What did CiD miss? CiD been busy. CiD on for five minutes then he has to do something for 2 hours -__-. Its happened to him at least 3 times today! CiD is very upset (I love speaking 3rd person )
What did CiD miss? CiD been busy. CiD on for five minutes then he has to do something for 2 hours -__-. Its happened to him at least 3 times today! CiD is very upset (I love speaking 3rd person )
Alright people, another night, another bloody session so get on GTAV PS3 with us and join the craziness !! Rigtail Races apparently coming s… moreoon...brace yourselves...
Oh and to anyone who might have missed it, join the Hipster Cat Crew !! In honor of the new "I'm Not A Hipster" Update, dress up trendy and put a cat mask on to join the fun !! Or at least be open to the idea. :P
Or else you'll end like MuteJoe...With a car blown to bits and terrible suicidal tendencies
See you in LS you crazy psychos !! xD
Alright people, another night, another bloody session so get on GTAV PS3 with us and join the craziness !! Rigtail Races apparently coming s… moreoon...brace yourselves...
Oh and to anyone who might have missed it, join the Hipster Cat Crew !! In honor of the new "I'm Not A Hipster" Update, dress up trendy and put a cat mask on to join the fun !! Or at least be open to the idea. :P
Or else you'll end like MuteJoe...With a car blown to bits and terrible suicidal tendencies
See you in LS you crazy psychos !! xD
J'zargo was one of my favorite followers! Too bad that when I actually completed the College of Winterhold questline, I had no adventures to take him on :C
NEVER spill your guts to Elian....He's not trustworthy...He'll also say he's sorry before killing you in cold blood and say it was justified afterwards....what kind of logic is that ?!
Haha this is a good one.
I love speaking in third person too! it makes me feel like a Khajiit from TES
I am a weird guy...
Yeah you're right.
I'm taking WhatToWriteHere as my bride.
Im bored.... Random Gif Time(RGT)

Who do you think won?
I love this gif so much but I never know where to use it lol
Can I be the best man at your wedding?
Wait. Did you say bride?
Khajiit have wares if you have coin.
I'm Edward Cullen and I watch him sleep so yes he would be the bride. (If you don't understand, scroll up a bit
With abs made of gold ^_^
So wait you give a fuck and keep it yourself as a trophy , but there's no fuck on the stand because you haven't gave one.right?
Rig has it...to quote him : I sure hope nothing bad will happen to it on my way over to you guys...
Of course! Now we just need a bridesmaid and someone to marry us.
Lmfao that reminded me of this for some reason.

Oh man this episode facepalm
Dragons were never gone. They were just invisible and very, very quiet.
Khajiit accents are freaking awesome.
"J'zargo is ready for more adventure."
Lmfao ask Mr.Turner that question
First footie gif
Most random gifs I could find lol mix
OMG I love J'zargo I remember looting all his clothes every time I saw him.
J'zargo was one of my favorite followers! Too bad that when I actually completed the College of Winterhold questline, I had no adventures to take him on :C
Naturally. ^_^
facepalming myself I got it
TDM's name is Elian?
Yeah I was asking him that.
Ohhhhhh I see now :P
Random pics
I had like no adventures to take him on though XD
But yeah, J'zargo was the shit
Oh my God please no that doll gif will haunt me forever ;-;
Happened to me when I was doing my first geometry test of this year, lol.
I'm so hungry that my stomach is making dying whale noises.