The people I really like on here are Crazy George, GOUSTTTT and omid as we are all big Nate fans!! Oh and that AWSOMEO is a nice guy.
How… moreever there are a couple who I hate and the member I hate the most is TheWalkingMustache, he is such a big douchebag and he always criticises any posts or threads I make, plus he's the most annoying Kenny fanboy so if Kenny finally dies I will be the first to rub it in his smug face! That Dark_Star guy is an asshole too and the other people I hate are the down voters and cry babies who don't want Clem to die just because they FEEL for her even though she's just fictional.
Azlyn, Ohyoupokedme, SaltLick305, GOUSTTTT, Valkyx, Markd4547- awesome friends who are considered my family.
VinceOrKenny, Crips, LeeTheP… morerofessional, Rafoli, Twistee, TWDFan86, Sardines, Awesomeo, Thewalkingcommenter, Rock114, Nekrocop, PasswordSuck, Cluke_Is_Dumb, ArthurMatrix, Swagguykiller69 Don't_Look_Back, AllThatRemains, SweatPeaClem, Eddie_Maiden, Gunab, Dark_Star, Gary_Oak, Clubremix_Guetta, Juice_Box_, Papai46, HiggsBosson2142, CathalOHara, GiraffeHat, Welcome_to_Woodbury, JonGon, Deceptio, NoncyFlippleDorp- incredible folks that are well known and some here are my friends(you know who you are ;3).
FireZenoel, DirtySlimyHairy, BenUseful, Clem_Everett, Nonastatic, Lingvort, dojo32161, ps3gamer095, Talimancer, Conduit42, SimonElagamy, Lilacsbloom, JimmyRustler, PrinceVegeta, TelltaleTakesForver, DomeWing333, iorek21, Thedreamcatcher- The not mentioned much
ClemClemForever, Groovy420,Viva-La-Lee- the disappeared ones
Kardneg… [view original content]
Giraffehat is a bro
Dont_Look_Back is like a sis
Alive_Clem is pretty cool
GOUSTTTT is a bestie
Lingvort is a cool dude
Power… morefulStache is also a cool dude
WelcometoWoodbury, Azlyn, and DirtySlimyHairy seem like nice people, from what i've seen/heard
And if I didn't mention you I don't mind sharing my thoughts...
To be honest, my favorite forum has got to be Ohyoupokedme. He's funny, nice, intelligent, and he has a firm set of morals and values. I actually find myself in agreement with him more than with any other forum member. Here's to you, Ohyoupokedme!
I don't hate you in real life either man, it's not like as soon as I come off my computer I shout "Fuck I hate that guy who I talk to on that internet forum!" and punch a wall or something. I just noticed you put me down as an enemy so I thought I'd just respond in a funny manner.
I don't take this place so seriously as to have feelings of anger and hatred towards other users, I just play along too. lol
I don't hate you in real life either man, it's not like as soon as I come off my computer I shout "Fuck I hate that guy who I talk to on tha… moret internet forum!" and punch a wall or something. I just noticed you put me down as an enemy so I thought I'd just respond in a funny manner.
I don't take this place so seriously as to have feelings of anger and hatred towards other users, I just play along too. lol
lol I'm not the sort of person that would take offense to a message that a complete stranger behind a keyboard posts on the internet. I'll never take this place seriously! XD
You're always goin' full Shane. Never go full Shane.
Leave the joke aside... you're brave and cool. You're type of the guy that doesn't care about what other people thinks about your idea even if your ideas are wrong. You just want to say it what's on your mind. That's what we need, if we're gonna get through this. Next Community generation has to be stronger than the last to... lead us out of this. Do you understand?
You're always goin' full Shane. Never go full Shane.
Leave the joke aside... you're brave and cool. You're type of the guy that doesn't c… moreare about what other people thinks about your idea even if your ideas are wrong. You just want to say it what's on your mind. That's what we need, if we're gonna get through this. Next Community generation has to be stronger than the last to... lead us out of this. Do you understand?
igualmente, também só conheci pessoas do brasil, uma ou duas. as pessoas mais nova daqui parecem ser mais velhas, entendes? não parecem a idade que têem
igualmente, também só conheci pessoas do brasil, uma ou duas. as pessoas mais nova daqui parecem ser mais velhas, entendes? não parecem a idade que têem
já vieste cá à madeira alguma vez? eu em principio vou estas férias 1 semana a portugal continental, tou anciosa por passar pelas lojas e pelas praias e edificios e essas cenas todas xD
acho que sim
já vieste cá à madeira alguma vez? eu em principio vou estas férias 1 semana a portugal continental, tou anciosa por passar pelas lojas e pelas praias e edificios e essas cenas todas xD
I heard that this freelancepolicefan11 guy is a fucking asshole who can cuss way to fucking much. As for me I like almost everybody on this forum except for YOU! You know who you are.
Oh goody. Another "popularity contest" where people can be unmentioned. I'll have no part in it.
EDIT: If you're reading this in the end I did take part of it. That's awkward. But hey this was a year ago. Past is in the past right? :P
Thanks for mentioning me!
meaningless text
"the disappeared ones" That's great XD
I really don't have any friends here so it's hard to say, lmfao.
lol Nice to see you again ClemClem!
Thank you! Wasn't expecting you to mention me.
You're from Portugal, Right?
Thank you!
Yes right
Cool, me too
Thank YOU for that shout out!
And I absolutely love that gif!
You're back!
I've never been so happy to see the Joker!
I don't hate you in real life either man, it's not like as soon as I come off my computer I shout "Fuck I hate that guy who I talk to on that internet forum!" and punch a wall or something. I just noticed you put me down as an enemy so I thought I'd just respond in a funny manner.
I don't take this place so seriously as to have feelings of anger and hatred towards other users, I just play along too. lol
So what do ya'll think of me? The only lists I've come out on so far are the bad ones.
meaningless text
Shit, I didn't realise you included me. Thanks I guess.
lol I'm not the sort of person that would take offense to a message that a complete stranger behind a keyboard posts on the internet. I'll never take this place seriously! XD
No prob, you're my bro too.
de onde, exatamente?
You're always goin' full Shane. Never go full Shane.
Leave the joke aside... you're brave and cool. You're type of the guy that doesn't care about what other people thinks about your idea even if your ideas are wrong. You just want to say it what's on your mind. That's what we need, if we're gonna get through this. Next Community generation has to be stronger than the last to... lead us out of this. Do you understand?
madeira xp e tu?
perto de lisboa ahah, mas ainda nao percebi.. es rapaz ou rapariga?
Ok evil man.
eu sou rapariga, a ti nem pergunto que já dá para perceber pela foto x)
ah! ahah pois vê-se claramente. tens quantos anos?
13 (sim, sou das mais novas aqui), e tu?
ahah és mesmo! tenho 18
és a primeira pessoa portuguesa que conheço aqui, a maioria que fala português é do brasil, mas eles são também pessoas espetaculares
igualmente, também só conheci pessoas do brasil, uma ou duas. as pessoas mais nova daqui parecem ser mais velhas, entendes? não parecem a idade que têem
yee, já reparei nisso também.
Isso é muito bom!
acho que sim
já vieste cá à madeira alguma vez? eu em principio vou estas férias 1 semana a portugal continental, tou anciosa por passar pelas lojas e pelas praias e edificios e essas cenas todas xD
já fui aos açores, e gostei muito. Portugal é muito bom mesmo principalmente o Algarve . Adoro o Algarve é a melhor parte de portugal
eu nunca fui aos açores nem ao algarve, mas já fui ao porto e a lisboa e gostei de estar lá, mas cria mesmo ir ao Algarve
I heard that this freelancepolicefan11 guy is a fucking asshole who can cuss way to fucking much. As for me I like almost everybody on this forum except for YOU! You know who you are.
algarve é o melhor! E lisboa nem se fala, mesmo bom
I love you (:
Love you too