This is something I edited together for another website, and I wondered if any of you would get a kick out of it. (Quote from when Clementine is talking to luke in S201.)
S203 spoilers if you haven't played yet, so scroll right through :P
Phandagron Chronicles: The Ninja and the Paladancer is now up for sale. Now I could just put the Lulu Marketplace link to it, but I'm kind of lazy, and Markdown still isn't familiar territory for me, even though I've used it for all my novels so far. That's... actually pretty ironic.
Also, forgot to mention I finally have a job. Wait, did I mention it here before? I forgot.
It appears "Whatever's on your Mind" has become "Mod Hotline," and Forum of the Dead Lounge has unofficially taken this thread's place.
Guru will be so_pissed.
I think it's the salty kind. I prefer barbeque though.
Whyyyyy ;_;
It's an app on iPhone called 123D sculpt.
oh, I don't have an iPhone
thanks anyway
I like barbeque and salt and vinegar. But the ones that come in the bag, not the tube.
HEHEHE My mom is getting me one right this second actually.
Ainda não. Mas estou planejando, heh.
Well, let's spruce it up then.
Phandagron Chronicles: The Ninja and the Paladancer is now up for sale. Now I could just put the Lulu Marketplace link to it, but I'm kind of lazy, and Markdown still isn't familiar territory for me, even though I've used it for all my novels so far. That's... actually pretty ironic.
Also, forgot to mention I finally have a job. Wait, did I mention it here before? I forgot.
that's not fair
É muito giro, vais gostar, especialmente de Lisboa!
Playing Watch Dogs 1st time. Let's see...
Why not? if EVERYONE had one, no one would be sad xD
What's that supposed to be?
Thanks, Tobi. You're a good guy.
I tried to make a one that looks like you.
that made me laugh xD but... Am I that ugly???
Isn't it obvious? It's clementine.
Also there's an app for android that's similar to this one, it's called "true sculpt"
Cool! Thanks, Rachel!
Tenho certeza que sim! c:
21, but I haven't gone to Mexico for years, I was trying to say that I went with my parents xD
You're not ugly, my drawing skills are ugly.
It's good, but it gets old after like two weeks. I'd give it a 9/10.
You, ugly? No way!
why is everybody making fun of my portrait???
I feel so much better now
I'm actually relieved... for a few minutes I thought I was xD
Guru will be so_pissed.
aww, I'm 18 xD so you from?
Damnit Rig !!!
At least it isn't his burden this time. :P
Cool! So many young people here making me feel old lol. I was born and raised in Texas btw, and you?
MAYBE?!?!? (I'm not gay btw, but he's fucking handsome!)
Dat juice.
I'd suggest making a "The Moderators Do Everything Wrong" thread, but then it would just turn into a bitchfest.
It's always a party in here.