You depressed? You sound really down and depressing . Don't worry man, you're not alone, my life is probably more non existent then yours! (Or at least I think so)
I'm so confused!!! Why do you have an obsession with Elmer!?
Do you write every answer on you're test Elmer? Is you're middle name Elmer? Will you name you're child Elmer? Do you have posters of Elmer in you're room? Were you Elmer for Halloween?
I don't know! This Elmer thing is so weird and hilarious!
I'm so confused!!! Why do you have an obsession with Elmer!?
Do you write every answer on you're test Elmer? Is you're middle name Elmer?… more Will you name you're child Elmer? Do you have posters of Elmer in you're room? Were you Elmer for Halloween?
I don't know! This Elmer thing is so weird and hilarious!
If the answer to all of them is yes, which I'm assuming it is then you may need to see you're doctor about this.
But I can't tell you what to do so Elmer.
I was really close to using your vote and having Awesomeo and SweetPea go by themselves. I think they need more time alone, we need some Sweetsomeo action! But then I realized that Azlyn is some sort of sharp shooter and Pro they might need her ;-; But I agree about the overshadowing.
I was really close to using your vote and having Awesomeo and SweetPea go by themselves. I think they need more time alone, we need some Swe… moreetsomeo action! But then I realized that Azlyn is some sort of sharp shooter and Pro they might need her ;-; But I agree about the overshadowing.
I went to sleep at 4 in the morning yesterday 9when my mom said to go to sleep at 10:30) and ended up sleeping in till 1pm. So my mom got mad and said i had to got to sleeping in till 10:30 and she's going to check if I'm still awake, blah blah blah. And its 10:30 now so... And I recently got a headache/fever so I'm not feeling great right now and just really want to sleep.
I'll more then likely come on tomorrow. Only reason i wouldn't is if i got in trouble.
Stap!!! Your making me sick!
Changing my avatar tomorrow.... It will be a different user...
Why does it feel like your talking to yourself?
CiD... you dumbass. Its because you are talking to yourself because EVERYONE LEFT!
You depressed? You sound really down and depressing
. Don't worry man, you're not alone, my life is probably more non existent then yours! (Or at least I think so)
Come on man! Be happy!
Clem: "HELLO!!!"
That stinks... I hate being bored. I guess try to do something you enjoy?
Bring me everyone, they seem to have left...
I'm so confused!!! Why do you have an obsession with Elmer!?
Do you write every answer on you're test Elmer? Is you're middle name Elmer? Will you name you're child Elmer? Do you have posters of Elmer in you're room? Were you Elmer for Halloween?
I don't know! This Elmer thing is so weird and hilarious!
I'm still here broski
I'm still here.
I'm bored, there's nothing to do, and there's no body here.... MIGHT AS WELL !
Its a sucky basket, I know.
Whatever Rigtail, Matt, sardines, or Shadow has to tell you, they're lying! I'M FINE!
The answer to all of that, guess what it is.
Are you sure?
TWDFan is super depressed
If the answer to all of them is yes, which I'm assuming it is then you may need to see you're doctor about this.
But I can't tell you what to do so Elmer.
The answer to all of that is... Elmer
lol, Elmer was just a failed auto correct i did.
Oh I see so Elmer right?
What were you trying to spell anyway?
whispers "Was it Elmer?
Okay. :c
I think i was trying to say something about going through a door. And it mean anything you want.
That was definitely my favorite line from Patrick.
Some of the new characters are a little hard to introduce, but I'm almost on the second character.
Yeah, when there's big groups characters sometimes overshadow others
I'm going to sleep earlier tonight guys, Later...
I was really close to using your vote and having Awesomeo and SweetPea go by themselves. I think they need more time alone, we need some Sweetsomeo action! But then I realized that Azlyn is some sort of sharp shooter and Pro they might need her ;-; But I agree about the overshadowing.
Lmao, who said Azlyn is a sharpshooter? For all we know, she probably doesn't know how to shoot the weapon. B]
Oh yeah, it could have been a bluff. Pro, you make my head hurt sometimes T_T
I went to sleep at 4 in the morning yesterday 9when my mom said to go to sleep at 10:30) and ended up sleeping in till 1pm. So my mom got mad and said i had to got to sleeping in till 10:30 and she's going to check if I'm still awake, blah blah blah. And its 10:30 now so... And I recently got a headache/fever so I'm not feeling great right now and just really want to sleep.
I'll more then likely come on tomorrow. Only reason i wouldn't is if i got in trouble.