I Wrote A Song About Bigby - Would you mind telling me what you think about it?
Hey I came across the Wolf Among Us after seeing Pewdiepie play it and I got hooked immediately. After playing the first two episodes I got inspired to write a song about Bigby and the difficulties he has as a sheriff when most people still fear him or even loath him for what he did in the past. (It was mainly Colin's and Bigby's conversation about not being able to change the past and not being able to change people's memories either...)
Anyways here is the link:
Hope I don't annoy you but I don't have friends who play the game so I thought maybe this community might find it interesting?
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Awsome sauce.
Hmmm... I was expecting atleast pictures of it but that's just me being a bastard, nevermind, ignore this.
You should ask Telltale to use it as a song for the final credits. Great job, trully.
Cool! Sounds good, I like the chorus, really dark and kind of matches to the games atmosphere. If this got into the end credits that would be awesome!
Well I wanted to use some, actually I had recorded some parts of me playing it but then I thought maybe Telltale Games wouldn't like me using the material. And I do not want to get copyright issues
I had a channel were I covered songs before and I had it almost closed because of some claims so now I started a new channel where I just have my original songs and without video material or pictures I don't own. Sorry if you don't like it that way. I would have loved to make it a live action thing btw but I couldn't find anyone to play Bigby 
I don't have the guts to do that
but thanks! saying that means a lot to me 
I tried to match it as best as I could keeping in mind I still had to sing it
. I was mostly inspired by the music from Bigby's apartment. Such a great scene too!
Thank you
I'm glad if you like it!
Thanks for posting this here! Someone shared it around the office via email this weekend, it's awesome.
Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Very cool stuff @Avengeline! Catchy!
Fantastic! I spent a month listening to that track as I worked on the apartment scene and it's great to hear it like this! Thanks for sharing!
I am so glad you like it! No problem if it wasn't for the game I would have never written this song!
Thank you! Wow I am very happy someone saw it!
Really? That is probably my favorite scene! So thank you for making it!
Thank you!
Happy you like it!
Love it!
The Telltale staff have all come out of hiding, I see? :P
Also, that's a really great song. You have some talent!
Really beautiful song. I feel like I've already listened to it long ago.
Wow, this is awesome!
Bigby just became the new James Bond with your fantastic track. A-mazing!
Thank you so much!
I am surprised but of course very happy they all took the time to answer. I am really glad you all like it!
Thank you! I thought the game's soundtrack has a rather heavy feeling of nostalgia to it and I am happy if you think I was able to capture that feeling!
Thank you
I got da voice,gurl!
Wow realy nice song you got some talent.
Thank you for the compliment
Reminded me of Caro Emerald,that's a band.Your styles seem alike.You should look them up on YouTube.
Thank you
I can see the similarities but I like experimenting with different genres of music. I listen to everything from game soundtracks to pop music and that's how I compose. 
The whole video actually! I can imagine Biggs wearing a tux now whilst he aims a silenced pistol at the camera, haha.
They should! It shall be titled...
"Undercover Wolf - The Reckoning"