Wow, that's pretty edgy, I hope he didn't start dating her just because how she looks because that's a recipe for misery.
Sounds pretty dumb though, marrying a 19 year old, she probably can barley handle herself yet, how will she raise a baby?
Yeah.... I don't really know why he married her... >:( He deserves better than her.
And now that they're gonna have a baby, he's pretty much stuck with her.
I'm happy it's not true. It would be REALLY creepy if someone dreams about me every day!
excuuuuuuuuse meeeeeeee >.>
Im done XDDDD
I always come back.
Can you screeshot it?
You never told me your name, so I'll just call you woman
Somehow I managed to capture my likes on 999 O_O
You really didn't get her name yet? xD
But.....but your a girl :O
Rachelle, lmfao
How did you not get it?
He's 24, she's 19.
Wow, that's pretty edgy, I hope he didn't start dating her just because how she looks because that's a recipe for misery.
Sounds pretty dumb though, marrying a 19 year old, she probably can barley handle herself yet, how will she raise a baby?
I only say her name like 20 times a day. xD
And goodnight.
Dat moment your on a funny picture website and it makes you feel
Girls watch porn too, not as common, but they do too.
That's a cool name, woman.
Nope, but now I know it.
Only the bossest name around.
cough don't let noncy see this cough
WooooW!!!! One day I want to be like you! xD
WAT? Any girls here willing to confirm that probably not XD
It's funny to see what disgusting porn people search for, I'm not going to actually watch the porn, that's repulsive.
I thought the same thing xD
Man, I want to get a dog so much, it's a friend for life...
Yeah.... I don't really know why he married her... >:( He deserves better than her.
And now that they're gonna have a baby, he's pretty much stuck with her.
Can't confirm it for you bro but they do.
I would like to see this! xD
Yeah, but dumb choices lead to dumb consequences, it's inevitable.
Lol.... cough >.>
Well you're a really nice person, so you'll get there. soon.
Not better than simon.
Well.... it's a lot prettier than Simon, that's for sure.
EPIC Moonwalker!!
Goodnight girl.
Broooo, I don't even think it's his, tho...... ;-;
He'll probably stay with her anyway, because he loves her.
Dayum DAYUM!!!!
:'O..............:(..................:)........................D':.....................:'D.........................:/...............( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Haha, you should know my name already! xD
It's the same as Woodburys name, just spelled differently. Mine is Rachel.
Even Sam?
Well..... Serag is a lot prettier than Rachelle.