Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



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    We can top Tobi :D

    I'm on the dark side now? Yes, you have to top Tobi. ;-;

  • 2) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that.

    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • Hmm... Now that everyone is in a group creating a community.... I have a perfect character for that ;D

  • Let's do it! :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    We can top Tobi

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    Let's do it!

  • YAY!

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Hey Lee? May I make a request?

    Juice_Box wants to join, she just didn't want to ask herself, so me and some other people said that we would ask for her.



    ..."The mansion is huge, there's enough rooms for everybody. I want to start growing a garden first thing in the morning. We can go from the

  • All of these kids.... afraid to get blood on their hands. But I'll show them. They'd wish I gave them a quick death.


  • She better get bit....


  • I want to have pet snake that I can use to kill my victims. >:3

    Azlyn posted: »

    ㅇㅅㅇ Pro. Pro. Hey Pro. Hey hey Pro. Can i... Can i get a cat. I want a cat. I want a black cat with white spectac

  • I just have two more parts to read and I'll finally be caught up with you guys! Yay! :D

  • edited July 2014


    After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely able to find food, and I had no idea where I was going. Things were beginning to seem hopeless. I was walking down a road to nowhere, thinking about my deceased partner in crime, CornPopper. I kept wondering if that farm group was still alive, if by chance I ever saw them again, I would make sure I tear them all apart, limb from limb. Tobi was another problem as well, he most definitely needed to die. I still had the AK47 that I grabbed off of Ever's corpse, I hadn't wasted any ammo, and I was able to avoid any walkers. Luckily for me, I hadn't seen much of them out here. As I was walking, I spotted a military cargo truck."Holy shit. Well look at what we have here! Hehehe." I said to myself. I looked around but didn't see anyone guarding it. I aimed my gun and moved in for a closer look. I checked the back of the truck, but it was empty. I went to the passenger side and checked inside. No one or nothing inside."Hmm... who would leave this out here?" I said. I turned around and noticed a few shoe prints on the dirt. They led into the woods, I decided I was going to follow them. I made sure to look around for anyone, I followed the prints deeper into the woods. After about three minutes, I discovered something."Hahaha..." Things were beginning to look up for me...


    (!) They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that.

    We waited patiently for an answer. Pro finally looked up at us."They can stay. If they turn on us, we'll make them wish they hadn't done that."

    "Hell yeah. Sounds good to me." Puncake replied.

    "I don't know, but, If we can keep an eye on them, then okay." Jewf said.

    "We can take care of ourselves. They just need to start pulling their own weight around here, and then proving to us that they are trustworthy." I told them.

    "That's right. If they can do that, then we can start working together, and try to make this place safer for others." Pro told us. He looked over at the others and started walking."Come on, guys. Let's go tell them the good news." He said to us...


    "Tobi?! I can't believe this... my, God!" I said with a shocked look on my face.

    "Is he really one of your friends? You said he was a teacher back at the school, and that you knew a person just like we described." Shiina told me.

    "Yes... it seems like it is the very same person. It's just... I know Tobi... how could he do something like this?" I said while shaking my head and looking down.

    "I had Tobi as a teacher. He wasn't always the nicest guy, but I agree with Noncy. I didn't think he would ever go that far to do something so... sickening." CSB told Shiina.

    We were all outside, discussing what just happened, and getting to know each other. We were waiting to see if the others would let this group of people stay with us. They mentioned a man named Tobi, supposedly he was keeping people as slave workers and killing anyone he thought was inferior or weak compared to him. It wasn't making any sense, me and Tobi had a thing going on, he seemed like a caring man, and that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. He was always on my mind, I always wondered if he was still alive after escaping the school with a bunch of students and teachers when this first started."Tobi is a sick fucker that needs to die." Guilty said.

    "It doesn't make any sense at all. Why would he do such a thing?!" I was still shocked and confused.

    "Noncy, people change. This new world changes people. Maybe he wasn't like this before, but now he is a very dangerous man. He kept us enslaved and made us work by force. He killed people because he thought they weren't ready to live in this new world. He tortured us because we were planning to escape. He's a psycho..." Valky told me.

    "It doesn't seem right..." I replied.

    "Well, whatever happened to Tobi, I know for sure that he would have killed us all if given the chance." Guilty told us.

    "CiD, I remember seeing you back at the school. You were new but you and Tobi seemed to get along, is what they are saying true?" I asked him.

    CiD looked down."It's true... Tobi helped me get a job at the school. He was actually my best friend. I looked up to him, but after finding out what he was doing to these people... I just had to get the hell out of there. He was slowly becoming a monster, he isn't the same Tobi we once knew, Noncy." He told me.

    "Jesus..." I said. I saw that Pro, Jon, Puncake and Jewf were coming back.

    "Alright, we've come to an agreement and decided to let you guys stay." Pro told the new group of people.

    "Yes!" Sheep shouted.

    "All right!" Twistee said with a smile.

    "Thank you!" Goust told them.

    Everyone was very happy with the news."Okay, now that we have that settled... we're letting you guys stay, but you're going to have to start pulling your own weight around here. After what everyone went through with Tobi, you'll be getting the time that you need, but we'll all need to start working together on trying to expand this place and make it safer for others to live here." Pro told them.

    "So you want us to work as a group, and start coming up with ideas?" Gary asked.

    "That's right. Unlike Tobi, we're not going to force you to work until you can't work anymore. Things will be a lot smoother around here, more calm and all around a better environment for all." Jon explained.

    "We already have some ideas on what we want to build, and with enough people, we'll be able to get things done much quicker." Pro told us.

    "We can start building a greenhouse, grow a garden, make an armory, a garage for tools and such, build a fence around the perimeter, even try to build a moat afterwards when everything is done with." Puncake explained.

    "It ain't gonna be easy, but we can do this, just as long as we get together and there aren't any problems. If you think you can't handle this, then leave now so we make sure that you don't waste our time." Jewf told them.

    "I used to be a blacksmith and swordsmith before all of this. I am a master swordsman, with the right tools and equipment, I can start building some weapons for you all." Goust suggested.

    "I like that idea. With all these people, we can search for anything we might find useful a lot quicker than just taking a few people out for a supply run. We can split up and search different areas. Together we can build a place where we are safe from the walkers and any humans that could be a potential threat to us. It won't be easy, and it won't take a day, but if we work together and trust each other enough, we will be back to what this world once used to be. Of course it won't be exactly the same, but with enough time and effort, we can manage something really special here." Pro told us.

    "So what do you guys say? Are you willing to help us build a safe haven for us all? People would want to come here and know that they would be safe from any type of danger." Jon said.

    "I'm in." Shiina told them.

    Guilty and Valky looked at each other. He turned to the others."Definitely."

    "If it means we'll be safe, then we're in." Rafoli said while AC, and Broken agreed with him.

    "Yes, anything I can do to help. I'm ready." SweetPea told them.

    Everyone else nodded and agreed. It seemed like these people were willing to give it a shot."Then it's settled. Thank you all for listening and understanding. Come tomorrow morning, we can start going on supply runs to look for all the necessary items that we will need." Pro told them. Everyone agreed. Maybe if we all worked together, this place might actually be safe for everyone...

    1 week later

    About a week had gone by. Everyone was getting along and working together. Lots of people had gone out on supply runs, and we had brought back a whole bunch of stuff and thaaaangs that we could use. It was ten in the morning and everyone was inside taking a break. We were just sitting down in the living room having some laughs, and enjoying our time together. BANG! Suddenly a gunshot rang from out of nowhere."What the fuck?!" Wanderer shouted.

    Almost everyone got up and ran towards the windows."What the hell is going on out there?!" Deceptio asked as he was sitting down next to me and SweetPea.

    King was the first one to get to the window."Holy shit!" He said when he took a look.

    "Fuckin' hell! Can't even take a break for five minutes without something happening. I knew I should have stayed out to keep watch!" Jewf said.

    "What's going on?!" Guetta asked.

    "Oh no!" Valky shouted.

    "Fuck! It's Tobi!" Shadow shouted.

    "Tobi?! No fucking way!" Guilty said in an angered tone.

    "Shit! Did he just?! Holy... no!" Sheep shouted...

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy- A bit earlier

    After a week of tracking those fuckers down, I finally found where they were hiding. We scouted the area for a day and saw a lot of my old workers there. I took a few cars and guards with me."Alright, people. We're going to drive in front of the mansion, but keep our distance. I'll kill one of these assholes so they know that I'm not fucking around." I said while looking back at Gustav and Gamer.

    "Alright, Tobi. Whenever you're ready."

    "Yeah, just let us know."

    I turned to look at the mansion."Drive." I said to them. We started moving and going at a fast speed, we stopped about halfway from the mansion, and then everyone got out. I opened the back doors of the van and the guards helped me get Gustav and Gamer out. They were gagged and had their hands tied behind their backs. My guards got them on their knees, I took out my Model 41 and walked behind them."Dumb assholes think they can screw me over! I'll show them!" I aimed my gun at one them and got ready...

    1) Shoot Gustav.

    2) Shoot Gamer.


  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    2) Shoot Gamer

    Fuck... I don't know... I'll probably die... Because I don't know... It just seems like you guys won't let me live so... Goodbye...

    Ricks in peaches me.

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • Noooooooo!

    2) Shoot Gamer.

    EVEN IF I'M DEAD, GUSTAV MUST LIVE ON!! I'm sorry Gamer ;_;

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • Thanks, I guess.

    sardines posted: »

    Noooooooo! 2) Shoot Gamer. EVEN IF I'M DEAD, GUSTAV MUST LIVE ON!! I'm sorry Gamer ;_;

  • SURVIVE, GUSTAV! ;_; for me! (even tho i'm dead, lol)

    Thanks, I guess.

  • edited July 2014

    Nooooooooo. :c

    2) Shoot Gamer. sorry. ;-;

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • Be strong SweetPea, you can vote.

    Nooooooooo. :c 2) Shoot Gamer. sorry. ;-;

  • 2) Shoot Gamer.

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab


    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab



  • 2) Shoot Gamer.

    The feeeeeels ;-; voting to kill people is so hard

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • ;~;

    2) Shoot Gamer.

    I'm sorry Gamer :(

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • Yeah, so this part was rushed because of people over the house. Didn't turn out like how I wanted it, but I'll make it up for the finale. One more part for Ch.3. B]

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • @Markd4547 it's my chance to defeat Tobi, I'll be strong. ;-;

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • 2) Shoot Gamer.

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • ?nooS

    Yeah, so this part was rushed because of people over the house. Didn't turn out like how I wanted it, but I'll make it up for the finale. One more part for Ch.3. B]

  • 2) Shoot Gamer

    I'm sorry. ;_;

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • If they leave early, but I think one of them is staying over. So I'll probably put the last part tomorrow.


  • Heh, but tomorrow is still noos, don't worry.

    If they leave early, but I think one of them is staying over. So I'll probably put the last part tomorrow.

  • 2) Shoot Gamer.

    Gustav nooo! Sorry Gamer :(

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • But he wants to kill you xD

    @Markd4547 it's my chance to defeat Tobi, I'll be strong. ;-;

  • Noooooo, we'll kill Tobi together. :c

    But he wants to kill you xD

  • Is everyone just following the crowd and shooting Gamer?

    1) Shoot Gustav.

    Gustav has been through too much now, and I dont see him escaping Tobi anytime soon, so I rather have his life ended quickly and almost painlessly than to die some way else, that is if Tobi is shooting Gustav in the head, but doe some reason I think he will let him re-animate and sneak him into the mansion and use the guy who didnt get shot to be a hostage.

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • edited July 2014

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    Of course WE WILL as a team and I don't Sweetpea must LIVE MUAHAHAH :D

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    Noooooo, we'll kill Tobi together. :c

  • Hell yeah, as a team! And SweetPea WILL live. :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Of course WE WILL as a team and I don't Sweetpea must LIVE MUAHAHAH

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    LMFAO! SweetPea would kill Mark the first chance she gets.

    Hell yeah, as a team! And SweetPea WILL live.

  • You ruined the moment Pro. ;-; Noooo, Mark is my partner in crime.

    LMFAO! SweetPea would kill Mark the first chance she gets.

  • Lmao, after what happened earlier? Yeah, no. That won't happen. B]

    You ruined the moment Pro. ;-; Noooo, Mark is my partner in crime.

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