The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Awesome, we're about to start right now. B]

    Yeah I might join. Notice: Its my brothers character not mine so I might look like a hippie

  • What no! I said I look like a dumb ass! Not you! Don't you think holding a green pepper is a little different? Besides my picture I lined up for tomorrow was stupid. It will never be shared on the web!

    You changed your gravatar.... so you think I look like a dumb ass? HUH? gurgleeegurgllleblehhh...... BLARGHHHHHHGLLLRBLAGH!!!

  • SHARE IT! SHARE IT! Or at least say who you modeled it after!

    What no! I said I look like a dumb ass! Not you! Don't you think holding a green pepper is a little different? Besides my picture I lined up for tomorrow was stupid. It will never be shared on the web!

  • Guess

    SHARE IT! SHARE IT! Or at least say who you modeled it after!

  • Everything sucks. x_x

  • Need another hug?

    Everything sucks. x_x

  • Share it! When I wake up I want to see that photo :D

    What no! I said I look like a dumb ass! Not you! Don't you think holding a green pepper is a little different? Besides my picture I lined up for tomorrow was stupid. It will never be shared on the web!

  • TDM's swagtastic picture?


  • WHAT???!! -_- are you screwing with me or are you serious???!

    Noncy died </3 My sun and stars is dead!

  • was noncy banned or something?!

    Everything sucks. x_x

  • No

    TDM's swagtastic picture?

  • Fine, come here.

    Alt text

    Need another hug?

  • What? That Noncy's dead? I wish I was screwing with you </3



    c r y i n g

    WHAT???!! -_- are you screwing with me or are you serious???!

  • Is the user male or female?


  • I don't think so..... I don't know what happened to him though, he hasn't been answering my PMs.

    was noncy banned or something?!

  • Ohhh! lol I thought he was actually banned or something. He's probably doing something important.

    I don't think so..... I don't know what happened to him though, he hasn't been answering my PMs.

  • edited June 2014

    Are you sure you didn't Murder him?

    Either way, Detective Narwhal is on the case!

    But really, where is Noncy?

    I don't think so..... I don't know what happened to him though, he hasn't been answering my PMs.

  • B)

    TDM's swagtastic picture?

  • He's probably unloading trailers at UPS, lol.

    Noncy DID die in Pro's story though, and that's why I'm sad =(

    Ohhh! lol I thought he was actually banned or something. He's probably doing something important.

  • I'm pretty sure when he's online he PMs woodbury.

    Are you sure you didn't Murder him? Either way, Detective Narwhal is on the case! But really, where is Noncy?


    Alt text

    I haven't read that one it yet. o_o okay.. im going to go read it now and pretend i didn't know he died yet.

    He's probably unloading trailers at UPS, lol. Noncy DID die in Pro's story though, and that's why I'm sad =(

  • Maybe THATS why he hasn't been talking to us, because he is upset about Pro killing him off!

    He's probably unloading trailers at UPS, lol. Noncy DID die in Pro's story though, and that's why I'm sad =(

  • They're arachnids. Well, they're insects. Insects don't have the same mind as humans.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    They're not THAT dumb.

  • Did they? Hm... B]

    He's probably unloading trailers at UPS, lol. Noncy DID die in Pro's story though, and that's why I'm sad =(

  • Lol, I don't even think he knows yet. Like I said, he's probably at work.

    Maybe THATS why he hasn't been talking to us, because he is upset about Pro killing him off!

  • Sorry, I was doing something. Yeah I probably won't be able to get on as much on the weekdays because I'm still in school so maybe we can play this weekend just before it expires.

    I'm about to get on, in a bit. I want to play with CSB and Randomz, as well. Idk if they're on.


    Lol, I don't even think he knows yet. Like I said, he's probably at work.

  • Damn, guess its just me and CiD then. Maybe tomorrow.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Sorry, I was doing something. Yeah I probably won't be able to get on as much on the weekdays because I'm still in school so maybe we can play this weekend just before it expires.

  • I didn't ask you to get on, I asked when we were going to hang out lol

    Deceptio asks me to get on XBL, but I do he isn't onle. Dafuq.

  • I'll try my best to be on tomorrow. As long as I don't get bombarded with homework, I should be able to get on.

    Damn, guess its just me and CiD then. Maybe tomorrow.

  • What?

    Did they? Hm... B]

  • thought it was cool...

    Alt text

  • Do any of you have pet peeves?

    I have 2.

    1) I hate when kids make their hands a circle to then put it in front of their eyes and think they could look far away

    2) I hate when kids my age put stickers on their faces/shirt. When I see them I rip them off.

  • At first I thought this was a school picture or something, and then I saw Hershel and I lol'd.

    thought it was cool...

  • Just about kids, or in general?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Do any of you have pet peeves? I have 2. 1) I hate when kids make their hands a circle to then put it in front of their eyes and think

  • In general.

    Just about kids, or in general?

  • I hate when people do thinks in a way that isn't the same as my way.

    My neighbors have these little kids that let themselves into my house whenever they want. I hate that. -_-

    I hate when someone breathes on me. DONT DO THAT TO ME UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET SMACKED!

    I hate when someone touches me. Seriously, don't touch me or tap me. Even to get my attention, don't be doing that.

    When people chew so loud you can hear them chewing from china.

    When people talk with there mouth full.

    Dirty hands. Like seriously, wash your stank hands if you don't wash them a lot. I wash them like every second of every day. Its kinda one of my obsessions... I also wash my face, like ALOT.

    When people sneeze in front of me or around me. Like, don't be doing that.

    When people cough in their hand and then touch a door nob or something i gata touch and I'm just like "Did you seriously just do that?!"

    When someone stares at me. Don't stare at me unless you want to get stared back, because i WILL do that.

    When people take my food. -_-

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Do any of you have pet peeves? I have 2. 1) I hate when kids make their hands a circle to then put it in front of their eyes and think

  • edited June 2014

    Oh hell yes. Pretty much everything anyone does ever is a pet peeve of mine.

    1) When people walk reaaallllyyyy slow in front of you, especially when you're in a hurry and they're just like ladada lalalalala it's like HURRY UP OR I'LL PUSH YOU UGH..... or if they just stop suddenly in the hallway to text something or they'll just randomly turn on their heels and go the other way and you end up running into them. -__-

    2) When people smack their gum ughudfhguidfhgidfhkjnarg SHUT UP I HATE YOU

    3) When people say CARMEL instead of CARAMEL.

    4) Little kids who act like they know everything about everything and anything that ever existed ever.

    5) When people touch me with their dirty germy gross hands. Like can you not.

    6) When people borrow my shit and don't give it back.

    7) When people tell me that I look Asian. I'M NOT ASIAN OKAY GET OVER IT

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Do any of you have pet peeves? I have 2. 1) I hate when kids make their hands a circle to then put it in front of their eyes and think

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