The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I don't sleep 'til at least 5 or 6, lol. Night!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I was working so yeah :P Night, Joseph. You should go to sleep.

  • The tv show version of the governor's past is a mystery and not much is known but I think I have solved the puzzle and put all of the pieces together

    Before the outbreak Phillip Blake and Milton Mamet ( (this guy if anyone has forgotten) owned a casino in las vegas and they used to sing songs together for shits and gigs

    This is supported as the governor can be seen reliving his singing days in twd

    mystery solved and half life 3 confirmed

  • so... I pulled an all nighter yesterday night, and almost passed out (for the second time) earlier... but as soon as i try to go to sleep, I can't. :( guess i'm pulling another all nighter.

  • Goddammit, Devyn.

    sardines posted: »

    so... I pulled an all nighter yesterday night, and almost passed out (for the second time) earlier... but as soon as i try to go to sleep, I can't. guess i'm pulling another all nighter.

  • no, YOU goddamnit, joseph D:<

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Goddammit, Devyn.

  • Lol, but in a seriousness, are you feeling alright right now, at least?

    sardines posted: »

    no, YOU goddamnit, joseph <

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, but in a seriousness, are you feeling alright right now, at least?

  • In your wildest dreams.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    DLB is cooler.


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    DLB is cooler.

  • I haven't dreamed of any of you guys yet :c

    In your wildest dreams.

  • yeah, still jittery and weird, but at least I'm not dizzy/passing out xD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, but in a seriousness, are you feeling alright right now, at least?

  • Lol, I mean that DLB is cooler than WtW. And no, I'm sorry, but LeeTheBro is the coolest around here :P

    sardines posted: »


  • Hope that doesn't continue tomorrow. Just remember to eat and sleep, lol.

    sardines posted: »

    yeah, still jittery and weird, but at least I'm not dizzy/passing out xD

  • The only people from here that I dreamed of were ATR (she fed me to a fucking tiger, ALIVE), Elian, and Rachel. I think you were in it too, but I don't know how I knew you were in there, because I never actually saw you. I just kinda knew "Yeah, I dreamed about Joe".

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I haven't dreamed of any of you guys yet :c

  • Okay. That's true. Lee is the coolest. :P But I'm cool too!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, I mean that DLB is cooler than WtW. And no, I'm sorry, but LeeTheBro is the coolest around here :P

  • Oh, but of course you are! :D

    sardines posted: »

    Okay. That's true. Lee is the coolest. :P But I'm cool too!

  • That's pretty messed up of ATR, lol. I guess I was just there doing nothing :c

    The only people from here that I dreamed of were ATR (she fed me to a fucking tiger, ALIVE), Elian, and Rachel. I think you were in it too,

  • The meaning of life.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    WTF did i just watch?

  • Is it weird that this was the only Disney movie that I genuinely liked?

    This song is my life:

  • No, I think you died. >:D

    But at least you didn't get fed to a tiger. It was pretty fucked up actually...... we were sort of hiding from it inside these bins, and when the tiger got close to us, she reached out from her own bin and shoved me... the ground was covered in soap (lolwut), so I ended up sliding all over the place, and I smashed right into the damn tiger and then it was dragging me out by my legs and it ate my face.

    I still can't believe she would do that. -______-

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's pretty messed up of ATR, lol. I guess I was just there doing nothing :c

  • Lol, I've never actually seen it, but I was looking up Disney songs and I found this and I LOVE IT, IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY WHEN I LISTEN TO IT. It reminds me of my grandma, for some reason. >.>

    Is the movie good?

    Is it weird that this was the only Disney movie that I genuinely liked?

  • Oh, I died? ;~;

    I actually laughed at how the ground was covered in soap. I probably wouldn't be laughing, though. I'd be crying! Is that the only time you died in a dream? I died in my own dream once.

    No, I think you died. >:D But at least you didn't get fed to a tiger. It was pretty fucked up actually...... we were sort of hiding fr

  • edited June 2014

    XD imagine The Walking Dead Musical.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    The tv show version of the governor's past is a mystery and not much is known but I think I have solved the puzzle and put all of the pieces

  • edited June 2014

    Yeah, I think so. For some reason my dream was kind of like the Hunger Games (but with a tiger...... idefk), and each round the tiger would come find us and we would have to hide from it, and if you weren't hidden well enough or if you weren't quiet, it would find you and eat you. I think you probably were one of the first ones to be found.

    LOL, I have no idea why the ground was covered in soap, that's the weirdest shit ever. I think I actually screamed "ATR, NO WHY", and Rachel was watching from her own bin as I was sliding around. ;-; freaking bff award right there. Lmfaooo.

    I die a lot in my dreams. Like, 5/10 dreams I have I'll die in them. It's weird, because people usually say that you're supposed to wake up before you actually die, but I literally actually die. It's not painful, but it's terrifying. Like, I knew I was getting eaten alive, and I could SEE the tiger taking bites out of me, AND I WAS ALIVE THROUGH THE WHOLE THING AND I NEVER FUCKING WOKE UP T_T

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Oh, I died? ;~; I actually laughed at how the ground was covered in soap. I probably wouldn't be laughing, though. I'd be crying! Is that the only time you died in a dream? I died in my own dream once.

  • edited June 2014

    Yes. It is the best Disney movie that ever existed. Then again, I never really like Disney movies.

    Also, this is the first Disney princess movie to have a black protagonist.

    Lol, I've never actually seen it, but I was looking up Disney songs and I found this and I LOVE IT, IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY WHEN I LISTEN TO IT. It reminds me of my grandma, for some reason. >.> Is the movie good?

  • I actually hate musicals but I would still pay to see it

    XD imagine The Walking Dead Musical.

  • edited June 2014

    That's not like me at all, lol. I am the quietest person most people ever met. I could be a ninja! Okay...

    Hahahahaha, she was probably all like "Oh out for that tiger...Ooo, soz...suks 2 b u, lol".

    That's pretty fucked up and terrifying. I remembered getting attacked by a bear once in some Cabin (like from TWD). Despite a few broken bones, bad scratches, and bites, I survived. The dream I died in was when the 9/11 attacks happened. I was at the Pentagon for some reason with my mom. We were looking out the window and saw a plane coming right at us, but we didn't have time to react faster. So I said "I love you" in spanish. Next thing I know, I saw bright orange, then white. then black. I actually felt the heat from the explosion too.

    Yeah, my dreams are very vivid and realistic.

    Yeah, I think so. For some reason my dream was kind of like the Hunger Games (but with a tiger...... idefk), and each round the tiger would

  • It would be funny like the zomb.... I mean walkers break into some thriller dance before they attack XD.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    I actually hate musicals but I would still pay to see it

  • LOL "WATCH OUT FOR THAT TIGER", yeah that sounds like something she would say.... >.>

    Geez...... you felt the explosion too? That's kind of like something that happened to me once. In one of my dreams, my house was being invaded by these rednecks with shotguns (my dreams really make no fucking sense, like ever), and one of the rednecks was trying to take my little sister off somewhere and I'm like "no fucking way bitch" and I was wrestling with the dude, and I pushed my sister out of the way..... I thought I had the upperhand, until he took the shotgun and put the barrel right up against my face and shot me literally FULL ON IN THE FACE, and I could feel the heat of the bullet, even though I couldn't feel any pain. There was like a huge red flash and then I woke up tangled in my sheets, covered in sweat, and it was just horrible.

    I freaking hate dreams. I wish I could take a pill that makes me NOT dream.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's not like me at all, lol. I am the quietest person most people ever met. I could be a ninja! Okay... Hahahahaha, she was pro

  • I had one but for me i was on a field trip to the towers when 9/11 happened and when the planes hit and the towers were about to collapse i jumped through the window and as i fell and hit the ground everything went black. I woke up and noticed i had thrown my pillow and sheets off the bed.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's not like me at all, lol. I am the quietest person most people ever met. I could be a ninja! Okay... Hahahahaha, she was pro

  • As soon as I read "my house was being invaded by these rednecks with shotguns", I literally LOLed. Yeah, I really hate when I have one of those intense, life-threatening dreams and I wake up all sweaty and nervous, UGH! There are awesome dreams, though. I bet you had some good ones at some point c:

    LOL "WATCH OUT FOR THAT TIGER", yeah that sounds like something she would say.... >.> Geez...... you felt the explosion too? That's

  • Shit, man. That's scary af :\

    I had one but for me i was on a field trip to the towers when 9/11 happened and when the planes hit and the towers were about to collapse i

  • Nah I've had scarier ones like the type that you are screaming and cant wake up unless someone does it type scary but thats when i was a kid.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Shit, man. That's scary af

  • Honestly, the only dreams I really remember are the bad ones... :( I don't know why. It's like the bad dreams are the only ones that stick in my memory. I dreamed once that I was at this petting zoo type thing with my mom and there were these ginormous parrots that would swoop down from the ceiling and land on your shoulders and tickle the back of your neck with their beaks until you gave them food.

    It's weird, I can spend hours talking about all the nightmares I've had, but when it comes to talking about good dreams, I can barely even think of any. ;-; Like, I've had dreams where I'm in a high speed police chase with my dad and his crappy ass hippie van (it has a huge peace sign painted on the side of it, that's why I call it hippie), I've dreamed about being in school shootings, bank robberies... I think I may have even dreamed that I was a bank robber at one point.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    As soon as I read "my house was being invaded by these rednecks with shotguns", I literally LOLed. Yeah, I really hate when I have one of th

  • Oh, I know what you're talking about. That only happened to me like twice.

    Nah I've had scarier ones like the type that you are screaming and cant wake up unless someone does it type scary but thats when i was a kid.

  • You are hardcore.

    Honestly, the only dreams I really remember are the bad ones... I don't know why. It's like the bad dreams are the only ones that stick in

  • edited June 2014

    I bet my subconscious wishes I was more fun in real life. Maybe that's why it's always showing me these fucked up things. Like, "hmm, maybe if we show her how to rob a bank in her dreams, she'll actually do it."

    You are hardcore.

  • edited June 2014

    Now that you mention it, I can't remember any good dreams either. But I KNOW I had good ones before! That parrot dream is kinda cute, btw c:

    Lol, by any chance, does that van resemble to anything like the one from Scooby Doo? I get reoccurring dreams of realistic airplane crashes happening right near me. I also had dreams of school shootings and terrorist attacks and I was the terrorist once...or some kind of hitman! I went into some stranger's home and planted a bomb in their basement. I hauled ass out of there, went home, and triggered it killing whoever was in there. Then I felt really guilty and heartbroken afterwards. I guess I didn't wanna do that ;~;

    Honestly, the only dreams I really remember are the bad ones... I don't know why. It's like the bad dreams are the only ones that stick in

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