Thanks! And yeah, the comics are getting really, really dark. It's the beginning of the end, unfortunately. I don't want to spoil anything, but I'm dreading what might end up happening by the time the series ends.
Good grief! What on Earth is happening in the comics? Actually, don't tell me, as I plan on catching up. Still, you're writing is smooth and precise, moving things forward yet allowing for comical asides. I honestly think it's well worth reading!
Chapter 35
Ok, so yeah. Let's try this again! Damn thing erased EVERYTHING the 1st time; hopefully, the 2nd one is a go. … moreThis will be the end for Gren and Carla. They will return in the future but for now, I must end it here. Thank you to all that stayed on Carla and Gren's journey with me. Next Fable tale will be up shortly.
Swineheart urged Carla to push; she leaned down, began breathing and tried forcing Rosie out. Nancy stood beside her, trying to wipe the sweat from her brow. Snow Whit was currently holding her hand; this was all the assurance she could do at the moment. Her father and Bigby were outside; she could smell the infamous huff n' puff smoke entering the cave. Gren, however, continued to sit by her side; he had his right hand entangled in her hair, twirling it with his claw and pulling at the end. This was relaxing Carla.
"Take a minute," replied Swinheart, as he lifted her right leg up. "Br… [view original content]
I woke up and found myself slumped on a couch. My boss was still on the floor; the broom wrapped so nicely around his arms.
I looked over and found Henry cleaning the bar; he looked annoyed, as I watched Hans mop around the bar.
"The hell happened," I asked, reaching for my phone.
"Well, after Georgie threw up and fell down, you joined him, then ended up on that couch. I WAS going to make you BOTH clean this up but Georgie and hangovers do not mix."
My head was indeed killing me. Fuck, no more drinks for me.
I got to my feet and stupidly walked to my room, turned on the shower and headed inside. The cold water would spruce me up. The pounding in my head, however, never left.
As I left the shower, my phone began to vibrate. It was an unknown number. Nope, I thought. Not today. It rang again, Paradise city filling my bathroom with loud guitar playing. I finally gave up and answered it. To my surprise, it was the Woodsman.
"Hey, is this Maxwell..."
"How did you get this number, Woody?"
"Look, about the other night...sorry things got out of hand-"
"Georgie is losing his patience, Woody! He's NOT too happy right now and neither am I! I told you to get the money and-"
"Gees, Max! Cut me some slack! I'm tryin' over here, alright? Look, give me one more week, okay and I promise you the money will be here!"
I paused to rub my temple; between him and the hangover, I couldn't tell who was worse. As I popped in a few Asprin, Woody began talking. God, he's so annoying and whiney.
"Max. Hello? Oh fuck...don't kill me..."
"Calm the hell down, Woody. What you think I'm going to do-crawl into your window and drink your blood? Bleh! Bleh, bleh! I'm gonna suck your blood!"
Woody was silent. Was this cat serious right now?
"It's a joke, Woody. Really?"
"Well, I don't know with you Vampires!"
I agreed to Woody's proposal and before the bastard could speak, I ended the call, got dressed and walked out. Georgie was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee; his new dancer, stood beside him, rubbing his shoulders. What the hell was her name...uhh...fuck. It started with an L...Laura, Lily, Lonnie, Lisa...Lyla. Something stupid like that. She WAS hot, I'll give her that.
"The fuck you goin', bat," said Georgie, as he took another sip.
"Well, did you ever get the, uhh...fuck my head...the money from that guy, Woody?"
"Said he will have it in a week. If not, I'm draining his blood and tossing the remains down the Witching Well."
I waited for his cup to somehow grow a pair of wings and slam into my head. He just chuckled and continued having that chick rub his shoulders. LYLA! Yeah, that's her name...Lyla.
I placed the earbuds into my ears, turned up the volume and away I went. I flew over the rooftops and bounced off of clothes lines and air conditioners. I jumped around a few more building until I stopped, jumped down and landed before the Lucky Pawn. I had a few words with Jack that day; seems like everyone could use a poor vampire kid's help.
I opened the door; that annoying ding sound echoed and there he was. He turned around, saw me and tried rushing around the counter. I managed to beat him, turned the corner and slammed him into the glass case. Several of the items located on the shelf moved. He looked terrified; the urge to puncture his neck was growing. I could smell the blood rushing through his veins, hear his heart beat beneath my grasp.
"Hey, look, Maxwell, right?"
"MAX! My name, is MAX!"
"Okay, okay, Max! Look, I don't know why you are here or WHAT you are after but I don't have it! If you want, Jersey comes in about an hour..."
"I DON'T want that rottin' corpse, Jack. I want YOU..."
Jack struggled under my grasp. He looked so funny; poor Ken doll wannabe. If I REALLY wanted to, turn that pretty face around. See how far back your head can really go...
"You owe the club $400 dollars, Jack. Them girls need to eat, too."
"HEY!, I mean, made a deal with Georgie. I told him I get paid every month on the 25th! I would give him what I could, okay? That new gaming system comes out soon and there is this girl-"
The headache was coming back; god, these Fables are morons.
"Okay. BUT, if we don't get the payment..."
I smiled and showed him my protruding fangs; in the glass, I could see my reflection. My eyes were blood red and glowing. Oh, and that whole 'mirror' thing...bullshit. Total, bullshit. I could see myself just fine, thank you.
"Okay, please! Just go...."
I released my grip, thanked him and walked out, just as Jersey walked in. I purposely bumped into him, as I jumped against the walls and into the afternoon. I need somewhere to escape.
The good ol' Trip Trap. Maybe Holly was in the mood to talk to Dracula this time; god, she was clouding my mind. Yeah, she was a troll but hell, I love em' with some meat on the bones.
Have not written in awhile so, here we go!
Chapter 4
I woke up and found myself slumped on a couch. My boss was still on the floor; th… moree broom wrapped so nicely around his arms.
I looked over and found Henry cleaning the bar; he looked annoyed, as I watched Hans mop around the bar.
"The hell happened," I asked, reaching for my phone.
"Well, after Georgie threw up and fell down, you joined him, then ended up on that couch. I WAS going to make you BOTH clean this up but Georgie and hangovers do not mix."
My head was indeed killing me. Fuck, no more drinks for me.
I got to my feet and stupidly walked to my room, turned on the shower and headed inside. The cold water would spruce me up. The pounding in my head, however, never left.
As I left the shower, my phone began to vibrate. It was an unknown number. Nope, I thought. Not today. It rang again, Paradise city filling my bathroom with loud guitar playing. I finally gave up… [view original content]
Hey, you threw Lyla in there. I'm trying to figure out what is going on at the Pudding & Pie, that so many clients owe Georgie SO much money. So, is Max NOT a Fable??
Have not written in awhile so, here we go!
Chapter 4
I woke up and found myself slumped on a couch. My boss was still on the floor; th… moree broom wrapped so nicely around his arms.
I looked over and found Henry cleaning the bar; he looked annoyed, as I watched Hans mop around the bar.
"The hell happened," I asked, reaching for my phone.
"Well, after Georgie threw up and fell down, you joined him, then ended up on that couch. I WAS going to make you BOTH clean this up but Georgie and hangovers do not mix."
My head was indeed killing me. Fuck, no more drinks for me.
I got to my feet and stupidly walked to my room, turned on the shower and headed inside. The cold water would spruce me up. The pounding in my head, however, never left.
As I left the shower, my phone began to vibrate. It was an unknown number. Nope, I thought. Not today. It rang again, Paradise city filling my bathroom with loud guitar playing. I finally gave up… [view original content]
I do. I'm just getting a little sidetracked, plus I made a whole holiday special for the wrong month. I'd better go ahead and release those anyway, and just get on with material for flashbacks and bar banter. I'd like to get him out of the bar sometime, but at the moment he's retelling his life story.
I wanted to try and make a character in a style in-keeping with the Fables universe, which is pretty much how it came about. I'm glad you like Jeremiah's personality and that's it's believable. Do you have plans to continue with Tod?
Parents: Father; Georgie Porgie Mother; Lyla Smith
Powers: Katie, like her mother, has the ability to change into a werewolf. She has claw retraction, enhanced agility, speed, enhanced senses and hearing. As her father is a well known Fable, she is capable of withstanding anything that comes her path; she is a titan and is capable of handling anything. Katie also has a slight case of 'Semi-immortality.' Although she will eventually die in the future, Katie will not show signs of 'ageing' and continue to look young and radiant until the day she dies.
Siblings: Katie is part of Fabletown's 'Quad squad'; she has sisters Emily, Penny and brothers Junior, Ethan and Peter. The younger boys are not part of the 'quads;' they are fraternal twins; Ethan belongs to Georgie but Peter does not. Katie has some issues against Peter because of this very reason; tensions are created as they have gotten older.
Job: Katie works at the Lucky Pawn, which is ran by the Jersey Devil. She, along with Jack, are part time helpers, although she tends to get the better hours and easier work loads. This is due to Jersey taking a liking to her.
Limitations: Katie, like all werewolves, has her weakness. She has been known to 'lose' her temper; vulnerable to silver, which almost had her killed at the tender age of nine and is also vulnerable to other werewolf attacks.
Specialties: The Jersey Devil gave her a relic when she turned 13. This relic was pawned by an old witch from the homelands; he gave this to her, as a way to 'help' the young wolf grow strong. The relic were the 'remains' and 'something left behind' from the homelands. The beauty and power behind it helped her grow strong and overcome those more stronger then herself.
Dear Diary-
Today looks like it might be one of those days. It's hot, I have not slept in three days and Emily has run into the law again. I heard dad earlier on the phone. Seems like he and mom went down to bail her out. I don't understand why they insist on helping her. She reminds me of what dad used to be-lost, confused and full of hate. Not sure why, though. Anyways, I will make this short. Have to be at work in 20 minutes, then school. Big test. Wish me luck.
NOTE: Just a taste of what is to come. I decided to age the quads and see if it works out. If not, will go back to my original idea. I will tell the stories of each of the quads. My focus is Katie and what she has to come.
I'm so sorry if I made things inconvenient for you, man. I hope you aren't mad or anything. Do feel free to post your Halloween special (as you said), I'm sure that a lot of us would love to see it!
I do. I'm just getting a little sidetracked, plus I made a whole holiday special for the wrong month. I'd better go ahead and release those … moreanyway, and just get on with material for flashbacks and bar banter. I'd like to get him out of the bar sometime, but at the moment he's retelling his life story.
Katherine 'Katie' Porgie
Age: 19
Parents: Father; Georgie Porgie Mother; Lyla Smith
Powers: Katie, like her mother, has the abi… morelity to change into a werewolf. She has claw retraction, enhanced agility, speed, enhanced senses and hearing. As her father is a well known Fable, she is capable of withstanding anything that comes her path; she is a titan and is capable of handling anything. Katie also has a slight case of 'Semi-immortality.' Although she will eventually die in the future, Katie will not show signs of 'ageing' and continue to look young and radiant until the day she dies.
Siblings: Katie is part of Fabletown's 'Quad squad'; she has sisters Emily, Penny and brothers Junior, Ethan and Peter. The younger boys are not part of the 'quads;' they are fraternal twins; Ethan belongs to Georgie but Peter does not. Katie has some issues against Peter because of this very reason; tensions are created as they have gotten older.
… [view original content]
Hey, you threw Lyla in there. I'm trying to figure out what is going on at the Pudding & Pie, that so many clients owe Georgie SO much money. So, is Max NOT a Fable??
Are you going to do all the quads or just Katie? 'Cause I'm curious about Emily's situation, Junior and Penny. I had no idea she and Georgie had more kids! Plus, who DOES Peter belong to? Can I guess or will his profile tell us that? Can't wait, Pie! BTW, I called it! I WAS right about Jersey! XD OH! And I forgot! LOVE that picture!! She's cute!
EDIT: I'm sorry if this comes off creepy but can I tell you how much I love your work! You inspired me to write my story of Maxwell. You are a VERY talented person and its a damn shame you don't do any of this professionally! your work, Pie!
Katherine 'Katie' Porgie
Age: 19
Parents: Father; Georgie Porgie Mother; Lyla Smith
Powers: Katie, like her mother, has the abi… morelity to change into a werewolf. She has claw retraction, enhanced agility, speed, enhanced senses and hearing. As her father is a well known Fable, she is capable of withstanding anything that comes her path; she is a titan and is capable of handling anything. Katie also has a slight case of 'Semi-immortality.' Although she will eventually die in the future, Katie will not show signs of 'ageing' and continue to look young and radiant until the day she dies.
Siblings: Katie is part of Fabletown's 'Quad squad'; she has sisters Emily, Penny and brothers Junior, Ethan and Peter. The younger boys are not part of the 'quads;' they are fraternal twins; Ethan belongs to Georgie but Peter does not. Katie has some issues against Peter because of this very reason; tensions are created as they have gotten older.
… [view original content]
"Another vacation?" Snow says, shutting her car door. I shrug, looking off down the cobblestone path to the street.
"I figured I saved enough to explore somewhere else," I say.
She sighs, and wraps her arm around me shoulder," Alright. I guess you're your own person. Do you have any ideas of where you're going?"
I shrugs again," Wherever looks good."
She narrows her eyes and turns to face me before we get to the step to the doors.
"What's gotten into you? You're glum!" She says.
"Glum? Me? No..." I laugh, but it's still obvious to her.
"Seriously. What's wrong?"
I look away, down the path that takes you to the courtyard. You can see the edge of the metal fence that used to house a giant glass statue I have come to call 'Grandpa'.
"It's something more person, I guess. Maybe I'll tell you later."
She frowns," Well it was nice having you over on the farm a few days. I gotta get going now, before I get back too late. Love you," she kisses my forehead. I may be an adult, but Snow is still a foot taller than I am.
"Bye," Is all I say.
I walk upstairs, and as soon as I get to my floor, I hear a bang from the trash can.
"Goddammit! Where the hell is Harmony, I'm gonna-" The lid on the trash opens, and Mary's garbage covered head looks up at me with despise.
"You're fuckin' lucky we're friends and you serve my alcohol. Otherwise I'd go all Bloody Mary up in you're grill!" She peels a banana from off her head.
I can't help but laugh at this poor situation I've put her in,"I'm sorry! You left your mirror, I figured it wouldn't be such a bad prank. Didn't know people threw their lunches out on this floor."
She gives me a revengeful look, but it disappears,"So. I heard you're going on another trip. Will you actually invite me this time?"
"Actually I was going to invite Tim...."I trail off, starting my tread to my apartment.
"Tim? Really?" She says.
"Well, yeah. I mean, he deserves a break from his job..."
"You'd rather go with that disabled duncehead then with me?"
"He's NOT disabled," I say, a little too defensively.
"Ha! You fucking like him! I fucking knew it!" She squeals, a little to girlish for her style.
"I don't....," I sigh," Yeah, maybe I like him. But what if he really doesn't like me the same? It's been a year, Mare."
"'What if he doesn't like you,' Do you hear yourself? He's Head. Over. Heals. For you! I can't believe you haven't seen it. It's blatantly obvious."
I fumble with the keys, trying to open my apartment as soon as possible. Mary lurks over top of me. I've noticed rather recently that I'm pretty short. I've been getting used to walking more often than floating above everyone, so I guess that's a reason.
The apartment door opens and greet us with the small of lavender,"God, I hate lavender. Stop buying those stupid air fresheners." Mary says.
"No, I like it. So does-"
"So does fucking Tim. I swear to you, on my non-existent heart that he loves you and you're too blind to see it!"
"You don't have a heart?"
"Physically, yes. Emotionally, nothing is there."
"Makes a lot of sense." I plop onto the couch.
"Well," Mary looks at her phone," It looks like tea time for me. And by tea time, I mean time to get wasted. Don't you dare leave my mirror in the trash again." She glares at me, and disappears.
I toss her mirror on the couch next to me and turn on the television. Nothing good is on today, other than a few cop shows and a talk show and some cartoons. I decided Law and Order SVU is what suits my interests, and it doesn't take long to immerse myself into each crime scene.
"How come nobody has told me about this fantastic show!" I say to myself.
"I dunno, maybe you've never discovered it because you don't watch much TV," says a voice behind me. I immediately scream and jump into the air to make sure that whoever it is, they don't strangle me and do the things that strangers do on that show.
"Calm down! It's just me, Tim," He laughs," I'm surprised you didn't hear me come in. By the way, you left your door open again. I knocked and it slowly swung open. I actually though something was wrong."
"No, everything is okay. Actually, I was gonna look for you later."
"I have two plane tickets to Spain." I say, reaching into my sweatshirt's oversized pockets.
"Spain? And you want me to go with you?"
"Yeah! Of course I want you to go with me."
"You don't want Mary to go?"
I frown. Does he not want to go?
"Well, I thought that maybe you and I...We could go, just us. I get tired of being around Mary, all she'll do is get drunk over there."
He gives me a smirk,"Well, that's true......Maybe I can go..." He looks up at the ceiling, probably thinking what he'll tell his boss or something.
"The trip is a week from now. You've got enough time to gather what you want to bring and such. And it'll last for 3 days, not including the days you fly there and come home."
"Sounds good. I have to go now, I'll see ya later." Tim turns and hobbles away. Before he gets to the door, I find myself running up behind him and giving him a squeeze-hug.
"Cya then, kiddo." and he marches through the open door.
One week later
"Here's your ticket and here's my suit case. Lets get downstairs to the taxi before it leaves without us," I say, turning off all the lights in the apartment. I lock the door, but I know that Mary will probably be hanging out there, with or without me. It's one of her usual lazy spots.
Me and Tim step into the elevator, listening to the cheesy music surrounding the small space. When it dings, we step into the lobby, which bustles with Fables from all over today. Lately, there's been some uneasiness about the Camelot that Rose is building, and people seem to think there are sides to pick between her or her sister, Snow. I've been keeping my distance, considering both are family.
The cab has a man with orange hair sitting in front. He doesn't talk much the whole ride to the airport, but that doesn't bother me. Silence is a pleasure sometimes. We watch out opposite windows as we pass by apartments and storefronts and weave in and out of traffic in order to get to the airport in time. Once there, we have to go through customs, which takes longer than I'd wanted it to. I loaded the luggage on to the carousel and we were off to depart America.
"Hey, Harmony. Wake up! Look out the window!"
My eyes flutter open and I lean over Tim, who's been trying to shake me awake for 5 minutes now.
"Spain," he says, with a goofy smile. I fall into his lap and he runs his fingers in my hair,"You've been asleep the whole flight. It's time to get up, sunshine."
I lift my head again and it's not too long before the flight attendant asks us to fasten our safety belts for the landing. The whole country is lush and beautiful from where we are, and I can see tons of buildings in scattered spots with tiny cars driving down the streets. Our hotel is 20 minutes from the airport. We get off together and Tim offers me his arm. Another cab awaits us and takes us to our hotel.
Once in our room, my jaw drops in amazement. The view from the window is spectacular. There are two queen sized beds, a bathroom (Which is not the size of a closet, mind you), and a flat screen on the wall.
"How'd we afford this?" Tim asks, smiling and pulling the curtains open all the way. He lets himself fall back onto the bed. I take a seat on the sofa that faces our television.
"I've been saving all year long. And...I had a little help with Snow. She helped me book the trip and stuff. I wouldn't tell her who I was going with, partially because I didn't know who I wanted to invite."
"Well, you invited me." He says, pulling his legs up. I lean my head on the back of the couch. Finally done travelling around, all I wanna do is sleep...
My suitcase fell on the floor.
I got up with a start and walked over. Slowly, the zipper started opening on itself. Mary's head popped out, along with the rest of her torso.
"Mary?!" Tim shouts.
"Yeah. It's me," She smiles slyly.
I narrow my eyes at her,"Really? Y'know, if you absolutely wanted to go, I could have arranged for another ticket. Now I'm smuggling people into other countries."
"It's not smuggling if you didn't know about it," She says," I put the mirror in a few minutes before you left."
"I hate you."
"I love you too," She says, laughing.
"Well, where do you plan on sleeping," Tim asks.
"I was planning on getting out of here and looking for the nearest bar. I'll spend all my time there while you two....erm, lovebirds, spend time together." She snickers.
I scowl, "We're not- That's- ugh.."
"Well, I'll see ya guys later, if you want to hang out at some point of this vacation. Bye!" She disappears back into her mirror. She didn't have to plant a mirror in my bag, she just wanted to mess with me. When she was gone, I couldn't help but laugh.
"So, what should we do?" Tim asks.
I shrug," Sleep. We can go out to eat tonight."
"Sounds good. Good...afternoon? What time is it?"
"Ah. Well, sweet dreams."
That's all for now, I'll work on another chapter in another post for this story. I hope you like it, I've been thinking it out for sometime. Also, today is my birthday, so I probably won't be on for the rest of the day. I hope you all are having a fabulous day, I know I am Tell me what you think below and I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have.
You really outdid yourself with this chapter, it really was a superb read, Em. I enjoyed every bit of it, you truly have a knack for this! Let's hope that Mary won't be a nuisance on the trip. XD
"Another vacation?" Snow says, shutting her car door. I shrug, looking off down the cobblestone path to the street.
"I figured I saved en… moreough to explore somewhere else," I say.
She sighs, and wraps her arm around me shoulder," Alright. I guess you're your own person. Do you have any ideas of where you're going?"
I shrugs again," Wherever looks good."
She narrows her eyes and turns to face me before we get to the step to the doors.
"What's gotten into you? You're glum!" She says.
"Glum? Me? No..." I laugh, but it's still obvious to her.
"Seriously. What's wrong?"
I look away, down the path that takes you to the courtyard. You can see the edge of the metal fence that used to house a giant glass statue I have come to call 'Grandpa'.
"It's something more person, I guess. Maybe I'll tell you later."
She frowns," Well it was nice having you over on the farm a few days. I gotta get going now, before I get back … [view original content]
I have a question for you, Noir. Are the 2 parts to chapter 3 supposed to be relevant to Mr. Weasel's tale? I was wondering this ever since you left him back in that cliffhanger alleyway scene (if I'm not mistaken?) and started writing about Snow and Bigby's Amsterdam days.
A sparrow! Chaise longue! The word 'imbibe'! It's all below.
Chapter Three, Part Two
In which the newly appointed Sheriff of Fabletown,… more Bigby Wolf, does as Miss Snow White of the Business Office asked him, and pays a visit to the Rag-and-Bone Man.
As a gentle breeze pervaded from the ocean on a blue-sky day in New Amsterdam, a Sparrow rested on the gable end of a modest wooden house, lost - if you will believe it - in it's own thought. Of late, it considered, there had been birds the likes of which it had never seen before. Peculiar markings, odd sizes, and the most bizarre dialects made these new arrivals stand out like red poppies in a wheat field. Some of these new birds, it reckoned, aptly mimicked the babbling discord of the creatures below; the creatures that walked upright and had the most impractical of feathers. On mention of the uprights that walked below, the Sparrow's train of thought switched tracks to pursue the realisat… [view original content]
All the quads but when I start the story, Katie will be the first. Hopefully soon I will have them up. Start summer school Monday, so its going to be awhile and very busy. You will find out with Peter soon. I promise.
Are you going to do all the quads or just Katie? 'Cause I'm curious about Emily's situation, Junior and Penny. I had no idea she and Georgie… more had more kids! Plus, who DOES Peter belong to? Can I guess or will his profile tell us that? Can't wait, Pie! BTW, I called it! I WAS right about Jersey! XD OH! And I forgot! LOVE that picture!! She's cute!
EDIT: I'm sorry if this comes off creepy but can I tell you how much I love your work! You inspired me to write my story of Maxwell. You are a VERY talented person and its a damn shame you don't do any of this professionally! your work, Pie!
'I already knew this was going to be a hassle; Georgie was not much for traveling, let alone going to some foreign country he had never heard of. I was prepared for it all, however. Portugal, ready or not, here come the Porgies.'
"So, you don't mind watching the kids for me mom?"
I was frantically trying to pack the diaper bag for my mother's arrival. It was difficult trying to remember everything a baby needs for the week at Nana and Papa's house.
"It will be fine, Lyla. Your father and I are looking forward to the kids staying a week here. Gives them a chance to spend time with us, while YOU TWO get some alone time."
Georgie and I desperately needed to get out of Fabletown. Believe it or not, Snow offered me the money to fly to any part of the world. It didn't help I was feeling overwhelmed and desperate to get some peace and quiet. The quads were teething and getting into everything their little hands could reach. Having two of your children that possessed Telekinesis powers didn't help much either.
"Yeah," I replied. "We do need this and it was nice of Snow to help us out with it as well...."
"So, where are you two headed off?"
I told my mother and she was pleased to hear it. My great grandfather was from the country of Portugal and it made my mother cry every time I mentioned the damn place; she was pleased to see me so interested in the culture.
As I said goodbye to my mother and continued the attempts of finishing the project, I could hear mumbling outside the door. Georgie, I laughed, as I shoved goldfish crackers into a baggie.
"For fuck's sake," he shrieked, as he dropped the suitcase on his shoe. "Bloody bastard fuckin' shit! Mother fuckin' piece of-"
"GEORGIE! Watch the language, please!"
"Eh, they ain't in here, love! And besides, they don't understand a fuckin' word I say."
"Yeah, well, knowing MY luck, they will catch on and say it. And YOU will be the one to deal with it."
Georgie stuck his tongue out and flopped himself onto the bed. I watched him bounce around for a bit before he stopped and buried his face into the sheets.
"Do you need a vacation now? Maybe Snow will understand and we can go another time-"
"No, I REALLY need this. If YOU don't want to go, I'm sure Gina or Carla-"
"Fuck that. I'm goin' with ya', love. Just asking a simple question."
"Excellent. My mother should be here shortly and soon, we will be in the air to Portugal!"
I smacked Georgie, as we both laid down and waited for my mother.
When she left with the quads, all I could do was pace. 3 days is a long wait...
3 days later
The plane ride was exhausting; I had never seen Georgie so terrified and sick all at the same time. When we arrived, we claimed our luggage and took a cab into Lisbon. I was ready to hit the beaches, as I opened the map to locate the nearest beach. We found our hotel, checked in and I watched as Georgie threw himself into the bed and curl u under the sheets.
"C'mon you," I said, as I pulled on his arm. "We have so much to see and do!"
"It's called jet lag love," he mumbled. "Besides, we have a week. It smell that?"
The air smelled heavily of fish, sea water and open space; just how I like it.
"I want to head to the beach, maybe visit the Peneda-Geres National park, get some Bacalhau, take pictures with Galo da Barcelos!"
"The fuckin' what, who and eat what? All I understood was 'beach.' See, this is why we should have gone to London-"
"AND we will, silly but today, let's be Portuguese and visit this beautiful place!"
"But, I don't WANT to be pork and cheese-"
I gave him a playful punch, as he got up and changed his clothes. I packed ourselves a small bag with our passports, money, room key, towels and a change of clothes. We left the room, looked at the map and headed to the Moledo beach. When we arrived, the sun felt wonderful on my skin; the wind was blowing furiously through my hair and the water was as blue as the sky above.
"Fuck! Lyla! Wait, love! For fuck's sake!"
I turned to watch, as Georgie struggled to move through the sand. I was beginning to wonder in the hundreds of years he's been alive, had he EVER seen a beach before? I tried to hide the smile, as I laid down a towel and took a seat. While Georgie was busy putting up the umbrella, I pulled out my 'People' magazine and read a few articles. Georgie slumped down beside me, took out the sunscreen and began layering himself up.
Georgie leaned back into the sun, pulled his bowler hat down and soon, he was sound asleep. I, however, watched the waves roll up and down, as the gulls shrieked in the distance; several children played and dogs began barking.
"Seagulls," mumbled Georgie. "I HATE birds!"
"I know, dear. Just, ignore them and rest."
Well, that is it for now. Georgie and Lyla going on vacation to Portugal! I will TRY and finish this, plus the other stories soon but with summer school starting tomorrow, it may be awhile. Don't worry and I hope you enjoyed this tale.
This was great! A week trip away from the kids. I could picture Georgie the entire time....poor guy! That picture, thou! 'It smells...' and then him in the background with the birds! XD 'But, I don't WANT to be a pork and cheese!' That was the best! Good luck with summer school, dude! Don't be a stranger now.
"La' Vamos nos"
Summer vacation
'I already knew this was going to be a hassle; Georgie was not much for traveling, let alone going to … moresome foreign country he had never heard of. I was prepared for it all, however. Portugal, ready or not, here come the Porgies.'
"So, you don't mind watching the kids for me mom?"
I was frantically trying to pack the diaper bag for my mother's arrival. It was difficult trying to remember everything a baby needs for the week at Nana and Papa's house.
"It will be fine, Lyla. Your father and I are looking forward to the kids staying a week here. Gives them a chance to spend time with us, while YOU TWO get some alone time."
Georgie and I desperately needed to get out of Fabletown. Believe it or not, Snow offered me the money to fly to any part of the world. It didn't help I was feeling overwhelmed and desperate to get some peace and quiet. The quads were teething and getting into everything the… [view original content]
This was great! A week trip away from the kids. I could picture Georgie the entire time....poor guy! That picture, thou! 'It smells...' and… more then him in the background with the birds! XD 'But, I don't WANT to be a pork and cheese!' That was the best! Good luck with summer school, dude! Don't be a stranger now.
"That's pretty sad. I've seen bigger wieners in the hot dog section at the fuckin' grocery store, then what I'm lookin' at right now!"
Age: 19
Powers: None that either she or her family know about. The only thing 'different' about Emily is her ability to take pain and not feel a thing. Perks to not only being a Fable but the daughter of infamous Georgie Porgie.
Job: Pimp and the new owner of the Pudding & Pie; her assistant is Hans Junior and bartender remains in the hands of Henry.
The apple sure as hell didn't fall far from the tree. Everyone, including the parents to be, were concerned about Junior becoming the next 'Georgie Porgie' of Fabletown. Years down the road, however, fell into the hands of Emily. She would rather be alone and tend to her business; the club is all she knows and does not appreciate people trying to put their noses in places it shouldn't be. Her club continues to be #1 with entertainment in the community. She continues to cater to the diverse tastes of the community, while trying new themes and open to new suggestions. Emily is not bothered when people compare her to her father; in fact, she is thrilled and takes it as a complement. Never bad mouth her father when she is near, however. People have been known to 'vanish' without a trace when this happens. Despite her appearance and sassy attitude, Emily is very kind and loyal to those that show her respect.
Dear Diary- Fuck, man! All I remember is waking up and mom and dad are bailing me out. I was behind bars again; fuckin' mundy police, actin' like they fuckin' know me and my business! Mom was pissed; something about the Business office, spells, Snow...I don't give a fuck. That sheriff can suck it. Can't stand that motherfucker for what he did to me and my family. Wish my father wouldn't be so nice to him-who cares! Ugh...thank god for Whiskey and Asprin. I can't spend too much time relaxing-need to be at the club in 3 hours. Shit! The damn sink is broken again...fuck this apartment! Fuck this city, fuck the government system...fuck the sheriff and everyone else! Wonder how tonight is going to be at the club. Hopefully things go better than yesterday. Felicia better be there today. I need a fuckin' stress reliever tonight. For fuck's sake..
NOTE: Think I will combine the next two; Junior and Penny can go on one. Maybe. Hopefully I will get around to it...summer school starts tomorrow and man, am I prepared to be gone for awhile. Will TRY to get on here and post what I can.
Oh she DOES look like Georgie! 0.0 Damn! Why does she hate Bigby so much....and that quote under her! ROFL! Good job, Pie! Can't wait for the other 2. BTW, good luck with school. Hope to hear from you soon. Also, love how you are doing the whole diary thing! Like, the opening of what is to come!
Emily Porgie
"That's pretty sad. I've seen bigger wieners in the hot dog section at the fuckin' grocery store, then what I'm lookin' … moreat right now!"
Age: 19
Powers: None that either she or her family know about. The only thing 'different' about Emily is her ability to take pain and not feel a thing. Perks to not only being a Fable but the daughter of infamous Georgie Porgie.
Job: Pimp and the new owner of the Pudding & Pie; her assistant is Hans Junior and bartender remains in the hands of Henry.
The apple sure as hell didn't fall far from the tree. Everyone, including the parents to be, were concerned about Junior becoming the next 'Georgie Porgie' of Fabletown. Years down the road, however, fell into the hands of Emily. She would rather be alone and tend to her business; the club is all she knows and does not appreciate people trying to put their noses in places it shouldn't be. Her club continues to be #1 with enterta… [view original content]
"La' Vamos nos"
Summer vacation
'I already knew this was going to be a hassle; Georgie was not much for traveling, let alone going to … moresome foreign country he had never heard of. I was prepared for it all, however. Portugal, ready or not, here come the Porgies.'
"So, you don't mind watching the kids for me mom?"
I was frantically trying to pack the diaper bag for my mother's arrival. It was difficult trying to remember everything a baby needs for the week at Nana and Papa's house.
"It will be fine, Lyla. Your father and I are looking forward to the kids staying a week here. Gives them a chance to spend time with us, while YOU TWO get some alone time."
Georgie and I desperately needed to get out of Fabletown. Believe it or not, Snow offered me the money to fly to any part of the world. It didn't help I was feeling overwhelmed and desperate to get some peace and quiet. The quads were teething and getting into everything the… [view original content]
Thanks! As usual, Mary will only be a nuisance occasionally. She may get on Harmony's nerves, but she knows when to give her space. Harmony likes stashing Mary's mirrors in obscure places just to mess with her XD I'm hoping to build off of Tim and Harm's relationship some, but I don't want to push it too far because I still want her to cling onto her innocence. I also plan on taking her back to the North Wind Kingdom (A birthday for her and her siblings, perhaps?) And I want to keep integrating comic facts into each chapter, since it's supposed to go hand in hand with current issues everyone deals with. I wish I could draw like pudding_pie, he makes the greatest pics to go with his stories. I'll just have to find similar photos online to aid the creative process. Maybe the next chapter Thanks again, especially for the birthday wishes. It was a really nice birthday for me. I got the Bioshock Infinite Season Pass (Which is so far, fantabulous, lol).
First things first, Happy Birthday to you!
You really outdid yourself with this chapter, it really was a superb read, Em. I enjoyed every bit of it, you truly have a knack for this! Let's hope that Mary won't be a nuisance on the trip. XD
Oh s! Happy birthday, btw! Ugh man-the gift you got sounds amazing! Can't wait to see their adventures in Spain! Love how Harmony stashes mirrors to mess with Mary! Good job! Can't wait to read more!!
"Another vacation?" Snow says, shutting her car door. I shrug, looking off down the cobblestone path to the street.
"I figured I saved en… moreough to explore somewhere else," I say.
She sighs, and wraps her arm around me shoulder," Alright. I guess you're your own person. Do you have any ideas of where you're going?"
I shrugs again," Wherever looks good."
She narrows her eyes and turns to face me before we get to the step to the doors.
"What's gotten into you? You're glum!" She says.
"Glum? Me? No..." I laugh, but it's still obvious to her.
"Seriously. What's wrong?"
I look away, down the path that takes you to the courtyard. You can see the edge of the metal fence that used to house a giant glass statue I have come to call 'Grandpa'.
"It's something more person, I guess. Maybe I'll tell you later."
She frowns," Well it was nice having you over on the farm a few days. I gotta get going now, before I get back … [view original content]
Emily Porgie
"That's pretty sad. I've seen bigger wieners in the hot dog section at the fuckin' grocery store, then what I'm lookin' … moreat right now!"
Age: 19
Powers: None that either she or her family know about. The only thing 'different' about Emily is her ability to take pain and not feel a thing. Perks to not only being a Fable but the daughter of infamous Georgie Porgie.
Job: Pimp and the new owner of the Pudding & Pie; her assistant is Hans Junior and bartender remains in the hands of Henry.
The apple sure as hell didn't fall far from the tree. Everyone, including the parents to be, were concerned about Junior becoming the next 'Georgie Porgie' of Fabletown. Years down the road, however, fell into the hands of Emily. She would rather be alone and tend to her business; the club is all she knows and does not appreciate people trying to put their noses in places it shouldn't be. Her club continues to be #1 with enterta… [view original content]
You will understand once I write the stories. I won't go into TOO much detail but Peter and one of the quads are destined to fight; each child Georgie has will be destined for either great or something devastating. Peter is sort of the outcast among his siblings. You can TRY and guess but idk...:) Thank you so much.
Oh she DOES look like Georgie! 0.0 Damn! Why does she hate Bigby so much....and that quote under her! ROFL! Good job, Pie! Can't wait for th… moree other 2. BTW, good luck with school. Hope to hear from you soon. Also, love how you are doing the whole diary thing! Like, the opening of what is to come!
Newly married couple Draco the powerful half human half dragon and his wife, Viera a half human half phoenix are only their way to with their 4 year old son Marcelo to Silver Beach in Beihai China. They are accompanied by Bigby and his wife Snow and Bigby's brother Wolven and his wife Jenn.
Snow ,Jenn and Marcelo walked to the beach while, Draco, Bigby and Wolven discuss business matters.
Bigby gets straight to the point as he sniffs the air that is filled with the scent a grilled steak and chicken causing his belly to growl.
Bigby: Ok Draco. I understand what you and your wife have been through. But what happened down town with your son and those group of people, that can't happened again, he nearly killed all those people. The business office is all over Snows ass about this situation. People are still talking about-
Draco: They are not taking my son away from me. It wasn't his fault... He is still learning to control it.
Bigby: I know but, the Fabletown government takes these things pretty seriously. I mean, we had problems with trolls, murders,schemes and shit like that but never like what Marcello did.
Draco: Then I will show them. I will show them that my son can control his power. He's just like me when I was younger. He need's his mother and father Bigby. Please don't take that away from him.
Wolven: Our mother died long ago. Me and my brothers went to live with my father while Bigby remained with her,... body.
Bigby: Wolven..
Wolven: I'm sorry Bigby....
Bigby: Whatever, let's eat i I'm starved.
The 3 walked down the board walk towards where the others are set up and from a distance into the ocean a creature slightly lifts it's head out of the ocean...
I'm so sorry if I made things inconvenient for you, man. I hope you aren't mad or anything. Do feel free to post your Halloween special (as you said), I'm sure that a lot of us would love to see it!
Hmm, Thank you! You just gave me an idea for Aiden! I also got the vehicle idea from the anime Durarara, there is a character that has a horse that can turn into a motorbike.
Yep, I found those parts hilarious where Harmony does that to Mary, made me smile haha. Anyways, it sounds like you have a plan, I trust that you will execute it greatly!
Congrats on getting the season pass for Bioshock Infinite as well! (Did you enjoy your cake? :P) I honestly can't wait to see what game the new studio will come up with next since they technically don't own Bioshock no more.
Thanks! As usual, Mary will only be a nuisance occasionally. She may get on Harmony's nerves, but she knows when to give her space. Harmony … morelikes stashing Mary's mirrors in obscure places just to mess with her XD I'm hoping to build off of Tim and Harm's relationship some, but I don't want to push it too far because I still want her to cling onto her innocence. I also plan on taking her back to the North Wind Kingdom (A birthday for her and her siblings, perhaps?) And I want to keep integrating comic facts into each chapter, since it's supposed to go hand in hand with current issues everyone deals with. I wish I could draw like pudding_pie, he makes the greatest pics to go with his stories. I'll just have to find similar photos online to aid the creative process. Maybe the next chapter Thanks again, especially for the birthday wishes. It was a really nice birthday for me. I got the Bioshock Infinite Season Pass (Which is so far, fantabulous, lol).
For the holiday challenge
The secret Chapter....or secret ending?
The Dragon Family Holiday
Newly married couple Draco the powerful… more half human half dragon and his wife, Viera a half human half phoenix are only their way to with their 4 year old son Marcelo to Silver Beach in Beihai China. They are accompanied by Bigby and his wife Snow and Bigby's brother Wolven and his wife Jenn.
Snow ,Jenn and Marcelo walked to the beach while, Draco, Bigby and Wolven discuss business matters.
Bigby gets straight to the point as he sniffs the air that is filled with the scent a grilled steak and chicken causing his belly to growl.
Bigby: Ok Draco. I understand what you and your wife have been through. But what happened down town with your son and those group of people, that can't happened again, he nearly killed all those people. The business office is all over Snows ass about this situation. People are still talking about-
Draco: T… [view original content]
Thanks! I've been reading some of the chapters you've been putting out, and I must say, they are amazing. You should compile them into a book of sorts, since there are so many chapters. I love the quads (Especially Emily, I wonder why ) And I also love your portrayal of Gren and Georgie, making them seem like nicer guys once you look underneath the tough shell. I haven't read too many of your chapters but I'll make it my personal goal to finish as much of them as possible before the summer ends!
Oh s! Happy birthday, btw! Ugh man-the gift you got sounds amazing! Can't wait to see their adventures in Spain! Love how Harmony stashes mirrors to mess with Mary! Good job! Can't wait to read more!!
My cake was delicious, although it melted really quick and got everywhere, lol. I'm about to start playing the DLC in a few, so I'll tell you how much I like it.
Yep, I found those parts hilarious where Harmony does that to Mary, made me smile haha. Anyways, it sounds like you have a plan, I trust tha… moret you will execute it greatly!
Congrats on getting the season pass for Bioshock Infinite as well! (Did you enjoy your cake? :P) I honestly can't wait to see what game the new studio will come up with next since they technically don't own Bioshock no more.
Remember me MUAHAHHAHA I'm working on my next part and it will be here soon the final piece of Spark Among Us and I'll be back later to catch up on the awesome stories
I do. I'm just getting a little sidetracked, plus I made a whole holiday special for the wrong month. I'd better go ahead and release those … moreanyway, and just get on with material for flashbacks and bar banter. I'd like to get him out of the bar sometime, but at the moment he's retelling his life story.
Very sharp of you, Dragon. They are relevant, to a degree, however my slowness at writing and not-brilliantly-executed storyline means that I can understand why things would appear unconnected. I plan on joining the dots in the next part, and hopefully - I am particularly hopeful - will get it all finished in a part after that. Might be handy if I surmised a few things at some point, too.
I have a question for you, Noir. Are the 2 parts to chapter 3 supposed to be relevant to Mr. Weasel's tale? I was wondering this ever since … moreyou left him back in that cliffhanger alleyway scene (if I'm not mistaken?) and started writing about Snow and Bigby's Amsterdam days.
Thanks! And yeah, the comics are getting really, really dark. It's the beginning of the end, unfortunately. I don't want to spoil anything, but I'm dreading what might end up happening by the time the series ends.
Oh wow. That was a wild ride, indeed, pie!
Sad to see it end, though but can't wait for the next story. Good job, like always.
Have not written in awhile so, here we go!
Chapter 4
I woke up and found myself slumped on a couch. My boss was still on the floor; the broom wrapped so nicely around his arms.
I looked over and found Henry cleaning the bar; he looked annoyed, as I watched Hans mop around the bar.
"The hell happened," I asked, reaching for my phone.
"Well, after Georgie threw up and fell down, you joined him, then ended up on that couch. I WAS going to make you BOTH clean this up but Georgie and hangovers do not mix."
My head was indeed killing me. Fuck, no more drinks for me.
I got to my feet and stupidly walked to my room, turned on the shower and headed inside. The cold water would spruce me up. The pounding in my head, however, never left.
As I left the shower, my phone began to vibrate. It was an unknown number. Nope, I thought. Not today. It rang again, Paradise city filling my bathroom with loud guitar playing. I finally gave up and answered it. To my surprise, it was the Woodsman.
"Hey, is this Maxwell..."
"How did you get this number, Woody?"
"Look, about the other night...sorry things got out of hand-"
"Georgie is losing his patience, Woody! He's NOT too happy right now and neither am I! I told you to get the money and-"
"Gees, Max! Cut me some slack! I'm tryin' over here, alright? Look, give me one more week, okay and I promise you the money will be here!"
I paused to rub my temple; between him and the hangover, I couldn't tell who was worse. As I popped in a few Asprin, Woody began talking. God, he's so annoying and whiney.
"Max. Hello? Oh fuck...don't kill me..."
"Calm the hell down, Woody. What you think I'm going to do-crawl into your window and drink your blood? Bleh! Bleh, bleh! I'm gonna suck your blood!"
Woody was silent. Was this cat serious right now?
"It's a joke, Woody. Really?"
"Well, I don't know with you Vampires!"
I agreed to Woody's proposal and before the bastard could speak, I ended the call, got dressed and walked out. Georgie was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee; his new dancer, stood beside him, rubbing his shoulders. What the hell was her name...uhh...fuck. It started with an L...Laura, Lily, Lonnie, Lisa...Lyla. Something stupid like that. She WAS hot, I'll give her that.
"The fuck you goin', bat," said Georgie, as he took another sip.
"Well, did you ever get the, uhh...fuck my head...the money from that guy, Woody?"
"Said he will have it in a week. If not, I'm draining his blood and tossing the remains down the Witching Well."
I waited for his cup to somehow grow a pair of wings and slam into my head. He just chuckled and continued having that chick rub his shoulders. LYLA! Yeah, that's her name...Lyla.
I placed the earbuds into my ears, turned up the volume and away I went. I flew over the rooftops and bounced off of clothes lines and air conditioners. I jumped around a few more building until I stopped, jumped down and landed before the Lucky Pawn. I had a few words with Jack that day; seems like everyone could use a poor vampire kid's help.
I opened the door; that annoying ding sound echoed and there he was. He turned around, saw me and tried rushing around the counter. I managed to beat him, turned the corner and slammed him into the glass case. Several of the items located on the shelf moved. He looked terrified; the urge to puncture his neck was growing. I could smell the blood rushing through his veins, hear his heart beat beneath my grasp.
"Hey, look, Maxwell, right?"
"MAX! My name, is MAX!"
"Okay, okay, Max! Look, I don't know why you are here or WHAT you are after but I don't have it! If you want, Jersey comes in about an hour..."
"I DON'T want that rottin' corpse, Jack. I want YOU..."
Jack struggled under my grasp. He looked so funny; poor Ken doll wannabe. If I REALLY wanted to, turn that pretty face around. See how far back your head can really go...
"You owe the club $400 dollars, Jack. Them girls need to eat, too."
"HEY!, I mean, made a deal with Georgie. I told him I get paid every month on the 25th! I would give him what I could, okay? That new gaming system comes out soon and there is this girl-"
The headache was coming back; god, these Fables are morons.
"Okay. BUT, if we don't get the payment..."
I smiled and showed him my protruding fangs; in the glass, I could see my reflection. My eyes were blood red and glowing. Oh, and that whole 'mirror' thing...bullshit. Total, bullshit. I could see myself just fine, thank you.
"Okay, please! Just go...."
I released my grip, thanked him and walked out, just as Jersey walked in. I purposely bumped into him, as I jumped against the walls and into the afternoon. I need somewhere to escape.
The good ol' Trip Trap. Maybe Holly was in the mood to talk to Dracula this time; god, she was clouding my mind. Yeah, she was a troll but hell, I love em' with some meat on the bones.
So, away I went.
Is Max not considered a Fable in his case? I'm wondering now!
Hey, you threw Lyla in there.
I'm trying to figure out what is going on at the Pudding & Pie, that so many clients owe Georgie SO much money. So, is Max NOT a Fable??
I do. I'm just getting a little sidetracked, plus I made a whole holiday special for the wrong month. I'd better go ahead and release those anyway, and just get on with material for flashbacks and bar banter. I'd like to get him out of the bar sometime, but at the moment he's retelling his life story.
Katherine 'Katie' Porgie
Age: 19
Parents: Father; Georgie Porgie Mother; Lyla Smith
Powers: Katie, like her mother, has the ability to change into a werewolf. She has claw retraction, enhanced agility, speed, enhanced senses and hearing. As her father is a well known Fable, she is capable of withstanding anything that comes her path; she is a titan and is capable of handling anything. Katie also has a slight case of 'Semi-immortality.' Although she will eventually die in the future, Katie will not show signs of 'ageing' and continue to look young and radiant until the day she dies.
Siblings: Katie is part of Fabletown's 'Quad squad'; she has sisters Emily, Penny and brothers Junior, Ethan and Peter. The younger boys are not part of the 'quads;' they are fraternal twins; Ethan belongs to Georgie but Peter does not. Katie has some issues against Peter because of this very reason; tensions are created as they have gotten older.
Job: Katie works at the Lucky Pawn, which is ran by the Jersey Devil. She, along with Jack, are part time helpers, although she tends to get the better hours and easier work loads. This is due to Jersey taking a liking to her.
Limitations: Katie, like all werewolves, has her weakness. She has been known to 'lose' her temper; vulnerable to silver, which almost had her killed at the tender age of nine and is also vulnerable to other werewolf attacks.
Specialties: The Jersey Devil gave her a relic when she turned 13. This relic was pawned by an old witch from the homelands; he gave this to her, as a way to 'help' the young wolf grow strong. The relic were the 'remains' and 'something left behind' from the homelands. The beauty and power behind it helped her grow strong and overcome those more stronger then herself.
Dear Diary-
Today looks like it might be one of those days. It's hot, I have not slept in three days and Emily has run into the law again. I heard dad earlier on the phone. Seems like he and mom went down to bail her out. I don't understand why they insist on helping her. She reminds me of what dad used to be-lost, confused and full of hate. Not sure why, though. Anyways, I will make this short. Have to be at work in 20 minutes, then school. Big test. Wish me luck.
NOTE: Just a taste of what is to come. I decided to age the quads and see if it works out. If not, will go back to my original idea.
I will tell the stories of each of the quads. My focus is Katie and what she has to come.
Enjoy.
I'm so sorry if I made things inconvenient for you, man. I hope you aren't mad or anything. Do feel free to post your Halloween special (as you said), I'm sure that a lot of us would love to see it!
I'm excited!
No, he is considered a Fable. He is just an angry guy, that's all.
Oh, you will see in the upcoming parts WHAT is going down. BTW He is a Fable-just a very angry one at that.
Are you going to do all the quads or just Katie? 'Cause I'm curious about Emily's situation, Junior and Penny. I had no idea she and Georgie had more kids! Plus, who DOES Peter belong to? Can I guess or will his profile tell us that? Can't wait, Pie! BTW, I called it! I WAS right about Jersey! XD OH! And I forgot! LOVE that picture!! She's cute!
EDIT: I'm sorry if this comes off creepy but can I tell you how much I love your work! You inspired me to write my story of Maxwell. You are a VERY talented person and its a damn shame you don't do any of this professionally!
your work, Pie!
"Another vacation?" Snow says, shutting her car door. I shrug, looking off down the cobblestone path to the street.
"I figured I saved enough to explore somewhere else," I say.
She sighs, and wraps her arm around me shoulder," Alright. I guess you're your own person. Do you have any ideas of where you're going?"
I shrugs again," Wherever looks good."
She narrows her eyes and turns to face me before we get to the step to the doors.
"What's gotten into you? You're glum!" She says.
"Glum? Me? No..." I laugh, but it's still obvious to her.
"Seriously. What's wrong?"
I look away, down the path that takes you to the courtyard. You can see the edge of the metal fence that used to house a giant glass statue I have come to call 'Grandpa'.
"It's something more person, I guess. Maybe I'll tell you later."
She frowns," Well it was nice having you over on the farm a few days. I gotta get going now, before I get back too late. Love you," she kisses my forehead. I may be an adult, but Snow is still a foot taller than I am.
"Bye," Is all I say.
I walk upstairs, and as soon as I get to my floor, I hear a bang from the trash can.
"Goddammit! Where the hell is Harmony, I'm gonna-" The lid on the trash opens, and Mary's garbage covered head looks up at me with despise.
"You're fuckin' lucky we're friends and you serve my alcohol. Otherwise I'd go all Bloody Mary up in you're grill!" She peels a banana from off her head.
I can't help but laugh at this poor situation I've put her in,"I'm sorry! You left your mirror, I figured it wouldn't be such a bad prank. Didn't know people threw their lunches out on this floor."
She gives me a revengeful look, but it disappears,"So. I heard you're going on another trip. Will you actually invite me this time?"
"Actually I was going to invite Tim...."I trail off, starting my tread to my apartment.
"Tim? Really?" She says.
"Well, yeah. I mean, he deserves a break from his job..."
"You'd rather go with that disabled duncehead then with me?"
"He's NOT disabled," I say, a little too defensively.
"Ha! You fucking like him! I fucking knew it!" She squeals, a little to girlish for her style.
"I don't....," I sigh," Yeah, maybe I like him. But what if he really doesn't like me the same? It's been a year, Mare."
"'What if he doesn't like you,' Do you hear yourself? He's Head. Over. Heals. For you! I can't believe you haven't seen it. It's blatantly obvious."
I fumble with the keys, trying to open my apartment as soon as possible. Mary lurks over top of me. I've noticed rather recently that I'm pretty short. I've been getting used to walking more often than floating above everyone, so I guess that's a reason.
The apartment door opens and greet us with the small of lavender,"God, I hate lavender. Stop buying those stupid air fresheners." Mary says.
"No, I like it. So does-"
"So does fucking Tim. I swear to you, on my non-existent heart that he loves you and you're too blind to see it!"
"You don't have a heart?"
"Physically, yes. Emotionally, nothing is there."
"Makes a lot of sense." I plop onto the couch.
"Well," Mary looks at her phone," It looks like tea time for me. And by tea time, I mean time to get wasted. Don't you dare leave my mirror in the trash again." She glares at me, and disappears.
I toss her mirror on the couch next to me and turn on the television. Nothing good is on today, other than a few cop shows and a talk show and some cartoons. I decided Law and Order SVU is what suits my interests, and it doesn't take long to immerse myself into each crime scene.
"How come nobody has told me about this fantastic show!" I say to myself.
"I dunno, maybe you've never discovered it because you don't watch much TV," says a voice behind me. I immediately scream and jump into the air to make sure that whoever it is, they don't strangle me and do the things that strangers do on that show.
"Calm down! It's just me, Tim," He laughs," I'm surprised you didn't hear me come in. By the way, you left your door open again. I knocked and it slowly swung open. I actually though something was wrong."
"No, everything is okay. Actually, I was gonna look for you later."
"I have two plane tickets to Spain." I say, reaching into my sweatshirt's oversized pockets.
"Spain? And you want me to go with you?"
"Yeah! Of course I want you to go with me."
"You don't want Mary to go?"
I frown. Does he not want to go?
"Well, I thought that maybe you and I...We could go, just us. I get tired of being around Mary, all she'll do is get drunk over there."
He gives me a smirk,"Well, that's true......Maybe I can go..." He looks up at the ceiling, probably thinking what he'll tell his boss or something.
"The trip is a week from now. You've got enough time to gather what you want to bring and such. And it'll last for 3 days, not including the days you fly there and come home."
"Sounds good. I have to go now, I'll see ya later." Tim turns and hobbles away. Before he gets to the door, I find myself running up behind him and giving him a squeeze-hug.
"Cya then, kiddo." and he marches through the open door.
One week later
"Here's your ticket and here's my suit case. Lets get downstairs to the taxi before it leaves without us," I say, turning off all the lights in the apartment. I lock the door, but I know that Mary will probably be hanging out there, with or without me. It's one of her usual lazy spots.
Me and Tim step into the elevator, listening to the cheesy music surrounding the small space. When it dings, we step into the lobby, which bustles with Fables from all over today. Lately, there's been some uneasiness about the Camelot that Rose is building, and people seem to think there are sides to pick between her or her sister, Snow. I've been keeping my distance, considering both are family.
The cab has a man with orange hair sitting in front. He doesn't talk much the whole ride to the airport, but that doesn't bother me. Silence is a pleasure sometimes. We watch out opposite windows as we pass by apartments and storefronts and weave in and out of traffic in order to get to the airport in time. Once there, we have to go through customs, which takes longer than I'd wanted it to. I loaded the luggage on to the carousel and we were off to depart America.
"Hey, Harmony. Wake up! Look out the window!"
My eyes flutter open and I lean over Tim, who's been trying to shake me awake for 5 minutes now.
"Spain," he says, with a goofy smile. I fall into his lap and he runs his fingers in my hair,"You've been asleep the whole flight. It's time to get up, sunshine."
I lift my head again and it's not too long before the flight attendant asks us to fasten our safety belts for the landing. The whole country is lush and beautiful from where we are, and I can see tons of buildings in scattered spots with tiny cars driving down the streets. Our hotel is 20 minutes from the airport. We get off together and Tim offers me his arm. Another cab awaits us and takes us to our hotel.
Once in our room, my jaw drops in amazement. The view from the window is spectacular. There are two queen sized beds, a bathroom (Which is not the size of a closet, mind you), and a flat screen on the wall.
"How'd we afford this?" Tim asks, smiling and pulling the curtains open all the way. He lets himself fall back onto the bed. I take a seat on the sofa that faces our television.
"I've been saving all year long. And...I had a little help with Snow. She helped me book the trip and stuff. I wouldn't tell her who I was going with, partially because I didn't know who I wanted to invite."
"Well, you invited me." He says, pulling his legs up. I lean my head on the back of the couch. Finally done travelling around, all I wanna do is sleep...
My suitcase fell on the floor.
I got up with a start and walked over. Slowly, the zipper started opening on itself. Mary's head popped out, along with the rest of her torso.
"Mary?!" Tim shouts.
"Yeah. It's me," She smiles slyly.
I narrow my eyes at her,"Really? Y'know, if you absolutely wanted to go, I could have arranged for another ticket. Now I'm smuggling people into other countries."
"It's not smuggling if you didn't know about it," She says," I put the mirror in a few minutes before you left."
"I hate you."
"I love you too," She says, laughing.
"Well, where do you plan on sleeping," Tim asks.
"I was planning on getting out of here and looking for the nearest bar. I'll spend all my time there while you two....erm, lovebirds, spend time together." She snickers.
I scowl, "We're not- That's- ugh.."
"Well, I'll see ya guys later, if you want to hang out at some point of this vacation. Bye!" She disappears back into her mirror. She didn't have to plant a mirror in my bag, she just wanted to mess with me. When she was gone, I couldn't help but laugh.
"So, what should we do?" Tim asks.
I shrug," Sleep. We can go out to eat tonight."
"Sounds good. Good...afternoon? What time is it?"
"Ah. Well, sweet dreams."
That's all for now, I'll work on another chapter in another post for this story. I hope you like it, I've been thinking it out for sometime. Also, today is my birthday, so I probably won't be on for the rest of the day. I hope you all are having a fabulous day, I know I am
Tell me what you think below and I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have.
First things first, Happy Birthday to you!
You really outdid yourself with this chapter, it really was a superb read, Em. I enjoyed every bit of it, you truly have a knack for this! Let's hope that Mary won't be a nuisance on the trip. XD
I have a question for you, Noir. Are the 2 parts to chapter 3 supposed to be relevant to Mr. Weasel's tale? I was wondering this ever since you left him back in that cliffhanger alleyway scene (if I'm not mistaken?) and started writing about Snow and Bigby's Amsterdam days.
All the quads but when I start the story, Katie will be the first. Hopefully soon I will have them up. Start summer school Monday, so its going to be awhile and very busy.
You will find out with Peter soon. I promise.
"La' Vamos nos"
Summer vacation
'I already knew this was going to be a hassle; Georgie was not much for traveling, let alone going to some foreign country he had never heard of. I was prepared for it all, however. Portugal, ready or not, here come the Porgies.'
"So, you don't mind watching the kids for me mom?"
I was frantically trying to pack the diaper bag for my mother's arrival. It was difficult trying to remember everything a baby needs for the week at Nana and Papa's house.
"It will be fine, Lyla. Your father and I are looking forward to the kids staying a week here. Gives them a chance to spend time with us, while YOU TWO get some alone time."
Georgie and I desperately needed to get out of Fabletown. Believe it or not, Snow offered me the money to fly to any part of the world. It didn't help I was feeling overwhelmed and desperate to get some peace and quiet. The quads were teething and getting into everything their little hands could reach. Having two of your children that possessed Telekinesis powers didn't help much either.
"Yeah," I replied. "We do need this and it was nice of Snow to help us out with it as well...."
"So, where are you two headed off?"
I told my mother and she was pleased to hear it. My great grandfather was from the country of Portugal and it made my mother cry every time I mentioned the damn place; she was pleased to see me so interested in the culture.
As I said goodbye to my mother and continued the attempts of finishing the project, I could hear mumbling outside the door. Georgie, I laughed, as I shoved goldfish crackers into a baggie.
"For fuck's sake," he shrieked, as he dropped the suitcase on his shoe. "Bloody bastard fuckin' shit! Mother fuckin' piece of-"
"GEORGIE! Watch the language, please!"
"Eh, they ain't in here, love! And besides, they don't understand a fuckin' word I say."
"Yeah, well, knowing MY luck, they will catch on and say it. And YOU will be the one to deal with it."
Georgie stuck his tongue out and flopped himself onto the bed. I watched him bounce around for a bit before he stopped and buried his face into the sheets.
"Do you need a vacation now? Maybe Snow will understand and we can go another time-"
"No, I REALLY need this. If YOU don't want to go, I'm sure Gina or Carla-"
"Fuck that. I'm goin' with ya', love. Just asking a simple question."
"Excellent. My mother should be here shortly and soon, we will be in the air to Portugal!"
I smacked Georgie, as we both laid down and waited for my mother.
When she left with the quads, all I could do was pace. 3 days is a long wait...
3 days later
The plane ride was exhausting; I had never seen Georgie so terrified and sick all at the same time. When we arrived, we claimed our luggage and took a cab into Lisbon. I was ready to hit the beaches, as I opened the map to locate the nearest beach. We found our hotel, checked in and I watched as Georgie threw himself into the bed and curl u under the sheets.
"C'mon you," I said, as I pulled on his arm. "We have so much to see and do!"
"It's called jet lag love," he mumbled. "Besides, we have a week. It smell that?"
The air smelled heavily of fish, sea water and open space; just how I like it.
"I want to head to the beach, maybe visit the Peneda-Geres National park, get some Bacalhau, take pictures with Galo da Barcelos!"
"The fuckin' what, who and eat what? All I understood was 'beach.' See, this is why we should have gone to London-"
"AND we will, silly but today, let's be Portuguese and visit this beautiful place!"
"But, I don't WANT to be pork and cheese-"
I gave him a playful punch, as he got up and changed his clothes. I packed ourselves a small bag with our passports, money, room key, towels and a change of clothes. We left the room, looked at the map and headed to the Moledo beach. When we arrived, the sun felt wonderful on my skin; the wind was blowing furiously through my hair and the water was as blue as the sky above.
"Fuck! Lyla! Wait, love! For fuck's sake!"
I turned to watch, as Georgie struggled to move through the sand. I was beginning to wonder in the hundreds of years he's been alive, had he EVER seen a beach before? I tried to hide the smile, as I laid down a towel and took a seat. While Georgie was busy putting up the umbrella, I pulled out my 'People' magazine and read a few articles. Georgie slumped down beside me, took out the sunscreen and began layering himself up.
Georgie leaned back into the sun, pulled his bowler hat down and soon, he was sound asleep. I, however, watched the waves roll up and down, as the gulls shrieked in the distance; several children played and dogs began barking.
"Seagulls," mumbled Georgie. "I HATE birds!"
"I know, dear. Just, ignore them and rest."
Well, that is it for now. Georgie and Lyla going on vacation to Portugal!
I will TRY and finish this, plus the other stories soon but with summer school starting tomorrow, it may be awhile.
Don't worry and I hope you enjoyed this tale. 
This was great! A week trip away from the kids.
I could picture Georgie the entire time....poor guy! That picture, thou! 'It smells...' and then him in the background with the birds! XD 'But, I don't WANT to be a pork and cheese!' That was the best! Good luck with summer school, dude! Don't be a stranger now. 
Nah, I won't.
I will TRY and get as much as I can done. Glad you enjoyed it.
Emily Porgie
"That's pretty sad. I've seen bigger wieners in the hot dog section at the fuckin' grocery store, then what I'm lookin' at right now!"
Age: 19
Powers: None that either she or her family know about. The only thing 'different' about Emily is her ability to take pain and not feel a thing. Perks to not only being a Fable but the daughter of infamous Georgie Porgie.
Job: Pimp and the new owner of the Pudding & Pie; her assistant is Hans Junior and bartender remains in the hands of Henry.
The apple sure as hell didn't fall far from the tree. Everyone, including the parents to be, were concerned about Junior becoming the next 'Georgie Porgie' of Fabletown. Years down the road, however, fell into the hands of Emily. She would rather be alone and tend to her business; the club is all she knows and does not appreciate people trying to put their noses in places it shouldn't be. Her club continues to be #1 with entertainment in the community. She continues to cater to the diverse tastes of the community, while trying new themes and open to new suggestions. Emily is not bothered when people compare her to her father; in fact, she is thrilled and takes it as a complement. Never bad mouth her father when she is near, however. People have been known to 'vanish' without a trace when this happens. Despite her appearance and sassy attitude, Emily is very kind and loyal to those that show her respect.
Dear Diary- Fuck, man! All I remember is waking up and mom and dad are bailing me out. I was behind bars again; fuckin' mundy police, actin' like they fuckin' know me and my business! Mom was pissed; something about the Business office, spells, Snow...I don't give a fuck. That sheriff can suck it. Can't stand that motherfucker for what he did to me and my family. Wish my father wouldn't be so nice to him-who cares! Ugh...thank god for Whiskey and Asprin. I can't spend too much time relaxing-need to be at the club in 3 hours. Shit! The damn sink is broken again...fuck this apartment! Fuck this city, fuck the government system...fuck the sheriff and everyone else! Wonder how tonight is going to be at the club. Hopefully things go better than yesterday. Felicia better be there today. I need a fuckin' stress reliever tonight. For fuck's sake..
NOTE: Think I will combine the next two; Junior and Penny can go on one. Maybe. Hopefully I will get around to it...summer school starts tomorrow and man, am I prepared to be gone for awhile.
Will TRY to get on here and post what I can.
Enjoy.
Oh she DOES look like Georgie! 0.0 Damn! Why does she hate Bigby so much....and that quote under her! ROFL! Good job, Pie! Can't wait for the other 2. BTW, good luck with school.
Hope to hear from you soon. Also, love how you are doing the whole diary thing!
Like, the opening of what is to come!
No problem. Nice to see Georgie in a lot of your stories.
your work, Porgie! Keep it up! Can't wait for the quad's story now.
Lovin' the pic! You and Emmy are perfect contenders so far!
Thanks! As usual, Mary will only be a nuisance occasionally. She may get on Harmony's nerves, but she knows when to give her space. Harmony likes stashing Mary's mirrors in obscure places just to mess with her XD I'm hoping to build off of Tim and Harm's relationship some, but I don't want to push it too far because I still want her to cling onto her innocence. I also plan on taking her back to the North Wind Kingdom (A birthday for her and her siblings, perhaps?) And I want to keep integrating comic facts into each chapter, since it's supposed to go hand in hand with current issues everyone deals with. I wish I could draw like pudding_pie, he makes the greatest pics to go with his stories. I'll just have to find similar photos online to aid the creative process. Maybe the next chapter
Thanks again, especially for the birthday wishes. It was a really nice birthday for me. I got the Bioshock Infinite Season Pass (Which is so far, fantabulous, lol).
Oh s! Happy birthday, btw! Ugh man-the gift you got sounds amazing! Can't wait to see their adventures in Spain! Love how Harmony stashes mirrors to mess with Mary! Good job! Can't wait to read more!!
Perfect! Believe our countries are neighbors; maybe I will see Harm, Tim and Mary! XD
Doge likes

LMAO I don't know why but this made my night!
So many Porgies, I know! XD
You will understand once I write the stories. I won't go into TOO much detail but Peter and one of the quads are destined to fight; each child Georgie has will be destined for either great or something devastating. Peter is sort of the outcast among his siblings. You can TRY and guess but idk...:) Thank you so much.
For the holiday challenge
The secret Chapter....or secret ending?
The Dragon Family Holiday
Newly married couple Draco the powerful half human half dragon and his wife, Viera a half human half phoenix are only their way to with their 4 year old son Marcelo to Silver Beach in Beihai China. They are accompanied by Bigby and his wife Snow and Bigby's brother Wolven and his wife Jenn.
Snow ,Jenn and Marcelo walked to the beach while, Draco, Bigby and Wolven discuss business matters.
Bigby gets straight to the point as he sniffs the air that is filled with the scent a grilled steak and chicken causing his belly to growl.
Bigby: Ok Draco. I understand what you and your wife have been through. But what happened down town with your son and those group of people, that can't happened again, he nearly killed all those people. The business office is all over Snows ass about this situation. People are still talking about-
Draco: They are not taking my son away from me. It wasn't his fault... He is still learning to control it.
Bigby: I know but, the Fabletown government takes these things pretty seriously. I mean, we had problems with trolls, murders,schemes and shit like that but never like what Marcello did.
Draco: Then I will show them. I will show them that my son can control his power. He's just like me when I was younger. He need's his mother and father Bigby. Please don't take that away from him.
Wolven: Our mother died long ago. Me and my brothers went to live with my father while Bigby remained with her,... body.
Bigby: Wolven..
Wolven: I'm sorry Bigby....
Bigby: Whatever, let's eat i I'm starved.
The 3 walked down the board walk towards where the others are set up and from a distance into the ocean a creature slightly lifts it's head out of the ocean...
To be continued
I'm not mad.
Japanime and the weird shit they come up with, huh?
Yep, I found those parts hilarious where Harmony does that to Mary, made me smile haha. Anyways, it sounds like you have a plan, I trust that you will execute it greatly!
Congrats on getting the season pass for Bioshock Infinite as well! (Did you enjoy your cake? :P) I honestly can't wait to see what game the new studio will come up with next since they technically don't own Bioshock no more.
Minds will be blown if that were the case.
Plus, I wish good luck to you at summer school, dude. Though you'll just probably be sleeping on the desk in back, right? XD
Of course, there are more Fablish monsters for Draco to fight. Dragons never get a break. Sigh.
Thanks! I've been reading some of the chapters you've been putting out, and I must say, they are amazing. You should compile them into a book of sorts, since there are so many chapters. I love the quads (Especially Emily, I wonder why
) And I also love your portrayal of Gren and Georgie, making them seem like nicer guys once you look underneath the tough shell. I haven't read too many of your chapters but I'll make it my personal goal to finish as much of them as possible before the summer ends!
My cake was delicious, although it melted really quick and got everywhere, lol. I'm about to start playing the DLC in a few, so I'll tell you how much I like it.
Remember me MUAHAHHAHA I'm working on my next part and it will be here soon the final piece of Spark Among Us and I'll be back later to catch up on the awesome stories
Yeah, characters have a tendencies to get stuck in places at times. Interested to see your holiday special too, regardless of it being different.
Very sharp of you, Dragon. They are relevant, to a degree, however my slowness at writing and not-brilliantly-executed storyline means that I can understand why things would appear unconnected. I plan on joining the dots in the next part, and hopefully - I am particularly hopeful - will get it all finished in a part after that. Might be handy if I surmised a few things at some point, too.
By the by, how's Tezoth doing lately?