Can you believe ------- Was the Killer? (spoilers!!!!)
I never thought Georgie was the killer. I was shocked when CM revealed that Georgie was the assailant, I thought it would be Mary because it would make sense due to her mentally unstable attitude of violence towards anybody. Who did you think the killer was before the episode was released????
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Before? I could not really tell. During the opening? I took a guess because he took out a Huff n' Puff, and I got it right.
I was always skeptical of this pimp, I don't regret fucking his stuff and thannngs up.
In the 1st episode, I DID accuse him of murdering Faith. In the 2nd, he appeared to be a coward with the ability to take a punch. But when he pulled out those huff n' puffs, I sadly knew the truth.
Here I was blaming Vivian for EVERYTHING! XD
In the first episode I accused the pimp, then when I met Georgie I knew he was the killer or highly involved
I could tell he was an odd character, but only after the chapter did I connect a major piece of evidence that was right in my face: The Huff & Puff Machine in The Pudding & Pie. I assumed the machine was for the cliental or the dancers, but never Georgie.
Near the end of episode 4, you can hear him say "I already told you: Stop laughing at me" before entering the room. So yeah, that pretty much confirmed it for me.
Did you wreck the machine and take a smoke? If you did you'll notice that Georgie is pissed about it.
Can you please explain why the Huff n' Puff made you think he was the killer? Or anyone else?
The Huff n' Puff that was found in Crane's room was from were Georgie put his cigarette out and then killed Lily. Apparently only he and Bigby smoke those.
Oh ok thank you!
So many small pieces to put together, I'm still missing half of them haha!
Of course I did! Nobody can have Huff & Puffs except for Bigby U-U. But really at the time, I thought he was only mad because I was breaking his stuff in his place.
Yeah, when I played back through for kicks, I actually listened instead of going in there all badass.
It's funny, I had actually named him as my suspect when I was talking to Ichabod and also in the cab with Snow way back in episode one. But I just didn't have the evidence to connect the dots. Then the rest of the episodes got going, and I pretty much forgot that he was my original suspect.
The rest didn't make since at the time, and I didn't want to look like a idiot infront of my boss and soon-to-be boss.
What the ell' mate fooking right I knew who the killer was, fooking ell' XD
My primary suspect I had in mind was Mary because her psychological profiling seemed to match the modus operandi of the prostitutes, sure as hell violent enough to kill those poor girls. In episode 1 I chose Woody as the primary suspect (Duh!). Georgie somewhat gave a big clue of evidence when he said "We have a problem" that's my opinion. What do you think?
You already broke it though. It certainly didn't look like he was pissed at you taking the Huff n Puff without paying, even though it still would make logical sense. Also we end up noticing Bigby used his senses at the very beginning of the game if we chose Georgie as our original suspect. There are lots of minor evidences, and the big ones are in episode 4 and 5.
My random guess back in ep2 (1?) of faith's pimp turned out to be right...loool
Whenever he said "Stop laughing at me." i knew he was the killer.
hahah me either
Always Surely Suspect Essential Streetpimps! Or ASSES for short.
I follow this rule all the time when a hooker is killed.
BTW guys... On the Fables wiki I wrote his Entire biography for episode 5, what do you think?
Georgie appears in this episode in the Crooked Man's meeting with Bigby in his lair and after a bit of chatting it is revealed that he was the killer of Faith and Lily and that he was ordered to do so by the Crooked Man. He gets angry when his boss wants to give him away to Bigby. However the calm chat soon escalates into violence when Georgie, Dee, Dum (Determinant), and Jersey get into a fight. He tries to stab Bigby but fails in doing so and hits Dee and he himself gets stabbed in the stomach area and losing blood. Wounded, Georgie and Vivian flee as Bigby chases them in their car. If Bigby chases them down to the Pudding N' Pie, Georgie can be seen extremely injured almost to the point of death. If Bigby asks why he killed his two girls he will say that they "put up a runner". Then he tries to force the sheriff to remove Vivian's ribbon and kill her. Regardless of what Bigby does, Vivian will back away and pull her ribbon off, committing suicide. This shocks Bigby and Georgie greatly and Bigby says that the pimp needed to go with him. Georgie, who is at this point unable to move due to his mortal injury must be dealt with instead. He divulges the location of the Crooked Man's whereabouts. Finally Bigby is given a choice to make whether to kill Georgie instantly to put him out of his misery or alternatively he can leave him to bleed out for a bit of vengeance for Faith and Lily. He dies regardless of options chosen.
Yes i can believe. I don't know why anyone could think Vivian did it. The only other person i could see doing it is BM.
It was weird for me when i found out.I took him off the suspect list after ep2 really.He seemed like an asshole to me.But I wouldn't have thought he actually have balls to do something like this.And do you remember when he tried to hit Bigby and he crashed his boombox?I thought he was just a moron then.
I thought it was Woody... (Wow, I'm a jerk)
"Lots of fucked up fables in fabletown"
Bigby: Ironic, coming from the guy who just fuckin' killed those innocent girls!!!
No, I never even considered that possibility after episode 2, because he didn't seem like the type of person who would do that. I was shocked when TCM told me Georgie did it, but I still didn't believe it was him (plus he didn't answer when I asked about the motive, so I still thought he didn't do it until I arrived at the Pudding and Pie.)
He was my original option. He took the blame but there was something strange about the entire exchange. Something in me still thinks there is a Lil' more than what Georgie and Nerissa says.
Do we actually know who he was talking to? I thought he was alone when he dumped the body.
Advice for episode 2: FUCK GEORGIE'S THANNGS UP!!!!!!!!!
Huff and puffs gave it away for Ep. 5 and I heard him say stop laughing at me in Ep 4. And I was suspicious of this but I didn't know he would be the killer.
It still remains, more or less, her fault. Would of never of happened without Vivian's involvement.