My opinion on the episode and the ending


(I could wait to get to my pc, so I watched somebody's steam through my smartphone). The Bloody Mary fight was a boring to me, and so was Crooky's trial, and to end on a ciffhanger... Seriously?

I was a little afraid that the cliffhanger ending could happen, but still I'm very disappointed. And there are many holes in the realization that Faith is Nerissa. We know for a fact that the head we found was that Faith unless a glamour could mimic the marks of her being slapped around by the Woodsman. And whose head was it then? Something is very wrong with that revelation. I have no idea if the game has other ending (if you do better with the investigation, the trial, etc.) and I won't have time to play it and experiment my different saves until tomorrow, but as for now I'm disappointed.

The game had showed much more promise than that in the 1st and 3rd episodes. The episode is short. Bigby is rushed from one scene to another, there's no exploring, investigating... And in the end Bigby is barely even given enough time and information to ponder on his verdict.

In the end, to me it felt like Nerissa(Faith) just tricked/played us from the beginning (I had a theory on that being the case, and I even nailed on Georgie being the killer if there was one, but I never thought the girl would turn out to be that "evil"). If that was really the case, and not just Bigby making a huge mistake, I think we deserved to have had a final confrontation with the girl instead of a cut to black. Either way, Bigby ended up looking like a moron. :-\



  • Spoiler

    I totally agree with you, I'm a little disappointed with the ending as well. What were they thinking? I also watched somebody's live stream. The cliffhanger really made me mad and frustrated, I mean, why end on a cliffhanger if you're not making season 2? They clearly stated at the end of the episode that we could continue with fables comics. I mean, why? I expected a long episode full of action and suspense, and got... well,nothing special,really.

  • I hope they don't plan on making a second season to follow on this same mystery, even though it wasn't properly answered, just left to our interpretation and feels full of holes. Maybe a DLC could give us the answers we are looking/waiting for, but I have no idea how the could pull it off...

  • edited July 2014

    If they make a Season 2 it should be mostly action based and nothing about solving another mystery because it's clear they can't make a mystery plot with all the rewrites and such. Not surprised the best parts of the game were the action ones. Full wolf form fight was incredible, the rest was just ZZZzzzzzz..

  • Yes, that's the thing.. Maybe they could make season two with something else that maybe has something to do with the first so they give the answers and also start a new thing at the same time..

    I hope they don't plan on making a second season to follow on this same mystery, even though it wasn't properly answered, just left to our i

  • Ehh, I have to disagree. I feel that you looking for theories alot may have hurt your experience a bit. I know that's bad if that's th case, but I didn't really try to theorise too much so I'm more surprised. I'm pretty happy with the episode, and I feel they wrapped it up pretty well. Haha, I think you're right with that whole cliffhanger thing though, but I'm just desperate for a season 2 :)

  • edited July 2014

    1.(There are many holes in the realization that Faith is Nerissa)

    no there is not really especially when I think back about all the episodes I could totally see them being the same person plus they have the kind of magic in that world to actually pull it off

    2..(unless a glamour could mimic the marks of her being slapped around by the Woodsman. And whose head was it then)

    who says It cant be done especially with black market glamour

    3.(In the end, to me it felt like Nerissa(Faith) just tricked/played us from the beginning)

    She seem very street smart to me even the beginning so I does not surprise me at all that she tricked bigby and I could totally buy her doing that lol

  • edited July 2014

    I totally agree that theorizing too much may have hurt my experience. I was afraid that was gonna happen as I got more and more involved with the story and the wait for new episodes had me looking into many possibilities. In fact I think I had a better theory on how it could have played out than what the writers did, lol. Too bad I guess! :-)

    Healoz posted: »

    Ehh, I have to disagree. I feel that you looking for theories alot may have hurt your experience a bit. I know that's bad if that's th case,

  • edited July 2014

    Wow ... Wait what ?

    Why i didn't understand that ? Faith is Nerissa ... ? Can someone explain to me cause i'm not sure i really understood this ending.

    Edit : Is this because of the " you're not as bad as everyone say you are " ?

  • edited July 2014

    Ok, but, if you can see that clearly she playing us off, whose head do you think it is? I had theorized about Faith being Nerissa way back but I dismissed it because Nerissa wasn't a new comer (if she was a new dancer, I would be more inclined to believe the possibility). Now I'm left thinking that the head we found may be the real Nerissa's. Faith is the coldest bitch if that's so.

    TommyW posted: »

    1.(There are many holes in the realization that Faith is Nerissa) no there is not really especially when I think back about all the epis

  • Faith played bigby from the start

    it like in most noir detective stories

    the beautiful woman who the hero first meets turn out to be setting him up the whole time lol

    RubyMoon posted: »

    Wow ... Wait what ? Why i didn't understand that ? Faith is Nerissa ... ? Can someone explain to me cause i'm not sure i really understood this ending. Edit : Is this because of the " you're not as bad as everyone say you are " ?

  • They both said various similar things and had similar mannerism, like touching Bigby's arm and the way she showed the ribbon when asking him if he liked it. People even have theorized on that when ep4 came out, but it didn't got too popular.

    RubyMoon posted: »

    Wow ... Wait what ? Why i didn't understand that ? Faith is Nerissa ... ? Can someone explain to me cause i'm not sure i really understood this ending. Edit : Is this because of the " you're not as bad as everyone say you are " ?

  • Spoiler

    What if Nerissa wasn't Faith glamoured but instead when we first meet Faith that is Nerissa glamoured as a already dead Faith?

  • Okay thanks ! But this is still confusing on some points .... Why ?

    RubyMoon posted: »

    Wow ... Wait what ? Why i didn't understand that ? Faith is Nerissa ... ? Can someone explain to me cause i'm not sure i really understood this ending. Edit : Is this because of the " you're not as bad as everyone say you are " ?

  • 1.(Ok, but, if you can see that clearly she playing us off, whose head do you think it is)

    most likely it was Nerissa head

    2.(Faith is the coldest bitch if that's so)

    she probably is

    the reality is when you think about we really didn't know that chick we just assumed we did and she used it to her advantage lol

    Ok, but, if you can see that clearly she playing us off, whose head do you think it is? I had theorized about Faith being Nerissa way back b

  • edited July 2014
    1. I found the full form of Bigby a bit funny, and him blowing the air on Bloody Mary, I do not know. I understand that it is very original-story-like, but still, for the first time in the story it felt awkward.

    2. I do not understand why would the Crooked Man hide anywhere in the Mundies' world. He could hide in other dimensions easily. Why risk it so much? it felt odd right away.

    3. Now I wonder when was Faith really Faith. The Wolf's remembered lines weren't all clear as to their purpose. Was Nerissa at the end Nerissa or glamoured Faith? Was it Nerissa or Faith trying to get money from Woody? Do you remember what he was saying, when you were standing at the door, before you fought in the first episode? At the time it was weird, now I went to check and he was saying "Do you know who I am now? Take a good look." So it is either about glamour confusion, or it was really Nerissa, who came to Woody. If Woody had met Faith before, the Faith in his room should recognize him. But it seems she didn't; hence, it was glamoured Nerissa. Or was it? And what about the head of Lily glamoured as Snow White? Was it also Nerissa, who left that "evidence"? How did she get it?

    4. Bigby ran unglamoured through several streets and houses, running on and between cars, exposing himself to the mundies more than any other Fable has ever done. It hasn't been tackled in the game...

  • edited July 2014

    How is he hating if he said he liked the wolf fight scene?

    TommyW posted: »

    haters gonna hate lol

  • In general, I enjoyed the episode, but I feel kind of...I am no sure how I feel. I hoped to feel "Wow, that was amazing" and I am feeling a bit like "meh". I cannot say that I am disappointed, it was well-made and enjoyable, but I expected something more.
    However, in general, The Wolf Among Us is one of the best interactive stories I have ever played (we can't really call it a game, can we?) and I am really glad TellTale made this game. They dealt with the topic very well and very smoothly, and, what can I say, well-done guys!

  • everyone would just say that bigfoot ran through new York

  • Or a werewolf ;)

    joethebro posted: »

    everyone would just say that bigfoot ran through new York

  • One more thing. I suspect that cigs are the key to some questions. Faith smoked cigarettes. Nerissa at the end takes one from Bigby. It doesn't, unlike other characters, comment on the fact that Huff'n'Puff are foul quality smokes. Now, I vaguely remember that the same cigs were left in one of the key locations during the season. I just don't remember where. This could answer some questions.

    Also, Nerissa mentions a photo at the end that one of the girls wanted to use to blackmail Crane. The very photo was, as I suspect, found under the bed in the hotel room, where Lily died. Were they planted? If yes, by whom? The same person who took Snow Whites head to leave at the Bigby's place? If only I had time to replay the whole season. But I hope some of you remember :)

  • Most would say Bigfoot because he looks a lot more ape like than wolf like plus he was running and everyone else was driving

    Howgh_Hawk posted: »

    Or a werewolf

  • Georgie was shown smoking the same cigarettes just before you are asked who did it as a final clue. The photos were probably left on the crime scene since Georgie did not expect for the crime scene to be found.

    Howgh_Hawk posted: »

    One more thing. I suspect that cigs are the key to some questions. Faith smoked cigarettes. Nerissa at the end takes one from Bigby. It does

  • edited July 2014

    I though about that too... but I don't think we will never know for sure.

  • I hadn't noticed that. Nice finding! I wish I could play it again and experience with the saves today... I hope I can find more answers to share.

    StrawHuman posted: »

    Georgie was shown smoking the same cigarettes just before you are asked who did it as a final clue. The photos were probably left on the crime scene since Georgie did not expect for the crime scene to be found.

  • Wait, you are right! Nerissa doesn't take the cigarrete the first time, when Bigby talks to her in his office because she doesn't like Huffs and Puffs but in the end she just accepts it, and the game even tells that she appreciates it. Faith did smoke Huffs and Puffs in the first episodes.. that's intriguing!

    Howgh_Hawk posted: »

    One more thing. I suspect that cigs are the key to some questions. Faith smoked cigarettes. Nerissa at the end takes one from Bigby. It does

  • I agree. The game got a lot more boring after Bigby caught the crooked man

  • It was just a weird fucking ending to me.

    Did Swinehart not realize that it was not Faith's head, if we're saying that it was a glamoured Nerissa that got killed? Or did Swinehart play along with it?

    I have to play through the entire game again and see if there are any plot holes to this, which I really think there is. Hmm.

    Episode 5 rating: 7/10

  • Maybe it WAS Faith's head, but the Faith we saw at Episode 1 beginning could be Nerissa glamoured.

    ackwell posted: »

    It was just a weird fucking ending to me. Did Swinehart not realize that it was not Faith's head, if we're saying that it was a glamoured

  • They said it's the SEASON FINALE. Not the damn SERIES FINALE

  • " However, in general, The Wolf Among Us is one of the best interactive stories I have ever played (we can't really call it a game, can we?) and I am really glad TellTale made this game."

    Just thought I'd bring it up, it's funny to me. :D

    Howgh_Hawk posted: »

    In general, I enjoyed the episode, but I feel kind of...I am no sure how I feel. I hoped to feel "Wow, that was amazing" and I am feeling a

  • One of the people that work for Telltale said that just because it's a season finale doesn't mean that there's going to be another season. Someone also said the same thing in another form on here.

    They said it's the SEASON FINALE. Not the damn SERIES FINALE

  • I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the rest of the comment, maybe it's the insulting zzzzz's, the world may never know.

    How is he hating if he said he liked the wolf fight scene?

  • Thank you, hey895, I also think that there is not going to be another season. They would say so and not just say that it will continue through comics at the end of the game and also, as I remember, we knew that there will be season two of the walking dead in the beginning of the series or something like that, I don't remember correctly.

    hey895 posted: »

    One of the people that work for Telltale said that just because it's a season finale doesn't mean that there's going to be another season. Someone also said the same thing in another form on here.

  • edited July 2014

    Swineheart never even made an appearance. So to paraphrase something I told you a long time ago. I may have not been right, but I knew all along that you were wrong.

  • 2 things, in a crooked mile if you go to the tweedles' office first you can see a file on Faith about a compromising photo, and in episode 2 you see faiths things rummaged through, what were they looking for and who were they?

  • That's kind of cheap. They just don't want to confirm anything. Normally, season finale implies that the series is not finished yet. They're changing the meaning of these terms just because they want to leave us hanging or they are indecisive. They shouldn't call it a "season finale" if they're not planning on making another season. It's misleading to people who understand what these terms normally mean. I love Telltale, I just don't like that they called it a season finale and yet expect people to not expect another season is on the way.

    hey895 posted: »

    One of the people that work for Telltale said that just because it's a season finale doesn't mean that there's going to be another season. Someone also said the same thing in another form on here.

  • That expression is the most overused, tiresome expression on the planet. Any time someone disagrees, another person always chimes in with a "hater" remark. I don't agree with Clem_is_awesome at all, but he/she is not a "hater".

    TommyW posted: »

    haters gonna hate lol

  • It's not insulting. They're just saying that they found it boring. I disagree, but I still don't think they were being "insulting" for sharing their opinion.

    I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the rest of the comment, maybe it's the insulting zzzzz's, the world may never know.

  • The femme fatale. ;-)

    TommyW posted: »

    Faith played bigby from the start it like in most noir detective stories the beautiful woman who the hero first meets turn out to be setting him up the whole time lol

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