Before this gets out of hand: Yes, in the depth of the internet, one video game journalist with a rather, rather limited knowledge about Telltale's way of handling release schedules and an interesting inability to research his articles properly has tried to "confirm" a July 15th release date for his readers.
You all know better. It's bollocks. Telltale doesn't know for sure, so no journalist out there knows for sure.
I was contemplating on finding a way to make release date threads more fun (and bearable for that matter) since most posts only consist of p… moreeople getting upset about length in-between episode releases.
I was toying around with making up trivia questions or something so that the atmosphere in the waiting threads would be more upbeat and fun. However, this Episode is fortunately releasing sooner than later (as evidenced by how this thread only has 15 pages, despite Wolf's popularity) so I just decided to hold off. That, and I also decided that for the time being, It was better to just let people vent and get things out of their system here in the thread.
I still am open to ideas to make release date threads more upbeat if you all have any ideas to throw out.
Before this gets out of hand: Yes, in the depth of the internet, one video game journalist with a rather, rather limited knowledge about Tel… moreltale's way of handling release schedules and an interesting inability to research his articles properly has tried to "confirm" a July 15th release date for his readers.
You all know better. It's bollocks. Telltale doesn't know for sure, so no journalist out there knows for sure.
Actually that starts appearing when an episode is 1-2 weeks from release. It's not so much a glitch as a teaser that the episode is coming out really soon.
That's a glitch that happens with the Xbox360 version before an episode releases. It shows that you can download it, but you actually can't. Same thing happens with TWD S2.
Before this gets out of hand: Yes, in the depth of the internet, one video game journalist with a rather, rather limited knowledge about Tel… moreltale's way of handling release schedules and an interesting inability to research his articles properly has tried to "confirm" a July 15th release date for his readers.
You all know better. It's bollocks. Telltale doesn't know for sure, so no journalist out there knows for sure.
Maybe the layout is just there for kicks, maybe not, but if we do get to see Bigby's full on giant wolf form that'd be flippin awesome. The humanoid werewolf deal that we saw in episode 3 and the episode 5 "Next Time" trailer didn't really look all that great to me. Only my opinion, of course.
I know for a fact that we will get both Walking Dead S2 Episode 4 and Wolf Among Us Episode 5, sometime this month. It's just that, no one knows exactly when but this month is soon enough for 2 episodes. Here is a tweet confirming TWD Ep. 204 release for July.
For some reason I was thinking that Sam in TWD was TellTale trying out animal animations for TWAU, which would be pretty cool, although I hope Bigby gets some really badass Big Bad Wolf moments now, his true form is the best.
Maybe the layout is just there for kicks, maybe not, but if we do get to see Bigby's full on giant wolf form that'd be flippin awesome. The … morehumanoid werewolf deal that we saw in episode 3 and the episode 5 "Next Time" trailer didn't really look all that great to me. Only my opinion, of course.
For some reason I was thinking that Sam in TWD was TellTale trying out animal animations for TWAU, which would be pretty cool, although I hope Bigby gets some really badass Big Bad Wolf moments now, his true form is the best.
.. you can even.. you can...
Before this gets out of hand: Yes, in the depth of the internet, one video game journalist with a rather, rather limited knowledge about Telltale's way of handling release schedules and an interesting inability to research his articles properly has tried to "confirm" a July 15th release date for his readers.
You all know better. It's bollocks. Telltale doesn't know for sure, so no journalist out there knows for sure.
How about starting a pot for guessing the correct date /release window. That would make things more interesting.
i could but why joke when you have rules and facts on your side
Lots of people are like that on tons of websites, they post just to post.
Especially when it comes to speculation video game articles. :P
ok that's cool, but that's MY opinion too. Stop with the hypocrisy.
Actually that starts appearing when an episode is 1-2 weeks from release. It's not so much a glitch as a teaser that the episode is coming out really soon.
Yup... I can double-confirm that we don't yet have dates confirmed. :P
hey puzzle, awesome as always :P
There isn't any hypocrisy. I was merely stating my opinion. As were you.
okay but i was talking about the first statement. "It's his opinion". Okay that's cool but taht was mine too.
I hope we get the Press Preview Copy update soon, that means the episode is nearly read for release.
No July 15th release? Aww man.
Guess we'll just have to settle for the 8th then....
Let's see if we can get Telltale to settle for tomorrow instead? :P
im really hoping we can get the trailer friday and a release tuesday
That's the most likely thing to happen...
is that sarcasam i sense?
Nope, that wasn't sarcasm at all. Seems most likely actually.
Telltale just updated their Facebook page to the episode 5 layout. Hopefully they post some pics this week and we get a release next Tuesday.
Maybe the layout is just there for kicks, maybe not, but if we do get to see Bigby's full on giant wolf form that'd be flippin awesome. The humanoid werewolf deal that we saw in episode 3 and the episode 5 "Next Time" trailer didn't really look all that great to me. Only my opinion, of course.
Just got done scheduling some posts on our social channels for tomorrow morning... saves me having to think when I wake up!
Screenshots tomorrow??
Maybe even a trailer?
(can't control the hype)
Sweet can't wait!
It's coming on Tuesday, I'm telling you.
I won't be home. F my life. ;(
Dear Console companies,
Please get your shit together so I can play Cry Wolf.
That's good to know, I really want it to be the 8th.
I bet we get trailer Friday. I'll bet anything we get trailer Friday!

The wolf is coming!!
I know for a fact that we will get both Walking Dead S2 Episode 4 and Wolf Among Us Episode 5, sometime this month. It's just that, no one knows exactly when but this month is soon enough for 2 episodes. Here is a tweet confirming TWD Ep. 204 release for July.
Is the wolf among us episode 5 70 minutes long too?
It feels like you are hurrying this game and want to end it quickly, and that's a shame because I like the game very much.
I'm gonna follow the shit out of Telltale's twitter
For some reason I was thinking that Sam in TWD was TellTale trying out animal animations for TWAU, which would be pretty cool, although I hope Bigby gets some really badass Big Bad Wolf moments now, his true form is the best.
Consoles need to die in general.
no I totally agree
If everyone played on PC things would be so much simpler.
Who invented consoles? People might've just play on PC's XD
Let's hope Bigby won't have to run after a blue frisbee.