The Crooked Man was not guilty of the murders.
At The Crooked Man's trial, everyone seemed fixed on the idea that he was guilty of murdering the girls despite explaining himself earlier how he couldn't be. He told Georgie to "take care of it" when dealing with the girls. Georgie then got paranoid and killed them out of fear of being "dealt with". Then Nerissa later admits that she lied about hearing The Crooked Man giving any orders.
It seems like The Crooked Man was actually innocent of the murders after all.
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He still tried to kill bigby so either way he's not innocent
Well, you know, he enslaved people and kept them in debt so they couldn't leave.
Enslaved and kept who in debt? He explained how he helped them.
He threatened him with a gun at the end
Like he said, his associates tried to kill him. Loyal to the end...
He still threatened him with a gun at the end
Like he said, it was precaution so Bigby wouldn't kill him before he stood trial.
Pointing a gun at a sheriff is still a crime and his minions seemed more afraid of him than loyal
It's a front. Like how people manipulate others into loyalty by faking that they are doing good.
I think you could justify anything but not that. Lily was forced to keep working to pay off a debt that never ended.
Lily could've gotten a better job. Like helping her sister at the Trip Trap bar.
zeke10 WINS
well you could say he wasn't guilty of the murders technically. he did still resist arrest, he tampered with an official fabletown investigation, he held a gun to the sheriff, He tried to run from being arrested several times, he was making black market glamours and i'm sure plenty of other illegal activites
What do i win? Lol
He still helped them, though. Their blind obedience to him after that was their own faults.
Plot Twist: leatherwolf89 IS the Crooked Man!
You may of pecked this out on your keyboard, but you're still staying as a raven.
Bigby didn't care about that. And his minions had no reason to be afraid of him when they're much stronger than he is.
My Crooked Man is writing this from the Witching Well.
You also forgot how he grabbed bigby and was gonna take him down with him. Face it guilty of the murders or not he's still a horrible person
From what I understood, she only started hooking to pay down an already established debt.
He was only reacting like any person would react after they're falsely accused and sentenced.
You sir, made my day! haha
A normal person wouldn't have tried to kill the sheriff. Also why was Beauty beast johann and jack afraid of him? Why did nerissa think he deserved to die? Crooky is 100% NOT a good person
Meeh. Sort of victim blaming there. But it's more a backhanded slap, he helps them; not leaving him in no bad position but in a better one with the labour and goons he earns.
And conspiracy to murder plus joint enterprise.
I can't help but read this thread in the Crooked Man's voice.
Well, there are bloody shackles in the butcher's shop, and Bigby himself said they're being enslaved there, bloodied for the potions.
He had Mary try to kill Bigby and how is him ordering Georgie to kill two people not guilty?
leatherwolf89 i just realised that the CM manipulated you and now your in his pocket :DDD
I think you totally misunderstood what Georgie's and Vivian's plans were for their business. I think Telltale should of been more clear on the Vivian/Georgie and Crooked Man situation. It was similar to Johan's story that the Crooked Man and his people basically showed up to The Cut Above and took it over to operate their illegal glamour ring.
The back story to Georgie and Vivian is that they escaped the homelands together surviving and struggled to adjust to their new home just like the rest of the fables. I think Georgie was one of the only few people Vivian could trust with her curse which is why she protects him so much. She talks about how she was tired of being controlled which means she was probably used back at the homelands or maybe it's more like her fable where her husband constantly questioned her ribbon.
So they decided to open up a strip club for income and used the whole "discretion is our guarantee" gimmick to attract customers, be interesting as a business, and maybe to poke fun at Vivian's curse. And when the Crooked Man showed up he basically made it an option to give up there business and work for him or have their blood end up on Mary's mirror shards. So he was the one who forced Vivian to make duplicates of her ribbon and he then put it on the unknowing strippers. Then he turned the strip club into strip club/whore house and forced the girls to work by telling/revealing to them what the ribbons did. Sure she made them, but she didn't do this willingly. What would her motive be by doing that? Just because she wanted to own a strip club where the strippers don't talk about the work?
In the legal sense he isn't guilty, but in another legal sense he is guilty. On the one hand there was no proof, but on the other he was found guilty in a court of law with no room for appeal.
If you like the Crooked Man and Crane then you f**king deserve them, as Bigby would say
With OP's logic, Hitler, Stalin, etc. weren't guilty of murders either since they simply ordered it.
"Victim blaming" means nothing. There was no excuse for them to let someone take advantage of them when they all had the power to prevent their problems with their centuries worth of wisdom and knowledge.
Still, she could've gotten a better job.
No actual slave from the butcher shop was revealed, though.
Oh I see... The Crooked Man really is evil then. Georgie and Vivian should've at least tried to get help or tried to stop him.
I thought about that too, they were probably too scared. Then again it's kind of like being held up at gun point. Since Bloody Mary's bs teleporting powers let her go practically anywhere at once she probably had her eyes on all of Crooked Man's "business partners".
How was he helping them? He manipulated them to think he was helping them when in reality he was helping himself
Excellent point dude.