you. Overlook this ugly place, look out and see nothing but beauty; a fantastic journey she can take, with no one telling her no. I want her to know not just the Fable side but her mundy and Folker, was well. I hope Rosie closes her eyes and does not just see darkness but a new horizon to pursue; the colors and wonders I never sought out...."
"Rosie will do wonders in this world, Carla. She will make us BOTH proud. I fuckin' know she will...she just has to be..."
Carla threw herself against Gren's chest. He caught her and gently pressed her body against his; her warm, burning flesh was sensational among his own. The Apple and rainwater caressed his nose, as he buried his face in her field of hair. Just then, they both her a rustle in the bushes. Gren's throat vibrated, as he growled against the noise. Carla crawled to a corner; Gren made sure to tell her this, should an intruder ever appeared. He frantically sniffed the air; the heavy scent of wolf in the air. 'Folker, he thought....' The beast slowly peered around the corner. Gren was prepared to attack, even if that meant blood. He was to protect his mate and unborn offspring. Carla watched, as he crouched along the brush, continuing to sniff the night air. He watched, as the tree frogs jumped into the water and the owls fly off into the darkness. He clenched his fist into a tight ball; he could feel the pulse run down his knuckles, the urge to fight growing with each passing minute.
Gren watched, as Malcom pushed his way through the brush. The wolf's hair looked like a mess; twigs and various leaves poking from every end. He brushed himself down; he looked frightened, when he realized Gren was preparing for a fight. Malcom tried to regain his posture; he had seen Grendels in books before but there was indeed a difference, when one was a few feet from you. He could see the beast's nostrils flaring up and down.
"Malcom, what are you doing here," asked Carla, as she slowly walked to him. "Everything okay?" As she stood beside Gren, she placed a hand of his; she wanted to assure him they were not in danger. Carla trusted Malcom.
"We have him, Carla," spoke Malcom. His eyes, however, never left Gren's sight. "We...we found Sam lurking around the Pudding and Pie. He was trying to get to either Lyla, Georgie or the quads. Snow received a call from Lyla; she heard noises coming from behind the club. Bigby and your dad went out to investigate. He was hiding an an abandoned shed, not to far from the club."
There was a vile taste in Carla's mouth; she was trying not to picture WHY Sam was there in the first place.
"Take me to him," said Gren. As he spoke, he slowly turned into his glamoured self. He adjusted his jacket and combed back his hair. No more playing nice, he thought, as he began grinding his teeth. Show me the rat...
"Please," begged Carla, as she kissed his lips. "Do not fall to their level..."
"I won't. Hopefully, the dog knows commands. He may fuckin' need them when I get there."
Gren kissed Carla one more time and soon, he and Malcom were heading into the deeper part of the forest.
"You're in MY town now, bitch," mumbled Gren, as he walked towards a small cabin, both fists clenched and ready.
Loved it oh the feels :')
Oh, the first section with White was fun! I pictured her, along with all the others, drinking a preparing for battle. The whole scene with Carla and Gren in the cave...what I pictured gave me feelings, Georgie. Freaking feelings, man!
I can't WAIT to see what Gren does to Sam! Keep going, Pie! MORE!! BTW, will the next one have pictures maybe?
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 2
Phil: is that all you weaklings got? those fucking cult's I killed back in the day were more tough then you pansies (Phil took two fables and slammed their heads too the ground)
Fable 1: is he even a fable?
Fable 2: I don't known but am not sticking around to found out (they all started to run)
Phil: where the hell do you think you all are going am not finished yet (Phil created a small twister in the trip trap throwing fables around like rag dolls leaving them hurt and unconscious ) Now am done and now am bored again, hey is anyone up for round two? no just me alright, well it looks like I win holly do I get free drinks or what.
Holly: Fuck you Phil
Phil: What did I do?
Holly: You owe me money, you hurt my friend, now you beak my bar and drive away my costumers
Phil: I didn't drive them away there still here just hurt and unconscious
Holly: you know what Phil one of these days your going to find someone stronger then you and when you do I want to see you beg too them for mercy
Phil: I don't know about the begging part but I'd love to find someone stronger then me that would be something new
( a young women wearing a red dress walks in)
The Red women: then I'd be just the person you would be looking for.
Phil: Wow that was convenient, well then are you the person I well be fighting because I'd hate to ruin your beautiful face miss
The Red women: most people just call me the red women I am a shadow broker and did I not hear you want to fight someone better then you aren't you also a fable hunter?
Phil: you had me at fighting someone better then me and yes I am a fable hunter the best if you well find.
The Red women: very cocky I like it
Phil: before we start why do people call you the red women is it because you wear that sexy red dress or because you are secretly a lobster under all of that skin if that's the case I have many uses for you all bring the snake tongue if you bring the lobster claws
Holly: (What the hell kind of pick up line is that there's no way she well fall for that cheesy crap)
The red women: ok all bring the lobster claws if you bring the snake tongue if you bring this very dangerous fable in
Phil: oh yeah am in it too win it baby who do I need to kill or bring in I hope he's strong who is he
The red women: this is his name (she hands him the paper with the name)
Phil: 'The Big Bad Wolf' hahahaha what kind of gay ass name is that what does he do fart wind out his ass or something hahahah
The red women: well you bring him in alive not dead
Phil: sure all kick his ass and bring him back (I like this it sounds new and fresh finally a stronger fable then me)
The red women: good lets go all get you ready with the details at my apartment
Phil:(fuck yeah a sexy lady and a stronger fable I really like this)
The red women: here this well cover the damages (she hands holly a lot of money) this well also cover all of his drinks
Phil( this is too good to be true)
End of part 2
Haha 'what, does he fart wind out of his ass' XD
Happy Father's day from Georgie, Lyla and the quads!
Check out chapter 30 later on today.
Now that I've finished Draco's story, it is time to start a new character, so here is a sneak peak.
He was an ordinary teenager, living in Manhattan. He went to school like every other kid by day. But by night he was a thief, hunting and collecting rare items. So one night he decided to go pro after met a mysterious man who gave him a mysterious weapon which made him do extraordinary things. He was about to sneak into buildings without being detected, Looting many valuable items from each one.
The mysterious man returned one night, and offered a job for the young man, he wanted him to steal valuable items from a place called Fabletown.
Don't know when I will start writing yet, but I have big things planned.
Can't wait, Pie! They are too cute! BTW, you have kids?
Happy father's day to you as well and everyone else out there!
I just realized that Lyla's eyes are looking a tad bit funny there.
Anyways, excellent pic!
Chapter 30
"Rage of War part 2"
'When everything you've had is stolen from you, all you have left is revenge.' -Emily Thorne
There was no escaping the burning fire deep in his belly. Gren's teeth continued to grind; it echoed deep into his ears and settled into his mind. He saw red. Gren's mind was mostly focused on the miserable life sitting before him. Sam struggled furiously to free his hands. Gren watched the poor creature kick like a child and gag against the filthy, vile rag lodged deep into his mouth. Malcom stood beside Sam, continuing to smoke a cigarette. Perhaps, waiting for Gren's next move; the massive creature had not made a peep since they entered the cabin. The only noise was the sound of Sam's pathetic attempts to speak and free himself.
Gren felt no sympathy for the wolf man. He, like all the other cowards that hid in the shadows, did not deserve justice or the ability to explain themselves. Since the dawn of time, rules were set in place to avoid situations like so; the Council, however, never knew when to stop while they could. They continued thriving on problems; consumed by greed and power, which drove them to create such nonsense. Fables and Folkers were not much different; Snow and Mayor Cole even created various rules to please both sides. But it has come to this; Folkers did not want peace or the chance to create a strong alliance. All they say, were Fables and nothing more.
Now, Gren's family was in serious danger because of the foolish wolves that could not simply stop; stop long enough, too look out and see the world for what it was. They, like the Folkers, all hid their secrets, like it was a terrible thing to posses. Gren would slink from dark corners, avoiding any contact with the outside world. Mundies were creatures that could not be trusted; Halfers, too, were considered 'evil' and to be ignored like trash on the sidewalk. For hundreds of years, Gren's ability to love was taken over by his hate filled heart. These Folkers, these wolves, did the same thing. Now, they were pushing their luck; his unborn daughter was not going to grow up, looking behind her back with every step she took.
Sam's actions grew tiresome watching; the rope was now slowly cutting into his wrists. Malcom and Gren watched as the pink flesh rubbed against the material; small, stream like trickles of blood ran down his fingers, creating a crimson red pool beneath his chair. Gren reached across and forcefully pulled out the rage. Sam began coughing and choking on his own saliva.
"You won't get away with this," screamed Sam, continuing to struggle. "My father will find out and everyone of you Fables and rats will be executed or sent to the fucking Farm! You hear me, Grendel?"
Gren swayed his arms and forced his fist into the side of Sam's head. Malcom watched, as blood escaped his mouth and land on the floor. Gren took his fist, now covered in some blood and wiped it on Sam's shirt; all the while, he continued to smile.
"Yuck," said Gren, as he roughly cleaned his fist. "You're blood is so putrid. Would hate to have it on my nice, clean, Fable blood..."
Sam tried reaching for Gren's throat; his teeth were in rows like sharp knives and he continued snapping at the Grendel. He was salivating, growling and forcing the veins in his neck to pop out. Once more, Gren continued to smile; Malcom was now, uneasy. He had seen Sam lose control before. He was capable of devouring an entire man in a single shot. But Gren didn't seem bothered by Sam's silly attempts to murder him. After all, he thought. He's only doing what he was taught to do-kill.
"You might want to relax, Sam," spoke Gren. "You might make yourself so sick acting like a fuckin' animal..."
"Fuck you, Fable! Fuck you and ALL the others you associate yourself with!"
Gren swung again, this time, hitting his lower jaw. A tooth went flying, hitting the wall and landing by the door. Gren grabbed his neck and while still tied to the chair, slammed him into the wall.
"You wanna try me, dog? HUH!? 'Cause I ain't in the MOOD to be playin' fuckin' games with you!"
"Fuck you, Fable! think you are so much fucking better than us, don't you? Think just because you fucked her, makes you less of a monster-"
Gren violently slammed Sam's head into the wall. A nearby shelf fell to the floor; several dishes were now nothing but broken shards on the floor.
"Gren," begged Malcom, trying to pull him away. "STOP! Okay? Do not stoop to their level..."
"FUCK YOU....YO-You too, Malcom," said Sam, struggling against Gren's grip. "YOU ha-have...have no RIGHT to speak, you useless piece of shit! You waste of life! never DESERVED that seat next to my father, next to John! NEITHER of you did-"
Gren once more, slammed his skull into the wood. He dropped Sam, as his body slummed to the right. Gren watched, as Sam coughed up blood.
"And then, there is you....," continued Sam. "You think, by becoming friendly with John, EVERYTHING you have done will be erased!? You really truly believe that, Fable? You fucking parasites are all the same. Leeching onto our kind and worming your way inside. WE fought our battles, WE created a society intended for US ONLY, Fable! And yet, here you are...."
Gren and Malcom simply stood and listened to the wolf speak, all the while, continuing to cough up blood.
"She was MY mate, you sick fucker! I was to cleanse that mundy blood her father felt the need to add! I was to give her strong, proud wolf puppies that would carry on the Folker ways; the traditions, way of life and avoid this mixing bullshit you ALL SEEM to think is okay around here!"
"And what if they were mundies," asked Gren, now kneeling beside Sam. "What if those babies all turned out like their grandmother and didn't have a single strand of wolf in them?"
"They would perish," whispered Sam. "EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM...."
Gren was stunned at his answer. He was appalled; the idea of an entire community and race disposing children because they appeared different; disowning an entire family because of their choices to live THEIR lives.
"Just like your daughter will one day, Grendel. Her and those god awful babies Lyla had with that Georgie Porgie. Who would want her now, or Carla for that. Your sick, infested dicks touching our women..."
Gren stood up. He did not say a word, as he walked outside. Malcom watched him go into the nearby shed. He was gone for several minutes; he was worried. Gren was a ticking time bomb that was prepared to explode at any minute. Sam continued to speak.
"Psh. What a fucking idiot! And you-helping those parasites! I hope they stab you in the back and throw your body to the birds! The Witching Well is too easy for you...Fucking shame Amber didn't kill you properly-"
Malcom turned around and kicked Sam in the chest. As he finished, Gren returned; in his hands, he held a gas container. He picked up Sam's chair and placed it back against the wall. Sam's entire right side was covered in blood. His eye was black and beginning to bruise. Gren reached into his jean pocket and pulled out an ultra sound picture of Rosie. Swineheart was able to use the machine not too long ago and get a clear picture. He shoved the picture into Sam's face.
"TAKE a good long, FUCKIN' look at this precious child, Sam," mumbled Gren. "LOOK at my daughter! IS THIS a creature of hate? A child that deserves the life of crime and sin, when she can not control it, for SHE is both Fable AND Folker? Can she truly be punished, all because two people from the opposite side of the FUCKIN' fence fell in love?! HUH?! TELL ME!!"
Sam watched as Gren took out another photo. This one, of him and Carla before her pregnancy.
"THIS woman, right here," continued Gren, as tears began forming in his eyes. "THIS woman saw ME; not a Grendel, not a Fable, not a fuckin' MONSTER. She saw ME, Sam-ME! But that...that does not matter to you or the others, does it?"
Sam didn't say a word. Instead, he hawked back and spit at the picture of Gren and Carla; the blood and phlegm slowly dripping down.
"Fuck you, Fable...."
Gren wiped the blood off the picture, took the gas can and poured a circle of gas around Sam. He doused the walls and curtains; covered what furniture he saw and finished by the door. He tossed the can to the side and grabbed Sam's neck.
"Apologize, you miserable fuckin' bitch and I might spare you-"
"Fuck you. I hope they take you, your children, your children's children and ALL the others out to that Farm....rot in hell, Grendel!"
Malcom headed out the door, the minute he saw Gren fish into his pocket and pull out the matches.
"See you there, Sam," mumbled Gren, as he smiled and slapped his face.
Gren walked behind Malcom; while Sam continued to kick, scream and attempt to free himself. Gren struck the match and as they were away from the cabin, he tossed it. The cabin was engulfed in flames within seconds; the sound of the fire licking the wood, falling timber and the faint shrill of Sam's voice could be heard. There was a loud explosion; then, nothing but silence and the continuing of the burning wood. Gren and Malcom stood, watching the fires dance into the heavens; tiny embers falling from the sky, like gray snowflakes from clouds.
Gren did not say a word, as he headed back to Carla. Malcom would never speak of this; as far as anyone was concerned, Sam did this to himself or someone else was out to get him. Gren, like so many others, would settle this THEIR way.
Now, it was a war.
Yeah. While inking it, kinda messed up. -.-; WAS trying to fix it but, alas....made it worse. Thanks, however.
And to, no kids for me yet. 
Because you quoted revenge
That's what you get, Sam! Good job, Pie! More! Can't wait to see what happens! Now, its war!!
Still looks amazing dude.
Better than anything I could ever make!
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 3
(Phil and the red women left for her apartment)
Phil: damn girl you have a nice place here all it is missing is a couple of stripper pools and we would be in business
The red women: ha I never thought the harbinger of death was such a comedian
Phil: I can do other things you know
(Phil reaches for her breasts)
the red women: oh we should really start looking at the files before we get too distracted, remember you don't get your reward unless you bring bigby too me.
Phil: Yeah yeah so what can you tell me about him how strong is he and what does he look like.
the red women: lets see here they say he's pretty strong he one time killed a dragon
Phil: ha I kill dragons all the time what else
the red women: it says he can also turn into a giant wolf
Phil: is that all
the red women: well it goes on to talk about his personal achievements knowing you I don't think you care about that stuff
Phil: alright am ready where can I find him
the red women: wait you want to go now if you really do want to go you should know that he's the sheriff of fable town
Phil: oh really then this should be very interesting all be back wear the finest outfit you can find because I want that reward right when I get back
the red women: of course, you can find him mostly at his apartment or at the sheriffs office here are the details (she whispers into his ear) don't cheep me waiting
End of part 3 sorry about making this part shorter then the others I promise to make the fourth part longer
I have a request, as it is totally up to you if you want to do it or not. I wanna see a scene or drawing where Malcolm is being hugged by Lyla and Carla, 'cause I think Malcolm has been hanging with the wrong group all this time. He deserves such appreciation now. I'm just glad he decided to side with the Fables.
Killing dragons, huh? Hmmm...
(damn it, Bigby and Phil) :P
Congratulations on finishing another story! You have quite the knack for a grand tale
Oh, a challenge!
I accept! Hopefully, sometime today, you will have Lyla and Malcom hugging.
Glad to see the appreciation, man!
Malcom needs all the lovin' he can get!
He does, dude! I can't wait to see it!
Such intense brutality, I love it. You can actually see the scene happening in your head. Can't wait for more!
Thank you.. I will starting a new story later with a different writing style.
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 4
Phil: ha what do I need directions for am a goddamn fable hunter know all I need is Scarlet and all be ready to go
Meanwhile with Bigby and snow
Snow: Bigby I really wise you took this case a little more serious
Bigby: oh sorry I've had a lot on my mind lately what were you taking about
Snow:( Snow gives Bigby a stare )
Holly: are you guys going to go all Googly eyed over each other or are you going to let me tell my fucking story
Snow: am sorry Holly please start from the very beginning again ok
Holly: Fine, everything was all fine until Phil that drink piece of shit walked through my door
Snow: wait who's Phil
Holly:you know the harbinger
Snow: I've never heard about him are you sure he is a fable
Holly: I don't know he calls himself a fable even through I've never heard of him before
Snow: all have bufkin look him up at the business office what else can you tell us about what happened
Holly: alright he was having a few drinks like he always does. And then he fell a sleep like he always does, and then I got freaking pissed that he doesn't pay then Gren got hurt and then their was a fight and I just need to ley down it just happed so fast.
Snow: its ok is their anything else you can give us
Holly: well there was this lady in a red dress that paid for all of the damages and paid for all of his drinks but then she waved her hand and now am having a hard time remembering anything else
Bigby: that's weird it sounds like she erased some of your memories but not all of them I wonder why
Snow: maybe she's a novice at it maybe she's new to magic
Bigby: it could be, hey holly you wouldn't mind going with snow to Swineheart's place would you just too check you out
Holly: I guess not
Snow: Bigby I don't like this a fight in fable town is pretty normal but erasing memories of other fables
Bigby: don't worrie snow all take care of it you should take Holly to Swineheart's place all look around some more ok
Snow: yeah all due that just be careful alright
Bigby: all try (both Holly and snow leave)
Bigby: smells like blood in here I wonder why, and it continues out side too
Phil: do you always talk too yourself like that ( Phil said loading his crossbow scarlet)
Bigby: alright who the fuck are you (before Bigby could get another word out Phil fired his crossbow at Bigby hitting his shoulder) aw what the hell
Phil: the better question is what the fuck did I hit you with the answer is this my own hand made adrenaline it won't kill you but it well unlock your true power
Bigby: what the hell are you talking about
Phil: you see I was a little worried that you would not live up too your reputation so I came ready for you with this so now you have no choice but to fight me at your strongest
Bigby: you bastard why are you doing this
Phil: Two reason's my flee beaded friend a good fight and a hot girl what more could you ask now then no more talk lets fight(Phil turned into smaller version of his fable form without wings and more human like while bigby turned into his half wolf half human form)
End of part 4
Here ya go, Dragon.
Hope you like it. Will be seeing a lot more of this guy soon. 
NOTE: Chapter 31 will be posted soon. Enjoy.
Pure excellence! I applaud this work of art, pudding! Thank you so much for accepting my request/challenge. ;3
As always, I'm eager to see your next chapter as well. But, I bet you already knew that, hehe.
Kid wears a bowler hat just like his dad?? I shall call him "Mini Me".
Chapter 31
"Rage of war part 3"
Carla: I want a baby....:)
Gren: ..................?
The remains of the cabin were nothing more than a distant memory; Gren and I went back to look at the damage the very next day. Guess that's the beauty of this place being so secluded; no one bothers to walk this far out and even if they did, they turned the other way. Mundies were creatures of habit. They stuck to what they knew and that was it. Gren seem pleased, as we walked up to the smoldering ashes. I too, felt an ease and relief with the results; I knew this would create problems once Decimus found out but we were prepared. That would come later though; right now, our main focus was the very pregnant woman with the auburn hair sleeping in the cave.
-4 months later-
The first snow fall rested gently against the rocks; the cave was silent, as Carla awoke from her slumber. she stretched her arms into the frigid air. She quickly reached over and grabbed an animal skin throw and placed it around her naked body. Gren was no where to be found; he must be out searching for food. Rosie was eating at an alarming rate, which meant more food and constant snacking in the night. She counted eating three Pheasants, six pounds of fish, several buckets of wild berries and three rabbits; this was her lunch alone, mind you. Like all typical mundies, she worried about the weight gain. Gren laughed when she brought up the thought; he assured her every ounce of weight was going to Rosie's little body. 'Little,' thought Carla. 'I wouldn't call her little....'
Carla's bare feet touched the white, thick layer of snow, as she carefully peered out of the cave. The sun was sitting in between trees; the glow made the ice crystals glisten and shine, while the snow had the appearance of glitter scattered all over. Carla watched as a white rabbit ran past her and into a large hole several feet from the cave. Several large bucks could be seen far into the distance; Carla was taken back by the majestic beauty of the creatures, as they frolicked and picked layers off the tree to eat as their breakfast.
Carla bent down and scooped up a large pile of cold, refreshing snow. Carla recalled Gina, Mary, herself and Lyla waking up to mornings like this and like so many children before them, rushed down the stairs and into the frozen world outside; Gina and Mary would always create armies of Snowmen, while she and little Lyla made snow angels. Seconds later, their mother would come screaming outside, holding various articles of warm clothing. Carla smiled; she placed her hands on her rapidly growing belly and thought. She began picturing her own daughter doing the same thing; her half asleep, frantic self running outside, holding up mittens and scarf; all the while, Gren leaning against the door and laughing hysterically.
Carla suddenly heard twigs breaking in the distance; she backed up into the opening of the cave and waited. If it was Malcom or Gren, no problem; Dr. Swineheart was due for his usual checkup on Carla. Perhaps, it was the doctor. She waited; left ear pressed to the opening and waiting. Rosie began kicking; Carla could see three toes and three sets of tiny claws press against her belly. The cocoon inside, encasing Rosie, was beginning to harden up; Carla held the bottom of her belly, while trying to fight back the pain.
"Ssh, sweetie," whispered Carla, as she continued looking outside. "Relax. Mommy is alright..."
No, no she wasn't; the idea of some unknown person walking around the forest made her worry sometimes. Gren was gone, as was Malcom. Although the cave was far into the forest and very rarely did mundies come out here, she still looked out.
The sound of twigs continued, as she could hear growls and someone mumbling to themselves. It was not Malcom; his voice was deep and sort of raspy. She KNEW Gren's, even in his true form, the growls she heard was no where near his distinct voice. Carla could feel her rapid heart beating against her chest, the need to run growing stronger. Instead, she carefully walked to the corner and picked up a spear. Gren made this for her three days after she decided to stay with him permanently until the birth of the baby.
Carla held up the fear. She was prepared and determined to fight off whoever was heading her direction. Her noise was in the air, sniffing and trying to figure it out. Thank you dad, she thought to herself. You gave me the best ability from your side of the family.
The footsteps were growing closer; twigs continuing to break and the mumbling grew louder. Carla closed her eyes, said a small prayer and jumped out of the cave; she began yelling and screaming, still closing her eyes and jabbing whoever was there.
"HEY, watch it, lady!"
Carla opened her eyes; that voice, she thought.
Standing before her was Jersey in his true form; not too far behind, she watched a large, grey wolf run behind-Malcom. Carla looked down and noticed a puncture wound. Jersey dropped the rabbit carcass and picked at the wound.
"The hell is wrong with you, Carla," asked Jersey annoyed. "Is this how pregnancy is treatin' ya these days. Fuck..."
"I'm so sorry, Jersey," replied Carla, trying to help him. She grabbed a handful of snow and placed it against the opening; she watched the red coat the snow and seep into his flesh. Carla was secretly terrified; she had never seen Jersey in his TRUE form. Now was not a good time to panic, she thought.
"Fuck that shit hurts, Carla! I mean, I've takin' some fuckin' punishment in my earlier days but fuck-a spear? The fuck you think it was!"
"I don't know these days, Jersey. can't be too careful..."
"You alright," asked Malcom, as he licked the side of Carla's face. "We honestly were gone for not that long; we assumed you would still be asleep when we got back. We were getting hungry and thought when you woke up, you'd be hungry, too."
"Of course she'd be fuckin' hungry," bellowed Jersey. "When the fuck is that thing never hungry!? Surprised it ain't eatin' your insides, lady!"
Carla ignored him. The beast was in pain and Jersey had a nasty habit of not watching what he said; he had what her mother liked to call 'Diarrhea of the mouth,' She would allow him one free pass today. Carla however, grabbed the rabbit and walked inside the cave. Malcom followed behind, now in his human form and watched her light a fire. She threw the rabbit onto the burning coals and took a seat; Rosie continuing to kick and move around.
"What the hell is he doing here anyways," asked Carla. "Since WHEN does the Jersey Devil give a shit about me or what is going on?"
"He feels like he has to, Carla," said Malcom, as he took a seat by her. "He said he has this feeling, like, he is SUPPOSED to be doing this. That he too, wants all of this to be over with. I'm not sure what he means by he HAS to do this but I won't say no to help. Right now, we need all we can get...."
"My father-"
"He is with Bigby and Snow White. Right now, their main concern is the Council and protecting you from their grasp. Decimus will find out and it won't take him long to send more of his troops to do the dirty work, especially when he finds out I'M alive and Sam is-"
Just then, Gren walked into the cave. In each hand, he held a Pheasant. Jersey walked behind, still holding his side and carrying several more of the birds. He dropped the birds besides Carla and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.
"Did she wake you up," asked Gren.
"No, I've been up for awhile. Jersey and Malcom just got here themselves...."
"Yeah, I can see that..."
Jersey sat in the corner, still mumbling to himself. 'What a fucking baby,' she thought. 'Oh yeah. So scary.' He continued mending his wounds, while Malcom and Gren cleaned the bird, gutted them and threw them onto the fire. Gren wrapped his giant arm around Carla and kissed her; while he did, he placed the other on her stomach.
"Almost," whispered Gren. "She's almost here...."
"Swineheart wants to come by and take a look at me and see the process of the cave."
"Hopefully she is nothin' like you, Carla," mumbled Jersey. "Poor fuckin' kid..."
Carla ignored Jersey; she was not in the mood to fight the Jersey Devil.
"Your father will be here later," continued Gren. "Think, uh, Lyla and Georgie will make it out here. She doesn't want to miss the birth."
Carla leaned into his body and closed his eyes. The warmth from the fire was dancing against her skin, seeping into her body and mind. The smell of the cooking meat was relaxing both her and Rosie. Gren began stroking her hair; the smell of Apples and rainwater circling his nose. Malcom took the rabbit from the fire and tossed in the other two birds; he watched the skin crackle and smoke against the fire. The snow began falling lightly outside the cave.
"Its going to be a cold one," whispered Malcom, chewing on the burnt meat. "She should probably get some rest..."
Gren placed her gently down on a nest of leaves. He grabbed more skins and threw them over her body.
"I'll wake her up in a bit, so she can eat. But she does need rest...the baby is taking a lot of her energy and strength."
Malcom sat quietly, as Jersey tore into the body of a fish; pieces of scales and bones flying each way, landing at Malcom's feet. Gren poked at the fire and began shewing on a deer bone. The three men sat in silence, the night approaching fast and the snow continuing to fall. Morning would come, just like it always did. Malcom and Gren knew the Council would find out; those bastards always managed to find everything out. But they were all prepared, as Gren looked over at the two people ready to battle beside him.
Gren leaned down and kissed Carla once more.
"We will fix this," he whispered to her. "Rosie is safe. I promise you..."
Carla reached over and tucked his large palm under her face. That's how she stayed; he would not move until morning.
But not Malcom or Jersey, for they, had other plans.
Love it!!!
Malcom is hot! lol
What do Malcom and Jersey have planned, Pie? This is getting good with each passing chapter!
Love the pic; his face btw! Can't wait to read more, dude!!
We are getting close to end and I want it to end with a bang. You will like it, I promise. Can't tell you WHAT they have planned but I'm sure you have thought of a few ideas. 
Coming soon
Meet the Porgie quads....
And the proud parents that made this happen
Following my first story, explains how Georgie and Lyla came to be. Years have passed and the quads are six years old; the perfect age to get into trouble and ask too many questions. This Fable tale will show the Quads struggles in Fabletown, as the war continues on. The troubles they face in Wonderland and discover just who their father, Georgie Porgie, really is. Both Junior and Penny will figure out their power's true meaning, what is in stock for Katie and will Emily be the next Georgie of Fabletown? With many appearances from the lovable Bigby, Snow, Jersey Devil, John and so many others, what could possibly go wrong?
Chapter 32
"Rage of war part 4"
'You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something.'
Jersey was half way to the top of the Council's building. Malcom was down below keeping watch; the might wolf took form and simply hid in the shadows. His noise was sniffing the air, frantically searching for anything unusual. Jersey dug his claws deep into the concrete walls and pulled himself up; the creature began to his and mumble his rage to himself. He, like the others, had no idea WHY he was here. Jersey simply felt like he had to be here, to help them out.
'But why,' he thought, as he continued to climb. 'They surely never cared about ME or my struggles in this world. After all, I've been alone all these years; never once did I ever need a friend or felt the need to do something out of sheer kindness.' There was indeed holding the beast back; something about the Porgie family, even including her sister's world, was keeping him there. He joggled his mind and avoided any further discussion with himself; he had to focus on the situation. Later, he would question his sanity.
The creature jumped into an open window and tip toed past various objects hiding in the dark. For a minute, he hid behind a large fern plant, when the noise of feet echoed down the hall. He carefully stood behind the fern and waited; his breathing became shallow, his eyes watching, as a large man walked past him. The man stopped and had his noise high in the air; fuck, thought Jersey. The dog can smell me out. For awhile, the wolf stood in silence, continuing to smell the open space. He growled for a second and when he noticed nothing in return, assumed it was his imagination and left. Jersey quickly moved into the next room and down the hall; Malcom would be there shortly.
His job was simply: find Decimus and his goons. Malcom had given Jersey directions in locating the office; Malcom would call and ask to speak to decimus. The entire building would be pleased to hear the news of his return. From withing the room, he and Jersey would find answers and destroy whomever felt the need to get involved; now, was not the time to play stupid.
Jersey located a large meeting space and strolled inside. The lights were off; several candles flickered in the corners, as he noticed decimus and three other wolves bowing and praying. A hint of Juniper and wild Daises was in the air; strong, gray smoke began pouring out of three chambers. Each wolf held one, as Decimus bowed and kissed the top. 'Freaks,' thought Jersey, as he continued sneaking in the dark.
He turned to the right and found Malcom; he casually walked in and was greeted by one of the younger wolves. They all shoke his hand, as Decimus gave him a kiss on each cheek.
"Ah, yes, Malcom," said Decimus, as he lead him to the front. "Come. Come sit with me. We all surely believed you were dead, my boy."
"Hm. Well, I am a werewolf; really doesn't take much to kill me."
Decimus simply gave a nod and handed Malcom a large, gold goblet. Inside, there was a strong smell of wine.
"Take a sip," said the old wolf. "You must be exhausted."
Malcom watched, as the three younger wolves continued to stare at him; the entire time he sat down and began talking to Decimus, their eyes never left his side. Malcom felt no threat; these were merely babies of the society that felt the need to join this place. If only they truly knew that the Council had planned. Malcom pushed the wine back to Decimus and thanked him.
"Have a long night ahead of me," replied Malcom. "Wine would only get in the way..."
Decimus smiled and poured the wine back into the bottle. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Jersey lurking in the shadows.
"So," continued Decimus. "How was it that you escaped? We had heard you drowned in the ocean, washed out to sea. We were all so certain you were lost..."
"Well, here I am. It's funny how some are so quick to forget just WHO I am..."
"Whatever do you mean, Malcom?"
Malcom stood up and walked over the the seat he and John once occupied; he traced his fingers along the dark Cherry wood and laughed to himself. How naive they were, so young and foolish to believe in rules that held them back with shackles. He watched as his beloved friend went from most respected to the most despised person in all of Folktown. Decimus gave him no other option; he had not seen the old wolf make such a hasty decision in just seconds.
"Well," continued Malcom. "I mean, I'm a Folker; a werewolf, to be exact. We take awhile to kill; you know the rules mundies gave us. Only silver could take a strong, male wolf down..."
He could see the three other wolves slowly creeping up from behind; their heavy breathing down his neck, their solid yellow eyes watching him.
"Amber, like us, is a Folker as well. She's lucky, though. He demise was quick and painless. I mean, I HOPE it was. Watching yourself drown like that. Only to come back with such hate in your heart-"
"WHERE is this going, Malcom?"
"She thought a little ol' water was going to throw me off and allow me to drown, like some common house pet. Surely, she knew better than that..."
Decimus stood up and walked to his desk. He hung his head low and closed his eyes.
"But, here I am," continued Malcom, as he chuckled. "And to THINK, you thought you had gotten rid of me-"
Just then, the three wolves lunged at Malcom and pinned him down; Malcom threw this right leg up and tossed two of them into the wall. The other dug his claws into Malcom's shoulders. Decimus stood back and watched, as Malcom took on three wolves.
Jersey continued to sit back and wait. Wait for his turn. Wait for revenge.
The wolves managed to pin Malcom to the floor; he was still terribly weak from the struggles against the ocean's current. He was breathing heavily, as he watched Decimus pull out a gun, load it and cocked it. He held the front against Malcom's forehead.
"It's a damn shame you and John chose them over us," shrieked Decimus. "YOU and JOHN were the only decent men on this Council. Two of my hardest working alphas made a poor decision. I gave you chances, I ALLOWED you both to come back and redeem yourselves. But instead, you would rather be with Fables. What kind of wolf is that, huh? Turning his back on his own people..."
One of the wolves lunged forward and sunk his jaws into Malcom's arm. The beast let out a painful scream, as Decimus continued holding the gun against his face.
"You both make me sick! Knowing who's side you REALLY belong to! Pity...those girls would have made fine puppies, amazing wives. I bet that just sickens you, Malcom. Knowing Lyla, your mate to be, is fucking that god awful Georgie Porgie! Knowing those are HIS babies, not yours; HIS body against her's, not you! And to think, you want to be on THEIR side..."
Malcom remembered all too well his feelings about Lyla's decisions; the choice to become employed with the Pudding & Pie, allow the owner, Georgie Porgie, the right to treat her like shit. Then, knowing he STILL had a humane side and she was the one to find it; brought it forward and became a family. He hated himself for this; he had a choice but refused. This was not his fate; this was never meant for him. Something else was calling him and it was not Lyla. Like Jersey, he still had no idea. But his anger was replaced with contentment; knowing she was happy and cared for was all he really wanted.
Malcom began laughing; the wolves looked confused.
"Keep your friends close, your enemies closer..."
Decimus stood beside Malcom. He was furious.
"The fuck did you just say," whispered Decimus.
Without hesitation, Jersey ran out from the shadows and swung his giant claws at each of the wolves; they whimpered and yelped, as the beast charged after them. Malcom rose to his feet and fought the old wolf; the Superior had no choice but to fight back. He was disgusted to see a Fable in his presence; how could he not have seen this? He watched in horror, as Jersey ripped off the legs of one and the right arm of the other; the third wolf was trying to run and escape out the door.
"What's the matter, wolfy," screamed Jersey, as he lunged at the frightened creature. "You wanted to take on a Fable-well, here I am!"
Jersey hissed and chuckled, as he grabbed the third wolf and played with him like it was a rag doll. He could hear the bones breaking, the splatter of blood painting the white walls. He looked over to see Malcom and Decimus fighting; both in their wolf forms.
"You're a murderer," mumbled Malcom, as he pinned Decimus to the wall. "Using Amber as a weapon, as an object of war..."
"You think SHE is the only one," smiled Decimus. "I even have some Fables working in MY favor. Alice and her friends are always looking for something new to try..."
Malcom could recall the incident, when Georgie was nearly fatally wounded by Alice. That was it, he thought. Decimus KNEW the whole time. He already KNEW about Georgie and Lyla, the quads...But, how?
"Snow White has that mirror, the Folkers have Lola and WE have Vermillda. Uh! The fucking shit she showed me! I had to stop it...her father was not and I couldn't see it! But he still won..they STILL managed to mate and connect! I should have had the Crooked Man kill that miserable fool when I had the chance..ugh! And that Grendel, good, parasite invested vermin..."
Malcom's growls deepened, as he dug his claws under Decimus' jaw and tossed him to the side. He watched the old wolf, like a slinky, slowly make his way to the bottom. Malcom found him coughing up blood, slowly choking on his blood. Jersey stood beside Malcom; his vacant eyes never left the giant grey wolf's side. Malcom lifted Decimus up and smiled; this poor, old fool.
"Keep your friends close, your enemies closer..."
"Why-Why do you ke...keep...keep saying that?"
"Because, Decimus. He WAS my enemy, remember?"
Decimus looked over at Jersey; he was hissing, as he smiled his flesh less, toothy grin. He grabbed the wolf by the neck and held it tight. Malcom could hear the gargling and blood splatter on the floor.
"Tell Sam I said hi for me, okay?"
Jersey simply twisted his neck and with a loud crack, the wolf was dead. Jersey threw him to the side; his lifeless body slummed over. Malcom lit a cigarette and offered Jersey one; he tried not to laugh, as he watched Jersey struggle to hold the quickly burning cigarette. They walked down the stairs and out to the front; not before, a loud explosion behind them. The cloud of black smoke filled the afternoon sky; the snow fall turned gray and thick, as the fire rose higher into the winter sky.
Jersey was now his glamoured form, as the two walked down the sidewalk. People around them were too busy looking at the burning building to notice a Fable and a traitor, walking beside them.
"Uh, it's going to take a lot of detergent to get this shirt clean," complained Jersey. "I mean, look! Wolf blood all over the fuckin' place!"
Malcom laughed, as the two headed back to Fabletown.
I'm back! For another short chapter! And good God, will things get ugly. If you haven't read the latest issue, I suggest you do. Otherwise, a spoiler will be placed.
Anyway. I guess I should start. I don't remember what chapter I left off on, but what eves.
Tim and I remained friends. As depressing as that sounds, I kind of liked just that.
No rush.
But God damn, those eyes.
Anywho, there's been some striking developments over the year. Bigby's statue was completed, except for one single ring-shaped piece. I talked to Ozma, and she suspects something fishy is happening.
Snow and Rose haven't made up. Not surprising. At least, that's what everyone says. Rose is creating a new "Camelot". I never read that story, but from how Mrs. Green's initial reaction was, it didn't sound like it ended very pretty.
My mother has been teaching me how to shift back. It's still peculiar that I can't go invisible. She can't figure out what's stopping me, nor can any of the witches I've talked to. Bloody Mary says that I'm probably just to stressed. I actually thought that might have been good advise.
I've begun taking walks in the city. Remembrance is approaching again, but no one seems to care anymore. Tim sometimes comes with me, if he can. But I like going alone.
Recently, the newspapers have been covered in the headlines,"Mad beast strikes again!" or,"Another Victim Found!"
And they aren't talking about you're usual criminals on the street.
He's a Fable. A familiar fable.
One I haven't met, but surely Snow has.
Actually. I know she has.
I walk down the street, accompanied by Mary. She insisted on going with me. Tells me that it's for protection. I'm beginning to think it's just so she can escape Jack, who despite how scared he looked all those months ago, has decided to pursue her once more. He must be running out of woman to sleep with.
We decide to cut through an ally to shave 10 minutes of walking back home. It's long and empty, except for a few dumpsters. Another newspaper with the same headlines as earlier sits on the group, soaked from the puddle it lies in.
Mary grimaces.
"Who could it be?" I say.
"Oh, please. You already know who it is."
I sigh,"We all do. We just can't say it out loud."
Our steps echo off the walls. The brick looks darker on this side of the building. Less faded from the sun. I look up and there's cloud forming. It's going to rain soon. We head back to Fabletown castle in a hurry not to get wet.
We cut through another ally, which is where the water starts to drip. I pull my jacket over my head and we start running.
Before I can react, and hand from somewhere underneath me grabs me and pulls me down.
"Ahh!! Help!" I scream.
Mary's horrified face tells it all. She pulls my from whatever is grabbing me and I regain my footing, running fast as possible. Whatever it was, it gave up and retreated to it's hiding spot. I didn't look back once. We made it in time for rain to shower down in buckets and we entered the front doors, panting.
"I saw him! Where the fuck is Ozma, I need to talk to her, ASAP!"
Mary starts running up the stairs. I'm still keeled over my knees, catching my breath.
"Who'd she see?" Asks an familiar Fable's face. I wish I remembered his name.
I look at the blood stream dripping from my ankle.
Surely he'd chase me from his hiding spot.
He wouldn't give up his prey.
"Read the newspaper," Is all I say, and I press the button on the elevator.
I get off on the 13th floor, just as Mary is explaining it all to the witches on the otherside.
"He's fucking disgusting." She says. He face looks like it's changing green.
"This isn't good," says Mrs. Green. She steps over to one of the windows,"I'm going back to the Farm tonight, we'd better warn the others."
"Should we tell-"
"No!" Says Ozma, Green, and Mary, in unison.
"No one says a word to Snow. Got it?" Ozma.
I nod, in compliance,"Was that really Bigby. Was that grandfather?" I want it to be a dream. I want it not to be real.
Mary nods, closing her eyes.
My stomach turns at the thought of what he might look like. Then it hits me.
"Do you think he stopped chasing me, because he tasted my blood?" I ask.
"I...I mean, maybe he know's I'm family. Tasted the blood and knew not to attack me. He would have mauled me in point 3 seconds flat, had I been anyone else."
"It sounds logical. Maybe. We'd have to investigate further. Until now, go on with your daily life. I'll let you know if we find out anything else." Ozma dismisses us to the elevator.
Me and Mary stand there, silently. After a while, she starts to shake her head.
"I think I might know why he's so.....horrid." She says, almost a whisper.
My eyebrows arch, and I look at her skeptically.
"How so?"
She looks away, then back at me."I've been...spying. I know, I know. Fabletown specifically requires me not to, otherwise legal action would be taken. But I've been suspicious of Spratt since the day we came back to this damn place. She's way too suspicious and humble. She's out for revenge. Don't you remember the missing piece of the statue? It was shaped like a ring. Coincidence? I don't think so. She's fucking evil, Harm."
"No shit. Well, I'm sure they won't care if you're spying for that reason."
"Stop joking. This is serious! We need to do something."
"I intend on doing whatever needs to be done. But for now, I'm going to my house and sleeping so I can work tonight."
"Alright. See ya then."
Mary pulls a small mirror from her pocket and disappears. The mirror falls to the ground and her initials are carved with red paint on the lid. I pick it up and toss it in the trash. That'll be a nice prank for later.
Woo! I really like this chapter a lot! I've decided that I'll write a new one every time a new issue comes out (And occasionally in between, to fill the void.) For now, I hope you liked this one! I really think I've outdone myself this time.
Oh, I'm looking forward to your next chapter in the Fable story book!
'Proud parents that made it happen.' Oh, that made my day! Bring on the quads! BTW, I though Lyla was not dancing anymore? Perhaps an old photo of her back in the day? Looking good, pie! Can't wait!!!!
So, THAT'S what they were doing! Oh, I love seeing them on the Fables' side. Hell, even Jersey! But I'm still curious as to WHY they are doing this? Hmmm......Good job again, Pie!! Loving it like always!
Thank you, Jones.
And no, she does not least, not on stage, if you get what I'm saying. ;D Can't wait to get started as well.
Basically, I’m smitten with Nerissa. Out of all the games I’ve played, never have I cared this much about a character. The only other character I had some sorts of feels for was Elizabeth at the end of Burial at Sea Episode Two. That was a brutal ending to tie two fantastic games together. Anyway, that doesn’t compare to the pain I feel seeing Nerissa constantly ache with the hand she’s been dealt. She just darn near breaks my heart. Seeing as how The Wolf Among Us is canon to the Fables comic series, and Nerissa isn’t in the comics (I haven’t read the comics, so feel free to correct me on that), I’m going to go out on a limb and say that she either dies in Episode 5, or she’s forgotten and fades into non-importance as the plot comes to an epic conclusion. Either way, I have a feeling her happy ending will continue to elude her. She strikes me as that character you want to get a happy ending, but know it’s not going to happen because, well, that would just make too much sense, I suppose. I want her to have a happy ending, though.
So, I’m creating this Fable and the included story with that specific purpose. I’m not going to get all fantastical and outlandish, deviating to and fro from the material that’s already out there. I’m going to try and make it as true to the comics as possible. Like I said before, I haven’t read the comics, so if my story begins to clash with that which is canon, let me know and I’ll scurry to patch it up.
I’m a TERRIBLE writer. English was always my worst subject, but I’ve been brainstorming this whole story since “Smoke & Mirrors”. I’ve never joined any kind of forum, but I came across this thread while surfing the Interwebs and it just seems like the perfect place to share it. I just guess it’s better off posted on this thread than locked away in my “Documents”.
I don’t know if I’ll actually muster up the courage to get to writing a story with dialogue and all that jazz, but for now, here’s my Fable’s biography:
Okay, so right around the time that The Adversary started wreaking havoc in the Homelands, one of the Great Powers known as the Spirit of the Morning (The Spirit of the Morning has only been mentioned in the comics. It hasn’t been seen on panel and we don’t know if it’s male or female, or even what it is the physical manifestation of. For the sake of my story, I’ll have it be male and the physical manifestation of courage? I don’t know, there’s just something about a sunrise that seems synonymous with courage to me. This could quickly change if anything is further revealed about said Great Power.) fell in love with a beautiful peasant woman of noble heart. Their love was true, and she gave birth to a son (That’s my fable!), but the evil Mr. Dark found out, and for reasons I haven’t yet come up with, sought to eliminate the child. The child’s mother was aware of this, and unbeknownst to even the Spirit of the Morning, she began to devise a plan to have her child escorted out of the Homelands and to the safety of another realm.
The mother scoured the land for a family of good that would love and lead the child in a path of righteousness. Her search concluded with a young couple who were unable to have children of their own. As opposed to just leaving the child in a basket on their doorstep during a rainy night, the mother explained the whole ordeal to the couple, making it very clear that life with the child would not be easy, as they would have to live their lives on the run and looking over their shoulders for the evil that would endlessly pursue them. Much to the mother’s surprise, the couple agreed and took the child as their own. The mother was never seen again. The Spirit of the Morning spent years looking for her and the child, but to no avail.
The young couple were quick to act and took advantage of the exodus taking place as a result of The Adversary’s machinations. They, along with many other fables, were escorted by the Big Bad Wolf from the Homelands to the Mundane city of New Amsterdam. There, they secretly consulted with the most powerful sorcerers available on spells that would mask the child’s true origin from him and the Mundy world. They decided upon a spell that would result in the child becoming a baby once he hit the age of thirty, over and over again. Once the child turned thirty, he would physically and mentally resort to being a baby, losing all knowledge of the years lived, but retaining some memories.
They didn’t stay in New Amsterdam for long, though. Shortly after the establishment of Fabletown began, they left knowing that a community of fables would be the very first place that evil would search. They would spend the next 300 or so years traveling the world, undergoing various places of residence as well as aliases, never staying in the same place for too long and never leaving even the slightest trace. It wasn’t until shortly after the destruction of the Bulfinch Street section of Fabletown by the hand of Mr. Dark that things start to pick up in my fable’s story. By that time, the child is once again a man in his late twenties (although, in reality, he’s over 300 years old) living on his own in an apartment in Washington, D.C. Under the name Peter Caves, he has graduated, with honors, from the Quantico FBI Training Academy and has been working with the Violent Crimes Unit. His parents, now using the aliases of Rudolph and Victoria Caves, have recently moved to Washington from Salt Lake City, thinking that being too far from Peter would be endangering him.
The Caves had always maintained communication with Fabletown by way of the sorcerers who helped them in the beginning of their journey. Shortly after Mr. Dark’s destruction of Fabletown, the Caves felt it to be their duty to go to New York and aid the surviving fable community. Upon arriving they find out that the destruction was caused by Mr. Dark, the evil that for so long has been seeking them out. Knowing now how exposed they are by being in the same city as Mr. Dark and that their death seems highly likely, they prepare one final, intricate message for Peter. It’s a message they know only Peter will be able to find. It’s a message that includes their final goodbye, as well as the revelation of who he is and where he comes from.
Knowing Mr. Dark is upon them, they travel back to Salt Lake City, not wanting to lead anyone to Peter in Washington, and there they are found murdered by the local Mundies. Peter is eventually notified of his parents’ death and insists on taking the case. He immediately travels to Utah to inspect the scene of the crime. It is there among the corpses of the two people who raised him that he will be set on a journey into a world he thought was only fantasy. A journey in which he will discover himself and the greater purpose he is destined for. A journey that will have him cross paths with the only person that will ever truly complement (not compliment) him and who he is to save, and be saved by: Nerissa.
That's terribly long for a post. Sorry!
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