Should we even hold our breath?
I have a bad feeling that The Wolf Among us is going to turn into another Tales from the Monkey Island... great game but abandoned after Season One. With the coming of TFTB, GoT, and TWD S3, should we even be holding our breath we will get a sequel, or even a DLC?
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Telltale keep announcing titles, I heard a rumour they want to make a Star Wars game as well unfortunately I just don't see them making twau s2 anytime soon or even at all.
Even if there is a second season, there is still a long way to go before actually getting it. I'm not exactly sure how exactly Telltale handled the season announcements in the past(TWD received it after the third episode of the first season, but I assume that was something special), I haven't been around that much.
I'm guessing we could get one after the comics end(early 2015)? If you ask me, that seems like the best time. Who knows? We might even get a sequel to the comics that way , or at the very least the game wouldn't necessarily be a prequel.
R.I.P. Tales of Monkey Island
TWD was actually granted season 2 after sales of episode 1 were high, and it was a very special case.
Disappointed that TWAU has not yet been given a season 2. To me it was by far a much better story that TWDs2.
Why can't telltale just abandon TFTB I'd much rather have TWAU S2.
I don't recommend holding your breath, no, because even if we do get a season two you'll be long gone by the time it arrives, so keep on breathing, brother.
In all seriousness, I have no idea if we'll get a second season. I hope so, and I certainly don't see any reason to give up hope just yet.
Your username speaks the truth, bringusmorewolf. God. That is a good name.
Telltale, stare at his username for a moment and think about what you're doing to Bigby, to Fabletown, and its many fans who reside in the Mundy world.
Bigby needs our support, if we are to bring peace and stability to a place such as Fabletown once more.
TFTB is scheduled to come out late this summer I believe, so there is no point to abandon it. They will get a lot of pissed off fans if they cancel GoT. The best thing they would do is release TWAU S2 before TWD S3.
But on another note, I really hope they don't abandon it. If they feel like they can't make another full season, I would very upset. But I will be absolutely pissed if they don't at least make a DLC.
If they canceled game of thrones I'd definitely be pissed I love GOT
As long as they dont say no, why not? I can wait, really. Especially since Im looking forward to the other games.
i do too, but it might seem weird in telltale's style. I'll have to wait and see though.
I'm sick of some of you saying one is better just because you are upset twd got something twau gotten yet. They are both very different games and twau is better in some areas twd s2 in better in other areas and they are both equal in other areas.
or its like their opinion

(In re: Abandonimg TFTB idea not your GoT post.)
Yeah, Carley. "To me" she said. It's like an opinion, you know. To me TWAU was much better too. It lost some of it's potential after the story was rewritten but it's still better than the "what can we make to shock the players now" that TWD has been reduced to.
First thing: I love Dean Ambrose :P.
Second thing: what do you mean? Are you saying your excited for tales from the borderlands?
I do wish people would stop saying it lost potential after the story was written. You have no idea what the story would have been like if they had kept the "original" storyline, which would have been impossible anyway because it goes against canon. But there's no saying it would have played better.
Yes, I am. TTG have a great chance to make an awesome spin-off of the main series and bring a little more seriousness and their own trademark storytelling.
Considering I own both BL1 and 2 and have The Pre-Sequel on "The Pre-Order" @ GS, I'd be a fool not to be excited to play TFTB.
If Telltale announced they were going to make a season 2 then it probably might not be till next year because they are still working on Borderlands and GOT.
The fact they still have the discussion page up is a good sign for at least a DLC.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Given the other games they are currently working on, I'd give it awhile before we hear anything wolf related. I'd be devestated if they didn't do a season 2 but with the comics and the creator being very picky with how the characters are portrayed, it may be awhile if ever.
I'd love another season, though....
If the sells on the wolf among us was high - I don't see tell-tale would leave this series on working table.
I heard somewhere that at tell-tale panel a fan ask about series 2 of TWAU, the writers relied they were open from ideas. But I wouldn't hold your breath there is going to be waiting period cause of GOT and Tales of the borderlands. maybe 2015? fingers crossed, while I see tell-tale might do a series 2 I don't know if it would be about another murder
Only time will tell.
I absolutely agree. TWAU is a far better series.