I wouldn't though...they're an endangered species i believe...That and you're better off walking by their side then sitting on them and moving an inch an hour xD
Me and my friend once found this spider egg sac the size of a quarter on a tree one time, we cut it open and hundreds of these freakishly small baby spiders start crawling out of the egg sack and up my arm.
Needless to say I lost my shit. I mean, I am not scared of most spiders, they only scare me when they are fucking huge and I am in an enclosed space, or when a shit ton of baby ones are crawling up my arm and into my shirt.
P.S. Also, about that spider you killed.. FATALITY, AZLYN WINS
I really like spiders.
This one night, i was going to the bathroom at my gran's place, and it was super dark on the hallway, and whe… moren i turned on the light, there was this HUGE ASS red spider right next to my foot, and so i didn't move and i bent down and squished it and it felt like a balloon but it just wouldn't pop, so i just stomped on it and this weird dark green-grey liquid blew out of it and it stank and i had to wash my foot.
It was a bit creepy, actually, because, and i am not exaggerating, that shit was as big as mum's nails, and it looked red and menacing. Non-poisonous spiders don't usually have bright colors, but that thing was like a goddamn Christmas light.
I want a tarantula but mum doesn't want to buy me one. Once, i kind of almost stole one and panicked a whole mall, but... Yeah...
I wanna call 'im Armando. Hairy Armando.
Fair enough, it's true that one snap could cost you your fingers....but the same could be said about alligators and snakes....I understand though, kinda..
Since you seem to give great constructive criticism I would love to see what you think of my story in The Walking Dead universe. For the moment there's 8 chapters. I know you might not have the time, but I would REALLY appreciated if you gave me your take of my story. Thanks in advance. Here's the link.
I just realized that I have way too many fears for you to incorporate into the story so why not just say them? I will list them in random or… moreder.
I'm afraid of...
1.) Deep, murky water
2.) Fish
3.) Worms/maggots
4.) Turtles
5.) Clusters of things (Clusterphobia)
6.) Any kind of frog/toad
7.) Small, darty lizards
8.) Birds, especially pelicans (I'm not afraid of penguins or owls though)
9.) Dead baby birds
10.) Being eaten alive.
And so I don't look like a total pussy...
Common Fears I'm Not Afraid Of:
1.) Heights
2.) Snakes
3.) Alligators
4.) Clowns
5.) Spiders
6.) Needles
7.) Being chained up
8.) Blood, guts, or anything gory
But seriously I really enjoyed this creepypasta with the spiritual elements great pacing and l… moreove reading about video games maybe not that scary but I have twisted mind so probably was overall thanks for the share I really enjoyed it just quality. Thumb
Meh, sure why not, but i don't really have the time tonight, i have to host a session in a few minutes...I'll give it a read when i got the time alright ?
8 chapters...are you kidding me...xD Damnit Elian !!! llol
Since you seem to give great constructive criticism I would love to see what you think of my story in The Walking Dead universe. For the mom… moreent there's 8 chapters. I know you might not have the time, but I would REALLY appreciated if you gave me your take of my story. Thanks in advance. Here's the link.
I'll give you a piggy ride forever ;-;
heeeyyy >.>
You can even ride them! Well, some of them,
I wouldn't though...they're an endangered species i believe...That and you're better off walking by their side then sitting on them and moving an inch an hour xD
I'm making a sitcom out of this.
I don't like their mouths.
Me and my friend once found this spider egg sac the size of a quarter on a tree one time, we cut it open and hundreds of these freakishly small baby spiders start crawling out of the egg sack and up my arm.
Needless to say I lost my shit. I mean, I am not scared of most spiders, they only scare me when they are fucking huge and I am in an enclosed space, or when a shit ton of baby ones are crawling up my arm and into my shirt.
P.S. Also, about that spider you killed.. FATALITY, AZLYN WINS
more eyes?
You just shot me in both my legs there's no way I'm letting you give me a piggyback ride. >:(
I'll use a wheelchair instead.
Just make sure you don't get it angry. Or you will get a face full of burning spider ass hairs.
Fair enough, it's true that one snap could cost you your fingers....but the same could be said about alligators and snakes....I understand though, kinda..
Hey guys, look! I'm Woodbury!
Now I'm Password!
I'll be starting tonight's session shortly, just chilling here, drinking wine and eating a delicious steak, cooked to perfection
I'm not gonna lie, that stunt jump looks fun.
Ah, okay.
Guys i may be getting a PS3 this month so i can play GTA with you all! YAY!
Bahahaha !!! XD
Nah, he deserves it....all of it }:)
Since you seem to give great constructive criticism I would love to see what you think of my story in The Walking Dead universe. For the moment there's 8 chapters. I know you might not have the time, but I would REALLY appreciated if you gave me your take of my story. Thanks in advance. Here's the link.
I love it!!!!
Okay. As long as you don't dump/destroy it, it will love you too
I wont drop you, though ;-; and that gif. What the hell? Where is that from? xD
We have similar non fears, my friend...
;_; Yes.
lmfaooo I honestly have no clue. I just Googled "wheelchair accident gifs" and that's what came up. ^_^
We can still see your eye, though! xD
I give him ten points to Griffindor.
Okay then, take this baby!
Yo, I'm on Xbox. Wanna come on?
Meh, sure why not, but i don't really have the time tonight, i have to host a session in a few minutes...I'll give it a read when i got the time alright ?
8 chapters...are you kidding me...xD Damnit Elian !!! llol