Tara is the girl. They will, and they are catching up pretty quickly, I bet they'll arrive Alexandria in the end of season 5, and Robert already said that he knows who he wants to portray Negan, since that guy inspired him to make the character in the first place, he wouldn't tell who though since he doesn't want to risk the actor saying no just yet, but it's most likely this one stand up comedian, I forgot his name but I think if you google the topic you can find it.
Yeah, and he was with Glenn and the other girl, forgot her name.
Do you think the show will go on to where the comics are now? What about Negan? I hope they don't mess him up, haha.
if they mess up negan holy shit there is gonna be riots I have been hyping up negan to my friends who have not read the comics for a long time amd they can't believe that there is someone worse than the governor
Yeah, and he was with Glenn and the other girl, forgot her name.
Do you think the show will go on to where the comics are now? What about Negan? I hope they don't mess him up, haha.
Tara is the girl. They will, and they are catching up pretty quickly, I bet they'll arrive Alexandria in the end of season 5, and Robert alr… moreeady said that he knows who he wants to portray Negan, since that guy inspired him to make the character in the first place, he wouldn't tell who though since he doesn't want to risk the actor saying no just yet, but it's most likely this one stand up comedian, I forgot his name but I think if you google the topic you can find it.
He's not worse than the Governor tbh, Kirkman said it himself, Negan only looked out for his group and also confessed his mistakes to Rick, plus he has bipolar disorder and Kirkman said he's a "darker version of Rick", while the Governor slaughters strangers and feeds them to walkers he keeps, then putting the heads in aquariums and making it a spectacle XD
if they mess up negan holy shit there is gonna be riots I have been hyping up negan to my friends who have not read the comics for a long time amd they can't believe that there is someone worse than the governor
if they mess up negan holy shit there is gonna be riots I have been hyping up negan to my friends who have not read the comics for a long time amd they can't believe that there is someone worse than the governor
We pretty much just do the same thing as Americans do on Independence Day. Barbecues and stuff. xD
Gotta leave in about an hour, though. AND FIREWORKS OMG I'M SO EXCITED. My cousins are bringing sparklers!!!!
Where do you live?
Also, new people?
How are there this many new comments? I can't keep up... oh god I've lost touch.
Negan didn't get the point across?
G night!
Hey you, you're new.
We. Are. Crazy. ...In our own way.
Prince?? Ohh I wanna marry you then!
Tara is the girl. They will, and they are catching up pretty quickly, I bet they'll arrive Alexandria in the end of season 5, and Robert already said that he knows who he wants to portray Negan, since that guy inspired him to make the character in the first place, he wouldn't tell who though since he doesn't want to risk the actor saying no just yet, but it's most likely this one stand up comedian, I forgot his name but I think if you google the topic you can find it.
Who knows what's really going on there ;> Maybe you're the dictator of Israel!
And take this fucking odd gif... lol xD
if they mess up negan holy shit there is gonna be riots I have been hyping up negan to my friends who have not read the comics for a long time amd they can't believe that there is someone worse than the governor
That happens when you join here. There are risks.
I don't think joining this forum was a good idea, I want to sleep but I can't.
2 new users joined this place, and your avatar makes me feel that feel again...
Lmao, I was about to use the same gif that DLB posted!
I thought you weren't going to be here today. LIES!
We pretty much just do the same thing as Americans do on Independence Day. Barbecues and stuff. xD
Gotta leave in about an hour, though. AND FIREWORKS OMG I'M SO EXCITED. My cousins are bringing sparklers!!!!
I'm leaving in an hour, shhhhhh
I literally just woke up, and suddenly there's new people. wat is dis pro
Hehehe HI!
Tried to look like Kenny but my mom sucks at picture taking
That's her name! Thanks.
Yup, I think you're right about that one, I was thinking the same. Ah, so he already knows who he wants to use, awesome!
He's not worse than the Governor tbh, Kirkman said it himself, Negan only looked out for his group and also confessed his mistakes to Rick, plus he has bipolar disorder and Kirkman said he's a "darker version of Rick", while the Governor slaughters strangers and feeds them to walkers he keeps, then putting the heads in aquariums and making it a spectacle XD
Same here, haha. When people are like "omg I hate the governor." I'm just laughing because they don't know about Negan. B]
Oh, well shit. I'm not very observant.
More like a wall but whatever floats your boat! (Or Whatever tickles your peach!)
Edit: I guess you could say I acted like the wall was carvers face
That's what this place does to you.
He's not new, just a new avatar :P
As long as they don't bother anyone. B]
Lol, well have fun.
Oh, well shit. I'm not very observant.
Quickly, you can still leave the forum before it eats you completely! Its too late for us, but you can still escape!
cocks shotgun
I'll be keeping a close eye.
A VERY close eye.
What the fuck? XD
I am the Governor of the Jewish fellows!
:P NOW I need to finish watching Game Of Thrones.
That's great knowing you wanna marry me only because I'm in the royal family >.>
Close enough though, I'll take it :P
Good night!
Heh, we'll see about that. B]
Hellllloooooo new person
good night!