I hate those who say that "the series starts after season 2, those first seasons are so boring nothing happens blah blah blah". Hah, I must admit that IMO those guys are not fans of this series and don't see anything else than "DRUGS XDD HEISENBERG XDD KILLING XDD". Sorry that I confess like this, but really that's just so stupid ;> I fucking love the first two seasons.
Indeed, i don't see anything surpassing it in terms of quality for years to come. Every episode was gold, even those you could call "filler"… more episodes like the "Fly" episode. Its just brilliant all around and so many details were inserted in each scenes.
Vince Gilligan is a bloody genius !!! I LOVED the last few episodes for their foreshadowing and meaning. Its just perfection in a barrel !! xD
I hate those who say that "the series starts after season 2, those first seasons are so boring nothing happens blah blah blah". Hah, I must … moreadmit that IMO those guys are not fans of this series and don't see anything else than "DRUGS XDD HEISENBERG XDD KILLING XDD". Sorry that I confess like this, but really that's just so stupid ;> I fucking love the first two seasons.
275 hours played. And that's just PC, my first playthrough was on Xbox. Wish I could just forget the entire game and play it again. Now THAT would pass the time!
If you're talking about season 1 and Shane's character development i agree. After that it gets a bit...irregular in terms of quality...Thanks to the multiple changes in writers and Frank Darabont's departure...
Man, fuck all the writers being changed. Why couldn't they just keep the same ones? I wonder what Season's 3 and 4 would be like with the old writers. Have you even seen Season 4 yet? I think you mentioned that you'll get in on Blu-Ray when it releases. Have you read the comics?
If you're talking about season 1 and Shane's character development i agree. After that it gets a bit...irregular in terms of quality...Thanks to the multiple changes in writers and Frank Darabont's departure...
I intend to buy both eventually, the fourth season and the comics that is.
Man...i miss Frank Darabont's writing...that guy is a bloody genius !! He was the one who started it all !! Without him, there might not even be a "Walking Dead Game" at all...
The game was made because of the success of the show, but based on the comics.
Man, fuck all the writers being changed. Why couldn't they just keep the same ones? I wonder what Season's 3 and 4 would be like with the ol… mored writers. Have you even seen Season 4 yet? I think you mentioned that you'll get in on Blu-Ray when it releases. Have you read the comics?
That's not a good thing my dear friend....but maturity comes in time i suppose...
I hate those who say that "the series starts after season 2, those first seasons are so boring nothing happens blah blah blah". Hah, I must admit that IMO those guys are not fans of this series and don't see anything else than "DRUGS XDD HEISENBERG XDD KILLING XDD". Sorry that I confess like this, but really that's just so stupid ;> I fucking love the first two seasons.
Same here, i didn't get bored at all !!
Screw the haters, they can go "fuck themselves AND their eyebrows !!" xD
That line was gold XD
Heck yeah!
Sis, I thought you were 22 at first O_O
275 hours played. And that's just PC, my first playthrough was on Xbox. Wish I could just forget the entire game and play it again. Now THAT would pass the time!
It's okay. I should grow a mustache or something to make me look older.
Character Development, one of the reasons I love TWD so much. You must be mistaking.
I thought you were 18
We should establish our FOTD senior club, but we die soon anyway so what's the point... xD
Yeah i know i don't look it nor do i act like it. XD
Why yes i am....i even said so multiple times in my sessions....how old did you think i was ? I own an apartment for Christ sake xD
"I'm uhh. 37"
You don't like Mikasa's jello powers? ;_;
My original one was Nord, but it was too dull O_o
Is it fuzzy? Don't grow a fuzzy stache! :P
I'll get there....... Someday.
You probably hit puberty later, a lot of people are like that, it'll change until you're 18.
If you're talking about season 1 and Shane's character development i agree. After that it gets a bit...irregular in terms of quality...Thanks to the multiple changes in writers and Frank Darabont's departure...
can't tell if this is ment to be a walking dead joke or if you are serious
I'm playing right now
Well sort of, I am waiting for my mods to load :P
I also l am gonna go make a stealthy character for a change,
That's....depressing...might as well yell "Memento Mori..."
Man, fuck all the writers being changed. Why couldn't they just keep the same ones? I wonder what Season's 3 and 4 would be like with the old writers. Have you even seen Season 4 yet? I think you mentioned that you'll get in on Blu-Ray when it releases. Have you read the comics?
It's ok Raf, we know that.
LOL, for real?
Well I put quotation marks around the text for a reason XD
I fell like a baby in here. X_X
xD When I first saw Woodbury, I saw her first original profile pic she had and thought she was 16. One of the few ages I got right on here.
I intend to buy both eventually, the fourth season and the comics that is.
Man...i miss Frank Darabont's writing...that guy is a bloody genius !! He was the one who started it all !! Without him, there might not even be a "Walking Dead Game" at all...
The game was made because of the success of the show, but based on the comics.
You can't be too optimistic, we're gonna grow old as rapidly as Solid Snake sooner than we notice. Not that I meant to depress anyone with this... x)
I was replying to Its_That_Guy. :P
But I thought you were like 22 or so.
It would be way easier for the people if she shared some of that jello y'know?
I will grow a Kenny stache!
Yeah nooS xD
I look 18?