Yep. Going to beaches and rivers. And hanging out with family and friends on a daily basis. I love it here. I never feel depressed or stress… moreed out.
Oh, that's unfortunate because I'm about to go to sleep right now - super tired. Good night, man x_x
Forget drawing penises on Gigapainter! This forum is the best thing since pizza!
EDIT: Nvm Pass, ignore this comment.
So random shit: I was watching The Legend Of Korra Book 3 and Episode 4 was titled "In Harm's Way". Instantly thought of TWD.
lmao, did you watch Mean Girls?
Lol yeah. Sorry for the late reply. I was drawing the tiger thing.
Well, shit. Tell me when you create a new account.
You finished it?
Is anyone still there?
Why so many anime gifs?
I think anyone left, I'll let them know you asked for them, though.
Lol, I'm there. They're all still here. xD
Lol, I'll probably join later, but I don't want to abondon the lounge.
I can't search for gifs. Yours summed up everything.
Not on PC right now so I can't. B[
Nooooo join now!!!
FML just realized I forgot to do the meme today -__-
So many stranger avatars. Who are you people?! ;-;
Hello Joseph, how are things?
Ah, you know. Busy not dying!
Good to hear, doing anything fun?
Also, fucking forums just told me now that you responded. I go to check and it says 7 minutes ago -_-
I'm Jesus.
Yep. Going to beaches and rivers. And hanging out with family and friends on a daily basis. I love it here. I never feel depressed or stressed out.
Oh, that's unfortunate because I'm about to go to sleep right now - super tired. Good night, man x_x
Ah, alright. Night.
My voice doesn't sound like Baby Jesus :c
Good nite! ^-^
I'm baaaaaaaccckkk!!! Did ya miss meh!?
You do sound like baby Jesus. ^-^
And good night.
I'm back from Mt. Rushmoreeeee!!!!!! Did ya miss meh!?!?!?
Hugs for all.

Good morning.
the amount of pain in my head right now is too damn high
Do your hugs have magical healing powers, Devyn?
i've been told they might ;_; opens arms ???
( p.s. did you dislike my comment?
i'm sorry if i offended you! i was trying to offer my support ;_; )
No! Of course I didn't dislike your comment! Why would I do that to you? ;-;
Okay, I'll take your hug
The amount of pain in my arm is higher.
I was actually there now. There are only 2 players online including me.