TWAU episode 5 is 1 hour, what will happen with Walking Dead?



  • I wouldn't allow her to drop Kenny. Not after all he's done.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Thank you!!! I don't get why everyone thinks that a longer episode will be result in more "connection" with the story. When it comes to Se

  • I tried to make the episode longer, by clicking on everything during hub moments (that barely exist), but I still finished it in 1h05m. Afterall, you can't slow down the QTEs.

    Isn't it 90 minutes? Of course it's shorter if you rush it but when you take a deep breath, relax and slowly enjoy the game, it becomes longer. I watched some guy's YouTube walktrough of the episode and it took 87 minutes him to finnish it.

  • I agree, it isn't so much the length of the game, it's what the game offers us. Even though The Walking Dead Season 2 is allot shorter than the 1st season, it still offers a remarkable continuation of the story. Telltale Games makes unique stories that make you feel all sorts of emotions and these games give you tough decisions to make similar to decisions we face throughout our lives, the decisions we make may come with consequences or rewards. I love how Telltale lets us tailor the game in the role we want to play it as, so instead of complaining all the time for the change in pace, we should be thankful that Telltale created this game at all! This is my opinion anyways... :3

    rokon900 posted: »

    Well said Laura! I always loved The Walking Dead and I still do, I don't care about the length, all I care about is delivering an amazing st

  • Thanks for the response, Laura.

    To make this as short as possible, I'll say I completely agree with @BlackBoxx and @lotrabc.

    But rather than a narrow focus on the duration of each episode, more specific feedback like "I didn't really feel a connection with X" is WAY more useful in helping us craft more engaging experiences for you.

    I have personally tried my best to give the best possible feedback that I can, and so have a lot of people around here over the months. Not all of these threads are length focused. Really, they are not; many have excellent comments in both ends of the opinion spectrum. I could point to at least ten of them, if you want, but that would be a mighty big read. Anyway, I hope that you guys have seen at least some.

    I never time my games, but I honestly say to you that I have felt that things were missing throughout the season so far. A House Divided is the exception and it is not, at the same time, for me. It wrapped up pretty nicely, but I felt that it was dragging what I consider the biggest issue from the premiere, and that has affected everything in the long run so far: The cast. I can tell you, I do not feel the same connection with this new group, and I have tried. Without comparing them to the understandably different relationships in Season One, they just don't feel there.

    The Rock, Paper, Shotgun review addresses some of what I think is the fundamental point regarding "length". It would seem like it talks about length for the sake of length, but it actually touches on more than that.

    The strong moments, now that people have started (and I expect them to not stop) dying do not carry the weigh that I feel they should. I do not mind the way or the suddenness of Carlos' death, not everyone gets a dramatic death scene or get to go out like a hero (ask Carley about it). However, there is little reason for us to care or react strongly to it other than the surprise of the moment and basic human empathy.

    Empathy towards the cast, that feeling of the choices and the people in the story mattering although we all know that the ending is set, and these are not real people. When you lose that, you lose "the magic"; you can see through the smoke curtain as clear as when reading the wikia to find out the varying paths. Instead of doing what you or Clem would do if you were in that situation out of conviction, you act either trying consciously so hard to keep up a "good" image or with carelessness or selfishness once you make out the illusion behind your current situation or simply stop caring about the speaking plot-devices that surround you.

    There has been a lack of time. Not time spent mindlessly walking around, but with the foundation of TWD's success: The characters themselves. Their past, their thoughts on their past, their present and hopes or fears for the future; the way that they react to you and your actions. For me, all of that sells the urgency and the illusion of what happens in every scene, and I truly do not think that it is all just pointless length and filler.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • But there are games that charge you with 60 bucks and offer no multiplayer and no replay value. But since we got Steam you will get almost any game to a ridiculous high amount of discount eventually. If the price/efficiency ratio doesn't suit you, you may wait for a better deal. Everyone have their own price-limits demands.

    Let's say Skyrim seems to be a good deal because you can play it hundreds of hours and now you pay even less than 50 bucks. I could only manage to play it for 50 hours so far. Gave it a try at least ten times after that and alway uninstalled it within an hour. Yes, it HAS kept me busy for 50 hours, so you would say "that IS a great deal!" but I also value quality. And quality-wise there have been better games for me and I would trade those 50 hours (especially if it offers hours of simple fetch side quests) for 20 hours of a game that makes every hour amazingly fun. What I want to say is that everybody got his own preferences.

    Some prefer tons of hours of gameplay and some prefer less quantity-wise for whatever reasons, and only if it's because they don't have much time for playing videogames but also want to finish a game and its story.

    Thats a Bad comparison bro wheres Multiplayer and Side Quest and all that Extra stuff That $60 bucks bring. Just for the record i am not justifying the $60 price mark thats too much money still xD

  • It's not an hour long, I beat it in 74 minutes.

  • Here's a suggestion.

    Stop basing the time length on TWAU with TWDG. They are COMPLETELY different games, they're just by the same company. Arguments will start, fans of games will start budding in, and getting angry at Telltale for something that didn't affect them in the first place.

    It saves a lot of time when people don't argue for the stupidest reasons.

  • it isnt 1 hour took me around 1:30 to complete

  • I didnt use the fast walk button and the finale took me 1:30 hours to complete but who gives a shit vause it was awsome :D

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • my playtrough was 90 minutes long

    Calming us by confirming 204 will be longer than TWAU finale doesnt help much because it was 66 minutes long. 204 could be 75 minutes or 80

  • I was about to reply to Puzzlebox in great detail, but this basically said just about everything I wanted to say. Nice work.

    Still, to press the point...

    Puzzlebox, I don't know if anyone who can actually make big decisions about episode length or character development or the inclusion of hubs ever reads these forums, but if not you would be doing Telltale's fans an immense service if you tried to make other people at Telltale aware of the discontent around here and the reasons behind it.

    I don't mind a short episode if 90 minutes is all a given story requires...but that doesn't feel like the case here at all. The short episode length has all but destroyed good character development, leaving me and others indifferent when people in the new group die. Remember how so many people flew into a rage when Lilly killed Carley/Doug? Remember people on YouTube actually crying when Ben died or when Kenny seemed to die? You won't find much of the same for when Carlos or Alvin bite it. Why would they cry? We know next to nothing about either of them.

    If Sarita dies in Episode 4, I can honestly say I won't feel even the slightest bit sad. She was never developed beyond being Kenny's Indian girlfriend. You can't just introduce a character and kill them and expect an emotional response. You have to make the player actually care about the character first.

    BlackBoxx posted: »

    That's a fair point, but I think you're also missing the real source of the complaints. There are far more pressing matters than mere episo

  • I actually felt that season 1 was better value for money and had a better a story. It was longer and definitely more engrossing. I think a lot of peoples main gripe is that they want and miss what they were getting before In terms of length because they loved season 1 and how it played. My personal gripe has been that season two's smaller episodes have taken longer to come out than season one's longer ones. I think it should be one or the other, the same length episodes as S1 and lengthy waits or shorter episodes and shorter waits. I mean some of S2's episodes are nearly half the length of S1's episodes and cost the same price.

    Kirkman treated TWD fans with a double sized issue comic recently and plans to release 2 in a month from time to time, it would be nice if the remaining S2 episodes were longer than the last 3 or released quicker.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • Well, bringing the Crooked Man in potentially prolongs the game, yes. I did so on my first playthrough, and thus it was about 70 minutes.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Well I believe it ranges from 60 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the choices you make in it. The playthrough I watched of it was 75 minutes.

  • But the more quantity there is, the quality will also increase.

    Quality over Quantity

  • Pfft, most games these days are much less than 8 hours. Also games cost much more than $60.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Average game length - 8 hours : $60 ÷ 8 = $7.50 per hour TTG episode length (more than) 1.25×5 =6.25 hours $25÷ 6.25= $4 Not taking into account the appeal of the games. I don't get you people.

  • wasn't episode 4 season 1 something like 3 and half hours?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You knew it was episodic when purchasing right? Plus it's nearly half the cost. It being better released as a whole is your opinion. I li

  • thanks for your comments but they are not realy addressing the complaints,most fans want longer episodes,more interaction,HUBS,and the reason many feel short changed is because of just's over too soon,season one was perfect.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • So you would watch bigby walk for 5 hours would that make you happy? No. The script is already written and changing it would ruin everything. The Wolf Among Us is a franchise that gets pretty boring if there is no action for a long time. The Walking dead just need hubs which actually doesn't add any time but you can have more optional things to do.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    But the more quantity there is, the quality will also increase.

  • I think it's because they weren't as popular before as they are now. At first, all they had to really worry about was TWD S1. However, around the time of the season finale, that's when we were being notified of TWAU being in development. I think they are just putting too much on their plate to handle. They just finished TWAU and I believe they finished that game real quick to get it out of the way and work on the other games. Right now, they're working on TWD S2 and the TFTB. Also, I believe they're also working on Games of Thrones. So it's no wonder they decided to make TWAU short and get it out of the way. If they haven't been doing so much, I have no doubt we would be getting longer episodes and more gameplay along with it.

    Free_Dead posted: »

    i agree but i dont plan to agree forever if they're gonna make us wait 2 months. two months r enough for a decent ''quantity'' i could

  • I know what you mean. My favorite game is the Mass Effect trilogy. Compared to the others, Mass Effect 1 was long in my opinion. Completing all the main story and side missions, it took me a few days to beat the game. When I played Mass Effect 2, I found it to be long as well. However, that was mostly due to a certain feature they added to exploring planets that took a HUGE amount of my time from the actual gameplay. The only reason why I went along with it was because it was somewhat mandatory to progress the story. Mass Effect 3 was fun and really good story as usual. However, I was able to beat that game in a couple days; both main and side missions. Also, what some people don't know is that a large group of people signed a petition to BioWare about how they lied about 16 different endings and there were only 5 or 6. The ending was so bad, regardless of good or bad choices made, BioWare created a free dlc to add more and better endings. Despite what BioWare has done, I truly feel like they care about their customers because their finale to the trilogy was amazing overall. They fixed the problem when people complained and that was enough for me. I hope TellTale reads this so they can consider the outcome of future games to be made.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Pfft, most games these days are much less than 8 hours. Also games cost much more than $60.

  • edited July 2014

    I'm glad that someone from TellTale is actually hearing us out and happy that you explained to us what's going on. However, it's more than just the duration of time. It's the amazing feeling that TellTale gives us when we play the game. In the TWD S1, when I play as Lee, I don't feel like that's what I'm doing. I feel like "I am who I am" and play the game the way I want to play. What makes a good movie? It's the story that grabs us to watch the film; same goes for a book. Your games make me feel like I'm part of something big. Kind of like when I play video games from BioWare, Quantic Dream or Bethesda. It's not like when I play "Battlefield" or "Assassin's Creed" where the story is set. Your games let me choose what I want to do. You guys let us choose how we want the story to be. It makes us feel like we're a part of the game, not like most games today. We love your games so much that we want to explore. We love how we get good and bad outcomes from our choices. Going through everyday life is hard, but games like this help me get through it.

    I don't know how many other people agree with me, but I just wanted to express my thanks to TellTale and prove a point among the community. We love your games and the stories behind them, but they're so short when we wait for so long. I recall we waited 4 months for ep. 2 of TWAU and I found that one to be really short for something to be released 4 months later. I know you guys are working hard over there and I appreciate it, but that's just it. I feel like you guys are pushing yourselves too hard. I love TellTale and I thank them for the awesome games they bring us, but ask that they put this into consideration.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • It's not so much as the time, but you said so yourself right? We love the game and we love the story. When people say that they want it to be longer, it's not because they want to play a game that takes a huge amount of their time, I believe it's the fact that they enjoy being a part of that game. People don't get to make choices in most games. It's not like "Call of Duty" where you just have to play a long with it like a script for a movie. When you play as a character in TTG, you are given both good and bad choices; be a good guy or a jerk. That's what we love about their games. At first, my favorite game company was BioWare because they deliver games exactly with this kind of feature. I'm not kidding when I say BioWare and TellTale Games are definitely neck and neck. BioWare takes such a long time to release a game and I feel like TTG fills in the gaps. I don't know how many people think the same as I, but I'm sure I'm speaking for many that can agree on my statement. We love their games so much that we beg for more; more story and more choices.

    Are people just speed-running these things? I like to take my time, discuss options, walk around and check everything, take in the scenery,

  • Couldn't have said that any better myself. Well done sir. Well done.

    BlackBoxx posted: »

    That's a fair point, but I think you're also missing the real source of the complaints. There are far more pressing matters than mere episo

  • edited July 2014

    We want longer episodes from them , they are just making shorter and shorter ;_;

  • ITA that people are fixated on "episode length=quality". For the replay value that you get in this and wolf, I've always felt that I've gotten my $5 worth. It's good to hear the opinion from a staff member who is also a fan.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • Yeah, the fast walk option really makes a difference in time. Last time I played in slow motion I played for like 10 hours but when I activated fast walk, the game was over in like 1 minute.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • I agree. Like when I played TWAU. I was really sad to see that it came to an end so quickly. I mean, I wouldn't have mind much because you were right. TWD S1 played out beautifully and the finale was so good that it made me cry. I literally kept worrying about Clementine. (SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED OR FINISH TWAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M PUTTING THIS HERE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I'LL BE TALKING ABOUT MORE THAN JUST ONE EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    I feel like TWAU could've gone a whole lot better though. I mean, I tolerated the short episodes because it was such a good story and I loved the company too much to complain. However, the finale they had for it drew the line. I felt that the finale was too short and it had some problems. For instance, each episode is separated by 5 chapters. However, for this one, I felt it was only separated by 2 chapters. The game offered a huge fight scene and a huge climatic scene of words. Also, I feel that they left a serious cliff hanger between Snow White and Bigby. After all they've been through, after all those tensions that TellTale put between them, they left it their relationship stands as if nothing happened between them through their investigation. The biggest problem for me was when the beginning started and showed what I did in the previous episode. It's showing me that I made choices that I didn't make. It caused some problems for me while I was playing the game. I was beginning to think that after all that time I was playing this game, making choices that I thought were the best, I was getting screwed in the end. Luckily something happened in the story that helped me with the problem.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    thanks for your comments but they are not realy addressing the complaints,most fans want longer episodes,more interaction,HUBS,and the reason many feel short changed is because of just's over too soon,season one was perfect.

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited July 2014

    I'm not denying that the game does not have an amazing story, in fact i LOVE IT. I just feel that the length is effecting the character development, i want to talk to my companions, get to know them. Because if we know nothing about them, their deaths will have no impact aside from "Oh, he/she died.. Okay then!"

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • Depending on your choices, TWAU's finale can range from 60 minutes to 90. Mine was close to 90.

    Calming us by confirming 204 will be longer than TWAU finale doesnt help much because it was 66 minutes long. 204 could be 75 minutes or 80


    Sorry for the delay, I was waiting for them to upload it to youtube to give you the link :)

    link pls

  • But they keep pausing all the time

    Carley123 posted: » Sorry for the delay, I was waiting for them to upload it to youtube to give you the link

  • edited July 2014

    Yes but in the youtube version they cut out the waiting part.

    edit: oh, I see what you are saying they pause it to talk and ask chat because they don't remember stuff, they played it for about 90 minutes and since they talked to the chat every once in awhile for 15 - 30 seconds in total they probably pause it for about 5 minutes so that's 85 minutes.

    EDIT: Im not understanding the dislikes. It was 85 minutes, get over it.

    But they keep pausing all the time

  • TWDG is more consistent in terms of length than TWAU. TWAU varied from 1h 45m to 1h 10m to 1h 30m, but TWDG is pretty consistent with a regular 1h 30m length for each time. I guess this is because two different teams make the games and therefore they have different priorities and/or ideas.

    I'd say not to worry about it. It'll be 1h 25m to 1h 45.

  • I was trying to plan out my night by thinking the TWAU final episode would be 2-2.5 hours. I was done within an hour 15. Great episode but very unfortunate for gamers who were expecting more.

  • Lack of episode time = No Character Development = No Connection = Not Caring When They Die = No Feels = Not a good episode.

    I play this game for feels... #SaveSarah

    Anyway though, Hubs are out I guess....

  • Exactly! But many people say that we just hate TTG and the game, that we trolls etc. I really love S1, but I feel a little bit more than nothing about S2. I don't feel attached. I don't care if cabin group lives or dies, because I don't know who they are.

    aaron1290 posted: »

    Lack of episode time = No Character Development = No Connection = Not Caring When They Die = No Feels = Not a good episode. I play this game for feels... #SaveSarah Anyway though, Hubs are out I guess....

  • Oh, you're going to stop playing certain games just because of their length? Proceed to tell us what a big fan of Telltale you are.

    kabuto310 posted: »

    I'm with you dude. I love this game very much. I loved the entire series and I was so excited and sad to see that there was only one episode

  • hey im willing to wait, but not willing to play only one hour.

    telltale have already proven they can make longer episodes, as well as extremely good ones, why did their episodes suddenly become shorter? doesnt that make you, as a customer, disappointed? aren't you used to good episodes (twd s1 beats all) as well as long episodes (again twd s1)?

    people have different tastes and if you ask me, if you like how current things are going, then you're really one of the few that like it this way, "you and 10 percent other players". some people, like me, don't like to wait two months to play only one hour...can't you find that even weird, bro?

    their games are still very good, but they could do better, and we all know that. one hour can't help.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You knew it was episodic when purchasing right? Plus it's nearly half the cost. It being better released as a whole is your opinion. I li

  • but you STILL can't deny that season 1 of twd made you popular and was fantastic (was better and longer).

    that STILL proves that the length was a goal.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

  • I can say for myself that the length of the episodes doesn't bother me. However I miss those conversations that I could make in season 1, I mean the whole "checking up on everybody" thing between advancing the story. On the plus side the pace of the current season is quite good, because I don't have to mindlessly go back and forth between here and there to find that one item I can use on something else - now it's just pure story which I prefer above solving unnecessary puzzle's.

    On the other hand though, the fact that you guys focued solely on storytelling you can't deny one thing - our choices matter even less than in season 1. Yes it's good to experience one well thought story over 20 alternative ones, but you guys did very well in 1st TWAU episode and I actually had hopes you'd follow this kind of game quality here.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    It's sometimes awkward for me to share my thoughts here lest they be taken as Telltale's words rather than my own, so let me preface this by

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