Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



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    lol XD I won't kill her though bring it Sweetpea must kill Tobi muahaha and me maybe to XD

    Lmao, after what happened earlier? Yeah, no. That won't happen. B]

  • God damn it. For Betsy and Stache I guess, sorry Mark. :c

    Lmao, after what happened earlier? Yeah, no. That won't happen. B]

  • edited July 2014

    Lol, and that just makes it worse for you. So what do you think you found in your part?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    lol XD I won't kill her though bring it Sweetpea must kill Tobi muahaha and me maybe to XD

  • I'll try not to kill you. ;-;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    lol XD I won't kill her though bring it Sweetpea must kill Tobi muahaha and me maybe to XD

  • He destroyed your house, lol! SweetPea is the only farm group survivor... sheeeiiiit!

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    God damn it. For Betsy and Stache I guess, sorry Mark. :c

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    Weapons and the group then gets invaded by Tobi and loses. Then out of nowhere here I come like Rambo and kill everyone in the chaos of battle inside the house then I save the day :DDD

    Lol, and that just makes it worse for you. So what do you think you found in your part?

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    God damn it. For Betsy and Stache I guess, sorry Mark. :c

  • Lol, he destroyed everything. :o SweetPea is so lonely, so unfair... :c

    He destroyed your house, lol! SweetPea is the only farm group survivor... sheeeiiiit!

  • I must kill Tobi. D:

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • edited July 2014

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    XD STOP IT LEE PLS my team :'O

    He destroyed your house, lol! SweetPea is the only farm group survivor... sheeeiiiit!

  • Lol!

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    Oh, man. That's good. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Weapons and the group then gets invaded by Tobi and loses. Then out of nowhere here I come like Rambo and kill everyone in the chaos of battle inside the house then I save the day :DDD

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    He will kill you only as a team or me only stands a chance you can't risk it pls :'O

    I must kill Tobi.

  • Yeah, but your with like 29 other people now, lol.

    Lol, he destroyed everything. SweetPea is so lonely, so unfair... :c

  • Lol, Mark is better off alone, but maybe in chapter 4 he'll... B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD STOP IT LEE PLS my team :'O

  • But being lonely is not the same as being alone, lmao.

    Yeah, but your with like 29 other people now, lol.

  • I'm still with you on the dark side.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD STOP IT LEE PLS my team :'O

  • ;-;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    He will kill you only as a team or me only stands a chance you can't risk it pls :'O

  • edited July 2014

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    XD seriously pls :'D

    Lol! Oh, man. That's good. B]

  • How can she be alone or lonely when she just made more friends, and Gary and Azlyn are with her again. SweetPea's old wounds won't heal, they'll just make her stronger. She hasn't forgotten what happened.

    But being lonely is not the same as being alone, lmao.

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    WHAT ABOUT ME!! I'm lonely does that not count :'O

    How can she be alone or lonely when she just made more friends, and Gary and Azlyn are with her again. SweetPea's old wounds won't heal, they'll just make her stronger. She hasn't forgotten what happened.

  • I don't want you to get killed :'(


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    YES :'DDDD

    I'm still with you on the dark side.

  • Is Mark getting soft on me?! I thought you wanted to be the evil guy... and that you don't mind being the lone wolf, haha. At least you're confirmed for Ch.4. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WHAT ABOUT ME!! I'm lonely does that not count :'O

  • edited July 2014

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    Mark is better off alone

    Am I :OOO tell me

    Lol, Mark is better off alone, but maybe in chapter 4 he'll... B]

  • I promise I'll be careful. :c

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I don't want you to get killed

  • She will never forget Pro, never.

    How can she be alone or lonely when she just made more friends, and Gary and Azlyn are with her again. SweetPea's old wounds won't heal, they'll just make her stronger. She hasn't forgotten what happened.

  • edited July 2014

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    XD great YES and no just Sweetpea is going to be on my team kill the rest :D

    Is Mark getting soft on me

    I'm the evil Joker overlord of the forum never say that GOSH :P

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    Is Mark getting soft on me?! I thought you wanted to be the evil guy... and that you don't mind being the lone wolf, haha. At least you're confirmed for Ch.4. B]

  • (?) SweetPeaClem will remember everything she went through from chapters 1 through 3.

    She will never forget Pro, never.

  • (?) SweetPea will only forget Mark's face so she won't kill him.

    (?) SweetPeaClem will remember everything she went through from chapters 1 through 3.

  • Lol, SweetPea would try to kill Mark. Twistee might have joined you, but stuff and thaaaangs happened, also you could have helped Azlyn back at the church depending on what people picked. Maybe the groups would have split, and you could have been with a group.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD great YES and no just Sweetpea is going to be on my team kill the rest Is Mark getting soft on me I'm the evil Joker overlord of the forum never say that GOSH :P

  • edited July 2014

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    Ok I believe now you can do it YES!! :'D

    I promise I'll be careful. :c

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    YES :'DDDD

  • (?) Awesomeo, Stache, WTD, Raging, Mokonage, Betsy, SweetPea's house, SweetPea's Tea will remember that you betrayed them.

    (?) SweetPea will only forget Mark's face so she won't kill him.

  • Noooooo. :c But what does my tea has to do with it? Lol.

    (?) Awesomeo, Stache, WTD, Raging, Mokonage, Betsy, SweetPea's house, SweetPea's Tea will remember that you betrayed them.

  • Yay!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ok I believe now you can do it YES!! :'D

  • edited July 2014

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    Twistee betrayed me he tried to kill me I didn't mind but mockery was unacceptable while I was with the group

    Azlyn hasn't prove herself capable yet

    I am a group only sweetpea can join I follow no one kill them they bore me they can stay in the house and die while Rambo saves the day :'D

    Lol, SweetPea would try to kill Mark. Twistee might have joined you, but stuff and thaaaangs happened, also you could have helped Azlyn back

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    THEY WERE NOT MY FAULT typical blame me for everything bad that happens >:(

    (?) Awesomeo, Stache, WTD, Raging, Mokonage, Betsy, SweetPea's house, SweetPea's Tea will remember that you betrayed them.

  • Azlyn hasn't proved herself?! Lol, that's so not true.

    Lol, wouldn't it be funny if she joins you, and then kills you off when you have your back turned? Mwuahaha! B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Twistee betrayed me he tried to kill me I didn't mind but mockery was unacceptable while I was with the group Azlyn hasn't prove herself

  • Lol, everything! :p

    Noooooo. :c But what does my tea has to do with it? Lol.

  • Lol, so you still don't want to get revenge for your partner in crime, CornPopper? He was with you when this happened.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    THEY WERE NOT MY FAULT typical blame me for everything bad that happens >:(

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