What do you want to see in ep 5 Cry Wolf
What do you think this episode needs to make it amazing this is my list
- Intense Action scenes
- Good Story that makes senes
- New Characters that are intresting
- Every character we have previously met to be featured in this episode
- Plot twists
- More Bluebeard, Toad, Jack, Woody and more
- Snow romance
- epic ending
and much more
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I personally want to see Snow hug Bigby in front of the Statue of Liberty. I also want an all-out thumb war to happen between Bigby and Bufkin, as a optional mini-game.
It must be done.
i would like to see all of the stories in the past 4 episodes to come to a close and not be open ended, like what happens to greenleaf and other characters i don't want telltale to leave it like "what happened to them" and they don't even show up in the finale.
Sugar, spice, and everything nice... and blood.
Lot's and lots of blood...
I want an all out war on Liberty island or Central Park or something. I want choices to matter more than usual too. I want atleast two fights.
I just want to see more of her:
Would Snow vs Bloody Mary actually be somewhat interesting? Snow is supposed to be pretty good with a sword.. so there's that.
More shirtless Bigby.
I'd like to see that the killer is someone we wouldn't expect. Also, how they'll deal with all the characters that apparently aren't in the comics.
Trench Coat.
The episode itself mostly.
First off, more Georgie; he makes me laugh so hard and his interactions with Bigby is entertaining alone. Plus, that accent is fun to listen to.
Next, I'd love to see Bigby's trademark ability to huff n' puff and blow the whole place down! I can already picture myself cheering on like a lunatic! XD
I think Snow only learns her sword technique in the comics.
Nah, she learned from a certain someone a long time ago. I'm not going to go into it though, as some people consider it spoilery towards the comics.
Bigby's 'full' wolf form.
Probably not gonna happen, but it'd be awesome.
I just want intense fight scenes
Good choices
An episode longer than 75 minutes
oh and too bad you can't get that snow romance
i wanna know more about crane's ring

j/k no but seriously it would be cool to see other fables in action than just bigby for example beast stepping up, he has been lackluster so far in this game, i wish he had played a better role in helping bigby or what. His potential is not fully used also give snow some relevance, personally i think the number of questions looming overhead atm, it would need a 120 min episode to cover all that.
More Bigby & Snow :-))
yeah i mean we do have the option to hire Greenleaf and Flycather and send Toad and Collin to the farm they all seem like big things they are amping up for the finale
Yea, I don't want me hiring Greenleaf and Flycatcher be left for nothing. That would be useless and a complete waste of time.
The episode alone and WHO the hell is doing all of this, WHO the killer is, etc. etc!
It needs Bigby in his final form. That's the only thing I need!
I want to see what Vivian's true self is and finally find out what fable she is from.
No effing way.
The boy who cried wolf o_o
Is he introduced in the comics?
Nah, we're good.
More than anything, I want to know who actually killed Faith and Lilly.