Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Lol, but the tea wasn't even there when it all started. :p

    Lol, everything!

  • I know the truth, don't worry. :o

    Markd4547 posted: »

    THEY WERE NOT MY FAULT typical blame me for everything bad that happens >:(

  • Azlyn never heard of her is she in the story :p

    XD bring it

    Azlyn hasn't proved herself?! Lol, that's so not true. Lol, wouldn't it be funny if she joins you, and then kills you off when you have your back turned? Mwuahaha! B]

  • Lol, so I guess when she stabbed Guy in the throat to kill him wasn't anything special, considering she's a 15 year old teen in the story. She also rode a bike for miles following Tobi and his men back to the warehouse where she entered and risked her life to save YOU and her group members... Lol!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Azlyn never heard of her is she in the story XD bring it

  • SweetPea... it was always there... I just never added it in the beginning because there was no need to at the moment. B]

    Lol, but the tea wasn't even there when it all started.

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    WTD WAS MINE and I didn't kill him so not anymore I'm higher class of criminal I want Tobi to surrender to me, let sweetpea live, kill the rest :)

    Food and security in Tobi's community = survival the end :D

    Lol, so you still don't want to get revenge for your partner in crime, CornPopper? He was with you when this happened.

  • Is it still alive, though? :o

    SweetPea... it was always there... I just never added it in the beginning because there was no need to at the moment. B]

  • It might show up later.... if you live. B]

    Is it still alive, though?

  • (?) CornPopper will haunt you from beyond the grave.

    Mwuahaha! We shall see what happens. If you guys hate Tobi now, just wait until later. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WTD WAS MINE and I didn't kill him so not anymore I'm higher class of criminal I want Tobi to surrender to me, let sweetpea live, kill the rest Food and security in Tobi's community = survival the end

  • edited July 2014

    She did great a real badass I hope this gets edwards attention THIS ISN'T TWILIGHT this is TWD that sounds like a 15 year old teen soap drama chick flick descriptions she not seen the dark like me .

    That's a routine day for me nothing special she will have to do more to impress me :P

    Lol, so I guess when she stabbed Guy in the throat to kill him wasn't anything special, considering she's a 15 year old teen in the story. S

  • Alt text

    Jk, I think I should make apple tea for everyone, this way we're all immortal. 8)

    It might show up later.... if you live. B]

  • edited July 2014

    Lol... yeah, no.

    Jk, I think I should make apple tea for everyone, this way we're all immortal. 8)

  • (?) Azlyn will Remember that.

    Lol, then it should be Tobi who you're impressed with. I think he's killed the most people in the story. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    She did great a real badass I hope this gets edwards attention THIS ISN'T TWILIGHT this is TWD that sounds like a 15 year old teen soap dram

  • How's it gonna show up then? Memories?

    Lol... yeah, no.

  • Stuff... thaaaangs.

    How's it gonna show up then? Memories?

  • So... is that your answer to everything?

    Stuff... thaaaangs.

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    XD AW HELL NO!! u didn't pls tell me you didn't quality of kills no quantity :P

    (?) Azlyn will Remember that. Lol, then it should be Tobi who you're impressed with. I think he's killed the most people in the story. B]

  • Lol, only when it's appropriate. B]

    So... is that your answer to everything?

  • Lol.

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD AW HELL NO!! u didn't pls tell me you didn't quality of kills no quantity :P

  • Lol, but it seems like it's always appropriate in your mind. :p

    Lol, only when it's appropriate. B]

  • nooo, not always. Only when it makes sense. B]

    Lol, but it seems like it's always appropriate in your mind.

  • Well, if you say so... 8)

    nooo, not always. Only when it makes sense. B]

  • 3) Shoot both

    Not fair just picking one

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • edited July 2014

    2) Shoot Gamer.

    damn it these who lives who dies choices are hard! sorry gamer :(

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • 1) Shoot Gustav

    Sorry, nothing personal.

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • Good ol' Markd, oh man, I love you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    3) Shoot both Not fair just picking one

  • No problem.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    1) Shoot Gustav Sorry, nothing personal.

  • 329326) Commit suicide


    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • 1) Shoot Gustav

    It just got personal, hahaha.

    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab



    Markd4547 After a few days of being on my own, I was beginning to think that maybe it was a bad idea to ditch the others. I was barely ab

  • edited August 2014


    (!) Shoot Gamer.

    I gritted my teeth and aimed the gun at Gamer."So long, hahaha!" BANG! A clean shot to the back of his head. His body moved forward and his face hit the ground. Gustav turned to look at him, he had his eyes wide open the whole time. I looked at the mansion."C'mon, assholes. Come out and play." I said while waiting. I kept wondering if Tali was with them, ever since I found out that he shot the screens in the security room, and stole one of the vehicles to escape, I wanted to personally seek some revenge on him...


    We were all sitting down and relaxing in the living room. We were all exhausted from working all week. I helped Jon burn the body of the bandit who killed Awesomeo, we went on countless supply runs and found a lot of useful items and food. We had plenty of gasoline and tried to conserve it as best we could. SweetPea planted some apple seeds nearby, and we even started a bit of weapons training a few days ago. Everything was going perfectly, we were about to start building a watch tower, and greenhouse, we were trying to get this place prepared for anything that might come our way. But like always, things go wrong. BANG! a loud gunshot was heard coming from outside the mansion. I quickly got up and looked out a window. Everyone else was huddled over trying to see what was going on."Motherfucker! Tobi killed Gamer!" Twistee shouted.

    "Fuck! He found us!" Shadow yelled out.

    "What do we do?!" Guetta asked.

    "Somebody shoot him!" Twistee said.

    "He has his guards in the way. Tobi is smart, he's willing to sacrifice them just so he can live." Salt replied.

    "Someone needs to go out there... I'll do it." I told the group.

    "What are you nuts?! You can't do that! Not by yourself!" Password told me.

    "I'm going to talk to him. See what he wants. Everybody stay inside, don't shoot unless something happens." I said to them while getting up.

    "No! You can't go out there alone!" Jon told me.

    "Look, I'm just going out there to talk to him. Let's not start anything with him just yet." I told them.

    "Fuck, man. At least take a weapon with you..." Jewf said to me.

    "Here. Take this." Fan handed me the 9mm handgun that I gave him on the first night of this whole thing.

    I grabbed the gun and stared at it."Heh, memories..." I said, and hid it behind the small of my back."Okay, I'm going out there. Stay here everyone." I told them.

    "Be careful, man." Sheep told me.

    "We'll have your back if anything happens." WtW told me.

    "Thank you. Just wait here." I told them, and started heading out.

    I made it to the front door and looked back at the group. I nodded at them and then opened the door. I saw Tobi and his guards with a van, and two small cargo trucks behind them. I saw that he had shot Gamer in the back of the head and now he had his gun aimed at Gustav, the man who helped the other group members escape."Who are you?" Tobi asked me as I stared back at him.

    "You can call me Pro. You must be Tobi." I replied.

    He smiled."Heh, at your service." He said.

    I looked around and then back at them."What do want? Why are you here?" I asked him.

    Tobi looked down and chuckled."Hehe, look. I'm not going to mince words here. I came for my people." He said while looking back at me.

    I looked at the sky and nodded my head. I turned my attention back at him."Well, Tobi. They're not your people anymore. You forced them to work for you against their will. They never asked to be taken in by force, and to work until they couldn't take it anymore. They wouldn't like it if you were to take them back with you." I said to him.

    Tobi looked to the side and then back at me."Nice place you have here. I know you have my people in there, If you let me take them back, no one will die. But before that, Just let me know these two things."

    "What is it?" I asked.

    "Who's idea was it to break into my place, and then take my workers away from me? And... is Tali in there with you?" He said with a serious tone.

    "Tali? I don't know anyone in there named "Tali." As for who planned the idea, it was me and a few others. We were just going in to get Sardines and Joe out. We never planned to free everyone, it just happened. And forget about taking anyone back with you." I said with my arms crossed.

    "Is that so? Well, Pro. It seems like you're not willing to hand my people over, so I think I'll have to take them by force, again... How about I give you a week to make up your mind?" He said with an angry look on his face.

    I put my arms down and stared at him."Like I said before. They're not your people anymore." I said with a serious tone.

    Tobi gritted his teeth and started shaking his head. He looked at Gustav."So... If I were to kill this piece of shit right here, it would be on your head. Are you willing to let this man die?" He asked.

    "I don't know him. He was a guard for you, was he not? How do I know that he won't betray me like he did to you? Or how do I know that he wasn't on your side the whole time, and he was supposed to show you where we were once he found out? But unfortunately for him, he got shot during the escape, and your plan failed. Now you're angry at him and you're willing to kill him. Go ahead." I said to him.

    I could see that Gustav's eyes were widened and he started nodded his head. Tobi laughed."Hahaha, actually, no. I didn't plan anything like that, I had no idea someone would try to break into my place and take my workers away. But now that you mention it, I'll keep that in mind if this happens again. Once I take my people back, things will be different. Since you don't care about this man, and clearly I don't either. He may die." Tobi told me and then placed his gun on the back of Gustav's head. Gustav shut his eyes closed.

    Out of nowhere."Wait!" I heard Noncy's voice behind me.

    "Noncy, don't!" WtW shouted while standing next to the door with Angel. ARF! ARF!

    I watched as she was running towards me."Noncy?! What are you doing?!" I asked her.

    She got next to me and then looked over at them."Tobi!" She shouted.

    Tobi had a shocked and confused look on his face."Noncy...?" He replied.

    Noncy closed her eyes and looked down for a moment. She opened them and then looked back at Tobi."Tobi... I heard about what you were doing... I was worried about you this whole time, and to find out that you were doing such vile things. It really upset me..." She told him.

    "Noncy... I tried looking for you, hon. You've been on my mind 24/7. I thought you were dead... I..." Tobi said to her.

    "I thought you were dead as well. This whole time I was worried about you, and then I find out that you had become... a monster! What happened to you, Tobi?!" Noncy asked him with a serious tone.

    Tobi looked down and then back at her."I thought I had lost you. I got angry and couldn't hold it back any longer. I kept blaming myself for leaving you back at the school. When I tried looking for you, and I couldn't find you... it only made it worse. I felt... weak. I felt like I should have stayed back and helped you escape. I felt like shit when I left you behind..." Tobi explained.

    "It was hectic. There was no time for you to look for me. Everyone was evacuating and we had to leave. I stayed behind with a few of my students and watched over them. I was hoping that I would be able to find you out there somewhere... but that wasn't the case. It still doesn't excuse what you have done to these people, though. You have mentally and emotionally scarred them. I... I think I won't be able to forgive you for that." Noncy said.

    "Noncy...?" WtW said.

    Noncy sighed."Stop this, Tobi... just end this already." She told him.

    "Only if you come with me." He said to her.

    "What?!" WtW shouted.

    "That's not going to happen." I told Tobi.

    "An even trade? I give you Gustav, and you give me Noncy. I don't care about the others. You can have them. I only want Noncy back." Tobi suggested.

    "No. I don't trust you." I told him.

    "No, it's okay." Noncy told me.

    "Noncy, no! Don't go with him!" WtW pleaded.

    "No. I have to. It'll end this. I don't want to see anyone die, I know Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy. If I do this, then no one will have to kill each other. If there's anyone that can convince him to stop this... it's me." She explained.

    "Are you absolutely sure about this?" I asked.

    "Yes. I'm willing to do this, Pro. Don't stop me." She told me.

    "No, Noncy! You can't do this to me!" WtW shouted.

    "I don't have all fuckin' day, Pro. Give me an answer!" Tobi shouted.

    I turned to him and got angry."Why don't you go--" Noncy interrupted me.

    "Pro! Stop... just let me do this... please." She told me.

    I sighed."Fine. It's your decision." I said to her.

    "No! Noncy, stay with us! Please! Noncy!" WtW shouted.

    "I'm sorry, WtW. I have to do this." She told her.

    "Don't you have anyone else you could offer?" I asked Tobi.

    "Just Gustav. I could always take Noncy by force if I have to." Tobi replied.

    I looked over at Noncy, and then I turned to look at Tobi."Fine. We can do this little trade with you, but... you better not screw us over." I told him.

    "Cross my heart and hope to die. I'm a man of my word. Besides, I don't need this worthless sack of shit anymore. Keep him, kill him, do whatever." Tobi said while signalling his guards to get Gustav up.

    I turned to Noncy."Noncy, be careful." I told her.

    She nodded and looked back at WtW, who was crying a bit. She put her head down, and then proceeded to walk towards Tobi and his guards. I looked over at Tobi as he pushed Gustav forward and told him to go."Noncy..." WtW said with a sad tone in her voice.

    I watched as both Noncy and Gustav met half way. Tobi was smirking the whole time and had his hands on his waist."She'll end this, WtW. No one has to die." I told her. Gustav was having a hard time making his way over, due to the gunshot wound on his thigh. Noncy had finally reached Tobi, and Gustav had made it behind the fence."Stay there. Go next to the fence and sit there." I told him with a serious tone. He nodded and sat down. Me and WtW watched as Tobi and Noncy interacted.

    Tobi tried to lean in for a kiss, but Noncy retracted. I could see that Tobi was getting infuriated and then he slapped her down to the ground."What the fuck?! You bitch! You dare deny me?!" He yelled at her.

    "TOBI!!!" I shouted in anger.

    "NONCY!!!" WtW shouted. ARF! ARF! I heard Angel barking and running past me.

    "Angel, get back here!" I yelled out.

    "No, Angel!" WtW shouted and tried running after her.

    "No!" I got in front of her and held her back."Not you, too! He'll kill you!" I looked up at everyone staring out the window. I turned back to look at Tobi.

    "A fuckin' dog?! Hahahaha!" He laughed and aimed his gun at Angel while she was running up to him. BANG!

    Suddenly... everything felt like it was in slow motion. I watched as Tobi had a sickening smile on his face, Angel rolled forward and hit the ground. My eye's widened and then I felt everything coming back to normal. Tobi kept laughing the whole time."No!" I shouted out loud and went for the 9mm handgun behind me.

    "Nooooo!!!" WtW screamed at the top of her lungs.

    I aimed the gun at them and started shooting."Motherfucker!" BANG! BANG! BANG! I fired off a few shots.

    Tobi and his guards started shooting back. I saw Tobi grabbing Noncy and getting into a van."Let's go!" He ordered his guards. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! hundreds of bullets started flying all around us.

    "Get down!" I heard Jon shouting as he and the other group members started firing back. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATATAT!

    BANG! BANG! I fired a couple more shots. I saw Gustav laying down behind the fence, trying not to get shot. WtW was just sobbing throughout the whole thing."Get down!" I yelled at her and then grabbed her. We dove into cover and laid down on the ground. BANG! BANG! click, click. There was no more ammo in my gun. I heard Tobi and his guards driving off.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! "FUCK!" I heard Jewf shouting."Fucker got away!"

    "Pro! WtW!" Fan shouted for us.

    "Get them inside! Make sure they didn't get shot!" I heard Jon.

    I looked around and it seemed clear."Are they gone?!" I asked.

    "They're gone! C'mon!" Puncake said while running towards us."Are you guys shot?!" He asked.

    WtW was still crying."I'm good. Get her inside." I told them.

    "Come on, WtW... Let's go inside." ATR told her.

    "Gustav!" Shadow shouted and ran up to him. He took the gag off of his mouth.

    "Guys, I'm fucking sorry! I didn't know that sonuvabitch was going to do that! I'm not like him, I swear it!" Gustav shouted.

    "Angel..." SweetPea said and started running towards her with a few other people.

    Puncake helped me up."No! Let me go!" WtW shouted at the group and started running towards Angel."Angel!!!"

    "Damn it..." I shook my head and started walking.

    "Come on, guys." Salt told them.

    When we reached WtW, she was sobbing and hugging Angel's corpse."Angel... no, no! You can't be gone, please! Angel, come back!" WtW pleaded.

    DLB was wiping her tears away and then she sighed."Damn..."

    "Tobi, you fucking bastard..." Guilty said out loud.

    "Angel, please..." WtW kept crying uncontrollably."No, no!"

    "This is truly a horrible thing." Password said with his arms crossed.

    "I'm... I'm so sorry, WtW." Fan told her.

    "Tobi really is a monster." Azlyn said while crying.

    "We have to stop him." Rafoli said to us.

    "Tobi must die." CSB said.

    "This can't go unpunished." Wanderer said.

    "This is going too far. Tobi will pay for this." CiD said to us.

    "First Gamer, and now Angel... that fucker is going down." Sheep told us.

    "What are we going to do, Pro?" Jon asked me.

    I walked up to WtW, who was looking down at Angel's corpse. I turned and saw Gamer's body laying on the ground. I saw our mansion riddled with bullet holes. Tobi had taken Noncy away from us. Everyone was staring at me, waiting for an answer."Tobi just started something that he will pay dearly for. What the fuck do you think we're going to do? We're going to war." I said to the group with a serious tone...


  • edited July 2014

    that was awesome we are now getting a war storyline :D hopefully you can find new people pretty quick so chapter 4 can be out soon

    rip angel and gamer

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy (!) Shoot Gamer. I gritted my teeth and aimed the gun at Gamer."So long, hahaha!" BANG! A clean shot to the back of

  • edited July 2014


    RIP Angel and ps3gamer, we'll make sure Tobi gets his head bashed in.

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy (!) Shoot Gamer. I gritted my teeth and aimed the gun at Gamer."So long, hahaha!" BANG! A clean shot to the back of

  • edited July 2014

    Oh my God....... everything bad that could ever happen to me is happening.... ;~:

    RIP sweet Angel. </3

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy (!) Shoot Gamer. I gritted my teeth and aimed the gun at Gamer."So long, hahaha!" BANG! A clean shot to the back of


    Ouhhhh he gon' die now >:(

    Btw can't believe I lived through this brutal chapter lol >.<

    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy (!) Shoot Gamer. I gritted my teeth and aimed the gun at Gamer."So long, hahaha!" BANG! A clean shot to the back of

  • Yeah, this was a bad part to be WtW. Sorry, but we'll get Tobi for this.

    Oh my God....... everything bad that could ever happen to me is happening.... ;~: RIP sweet Angel. </3

  • I'm not even mad, I'm just like overwhelmingly depressed, lol. I'll probably get angry later. :(

    Man, fuck Tobi.

    Yeah, this was a bad part to be WtW. Sorry, but we'll get Tobi for this.

  • Oh, yeah, definitely. This will change your character for sure. B]

    Chapter 4 is coming... nooS.

    I'm not even mad, I'm just like overwhelmingly depressed, lol. I'll probably get angry later. Man, fuck Tobi.

  • Welcome to the loony bin, Welcome_to_Woodbury......

    Alt text

    Oh yeah, and you forgot to add the "shit down your neck" thing. :(

    I am disappoint, Pro.

    Oh, yeah, definitely. This will change your character for sure. B] Chapter 4 is coming... nooS.

  • Why would she say it this early? Haha, that'll come up. :p

    Welcome to the loony bin, Welcome_to_Woodbury...... Oh yeah, and you forgot to add the "shit down your neck" thing. I am disappoint, Pro.

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