The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited July 2014

    Right... XD

    Awesomeo, I was joking right?

  • I'd suggest making a "The Moderators Do Everything Wrong" thread

    We already have one. Let me direct you there.

    GaryCXJk posted: »

    I'd suggest making a "The Moderators Do Everything Wrong" thread, but then it would just turn into a bitchfest.

  • I'm portuguese, I'm from Lisbon! Someone is older than me yey!

    JonGon posted: »

    Cool! So many young people here making me feel old lol. I was born and raised in Texas btw, and you?

  • Damn, why do all the pretty girls think they are ugly?

    I'm actually relieved... for a few minutes I thought I was xD

  • You're probably right xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    and Glenn (maybe) MAYBE?!?!? (I'm not gay btw, but he's fucking handsome!)

  • Only a handful of older people here xD I think the oldest I met here was 65.

    I'm portuguese, I'm from Lisbon! Someone is older than me yey!

  • Indeed, I never listen to the radio, I listen to bands that I discover along the way that I actually enjoy.Radio music is what society wants you to listen to, i'm not interested in that....

    Although Its all about preferences, my favorite band is Arctic Monkeys :P

    I doubt that you can hear it on the radio though....

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Fair point. I have a variety of music, but it seems the songs on the radio never spark my interest, but some of the random songs that I come

  • U mad bro?

    Rafoli posted: »

    JonGon is getting that puss tonight... Calm down, it was a joke.

  • Good to have my zuera partner back huahuahuahuahuahuahuahuahua


  • I don't think I'm ugly, I'm well aware of what I am xD

    JonGon posted: »

    Damn, why do all the pretty girls think they are ugly?

  • JonGon is getting that puss tonight...

    Calm down, it was a joke.

    JonGon posted: »

    You, ugly? No way!


    JonGon posted: »

    Only a handful of older people here xD I think the oldest I met here was 65.

  • Hey, let's make a "thread of incorrect assumptions about why member x was banned".

    Although I think we already have a dozen.

  • I'd want to know how to do the accent, I'm pretty good at imitating most accents.

    That ain't no reason xD

  • It's pretty easy, at least for me

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'd want to know how to do the accent, I'm pretty good at imitating most accents.

  • I'm too lazy to use Google Translate... :/

    Tenho certeza que sim! c:

  • I thought there was a face in this person's face, but it's actually the "D" from Clem's hat and some blood marks. Thanks for the clarification, your drawing skills are awesome. XD

    Isn't it obvious? It's clementine.

  • Glenn is flattered :)

    Alt text

    You're probably right xD

  • U mad bro?

    Rafoli posted: »

    JonGon is getting that puss tonight... Calm down, it was a joke.

  • that Glenn is kinda ugly.. I rather the chinese one

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Glenn is flattered

  • Don't worry, you didn't really miss anything. :p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm too lazy to use Google Translate...

  • You made my day DLB :D

    Alt text

    It's always good to get to know some new people!

    I couldn't kill AWESOMEO. He's like family. Everyone here is my second family. Plus, AWESOMEO Just got unbanned, I don't want him gone already.

  • Yea! He hangs around the release date thread. He always signs his post with

    Just me, Tim

    Pretty cool guy once you get to know him.


  • Alt text


    Rafoli posted: »

    Good to have my zuera partner back huahuahuahuahuahuahuahuahua

  • I'm 20, don't think I ever saw you around here ^^

    Welcome to this lovely lovely thread Debora :D

    Btw I host nightly GTAV sessions on PS3 most nights, if you own the game and a PS3 you're welcome to join us :P

    I post the official announcements at around 5pm eastern time these days, for those in different timezones.


  • Dayum! That confidence, that's good though.

    I don't think I'm ugly, I'm well aware of what I am xD

  • Pretty much like comics, but a different style, plus there are always tons of comments in the middle of the page xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I've never read a single manga in my life.

  • You never saw me around cuz I'm new, xD thanks anyway.

    and I don't have a PS3, unfortunately :(


    I'm 20, don't think I ever saw you around here ^^ Welcome to this lovely lovely thread Debora Btw I host nightly GTAV sessions on PS3

  • Alt text

    sardines posted: »

    This is something I edited together for another website, and I wondered if any of you would get a kick out of it. (Quote from when Clementine is talking to luke in S201.) S203 spoilers if you haven't played yet, so scroll right through :P

  • You know you're my only bae Raf -.o

    Rafoli posted: »

    JonGon is getting that puss tonight... Calm down, it was a joke.

  • Aww that's very friendly and.. adorable xD

    And what is he doin' here?

    JonGon posted: »

    Yea! He hangs around the release date thread. He always signs his post with Just me, Tim Pretty cool guy once you get to know him.

    edited July 2014



  • 65? Damn, and what's your PSN ID?

    You never saw me around cuz I'm new, xD thanks anyway. and I don't have a PS3, unfortunately cries

  • I never said what I thought I was xD I'm starting to like you JonGon :) You are a cool kid

    JonGon posted: »

    Dayum! That confidence, that's good though.

  • u gay? Sadness

    JonGon posted: »

    You know you're my only bae Raf -.o

  • Awwww well i'll probably host on PS4 eventually....if you happen to have one :P

    I'm kinda new too, in a way, I somehow became one of the coolest members around in the span of a few week xD

    I made my first thread when I joined and the likes are still accumulating. Gotta love constructive criticism.

    Oh and welcome to the forum then ^^

    My experience has been pretty awesome so far :D

    You never saw me around cuz I'm new, xD thanks anyway. and I don't have a PS3, unfortunately cries

  • Alt text

    I tried to make a one that looks like you.

  • Don't say that to HIM !!! You don't know what you just unleashed on this world... D: XD

    that Glenn is kinda ugly.. I rather the chinese one

  • wait, what? I didn't understand xD

    CodPatrol posted: »

    65? Damn, and what's your PSN ID?

  • Everyone's like that, no sane person actually thinks he's beautiful, if someone does I'm pretty sure it's an illness.

    JonGon posted: »

    Damn, why do all the pretty girls think they are ugly?

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