Episode 5 Speculation Thread

TellTale is going to take a couple months to finish it, so why not spend the time by taking random guesses for our own amusement?

My ideas

In the ending scene of episode 4 where the Russian guy fires his gun, the guy is actually pointing the gun at the zombie Rebecca, and everyone is fine. The Russians will then take the group to their hide out. Jane, who had been hiding behind bushes the whole time, tails them. At the hideout, which happens to be an underground bomb shelter, the group is imprisoned and meets the leader of the Russian dudes. Arvo explains to his leader that a member of Clem's group stole the medifications for his sister and he wants to exact revenge. But, Jane is not present so the whole idea is tossed away and the Russian dudes head towards a city (with Clem's group) where they will meet up with more Russian dudes. On their journey, Kenny, being the douche bag he is, enrages the Russian leader. Jane, who had been tailing the whole time by following and eating the bread crumb trail they left, intervenes by offering the Russian man sexual intercourse. They both head to the nearest bush. Luke is infuriated, feeling he had a special connection with Jane, so he dives in and initiates a threesome. With all the ruckus they were making, they alerted a zombie horde near by them. They moved with haste and eventually reached the city, only to find the survivors were not able to make it. The city is infested with zombies, so they all use the cover-yourself-with-guts method and freely roam the city. Rebecca's baby starts crying and Arvo, who is holding it because of his fascination for babies, is attacked and killed. Clementine swiftly snatches the baby just in time and escapes the scene. The group stays at a hotel and Jane and the leader must finish what they started. Jane kills the leader and Jane engages in an epic fight with the other Russians. Jane's extensive knowledge of martial arts allows her to take them all down. But during the heat of the battle, a fire alarm is accidentally triggered and causes an alarm to sound. Everyone dies except for Clementine and the baby. Then fade to black. Then we hear a voice over from Clementine with the saved the day music playing and a couple of random clips of Clementine raising the baby and killing zombies with her badassery. Because that's the best way to end a tv show/movie.


  • IMO I think they'll finish the episode in no more than 6 weeks

  • that's stupid ending sorry "_"

  • I hope so..

    IMO I think they'll finish the episode in no more than 6 weeks

  • What in the actual fuck?

  • Best way to end a tv/movie maybe, but videogame/comic... maybe not...

  • edited July 2014

    Previously, on The Walking Dead...

    A season recap of everything leading up to the Mexican (Russian, I guess?) standoff that is four minutes long.

    Everyone dies. The end.

    [Cue beautifully depressing Anadel track]

    IGN: 10/10

  • Everyone dies ..Clementine and Arvo become best pals and go to wellington...Christa finds the cure..roll credits

  • Dang it! You hit the nail on the head with that plot summary! Telltale's gonna have to rewrite the episode now...

  • God dammit, Shrekt.

  • edited July 2014

    Me too in "wat",

    The Russian Gun point at Where Kenny is, After he shot Rebecca.

    "Clementine begins to hear the sounds of a walker, and turns in a horrified glance to find that Rebecca had died and zombified in mere minutes, still holding the baby in her arm. Clementine can either decide to shoot her, or call out for help to which Kenny will then shoot her. Either option will result in the groups being startled and the episode ending with several gunshots being fired"

    Then Russian pointed and Fired.


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