Are you sure he is REALLY dead, if so, reconsider
Hey everybody we all saw what happened last season In episode 5. Our feelings were crushed and we felt betrayed. But hold on a second, we all saw what happened but we DIDNT SEE WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. We didn't see Lee dead in front of our eyes. Now if you decided to leave him he could've got up or Molly found him but if you decided to shoot him ( what if Clementine missed!!). Feel free to share your thoughts (do it for Lee)
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Guys, what if Lee got bitten and died?
This kind of outside-the-box thinking would have gotten you executed in the old days.
At least I can laugh at people from above.
Everything is hearsay until episode 4or 5 imo..100% would not be surprised if they bring him back in a "I got lucky" scenario. .
Duck survived too he just faked his death.
Let's see he can take 3 walkers bites , be shot in the stomach and all that without an arm ,plus he can be shot in the head ,i'm sure he is all right.
EDIT: Also Clementine wouldn't be like :Oh Lee you're ok i'm gonna let you here and go find Omid and Christa and never return again even when you saved my life countless times.
Just a flesh wound.
Telltale confirmed Lee's death. But that's STILL not enough.
Jake Rodkin, the co-project leader of The Walking Dead, confirmed that Lee is dead.
Lee is dead. Please, stop rehashing this.
But what if Lee got lucky?
Real lucky?
It's like that guy predicted the future.
''Lee is dead.'' ''Accept it moron!'' I'm not gonna accept this s**t!!
ill make it easy
dave fenoy said that lee ain't coming back.
there u go
LMFAO someone Should take a Gif with Bigfoot in it and put Lee's face on it and it should Say Lee Spotted.
dude lee was bit and they didnt cut his arm off in time, lee is dead, gone, and well never return to the walking dead
yes and larry also found a doctor to reconstruct his face and he met up with lee and they are on a epic quest to catch up with the season 2 crew seriously anyone who thinks lee is alive has a thick fucking skull and needs to move on
As Carver would say: "You got a thick fucking skull, people..."
Just let him go already.
Lee and Elvis are dead.
Look, man/lady, Lee is dead. His legacy lives on through Clementine, however. But, if you really want to keep his spirit alive and remember as the heroic legend he was... play this song. Share this song so that everyone can rejoice in Lee's awesomeness.
Holy crap!! This is awesomely hilarious, thanks for sharing it
Alright, I'm honestly getting tired of this.
Lee is DEAD, face it, HE'S DEAD. Don't throw this "you have no proof" stuff in my face, it's called LOGIC. If you get Clementine to shoot Lee, she will mention several times that she has killed Lee. If you left him, you can see that he is turning into "one of those things"
I don't like no hash.
If you let Clementine shoot Lee then he dies. If you decided to leave him he would've become zombified.
Are people still making threads about the possibility of Lee being alive? SERIOUSLY?!
You mean, like "electric boogaloo" lucky?
-_- He can get bit multiple times when killing the herd of walkers in episode 5. What about them people? As much as I hate to say it, he's definitely dead...
You mean "SeriousLEE" ?
I see what you did there.
Reason why he died off screen was because it would have been too much for us to handle. Majority were crying prior to this. Telltale made a good decision on that.
Yeah, we got to see pretty much everyone die, but we've known Lee since the first second of episode 1. Whenever Clem shot Lee, I was just crying and hoping we didn't have to see him die. I couldn't even IMAGINE what Clem was feeling...oh God..
Man... shut up or i'll-
-be forced to engage you in mature and civil discussion.
DEAD! It has been confirmed by literally everyone who exists. I made the treck to the mountans of tibet, where I found the monastary. I asked the monks, is Lee from The Walking Dead Dead? "Of course he is, that was obvious" they said.
The fuck? I knew there had to be someone higher up talking to you. Giraffehat, you backstabbing, two-timing motherfucker. I knew this day would come.