If Kenny Saved Ben
One line I don't find at all canon (in my opinion) from 'A House Divided' is the line where Kenny says he tried to save "that shitbird Ben". I don't see why Kenny suddenly despises Ben when I thought it was made clear from the writers of the first season that he actually liked Ben at the end, which is why he tried to save him in the first place.
I would understand that perhaps he regretted his actions, but I still don't understand why he would dislike Ben the way he did. Just a thought.
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I think 'liked' is the wrong word for Kenny and Ben's relationship in episode 5.
Kenny didn't exactly "like" Ben, but rather, just understood where he's from which was why he no longer threatened him later on, heck Kenny even tried to save him.
Although when Kenny said that in S2Ep2 just left my head scratching. Even Clementine didn't react to that.
I don't know, it made sense to me...
Kenny: For some reason i tried to save that guy who stole our suplies, got our group in danger twice, lost our boat (determinant) and killed my family.
If there's someone that didn't like Ben, it was Kenny.
Ignore this.
Honestly, Kenny being pissed at Ben still is the only believable part of his entire return story. In that very line, the notion that he "tried to save" Ben is the part I take issue with, considering he did no such thing. He spent two seconds pistol-whipping a walker and then shot the kid in the head. As I said before, it's possible he could be lying, but then why even bring it up to Clem at all? "Got caught in a crowd of them, barely survived".
He's not coming back people, as much as we all want it to happen.
Hm, maybe they simply hate Anora?
Haven't played Dragon Age yet, I need to do it.
I'm pretty sure he was saying that somewhat affectionately, as he always knew him as "that shitbird", so that's what he referred to him as. If he disliked him he wouldn't have tried to save him in EP5.
Kenny is a fighter he can take some walkers!
I guess so. Huge old men, walkie-talkies, and truck shutters seem to be his weaknesses.
But what I'm saying is, why would the writers make us and Kenny feel pity for Ben (even if we hated him) when we understand where he's coming from. Just to ignore it, and go back to "Oh well fuck Ben." It just seems like wasted character development.
You should man, it's not as good as Mass Effect though.
Eeeeh, I actually think it's better in a lot of ways.
DA:O, anyway.
He's just trying to act tough for Clem. I thought it was pretty obvious that he was trying too hard to be cheerful and appear happy to Clem, Sarita and her even talk about it. The innapropriate jokes, laughter and then when the act slips and he mentions Duck is clue enough...
She doesn't know what happened between Ben and Kenny while she was in the marshhouse, anyway. I don't think Kenny wanted to remember something so depressing as soon they'd just met after a year apart, so he just acted like the same old Kenny who Clem knew always disliked Ben.
I'm pretty sure Kenny will open up to Clem about how he truly feels as the episodes progress and they get closer.
He already feels comfortable talking to her about how he misses Duck, as we saw in EP3 when they were about to go to sleep, and that really means something, because he hasn't felt comfortable talking about it even with Sarita. As Sarita said, "He never talked about his past with me. I don't know much about him." He's keeping all the grief tucked away inside him, but it seems Clem is able to break through the thick shell.
I think Kenny will talk to her about Ben after something tragic happens in the next couple of EPs.
We know Kenny is the sort of guy who keeps guilt-tripping himself internally for stuff that happened in the past. I'm sure he feels bad about Ben.
Most people beat him down so they wouldn't know, but in Season 1's EP3 when Lee's trying get him to stop the train, if you pick the right dialogue choices, Kenny'll break down and start lamenting that he thinks it's his fault that his son is going to die because he didn't save Hershel's son back in EP1, even if it wasn't really his fault at all.
"Ain't no way this world is gonna let my son live when I helped put another's down..."
Honestly surprised this many people give a crap about ben
They didn't. Just like Kenny felt the need to say ''Lee was a hell of a guy'' or ''Lee and i had our diferences'', he felt the need to say ''Ben is a shitbird''.
That's just Kenny's way of describing his character. To some it may seem offensive, but you can't deny that Ben was a dumbass.
Or at least that's how i see it.
He was a good guy.
I'm with you, Snook. I love DA:O.
Don't forget cancer patients.
Fingers crossed for Inquisition being on par.
I never understood why people were so upset with Kenny calling Ben "Shitbird" Yes, he may finally had been able to make peace with him, but Ben still indirectly killed half of the group. Plus it didn't even look like he was saying it in a hateful tone.