The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I can second you on at one.

    Story of life.

  • "I have the transcript from the chatlog right here."

    Sir Hansen here is indeed a liar, he has no evidence towards me intending any kinds of rape towards my nephew who is older than me.

  • No, but cerealy, I would never rape my nephew, I have no family myself, he's practically all I've got.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Wow, what a burn, Brent gon be sad.

  • You forgot TDMPasswordCP.

    AllThatFreeus (me and Jewfreeus), WhatRemainsHere (me and WTWH) , I think someone wrote that they shipped me with GOUSTTTT once SweetDuck

  • There was a lack of evidence so we set you free, next time you won't get out that easy.

    No, because there was no fuckin' evidence towards me, frankly I'm too young to be arrested.

  • Lol searched it up i was WAAAAAAAAAYYY off lol that pic wont look nothing like you since you flipped the shit like into a new a dimension. XD

    Still looks different in the picture.


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "I have the transcript from the chatlog right here."

  • I made up a better ship, check out my edit.

    You forgot TDMPasswordCP.

  • Azlyno___ Don't_Look_Azlyn_____AzlynBrown____AzlynTheProfessional_____Azlyn-is-Dumb______AzlynElagamy__________Giraffelyn_______Azlyn_Box________Gustav_Azlyn________AllThatAzlyn_______Azlynceptio_______GOUSTTTTLYN________Azlyn4547_________Welcome_To_Azlynbury_______ThatLazyWhiteAzlyn________SweetPeaAzlyn________

    Azlyn posted: »

    Kay, so, can you guys list all the possible ships between the users here right now?


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    There was a lack of evidence so we set you free, next time you won't get out that easy.

  • Welcome to the club. You're the second member. I have T-Shirts...

    Ummm... idk if I'm really shipped with anyone in here...

  • I'm shipping you with Simon. You shall be called Dont_Look_Simon

    Ummm... idk if I'm really shipped with anyone in here...

  • My laziness has gotten to the point where I'm like "uggh I'm hungry but don't wanna get up.. I'll just starve"

    Story of life.

  • Add srimon (serag and simon)

    Alt text

    AllThatFreeus (me and Jewfreeus), WhatRemainsHere (me and WTWH) , I think someone wrote that they shipped me with GOUSTTTT once SweetDuck

  • And Welcome_To_Gustacbury

    I made up a better ship, check out my edit.

  • :?


  • Exactly the same here lol

    My laziness has gotten to the point where I'm like "uggh I'm hungry but don't wanna get up.. I'll just starve"

  • Yeah I do that too I'm like "I'll survive"

    My laziness has gotten to the point where I'm like "uggh I'm hungry but don't wanna get up.. I'll just starve"

  • Alt text

    Yep nice but to much 1 direction :p

    Azlyn posted: »

    I know it might seem as if i change my background way too often but i just couldn't. IN MY DEFENSE I DID IT JUST FOR VOLDEMORT TO LOOK AT THE DAMN INTERNET EXPLORER AND BE LIKE

  • edited July 2014

    *hug *

    My name is really not made for ships, huh?

    JonGon posted: »

    Azlyno___ Don't_Look_Azlyn_____AzlynBrown____AzlynTheProfessional_____Azlyn-is-Dumb______AzlynElagamy__________Giraffelyn_______Azlyn_Box___


    And Welcome_To_Gustacbury

  • There's a whole world out there to discover! People to meet, things to do!

    Or i can just stay here on my ass typing it all on a forum.

    My laziness has gotten to the point where I'm like "uggh I'm hungry but don't wanna get up.. I'll just starve"

  • My mom told me i needed to get sun so i told her id put my brightness on my computer up. Lmao she got maaaaaaad

    Azlyn posted: »

    There's a whole world out there to discover! People to meet, things to do! Or i can just stay here on my ass typing it all on a forum.

  • That's Jim Gaffigan. :P

    Story of life.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    AllThatFreeus (ATR and Jewfreeus), WhatRemainsHere (ATR and WTWH)

    SweetDuck (SweetPeaClem and WTD), Sweetsomeo (SweetPea and Awesomeo)

    NoncyWoodsomethingdorp (Rachelle and Noncy) Welcome_To_Gustacbury (Rachelle and I)

    SardinesFan86 (HERESY), Gustavdines (THE TRUTH)

    TDMgoustttCP (Elian and Gousttt)

    WhatGustavWriteKenny (WtWh and I, Scandinavian love)

    EDIT: AllThatAzlyn (ATR and Azlyn)

    Azlyn posted: »

    Kay, so, can you guys list all the possible ships between the users here right now?

  • Are you telling that to yo son, as well?

    My mom told me i needed to get sun so i told her id put my brightness on my computer up. Lmao she got maaaaaaad

  • Azlyn_Box?!



    JonGon posted: »

    Azlyno___ Don't_Look_Azlyn_____AzlynBrown____AzlynTheProfessional_____Azlyn-is-Dumb______AzlynElagamy__________Giraffelyn_______Azlyn_Box___

  • edited July 2014

    It will make the big unveil even better though it still looks fantastic from this end tbh :D

    JonGon posted: »

    It looks way better as a PSD file ;~; Saving it as a JPEG makes it lose a shitload of quality but it's the only way to upload it.

  • The Scandinavian love comment knocked me out.

    AllThatFreeus (ATR and Jewfreeus), WhatRemainsHere (ATR and WTWH) SweetDuck (SweetPeaClem and WTD), Sweetsomeo (SweetPea and Awesomeo)

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    HI, I'll be signing up for a membership in this club, thanks.

    Ummm... idk if I'm really shipped with anyone in here...

  • That's good, means I did somethin' right.

    Azlyn posted: »

    The Scandinavian love comment knocked me out.

  • Ouch.

    That's good, means I did somethin' right.

  • I'm gonna go have a passionate hate-love session with this totally hot partially gay troll guy, i'll be back in a jiffy.

  • What's wrong? Did I forget to ship you?

    Azlyn posted: »


  • Well you see Poop Brown is a person in real life that I made up with my friends. We just make up the most bullshit (pun not intended) stories about his life. Like how almost every single product in the world has some amount of Poop Brown poop in it. I remember making up how he died lol it was like that his bowels were too great and his weak human body couldn't withstand the amazingness. He was in the hospital saying his last words but it took him a full 24 hours exactly. He said to me that I must continue his legacy of selling turds to kids in Africa for $2.50 and then he let out one last fart but farted too hard, shat his pants, and died. All the companies he owns are in my bio. So yeah :P

    Alright..uhh....I don't want to make this too awkward.... But wouldn't the "Brown" part of your username be implied???

  • I don't think there's anybody for you to ship me with. No, it's not that, it's that knocking me out was the right thing you've done. ;~;

    What's wrong? Did I forget to ship you?

  • "It has plenty of evidence, some even too explicit for me to show on national television."


  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    If you had to date one person from this lounge, who would it be? IT CANNOT BE YOURSELF

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    In what way of knocking out did I knock you out?

    Also I added AllThatAzlyn.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I don't think there's anybody for you to ship me with. No, it's not that, it's that knocking me out was the right thing you've done. ;~;

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